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Volume II Chapter 11: Darcy Proposes to Elizabeth(1)

Chapter 11: Darcy Proposes to Elizabeth

எலிசபெத்திற்கு, டார்சி விடுக்கும் திருமண வேண்டுகோள்
Summary: While Collins' family is at the estate, Darcy visits Elizabeth alone. He shocks her by declaring that he admires and loves her, and wishes to marry her. He has fought against his feelings because of her family’s position and lower status, but cannot any longer and in his pride assumes she will accept. She, however does not accept, and accuses him of cruelty to Jane and Wickham. Darcy admits to his role in separating Jane and Bingley. Elizabeth accuses him of ungentlemanly behavior and declares that he is the last man she will ever marry.
G¼\ö£z  uÛ¯õP C¸US® ö£õÊx, hõº] AÁøÍ \¢vUP Á¸QÓõß. Ca\¢v¨¤À uõß AÁøÍ ÷|]¨£uõPÄ®, Põu¼¨£uõPÄ® TÔ Avºa]¯øh¯ øÁzu÷uõhÀ»õ©À, AÁøÍ v¸©n® ö\´x öPõÒÍ Â¸®¦ÁuõPÄ® TÖQÓõß. AÁÐøh¯ Sk®£ {ø»²®, A¢uìx® HØ£kzv¯ Enºa]PøÍ Gvºzx¨ ÷£õµõi, CÛ÷©¾® •i¯õx GßÓ {ø»US Á¢x, ußÝøh¯ CÖ©õ¨¤ÚõÀ AÁÒ, AÁøÚ HØÖU öPõÒÁõÒ GÚÄ® |®¦QÓõß. BÚõÀ AÁöÍßÚ÷Áõ AÁøÚ HØÖU öPõÒÍÂÀø». ÷©¾® AÁß AÆÁõÖ ÷£]¯uØPõP Á¸zu¨£h ÷Ásk® GßÖ®, ÷áøÚ²®, ¤[Q¼ø¯²® CÆÁõÖ ¤›zuuØS Á¸zu¨£h ÷Ásk® GÚÄ® TÖQÓõ. ÷áøÚ²®, ¤[Q¼ø¯²® uõßuõß ¤›zuuõP hõº] öÁΨ£øh¯õP JzxUöPõÒQÓõß. ÂUPõªØS hõº] CøÇzu uÁÖPÒ, öPõkø©PÒ £ØÔ²® öÁΨ£kzxQÓõÒ. BÚõÀ ußøÚ ©ßÛ¨£uØS £v»õP Hß uß«x SØÓ® \õmkQÓõÒ GÚ AÁÝUS¨ ¦›¯ÂÀø». AÁÐøh¯ Sk®£zvß ©mh©õÚ ußø©ø¯£ØÔ¯ uÚx Eøµ°øÚ AÁÒ ußÝøh¯ ÃsPºÁzvÚõÀ HØÖU öPõÒÍ ©Ö¨£øu AÁÚõÀ ¦›¢xU öPõÒÍ •i¯ÂÀø». AÁøÚ {µõP›zu÷uõk ©mk©À»õ©À, AÁøÚ HØÖU öPõÒЮ£i AÁß G¢u Âuzv¾® ÷£\÷Á •i¯õx GÚÄ® EÖv¯õPU TÖQÓõÒ.

When they were gone, Elizabeth, as if intending to exasperate herself as much as possible against Mr. Darcy, chose for her employment the examination of all the letters which Jane had written to her since her being in Kent. They contained no actual complaint, nor was there any revival of past occurrences, or any communication of present suffering. But in all, and in almost every line of each, there was a want of that cheerfulness which had been used to characterize her style, and which, proceeding from the serenity of a mind at ease with itself and kindly disposed towards every one, had been scarcely ever clouded. Elizabeth noticed every sentence conveying the idea of uneasiness, with an attention which it had hardly received on the first perusal. Mr. Darcy's shameful boast of what misery he had been able to inflict gave her a keener sense of her sister's sufferings. It was some consolation to think that his visit to Rosings was to end on the day after the next, and a still greater that in less than a fortnight she should herself be with Jane again, and enabled to contribute to the recovery of her spirits by all that affection could do.
AÁºPÒ GÀ÷»õ¸® ö\ßÓ ¤ÓS, hõº] «x C¸US® ÷Põ£zøu ÷©¾® AvP©õUQU öPõÒЮ Ez÷u\zvÀ, uõß öPßiØS Á¢uv¼¸¢x ÷áÛhª¸¢x Á¢u Piu[PøÍö¯À»õ® Gkzx Bµõ¯ Bµ®¤zuõÒ. AvÀ AÁÒ Gøu²® SøÓ TÔ GÊuÂÀø», |h¢x •i¢u Âå¯[PÐUS E°º öPõkUPĪÀø», uØ÷£õøu¯ x¯µ[Pøͨ£ØÔ²® GÊuÂÀø». AÁÐøh¯ \õ¢u©õÚ Sn•®, GÀ÷»õøµ¨£ØÔ²® |À»Âu©õP÷Á {øÚUS® ©Ú•®, AÁÐøh¯ EØ\õPzøu GßÖ® SøÓzuvÀø». BÚõÀ GÀ»õ Piu[Pξ® HÓzuõÇ JÆöÁõ¸ Á›°¾®, ÁÇUP©õP EØ\õP©õP GÊx® AÁÍx £õo°À GÊu¨£hÂÀø» GÚz öu›¢ux.
•u¼À £izu ö£õÊx öu›¯õux C¨ö£õÊx Tº¢x £izuÄhß JÆöÁõ¸ ÁõUQ¯zv¾® J¸ Aø©v°ßø© öu›¢uøu G¼\ö£z PÁÛzuõÒ. hõº]¯õÀ, AÁÝøh¯ öÁmP® öPmh ᮣzvß ÂøÍÁõP ÷áÛØS GßÚ x¯µzøu ushøÚ¯õP AÁÚõÀ öPõkUP •i¢ux Gߣøu AÔ¢u G¼\ö£zvØS, ußÝøh¯ \÷Põu›°ß x¯µzøu ÷©¾® Tºø©¯õP Enµ •i¢ux. |õøÍ ©Ö|õÐhß ÷µõê[êÀ AÁÚx Á¸øP •i¢xÂk® GßÖ {øÚ¨£x AÁÐUS \ØÖ BÖu»õP C¸¢ux. CøuÂh ÷©»õP CßÝ® £vøÚ¢x |õmPÎÀ uõß ©Ö£i²® ÷áÝhß C¸UP»õ® Gߣøu²®, AÁÐøh¯ EØ\õPzøu ¦x¨¤UP ußÚõÀ C¯ßÓøu, uß AߣõÀ ö\´¯»õ® Gߣøu²®, {øÚzx BÖuÀ Aøh¢uõÒ.
1.        Again Jane’s letters bring Darcy, this time for the proposal.
2.        “Serenity of a mind at ease with itself” is not meant to win men.
3.        First perusals give the facts. Second perusal gives feelings.
4.        Jane’s letters are a consolation to her. Each time she takes those letters Darcy calls on her. She has not noticed the connection or seen its significance. They were spiritless.
÷áß Piu[PÒ AÁÐUS BÖu»ÎUS®. AÁÒ Piu[PøÍ Gkzx¨£izuõÀ Eh÷Ú hõº] Á¸Áx ÁÇUP®. Aøu AÁÒ PsköPõÒÍÂÀø». Auß •UQ¯zxÁzøu²® AÁÒ AÔ¢uõÎÀø».
5.        “as if intending to exasperate herself… against Mr. Darcy”.
"hõº]ø¯ G›a\À £kzxÁx AÁÒ Ez÷u\÷©õ GßÖ ÷uõßÖ©õÖ"
Apparently Darcy is not in her thoughts. Practically she is full of him.
hõº]ø¯¨ £ØÔ AÁÒ {øÚUPÂÀø» Gߣx ÷£õ»z ÷uõßÔÚõ¾®, Esø©°À hõº]÷¯ AÁøÍ •Êø©¯õP BmöPõsi¸¢uõß.
Darcy’s marriage was not a straight action in the society.
hõº]°ß v¸©n® \‰PzvÀ ÷|µõÚ ö\¯À AÀ».
He was driven by higher social forces which he did not know.
AÁÚÔ¯õu E¯º¢u \‰P \UvPÍõÀ AÁß ö\¾zu¨£mhõß.
Society uses the subconscious avenues as much as conscious customs to achieve its purposes.
uß SÔU÷PõÒPøÍ {øÓ÷ÁØÔU öPõÒÍ \‰P® |õ©Ô¢u ÁÇUP[PøÍ E£÷¯õQ¨£x ÷£õ»÷Á |õ©Ô¯õu BÇzvÀ EÒÍ ÁÈPøͲ® E£÷¯õQUQÓx.
Even there the rules of human nature fully hold good, - the woman takes initiative; she appears to be scarce.
C[S® ©Ûu _£õÁzøu¨ £ØÔ¯ \mh[PÒ •ÊÁx©õP ö\À¾£i¯õS®.
A›ö£õ¸Ò ÷£õÀ ÷uõØÓ® u¢uõ¾® ö£s÷n •u»i GkUQÓõÒ.
She comes to Hunsford in pursuit of Darcy.
G¼\ö£z hõº]ø¯z ÷ui÷¯ íßì÷£õºkUS Á¸QÓõÒ.
At first she refuses the invitation, and then reluctantly accepts.
AøǨø£ •u¼À {µõP›zuÁÒ, ¤ß ÷ÁshõöÁÖ¨£õP HØQÓõÒ.
She tells him it is her favourite walk ostensibly to prevent him from coming whereas he meets her there everyday.
AÁß ußøÚ \¢vUP Á¸Áøu uº¨£uØPõP, |h¨£x uÚUS ¸¨£©õÚx GßQÓõÒ. AÁ÷Úõ AÁøÍ vÚ•® A[÷P \¢vUQÓõß.
Her very sorrow is intensity, though of agony, that will bring him.
Pèh©õP C¸¢uõ¾® AÁÒ Á¸zuzvß wµ® AÁøÚ A[S ÁµÁøÇUS®.
Darcy true to the masculine pursuit does everything in his power to lay himself at her feet.
Bsø©°ß ÷uh¾U÷PØ£ hõº], AÁÒ Põ»iPÎÀ ußøÚ \©º¤UP ußÚõÀ •i¢u AøÚzøu²® ö\´QÓõß.
He comes to see her at the Parsonage the moment he hears of her.
AÁøͨ £ØÔ ÷PÒ¨£mh Akzu Pn÷© AÁøͨ £õºUP AÁß £õv›°ß ÂkvUS Á¸QÓõß.
He goes to her at Rosings when she is playing to the colonel.
PºÚ¾UPõP AÁÒ ¤¯õ÷Úõ Áõ]zxU öPõsi¸US® ÷£õx, AÁøͨ £õºUP ÷µõê[ìØSa ö\ÀQÓõß.
He stations himself conveniently to have a full view of her.
AÁøÍ |ßÓõP¨ £õºUP •iQÓ yµzvÀ ußøÚ Á\v¯õP C¸zvU öPõshõß.
At the first opportunity, he stands before her overflowing with admiration.
Qøhzu •uÀ \¢uº¨£zvÀ AÁøÍ ö|¸[Q, AÍÄ Ph¢x ]»õQUQÓõß.
While speaking to her at the Parsonage, he draws his chair towards her.
£õv›°ß Âkv°À ÷£_® ÷£õx, AÁøÍ ÷|õUQz uß |õØPõ¼ø¯ |PºzxQÓõß.
He tells her she could not be there at Longbourn forever.
AÁÒ GßöÓßÖ® »õ[U£ºÛÀ C¸UP •i¯õx GßQÓõß.
He also tells her Hunsford is not far from Meryton, meaning he intends to take her to Pemberley and the distance should not stand in their way.
íßì÷£õºm ö©›hÛ¼¸¢x öÁS yµzvÀ CÀø» GßQÓõß. Auß ö£õ¸Ò: ö£®£º¼US AÁøÍ AøÇUP Ez÷u]zv¸UQÓõß. yµ® J¸ ö£õ¸mhÀ».
He stares at her for long at the Philips’ and at Rosings.
¤¼¨ Ãmi¾®, ÷µõê[ê¾® hõº], G¼\ö£zøu ö|k÷|µ® EØÖ ÷|õUSQÓõß.
6.        “They contained no actual complaint”.
"AøÁ G¢uU SØÓa\õmkPøͲ® uõ[Q ÁµÂÀø»."
A letter unfailingly reveals the writer.
J¸ Piu® GÊv¯ÁøÚ¨ £ØÔ uÁÓõ©À ÂÍUS®.
Handwriting reveals the writer in over 200 ways.
øPö¯Êzx GÊv¯ÁøÚ 200 ÁøPPÎÀ öÁΨ£kzx®.
When one says something without intention, the verb will be missing.
ö\´²® Ez÷u\ªßÔ JßøÓ¨ £ØÔ GÊvÚõÀ, AvÀ ÂøÚa ö\õÀ C¸UPõx.
If it is not missing, it will be wrong or a correction will be there.
A¨£i÷¯ C¸¢uõ¾® Ax uÁÓõP÷Á, v¸zu¨£m÷hõ C¸US®.
Address and subscription will subconsciously reflect the intention which the writer cannot be cautious about.
GÊv¯ÁÛß PÁÚzvÀ CÀ»õu BÌ©Ú Ez÷u\®, »õ\® GÊxÁvÀ öÁΨ£k®.
When the writer means No and wishes to write Yes, somewhere the shall will turn into shall not.
•i¯õx GßÓ •i÷Áõk, •i²® GßÖ GÊvÚõÀ, H÷uõ K›hzvÀ •i²® GßÓ Áõºzøu •i¯õx GßÖ uÁÖu»õP Á¢x Âk®.
Agitation can be rarely hidden in the letter.
{®©v°ßø©ø¯ PiuzvÀ ©øÓ¨£x PiÚ®.
Existing spirit cannot be hidden.
C¸US® EnºÄPøÍ ©øÓ¨£x PiÚ®.
Non-existing spirit cannot be expressed by the finest words.
CÀ»õu EnºÄPøÍ AÇPõÚ ÁõºzøuPÎÀ C¸¨£x ÷£õÀ GÊu •i¯õx.
Fine words will sound hollow in that case.
A¨£ia ö\´uõÀ AÇPõÚ ÁõºzøuPÒ ö£õUøP¯õP C¸US®.
Uneducated people too never fail to express the emotions if the situation demands.
AÁ]¯® ÷|º¢uõÀ £i¨£ÔÄ AØÓÁºPЮ EnºÄPøÍ öÁΨ£kzu u¯[P ©õmhõºPÒ.
For Elizabeth Jane’s letters are an occupation and each time it brings Darcy.
G¼\ö£zvØS ÷áÛß Piu[PÒ •UQ¯©õÚøÁ. JÆöÁõ¸ •øÓ²® ÷áÛß Piu® hõº]ø¯ G¼\ö£zvh® AøÇzx Á¢ux.
Letter writing is no mere composition in those days.
AUPõ»zvÀ Piu® GÊxÁx \õuõµn©õÚ Â審ßÖ.
It reveals, in intimate cases, the deeply felt emotions.
ö|¸UP©õÚ EÓÄPÎÀ Piu÷© BÇzvÀ C¸US® EnºÄPøÍ öÁΨ£kzx®.
Jane may not complain, but the letter implicitly will.
÷áß SøÓ TÓõÂmhõ¾® AÁÒ Piu® ©øÓ•P©õP SøÓ TÖ®.
In the story we see no letter of Elizabeth.
Pøu£i G¼\ö£z J¸ Piu® Th GÊuÂÀø».
Not only letter, any act of a person, especially at critical moments will reveal the man, often fully.
•UQ¯©õÚ u¸n[PÎÀ ©ÛuÛß Piu® ©mk©À» AÁß ö\´²® G¢u ö\¯¾® AÁøÚ öÁΨ£kzv Âk®.
Any object used by one will reveal much of the user. (Sherlock Holmes’ hat).
J¸Áº E£÷¯õQUS® ö£õ¸Ð®, AÁøµ¨ £ØÔ £» ÂÁµ[PøÍz öu›ÂUS®. (ö庻õU ÷íõ®êß öuõ¨¤).
She is sad. She takes the spiritless letters of Jane for reading.
AÁÒ Á¸zu©õP C¸UQÓõÒ. ÷áÛß EØ\õP©ØÓ Piu[PøÍ Áõ]UP ÷|ºQÓx.
Darcy’s proposal to her while she is reading Jane’s letters to her distantly indicates Jane will marry Bingley.
÷áÛß Piu[PøÍ G¼\ö£z Áõ]US® ÷£õx hõº] AÁÎh® v¸©n¨ ÷£aø\ GkUQÓõß. GvºPõ»zvÀ ÷áÝ®, ¤[Q¼²® v¸©n® ö\´¯U Tk® Gߣøu Ax PõmkQÓx.
7.        “Nor was there any revival of past occurrences, or any communication of present suffering”.
"Ph¢u Põ» {PÌÄPÒ «sk® uø»ö¯kUPÂÀø». {PÌPõ» ]µ©[PÒ GxĪÀø»."
Elizabeth closely watches Jane’s feeling expressed and unexpressed.
÷áß öÁΨ£kzv¯, öÁΨ£kzuõu EnºÄPøÍ G¼\ö£z Tº¢x PÁÛUQÓõÒ.
Jane’s marrying Bingley is not on her own strength, but on the energy of her sister.
÷áß ¤[Q¼ø¯ uß ö\õ¢u £»zuõÀ ©nUPÂÀø». G¼\ö£zvß Á¼ø©÷¯ Aøua ö\´QÓx.
Life will pleasantly respond to one if he closely watches life emotionally.
ÁõÌøÁ EnºÄ §ºÁ©õP AqS£ÁºPÐUS ÁõÌÄ CÛ¯ ©Öö©õÈ u¸®.
The higher values in Elizabeth are the Being, not the Force of life.
G¼\ö£zvß E¯º¢u £s¦PÒ ¦¸åÝUS›¯øÁ. AøÁ ÁõÌÂß \Uv¯ßÖ.
We see no thought in Elizabeth about herself. All her thoughts are of Jane.
G¼\ö£z ußøÚ¨ £ØÔ J¸ ÷£õx® {øÚUPÂÀø». ÷áß £ØÔ÷¯ uõß {øÚUQÓõÒ.
Had Jane been ungrateful her marrying Bingley would have been at the expense of Elizabeth.
÷áß ¤[Q¼²hÚõÚ uß v¸©n Âå¯zvÀ G¼\ö£zvh® |ßÔ¯ØÖ¨ ÷£õ°¸¢uõÀ, Ax G¼\ö£zvØS ö£›¯ |èhzøu ÂøÍÂzv¸US®.
Jane has gratefully received Elizabeth’s interest which made Elizabeth soar high.
G¼\ö£zvß AUPøÓø¯ ÷áß |ßÔ²hß HØÖU öPõshuõÀ G¼\ö£zuõÀ E¯µ •i¢ux.
Elizabeth and Jane are above the Line.
G¼\ö£zx®, ÷áÝ® ÷PõmiØS ÷©¼¸¨£ÁºPÒ.
Suppose like Kitty and Lydia, both were below the Line, one will gain at another’s expense or both will lose or not gain.
Qmiø¯²®, ¼i¯õøÁ²® ÷£õÀ AÁºPÒ ÷PõmiØS R÷Ç C¸¢v¸¢uõÀ, ÷áÝUS®, G¼\ö£zvØS® J¸Áº C»õ£zvÀ ©ØÓÁ¸US |èh® Á¢v¸US® AÀ»x C¸Á¸US® JßÖ® Qøhzv¸UPõx AÀ»x C¸Á¸US® |èh® HØ£mi¸US®.
Mr. Bennet never paid attention to Jane.
Mr. ö£ßÚm ÷áÛß «x J¸ ÷£õx® AUPøÓ Põmi¯vÀø».
Whatever comes to her comes through Elizabeth.
÷áß ö£ØÓuøÚzx® G¼\ö£z ‰»® Á¢uøÁ÷¯.
Had Elizabeth taken equally serious interest of caution in Lydia, Lydia would not have run away.
G¼\ö£z ÷áß «x Põmi¯ AÍÂØPõÚ wµ AUPøÓø¯ ¼i¯õ «x Põmi C¸¢uõÀ, ¼i¯õ Ki¨ ÷£õ°¸UP ©õmhõÒ.
Jane is passive. Elizabeth is the only positive energy at home.
÷áß ©¢u©õÚÁÒ. AÁºPÒ ÃmiÀ G¼\ö£zvh® ©mk÷© _Ö_Ö¨£õÚ, ÷|º©øÓ¯õÚ \Uv Esk.
Mrs. Bennet activates the springs of negative energy.
Mrs. ö£ßÚm G¨÷£õx® Gvº©øÓ¯õÚ \UvUSzuõß E°º u¸QÓõÒ.
Mrs. Bennet’s active negative energy is absorbed and neutralised by the freedom the husband allows and the patience he exhibits.
Mr. ö£ßÚm u¢u _u¢vµ•®, Põmi¯ ö£õÖø©²®, Mrs. ö£ßÚmiß Gvº©øÓ¯õP ö\¯À£k® \Uvø¯ u©USÒ CÊzxU öPõsk Aøu Á¾ÂÇUPa ö\´QÓx.
His irresponsibility is truly greater responsibility at a depth.
Mr. ö£ßÚmiß ö£õÖ¨¤ßø© Esø©°À BÇzvÀ ö£¸® ö£õÖ¨£õS®.
Here we see how the flow of energy accomplishes result.
\Uv ö\¯À£k® Âu®, £¯ß u¸® Âuzøu C[÷P PõsQ÷Óõ®.
Looking at the story not as a plot or characters, we can study it as energy in movement.
PøuU P¸øÁ÷¯õ, Puõ£õzvµ[PøÍ÷¯õ P¸uõ©À, Pøu°À \Uv ö\¯À£k® Âuzøu Bµõ¯»õ®.
Energy in movement explains how Life grows in the society.
\Uv ö\¯À£k® Âu® \‰PzvÀ ÁõÌÄ Á͸® Âuzøu ÂÍUS®.
From Life we can still move to the Being in Life where we can see how God enjoys the Marvel.
Áõ̼¸¢x ¦¸åÝUS |Pº¢uõÀ, BshÁß Aئuzøu AÝ£ÂUS® Âuzøu AÔ¯»õ®.
There all in each and each in all can be well seen in delineation.
JÆöÁõßÔ¾® AøÚzx®, AøÚzv¾® JÆöÁõßÖ® C¸¨£øu ÂÁµ©õP AÔ¯»õ®.
8.        “want of that cheerfulness… used to characterize her style”.
"AÁÒ ÷£õUQÀ EØ\õPªßø© C¸¢ux. ÁÇUP©õÚ EØ\õPªÀø»."
A cheerful person will always accomplish.
EØ\õP©õÚÁß G¨÷£õx® \õv¨£õß.
Cheerfulness is excess energy finding play in psychological freedom in social context.
E£›¯õÚ öu®¦ EØ\õP©õS®. Ax ©ÚzuÍÂÀ _u¢vµ® C¸US® ÷£õx \‰PzvÀ \õvUS®.
