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10.What Do We Mean by Taking to the Spirit?

What Do We Mean by Taking to the Spirit?

A governor is governed by protocol. He is not a free individual. A Zen Master said to his disciple, “When I eat, I eat; when I write, I write; whereas when you eat, you think about writing; when you write, you think about food.” To live fully in the present without the mind wandering to the past or future is the discipline of Zen. We live in time, i.e. the past holds us in its grip; and the future peeps into the mind. One who lives in the Timeless dimension lives in the ever present. He is a Rishi in tapas.

There is a further dimension of time, first mentioned by Sri Aurobindo. It is the Timeless functioning in Time. Let us call it the third dimension for our purposes. He calls it Simultaneous Time. This is Supramental Time. To put these philosophical ideas in the common man’s phrase,

one needs to resort to analogies. We live a domestic life which is in Time. The Rishi lives in the Timeless Eternity during his trance. If the Rishi chooses to live a domestic life according to his exalted standards ofTimeless stillness, he enters the SimultaneousTime, the Supramental Time. life at home lived according to the pristine purity of yogic trance raises human life to that of divine life. Then man rises to the level of the Supramental Being.

If that is the goal of a long journey, the first step into that life at its lowest level is to live in Spirit. How do we know whether we are here or there? All religious worship we have followed up until now will be shed like the snake’s skin. It will be forgotten. The days of religious worship are over.The Future is for Spirituality. One will be incapable of uttering any falsehood. life at government offices, bazaar, at home and everywhere steeped in falsehood will bow its head and will NOT demand of you compliance. Instead, people will put up an honest behaviour towards you.

The work done by such a one will be completed in a fraction of time. Whatever we have so far sought after will gravitate towards us, often unsolicited. This is the semblance of the Spirit moving Matter. All problems in life will vanish. Opportunities will rush from all sides. A Joy which no success can give, a Peace unavailable even in death will saturate us.


— Courtesy: New Indian Express


ஸ்ரீ அரவிந்த சுடர்

சுயநலம் நிறைந்தவனுக்கு, தான் தன்னலமற்ற குணம் நிறைந்தவன்என்பது தெளிவாக ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளும் உணர்வாகும்.

சொந்த நலனே சுயநலமிக்குப் பரநலம்.

ஸ்ரீ அரவிந்த சுடர்

அகந்தையின்றி பார்த்தால் சத்தியம் சக்தியாகத் தெரியும்.

சக்தியான சத்தியம்.






book | by Dr. Radut