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Chapter 7 Development Theory Conclusion


September  25, 1996


1)      This is the hour that needs a theory of Social Development. In that sense it is an historical or even an evolutionary moment. Only Ghali has voiced the need.

2)      The fact that development has reached its saturation point in a considerable population indicates that the hour has come.

3)      When a theory is framed and universally accepted, it can be received as a tool for planning in developing as well as developed nations. That is the least role it can play.

4)      Planning can render development faster and easier is true, but a theory as it rises at the point of saturation of social effort also reveals a higher further dimension as a world view that every event contains a creative potential.

5)      This theory when framed must serve several purposes.

          --   Mentalise the hitherto physical process of development.

          -- Must bring the policies, strategies, approaches, programmes, etc. of development under one unifying umbrella putting each in its allotted place of a part.

          --   Serve as a tool of planning in undeveloped nations.

          -- Throw light on the economic social illusions of deficit, inflation, unemployment, recession, etc.

          --  Will create the basis for scientific thinking of subjects of study such as economics and chemistry.

          --  Poverty in the South, crime in the North can be fully understood and abolished.

          -- Will create new understanding of resources and multiply them manifold. E.g. real money can be increased ten-fold.

          -- Humanity can see its aspirations are the same all over the globe and can hope to create the attitude necessary for a united world.

          -- It can help abolish wars of all dimensions all over the globe.

6)      The knowledge of the value of infrastructures will enable nations to achieve more by a smaller effort.

7)      As this contains the entire quintessence of individual development in broad outlines, the individual of different planes can emerge, e.g. the economic individual, the psychological individual, the mental individual.

8)      The power of all existing tools can be fully realised with advantage and all the non-existing tools (such as indicators) can be created.

9)      By one stroke of social awareness, all anachronisms that now serve as obstacles can be wiped off.

10)    This is an hour in human history comparable to the day when MAN realised he has a mind for his use and began using it.

story | by Dr. Radut