The energy is her mother’s.
\Uv AÁÒ uõ´ u¢ux.
The freedom is her father’s.
_u¢vµ® AÁÒ uP¨£Úõº u¢ux.
Her own focus is to be a willing instrument for them to blend into cheerfulness.
AøÁ Cµsk® P»¢x EØ\õP©õP ©õÔ¯x. Aøu öÁΨ£kzx® P¸Â¯õP AÁÒ C¸UQÓõÒ.
That blending is made by temperament.
SnÄnºÄ¨ £õ[S AUP»øÁø¯ HØ£kzxQÓx.
Mental opinions and ideals direct the blending.
P¸zxUPЮ, C»m]¯[PЮ P»øÁø¯ ÁÈ |hzxQßÓÚ.
Temperament is of the vital.
SnÄnºÄ¨ £õ[S EnºÄ ø©¯zøua ÷\º¢ux.
Swabhava is of the whole being of which temperament is one part.
_£õÁ® ©ÛuÛß GÀ»õ £SvPøͲ® uÊÄ®. _£õÁzvß J¸ £Sv÷¯ SnÄnºÄ¨ £õ[S.
Her temperament prevents her from complaining against her mother.
AÁÒ SnÄnºÄ¨ £õ[S AÁÒ uß uõø¯U SøÓ TÖÁøuz ukUQÓx.
Nor does she resent her father’s sarcasm of her mother.
AÁÒ uß uP¨£Úõº uõø¯U ÷P¼ ö\´ÁøuU Psk öÁmP¨£hÂÀø».
Instead of doing either, she blends the best of each in her.
uß uõ°h•®, u¢øu°hª¸¢x ªPa ]Ó¢u Sn[PøÍ ©mk® HØÖU öPõshõÒ.
Her idea of not complaining helps her do that.
SøÓ TÓõø© Aøua ö\´¯ Eu¯x.
Now that Bingley has gone she cannot be cheerful.
¤[Q¼ ÷£õÚ ¤ß AÁÍõÀ EØ\õP©õP C¸UP •i¯õx.
Nor is her aunt who expects her to meet Bingley.
AÁÒ ¤[Q¼ø¯ \¢v¨£õÒ GßÖ AÁÒ ©õª P¸uÂÀø».
Her aunt takes Bingley’s loss for granted and wants to offer solace to Jane.
¤[Q¼ ÷£õÚx C¯À£õÚ÷u GßÖ {øÚzu AÁÒ ©õª ÷áÝUS BÖuÀ uµ ¸®¤ÚõÒ.
Solace is not a source of cheerfulness.
BÖuÀ EØ\õPzvß EØ£zv ìuõÚ©À».
Cheerfulness issues out of an act or a positive hope that is full.
EØ\õP® {øÓÁõÚ Põ›¯zvß ‰»÷©õ, |À»x |hUS® GßÓ |®¤UøP°¸¢uõ÷»õ E¸ÁõS®.
Jane tries her best not to reveal her disappointment.
÷áß uß H©õØÓzøu ©øÓUP ußÚõ»õÚ Áøµ •¯ßÓõÒ.
Jane does not want to be understood as one who expected Bingley to propose to her. So, there is no disappointment.
¤[Q¼ ußøÚ Â¸®¦Áõß GßÖ uõß Gvº£õºUPÂÀø», AuÚõÀ uÚUS H©õØÓªÀø» Gߣx ÷£õÀ PõmiU öPõÒÍ •¯ßÓõÒ.
Disappointment sanctions expectation.
H©õØÓ® Gvº£õº¨ø£ AÝ©vUS®.
Elizabeth is too perceptive to be taken in.
G¼\ö£z ÂÁµ©õÚÁÒ.
Style is the energy of the intention.
÷£õUøP Ez÷u\zvß \Uv {ºn°US®.
9.        “proceeding from the serenity of a mind at ease with itself”.
"£õµ©ØÖ C¸US® \õ¢u©õÚ ©Úv¼¸¢x E¸ÁõS®."
Jane Austen’s style is that of the pulpit as her father is a clergyman.
÷áß BìiÛß u¢øu J¸ ©u ÷£õuPº. AÁµx ¤µa\õµ¨ ÷£õUøP BìiÛß |øh°À Põn»õ®.
Serenity is to be cheerfully detached from the stress of life.
ÁõÌUøP _ø©Pμ¸¢x EØ\õPzxhß Âk£mk C¸zu÷» \õ¢u©õS®.
Jane is at ease with herself. Hers is not a personality that is based on others.
÷áß ußÝÒ BÌ¢x Aø©v¯õP C¸UQÓõÒ. AÁÍx BÐø© ¤Óøµa \õº¢uußÖ.
Her father retired into himself. So, does she.
AÁÒ uP¨£Úõº uÛzx ußÝÒ C¸¨£Áº. ÷áÝ® A¨£i¨£mhÁ÷Í.
He did so out of disappointed sorrow.
H©õØÓzvÚõÀ HØ£mh Á¸zuzvÚõÀ AÁº A¨£ia ö\´uõº.
She does so out of detached quietness.
£ØÓØÓ Aø©v°ÚõÀ AÁÒ A¨£ia ö\´uõÒ.
So, the next child is outgoing.
AuÚõÀ uõß Akzu SÇ¢øu P»P»¨¦ {øÓ¢v¸¢ux.
She is so much outgoing as to broadcast bubbling cheerfulness.
G¼\ö£zvß P»P»¨¦ ö£õ[S® EØ\õP® G[S® £µÄ® ÁøPø¯a ÷\º¢ux.
Serenity of Mind is a self-contained beauty.
©Úvß Aø©v ußÛøÓÄÒÍ AÇS.
It has no power to accomplish.
AuØS \õvUS® vÓß CÀø».
Serenity and unaccomplishment blend as spiritlessness.
\õ¢u•®, \õuøÚ°ßø©²® ÷\º¢uõÀ EØ\õPªßø©¯õS®.
As outgoing can accomplish, going into herself too can accomplish.
P»P»¨¦ \õv¨£x ÷£õÀ, ußÝÒ ÁõÌÁx® \õvUS®.
Here we see a truth and its opposite are true in life.
C[S ÁõÌÂÀ J¸ TØÖUS Gvº©øÓ¯õÚ TØÖ® Esø©¯õP C¸¨£øuU PõsQ÷Óõ®.
Whatever the fact, Elizabeth wants Jane to be cheerful.
Gx G¨£i C¸¢uõ¾®, ÷áß EØ\õP©õP C¸UP ÷Ásk® GßÖ G¼\ö£z ¸®¦QÓõÒ.
On seeing her at her aunt’s, the first thing she noticed was her health undiminished.
©õª ÃmiÀ ÷áøÚ¨ £õºzu ÷£õx, AÁÒ EhÀ |»® SßÓõ©¼¸¨£øuU PÁÛzuõÒ.
Love that does not touch health is not love intense.
EhÀ |»zøuz öuõhõu PõuÀ wµ©õÚ PõuÀ AÀ».
After all, it is not love Jane longs for, it is marriage.
÷áß Â¸®¤¯x v¸©nzøu; Põuø» AÀ».
By a love that does not impact on health marriage can be accomplished in favourable circumstances, not love.
EhÀ |»zøu £õvUPõu Põuø»U öPõsk \›¯õÚ \¢uº¨£ `Ì{ø»¯õÀ v¸©nzøu \õvUP»õ®. Esø©¯õÚ Põuø» Aøh¯ •i¯õx.
In Jane what is troubled is Mind, not heart proper.
÷áß ©ÚzuÍÂÀ uõß £õvUP¨£mhõÒ. AÁÍx Cu¯zvØS G¢u £õv¨¦® CÀø».
Elizabeth’s vital is powerfully disturbed by failure.
G¼\ö£zvß EnºÄ {ø» H©õØÓzvÚõÀ Pkø©¯õP £õvUP¨£mhx.
Elizabeth thinks of Jane all the time.
G¼\ö£z G¨÷£õx® ÷áøÚ¨ £ØÔ÷¯ {øÚzxU öPõsi¸UQÓõÒ.
Whether Jane thinks of her similarly is not known.
A÷u ÷£õÀ ÷áß G¼\ö£zøu {øÚzuõÍõ Gߣx öu›¯ÂÀø».
Jane’s temperament suits selfishness, not selflessness.
÷áÛß SnÄnºÄ¨ £õ[S _¯|»©õÚx. AÁøÍ _¯|»©ØÓÁÒ GßÖ ö\õÀ» •i¯õx.
She does not have enough energy to be selfless.
_¯|»©ØÔ¸UPz ÷uøÁ¯õÚ öu®¦ ÷áÛh® CÀø».
The conscious intensity about Jane is subconscious intensity in Darcy through her and through Bingley.
÷áøÚ¨ £ØÔ öÁΨ£øh¯õPz öu›¢u wµ® G¼\ö£z ‰»•®, ¤[Q¼°ß ‰»•® öÁΨ£kQßÓ hõº]°ß BÌ©Úz wµ©õS®.
10.     “kindly disposed towards everyone”.
"AøÚÁ¸US® P¸øn PõmiÚõÒ."
Kindness is the clarity of the strength of knowledge.
bõÚzvß Á¼ø©¯õÀ EshõS® öuÎÄ P¸øn.
It is a mental poise that will leave no energy for any other attitude.
P¸øn öu®£øÚzøu²® GkzxU öPõÒÁuõÀ, ÷ÁÖ G¢u ©÷Úõ£õÁzvØS® öu®¤¸UPõx.
To be kind one needs to FEEL as another feels.
AkzuÁº EnºÁøu¨ ÷£õ»÷Á, |õ•® Enº¢uõÀ uõß P¸øn÷¯õi¸UP •i²®.
It is a desire to please when externally expressed.
Ax AkzuÁºPøÍ SκÂUP ÷Ásk® GßÓ Bø\°ß öÁΨ£õk.
A disposition is with reference to oneself more than to others.
Ax ÷£õßÓ {ø»¨£õk ¤Óøµ ö£õ¸zuußÖ; ußøÚ ö£õ¸zux.
Such dispositions are of values, expressing values.
AzuøP¯ {ø»¨£õkPÒ £s¦PøÍ öÁΨ£kzx® £s¦PÒ.
It is to be self-centred without being selfish.
Ax _¯|»ªßÔ ußøÚ ö£õ¸zv¸¨£x.
You can be kind to some or many but not all.
]»›h÷©õ, £»›h÷©õ P¸øn Põmh»õ®. AøÚÁ›h•® P¸øn Põmh •i¯õx.
Jane is kind to all.
÷áß GÀ÷»õ›h•® P¸øn PõmkQÓõÒ.
It is to extend the impersonal to the universal.
Ax uÛ¨£mhuÀ»õu JßøÓ ¤µ£g\©õUSÁx.
It is kindness for kindness’ sake.
Ax P¸ønUPõP P¸øn÷¯õk C¸¨£x.
In that respect it becomes pure kindness.
A¨£ia ö\´uõÀ Ax y¯ P¸øn¯õQÓx.
Purity elevates kindness but does not make it absolute.
y´ø© P¸ønø¯ E¯ºzx®. BÚõÀ Aøu \õº£ØÓuõUPõx.
Kindness is different from sweetness.
CÛø©²®, P¸øn²® ÷ÁÓõÚøÁ.
Sweetness is the knowledge of love while kindness is the strength of softness.
Aß¤ß AÔÄ CÛø©. ö©ßø©°ß Á¼ø© P¸øn.
Kindness is outgoing.
P¸øn öÁΨ£k® ußø© öPõshx.
Kindness is a state of the soul.
P¸øn Bß©õÂß J¸ {ø».
Kindness is the opposite of cruelty.
P¸øn S¹µzvØS GvµõÚx.
It is also the opposite of rudeness.
P¸øn •µmkzuÚzvØS GvµõÚx.
Disposition is attitude.
{ø»¨£õk J¸ ©÷Úõ£õÁ®.
It is this disposition that made Bingley’s sisters call her an angel.
C¢u {ø»¨£õk uõß ¤[Q¼°ß \÷Põu›PøÍ ÷áøÚ ÷uÁøu GßÖ TÓ øÁzux.
This removes all edges from the personality, even the edge of understanding.
Ax J¸Á›ß BÐø©°ß AøÚzx •øÚPøͲ® }USQÓx. ¤Óøµ ¦›¢x öPõÒЮ ußø©ø¯²® }USQÓx.
In meeting others, Jane tries to be what she is, does not even try to understand others, nor does she think about what others think of her. That takes on the appearance of sweetness.
¤Óøµ \¢vUS® ÷£õx ÷áß uõß uõÚõP÷Á C¸UP •¯ÀQÓõÒ. ¤Óøµ ¦›¢x öPõÒÍU Th •¯ÀÁvÀø». ¤Óº ußøÚ¨ £ØÔ GßÚ {øÚ¨£õºPÒ Gߣøu¨ £ØÔ²® PÁø»¨£kÁvÀø». Ax CÛø© ÷£õ» ÷uõØÓ©ÎUQÓx.
11.     “which it had hardly received on the first perusal”.
"•uÀ \¢v¨¤À Aøu¨ ö£ÓÂÀø»."
It is one of the great secrets of life that the first acquaintance and the later experience are directly opposite.
•uÀ \¢v¨¦®, ¤ß Á¸® AÝ£Á[PЮ Gvº©øÓ¯õÚøÁ Gߣx ÁõÌÂß ªP¨ ö£›¯ CµP]¯[PÎÀ JßÖ.
In simple instances it is due to lack of concentration or interest.
\õuõµn EÓÄPÎÀ Ax PÁÚUSøÓÂÚõ÷»õ, AUPøÓ°ßø©°Úõ÷»õ A¨£i |hUS®.
In others it is vital infatuation and later mental clarity.
÷ÁÖ EÓÄPÎÀ Ax EnºÂß PÁºa]¯õPÄ®, ¤ßÚº ©Úz öuÎÁõPÄ® C¸US®.
The tolerable does become fascinating fine eyes.
'_©õµõÚÁÒ' GßÓ ö\õÀ ¤ßÚº 'Á^P›US® AÇQ¯ ÂÈPÍõP' ©õÔ¯x.
Captivating softness loses its charm and is tasteless.
PÁ¸® ö©ßø© uß PÁºa]ø¯ CÇ¢x JßÖ©ØÖ ÷£õQÓx.
The offensive Darcy changes into a formidable power to shut Mrs. Bennet’s mouth.
hõº], vmøh Aø\UP •i¯õu \Uv¯õP ©õØÔ Mrs. ö£ßÚmiß Áõø¯ ‰iÚõß.
One whose £10,000 cannot recommend as a son-in-law turns into the saviour of one’s honour, life and liberty whom Mrs. Bennet courts.
Mrs. ö£ßÚm £10,000 Á¸©õÚ•ÒÍ hõº]ø¯ ©¸©PÚõP HØPÂÀø». A¢u hõº] uõß Mrs. ö£ßÚmiØS ¤izu©õÚÁÎß ÁõÌUøPø¯²®, ©›¯õøuø¯²®, _u¢vµzøu²® Põ¨£õØÖQÓõß.
Abject falsehood of Darcy’s letter gives way to undesirable facts.
hõº]°ß Piuzv¼¸¢u uõÌ¢u ö£õ´ø©, ÷Áshõu ÂÁPõµ[PøÍ E¸ÁõUQ¯x.
Amiable agreeable Man of a model reveals himself as mercenary.
CÛø©¯õÚ, CnUP® {øÓ¢u ©ÛuøÚ, Buõ¯ ©Ú¨£õßø©²ÒÍÁÚõPU Põmi¯x.
The change is brought about by facts not known in the first case.
•u¼÷»÷¯ AÔ¯õu ÂÁµ[PÒ C¢u ©õØÓzøu HØ£kzx®.
It comes about by the way one is affected – Lady Catherine.
A¢u ©õØÓ® £õvUP¨£mhÁºPÍõÀ {PÊ® & ÷»i PõuŸß.
It just happens by efflux of time.
Põ»¨÷£õUQÀ Cx |hUS®.
By a break the vital infatuation dissolves and it is now flat.
J¸ ¤›ÂÀ EnºÄU Qͺa] Pøµ²®. Ax C¨÷£õx E°µØÖ Âmhx.
The attitude towards the person or the letter can change by the change of energy in oneself.
|® \Uvø¯ ©õØÔU öPõshõÀ, J¸ÁøÚ AÀ»x J¸ Piuzøu¨ £ØÔ¯ |® ©÷Úõ£õÁ® ©õÖ®.
Elizabeth sees now what she failed to see at first reading.
•uÀ •øÓ Áõ]US® ÷£õx uõß PÁÛUPz uÁÔ¯øu G¼\ö£z C¨÷£õx PÁÛUQÓõÒ.
When one is eager, she is clouded in the perspective.
BÁÀ {uº\ÚzøuU Põs£øu ©øÓUS®.
Without that eagerness, facts reveal dull facts.
BÁ¼ßÔ C¸¢uõÀ ÂÁµ[PÒ E¨¦\¨¤ßÔ öu›¯ Á¸®.
It is generally the difference between impression and reality.
Ax÷Á {ázvØS®, {øÚ¨¤ØS® EÒÍ ÷ÁÖ£õk.
As Darcy at Pemberley, it can happen by a change in the object.
J¸ ö£õ¸ÎÀ J¸ ©õÖuÀ HØ£mhõ¾®, hõº] ö£®£º¼US Á¢ux ÷£õÀ |hUS®.
Often one little fact diametrically changes the view.
J¸ ]Ö ÂÁµ®, |® P¸zøu uø»RÇõP ©õØÔÂk®.
Darcy’s pride in a trice made him unpopular.
hõº]°ß PºÁ® Pn¨ ö£õÊvÀ AÁøÚ öÁÖUPzuUPÁÚõUQ¯x.
Habitual affection renders a dull person dear.
öuõhº¢x Põmk® Aߦ ©¢u©õÚÁøÚ²® CÛ¯ÁÚõUPU Tk®.
Events that reveal character suddenly change the idea.
Snõv\¯zøuU Põmk® {PÌÄPÒ \möhßÖ P¸zxUPøÍ ©õØÓ ÁÀ»øÁ.
A sensitive Man sees the truth at first sight.
ö\õµøn²ÒÍÁß •uÀ \¢v¨¤÷»÷¯ Esø©ø¯ AÔ¢x öPõsk ÂkÁõß.
12.     “Darcy’s shameful boast”.
"hõº]°ß öÁmP[öPmh ᮣ©õÚ ÷£a_."
Triumph is a moment of elation pressing for delivery.
öÁØÔ u¸® ö£¸ªu® A¢u Pn÷© öÁΨ£hz xiUS®.
Life plays upon such impulses to do or to undo things.
AzuøP¯ xi¨¦PøÍU öPõsk ÁõÌÄ BUP÷Áõ AÈUP÷Áõ ö\´²®.
Mastery over a friend is a rare possession.
|s£øÚ •ÊÁx©õP AÔ¢x öPõÒÁx ö£›¯ ö£õUQå®.
It makes one a leader of sorts.
uø»ÁÚõÁøu¨ ÷£õßÓx.
Darcy’s triumph there made him assume that Elizabeth would agree with eagerness.
hõº] uõß ö£ØÓ öÁØÔ°ÚõÀ G¼\ö£z ußÝhß BºÁzxhß Jzx¨ ÷£õÁõÒ GßÖ {øÚzxU öPõshõß.
Word of mouth spreads through this impulse.
C¢uz xi¨¦ Áõ´ö©õÈ ÁÈ÷¯ £µÄ®.
Boast is always shameful.
ᮣ©i¨£x G¢u Põ»zv¾® öÁmP¨£h ÷Ási¯ ö\¯À.
Conceit leads to this shame.
PÒÍzuÚ® CzuøP¯ AÁ©õÚzvØS Cmka ö\À¾®.
Not only Darcy is triumphant, even the colonel feels it.
hõº] ©mk©ßÔ, PºÚ¾® A¢u öÁØÔ EnºøÁ ö£ÖQÓõß.
His shameful boast puts her to shame.
AÁÚx öÁmP[öPmh ᮣ¨÷£a_ AÁÐUS öÁmPzøuz u¢ux.
Shame is an emotion of inequality.
HØÓzuõÌÄ £ØÔ¯ EnºÄ öÁmP©õS®.
One cannot boast without another being hurt.
ᮣ¨÷£a_ AkzuÁøµ Pmhõ¯® Põ¯¨£kzx®.
One who realises his valuelessness is of value to the Divine.
uõß J¸ ©v¨£ØÓÁß Gߣøu Enº¢uÁ÷Ú CøÓÁÝUS ©v¨¦ÒÍÁÚõQÓõß.
Value is awareness of one’s capacities.
©v¨¦ Gߣx uß vÓø©Pøͨ £ØÔ AÔuÀ.
Elizabeth was not hurt by “tolerable”, but this boast hurts her.
'_©õµõ°¸UQÓõÒ'  GßÓ Áõºzøu G¼\ö£zøu¨ ¦s£kzuÂÀø».
ᮣ¨÷£a_ ¦s£kzv¯x.

Their meeting over the proposal comes at a time she is sore.
AÁÒ ÷ÁuøÚ°¼¸US® ÷£õx ©n¨÷£a_ öuõhº£õP \¢v¨¦ {PÌQÓx.
His assumption that she is willing is fatal.
AÁÒ Â¸®¦QÓõÒ GßÓ AÁß FP÷© FÖ ö\´QÓx.
He seeks her for love, assumes the value of property.
Põu¾UPõP AÁøÍ |õi¯Áß, ö\õzvß ©v¨ø£¨ £ØÔ {øÚUQÓõß.
They do not go together.
Cµsk® Jzx ÷£õPõ.
His awareness of his preference to Elizabeth giving up the property of Anne is a source of idealistic emotion.
G¼\ö£zvØPõP BÛß ö\õzøuz uõß xÓ¢uøu AÁß AÔÁõß. Auß ¤Ó¨¤h® C»m]¯ EnºÄ.
What Collins did out of hurry, Darcy does out of the threat of competition.
AÁ\µzuõÀ Põ¼ßì ö\´uøu, ÷£õmi¨ £ØÔ¯ £¯zuõÀ hõº] ö\´QÓõß.
Winning the hand of a worthy woman is a rare triumph and men do feel at that moment a great elation.
uSvªUP ö£soß øP ¤iUS® £õUQ¯® A›¯ öÁØÔ¯õS®. Ax BsPÒ ö£¸ªu® öPõÒЮ u¸n®.
She deflated his expanding enthusiasm.
AÁß ö£õ[S® EØ\õPzøu AÁÒ Ái¯ øÁzuõÒ.
13.     “Keener sense of her sister’s sufferings”.
"\÷Põu›°ß ]µ©[Pøͨ £ØÔ¯ wµ©õÚ EnºÄ."
Sympathy or empathy are not altogether myths.
AÝuõ£÷©õ uõ£÷©õ PmkUPøu AßÖ.
It is not only Elizabeth that senses it.
G¼\ö£z ©mk©õ Aøu EnºQÓõÒ?
The atmosphere of the Parsonage helps us as Mr. Collins is insisting silently that she should know the value of what she has missed.
