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Third Night’s Reading

 The Nature of Brahman and

the Dimension of Status

From The Notebooks of Peter Seeker

I continued my experiments for the next ten years. I spent many days connected to Brahman. Our team monitored these experiments, recorded measurements and prepared notes on my communication with Brahman. But gradually I lost interest in experiments and more so in the monitoring. I knew all of the external data in the world could not communicate what Brahman was to the scientific community or to the average person. I struggled to teach my colleagues how to quiet their minds, to rise to higher levels within their minds and to pass beyond it, so they could also communicate with Brahman. I struggled, I coached but my efforts produced little results. I was frustrated. Only one other person had managed to reach the higher realms of her mind but even she was not able to reach beyond that point, as I had. I did not understand why. It remained a mystery.

Gradually, I reduced my experiments and in time stopped them all together. I understood each day that my greatest challenge was not the discovery of Brahman, but my ability to communicate what it was to the rest of the world. Since no one else had made the connection, the responsibility fell solely on my shoulders. I felt this challenge would be greater than any I had faced in the last 25 years of work. I spent weeks at a time trying to write down the experience and knowledge I had gained from my communication with Brahman. In the 29th year of my research, I disbanded the team, as most of my colleagues were retiring. I kept the lab open, so I could continue my contact with Brahman, but I had lost interest in research. We had all the data we needed. I returned regularly to the lab and communicated with Brahman for days at a time. No one paid much attention.

I compiled all of the research data and notebooks so future scientists could find answers to the questions I had failed to answer. I had found Brahman, but I had not found a process or technology that enabled others to join me in this new dimension of understanding. Others would some day discover the secret I had missed. Only then would the world reach a new understanding of Existence and enter into a new relationship with its Reality.

I tried to write about Brahman. It was not easy. It was the true Reality. What we called Reality was the outer form of Brahman, not our true nature. I knew through my long communications with Brahman that our Reality was vastly different from what we understood. Brahman contained everything that ever was or would be in a state of perfect compressed existence. In Brahman everything was one with everything else. Brahman was a dimension of existence without time and space. I spent days reviewing my notes and wondered how I could make these ideas real to people. Every time I tried to express myself, I failed.

Night after night I struggled to describe the nature of Brahman in words, as I knew it. Brahman was like a point or a period at the end of a sentence. But this period existed in a dimension where even this much space did not exist. How could anyone imagine a place where there was no space? How could things exist without space? How would they exist? What was that existence like? I had seen it and felt it, but I struggled to express it. It seemed so clear to me that everything in Brahman existed as a compressed idea form, a Real Idea. But wait a minute, even in our minds ideas existed without the need for space. We knew that they exist within us, and yet they did not take up any space. Maybe there was a way to make people understand. In Brahman all possible ideas existed in a dimension without space. This was what it felt like, but my words did not convey the complete idea of what a Real Idea was or how many there were or how they acted. Page after page I wrote. After reading them I wasn’t satisfied. I threw them away. Again and again I started, each time looking for a more expressive way to convey my experiences. Would I ever find it?

Real Ideas were like quasar stars in our universe. They were extremely dense and powerful energy sources that contained within themselves a vast creative power, not the power of fusion or fission but a power that was capable of creating a universe when it moved out of the dimension of Status to a different dimension. Brahman had an infinite number of Real Ideas, each charged with this kind of creative power, all compressed within a dimension without space. In Brahman they existed as if in a state of suspended animation. Each Real Idea was pregnant with the power of this compressed dimension, but in Status they remained in a powerful unexpressed state.

