Some Principles Of Life
July 7, 1981
- Human traits are unique and often not interdependent, though interrelated.
- Man is capable of being unaware of his greatest strength or greatest weakness.
- Often there are brilliant circumstances (accomplishments) which go unnoticed as no comparison is available, though initially they were striking changes. With passing time they are taken for granted.
- Unconsciously man has the capacity to move towards or away from an accomplishment which is preparing unseen.
- Man can resent most his greatest endowment or most appreciate his greatest weakness.
- Results are proportionate to endeavour; but in certain cases like purity, integrity, etc., results show only when there is perfection or perfect accomplishment.
- Joys of the higher planes are unrecognized, frowned upon, considered insufficient in the context of present enjoyment. Until one moves up deep into the higher joys it is difficult to appreciate its original value.
- Progress can be reversed only at the cost of a severe damage.
- Marriage, its role in providing company, security, and material satisfactions.
- Ideal is served not only by the idealist but by ideal followers.
- Progress in consciousness must necessarily include all other requirements of life at all levels lower to it. One part of being cannot progress leaving another too low in the scale.
- Will is effective only to the extent it is supported otherwise.
- Discussion of some personalities like Dag, Nehru, Indira, Wilson, etc.
- When pure service is offered to any cause, it has an inevitable other side of benefits of several kinds. Service to the highest cause is the best service one can do himself.
- The higher can never be valued in terms of the lower. The results will be beside the point.
- As social inheritance of skills, professions, etc. are overcome by social development, psychological inheritance is overcome by psychological growth and karmic inheritance is overcome by growth in consciousness.
- Discussion of joy, security, fear, satisfaction, venture, peace of mind and other related concepts.
- Description of ethical, moral, psychological, social, practical codes of life.
- Aim of life.
- Stable persons in life can be drifting in their ideas, aims and hence in accomplishments. Drifting persons in life can be progressing in their aims and hence in accomplishment.
- Help offered with no ulterior motive to a person, institution or a cause can never fail to heap a rich reward on the person in time.
- Work rendered in physical, vital, mental, spiritual planes have different rates of growth and hence results.
- Once man centers himself at a point of consciousness and work in all other areas of his personality towards that point, all difficulties and opportunities will only move towards that goal. (One who works towards Mother will find all his endowments and lapses leading towards HER).
- Faith leads to better results than lack of faith.
- It is possible for intensive positive and intense negative qualities to co-exist and they are convertible. Intensity belongs to personality and its direction to character. For the same reason it indicates the possibility in an intense negative person of reaching the opposite.
- A citizen's native capacities must be viewed socially. A politician' role must not be estimated morally but only in terms of his political role. An ethical man's activities do not lend themselves to social analysis. So also a spiritual man's growth lends itself only to an analysis on spiritual basis. From other points of view it may not answer the expectations raised.
- Any work like agriculture, business, teaching, production, etc. has in its own right certain NORMS of life. At all costs they are to be honoured and followed. Disregard of any one of such norms can only be for reasons of replacing it with a norm of a higher plane. Disregard in any other situation will be disastrous.
- Established society has its own hierarchy of planes and forces. For example, food must be based on health, living must afford protection from climate and wild life, wages must be based on profits. In any work that we do it is essential we first discover the entire existing hierarchy and before replacing any one plane of it, it is necessary to ensure that the proper basis below is there. In Man the present successive layers are: Fashion, social conformity, profession, family, well being of its members, productive contribution of the members.
- Man is ultimately selfish is true. It is also true that Man does respond to idealism. His response to idealism must be relied on to the extent (a) his self interests are served and (b) his self interests are not disturbed.
- Morals are low when stakes (or planes of action) are high.
- Gratitude: The Majority of men are not expressive of gratitude or even aware of its necessity. Still what in them was recipient of a benefit would subconsciously be grateful to the benefactor. The reverse is also true.
- Happiness, security, contentment, issue more out of the amount of harmony in the plane of action than out of the height (or volume) of accomplishment.
- Every culture has its values but it expresses itself through different media.
- Hard work of any description cannot but lead to something intrinsically good. Often it has a residue of culture, maybe at the physical level.
- He who has come to HER belongs to HER fully.
- Such a one does represent one unique vibration of universal existence.
- Every realisation of Mother and Sri Aurobindo is available as experience to their devotees.
- If only any serious effort is made in yoga, some great opening would have shown. This indicates the final possibility.
- They are the path finders, and the sadhaks need only have the skill and capacity of users of a new innovation like telephone. That is why the results readily show.
- Mother's Consciousness that entered into a person is like a metal piece that sunk into a pool of water. It reaches the maximum depth possible and does not rise on its own.
- The past realizations of one can be buried in him so deep that he may know nothing of it. It may even escape Mother's notice over the years.
- Often the soul desires the very opposite experience to its last birth life.
- Intense aspiration realizes the same result wherever the person is.
- No one, no event, nothing comes to one without a clear significance arising either out of the past act or future possibility.
- Mother's Force is such that it never fails to act. Only that the pre-requisites must be fulfilled. It may fail only in areas where SHE has failed.
- If only one's energy is fully utilized, it is a yoga at its own level. If it is so done in the memory of Mother, (though it is not the best for him), he would not have lost much.
- As no complex organism can exist for a moment without systems, SHE cannot exist for a moment where systems prevail. SHE needs the systems to go for HER to come in and needs all the systems to come in for HER effectuation. She wants the systems to be ready to go any minute.
- When accumulated Mother's Force is drawn upon, results will be over-whelming. HER force accumulates when it is not used up in yoga or frittered away in dissipation. It can be drawn upon when a new attitude or direction or determination rises. It is accumulated by hard devoted work for HER. Its release resembles the action of Grace.
- Expansiveness invites HER force. Rigidity rejects it.
- Today is always better than yesterday. (If one follows HER fully the progress is in consciousness. When one levels off, the progress is at the level where he is).
- Two opposite feelings are possible. (1) One has not made any progress and no progress is possible; (2) One has made great progress, greater than all the other people.
These two feelings are the two sides of the same status, the status of intense inner condition.
- Wherever the devotee (person) is, life around will flourish. Generally this is accompanied by his own prosperity. If due to peculiar insistences or situations, the person is not prospering, still the general prosperity around will persist.
- Any inherent endowment will increase in its effectivity and at one point give rise to a higher (even if it is the opposite endowment it will be at a higher level) endowment.
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