AÁÒ CÇ¢uvß ©v¨ø£ Enµ ÷Ásk® GßÖ Põ¼ßì ö©ÍÚ©õP ÂøÇ¢uøu £õv› Âkv°ß `ÇÀ ‰»® AÔ¯»õ®.
His insistence makes the atmosphere keen.
AÁß AÆÁõÖ Gso¯x `Çø» wµ©õUQ¯x.
She feels that keenness in her sister.
G¼\ö£z Azwµzøu uß \÷Põu›°h® EnºQÓõÒ.
It is related to Darcy as it is he who originated the suffering.
Pèh[PÐUS Põµn©õÚÁß hõº] GߣuõÀ Azwµ® AÁ÷Úõk öuõhº¦øh¯x.
These relationships can be directly discovered in energy, force, power, skill and attitude.
\Uv, öu®¦, Ãa_, vÓø©, ©÷Úõ£õÁ® BQ¯ÁØÔß ‰»® Czöuõhº¦PøÍ ÷|µi¯õP AÔ¯»õ®.
To be able to see this organisation that transmits the suffering as a social organisation is one step further.
Pèhzøuz u¸® C¢u Aø©¨ø£ Akzu {ø»°À \‰P Aø©¨£õP AÔ¯ •i²®.
For that we need to know the character of all concerned.
CuØS \®£¢u¨£mh GÀ÷»õ¸øh¯ Snõv\¯[PЮ öu›¯ ÷Ásk®.
To be able to locate the links from the story is sensitivity in reading.
CzuøP¯ öuõhº¦PøÍU Pøu°À Psk¤i¨£÷u ö\õµøn²ÒÍ Áõ]¨£õS®.
It will set the tone in the setting of social life.
\‰P ÁõÌÄ Aø©²® Âuzvß öuõÛø¯ Ax {ºn°US®.
If social structures are removed it becomes the setting of Life.
\‰P Pmk©õÚ[PÒ Pø»¢uõÀ, ÁõÌÂß Aø©¨£õP ©õÖ®.
We cannot go beyond it unless we enter into existence.
\zvÀ ~øÇ¢uõÀ ©mk÷© ÁõÌÂß Aø©¨ø£U PhUP •i²®.
That existence can be one of ignorance or cosmic knowledge.
C¸zuÀ Gߣx AÔ¯õø©°¾® C¸UP»õ®. ¤µ£g\ bõÚzv¾ª¸UP»õ®.
The dimensions of Time and Space make it keener still.
Põ»®, öÁÎ BQ¯ÁØÔß £›©õn[PÒ C¸zuø» CßÝ® wµ©õUSQßÓÚ.
Seeing it only in Time is to have the inner vision.
Põ»zvÀ ©mk® AøuU Põs£x AP u›\Ú®.
Mr. Bennet is pledged to freedom and softness.
Mr. ö£ßÚm _u¢vµzøu²®, ö©ßø©ø¯²® ÷£õØÖ£Áº.
That freedom opens the doors to cosmic existence.
A¢u _u¢vµ® ¤µ£g\ ÁõÌÂØS ÁÈÂk®.
His sarcastic patience has two rewards.
AÁµx ÷P¼ ÷£a_ {øÓ¢u ö£õÖø© Cµsk £›_PøÍz u¸QÓx.
One is that of Patience that is Darcy and Bingley.
ö£õÖø© hõº]ø¯²®, ¤[Q¼ø¯²® ö£ØÖz u¢ux.
That reward of sarcasm is the elopement, infamy and distress.
Ki¨ ÷£õSuÀ, AÁ¨ö£¯º, PÁø» BQ¯ÁØøÓ ÷P¼¨ ÷£a_ ö£ØÖz u¢ux.
To work out how by his doing his uttermost best to handle the virago, we will arrive at the social version of the Marvel.
Ah[Põ¨¤hõ›ø¯ G¨£i A¸®£õk£mk BÐQÓõº Gߣøu¨ ¦›¢x öPõshõÀ \‰PzvÀ AئuzøuU Põn»õ®.
14.     “His visit to Rosings was to end”.
"AÁß ÷µõê[꼸¢x K›¸ |õmPÎÀ ö\ßÖ ÂkÁõß."
The surface is so constituted as to desire the opposite of its inmost needs.
BÌ©Úz ÷uøÁPÐUS GvµõP Bø\¨£k©õÖ ÷©À ©Ú® Aø©UP¨£mkÒÍx.
It is a great fact of her life that she who is absolutely unrelated to Darcy for one reason or another is always thinking of him, acting in reference to him.
hõº]÷¯õk J¸ ÁøP°¾® \®£¢u¨£hõu G¼\ö£z H÷uõ J¸ Põµnzøu •ßÛmk AÁøÚ¨ £ØÔ÷¯ {øÚUPÄ®, AÁß ö£õ¸mk ö\¯À£hÄ® ÷|¸Áx ÁõÌÂß J¸ ©PzuõÚ Esø©.
From the time she heard of Anne, her mind was on Anne. Hence Charlotte’s invitation.
BøÚ¨ £ØÔ ÷PÒ¨£mhx •uÀ, AÁÒ BøÚ¨ £ØÔ÷¯ {øÚUQÓõÒ. AuÚõÀuõß åõº÷»miß AøǨ¦ Á¢ux.
Her subconscious interest in marrying Darcy acquired force when she saw he was not interested in Anne.
hõº] BøÚ Â¸®£ÂÀø» Gߣøu AÔ¢ux® AÁøÚ ©nUP ÷Ásk® GßÓ G¼\ö£zvß BÌ©Ú Â¸¨£zvØS \Uv Á¢ux.
Darcy who came to her on the first day at Rosings distanced himself for a week.
•uÀ |õÒ ÷µõê[êÀ AÁøÍ Põn Á¢u hõº] Auß ¤ß J¸ Áõµ® ÁµÂÀø».
His visits to her were motivated by the possible competition from the colonel.
PºÚÀ uÚUS ÷£õmi¯õP Áµ Áõ´¨¦sk GßÓ Gsn÷© hõº]ø¯ AÁÎh® AøÇzx Á¢ux.
The first subtle sanction for Elizabeth’s marriage with Darcy is Charlotte’s perception of Darcy’s passion.
hõº]°ß AhUPöÁõsnõ BºÁzøu¨ £ØÔ åõº÷»m Enº¢ux, hõº] G¼\ö£zøu ©nUP»õ® GߣuØPõÚ `m_©zvß •uÀ AÝ©v.
The final resistance to her marriage was her father’s disapproval.
G¼\ö£zvß v¸©nzvØS CÖvz uøh AÁÒ u¢øu°ß Gvº¨¦.
In between Mrs. Gardiner sees plainly Darcy’s irresistible interest.
Cuß |k÷Á Mrs. PõºiÚº, hõº]°ß AÍÁØÓ BºÁzøuU PsnõµU PõsQÓõº.
Tracing her attitude towards Darcy in terms of Wickham’s presence or availability, the external relationships explain themselves.
ÂUPõø©¨ ö£õ¸zx hõº]ø¯¨ £ØÔ G¼\ö£z HØÓ ©÷Úõ£õÁzøu Bµõ´¢uõÀ, öÁÎ÷¯ E¸ÁõS® EÓÄPøÍ ÂÍUP©õP AÔ¯»õ®.
Darcy, Wickham and Elizabeth meet for the first time on the road.
hõº], ÂUPõ®, G¼\ö£z BQ÷¯õ›ß •uÀ \¢v¨¦ \õø»°À {PÌQÓx.
Wickham’s scandal removes Darcy from Netherfield.
ÂUPõªß Âå©® hõº]ø¯ ö|uº¥Àøh Âmk öÁÎ÷¯ØÖQÓx.
Wickham’s shift to Miss King brings Darcy to her at Hunsford.
ÂUPõªß £õºøÁ ªì. Q[Wß «x v¸®¤¯x®, hõº] G¼\ö£zøu íßì÷£õºmiÀ \¢vUQÓõß.
Darcy’s letter disabuses her mind on Wickham and that makes Lydia move closer to Wickham.
hõº]°ß Piu® G¼\ö£zvß ©Úv¼¸¢x ÂUPõø© »USQÓx. Ax÷Á ¼i¯õøÁ ÂUPõø© ö|¸[P øÁUQÓx.
In spite of the sweet intimacy between them at Pemberley and at Lambton, Wickham’s availability as a husband keeps Darcy away from her.
ö£®£º¼°¾®, »õ®¨hÛ¾® G¼\ö£zx® hõº]²® CÛø©¯õP ö|¸[Q¨ £ÇQÚõ¾®, ÂUPõ® ©n©PÚõP Áõ´¨¦sk GߣuõÀ hõº] »Q÷¯ C¸UP ÷|º¢ux.
Darcy and Elizabeth come together when Wickham was married and removed to Newcastle.
ÂUPõªß v¸©n® •i¢x AÁß {³Põê¾USa ö\ßÓ ¤ßÚ÷µ hõº] G¼\ö£zxhß ÷\µ •i¢ux.
In her depths she was existing ONLY with reference to Wickham.
BÇzvÀ AÁÒ ÂUPõø© ©mk÷© {øÚzx ÁõÌQÓõÒ.
Her mind seeks Darcy, her heart longs for Wickham.
AÁÒ ©Ú® hõº]ø¯ |õkQÓx. Cu¯÷©õ ÂUPõªØPõP H[SQÓx.
It is not Wickham, but his falsehood she yearns for. It is not Elizabeth but Mrs. Bennet in her rushes to the falsehood of Wickham’s low consciousness.
ÂUPõø© AÀ», AÁß ö£õ´ø©ø¯ AÁÒ ÷|]UQÓõÒ. A¨£i ÷|]¨£x G¼\ö£z AÀ». AÁÐUSÒ C¸US® Mrs. ö£ßÚm ÂUPõªß uõÌ¢u ã¯zvß ö£õ´ø©ø¯ ÷|õUQ¨ £õ´QÓõÒ.
She could not think of Darcy's leaving Kent without remembering that his cousin was to go with him; but Colonel Fitzwilliam had made it clear that he had no intentions at all, and agreeable as he was, she did not mean to be unhappy about him.
hõº] öPßøhÂmka ö\À¾® ö£õÊx, AÁÝøh¯ \÷PõuµÝ® AÁÝhß ö\ÀÁõß Gߣøu {øÚUPõ©À C¸UP •i¯ÂÀø». BÚõÀ uÚUS A®©õv› J¸ Gsn÷© CÀø»ö¯ßÖ PºÚÀ ¤mìÂÀ¼¯® öuÎÁõUQÂmhõº. AuÚõÀ AÁº CÛø©¯õÚÁµõP C¸¢uõ¾® AÁº ö\ÀÁvÚõÀ uõß Á¸zu¨£h ÷Áshõ® GÚ •iÄ ö\´uõÒ.
15.     She was anxious for Darcy to go away and herself to return to Longbourn. At a time when in many minutes Darcy was to meet her and propose to her, she wants him to quit the place. Her wanting him to quit the place is her subtle recognition of the coming proposal. Life always puts this stamp on its events. Her wish of Darcy going away means Fitzwilliam too would go which she does not want. This is life’s mechanism of retaining what you want to go.
hõº] G¨ö£õÊx ÷µõê[øP Âmk¨ ÷£õÁõß, G¨ö£õÊx uõß »õ[£õºß ÷£õP»õ® GÚ AÁÒ Põzv¸UQÓõÒ. CßÝ® öPõg\ ÷|µzvÀ hõº] Á¢x AÁøÍ ©nUS®£iU ÷PmP¨÷£õS®ö£õÊx AÁÒ AÁß ÷£õP÷Áskö©Ú {øÚUQÓõÒ. AÁÒ A¨£i {øÚ¨£x AÁß Áµ¨÷£õÁøu `m_©©õP AÔÁuõS®. hõº] ÷£õÚõÀ Ehß ÂÀ¼¯•® ÷£õ´ ÂkÁõß. Ax AÁÐU÷Põ, AÁÝU÷Põ ¸¨£ªÀø». ÷Ásk® Gߣøu ÷Áshõ® GߣuØS® ÷Áshõ® Gߣøu ÷Ásk® GߣuØS® ÁõÌÄ C¨£i Ch® u¸®.
16.     “She could not think of Darcy’s leaving Kent without remembering that his cousin was to go with him”.
"hõº] öPßmøh Âmk¨ ÷£õP¨ ÷£õQÓõß GßÖ G¼\ö£z {øÚzu ÷£õx AÁ÷Úõk PºÚ¾® ÷£õP¨ ÷£õQÓõß Gߣøu {øÚUPõ©¼¸UP •i¯ÂÀø»."
Her interest in the cousin is vicarious.
PºÚ¼ß «x AÁÐUQ¸¢u AUPøÓ AÁøÚ hõº]°ß ¤µv{v¯õP {øÚzuuõÀ Á¢ux.
Bingley asked her at Lambton whether all her sisters were well.
»õ®¨hÛÀ ¤[Q¼ G¼\ö£zvh® AÁÒ \÷Põu›PÒ ¯õÁ¸® |»©õ GßÖ ÷Pmhõß.
His interest was only in Jane.
AÁÝUS ÷áß «x ©mk÷© AUPøÓ.
She does regret Darcy’s leaving Kent.
hõº] öPßmøh Âmk¨ ÷£õÁx G¼\ö£zvØS Á¸zuzøuz u¢ux.
After the proposal neither wanted to see the other and they missed each other.
v¸©n ÷£a]ØS¨ ¤ß C¸Á¸® J¸Áøµ J¸Áº \¢vUP ¸®£ÂÀø». A÷u \©¯® ¤›øÁ Gso²® Á¸¢vÚº.
Wisdom lies in discerning the future in the present, the complement in the contradiction.
{PÌPõ»zvÀ GvºPõ»zøu²®, •µs£õkPÎÀ EhߣõkPЮ Põs£÷u Â÷ÁP®.
Charlotte had some of that penetration with regard to Darcy.
hõº] Âå¯zvÀ åõº÷»miØS KµÍÂØS C¢u Â÷ÁP® C¸¢ux.
Elizabeth felt it with respect to Bingley.
¤[Q¼ Âå¯zvÀ G¼\ö£zvØS C¢u Â÷ÁP® C¸¢ux.
No one could even guess about Collins and Charlotte.
Põ¼ßéú®, åõº÷»mk® v¸©n® ö\´x öPõÒÁõºPÒ GßÖ GÁ¸® PØ£øÚ Th ö\´¯ÂÀø».
The Lucases guess about Darcy right, even if it is in bad taste.
¿Põì u®£v¯›ß hõº]ø¯¨ £ØÔ¯ FP® Cµ\U SøÓÁõÚx GßÓõ¾®, \›¯õÚx.
Lady Catherine could not see Darcy’s interest in Elizabeth.
hõº] G¼\ö£zvß ÷©À öPõsh AUPøÓø¯¨ £ØÔ ÷»i PõzvŸÚõÀ AÔ¢x öPõÒÍ •i¯ÂÀø».
Even Caroline could not see it in Darcy.
P÷µõ¼Úõ¾® Aøu AÔ¯ •i¯ÂÀø».
No one suspected it in Lydia about Wickham.
¼i¯õ ÂUPõ® Âå¯zvÀ GÁ¸US® J¸ xÎ \¢÷uP® Th ÁµÂÀø».
Man’s secrecy can outwit the extreme capacity of the society.
©ÛuÛß CµP]¯® \‰Pzvß A\õuõµn vÓøÚ²® ÷uõØPizx Âk®.
Society too can outwit Man.
\‰PzvÚõ¾® ©ÛuøÚ ÷uõØPiUP •i²®.
It depends upon which is stronger.
öÁØÔ, Á¼ø© GÁ›h® AvP® Gߣøu¨ ö£õ¸zux.
Whether it is Man, society, event, energy or force, when it is determined, they will always succeed.
©Ûu÷Úõ, \‰P÷©õ, {PÌ÷Áõ, \Uv÷¯õ, öu®÷£õ GxÁõÚõ¾® •iÄ wµ©õÚõÀ öÁØÔ QøhzxÂk®.
Revolutions are occasions when each is trying to overcome the other. That is why any event during such moments will be lasting.
¦µm] |hUS® \©¯[PÎÀ JÆöÁõßÖ® ©ØÓ JßøÓ «Ó •¯¾®. AuÚõÀ uõß A¢uz u¸n[PÎÀ |hUS® {PÌa]PÎß ÂøÍÄPÒ ö|k|õøÍUS ÁõÌQßÓÚ.
The orthodoxy escaping August 15, 1947, Gandhiji’s assassination, Indira’s death were such moments.
BPìm 15, 1947I £Çø©ÁõvPÒ uºzux, Põ¢vâ öPõÀ»¨£mhx, C¢vµõ Põ¢v°ß ©µn® BQ¯øÁ AzuøP¯ u¸n[PÒ.
Even Indira’s wave in 1971 and 1977 carried that stamp, though it was not hers but Mother’s.
1971 •uÀ 1977 Áøµ°»õÚ C¢vµõÂß Aø» A¨£i¨£mh •zvøµ öPõshx. BÚõÀ Ax C¢vµõÂß •zvøµ¯ßÖ. AßøÚ°ß •zvøµ.
While settling this point, she was suddenly roused by the sound of the door-bell, and her spirits were a little fluttered by the idea of its being Colonel Fitzwilliam himself, who had once before called late in the evening, and might now come to inquire particularly after her.
C¢u ¤µa]øÚø¯ \› £õºzxU öPõsi¸US® ö£õÊx Áõ\¼À Aizu AøǨ¦ ©o°ß \zu® AÁøÍ vjöµÚ umi Gʨ¤¯x. •ß¦ J¸ |õÒ ©õø»°À ö|k÷|µ® PÈzx Á¢u PºÚÀ ¤mìÂÀ¼¯® uõß ußøÚ¨£ØÔ Â\õ›UP Á¢v¸¨£õº GßÖ {øÚUøP°À AÁÍx EØ\õP® \ØÖ ]ÓPizx¨ £Ó¢ux.
17.     “while settling this point… the sound of the door-bell”.
"C¨£i GsoU öPõsi¸US® ÷£õx AøǨ¦ ©o J¼zux."
Expectation brings the unexpected as the power of the subconscious is greater than the conscious.
BÌ©Ú® ÷©À ©Úzøu Âh ö£›¯x. AuÚõÀuõß Gvº£õº¨¦ Gvº£õºUPõuÁØøÓ ö£ØÖz u¸®.
What we expect is conscious; the subconscious dwells on something else.
GßÚ Gvº£õºUQ÷Óõ® Gߣx ÷©À©ÚzvØS öu›²®. BÌ©Úzvß Â¸¨£® ÷ÁÓõP C¸US®.
The conscious does not want to acknowledge what the subconscious is occupied with.
BÌ©Úzvß Â¸¨£zøu HØP ÷©À ©Ú® ¸®¦ÁvÀø».
The colonel never comes in the story as his role is fully over.
uß ÷Áø» •i¢xÂmhuõÀ, PºÚÀ Pøu°À «sk® Á¸ÁvÀø».
Lady Catherine and Collins come to Longbourn to complete their roles.
÷»i PõzuŸÝ®, Põ¼ßéú® u[PÒ £oø¯ •iUP »õ[U£ºÝUS Á¸QßÓÚº.
The doorbell is an organisation. It lessens the surprise.
AøǨ¦ ©o J¸ Aø©¨¦. Ax Gvº£õµõu Ba\›¯[PøÍU SøÓUS®.
Her mind is uncertain as to the visitor. The proposal carries the character of her mind.
Á¢v¸¨£Áº ¯õöµßÖ AÁÒ ©ÚzvØS {a\¯©õPz öu›¯ÂÀø». AÁÒ ©Úzv¼¸¢u {a\¯ªßø© v¸©n¨ ÷£a]ß ußø©°À öuߣmhx.
Life, like Mother, gives you more than what one ignorantly asks for, in full positive atmosphere.
|À» `ǼÀ, AßøÚø¯¨ ÷£õ»÷Á ÁõÌÄ® |õ® AÔ¯õø©¯õÀ ÷Pm£øuÂh AvP©õPU öPõkUS®.
Her own stay at Hunsford is not one of enjoyment. It is one of compromising adjustment. The proposal is like that. Her father’s marriage was one of happy beginning and later endless painful adjustments. The same character repeats in her marriage, only the order is reversed.
AÁÒ íßì÷£õºiÀ u[Q¯x \¢÷uõå©õP ö£õÊøu¨ ÷£õUP AßÖ. AÁÒ u[Q¯x ÷ÁÖ ÁÈ°À»õ©À. ÂmkU öPõkUS® ÁøPø¯a ÷\º¢ux. v¸©n¨ ÷£a_® A÷u ÷£õ¼¸¢ux. AÁÍx uP¨£Úõ¸US AÁµx v¸©n® Bµ®£zvÀ ©QÌa]ø¯z u¢uõ¾® ÷£õP ÷£õP ö£õÖzx öPõÒÍ ÷Ási¯ •iÁØÓ ]µ©[PøÍz u¢ux. AÁÒ v¸©nzv¾® A÷u ÷£õÀ |hUQÓx. BÚõÀ •u¼À xߣ•® ¤ß¦ Cߣ•® Á¸QßÓÚ.
The rule of an Act repeating has various ways. This is one.
ö\¯À £» \©¯[PÎÀ v¸®£ v¸®£ |hUS® Gߣx \mh®. Caö\¯¾® A¨£i¨£mh÷u.
When the repetition begins depends upon the strength of the personality.
ö\¯À G¨÷£õx «sk® |hUS® Gߣx J¸Á›ß BÐø©°ß Á¼ø©ø¯¨ ö£õÖzux.
The curse of disappointed love who killed herself began in his third generation.
H©õ¢u Põu¼, uØöPõø» ö\´x öPõÒÐ•ß Cmh \õ£® ‰ßÓõ®
uø»•øÓ°À ö\¯À£h Bµ®¤zux.

When, where, in whom, how an act repeats is a wide subject in itself.
G[S, G¨÷£õx, ¯õ›h® ö\¯À «sk® |hUS® Gߣx ›ÁõÚ Bµõ´a]US›¯ Â寮.
The tragedy in Edmund Dantes’ life repeated in that of Fernand after a long gap as he had no conscience and Mercedes was not hurt by Fernand’s treachery.
Gm©sm uõ¢÷u°ß ÁõÌÂß AÁ»® }sh CøhöÁÎUS¨ ¤ß Lö£ºÚõsiß ÁõÌÂÀ v¸®£Ä® {PÌ¢ux. HöÚßÓõÀ AÁÝUS ©Ú\õm] CÀø». Lö£ºÚõsiß `Ìa]¯õÀ ö©º]jì Á¸zu¨£hÂÀø».
18.     “Colonel Fitzwilliam… come to enquire particularly after her”.
"AÁøÍ Â\õ›UP PºÚÀ ÁµUTk®."
The varieties of social courtesy vary according to age, situation, social expectations, social permissiveness.
Á¯x, \¢uº¨£®, \‰P Gvº£õº¨¦, \‰P AÝ©v BQ¯ÁØøÓ ö£õ¸zx \‰P ©›¯õøu £» ÁøPPÍõP ©õÖ®.
In a country where everyone kisses a lady’s hand as a mark of respect, Slope doing so to the Signora was frowned upon, as she was a married woman and he a clergyman.