Brahman was different in other ways also. In this dimension there was no time. Again, I was perplexed. How can people who wake each morning, who work all day and who rest in the evening imagine a place where there is no past, present or future? This appears to be even more unbelievable than the idea of no space. But this was the Truth of Brahman. In Brahman, there was no movement. There was no action from one moment to another. Things were static and yet they were. In Brahman, one could say it was like being in a place where you were always in the present and this present never changed or moved. It was a world of conscious soul forms dwelling in a timeless perfection of Self-Existence. How was such a thing possible? I thought about how I could convey my experience and knowledge to people. I began to think. Could I create an experiment that would measure the absence of time and space? If not, how could I ever prove these things to people without facts and data. How would they understand me? I continued my struggle to capture my knowledge in words. I knew I had experienced something my mind could not express. I had gone beyond my mind into another dimension and when I returned to Reality, as we know it, there were no words or ideas to express what I had experienced. Brahman existed. Would mankind ever be prepared to consider a view of Reality which was not based on material form and fact? Could mankind conceive of a world that existed first in consciousness where knowledge was a direct experience and not one that had to be constructed out of data and information? I was not sure.

But there were more mysteries about Brahman I had seen and understood, which the world must know about if they were to have some sense of this dimension. In Brahman, there is no center of consciousness. All was One. Consciousness was in every Real Idea undivided. How could such a consciousness exist? In our Reality, we experience life from the perspective of our individual mind fixed in a body. We know and feel ourselves to be separate and different. We see and relate to other forms from the perspective of our own identity. But Brahman was an integrated consciousness, one with all things: a consciousness that did not fix itself in any body or any form or any idea. Brahman was equally distributed in all without any sense of distinction. No one would accept such a notion. We were too individualistic and self-centered. When we thought about the universe we thought of it from our point of view and asked what it could do for us. How could we give up this sense of ourselves and see that, in fact, this was not the true nature of things? How could we accept that everything was Brahman? I knew Brahman, not in my mind, not in the light and not in the silence. I knew because I had become one with Brahman. Brahman was One. Brahman was everything. Everything that existed in our reality and in every other reality issued out of Brahman without disturbing its fundamental Oneness. All that is, All that will be, All is Brahman.

The mysteries of Brahman are many. I have spoken about the nature of its Real Ideas; I have explained Its Nature in relation to Time and Space. I have described the Oneness of Brahman and the fact that It has no center of consciousness. But there is more, something more essential to Brahman’s Nature that the world should know. Brahman is essentially consciousness, not as we know it in our minds as thoughts or ideas or a sense of awareness or a sense of ourselves. Brahman is a consciousness that is One but at the same time It is a consciousness that contains all Ideas. In Status it chooses to remain hidden and perfect in a dimensionless Existence, but Brahman is not without power of consciousness. Brahman and the Real Ideas possess the potential and power to extend themselves out of the dimension of Status into any other dimension, if they choose. Like a movie projector, Brahman can illuminate all of the images contained in the Real Ideas and project them onto a screen in a different dimension. In the process of projecting itself to a new dimension, the Real Ideas contained in Status do not change. They remain there. They remain unchanged. They remain in the perfect harmony of Brahman. Through the medium of the light and the instrument of a projector, It projects Itself onto a screen and takes on a new appearance with form, substance and energy, but It remains essentially the same.

As a man awakened to a new dimension of knowledge, I struggled with the other half of myself, a man of science, who was accustomed to viewing Reality through the limited perceptions of a mind and body as the center of existence. I had been trained as a scientist to identify cause and effect. I had spent my life seeking for knowledge of Nature and things. I started my research like all scientists at the material end of Reality in outer form and structure. Now, I saw the knowledge of the outer forms, though important, was not the true knowledge of Reality. Brahman was the nature of everything. How would science respond to this new knowledge? Would it remain caught in the terrible grip of mind, life and body and rest content to live in its surface consciousness without knowing its true nature? Would humanity accept this new knowledge and seek to redefine its relationship with Reality? I only wondered. I had no answers.

