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Discussion on Non-reaction, Detaching from problems

April 22, 2020
Mr. Garry Jacobs
  • Non-reaction: Expressing one’s view either emotionally or intellectually into not expressing or thinking and not allowing to disturb one’s Mind, Vital and Physical. -- How does one understand the relationship between Ego and surrendering to Mother when we react?
  • For every higher quality there is a corresponding opposite quality -- Difference between Non-reaction and Shamelessness
  • Conscious energizes by attention -- Attention to illness, sorrow, doubts energizes it - Detach from the problem and give it to The Mother and ask for Mother’s Joy
  • Difference between Consecration on the surface and Consecration from the depth
  • What is the difference between a silent will and non-reaction?
  • Complete Inner change: Consecrating the origin of one’s weakness to the Divine Mother - Shifting to Mother in one’s depths
  • How do you consecrate something that comes from outside? - Consecrating the representative seed within oneself -- Universe is complementary to the Individual -- Inner Divine meets the Universal Divine - All is Brahman

daily_discussions | by Dr. Radut