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Reaction and Non-reaction Part 2 ***

April 28, 2021
Mr. Garry Jacobs
  • What we want or think never gives the best possible result because mind is ignorant an impure. We can only know what is best when we know Thy Will, the Supreme Will. Then only, the best possible will happen. 
  • Give up faith in mind and the lower nature. Shift to Mother and cling to Her 
  • Non-reaction and non-action
  • Abandon all dharmas 
  • Why when mind forgets a problem it does not disappear? Mind’s forgetting is unconsciousness. When the soul forgets a problem it disappears because the should is conscious of the divine and wills what the divine wills. 
  • Mental silence: giving up mental understanding
  • Stop thinking
  • Its always better not to hurry or rush but to pause and consecrate. Sometimes we feel under heavy pressure to act immediately. Acting under pressure is usually due to psychological pressure. Acting under that compulsion brings its own consequences. The capacity to wait, unhurried, calm, detached and consecrating is best. 

daily_discussions | by Dr. Radut