©›¯õøu {ªzu® ö£soß øP°À •zuªh AÝ©v EÒÍ |õmiÀ, v¸©n©õÚ ö£snõÚ ]U÷ÚõµõÂß øPø¯ •zuªmh ©u ÷£õuPµõÚ ì÷»õ¨¤ß ö\¯À uPõux GßÖ SøÓ ö\õÀ»¨£mhx.
Society is not essentially moral, and morality does not express itself in the same fashion.
\‰PzvØS JÊUP® •UQ¯©õÚußÖ. JÊUP® G¨÷£õx® JßÖ ÷£õÀ öÁΨ£hõx.
Social expectation shows the refinement of a society.
\‰P Gvº£õº¨¦ \‰P |ÎÚ[PøÍU Põmk®.
Its prohibitions make a society beautiful by itself.
Ax uøh ö\´uøÁ, \‰Pzøu AÇPõUSQÓx.
Men standing up to receive women in England, youth respecting age similarly in India, the expectations of hospitality in various countries seen in themselves reveal the nobility of each society in its intrinsic magnificence.
C[Q»õ¢vÀ Bs GÊ¢x {ßÖ ö£søn Áµ÷ÁØ£õß. C¢v¯õÂÀ Á¯vÀ ]Ô÷¯õº, ö£›÷¯õøµ GÊ¢x {ßÖ Áµ÷ÁØ£º. JÆöÁõ¸ |õmi¾® EÒÍ Â¸¢÷uõ®£¾UPõÚ Gvº£õº¨¦PÒ A¢u \‰Pzvß EÒÐøÓ AÇQß
ö£¸ø©ø¯ öÁΨ£kzxQßÓÚ.
Comparisons based on irrational superiority are odious.
ö£õ¸zu©ØÓ HØÓuõÌÄPøÍ Ai¨£øh¯õPU öPõsh J¨¥kPÒ öÁÖUPzuUPøÁ.
What is delicacy of sentiment in one period is indelicacy in another period.
J¸ Põ»UPmhzvÀ |õ`UPõÚx GßÖ P¸u¨£mh ªøP²nºÄPÒ ÷ÁÖ Põ»UPmhzvÀ |õ`UPØÓuõQÓx.
The composition of food, its varying taste, when appreciated in itself respecting the route of its evolution makes for serious anthropological appreciation.
EnÄ ÁøPPЮ AÁØÔß £À÷ÁÖ£mh _øÁPЮ £›nõ© ÷PõnzvÀ ©ÛuÁºUP \õìvµ® Bµõ¯ ÷Ási¯ Âå¯[PÒ.
The utter lack of honesty in relationships in India where bath is a daily ritual and the extreme personal integrity in England where even the brushing of teeth was unknown till the 20th century are not comparable. Each in its own way is social sophistication.
vÚ\› SΨ£x C¢v¯õÂÀ uÁÓõu \h[S. BÚõÀ C[S EÓÄPÎøh÷¯ ÷|ºø© Gߣ÷u CÀø». C¸£uõ® ¡ØÓõsk Áøµ C[Q»õ¢vÀ £À ÷u´¨£x Th ÷PÒ¨£hõu JßÖ. BÚõÀ A[S EÓÄPÎøh÷¯ AÍÄ Ph¢u ÷|ºø© C¸¢ux. CøÁPøÍ |õ® J¨¤h÷Á •i¯õx. JÆöÁõßÖ® AuÚuß £õo°À C¸US® \‰P ÁõÌUøP•øÓ v›¦.
It baffles the rational Mind but seen in the total context of human personality’s energy requirement, it is at once self-evident. The detestable becomes a distinguishing mark.
Cx £SzuÔÄUS Ba\›¯zøuz u¸®. BÚõÀ ©Ûu BÐø©USz ÷uøÁ¯õÚ \Uvø¯¨ £ØÔ¯ ö©õzu Ps÷nõmhzvÀ £õºzuõÀ Cx öuÎÁõP ÂÍ[S®. öÁÖ¨£x »UPzuUPuõP ©õÖ®.
But this idea was soon banished, and her spirits were very differently affected, when, to her utter amazement, she saw Mr. Darcy walk into the room. In an hurried manner he immediately began an enquiry after her health, imputing his visit to a wish of hearing that she were better. She answered him with cold civility. He sat down for a few moments, and then getting up, walked about the room. Elizabeth was surprised, but said not a word. After a silence of several minutes, he came towards her in an agitated manner, and thus began –
AÁÒ ö£›x® ¯¨£øh²® £i, hõº] AøÓUSÒ ~øÇÁøu¨ £õºzu AÁÒ ÂøµÂÀ C¢u Gsnzøu APØÔÚõÒ, AÁÍx EØ\õP•® ÷ÁÖ Âu©õP £õvUP¨£mhx. ªS¢u AÁ\µzxhß, AÁß Eh÷Ú AÁÒ EhÀ |»zøu¨ £ØÔ Â\õ›zuõß. ußÝøh¯ Á¸øPUS Põµn® AÁÒ |»® GßÖ ÷PmP ¸®¤¯xuõß GßÓõß. AÁÒ J¸Âu Enºa]²ªÀ»õ©À, BÚõÀ ©›¯õøu²hß £v»ÎzuõÒ. AÁß ]» ö|õiPÒ A©º¢xÂmk, ¤ÓS GÊ¢x AøÓ°À A[Sª[S©õP |hUP Bµ®¤zuõß. G¼\ö£z Ba\›¯¨£mhõ¾®, J¸ ÁõºzøuTh ÷£\ÂÀø». £» {ªh ö©ÍÚzvØS¨ ¤ÓS AÁß AÁÎh® Á¢x £umhzxhß ÷£\ Bµ®¤zuõß,
19.     His visit cannot end without his proposing to her.
20.     To be able to see Darcy’s movement towards her is directly and fully related to her strong emotions about him, is to see the energy in movement.
21.     It can be applied to every character with benefit.
22.     Her upset emotions learnt through the Colonel brought him there. Even if he had not heard, he would have come.
23.     Elizabeth’s headache was reported to Darcy and now he asks her about it.
AÁÒ uø»Á¼ø¯ hõº] ÷PÒ¨£mk Â\õ›UQÓõß.
24.     Darcy was unable to contain his disturbed emotions.
25.     He walked about in mute silence.
26.     His heart was overcharged.
27.     He was aware of the step down from Pemberley to Longbourn.
28.     His mind and heart were at war.
29.     His heart was not under his control. He could never know that Mr. Bennet would not allow his Lizzy to marry this man who climbs down so much.
30.     “her spirits were very differently affected”.
"AÁÒ EØ\õP® ÷ÁÖ ÁøP¯õP £õvUP¨£mhx."
She was utterly astonished by the appearance of Darcy.
hõº] Á¢v¸¨£øu¨ £õºzux® AÁÒ ÷£µõa\›¯zvÀ ‰ÌQÚõÒ.
The unexpected springs a surprise.
Gvº£õµõux Ba\›¯zøuU öPõkUS®.
The utter astonishment is from the subconscious recognising its own expectation coming true.
BÌ©Ú® uß ö\õ¢u Gvº£õº¨¦ {øÓ÷ÁÔÚõÀ ÷£µõa\›¯zøu öÁΨ£kzx®.
Her spirits were depressed a moment before. She is unwilling to accept that she expected Darcy. From depression to utter astonishment she is unwilling to recognise, is “differently affected”.
J¸ PnzvØS •ßÚº uõß ÷\õºÁõP C¸¢uõÒ. uõß hõº]ø¯ Gvº£õºzuøu AÁÒ J¨¦U öPõÒÍ Â¸®£ÂÀø». ÷\õºÂ¼¸¢x ÷£µõa\›¯zvØPõÍõÚ ¤ßÝ® AÁÒ uß Gvº£õº¨ø£ J¨¦U öPõÒÍÂÀø». "÷ÁÖ ÁøP°À £õvUP¨£kQÓõÒ."
She is aware she has trapped him. It is subconscious awareness.
uõß AÁøÚ Áø»°À ÃÌzvÂmhøu AÁÒ AÔÁõÒ. Ax BÌ©Ú AÔuÀ.
The mother consciously resorts to it. It is there in the daughter.
AÁÒ uõ°h® ÷©À ©ÚzvÀ C¸¢ux. Ax G¼\ö£zvh•® Esk.
Her recognition of her mother in her affects her spirits.
uß uõ´ ußÝÒ C¸¨£øu EnºÁx AÁøͨ £õvzux.
Had the colonel reported to Darcy his conversation with Elizabeth, it is natural for Darcy to be apprehensive.
G¼\ö£zvh® uõß ÷£]¯ ÂÁµ[PøÍ PºÚÀ hõº]°h® ö\õÀ¼°¸¢uõÀ hõº] \[Ph¨£mi¸¨£õß.
Even if Darcy had not heard it, he can be equally disturbed.
Aøu PºÚÀ ö\õÀ»õ©À Âmi¸¢uõ¾® hõº] \[PhzvØPõÍõQ C¸¨£õß.
She has many reasons to be differently affected.
AÁÒ £õvUP¨£mhuØS £»Põµn[PÒ Esk:
1) She sees the man whose action reported to her disturbed her.
hõº] ö\´uuõPU ÷PÒ¨£mh Põ›¯® AÁøÍ £õvzux. A¢u hõº]ø¯ C¨÷£õx PõsQÓõÒ.
2) If it is the colonel again, it expresses an intimacy.
Ax PºÚ»õP C¸¢uõÀ ö|¸UPzøuU Põs¤US®.
3) She has discovered the mother in her.
ußÝÒ uß uõø¯U PõsQÓõÒ.
4) How to calmly converse with Darcy with the knowledge of his officious interference.
hõº] ö\´u ÷PÁ»©õÚ SÍÖ£iPøͨ £ØÔ öu›¢u ¤ßÝ® AÁ÷Úõk G¨£i Aø©v¯õP¨ ÷£\ •i²®?
5) Her presentiment of the proposal.
AÁÚx v¸©n¨ ÷£aø\¨ £ØÔ HØPÚ÷Á AÁÒ öPõsk Âmh ªøP²nºÄ.
6) His unbecoming agitation.
AÁÚx ö£õ¸zu©ØÓ {®©v°ßø©.
7) Should Charlotte come, it is tête-à-tête for a second time.
åõº÷»m Á¢uõÀ «sk® uÛzx¨ ÷£\ ÷|›k®.
8) She is prevented from reading Jane’s letters.
÷áÛß Piu[PøÍ £iUS® ÷£õx ÷|º¢u Cøh³Ö.
9) Darcy comes to her while she stayed away from Rosings.
÷µõê[éúUS AÁÒ ÷£õPõu ÷£õx®, hõº] AÁøÍz ÷ui Á¢ux.
10) If Lady Catherine guesses or knows of Darcy’s visit to her while the family is there, it is awkward.
hõº] G¼\ö£zøu ÷ui Á¢uøu, ÷»i PõzuŸß FQzuõ÷»õ AÀ»x öu›¢x öPõshõ÷»õ HØ£hU Ti¯ \[Ph®.
31.     “In an hurried manner he immediately began an enquiry after her health”.
"AÁÒ |»® ö£Ó ÷Ásk® GßÖ Â¸®¦ÁuõP AÁß AÁ\µ©õP EhÀ |»® £ØÔ Â\õ›zuõß."
His behaviour is so odd that it provoked a cold civility.
AÁÚx Â]zvµ©õÚ |hÁiUøP AÁÎh® CÖUP©õÚ ©›¯õøuø¯ E¸ÁõUQ¯x.
Formality at an intense moment of sadness makes civility cold.
wµ ÷\õP©õÚ u¸nzvÀ \®¤µuõ¯®, ©›¯õøuø¯ CÖUP©õS®.
However she responded, he could not have opened the proposal had not there been some opening in her subconscious.
BÚõÀ AÁÒ £v¼ÖzuõÒ. BÌ©Úz vÓ¨¦ CÀø» GßÓõÀ AÁÚõÀ v¸©n¨ ÷£aø\ Gkzv¸UP •i¯õx.
Without that opening, no proposal would open before her.
AzuøP¯ vÓ¨¤ßÔ G¢uz v¸©n¨ ÷£a_® AÁøÍz ÷ui Áµõx.
Her cold civility to some extent determined his offensive words.
AÁÍx CÖUP©õÚ ©›¯õøu AÁÚx Pkø©¯õÚ ÁõºzøuPÐUSU Põµn®.
A gentleman at the age of 28, facing a safe proposal cannot be so disturbed as Darcy was. The reasons are
28 Á¯uõÚ ¤µ¦ ÂÀ»[P©ØÓ v¸©n¨ ÷£a]ß ÷£õx SǨ£zv¼¸UP •i¯õx. BÚõÀ hõº] SǨ£zv¼¸UQÓõß. AuØPõÚ Põµn[PÒ:
1) He was overcoming a contradiction.
AÁß •µs£õmøh \› ö\´QÓõß.
2) She is met at his aunt’s property.
AÁß uß ]zvUSa ö\õ¢u©õÚ ÃmiÀ AÁøÍ \¢vUQÓõß.
3) He is chasing one who should be chasing him.
ußøÚ¨ ¤ß öuõhµ ÷Ási¯ÁøÍ AÁß ¤ß öuõhºQÓõß.
4) That he should be proposing at a poor Parsonage.
Á\v¯ØÓ £õv› Si¼À AÁÎh® ©n¨ ÷£aø\ GkUQÓõß.
5) This is the house of a Man on whom he frowned at Netherfield.
A¢u ÃmiÀ Si°¸¨£Áº «xuõß hõº] ö|uº¥ÀiÀ G›a\À £mhõß.
6) He is painfully conscious of her partiality to Wickham.
ÂUPõ® «x AÁÐUS C¸¢u Áõgø\ø¯ AÁß AÔ¢x Á¸¢xQÓõß.
7) He must have felt mortified as he did later with Wickham.
ÂUPõø©z uõß ¤ßÚº |hzv¯øu¨ ÷£õ» uõß        ÷PÁ»¨£kzu¨£kÁuõP EnºÁx.
8) Anne’s presence in the premises makes itself felt.
A÷u ChzvÀ Bß C¸¨£x.
9) His own conflict about her inferiority.
AÁÎß uõÌøÁ¨ £ØÔ¯ AÁÚx SǨ£®.
10) His other conflict of having stopped Jane’s marriage.
÷áÛß v¸©nzøu uõß uøh ö\´x Âm÷hõ÷© GßÓ     SǨ£®.
11) This proposal is the English version of the guillotine.
QÀ»miøÚ B[Q»zvÀ E¸©õØÔ¯x ÷£õßÓx C¢u¨ ÷£a_.
12) He is conscious of his artificial concern for her health.
AÁÒ EhÀ|»zøu¨ £ØÔ uõß Â\õ›UP Á¢ux ö\¯ØøP¯õÚx GßÖ AÁß AÔ¢v¸¢ux.
If anything, it is an atmosphere where no proposal can be mooted.
Ax v¸©n¨ ÷£a_ GkUS® `Ç»ßÖ.
Basically he is an unstable character in handling a delicate relationship in a refined way so as to please himself and another.
uõÝ®, ©ØÓÁ¸® ©QÊ©õÖ ö©ßø©¯õÚ EÓøÁ |õ`UPõP øP¯õЮ vÓø© AÁß Snõv\¯zvÀ CÀø».
His meeting her there is to him accidental as he saw her at Pemberley. This proposal resembles one in the grounds of Pemberley.
AÁß AÁøÍ A[S \¢vzux, ö£®£º¼°À \¢vzux ÷£õßÓ J¸ Gvº£õµõu £z÷u. C¢u¨ ÷£a]À ö£®£º¼ ÷uõmhzvÀ |hUS® ÷£a]ß \õ¯¼¸UQÓx.
He is not one with self-assurance and she is one who can deprive anyone of his self-assurance.
AÁÛh® ußÝÖv CÀø». AÁ÷Íõ GÁ¸øh¯ ußÝÖvø¯²® ÷£õUP ÁÀ»ÁÒ.
32.     “He sat down for a few moments”.
"AÁß ]Ôx ÷|µ® EmPõº¢uõß."
Agitation is a nervous movement of excessive unpleasant energy.
E£›¯õÚ CÛø©¯ØÓ \Uv |µ®¦PÎÀ £µÄ® ÷£õx P»UP® HØ£kQÓx.
Agitation can be pleasant too.
P»UP® CÛø©¯õÚuõPÄ® C¸UP»õ®.
It is by the weight of the occasion or the timidity of the nerves.
Ax \¢uº¨£zvß PÚzøu²®, |µ®¤ß £»ÃÚzøu²® ö£õ¸zux.
An unformed person can be easily excited, disturbed, agitated and upset.
Áͺa]¯ØÓÁºPÒ GÎuõP £µ£µ¨¦, P»UP®, {®©v°ßø©, ÷\õºÄ BQ¯ÁØÖUS BÍõQÂkÁõºPÒ.
He is in a situation which is too much for anyone.
Áͺa]¯ØÓÁºPÒ GÎuõP £µ£µ¨¦, P»UP®, {®©v°ßø©, ÷\õºÄ BQ¯ÁØÖUS BÍõQÂkÁõºPÒ.
He is one completely unfit to meet exciting emergencies.
£µ£µ¨§mk® ö|¸UPiPøÍ GvºöPõÒЮ uSv AÁÛh® ]Ôx® CÀø».
His shyness is from his awareness of lack of best upbringing.
uõß \›¯õP ÁͺUP¨£hÂÀø» GßÓ AÔuÀ AÁÝUS öÁmPzøuz u¢ux.
A lonely child knows not how to behave. How can he face this moment.
uÛ¯õP J÷µ SÇ¢øu¯õP C¸¢uÁÝUS G¨£i |h¢x öPõÒÍ ÷Ásk® GßÖ öu›¯õx. Czu¸nzøu AÁß G¨£i Gvº öPõÒÐÁõß?
Proposal is once in a lifetime where most will be embarrassed.
ÁõÌÂÀ J¸ •øÓ÷¯ Á¸® v¸©n¨ ÷£a_ ö£¸®£õ÷»õ¸US
uº©\[Phzøuz u¸®.

This is an unusual proposal, unexpected by her, which he is resorting to under undue psychological stress.
hõº]°ß PõuÀ A\õuõµn©õÚx. AÁÒ Gvº£õºUPõux. ©Ú® uͺ¢x ÷£õ´ C¸US® ÷£õx hõº] Aøuz u¸QÓõß.
Her own countenance offers no encouragement.
AÁÍx •P£õÁ® AÁÝUS |®¤UøP³mkÁuõP CÀø».
He is one who cannot sit quiet even in an assembly and walks about the room.
£»º Ti°¸US® ChzvÀ Th AÁÚõÀ EmPõµ •i¯õx. AøÓø¯a _ØÔ |hUQÓõß.
Twice before he met with flat refusals and once a mortifying provocation.
Cµsk •øÓ ©Ö¨ø£²®, J¸ •øÓ G›a\¿mk® AÁ©õÚzøu²® \¢vzx Âmhõß.
He is in the premises of a buffoon whom he has snubbed and looks down upon.
uõß ÷P¼ ö\´x AÁ©vzu ÷Põ©õ롧 ÃmiÀ AÁß C¸UQÓõß.
His own proposal may remind him of Wickham’s approach to Georgiana.
AÁß |h¢x öPõÒЮ •øÓ, ÂUPõ® áõºâ¯õÚõÂh® |h¢x öPõsh •øÓø¯ AÁÝUS {øÚÅmhU Tk®.
In his own mind the contrast of proposals to Caroline and Elizabeth can be there.
AÁß ©ÚvØS P÷µõ¼Ûh® ÷£_® v¸©n¨ ÷£a_US®, G¼\ö£zvh® ÷£_® v¸©n¨ ÷£a_US® EÒÍ Âzv¯õ\® £ØÔ öu›¢v¸US®.
His money value becomes valueless here, of which he is painfully conscious.
AÁß £nzvß ©v¨¦ C[S ö\À¾£i¯õPÂÀø». Aøu AÁß Á¸zuzxhß Enº¢v¸¢uõß.
There was not one pleasant conversation with her to soften this moment.
C¢uz u¸nzøu ö©ßø©¯õUPÁÀ» J÷µ J¸ CÛ¯ Eøµ¯õhÀ Th A[÷P {PÇÂÀø».
Though in England men kneel before women to propose, it is not in a gentleman to ask for a favour. It makes anyone awkward.
C[Q»õ¢vÀ Põuø»z öu›ÂUP Bs ö£soß •ß ©si°kÁx ÁÇUP÷©. BÚõÀ J¸ ¤µ¦ÁõÀ Eu ÷PmP •i¯õx. Ax ÷P¼U TzuõP C¸US®.
The one favourable circumstance is the season.
£¸ÁPõ»® Jß÷Ó \õuP©õÚ A®\®.
Being spring, his own love begins to blossom.
Á\¢u Põ»©õÚuõÀ AÁß PõuÀ ©»µ Bµ®¤zux.
He could have been shocked though pleasantly on hearing of her being there.
G¼\ö£z A[Q¸UQÓõÒ GßÖ ÷PÒ¨£mh ÷£õx CÁÝUS CÛ¯ Avºa] EshõQ C¸US®.
He may have felt that she was aware of his chasing her.
AÁß AÁøÍz öuõhºÁx AÁÐUSz öu›²® Gߣøu AÁß Enº¢v¸UPU Tk®.
He is one who cannot express himself well. He is aware of it.
hõº] ußøÚz öuÎÁõP öÁΨ£kzu •i¯õuÁß. Ax AÁÝUSz öu›²®.
He is like one having stage fear who has to appear before a big audience.
ö£›¯ Tmhzvß •ß ÷©øh÷¯Ô ÷£\ Ag_£ÁøÚ¨ ÷£õÀ hõº] C¸UQÓõß.
33.     “Elizabeth was surprised, but said not a word”.
"Ba\›¯©øh¢uõ¾® G¼\ö£z J¸ Áõºzøu²® ÷£\ÂÀø»."
She did not say a word as she could not. The atmosphere was weighty.
÷£\ •i¯ÂÀø». AuÚõÀ ÷£\ÂÀø». `ÇÀ PÚzv¸¢ux.
In the whole story there are two intense moments.
ö©õzu Pøu°À Cµsk wµ©õÚ u¸n[PÒ Á¸QßÓÚ.
This is one but, in spite of the appearance, it is positive.
AÁØÔÀ Cx JßÖ. ÷uõØÓ® ©õÓõP C¸¢uõ¾® Cx |À» u¸n®.
Lydia’s elopement is the other and is negative.
¼i¯õ Ki¨ ÷£õÁx ©ØöÓõ¸ u¸n®. Ax uÁÓõÚ u¸n®.
In a story there needs to be at least one such moment.
J¸ Pøu°À SøÓ¢u£m\® Cx ÷£õßÓ J¸ u¸n® C¸UP ÷Ásk®.
Devotees will meet with such MOMENTS.
AߣºPÒ Ax ÷£õßÓ u¸n[PøÍ \¢v¨£xsk.
All of them will be positive.
AøÁ AzuøÚ²® |À»øÁ¯õP C¸US®.
There is no devotee who has not seen one such moment every year.
