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The Spiritual Basis of Money - Part 7

October 18, 2020
Mr. Garry Jacobs
  • What is the relationship between silent will and attracting money?
  • Mistaking our opinion for Knowledge makes us vulnerable.
  • The heart of Silent Will is not to have a position/opinion.
  • How to give up opinions about past situations and experiences?
  • With age comes either wisdom or organised prejudice
  • Was Lizzie's attitude/behaviour towards Darcy a direct correlation (reflecting) to Darcy's attitudes towards her
  • Even the negative acts and situations really help Lizzie and Darcy to come together.
  • When we seek a thing, it eludes us. If we seek passionately, we may get it. Ultimately, it may have negative consequences. It comes when you rise above it.
  • Relating to people while taking their point of view generates wealth.
  • If we are not willing to take risks, then we can't grow.
  • What is the process that we need to go through to move to the higher level?

daily_discussions | by Dr. Radut