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Truth and Falsehood; Secrecy and Lying

August 12, 2021
Mr. Garry Jacobs

Are there times when secrecy is justified in order to prevent the necessity of lying which is conscious falsehood? Truth in spirituality means what is the Will of God, what the Divine Wills. All mental standards of truth and conduct and all egoistic conceptions of truth are relative and subject to ignorance and falsehood. To surrender to the Divine Will is to adhere to Truth. To follow the mental understanding or social norms is to live in the Ignorance. Secrecy can be practiced both to support truth and serve falsehood. Secrecy based on ego, desire, social norms is usually a guise for falsehood. Secrecy motivated by complete consecration and reliance on Mother can be an instrument of Truth. Lying to a critically ill patient may be false and words but true in spirit when it is intended to evoke the faith, aspiration of the patient which is more powerful than medical treatment.

daily_discussions | by Dr. Radut