Á¸hzvØS J¸ •øÓ¯õÁx A¨£i¨£mh u¸nzøuU Põnõu Aߣº C¸UP •i¯õx.
There are several cases who meet with one every month.
£» AߣºPÒ ©õuzvØöPõ¸ •øÓ C¨£i¨£mh u¸n[PøÍ Põs£xsk.
Several such moments arise together when Grace acts.
A¸Ò ö\¯À £k® ÷£õx J÷µ \©¯zvÀ £» |À»øÁ |hUS®.
Those are moments when the devotee is open to Super grace.
Aߣº ÷£µ¸øÍ ö£Óz u¯õµõP C¸US® ÷£õx AzuøP¯ u¸n[PÒ Á¸®.
In life a lucky person gets a glimpse of it.
ÁõÌÂÀ AvºåhUPõµÝUS Ax öuߣk®.
Every devotee, in that sense, is more than lucky.
A¢u ÁøP°À JÆöÁõ¸ AßøÚ Aߣ¸® AvºåhUPõµøÚ Âh ÷©»õÚÁß.
A devotee is lucky when Grace turns into Super grace.
A¸Ò ÷£µ¸ÍõS® ÷£õx AßøÚ Aߣº Avºåh\õ¼¯õQÓõº.
Jane Austen’s description of Darcy has a touch of imbalance.
hõº]ø¯¨ £ØÔ¯ ÷áß BìiÛß ÁºnøÚ {uõÚ©ØÓx ÷£õ¼¸UQÓx.
A mean, proud, conceited, selfish man moving to gentlemanliness feels like going insane.
uõÌ¢u, PºÁ©õÚ, _¯|»ªUP ©Ûuß E¯º¢u ©ÛuÚõP ©õÓU Tk® Gߣx ]zu® P»[Q¨ ÷£õÁx ÷£õ¼¸UQÓx.
A genius acting in social life is insane to the population.
\‰P ÁõÌÂÀ ö\¯À£k® ÷©uõ ö£õx ©UPÐUS ø£zv¯UPõµøÚ¨ ÷£õÀ ÷uõØөΨ£õß.
Darcy could not stay there after the proposal.
v¸©n¨ ÷£a_US¨ ¤ß hõº]¯õÀ A[Q¸UP •i¯ÂÀø».
She is the more stable personality of the two.
AÁºPÒ C¸Á›À G¼\ö£z {uõÚ©õÚÁÒ.
After the letter, in two hours she has completed her transformation though it is only to shed the irrational partiality.
Piu® Qøhzu Cµsk ©o ÷|µ[PÐUSÒ AÁÒ ußøÚ ©õØÔU öPõÒQÓõÒ. £SzuÔÁØÓ £õµ£m\zøu ©mk® AÁÒ Âmk ÂkQÓõÒ.
He took a few months to transform himself.
ußøÚ ©õØÔU öPõÒÍ hõº]US ]» ©õu[PÒ ÷uøÁ¨£mhÚ.
She was acquiring rationality without fully giving up the charm.
G¼\ö£z Á^Pµzøu ÂmkÂhõ©À, £SzuÔøÁ¨ ö£ÖQÓõÒ.
His was a vast transformation of Nature unheard of.
AÁß ©õØÓ÷© GÁ¸® ÷PÒ¨£miµõu _£õÁzøu÷¯ v¸ÄÖ©õØÖ® ö\¯À.
Her abuse calmed him down; it is the use of abuse.
AÁÐøh¯ vmk AÁøÚ {uõÚ¨£kzv¯x. Ax÷Á vmiß £¯ß.
"In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you."
"|õß £¯ÛÀ»õ©À ÷£õµõi°¸UQ÷Óß. CÛ Cx •i¯õx. GßÝøh¯ EnºÄPøÍ AhUP •i¯ÂÀø». |õß GÆÁÍÄ ©Ú¨§ºÁ©õP EßøÚU Põu¼UQ÷Óß, ¸®¦Q÷Óß GÚ ö\õÀÁuØS } GßøÚ AÝ©vUP ÷Ásk®."
34.     He was struggling.
35.     It was a struggle of property, status, superiority, utter absence of any semblance of culture.
36.     Above all, he had the least idea of her whom he desires.
37.     She is a veritable volcano as such.
38.     “It will not do” – what will not do? For whom?
39.     How is it appropriate here at all.
40.     There cannot be a more clownish outpouring than this.
41.     Who represses it? Why does he tell her all that? Is this the way for one to announce his admiration?
42.     At best, it is crude and boorish.
43.     Darcy is like a naughty child crying for the moon.
44.     He was incoherent, aiming to communicate nothing.
45.     His proposal begins with his struggles and he says his feelings cannot be repressed. This is blatantly selfish. He is not ashamed of expressing it.
GßøÚ ©nUP ÷Ásk® GÚU ÷PmP Á¢uÁß uß ©Ú¨÷£õµõmhzøu¨ £ØÔ²® & AÁß ©Ú GÊa]ø¯ AhUPU Thõx GÚÄ® Bµ®¤UQÓõß. AuØS AÁß öÁmP¨£hĪÀø».
46.     “In vain have I struggled”.
"£¯ÛßÔ ÷£õµõi÷Úß."
He begins with ‘in vain’ and it ends in vain.
£¯ÛßÔ GßÓ ÁõºzøuP÷Íõk GßÖ Bµ®¤zu ö\¯À £¯ÚØÖ ÷£õ°ØÖ.
His struggle is not part of the proposal.
AÁß ÷£õµõmh® v¸©nz vmhzvß J¸ £Sv AÀ».
It is uncouth to speak of his struggle to her.
AÁ÷Íõk ÷£õµõkÁx £ØÔ ÷£_Áx A|õP›P©õÚ ö\¯À.
Ardent lovers yearn and long.
wµ©õÚ Põu»ºPÒ ÁõkÁº, H[SÁº.
Their struggle is to live with an emotion that cannot be contained.
Pmk¨£kzu •i¯õu Enº÷Áõk ÁõÌÁ÷u AÁºPÐøh¯ ÷£õµõmh®.
He struggled to overcome a conflict between Mind and emotions.
AÁß ©ÚzvØS® EnºÂØS©õÚ •µs£õkPøÍ öÁÀ»÷Á ÷£õµõiÚõß.
There is no ideal or refinement about his struggle.
AÁß ÷£õµõmhzvÀ C»m]¯÷©õ, |ÎÚ÷©õ CÀø».
At best it is selfish.
Ax _¯|»©õÚx.
It was a struggle, as it was selfish.
_¯|»ª¸¢uuõÀ Ax ÷£õµõmh©õQ¯x.
Like Collins, Darcy wants to be adored for being boorish.
Põ¼ßì ÷£õ»÷Á, uß A|õP›P©õÚ ö\¯À ÷£õØÓ¨£h ÷Ásk® GßÖ hõº] ¸®¦QÓõß.
He has the intelligence of a stupid person.
AÁÛh® ‰hÛß AÔÄuõß C¸UQÓx.
His longing for her is an insistent demand.
AÁÐUPõP AÁß H[SÁx, ÁئÖzvU ÷Pm£øu ÷£õ¼¸UQÓx.
His emotions are in a turmoil which gives rise to turbulence.
AÁÚx uzuÎUS® EnºÄPÒ öPõ¢uΨø£ EshõUQÚ.
It deprives him of physical stability.
Ax Eh¼ß {uõÚzøuU öPkzux.
He commences with ‘in vain’ as he is a vain personality.
AÁß BÐø© £¯ß u¸® Ásn® CµõuuõÀ '£¯ÚØÖ' GßÖ Bµ®¤UQÓõß.
The intensity of his struggle to be a normal man would be equal to that of Mrs. Bennet had she tried to be a Lady.
Mrs. ö£ßÚm E¯ºSi ö£s ÷£õ» ©õÓ GzuøÚ ¤µ¯zuÚ¨£h ÷Ásk÷©õ A¢u AÍÄ ¤µ¯zuÚzøu \µõ\› ©ÛuÚõP ©õÓ hõº] GkUP ÷Ásk®.
Psychological growth is harder than social progress.
\‰PzvÀ •ß÷ÚÖÁøu Âh ©ÚÁͺa] AøhÁx ]µ©©õÚx.
Mental progress of intelligence is not psychological growth.
AÔÄ Áͺa] ©ÚÁͺa] BPõx.
Mind becomes psychological when it acts on life.
ÁõÌÂÀ ö\¯À£k® ÷£õx uõß ©Ú® Gߣx ©Ú¨§ºÁ©õÚuõQÓx.
Opinion thus becomes attitude.
P¸zx C¨£izuõß ©÷Úõ£õÁ©õQÓx.
Motive is farther down deep in the physical.
÷|õUP® BÇzvÀ Eh¼À EøÓQÓx.
Attitude is of the feelings and emotions.
©÷Úõ£õÁ® EnºÄPÒ \®£¢u¨£mhx.
Motives are by the sensation.
÷|õUP[PÒ Enºa]PÒ Ehø»z öuõkÁuõÀ ¤ÓUQßÓÚ.
Opinion is learnt, attitude is acquired.
P¸zxUPøÍ AÔQ÷Óõ®; ©÷Úõ£õÁ[Pøͨ ö£ÖQ÷Óõ®.
Motives are born.
Aspiration is beyond motives.
BºÁ® ÷|õUP[PøÍU Ph¢ux.
47.     “It will not do”.
"J¸ £¯ÝªÀø»."
This is crass selfishness.
Cx •Ê _¯|»®.
‘It will not do’ to whom?
¯õ¸US J¸ £¯ÝªÀø»?
He must be shameless to speak out so selfishly.
öÁmP[öPmhÁÚõÀ uõß CÆÁÍÄ _¯|»zxhß ÷£\ •i²®.
All his life, it shows, he lived and spoke selfishly.
ÁõÌ|õÒ •ÊÁx® AÁß _¯|»z÷uõk ÷£], ÁõÌ¢x Á¢v¸UQÓõß GߣøuU PõmkQÓx.
His position permitted the display of selfishness.
AÁß {ø» _¯|»zøu öÁΨ£kzu AÝ©vzux
No one has taught him not to speak selfishly.
_¯|»z÷uõk ÷£\U Thõx GßÖ ¯õ¸® AÁÝUS ö\õÀ¼z uµÂÀø».
The selfishness of an aristocrat is his mean privilege.
¤µ¦Âß _¯|»® AÁÚx CÈÁõÚ E›ø©.
Obviously, he is oblivious of his character.
uß Snõv\¯zøu¨ £ØÔ AÁÝUSz öu›¯ÂÀø» Gߣx öuÎÁõPz öu›QÓx.
It is the illusion of the obvious.
Pso¸¢x® S¸hÚõP C¸¨£x.
It is for the personality to whom illusion is illumination.
S¸mkzuÚ÷© bõÚ® GßÓ Snõv\¯® öPõshÁºPÒ A¨£izuõß C¸¨£õºPÒ.
Such people adopt superstitions as ideals.
A¨£i¨£mhÁºPÒ ‰h|®¤UøPPøÍ C»m]¯[PÍõPU öPõÒÁõºPÒ.
In them all the energy for progress goes to fortify superstition.
AÁºPÎh® C¸US® •ß÷ÚØÓzvØPõÚ \Uv AøÚzx® ‰h|®¤UøPPøÍ £»¨£kzxÁvÀ ö\»ÁõS®.
Valuing of status for status’ sake is one such.
A¢uìuõÚÁºPøÍ A¢uìzxUPõP ©v¨£x AÁØÔÀ JßÖ.
It is form without content.
Ax ö£õ¸ÍØÓ öÁÖ[Tk.
Blood and caste are so valued.
Cµzu EÓÄPЮ, áõvPЮ A¨£izuõß ©vUP¨£kQßÓÚ.
Rituals and ceremonies are for those people.
\h[SPЮ \®¤µuõ¯[PЮ AÁºPÐUS E›¯øÁ.
They usually refuse to leave their birthplace.
ö£õxÁõP AÁºPÒ ¤Ó¢u Chzøu Âmk Si ö£¯µ ©õmhõºPÒ.
If forced out of the native village, they doubly reinforce the value of blood, status, caste, form and ceremonies.
ö\õ¢u Føµ Âmk öÁÔ÷¯Ó ÷|º¢uõÀ Cµzu EÓÄPÒ, A¢uìx, áõv, ÷uõØÓ®, \h[SPÒ BQ¯ÁØÔØS CßÝ® AvP •UQ¯zxÁ® u¸ÁõºPÒ.
In the measure one is given up, the other is fortified.
JßøÓ G¢u AÍÂØS ÂkQÓõºP÷Íõ A¢u AÍÂØS CßöÚõßÖ £»® ö£Ö®.
Degree thus acquires a non-existent value.
C¨£i¨ ö£Ö® £mhzvØS J¸ ©v¨¦ªÀø».
Money value is the most powerful of them.
AøÁPÎÀ £n ©v¨¦ AvP£m\ Á¼ø©²øh¯x.
They give the physical reality to a social unreality.
\‰Pzv¼¸US® {a\¯©ØÓÁøPPÐUS AÁºPÒ {a\¯•ÒÍ áh¹£® u¸QÓõºPÒ.
The world wars were fought to destroy such values.
CzuøP¯ ©v¨¦PøÍz uPºUP÷Á E»P¨ ÷£õºPÒ |h¢uÚ.
It is not enough one dies, but the body needs to be crushed, tormented, tortured and tyrannised for it to outgrow such values.
CÓ¨£x ©mk® ÷£õuõx. EhÀ |_UP¨£mk, xߣ¨£mk, ]zuµÁøu¨£mk, öPõkø©US BÍõÚõÀuõß AzuøP¯ ©v¨¦PøÍ Ph¢x Áµ •i²®.
48.     “My feelings will not be repressed”.
"Gß EnºÄPøÍ AhUP¨ ÷£õÁvÀø»."
They are not feelings but passions.
AøÁ EnºÄPÒ AÀ», Bø\PÒ.
Passion is physical.
Bø\ ìy»©õÚx.
Even passion can be crude.
Bø\ ©mh©õÚuõP C¸UP •i²®.
A boor is socially not tolerable.
|õP›P©ØÓÁøÚ \‰PzvÀ ö£õÖzxU öPõÒÍ •i¯õx.
Boorish behaviour in a gentleman is despicable.
E¯ºSi ©ÛuÛh•ÒÍ |õP›P©ØÓ |hzøu öÁÖUPzuUPx.
Uncultured nations acquiring values, values become perfect.
|õP›P Áͺa]¯ØÓ |õkPÒ £s¦Pøͨ ö£ØÓõÀ £s¦PÒ ö\®ø© ö£Ö®.
It is a structure without foundation like the organisation of Europe.
Ax I÷µõ¨£õ¾ÒÍ Aø©¨ø£¨ ÷£õßÖ Ai¨£øh¯ØÓ Aø©¨¦.
Perfection of Germany will not serve a positive purpose.
öáº©Û°ß ö\®ø©, |À» Põ›¯® GuØS® £¯ß£hõx.
Intellectuality of France cannot defend the borders.
¤µõßêß AÔÁõØÓ»õÀ Auß GÀø»PøÍU PõUP •i¯õx.
Intellectuality is not character.
AÔÁõØÓÀ Snõv\¯©õPõx.
Even vast spiritual enlightenment is useless if you cannot defend your borders.
GÀø»PøÍU Põ¨£õØÓ •i¯õu £µ¢u BߪP ÂÍUP® £¯ÚØÓx.
The honour and goodness of Great Britain are not enough to preserve her status after the war.
÷£õ¸US ¤ß ¤›mhÛß {ø»ø¯ Auß ©›¯õøu¯õ¾®, |À»zuÚzuõ¾® Põ¨£õØÓ •i¯ÂÀø».
It needs financial foundation in the depths.
BÇzvÀ £n® Buõµ©õP C¸¨£x AÁ]¯©õQÓx.
Below that courage and character are demanded.
AuØS® R÷Ç øu›¯•®, |ØSn[PЮ ÷uøÁ¨£kQßÓÚ.
All these are of value only if Spirit pervades below.
Bß©õ RÊÒÍ AøÚzøu²® uÊÂÚõÀ ©mk÷© CÁØÔØöPÀ»õ® ©v¨¦sk.
The Muslims could not have destroyed the Hindu temples if they had been spiritually secure and strong.
BߪP £»•®, EÖv²® C¢xUPÒ ö£ØÔ¸¢uõÀ C¢xU ÷PõÂÀPøÍ •ì¼®PÒ uPºzv¸UP •i¯õx.
A strong spiritual centre cannot be attacked.
Á¼ø©¯õÚ BߪP ø©¯® uõUSu¾US BÍõPõx.
Its weakness will make the attackers prosper.
Auß £»ÃÚ® uõUS£ÁºPÐUS öÁØÔø¯z u¸®.
If the strength is real, he who attacks will be powdered.
Á¼ø© Esø©¯õÚõÀ uõUS£Áß ö£õi¨ ö£õi¯õÁõß.
Hindu temples were destroyed in hundreds because there was no spiritual content to defend itself.
ußøÚz uõ÷Ú PõzxU öPõÒÍ ÁÀ» BߪP¨ ö£õ¸Ò CÀ»õuuõÀ uõß ¡ØÖUPnUPõÚ C¢xU ÷PõÂÀPÒ ö|õÖUP¨£mhÚ.
Obviously those who attack have no spirituality in them.
uõUS£ÁºPÎh® BߪP® C¸UPõx Gߣx öuÎÄ.
Those who attack and prosper are hostile.
uõUQ, ö\Ȩ£ÁºPÒ w¯ \UvPÒ.
49.     “You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”
"EßøÚ GzuøÚ BºÁz÷uõk ÷£õØÔU Põu¼UQ÷Óß Gߣøu EßÛh® ö\õÀ» } AÝ©vUP ÷Ásk®."
After the initial uncouth exhibition, this comes as an anti-climax.
Bµ®£zvÀ ¸®£zuPõu |hzøuø¯ öÁΨ£kzv¯ ¤ßÚº C¨÷£õx vjº v¸¨£® HØ£kQÓx.
At best it is jarring.
Cx A£ìÁµ®.
Perhaps he loves with his body.
AÁß uß Eh»õÀ Põu¼UQÓõß ÷£õ¾®.
His is not the emotions that are capable of admiration.
AÁß EnºÄPÒ ÷£õØÖ® vÓÚØÓøÁ.
As he is one who enjoys submission, he can command admiration.
AÁÝUS ¤Óº R̨£iÁuõÀ, ¤Óº AÁøÚ¨ ÷£õØÓ»õ®.
Admiration is vital looking up with knowledge.
EnºÄ AÔ÷Áõk £õµõmkÁ÷u ÷£õØÖuÀ.
He has the knowledge of her inferior connections.
AÁÐøh¯ uõÌ¢u EÓÄPøͨ £ØÔzuõß AÁÝUSz öu›²®.
One who is in love cannot be aware of anything but his object.
PõuÀ Á¯¨£mhÁß uß Põu¼ø¯z uµ ÷ÁÖ Gøu²® £õºUP ©õmhõß.
Drona asked Duryodhana, Bishma, Arjuna to shoot a bird and asked each of them what he saw. Everyone described the bird and the surroundings. Arjuna saw the bird and only the bird.
£ÓøÁ «x A®ö£´¯ x›÷¯õuÚß, ¥©ß, AºáüÚß BQ÷¯õøµ¨ £ozu x÷µõnº JÆöÁõ¸Á¸® Põs£öußÚ GßÖ ÷Pmhõº. GÀ÷»õ¸® £ÓøÁø¯²®, Aøua _ØÔ C¸¨£ÁØøÓ¨ £ØÔ²® ÂÁ›zuÚº. AºáüÚß J¸Áßuõß £ÓøÁø¯ ©mk÷© £õºzuõß.
A lover is a hero of love.
Põu»ß Põu¼ß uø»Áß.
He can see his love and only her.
AÁÚõÀ uß Põu¼ø¯z uµ ÷ÁÖ Gøu²® Põn •i¯õx.
To be aware of her family’s behaviour is not given to a lover.
Põu¼°ß Sk®£zvß |hzøuø¯U PshÔÁx Põu¾US Jzx Áµõx.
Love is a passion that consumes.
ÂÊ[PÁÀ» Bø\÷¯ PõuÀ.
A lover adores, not merely admires.
Põu»ß ÷£õØÖÁ÷uõk, §âUPÄ® ö\´Áõß.
His vital being overgrows his physical being.
AÁß Ehø» Âh EnºÄ ÷©÷»õ[Q Á͸®.
Love knows no conflict.
Põu¾US \a\µÄPÒ £ØÔz öu›¯õx.
Conflict means a part of his energies are engaged by love.
\a\µÄ Á¢uõÀ Ax AÁÚx \Uv°ß J¸ £Svø¯ Põu¼ ^skQÓõÒ GßÖ ö£õ¸Ò.
No love is in vain.
G¢u Põu¾® Ãs ÷£õPõx.
No love struggles for existence.
G¢uU Põu¾® ÁõǨ ÷£õµõkÁvÀø».
The struggle of love is to contain its overflowing emotions.
ö£õ[Q ÁȲ® EnºÄPøÍU PmkUSÒ øÁ¨£÷u Põu¼À ÷£õµõmh©õS®.
Darcy is an instrument of the French Revolution, not a lover.
hõº] ¤öµg_ ¦µm]°ß P¸Â. AÁß J¸ Põu»ÚÀ».
He becomes a lover after her rejecting him.
G¼\ö£z AÁøÚ {µõP›zu ¤ß AÁß AÁøÍ Põu¼UP Bµ®¤zuõß.
Her refusal taught him what it is to love.
AÁÒ ©Ö¨÷£õ, PõuÀ GßÓõÀ GßÚ GßÖ PØÖU öPõkzux.
Love is the soul’s reception of ananda.
Bß©õ BÚ¢uzøu Áµ÷ÁØ£÷u PõuÀ.
Love is bliss on earth, making earth better than heaven.
§÷»õPzvÀ PõuÀ BÚ¢u©¯©õÚx. §ªø¯ ö\õºUPzøu Âh ÷©»õÚuõUSQÓx.
Elizabeth's astonishment was beyond expression. She stared, coloured, doubted, and was silent. This he considered sufficient encouragement; and the avowal of all that he felt, and had long felt for her, immediately followed. He spoke well; but there were feelings besides those of the heart to be detailed, and he was not more eloquent on the subject of tenderness than of pride. His sense of her inferiority -- of its being a degradation -- of the family obstacles which judgment had always opposed to inclination, were dwelt on with a warmth which seemed due to the consequence he was wounding, but was very unlikely to recommend his suit.