I understood I had a role to play in aiding scientists and humanity to understand more of the Nature of Reality. Driven by this sense of duty, I continued my writings. In moments of deep silence, I strove to know Brahman not just as Self-Existent Being in a different dimension, but also as Brahman the process of creation in the dimension of Reality. If I could understand and explain it even as an outline, I would have helped mankind to awaken to more of its true nature. I made time for regular visits to the lab to connect with Brahman. I lived in Brahman for days at a time. I endeavored to know It through light, silence, unspoken word, and direct experience and to capture this consciousness in the depths of my being, so I could share it with humanity.

Fourth Day of Class

I did well on my first period test and reread Seeker’s notes once more during my free period. I had the most difficulty with this section of Seeker’s notes. I could not imagine a place without time and space. I could not think of what it would be like to be in everything else and still remain myself. I did not really understand what he was saying, but it was different and interesting to think about. It made me see things differently than I had so far in my life. I was interested to see what Mr. Vidya had planned for us today.

He began the class again with a question. He asked us to describe what we felt after trying to quiet our minds yesterday. I was not sure if I wanted to say anything about my experience. I would wait to see what others said.

Judy Arnold said that she had done everything he had suggested. Even before the bell rang, she had felt calm from deep breathing exercise. The bell produced a great sound, but she had not been able to follow the sound as he had asked. She said her mind did not allow her to follow the sound. It saw the sound go out, but it stayed where it was. She said she would like to try it again, if it was possible. Maybe it would work next time.

Many students reported that they had tried to follow his instructions but had felt nothing special. Their minds remained active, their thoughts ran and they felt normal. A few students reported a deep sense of calm where there were no thoughts. They explained it was like going to a planetarium where you see all of the stars in the sky. When you look up to see the stars on the ceiling it makes you feel like the universe is in your mind. It was like that but without stars or thoughts. A small group had this experience, but said it had lasted only a few seconds. Most agreed it was pleasant. I did not speak about my experience and Mr. Vidya did not press for a comment. After listening to everyone’s experience, Mr. Vidya said, “The bell is one of many techniques people can use to quiet their minds.” He reminded us that Peter Seeker said a quiet mind was necessary to create a connection with Brahman.

Mr. Vidya sat on his desk. He told us that the section we read last night in Seeker’s Notebooks was one of the most difficult for people to understand. Because Brahman is in a different dimension, which does not conform to our sense of normal, our first reaction is to say it must not be true or it is not real.

“Can anyone in the class explain to me what they thought when they read Seeker’s ideas about time and space?” Mr. Vidya asked. Jeff Miller said, “It was hard for me to understand or feel what it would be like. We live in ourselves and we know ourselves in time and in space. Even now, I know it’s 1:30 in the afternoon and I am in the school building in Room 212. When I tried to think about all of us living in Brahman as Seeker described without time and space, I felt dizzy. My mind was not able to create a picture of what it would be like. It kept trying, but nothing came from my memory because there was no image in my mind for this idea. As it kept trying, I felt my head spin for a minute. As soon as I thought about something else, the dizziness went away.” Mr. Vidya appreciated how well Jeff had expressed his experience.

“This is a very important sensation you had,” Mr. Vidya said. “Our mind normally acts like a memory drive on a computer. When you save something and want to see it again, it calls up the image. But if there is no image, it pulls up a blank screen or it gives an error message. This makes us feel dizzy, because it almost never happens. Can you imagine what it was like for Seeker when he had communications with Brahman and gained a great knowledge? He had had a real experience, in which he knew Brahman but when he tried to find images and words for the experience in his memory drive, he understood he did not have any reference in his mind, as it came from somewhere above his mind. He also knew that no one else had had these experiences, so how could they understand him. He felt dizzy. Remember how he keeps saying that it was so hard to explain what he knew. “Can you appreciate his position a little better now?” Mr. Vidya asked. Everyone nodded.

