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Knowledge and Truth in the Shastras

May 26, 2022
Mr. Garry Jacobs

Even the highest mental knowledge is the translation of spiritual truths into mental terms which are necessarily limited and ignorance distortions of the spiritual reality. Truth is the objective expression of Spirit, Reality. It cannot be reduced to any mental formula that is universally applicable. The ultimate truth cannot be found in any shastra. It can be found only as a living knowledge in the heart of the seeker when he is able to directly discern the Divine WIll in each and every act and moment, as Mother describes in Prayers & Meditations and Sri Aurobindo explains in the SOY charter on Supreme Will. That knowledge is supramental. All other knowledge, including that in the shastras, is mental and subject to ignorance and the limitations of time, space and our comprehension.

daily_discussions | by Dr. Radut