G¼\ö£zvØS ö\õÀö»õsnõ Ba\›¯® Eshõ°ØÖ. |õnzuõÀ •P® ]Á¢x, |®£ •i¯õ©À, AÁøÚ EØÖ ÷|õUQ¯ÁõÖ ö©ÍÚ©õP C¸¢uõÒ. Cx AÁÝUS¨ ÷£õx©õÚ AÍÂØS øu›¯zøu AÎzux. AÁß GßÚöÁÀ»õ® {øÚzuõ÷Úõ Aøu¨£ØÔ²® AÁÒ÷©À öPõsi¸¢u EnºÄPøͨ £ØÔ²® JÎÄ ©øÓÂßÔ J¨¦U öPõshõß. AÁß ÷£]¯x ]Ó¨£õP C¸¢ux, BÚõÀ ÂÁµ©õP ö\õÀÁuØS AÁÝøh¯ ©Úzvß EnºÄPøÍz uµ ÷ÁÖ £» EnºÄPЮ AÁÝUS C¸¢uÚ. Ãsö£¸ø©²hß ÷£_Áx uõß AÁÝUSz öu›¢v¸¢u÷u uµ ö©ßø©¯õP ÷£_ÁuØS›¯ ö\õÀ»õØÓÀ AÁÛh® CÀø». AÁÐøh¯ uõÌ¢u {ø»ø¯¨£ØÔ AÁÝøh¯ {øÚ¨¦, ußÝøh¯ uSvUS R÷Ç CÓ[Q Á¸Q÷Óõ÷©õ GßÓ Gsn® && AÁÐøh¯ Sk®£® J¸ uøh¯õP C¸¨£x® && CøÁ GÀ»õÁØøÓ²® ©v¨¥k ö\´u ö£õÊx, wº¨¦ AÁÝøh¯ ¸¨£zvØS GvµõP÷Á C¸¢ux. CuÚõÀ AÁÝøh¯ A¢uìx ö£›x® £õvUP¨£kÁuõÀ, AuøÚ DkPmk® ÁøP°À CøÁ GÀ»õÁØøÓ²®£ØÔ BºÁ©õP¨ ÷£]Úõß. BÚõÀ CÆÁõÖ ÷£_Áx AÁøÚ Czv¸©nzvØS ]£õ›_ ö\´¯ÂÀø».
50.     To Elizabeth it was a surprise like a bombshell.
51.     She was unable to comprehend what she heard.
52.     It was never in her thoughts that she was being loved. It was pure astonishment.
53.     When strong life currents meet, they meet to burst upon each other.
54.     It is interesting to ‘see’ that even at this point the great turmoil that followed could have been replaced by an introspection when we go step by step.
55.     The great power of human choice every minute will fully reveal if we consider that the potentials existed at each moment.
56.     Now we can only follow what has happened.
57.     She does everything but think – there can be no thought.
58.     She stared, coloured, doubted, was silent. It was all neutral, nothing negative.
59.     At this point, Darcy pauses and places his compunctions before her, wounding her.
60.     “He spoke well” – It is a point when the right turn would have been taken.
61.     She did not encourage him, making the neutral surprise into a positive thought.
62.     In one sense, he is subconsciously aware of his inferior mind. It comes out as her inferior status.
63.     As it was no part of her thoughts, she was startled by his utterance. It was something she could not fit into any scheme of her thoughts. Hence, she was in a daze.
Cx AÁÒ PØ£øÚ°¾ªÀ»õuuõÀ AÁÐUSz yUQÁõ›¨ ÷£õkQÓx. G¢u ÁøP°¾® AÁÐUS¨ ¦›¯õu Â寮 GߣuõÀ ©Ú® vøPzux.
64.     All these months his love for her was intense. He found that intensity only as his overcoming his attraction to her. His proposal is like inviting a child to be branded. Class-consciousness is crass stupidity.
PõuÀ Gߣx AÁÝUS G¨£i AÁøÍ uß ©Úzvß Gvº¨ø£²®, öÁÖ¨ø£²® «Ô HØ£x GßÓ ÷£õµõmh®. £nzvß ö£¸ø© ©Úzvß ]Öø©. SÇ¢øuø¯a `k ÷£õh Á¸¢v¯øǨ£x ÷£õßÓx AÁß ÂkUS® AøǨ¦.
65.     He dwells on her inferior connection. Darcy is downright STUPID. He has the intelligence of crass stupidity. He argues with himself that only by describing her own inferior station in life the superior force of his love can be brought out.
G¼éö£zvß Sk®£® uõÌ¢ux GßQÓõß. hõº] Ai©øh¯ß. C¢u Âå¯zvÀ ©øh¯ÝUS GkzxUPõmhõP C¸UQÓõß. AÁÐøh¯ {ø»ø¯ ÂÁµ©õP AÁÎh® TÔÚõÀuõß uß Põu¼ß Avwµ® AÁÐUS ÂÍ[S® GÚ {øÚUQÓõß. A¨£õ Sv¸USÒ C¸¨£øua ö\õßÚõÀuõß uõß \› Gߣx ©øh¯Ûß Áõu®. uP¨£Úõº PmhøÍø¯ {øÓ÷ÁØÖ® Phø©¯x GÚ AÁß {øÚ¨£øu¨ ÷£õÀ hõº] ©ÚzxÒ ÁõuõkQÓõß. uß ö\õØPÒ AÁøÍa _k® GßÓ AÔÄ CÀ»õuÁß hõº].
66.     “Elizabeth’s astonishment was beyond expression”.
"G¼\ö£z ö\õÀö»õsnõz vU¤µø©US BÍõÚõÒ."
She was discomfited on his entry.
AÁß ÁµÄ AÁÐUS \[Phzøuz u¢ux.
She could have expressed discomfiture.
\[Phzøu AÁÒ öÁΨ£kzv°¸UP»õ®.
Now he admires, offers love.
C¨÷£õx ÷£õØÖQÓõß, Põu¼UQ÷Óß GßQÓõß.
From discomfiture to love is not a path the human heart knows.
\[Phzv¼¸¢x Põu¾US ÷£õS® ÁÈ ©Ûu Cu¯® AÔ¯õux.
Being unable to offer a response dazes a person.
£vÀ ö\õÀ» •i¯õu {ø»ø©US BÍõÁx J¸Áøµ ìu®¤UP øÁUS®.
She was not prepared for a declaration of love.
Põuø» ¤µPhÚ¨£kzu AÁÒ CßÝ® u¯õµõPÂÀø».
Nor was she disposed to return love in her turn.
Põuø» HØÖ, uõÝ® AÁøÚU Põu¼US® {ø»°¾® AÁÒ CÀø».
There was no occasion for her to think of him in terms of love.
AÁøÚ Põu»ÚõP {øÚUP øÁUPU Ti¯ \¢uº¨£® GxÄ® ÷|µÂÀø».
It would be a new emotion, if it emerged in her.
J¸ ÷ÁøÍ Ax öÁΨ£mhõÀ Ax ¦zu®¦x EnºÁõPzuõß C¸US®.
Nothing like that was there in her heart.
A¨£i¨£mh GxÄ® AÁÒ Cu¯zvÀ CÀø».
She was non-plussed.
AÁÒ \¢÷uõ娣hÂÀø».
It is like stopping a vehicle sliding down a slope.
Ax ÷©mi¼¸¢x RÌ÷|õUQ \›²® Ásiø¯ {ÖzxÁx ÷£õßÓx.
How is she to reverse and move up hill.
vø\ø¯ ©õØÔ, Ásiø¯ ÷©À ÷|õUQa ö\¾zu AÁÍõÀ G¨£i •i²®?
Neither he, nor the situation, nor her inner attitude is able to handle the occasion.
AÁ÷Úõ, \¢uº¨£÷©õ, AÁÒ ©÷Úõ£õÁ÷©õ `Ì{ø»ø¯ øP¯õЮ vÓøÚ¨ ö£ØÔ¸UPÂÀø».
From disgusting ‘tolerable’ to admiration, she is unable to conceive.
\[Ph¨£kzx® ÁøP°À '£µÁõ°Àø»' GßÖ ö\õßÚÁß ÷£õØÖÁøu AÁÍõÀ {øÚzx® £õºUP •i¯ÂÀø».
Her faculties have come to a stop.
AÁÒ ¦»ßPÒ ìu®¤zuÚ.
He is making a scene before her.
AÁ÷Úõ AÁÒ •ß J¸ |õhPU Põm] |hzxQÓõß.
His display, if not disgusting, is unseemly.
AÁß ö\´Áx öÁÖ¨§mhÂÀø» GßÓõ¾® Áµ÷ÁØPzuUPuõP CÀø».
It is not a scene of a lover’s proposal.
Ax PõuÀ Á\Ú® ÷£_® Põm] AÀ».
It is a scene of unburdening, unburdening of what, one cannot know.
uß _ø©PøÍU SøÓzxU öPõÒЮ Põm]. _ø© GßÚöÁßÖ ¯õ¸USz öu›²®?
The phrase washing the dirty linen in public can find a distant application to his behaviour.
Cx Qmhzumh A¢uµ[Pzøu ö£õx Aµ[PzvÀ J¨¦U öPõÒÁx ÷£õßÓ÷u.
It is an uncharitable embarrassment he has caused her.
]Ôx® PÁø»°ßÔ hõº] AÁøÍ uº©\[PhzvØS BÍõUQ Âmhõß.
He is not looking at her so much as he is looking inside himself.
AÁß ußÝÒ £õºUS©ÍÂØS, AÁøͨ £õºUPÂÀø».
67.     “She stared, coloured, doubted, and was silent”.
"{Ó® ©õÔ¯ G¼\ö£z \¢÷uPzxhß öÁÔzx¨ £õºzu Ásn® ÷£a\ØÖ C¸¢uõÒ."
She stared because her looks were immobilised.
AÁÒ ÷uõØÓ® Aø\ÁØÖ¨ ÷£õÚuõÀ öÁÔzx¨ £õºzuõÒ.
She coloured as she was receiving words of emotion that do not evoke in her corresponding emotions.
AÁÒ PõxPÎÀ ÂÊ¢u Enºa]©¯©õÚ ÁõºzøuPÒ AÁØÔØ÷PØÓ Enºa]PøÍ AÁÎh® HØ£kzuõu»õÀ AÁÒ {Ó® ©õÔ¨ ÷£õÚõÒ.
Doubt is the realistic idea for the occasion.
\¢uº¨£® \¢÷uPzøuU Qͨ¦Áx {¯õ¯©õÚ÷u.
She was silent as several storms were going on inside.
£» ¦¯ÀPÒ EÒ÷Í Ã]¯uõÀ AÁÒ ÷£a\ØÖ C¸¢uõÒ.
Hers was a silence of inability to think.
]¢vUP •i¯õu {ø»°À HØ£mhx AÁÍx ö©ÍÚ®.
Her thinking process was stunned.
AÁÍx ]¢uøÚ •øÓ ìu®¤zx Âmhx.
A blank mind stares.
öÁØÖ ©Ú® öÁÔUS®.
A disturbed emotion colours.
SÇ®¤¯ EnºÄ {ø» {Ózøu ©õØÖ®.
An unbelieving understanding doubts.
|®£õu ¦›uÀ \¢÷uP¨£k®.
A confused mass of inner conflicts keeps silent.
EÒÐøÓ ¤nUSPÎß SǨ£©õÚ öuõS¨¦ ÷£\õ©h¢øu¯õUS®.
She was sitting.
AÁÒ EmPõº¢v¸¢uõÒ.
He was not calm enough to sit down.
EmPõ¸©ÍÂØS AÁß Aø©v¯õP CÀø».
The inner turbulence made him run across the room.
APU öPõ¢uΨ¦ AÁøÚ AøÓø¯a _ØÔ |hUP øÁzux.
His words were not words of studied choice.
AÁß ÁõºzøuPÒ ÷¯õ]zx¨ ÷£\¨£mhøÁ AßÖ.
They were words found by a Mind that was undone.
AøÁ GÀ»õÁØøÓ²® CÇ¢x Âmh ©ÚzvÀ E¸ÁõÚ ÁõºzøuPÒ.
Maybe they were not from a Mind.
AøÁ ©ÚvÀ ÷uõßÓõuøÁ¯õP C¸UP»õ®.
Originating from the nerves, they perhaps, directly come to the mouth.
|µ®¦PÎÀ ÷uõßÔ, Áõ´ÁÈ÷¯ Á¢uøÁ¯õP C¸UP»õ®.
He did not look at her; his look was a blank.
AÁß AÁøͨ £õºUPÂÀø». AÁß £õºøÁ°À öÁÖø© C¸¢ux.
He looked in panic at all objects aimlessly.
GÀ»õ ö£õ¸mPøͲ® AºzuªßÔ, Aa\zxhß £õºzxU öPõsi¸¢uõß.
Emotions came to the cheeks as blood rushing up.
S¸v Âøµ¢x £õ´øP°À, PßÚ[PÎÀ EnºÄPÒ öÁΨ£k®.
This is passion that spreads all over the body.
Cx Bø\ Ehö»[S® £µÄÁx.
In short, he behaved to demonstrate that he is one unfit to love, especially a girl of refinement.
_¸UP©õPa ö\õßÚõÀ £s£mh¨ ö£sønU Põu¼US® uSv uÚUS CÀø» Gߣøu {¹¤US® Ásn® |h¢x öPõshõß.
Still some thoughts were going on in his Mind.
AÁß ©ÚzvÀ CßÚ•® ]» Gsn[PÒ C¸¢uÚ.
He was to deliver the rest of the address.
AÁß ÷©÷» ÷£\»õÚõß.
He started abruptly and finished at once.
vjöµÚ Bµ®¤zx \möhßÖ •izuõß.
68.     “This he considered sufficient encouragement”.
Cøu FUP® u¸® AÔSÔ GßÖ GkzxU öPõshõß.
Encouragement is to put courage in one.
J¸Á¸US øu›¯® u¸Áx FUS¨£x GߣuõS®.
Anyone in Darcy’s position, here especially Darcy, is related to himself and is unaware of another’s opinion.
hõº]°ß {ø»°¼¸¨£Áº & SÔ¨£õP hõº] & ußøÚ Jmi÷¯ ]¢v¨£õº. ¤Óµx P¸zxUPøͨ £ØÔ AÔ¯ ©õmhõºPÒ.
He who has an endowment concedes to another no opinion.
Bìvø¯¨ ö£ØÓÁºPÒ ¤Óµx P¸zxUS ö\ \õ´UP ©õmhõºPÒ.
Aristocracy has come into being on this self-regarding principle.
uÚUS •UQ¯zxÁ® u¸® ÷Põm£õmiß Ai¨£øh°À uõß ¤µ¦zxÁ® |øh•øÓUS Á¢ux.
It is the principle of acquiring an endowment, rather the usual process.
CU÷Põm£õ÷h Bìvø¯¨ ö£Ö® ÁÇUP©õÚ •øÓ¯õS®.
Among the endowments we can count any skill or capacity or value. Any power or property qualifies for an endowment.
vÓø©, vÓß, £s¦ GߣÁØøÓ²® Bìv GßÖ ö\õÀ»»õ®. ö\õzx, AvPõµ® •u»õÚÁØøÓ²® BìvPÒ GßÖ ö\õÀ»»õ®.
Even the skill of a carpenter has this blind spot.
ua\Ûß vÓø© AÁÚÔ¯õu Bìv÷¯.
When Greece developed thought in Europe, on the scale of endowments it was less than eminent, as China and India were ahead in mental development and the further plane of Spirit. But that little extra offered Greece world leadership till today.
I÷µõ¨£õÂÀ QŸì ]¢uøÚ°À ]Ó¢x Áͺ¢ux. Bìv GßÓ ÷|õUQÀ £õºzuõÀ Ax ©Ú, BߪP Áͺa]°À E¯º¢x ÂÍ[Q¯ ^Úõ, C¢v¯õ ö£ØÓÁØøÓ Âh SøÓÁõÚ÷u. BÚõÀ QŸì Gkzu ]Ôx Tku»õÚ •¯Ø] CßÓÍÂØS® AuØS uø»ø© ìuõÚzøu¨ ö£ØÖz u¢xÒÍx.
Leadership, even world leadership, is available to one who excels the others even by an inch in any field of endowment.
¤Óøµ Âh \ØÖ AvP¨£i¯õÚ Bìv ö£ØÓ GÁ¸® AÁº G¢u xøÓ°¼¸¢uõ¾® uø»ø© ìuõÚzøu, E»Pz uø»ø© ìuõÚzøuU Th ö£Ó •i²®.
Britain’s lead in the 17th century in trade that gave her an empire was 1% over France and Germany.
17® ¡ØÓõsiÀ ÁºzuPzvÀ ¤›mhß ¤µõßøé²®, öẩÛø¯²® Âh ö£ØÔ¸¢u J÷µ J¸ \uÃu E¯ºÄ, AuØS \õ®µõä¯zøu¨ ö£ØÖz u¢ux.
This rule becomes absolute especially when the endowment is of the whole.
Bìv •Êø©US›¯uõÚõÀ C¢ua \mh® uÁÓõx.
Often even partial endowments do qualify for leadership.
£Sv ö£ØÓ Bìv²® uø»ø©UPõÚ uSvø¯¨ ö£Ö®.
The other man’s point of view is rare.
¤Óº ÷|õUQÀ Âå¯[PøÍ Põs£x A§ºÁ®.
America acquiring it in retail sales early in the 20th century developed multinational corporations and now she rules the world.
C¸£uõ® ¡ØÓõsiÀ ]À»øÓ Â¯õ£õµzvÀ Aö©›UPõ Aøh¢u ]Ó¨¦ £» £ßÚõmk {ÖÁÚ[PøÍ E¸ÁõUQ¯x. Auß ‰»® Aö©›UPõ E»øP BÐQÓx.
Absence of a manager made a 100 acre garden lose its income for 40 years whereas another similar garden imitating this rose to be a No.1 garden in India in 15 years.
÷©»õͺ CÀ»õuuõÀ 100 HUPº ÷uõmh® 40 Á¸h[PÒ Á¸©õڪǢux. Cøu¨ ÷£õßÓ CßöÚõ¸ ÷uõmh® 15 Á¸h[PÎÀ C¢v¯õÂ÷»÷¯ ]Ó¢u •uÀ ÷uõmh® GßÖ ö£¯º ö£ØÓx.
The capital that collects initially makes all the difference between a small scale industrialist and a multi-crore project.
Bµ®£zvÀ ö£Ö® •uÀ, ]Ö öuõÈÀ {ÖÁÚzvØS®, £» ÷Põi vmhzvØS® ªP¨ ö£›¯ Âzv¯õ\zøu HØ£kzxQÓx.
69.     Aristocracy formed initially because of such minor advantages.
"C¨£i¨£mh AÝT»[P÷Í Bµ®£zvÀ ¤µ¦zxÁ® E¸ÁõP EuÂÚ."
Their members acquired pride, legitimate or otherwise.
{¯õ¯÷©õ, {¯õ¯ªÀø»÷¯õ ¤µ¦UPÒ PºÁ® ö£ØÓÚº.
In either case, they were totally obeyed by the people.
Põµn® GxÁõ°Ý® ö£õx ©UPÒ AÁºPÐUSU RÌ£i¢uÚº.
The total success of aristocracy for centuries made them blind.
£» ¡ØÓõskPÍõP ¤µ¦zxÁ® ö£ØÓ •Ê öÁØÔ AÁºPøÍU S¸hõUQ¯x.
Where they should go seeking, life came to them with what they sought.
AÁºPÒ ÷ui¨ ÷£õ´ ö£Ó ÷Ási¯ÁØøÓ ÁõÌÄ AÁºPÒ •ß öPõsk Á¢x {Özv¯x.
Over time, instead of the aristocrats knowing the other man’s point of view, the fashion was the world sedulously learnt what they thought and followed it with unreasonable pride.
Põ»¨÷£õUQÀ AÁºPÒ AkzuÁº ÷PõnzvÀ Põs£øu Âmk ÂmhÚº. E»P® ¤µ¦UPÒ GßÚ {øÚUQÓõºPÒ Gߣøu¨ ¦›¢x öPõsk, AuØ÷PØ£ ö\¯À£kÁøu AºzuªÀ»õ©À ö£¸ø©¯õPU P¸v¯x.
The gentleman is of great value because in these conditions he evolved rationality, humility, fairness, gentleness.
Cx ÷£õßÓ {ø»°À ö£¸©Pß £SzuÔ¾®, AhUPzv¾®, {¯õ¯ÄnºÂ¾®, E¯ºSnzv¾® £›nªUPz öuõh[QÚõÀ,

So, the best of them maintained the higher values only in form.
GÚ÷Á, AÁºPÎÀ ]Ó¢uÁºPÒ ÷uõØÓzvÀ E¯º £s¦Pøͨ ¤ß£ØÔÚº.
Without his money, Darcy can marry only a Mary, not even Kitty.
£nªÀø»ö¯ßÓõÀ hõº]¯õÀ Qmiø¯U Th ©n¢v¸UP •i¯õx. ÷©›ø¯zuõß ©nUP •i²®.
In marriage the first virtue is status and the next is wealth.
v¸©nzvÀ •uÀ ©›¯õøu A¢uìvØS. Akzux ö\õzx.
Darcy had both in overflowing abundance for Meryton.
ö©›høÚ ö£õÖzuÁøµ Cµsk÷© hõº]°h® HµõÍ©õP C¸¢uÚ.
He came to her with a sense of privilege, that he is conferring on her a rare possession.
A¸® ö£õ¸øÍ AÁÐUSz u¸® E›ø©²nº÷Áõk hõº] G¼\ö£zøu ö|¸[QÚõß.
He does not know the rules of life operating through tolerable.
'£µÁõ°Àø»' GßÓ Áõºzøu ‰»® ö\¯À£k® ÁõÌÂß \mh[PÒ £ØÔ AÁß AÔ¢v¸UPÂÀø».
Nor does he know Elizabeth, what her fine eyes meant.
AÁÍx ]Ó¢u PsPÎß ö£õ¸Ò £ØÔ÷¯õ, G¼\ö£z £ØÔ÷¯õ AÁß AÔ¢v¸UPÂÀø».
He saw Mrs. Bennet. He has not known Mr. Bennet.
Mrs. ö£ßÚmøh¨ £õºzuõß. Mr. ö£ßÚmøh AÁÝUSz öu›¯õx.
How could he know the power of freedom given to that family.
A¢uU Sk®£zv¼¸¢u _u¢vµzvß \Uvø¯¨ £ØÔ AÁÝUS G¨£iz öu›²®?
Freedom is the plane where God grows in Man.
_u¢vµ® C¸¢uõÀ uõß ©ÛuÝÒ CøÓÁß ÁͺÁõß.
No family in Meryton enjoyed more freedom than what the society offered.
ö©›hÛÀ ö£ßÚm Sk®£zøu Âh ÷ÁöÓ¢u Sk®£•® \‰P® u¢uøu Âh AvP¨£i¯õÚ _u¢vµzøu AÝ£ÂUPÂÀø».
A greater freedom is what one gives oneself by a level-headedness.
Gøu²® \›Áµ ]¢v¨£ÁºPÒ uÚUSz u¸Á÷u ö£›¯ _u¢vµ®.
Elizabeth had both in full measure and enjoyed the father’s patronage.
Cµsøh²® •Ê AÍÂÀ ö£ØÔ¸¢u G¼\ö£z, AÁÒ uP¨£Úõ›ß BuµøÁ²® ö£ØÔ¸¢uõÒ.
Darcy was looking for a bride. Elizabeth was Joan of Arc.
hõº] ©n¨ö£søn ÷ukQÓõß. G¼\ö£z÷uõ ÷áõß B¨ BºU ÷£õßÓÁÒ.
He was too poor a psychological material to match Elizabeth.
©ÚzuÍÂÀ G¼\ö£zøu Âh hõº] ªPÄ® uõÌ¢uÁß.
