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Chapter 2c Measurement of Infrastructure


May 25, 1996

1. Measurement is an instrument of conception and therefore instrument of progress.

2. Absolute measurement of roads, student population, money spent on an activity, duration of production, literacy, natural resources, length of rivers and every conceivable thing on earth is the basis of statistical science. 

3. Numerical representation of time, space, volume, quantity, quality, design, property, qualities is one of the first steps in grasping the entire process of development finally.

4. Maintenance of registers is the physical field of making that numerical representation real and effective.

5. Drucker's forecast for universities based on demography and every conclusion of economic activity, the whole of the science of statistics are all based on numbers.

6. Numbers in one field have a way of significantly relating to numbers of related fields and possibly in all fields.

7. Medical Science will reduce to quackery if all the existing measurements are removed.

8. Measurement, though elementary, still reveals a whole world of ideas by being measurement.  Measurement makes precise what is vague.

9. Measurement is numerical, unidimensional, multidimensional and can extend to areas, volumes, duration, extension etc.  Anything can be measured if appropriate conceptions are developed and are reduced to figurative representations.

10. Measurement is a means where quantity reveals quality.

11. At its maximum measurement can become a precise symbol.  As a minimum it helps track a movement.

12. Absolute measurements reveal the quantitative extent of the part.  It can be seen relatively as a measurement of the whole since the part, often, is a determinant of the whole.

13. The percentage of literacy or graduates in the population can indirectly determine the wealth of the country and can even say whether it is a democracy of dictatorship.

14. To make a part a symbol of the whole is a very effective way of measurement and issues from a comprehensive knowledge.

15. To measure the part by the whole is not always possible. When it is possible knowledge of the whole becomes integral.

story | by Dr. Radut