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093. Inner and Outer

'One's outer life is a true reflection of his inner life' is an age-old truism spoken of by all ancient traditions.  Sangam literature says, "Neither Good or Bad will come from outside." If one desires to be ruled by the Spirit, this rule is important for him.

A poor, clever man was lucky to marry into a comparatively rich family and was shameless enough to move to his father-in-law's place, occupy one of his five houses, produce five children, leave his wife with her father's family and strut around the town as the son-in-law of a rich family. The law of life requires that a small beneficiary offensively dominate the benefactor.  His victim was his brother-in-law, a young boy who was the only heir to his father's riches.

It all started as pleasant jokes, degenerated into unpleasant ridicule and reached its climax in the boy's shop while he was at the counter. Five of the heckler's friends joined the son-in-law and brought the young boy to tears which he manfully restrained.

The boy ran to someone seeking solace, not a solution, as in this world of human affairs solutions are unavailable for the many ills of human nature. The sought-for solace was received in full measure and the boy could even smile. He was told, "No teasing can come to you from outside which is not inside" which made him confess that he was himself an adept in the art of heckling and once a victim of his left school as a result. This introspection led him to reverse his past.

About twenty days later, the boy returned to his source of Solace and said, "My uncle came to the shop. He was a beaten man. With hands folded on his breast and a stoop of humility, he said that thereafter he would simply obey me. I could scarcely believe my ears. Fifteen days ago my father died and perhaps that was the reason."

The inner controlling the outer is the Spirit ruling over human life.

story | by Dr. Radut