70.     “The avowal of all that he felt, and had long felt for her”.
"AÁÐUPõP AÁß H[Q¯øu²®, AÁøͨ £ØÔ¯ Gsn[PøͲ® öÁΨ£øh¯õP TÔ¯x."
By length of time what is once felt becomes a sentiment.
Kº EnºÄ Põ»¨÷£õUQÀ ªøPÄnºa]¯õP ©õÖQÓx.
Sentiment is the emotion of the Mind, No. 2.
©Úzvß Enºa]÷¯ ªøPÄnºa], No.2.
Emotion that is power is fortified by Mind when it turns into sentiment.
\Uv¯õÚ EnºÄ, ©ÚzuõÀ £»¨£kzu¨£mhõÀ ªøPÄnºÁõP ©õÖQÓx.
A lover broods on his love, that is, all his energies are focussed on love.
PõuÀ Á¯¨£mhÁº Põuø»¨ £ØÔ BÌ¢x PÁø»÷¯õk ]¢vUQÓõº. AuõÁx AÁº \Uv¯øÚzx® Põuø» ÷|õUQU S¢v¸US®.
Cultured lovers do not brood.
£s£mh Põu»ºPÒ BÌ¢u PÁø»÷¯õk ]¢v¨£vÀø».
In them their centring in love raises them culturally, thus mellowed.
A¨£i¨£mhÁºPÒ öPõsh PõuÀ AÁºPøÍ |õP›PzvÀ E¯ºzx®. Ax £USÁ® u¸®.
Strength that gathers in them thus makes the circumstances submit to them.
AÁºPÎh® ÷\Pµ©õS® Á¼ø©, \¢uº¨£ `Ì{ø»PøÍ AÁºPÒ •ß £o¯ øÁUS®.
Love makes a cultured heart a refined soul fit to reflect love in its pristine purity.
PõuÀ £s£mhÁÛß Cu¯zøu ÷©ßø©¯õÚ Bß©õÁõP ©õØÔ, Põuø» P»¨£ØÓ y´ø©÷¯õk ¤µv£¼UP øÁUS®.
Darcy has no culture or refinement or even sophistication.
hõº]°h® |õP›P÷©õ, |õ`U÷Põ, vÓ÷Úõ CÀø».
He expects all these from others.
©ØÓÁºPÎh® CÁØøÓ Gvº£õºUQÓõß.
Neither his aunt nor Caroline exhibit traits of culture.
AÁß ]zv÷¯õ, P÷µõ¼÷Úõ |õP›P¨£s¦PÒ Gøu²® öÁΨ£kzuÂÀø».
He is like a box of primitive gun powder on fire.
ö|¸¨¤¼h¨£mh £Ç[Põ»zx öÁi©¸¢x öPõsh ö£miø¯¨ ÷£õßÓÁß hõº].
Elizabeth poured gallons of ice cold water on his ebullition.
G›©ø»U SÇ®£õP ö£õ[S® AÁß EnºÄPÒ «x G¼\ö£z Sh® Sh©õP Sκ¢u uspøµ FØÖQÓõÒ.
He heard from her what no rejected lover ever heard, “You are the last man I would marry”.
{µõP›UP¨£mh G¢u Põu»Ý÷© ÷PmPõu ÁõºzøuPøÍ AÁÎhª¸¢x AÁß ÷Pmhõß. "|õß ©nUP ¸®¦® Pøh] ©Ûuß }¯õPz uõß C¸¨£õ´."
He is like a meddling monkey in a workshop.
öuõÈÀ £mhøÓ°À SÖUQk® Sµ[S ÷£õÀ hõº] C¸UQÓõß.
Any machine mishandled will give him a shock.
G¢u C¯¢vµzøuz uÁÓõP øP¯õshõ¾® AÁÝUS Avºa] QøhUQÓx.
He is the finest specimen of blunted stupidity.
hõº] ©Ê[Q¨÷£õÚ ‰hzuÚzvØS Pa]u©õÚ Euõµn®.
There is not much difference between Collins and Darcy.
Põ¼ßêØS®, hõº]US® ö£›¯ Âzv¯õ\® GxĪÀø».
Like Christopher Sly he is parading his abominable pride.
QÔì÷hõ£º ìø»¨ ÷£õ» AÁÝ® CÈÁõÚ PºÁzøu öÁΨ£kzxQÓõß.
He has brought a country bomb to deliver on her head.
AÁÒ uø»°À ÷£õh hõº] |õmk öÁi Ssøh öPõsk Á¸QÓõß.
It burst instead on his venerable aristocratic head.
Ax÷Áõ AÁß ÷£õØÔ¯ ¤µ¦zxÁ uø»°÷»÷¯ öÁiUQÓx.
Now he has the pride of love that condescends.
C¨÷£õx AÁÛhª¸¨£x CµUPzvØPõÍõUS® Põu¼ß PºÁ®.
So, he readily felt her silence as encouragement.
AÁÒ ö©ÍÚzøu FUS¨¦ GßÖ Eh÷Ú {øÚzxU öPõskÂmhõß.
He who needed little encouragement felt fully encouraged.
FUS¨¦ ÷uøÁ¨£hõu hõº], uõß •ÊÁx©õP FUSÂUP¨ £mhuõP EnºQÓõß.
Now he was going to tell her how low her family was and how low he had to descend to honour his noble love.
C¨÷£õx AÁÒ Sk®£® GÆÁÍÄ uõÌ¢ux GßÖ®, uß E¯º¢u Põu¼ß ö£õ¸mk uõß GÆÁÍÄ uõÌ¢x ÷£õP ÷|›kQÓx GßÖ® TÓ¨ ÷£õQÓõß.
71.     “He spoke well”.
"AÁß |ßÓõP¨ ÷£]Úõß."
The initial hesitation of turbulent turmoil subsided.
Bµ®£zvÀ SǨ£ öPõ¢uΨ£õÀ C¸¢u u¯UP® SøÓ¢ux.
It released his normal eloquence fit for the occasion.
AÁÛhª¸¢x \¢uº¨£zvØS HØÓ AÁÝU÷P E›¯ E¯º¢u ÷£a_Áßø© öÁΨ£mhx.
Jane Austen does not tell us those words of wonder.
÷áß Bìiß A¢u Aئu©õÚ ÁõºzøuPøÍ |®ªh® TÓÂÀø».
Instead of the original uncut gems, we have her words.
£møhzwmh¨£hõu øÁµ[PÐUS¨ £vÀ, ÷áß BìiÛß ÁõºzøuPÒ uõß |©USU QøhUQßÓÚ.
That he spoke well shows at some depth he is himself.
AÁß |ßÓõP ÷£]Úõß Gߣuß ‰»® AÁß AÁÚõP÷Á C¸¢uõß Gߣx öu›QÓx.
The higher value in him is in potential, not like Collins who has no inner content of education or breeding.
hõº]°h® E¯º £s¦ ÂzuõP EÒÍx. AÁß Põ¼ßøé¨ ÷£õ» EÒ÷Í Aºzu©ØÓ PÀÂ÷¯õ, Áͺ¨¦ •øÓ÷¯õ CÀ»õuÁÚÀ».
The lover in him first issued and he spoke well.
•u¼À öÁΨ£mhx PõuÀ. AuÚõÀ |ßÓõP¨ ÷£]Úõß.
Even the lover in him had no tenderness.
AÁß Põu¼À Th ö©ßø© CÀø».
He chose to divert his delivery to his pride and its problems.
uß PºÁzøu¨ £ØÔ²®, Auß ¤µaøÚPøͨ £ØÔ²® ¤µ\[P® ö\´QÓõß.
The aristocratic material even in Darcy could speak well.
AÁÝÒ C¸¢u ¤µ¦zxÁzvÚõÀ |ßÓõP÷Á ÷£]Úõß.
Maybe in his whole life this was the most auspicious occasion for him to find a ready tongue.
AÁß ö©õzu ÁõÌÂÀ ÷£a_Áßø© öÁΨ£mh AvP£m\ ©[PÍPµ©õÚ \¢uº¨£® CxÁõPU Th C¸UP»õ®.
To him her presence was an august Presence.
AÁøÚ¨ ö£õ¸zuÁøµ AÁøÍU Põs£x AÁÝUS QøhzuØP›¯ u›\Ú®.
There he rose to his best; and this was that best.
A[÷P AvP£m\® E¯ºQÓõß. Cxuõß AÁÝøh¯ AvP£m\®.
It was evident he was on edge.
AÁß •ÒÎÀ {ØQÓõß.
His tension was obvious.
AÁß CÖUP® öÁΨ£øh¯õPz öu›QÓx.
No message that is one of gracious magnificence can be prefaced by violent physical perambulations.
]Ó¨¦®, ÷©ßø©²® ö£õ¸¢v¯ ÷\vø¯a ö\õÀ¾ •ß £µ£µ¨£õÚ Á¼¯ Eh»ø\ÄPÒ ÁµU Thõx.
Maybe already he was fully disappointed for not being appreciated as he alone deserved.
uß uSv HØÖ ÷£õØÓ¨£hÂÀø» GßÓ H©õØÓ® HØPÚ÷Á AÁÝUS EshõQ C¸UP»õ®.
Man betrays and expects his victim to adore him.
©Ûuß x÷µõP® ö\´Áõß. ¤ß uÚUS £¼¯õÚÁß ußøÚ §âUP ÷Áskö©ßÖ Gvº£õº¨£õß.
He who expects adoration does not think of what the other man has received.
A¨£i¨£mh §øáø¯ Gvº£õº¨£Áß AkzuÁº ö£ØÓöußÚ GßÖ ÷¯õ]UP ©õmhõß.
He knows only himself.
AÁÝUS AÁøÚ ©mk÷© öu›²®.
A manager who was offered a share in the profits of a new company politely refused and asked for the whole company after his exalted service of some years! That is man’s selfless rationality.
J¸ ¦v¯ P®ö£Û°À C»õ£zvÀ J¸ £[øP ÷©»õ͸USz uµ •ß Á¢u ÷£õx £oÄhß Aøu ©Özuõº. ]» Á¸h[PÐUS¨ ¤ß A¢u P®ö£Ûø¯÷¯ uß ÷\øÁUPõPz u¢x Âh ÷Ásk® GßÖ ÷Pmhõº. Cx÷Á ©ÛuÛß _¯|»©ØÓ £SzuÔÄ.
72.     “There were feelings besides those of the heart”.
"Cu¯zv¾ÒÍ Enºa]PøÍz uµ ÷ÁÖ Enºa]PЮ EÒÍÚ."
Only a Collins will speak in a proposal feeling other than of the heart.
v¸©n¨ ÷£a]ß ÷£õx Cu¯zv¾ÒÍ EnºÄPÒ uµ ÷ÁÖ Enºa]PЮ EÒÍÚ GßÖ Põ¼ßì ÷£õßÓÁºPÍõÀ ©mk÷© ÷£\ •i²®.
As she had not seen Pemberley and his family, perhaps, he wanted his full social value to be appreciated.
G¼\ö£z ö£®£º¼ø¯²® AÁß Sk®£zøu²® £õºUPõuuõÀ, \•uõ¯zvÀ uÚUSÒÍ ©v¨ø£ AÁÒ ¦›¢x, HØÖU öPõÒÍ ÷Ásk® GßÖ hõº] ¸®¤ C¸UP»õ®.
Perhaps he wanted her to know he was a better candidate than the colonel or Wickham.
ÂUPõø©²®, PºÚø»²® Âh uõß ]Ó¢u ©n©Pß GßÖ G¼\ö£z AÔ¢x öPõÒÍ ÷Ásk® GÚ hõº] ¸®¤ C¸UPU Tk®.
Whatever the motivation, he should not have thus spoken.
÷|õUP® GxÁõ°Ý® hõº] C¨£i¨ ÷£] C¸UPU Thõx.
This showed a measure of his common sense.
AÁÚx £õS£õmiß AÍøÁ Cx PõmkQÓx.
Maybe it was his common non-sense.
Whatever he had in his mind, essentially he was telling himself that he was a very valuable member of the society.
AÁß ©ÚzvÀ GßÚ C¸¢u÷uõ, AÁß uÚUSz uõ÷Ú ö\õÀ¼U öPõshuß \õµ®, uõß \‰PzvÀ ªPÄ® ©v¨¦ Áõ´¢u A[PzvÚß Gߣ÷u.
That would mean he was aware of his valuelessness.
uõß ©v¨£ØÓÁß Gߣøu AÁß AÔ¢v¸¢uõß Gߣ÷u Auß ö£õ¸Ò.
Her reply was to his felt subconscious value.
AÁß BÌ©ÚzvÀ Enº¢v¸¢u ©v¨¤ØSz uõß AÁÒ ©Öö©õÈ u¢uõÒ.
It is characteristic that at Hunsford he behaved like Collins and at Pemberley he became a gentleman.
hõº] íßì÷£õºiÀ Põ¼ßì ÷£õÀ |h¢x öPõshx®, ö£®£º¼°À ¤µ¦øÁ¨ ÷£õÀ |h¢x öPõshx® SÔ¨¤hz uUPÚ.
It is true the personality of space is pronounced.
Chzvß BÐø© öÁΨ£mhx Gߣx Esø©.
Again at Longbourn he went back to his reticence.
»õ[U£ºÛÀ £øǯ£i P»P»¨¤ßÔ C¸¢uõß.
It is equally true that at Pemberley Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner were there.
ö£®£º¼°À Mr. & Mrs. PõºiÚº C¸¢uÚº.
At Longbourn Mrs. Bennet was in real form.
»õ[U£ºÛÀ Mrs. ö£ßÚm uß •Ê ö\õ¹£zøuU PõmiÚõÒ.
At Hunsford Mr. Collins was always ready to perform.
íßì÷£õºiÀ uß ÷Áø»ø¯U Põmh Põ¼ßì G¨÷£õx® u¯õµõP C¸¢uõß.
I forget Maria was there with her empty head.
AÔ÷Á CÀ»õu ©›¯õ A[÷P C¸¢uõÒ Gߣøu ©Ó¢x Âm÷hõ®.
The custom of Man proposing, his having to kneel before his Lady inverts the real value, introduces a perversion, as all the time he knows it is the lady who has all the value for the proposal.
ö£soß •ß ©si°mk Põuø»z öu›ÂUS® ÁÇUP® Esø©¯õÚ ©v¨ø£ ÁUQµ¨£kzv Âmhx. v¸©n¨ ÷£a]ß ©v¨¦ ö£soh® uõß EÒÍx Gߣx BqUSz öu›²®.
It is Charlotte’s house. Elizabeth’s submissiveness at Collins’ proposal, present subtly there, may have made Darcy take her for granted.
Ax åõº÷»miß Ãk. Põ¼ßì v¸©n® £ØÔ ÷£]¯ ÷£õx £oÄhß G¼\ö£z ÷PmkU öPõsi¸¢uõÒ. A¢u `ÇÀ `m_©©õP C¸¢ux. Ax hõº]ø¯ G¼\ö£z ußøÚ HØÖU öPõsk ÂmhõÒ GßÖ {øÚUP øÁzv¸UPU Tk®.
73.     “He was not more eloquent on the subject of tenderness”.
"AuØS ÷©À AÁß ö©ßø©ø¯ öÁΨ£kzuÂÀø»."
A lover expresses his tenderness to his love.
Põu»ß uß Põu¼°h® ö©ßø©ø¯ öÁΨ£kzxÁõß.
Darcy too does that in his own way.
hõº]²® Aøuz uß £õo°À ö\´QÓõß.
He wants her to know that his extreme tenderness for her made him overlook his inferior connections.
uõß AÁÐUPõPU öPõsh uß Awu©õÚ ö©ßø© AÁÍx uõÌ¢u EÓÄPøͨ ¦ÓUPoUP øÁzux Gߣøu AÁÒ AÔ¯ ÷Áskö©ßÖ Â¸®¦QÓõß.
To praise a Man by saying “you do not have the vices of your community” is to insult him.
"Eß CÚzvß w¯ Sn[PÒ EßÛh® CÀø»" GßÖ J¸ÁøÚ¨ £õµõmkÁx AÁøÚ CPÌÁuõS®.
It is the rationality of the unintelligent.
Darcy appeals to her Mind.
hõº] AÁÒ ©Úzøuz öuõh •¯ÀQÓõß.
It is the heart that responds in human relationship.
©Ûu EÓÄPÎÀ Cu¯÷© ©Öö©õÈ u¸®.
It comes to her because she did it to him at Netherfield.
ö|uº¥ÀiÀ G¼\ö£z AÁÝUS Gøuz u¢uõ÷Íõ, Ax AÁÐUS v¸®£Ä® Á¸QÓx.
Her conscious intention was to hurt him.
AÁøÚ AÁ©õÚ¨£kzxÁ÷u AÁÒ Gsn©õP C¸¢ux.
Elizabeth refrained from disclosing Darcy’s negative role in Jane’s life. It was a master stroke of human wisdom.
hõº], ÷áÛß ÁõÌÂÀ ö\´u ö\´¯z uPõu ö\¯ø» G¼\ö£z GÁ›h•® TÖÁøuz uºzuõÒ. Ax ©Ûu Â÷ÁPzvß Aئu©õÚ ö\¯À.
There is no use saying she is reasonable.
AÁÒ {¯õ¯©õÚÁÒ GßÖ ö\õÀÁuØQÀø».
Darcy wants his intention to be honoured.
hõº] uß P¸zx HØÖ öPõÒͨ £h ÷Ásk® GßÖ Â¸®¦QÓõß.
This means of his will not lead him to the end he seeks.
Cuß ö£õ¸Ò AÁß Â¸®¦Áx {øÓ÷ÁÓõx GߣuõS®.
He speaks bluntly.
AÁß Pµk•µhõP¨ ÷£_QÓõß.
Even if his idea is implied she will be hurt as she is hurt by her own position.
AÁÒ ußÛø»ø¯ Enº¢x ö|õ¢x ÷£õ°¸¢uuõÀ, AÁß Cø»©øÓ Põ¯õP¨ ÷£] C¸¢uõ¾® AÁÒ ©Ú® ö|õ¢x uõß ÷£õ°¸¨£õÒ.
To be able to put things positively is wisdom.
Âå¯zøu ÷|º©øÓ¯õP ö\õÀ¾® vÓø© Â÷ÁP©õS®.
To be able to make the other feel positively is accomplishment.
¤Óøµ ÷|º©øÓ¯õP Enµ øÁUS® vÓß \õuøÚ¯õS®.
Sri Aurobindo never let anyone including Mother know that He was intensely suffering because it would make the sadhaks feel hurt.
ÿ AµÂ¢uº uõß £mh Pk® ]µ©[PøÍ AßøÚ Em£h GÁ›h•® TÓÂÀø». HöÚßÓõÀ Ax \õuPºPøÍ ¦s£kzv°¸US®.
Rama never knew that Lakshmana had not eaten for 14 years.
C»m_©nß 14 Á¸h[PÒ EnÁ¸¢uÂÀø» Gߣx Cµõ©ÝUSz öu›¯õx.
Not to give any inkling to a friend who betrays regularly is cultural sensitivity.
uÚUS vÚ\› x÷µõP® ö\´²® |s£Ûh® Aøu¨ £ØÔ J¸ Áõºzøu²® TÓõv¸¨£x E¯º¢u £s¦.
In a cultured family one who destroys the family is never given to understand that he was the undoing of all of them.
£s£mh Sk®£zvÀ AøÚÁøµ²® AÈUS® ÁøP°À ö\¯À£k£ÁøÚ ¯õ¸® SzvU Põmh ©õmhõºPÒ.
They all give him the feeling that the offender is serving the family and he is the only one who serves.
SØÓÁõÎ uõß Sk®£zøu÷¯ uõ[SQÓõß, AÁß J¸Áß ©mk® uõß Sk®£zvØPõP EøÇUQÓõß GßÖ® AÁß EnºÁx ÷£õ» ¤Ó Sk®£ EÖ¨¤ÚºPÒ |h¢x öPõÒÁõºPÒ.
74.     “His sense of her inferiority… were dwelt on with a warmth”.
"uõß uõÌ¢uÁÒ GßÓ AÁÒ Enºa]ø¯¨ £ØÔ AÝ\µøn²hß ÷£]Úõß."
Obviously he lacks intelligence of common sense.
AÁÛh® £õS£õk CÀø».
Thereby he is not disclosing his love but his native character.
AuÚõÀ uß Põuø» öÁΨ£kzuõ©À, C¯ØøP¯õÚ Snõv\¯zøu öÁΨ£kzxQÓõß.
Marriages become sour when one realises the other knows his own inferiority.
©ØÓÁº uß uõÌøÁ¨ £ØÔz öu›¢x öPõshõº GßÖ J¸Áº AÔ²® ÷£õx v¸©n ÁõÌÄ P\¢x¨ ÷£õPz öuõh[SQÓx.
Even a patronising attitude hurts.
©ØÓÁµx AÝ\µøn¯õÚ ©÷Úõ£õÁ[Th Põ¯¨£kzxQÓx.
Public opinion makes a leader popular if they know he is unaware of their low consciousness.
u[PÒ uõÌ¢u ã¯zøu¨ £ØÔ AÔ¯õu uø»ÁøÚ ö£õx ©UPÒ ªPÄ® ¤µ£»©õUSQÓõºPÒ.
This is the reason stupid people become world leaders.
C¢uU PõµnzvÚõÀ uõß ‰hºPÒ E»Pz uø»ÁºPÍõQÓõºPÒ.
Intelligence is a threat.
AÔÄ Aa_Özx®.
Stupidity is a shield.
AÔÃÚ® ÷Ph¯®.
Agnes never gave David a clue as it would remind him of his own unfitness and inferiority. That is cultural emotional sensibility.
AÁÚx uSv°ßø©²®, uõÌÄ® ÷hÂmkUSz öu›²©õÖ AU÷Úì |hUPÂÀø». Ax |õP›P EnºÂß Â÷ÁP®.
Darcy can grow warm on a dangerous subject.
B£zuõÚ Âå¯zøu¨ £ØÔ hõº] AÝ\µøn¯õP¨ ÷£\z xo£Áß.
He is one who advises Bingley to drop his love.
¤[Q¼°h® AÁß Põuø»z xÓUS©õÖ AÔÄøµ ö\õßÚÁß hõº].
How would he feel if Bingley advised him to drop Elizabeth.
G¼\ö£zøu Põu¼¨£øu Âmk Âk GßÖ hõº]US ¤[Q¼ AÔÄøµ ö\õßÚõÀ, hõº] G¨£i EnºÁõß?
Elizabeth cried ‘impossible’ to Charlotte. Imagine Charlotte does it to Elizabeth on her engagement.
'|hUPõx' GßÖ åõº÷»mih® G¼\ö£z ö\õßÚõÒ. A÷u ÷£õ»
{a\¯uõºzuzvß ÷£õx åõº÷»m G¼\ö£zvh® ö\õßÚõÀ G¨£i C¸US®!

Charlotte let Lady Catherine know of the ‘engagement’ who gave back Elizabeth’s ‘impossible’ on behalf of Charlotte.
