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Infinity in Manifestation, Ways of knowing, the Reason and Necessity for Pain and Suffering

March 9, 2022
Mr. Garry Jacobs

Why the Divine saw need to create an infinite variety of species, cultures, individuals in life? The purpose of manifestation is an infinite self-expression of ananda for the pure delight of manifesting the infinite potentialities of the infinite. What is the difference between intelligence and intuition? Mental intelligence is indirect separative knowledge, while intuition is direct knowledge by identify of subject and object as explained in Life Divine Bk2, Pt 1, Chap 10, Knowledge by Identity and Separative Knowledge. How can we understand and reconcile images and experiences of suffering in a life which apparently the Divine thought it necessary to create or permit? This ultimate question is addressed in the two chapters on Delight of Existence and the chapter on Origin of Falsehood... and Evil. Mental explanations will be inadequate. It has to be known by psychological experience. The answer is related to the evolutionary nature of the universe, the adventure of consciousness, the necessity of death as process of life, the ultimate illusion of death as an end, and the necessity of allowing the manifestation of the very opposites of the divine reality in order to more fully prepare for the fullest manifestation of that reality. The answer can be found in Savitri Book 6: Book of Fate and in the Dialogue between Love and Death than leads to the dissolution of death.

daily_discussions | by Dr. Radut