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Efficiency of Unegoistic Conscious Awareness


  • She has spoken of Supramental efficiency.
  • We know the Supramental begins with the psychic and also know the psychic only guides, and has no power to act. If that is so, will the phrase ‘psychic efficiency' have any sense?
  • The greatest human efficiency known is the efficiency of the subconscious - the typist whose fingers move rapidly, the musician who performs at his best which would be spoiled by a single conscious thought impulse.
  • But it has no authority as the conscious thought. The conscious idea can interfere with the subconscious efficiency which is powerless.
  • The efficiency we look for comes from the subconscious becoming conscious.
  • It will be a chain of non-stop life responses where we see the force in action.
  • It will be a situation where all that we would pray for, occurs without prayer.
  • Can we attain it? Can it be intellectually described?
  • It is the efficiency of the subliminal on the surface where Time, Ego and Mind recede,letting the surface move down to the subliminal, crossing the inner mind and permitting the finite to reveal the hidden infinite in it.
  • To get out of time one should not dwell on the past or calculate the future, but concentrate on the present.
  • Silence will render the mind quiescent, if not abolish it.
  • Egoistic urges are seen easily, though they are not equally easy to shed.
  • The knowledge that the finite is the frontal appearance of the infinite must mature from a concept to a sensation, or at least to a perception.
  • The method appropriate for this shift is consecration that is preceded by aspiration and succeeded by surrender.
  • From below it comes into being by aspiration. From above it pours down by surrender.
  • Rising to this level of efficiency by aspiration can be explained mentally or intellectually.
  • Descent from above as grace can be indicated through an explanation of what surrender is in action.
  • Aspiration sees knowledge emerging out of ignorance.
  • Grace responding to faith makes the knowledge of the soul, the knowledge of the mind.
  • Aspiration still enjoys the human endeavour to reach God.
  • Surrender recognises the joy of being overpowered by love that is knowledge.
  • Consecration is the intermediate term.
  • Faith is the knowledge of the soul. Mind's knowledge of it is the knowledge of the result, a conviction that the result is inevitable.
  • Surrender makes this knowledge of the soul into a knowledge of the mind, thus making the  mind conscious, where 'conscious' means 'conscious of the soul'.
  • In a practical situation of selling, teaching, and doing how will this be expressed?
  • It expresses the finite sale of $ 20,000 changing into the infinite sale of $ 2 million with all the attending circumstances absolutely in the reverse.
  • The mental teaching of the knowledge of the subject changes into the revelatory intuition of the knowledge of the original discoverer of the idea.
  • A quick action rises from an act of the physical in the ascent, to that of the psychic in the physical in the descent.
  • To see this happen once in a token act is eminently possible for one who follows the spirit of the rules discarding the mental intrusions, vital vibrations or physical habits.

story | by Dr. Radut