Mr. Vidya continued speaking. He explained that a few years ago he had visited a university where scientists were studying the effects of sensory deprivation on a wide range of subjects. Subjects were placed in a completely dark tank filled with salt water, which was maintained at body temperature. Within a short time, subjects experienced a decline in sensory input, which altered their sense of time and space. They described a feeling of being outside of their bodies, since they could not see anything or sense motion. Scientists have learned from these types of experiments that our sense of time and space are significantly determined by our sensations, which are stored images that define our sense of reality. The experiences Seeker describes are not so different. If we want to escape from our current understanding of Reality, we must enter our inner realms where sense information is not the primary source of knowledge. We must detach ourselves from our sense knowledge and learn to see with parts of our mind we normally do not use. This is what Seeker had accomplished.

Mr. Vidya asked the class if this made sense. A number of students said it was not very clear, but they had some idea of what it must have been like. Daniel Hummel said he had had a different experience. When he had failed to find an image in his memory, he had formulated an abstract idea in his mind of what it must be like in the dimension of Status. As soon he did this, he no longer felt the dizziness Jeff described. Daniel said, “My ideas were abstract so they never seemed to be as clear as my memories or experiences, but it gave me a sense of what Status was like.” Mr. Vidya responded, “Daniel’s experience is very important, as it showed the power of our mind to stand back from events and to create a mental picture in ideas rather than in sensation. This was the process of conceptual thinking, which takes place in another part of our mind. Does anyone remember Seeker describing levels of his mind?” Mr. Vidya asked. “From these experiences can we identify two distinct parts of our mind, the sense part and the thought part. Each part is different and so is its experience. There are many other parts and layers of mental awareness that one can see if they continue these experiments. If any of you wants to learn more about the other parts of your mind, you should refer to one of Seeker’s detailed biographies where his charts are included. It is quite fascinating.”

Mr. Vidya looked at his watch. There were fifteen minutes left in the class. He asked everyone if they would like to repeat yesterday’s experiment. Everyone said they would like to try. He carefully reviewed the preparation process. Wayne Harmon asked him to repeat the last part of the instructions, which he did in a few short words. Everyone said they were ready. He stopped for a moment before beginning the experiment and asked the class to read the next section of Seeker’s Notebook for tomorrow’s class.

In a soft voice he asked everyone to quiet their mind. “See the space in your mind as empty. If any thoughts come in, push them away.” After a couple of minutes he asked everyone to take five deep breaths. He waited till everyone completed the exercise. Then he rang the bell. The sound was deeper today. Was it the same bell? The sound did not seem to have an end. It was resonating through class as it moved out. At last, the end of the sound appeared. It passed by and called me to follow.

I caught it with the quiet in my mind. It pulled me to the edge of an abyss. I fell into a deeper sense of quiet than yesterday. It was absolutely still in the class. More students seemed to have quieted their minds. I tried very hard not to fall into the silence. I did not want to sit for a long time and cause more talk like yesterday. I wanted to leave class with the rest of my friends. I heard someone cough. I called myself back and opened my eyes. Almost everyone was sitting quiet. I was the first person to awake. I was glad, though I yearned to experience the new feeling of quiet in my mind. The bell ending the class rang. I was the first one out of the room. Mr. Vidya noted my quick departure. He seemed to understand I had purposefully avoided engaging the quiet in my mind in order to avoid standing out from my friends, as I had yesterday. Most of the students sat for ten minutes beyond class time. The idea of my being different had been neutralized. I was safe in my conformity.

Many of my friends felt their minds fall quiet for the first time. All afternoon our class was full of chatter about Legend class. What was Mr. Vidya doing to our minds? What would happen if we continued to quiet our minds? Someone said we might fail our other classes because we would become stupid when our minds were always quiet. A number of my friends said they had had enough of this crazy effort to quiet their minds. We all needed good grades to get into college, not a quiet mind. A noisy mind was normal, so why should we try to change it? Martha was quiet all afternoon. I saw she had been affected by the second experiment, but we did not get a chance to talk, as I had basketball practice.

As soon as I got home, I called Martha. Her mother said she was not feeling well when she came home from school. She was napping before dinner and would call back after 8:00 pm. I asked her mother to tell her I had called. I was sure she was disturbed. I saw it in her eyes. My mother had dinner on the table, so we ate as soon as I got off the phone. It was past 7:00 pm by the time we finished. I did not have a lot of homework, so I talked with my parents until almost 7:45 pm.

I finished two small assignments by 9:00 pm. I had not heard from Martha. I called her again. Her mother said she had not come down for dinner, as she was still not feeling well. She said she thought Martha was coming down with the flu. I said I would see her in the morning. Her mother said Martha was not going to school tomorrow. She had called the doctor already and Martha would go to her doctor’s appointment before coming to school. I knew she was fine. Something had happened in the class. Finally, I decided to go over and see her for a few minutes. I walked across the street and rang the bell. Her mother opened the door and was surprised to see me. “Martha is resting,” she said. I told her mother I thought she was upset, so I wanted to speak to her for a few minutes. “Go on up,” her mother said as I rushed quickly past her.

I knocked on her door but there was no response. I spoke to Martha through the door. “Martha, I just came over to speak to you for a few minutes. Is it ok if I come in?” The door opened immediately. “Come in,” she said. As soon as I entered, she closed the door. “What are you doing here?” she asked. I smiled. “Martha, you were quite disturbed after Legend class today. I could see it in your eyes. I called and your mother gave me a story about you being sick. I know you are not sick,” I said. She fell into the chair and held her hands on her head. “What is the matter?” I asked. She said, “Since this afternoon I feel strange. I felt very quiet in class and my mind had become so quiet. It was a bit scary as it makes me feel nervous. I cannot get rid of the nervous feeling.”

I asked how she felt right now. She said her mind was as quiet as it had been during class. She said she had been trying to get the voice in her head to speak. It wasn’t there. It refused to talk. I smiled and told her not to worry. I asked her if I could use her phone. I called information and got the number for Mr. Vidya. I dialed his number and he answered almost immediately. “Mr. Vidya, I am calling from Martha’s house. Her mind is still very quiet from the afternoon and she feels nervous,” I said. “She doesn’t know how to get the voice in her mind to start talking again.” Mr. Vidya asked to speak to Martha. They talked for a few minutes. When she put down the phone, she asked me to leave so she could take a cold shower. I left. She called me in about fifteen minutes, sounding like her normal self. She thanked me for my help and said she would see me at the bus stand as usual.

I sat on my bed and read the next chapter. Each section was getting harder. I was still struggling with the nature of Brahman and now Seeker was talking about the relationship between Brahman and Reality. I read it over a couple of times. I understood how the signal was sent from Brahman to Reality, but I felt I was not getting the whole idea. I was intrigued. I was sure there would be a lot of questions for Mr. Vidya. As I was about to sleep, my mother knocked on the door and came in. “How’s Martha?” she asked. “Did something happen in school today?” I smiled and asked her how she always knew what was going on with my friends. She said, “It wasn’t hard to guess.” She said the Legend classes had disturbed a number of her friends especially when they tried to quiet their mind. She said her closest friend had come home and cried for hours because she felt her thoughts would never come back. I told her Martha had the same experience. I told my mother what I had done. She was pleased. “I am sure Martha will remember your help for a long time.” She asked me how I liked quieting my mind. I felt a little stupid about what I did today, but I was not in the habit of keeping secrets from my mother.

I told her about the previous day when I had fallen into a deep silence and how everyone had left class before I woke up. I told her how embarrassed I felt coming late to the next class. Today the bell had produced a more powerful silence in my mind, but I fought it, so I would not appear different than my friends. She listened and said, “Seeker found life forced him to choose between his friends and Brahman. Friends are extremely important and I am very proud of what you did for Martha. But you must know there are times when you must stand up for what you believe.” She ran her hand through my hair. “Get some sleep,” she said. “Don’t be afraid of silence in your mind. I always enjoyed it, whenever I managed to get rid of the clutter in my mind.”

I took a shower and was asleep in a few minutes. 

book | by Dr. Radut