{a\¯uõºzu® £ØÔ ÷»i PõuŸÛh® åõº÷»m ö\õßÚõÒ. åõº÷»miØS £vÀ ÷»i PõuŸß G¼\ö£zvh® '|hUPõx' GßQÓõÒ.
Culture is not the rationality of thought or even emotion.
|õP›P® Gߣx ©Úvß £SzuÔ÷Áõ, Enºa]÷¯õ AßÖ.
It is the sensitivity of rational emotional thought.
Ax £SzuÔ²®, EnºÄ§ºÁ©õÚ Gsnzvß ö\õµøn.
It comes to Elizabeth as she provoked everyone like that.
GÀ÷»õ›h•® Ax ÷£õÀ ÷£] G›a\¿mi¯uõÀ G¼\ö£zvØS Ax÷Á v¸®£U Qøhzux.
Knowledge by itself can be sharp or rude.
bõÚ® Tºø©¯õÚuõP÷Áõ Pkø©¯õÚuõP÷Áõ C¸UP»õ®.
Only when it is tempered by emotion it can acquire culture.
Aøu EnºÄPÒ \©ß£kzvÚõÀuõß AuÚõÀ |õP›P® ö£Ó •i²®.
He deeply provoked her to receive the most intense response.
AÁÎhª¸¢x wµ® ªS¢u ©Öö©õÈø¯¨ ö£Ó÷Á AÁß AÁøÍ BÇzvÀ G›a\À £kzvÚõß.
It does not matter it is abuse. It is enough it is intense.
vmhõ CÀø»¯õ Gߣx ¤µaøÚ CÀø». wµ©õÚuõP C¸¨£x uõß ÷uøÁ.
That is why Men love women abusing them.
AuÚõÀ uõß ußøÚz vmk® ö£sPøÍ BsPÒ ÷|]UQÓõºPÒ.
75.     “Judgment had always opposed to inclination”.
"¸¨£[PÐUS G¨÷£õx® GvµõÚx wº¨¦."
It is a conflict between Mind and heart.
Ax ©ÚvØS®, Cu¯zvØS©õÚ ¤nUS.
Lovers disclose their weakness in the hope of being sincere.
Esø©¯õP C¸UP ÷Ásk® GßÓ |®¤UøP°ß ö£õ¸mk Põu»ºPÒ u[PÒ £»ÃÚzøu¨ £ØÔ ö\õÀÁxsk.
It is often accepted as the confessor’s magnanimity.
J¨¦U öPõÒ£Á›ß ö£¸¢ußø©¯õP Ax HØÖU öPõÒͨ £kQÓx.
Sometimes they receive a mercenary approval.
]» \©¯[PÎÀ Ax Buõ¯ ©Ú¨£õßø©²hß HØÖU öPõÒͨ£k®.
From that point of view Darcy is sincere.
A¢u ÷PõnzvÀ hõº] Esø©¯õÚÁ÷Ú.
But, sincerity too can mortally offend.
Esø© E°øµ GkUS® AÍÂØS¨ £õvUPÁÀ»x.
One cannot accept a sincerity that offends.
¦s£kzx® Esø©ø¯ HØ£x ]µ©®.
Overlooking the offence, appreciating the intention is difficult in the best of friends.
uÁøÓ JxUQ, ÷|õUPzøu ©mk® £õµõmkÁx ö|¸[Q¯ |s£ºPÎh® Th \› Áµõx.
Even these offences cannot exist without a sense of superiority.
E¯ºÄ ©Ú¨£õßø© CÀ»õ©À AzuøP¯ uÁÖPøÍa ö\´¯ •i¯õx.
Inclination ends as judgment.
¸¨£[P÷Í wº¨¦PÍõQßÓÚ.
He certainly wants to raise her.
AÁß {a\¯©õP AÁøÍ E¯ºzu÷Á •¯¾QÓõß.
It may work with a Charlotte, not Elizabeth.
Ax åõº÷»mih® ö\À¾®, G¼\ö£zvh® |hUPõx.
His wanting to raise her is his recognising her low status.
AÁß AÁøÍ E¯ºzu ¸®¤¯uß Põµn®, AÁÍx uõÌ¢u {ø»ø¯ AÁß AÔ¢v¸¢ux uõß.
Whatever the result, this cannot open avenues of Romance.
£»ß GxÁõ°Ý® Põu¼ß PuÄPøÍ Cx vÓUPõx.
If it is sincerity, it is the sincerity of superiority.
Cøu Esø© GßÖ ö\õßÚõÀ, Cx E¯ºÄ ©Ú¨£õßø©°ß Esø©.
If he is superior in wealth and status, she is superior in culture, values and sensitivity.
AÁß ö\ÀÁzv¾®, A¢uìv¾® E¯º¢uÁß GßÓõÀ AÁÒ |õP›Pzv¾®, £s¤¾®, EnºÄPξ® E¯º¢uÁÒ.
Even if she wants to marry him for his estate, there will be a conflict between her values and action which her father pointed out.
AÁß ö\õzxUPõP AÁøÚ AÁÒ ©nUP ¸®¤Úõ¾® Mr. ö£ßÚm _miU Põmi¯x ÷£õÀ ¤ßÚõÎÀ AÁÒ £s¦Pξ®, ö\¯¼¾® ¤nUS ÁµU Tk®.
All told Darcy spoke unthinkingly or thinking only about himself.
Gøu¨ £ØÔ²® ÷¯õ]UPõ©À AÀ»x ußøÚ¨ £ØÔ ©mk÷© ÷¯õ]zu Ásn® hõº] ÷£_QÓõß.
He never realised he was making a demonstration for his age. It is unbecoming.
AÁß Á¯vØS ö£õ¸zuªßÔ |h¢x öPõÒÁøu AÁß AÔ¯ÂÀø». Cx AÁ»m\n©õÚx.
Judgment is mental, inclination is vital.
wº¨¦ ©Úzøua \õº¢ux. ¸¨£® EnºøÁa \õº¢ux.
His mind and heart are ranged on opposite sides.
AÁß ©Ú•®, Cu¯•® Gvº vø\PÎÀ £¯oUQßÓÚ.
He has come to her so that she may resolve the conflict for him.
uß ¤nUøP AÁÒ wºzx øÁ¨£õÒ GߣuõÀ uõß AÁß AÁøÍ |õkQÓõß.
76.     “due to the consequence he was wounding”.
"AÁß Põ¯¨£kzv¯uß ÂøÍÄPÍõÀ"
It was an unintentional wounding.
Põ¯¨£kzv¯x ÷Áskö©ßÖ ö\´uuÀ».
The best part of it is he expects her to praise him for wounding her.
uõß AÁøÍU Põ¯¨£kzv¯uÚõÀ, AÁÒ ußøÚ¨ ¦PÇ ÷Áskö©Ú AÁß Gvº£õºzux SÔ¨¤h¨£h ÷Ási¯ Â寮.
This attitude is the intelligence of stupidity of the dead aristocracy.
Põ»õÁv¯õQ¨ ÷£õÚ ¤µ¦zxÁzvß AÔÃÚzvß AÔ÷Á A¢u ©÷Úõ£õÁ®.
He belongs to the aristocracy that has become dead long ago.
hõº] öÁSPõ»zvØS •ß÷£ Põ»õÁv¯õQ¨ ÷£õÚ ¤µ¦zxÁzøua ÷\º¢uÁß.
The dead body is putrid.
ö\zu EhÀ xº|õØÓ® Ã_®.
The cannibal delights in human flesh.
|µ©õª\® Es£Áß ©Ûu \øuø¯¨ £õºzuõÀ ©QÌ¢x ÷£õÁõß.
He offers it as a present to you if you are with him.
AÁ÷Úõk C¸¢uõÀ Aøuzuõß AÁß EÚUS £›\õPz u¸Áõß.
It is her mother in her which invites this putrid intelligence.
AÁÐÒ C¸¢u AÁÍx uõ÷¯ A¢u AÊQ¨ ÷£õÚ ÂÚ¯zvØS AøǨ¦ ÂkUQÓõÒ.
The whole world longs for that dead aristocracy.
Põ»õÁv¯õQ¨ ÷£õÚ ¤µ¦zxÁzvØS E»P÷© H[SQÓx.
He draws sustenance from the attitude of the world.
E»Pzvß C¢u ©÷Úõ£õÁ÷© AÁß ¤øÇUS® ÁÈ.
He is oblivious in one sense; in another sense he is alert.
J¸ ÁøP°À AÁß AáõUQµøu¯õÚÁß. CßöÚõ¸ ÁøP°À áõUQµøu¯õÚÁß.
His sincerity in love need not be questioned.
AÁß Põu¼ß Esø© A¨£ÊUPØÓx.
Even sincerity at this level will not pass.
AÁÛ¸US® {ø»°À C¢u AÍÄ Esø© Th EuÁõx.
Ultimately his sincerity was rewarded.
CÖv°À AÁß Esø© öÁS©v ö£ØÓx.
Even this boorish offensive wounding sincerity will be accepted by a good girl  if  there  is  earlier  relationship  for  a  long  enough  period. Also it must be positive.
}sh Põ» EÓÄ C¸¢v¸¢uõÀ, |õP›PªßÔ uõUQU Põ¯¨£kzx® Esø© Th |À» ö£snõÀ HØP¨£k®. Ax \›¯õÚuõP C¸UP ÷Ásk®.
With Elizabeth the relationship is negative.
G¼\ö£z÷uõk AÁß EÓÄ Gvº©øÓ¯õÚx.
Their being together is only for four days at Netherfield, and the rest is scanty.
ö|uº¥ÀiÀ |õßS |õmP÷Í ÷\º¢v¸¢uÚº. ¤Ó \¢v¨¦PÒ ]» Pn[P÷Í }izuÚ.
True love can be oblivious of what Darcy is.
Esø©¯õÚ PõuÀ hõº] G¨£i¨£mhÁß GߣøuU P¸uõx.
She is not in love with him.
AÁÐUS AÁß «x Põu¼Àø».
It is he who loves her.
AÁß uõß AÁøÍU Põu¼UQÓõß.
Nor did he take efforts to cultivate her.
AÁøÍ PõuÀ Á¯¨£kzx® •¯Ø]PøͲ® hõº] ö\´¯ÂÀø».
She spurned the few efforts he had made at Netherfield.
AÁß ö|uº¥ÀiÀ ö\´u J¸ ]» •¯Ø]PøͲ® AÁÒ •Ô¯izuõÒ.
His efforts were ones of condescension.
\©ß£kzxÁ÷u AÁß •¯Ø]¯õQ Âmhx.
They were not enveloped by dripping emotion of love.
AÁºPÒ ö\õmk® Põu¾nºÁõÀ `Ǩ£hÂÀø».
77.     “very unlikely to recommend his suit”.
"AÁß ÷£]¯x AÁøÚ HØP øÁUP \õuP©õÚuõP C¸UPÂÀø»."
As to that, he took it for granted.
AÁÒ HØÖU öPõsk ÂmhõÒ GßÖ {øÚzxU öPõshõß.
Hence the unexpected opposite happened.
GÚ÷Á Gvº£õµõu Gvº¨¦ GÊ¢ux.
Darcy might not have met with any refusal of any kind.
hõº] Cx Áøµ G¢u ÁøP¯õÚ ©Ö¨ø£²® \¢vUPõuÁß.
His taking the success of his suit for granted, is to take her for granted, an unflattering assumption.
uõß ÷Ási¯x QøhzxÂmhx GßÖ {øÚ¨£x, uß Cèh¨£i AÁÒ |h¨£õÒ GßÖ {øÚ¨£uõS®. Ax A£zu©õÚ PØ£øÚ.
His is a demand, not a request or a proposal.
AÁß AizxU ÷PmQÓõß. AÁß ÷£_Áx v¸©n¨ ÷£a\ßÖ & ÷Ásk÷PõЩßÖ.
A good interesting conversation is a good part of love-making.
CÛø©¯õÚ Eøµ¯õhÀ Põu¼À J¸ _øÁ¯õÚ £Sv.
He is incapable of it.
AÁÛh® AuØPõÚ vÓÛÀø».
He is capable of sarcastic comments.
AÁÛh® ÷P¼a ö\´²® vÓßuõß Esk.
(“She a beauty! I should as soon call her mother a wit”.
“Every savage can dance”.
“…show off before the ladies”.)
(AÁÒ AÇQ GßÓõÀ, AÁÒ A®©õøÁ AÔÁõÎ GßÖ ö\õÀ»»õ®.
PõmkªµõsiPÒ Thzuõß |hÚ©õkQÓõºPÒ.
ö£sPÒ •ßÚõÀ A»miU öPõÒQÓõ´.)
They can be caustic sarcasms, offending in intention.
CøÁ ÷Áskö©ßÖ Põ¯¨£kzx®, ¦snõUS® |UPÀ ÷£a_PÒ.
His education has given him talents, not culture.
AÁß PÀ vÓø©PøÍz u¢ux. £sø£z uµÂÀø».
Culture comes from home, not from the school.
£s£õk Ãmi¼¸¢x Á¸Áx, £Òΰ¼¸¢x Á ¸ÁvÀø».
He is not aware of the fact that he has no culture.
uÚUS¨ £s¤Àø» Gߣøu AÁß AÔ¯©õmhõß.
He has not learnt it from the higher society as he expects them to learn from him.
E¯º¢u \‰Pzvhª¸¢x uõß Aøu ö£Ó ÷Áskö©ßÖ hõº] {øÚUPÂÀø». ußÛhª¸¢x AÁºPÒ PØÖ öPõÒÍ ÷Áskö©ßÖ AÁß Gvº£õºzuõß.
He is surrounded by indolent, submissive squeamish people.
Aºzu©ØÓ, £oÁõÚ, ÷\õ®÷£ÔPÍõÀ `Ǩ£mhÁß hõº].
No cultured habits can be learnt from them.
AÁºPÎhª¸¢x |À» £s¦ÒÍ £ÇUP ÁÇUP[PøÍ ö£Ó •i¯õx.
Perhaps they learnt from him to be haughty.
AvP¨ ¤µ\[QzuÚzøuzuõß AÁºPÒ hõº]°hª¸¢x PØÖU öPõsi¸UPU Tk®.
Had he proposed to Caroline, she would have readily accepted.
P÷µõ¼Ûh® AÁß ©n¨÷£a_ Gkzv¸¢uõÀ AÁÒ Eh÷Ú J¨¦U öPõsi¸¢v¸¨£õÒ.
He expected a greater eagerness from Elizabeth.
AÁß G¼\ö£zvhª¸¢x AÍÁØÓ BºÁzøu Gvº£õºzuõß.
All her indifference and intransigence till then did not make him hesitate a minute.
AÁÎß A»m]¯÷©õ, BºÁªßø©÷¯õ AÁøÚ J¸ Pn® Th u¯[P øÁUPÂÀø».
In spite of her deeply rooted dislike she could not be insensible to the compliment of such a man's affection, and though her intentions did not vary for an instant, she was at first sorry for the pain he was to receive; till, roused to resentment by his subsequent language, she lost all compassion in anger. She tried, however, to compose herself to answer him with patience, when he should have done. He concluded with representing to her the strength of that attachment which, in spite of all his endeavours, he had found impossible to conquer; and with expressing his hope that it would now be rewarded by her acceptance of his hand. As he said this, she could easily see that he had no doubt of a favourable answer. He spoke of apprehension and anxiety, but his countenance expressed real security. Such a circumstance could only exasperate farther, and, when he ceased, the colour rose into her cheeks, and she said –
GßÚuõß AÁÐUS BÌ¢u öÁÖ¨¤¸¢uõ¾®, C¨£i¨£mh ©ÛuÛß Aߦ, uÚUS J¸ £õµõmhõPU Qøhzv¸¨£øu AÁÍõÀ ©vUPõ©À C¸UP •i¯ÂÀø». AÁÐøh¯ Gsn® J¸ ñn®Th ©õÓÂÀø» GßÓõ¾® AÁß Aøh¯¨÷£õS® ÷ÁuøÚø¯ {øÚzx •u¼À AÁÐUS Á¸zu©õP C¸¢ux. BÚõÀ, ¤ßÚõÀ öuõhº¢u AÁÝøh¯ ÁõºzøuPÍõÀ Bzvµ® Aøh¢u AÁÒ, ÷Põ£zvÚõÀ AÁß ÷©¾ÒÍ GÀ»õ AÝuõ£[PøͲ® CÇ¢uõÒ. AÁß ÷£] •izuÄhß ußøÚ Aø©v¨£kzvU öPõsk AÁÝUS¨ ö£õÖø©¯õP £vÀ ö\õÀ» ÷Ásk® GߣuØS AÁÒ •¯Ø] GkzuõÒ. GÆÁÍ÷Áõ •¯ßÖ® ußÚõÀ AhUQ BÍ •i¯õu AÍÂØS AÁÒ÷©À EÒÍ Põuø»¨£ØÔ Gkzxøµzx, ußøÚ HØÖU öPõÒÁuß ‰»® AÁÒ uÚUS øP®©õÖ ö\´ÁõÒ GßÖ ußÝøh¯ |®¤UøPø¯ AÁß öÁΨ£kzvÚõß. Cøu AÁß ö\õÀ¾øP°À, J¸ |À» \õuP©õÚ £vÀ QøhUS® GߣvÀ AÁÝUS \ØÖ® \¢÷uPªÀø» Gߣx÷£õÀ AÁß C¸¢uøu AÁÒ _»£©õP¨ ¦›¢x öPõshõÒ. AÁÝøh¯ ÷£a_ PÁø»ø¯²®, £¯zøu²® öÁΨ£kzv¯x, BÚõÀ AÁÚx •P÷©õ wº©õÚ©õP, J¸ \õuP©õÚ £vÀ QøhUS® GßÖ AÁß {øÚ¨£øu Enºzv¯x. C¢u ©õv›¯õÚ J¸ `Ì{ø» ÷Põ£zøu ÷©¾® AvP©õPzuõß BUS®. AÁß ÷£] •izuÄhß ÷Põ£zuõÀ •P® ]Á¢u AÁÒ,
78.     At this point, Darcy, who has no culture or poise or mental maturity desires to strengthen his case mentally, departs from the crude heart. He offends her in the hope of appreciation, a known mechanism of the low attracting the high. She does have the broadmindedness to overlook that, had not Jane been a victim.
79.     She was sensible of the compliment – No positive turn was taken.
80.     She felt sorry for his pain – It is another chance.
81.     His subsequent language roused her resentment. She lost compassion.
82.     Had she acted before anger arose, the situation could have been saved. His taking her acceptance for granted made another chance lost.
83.     The insincerity of apprehension of anxiety changed the atmosphere of emotional sincerity.
84.     Still, she had not finally shut the door.
85.     His confession causes pain to her. She is able to appreciate the true caliber of his insensibility. His subsequent language rouses her resentment. It is the rule. It is her sympathy that enables him to offend her further. Such foolishness issue, out of Money-value or Power-value both of which are his endowments. He called her tolerable in her hearing. She refused to dance with him once. When she danced she provoked him with an accusation on behalf of Wickham. He knew Wickham would have scandalised him variously. Still, for his money he expects her to accept him. In his own conscience there is one more load of canceling Jane’s wedding. So what does he expect from her? If she had accepted him, she would have been a Charlotte or Jane, not Elizabeth. Self-assurance is another stamp of folly.
AÁß ÷£õµõmh® AÁÐUS Á¸zu® u¸QÓx. AÁß ©hø©°ß ö\ÔøÁ AÁÍõÀ µ]UP •iQÓx. AÁÒ AÁÝUPõP Á¸zu¨£mhÄhß AÁß AvP©õP vmkÁõß GßÓ \mhzvØQn[P AÁß vmkQÓõß. £nzøu ©v¨£Á¸US A¢u AÔ¯õø© Esk. AÁÒ Põx£h AÁÍÇQ°Àø» GßÓõß. AÁÝhß AÁÒ |hÚ©õh ©ÖzxÂmhõÒ. Akzu£i Bk®ö£õÊx AÁß«x ÂUPõ® \õº£õPU SØÓ®\õmi Bzvµ‰mkQÓõÒ. ÂUPõ® ußøÚ¨ £ØÔ AÁyÖPøÍU TÔ°¸¨£õß GÚÄ® AÁß AÔÁõß. CuØS® ÷©»õP AÁß ÷áß v¸©nzøuz uøh ö\´v¸UQÓõß. CzuøÚø¯²® «Ô AÁÒ ußøÚz u¯õµõP HØ£õÒ GÚ {øÚUQÓõß. A¨£i HØÔ¸¢uõÀ AÁÒ G¼éö£zuõP C¸UP •i¯õx. J¸ ÷áß AÀ»x åõº÷»õmhõP÷Á C¸¢v¸UP •i²®. ußøÚ¨£ØÔ E¯ºÁõP {øÚ¨£x AÔÂßø©. CÆÁÍÄ® öu›¢u¤ß AÁøÍ ©mh©õP¨÷£], Aøu«Ô |õß Â¸®¦ÁuõÀ Gß Aß¤ß E¯ºøÁ } £õµõmi GßøÚ ©n® ¦›¯ ÷Ásk® GÚ {øÚUP AÔ¯õø© ©hø©¯õP ©õÔ §µn® ö£Ó ÷Ásk®.
86.     “In spite of her deeply rooted dislike she could not be insensible to the compliment of such a man’s affection”.
"GÆÁÍÄuõß öÁÖ¨¤¸¢uõ¾®, hõº]ø¯¨ ÷£õßÓÁÛß Aßø£ AÁÍõÀ ¦›¢x öPõÒÍõ©¼¸UP •i¯õx."
By one’s opinion Man develops a deep seated dislike or eternal passion for another.
J¸Áº öPõsh P¸zx, CßöÚõ¸Áº «x öÁÖ¨£õP÷Áõ, ©õÓõu ¤›¯©õP÷Áõ ÁͺQÓx.
In this case it is Darcy’s refusal to dance and ‘tolerable’.
C[S |hÚ©õh ©Özux®, '£µÁõ°Àø»' GßÓ Áõºzøu²® ö\¯À£kQßÓÚ.
Behind the opinion, there is the faculty to create an opinion.
P¸zvß ¤ßÚõÀ P¸zøu E¸ÁõUS® P¸Â Esk.
Obviously it is more powerful.
Ax Á¼ø© Áõ´¢ux Gߣx öuÎÄ.
This is one of the many faculties of the Mind.
©Úvß £» P¸ÂPÎÀ Cx JßÖ.
The Mind as a whole is more powerful than a single faculty.
uÛzu P¸Âø¯ Âh •Ê ©Ú® AvP £»® ö£õ¸¢v¯x.
Mind is one of the four parts of the Being.
ãÁÛß |õßS Pµn[PÎÀ ©Ú® JßÖ.
This yoga is done by the whole Being.
C¢u ÷¯õP® ãÁÛß AøÚzx Pµn[PÍõ¾® ö\´¯¨£kÁx.
That Being is different from the ego or the manomaya Purusha.
A¢u ¦¸åß uß•øÚ¨¤¼¸¢x®, ©÷Úõ©¯ ¦¸åÛ¼¸¢x® ÷ÁÖ£mhx.
Behind that Being is the Self that is individual, universal and transcendental.
A¢u ¦¸åÛß ¤ßÚõÀ uÛzxÁ®, ¤µ£g\zxÁ®, ÁøµPh¢uø© öPõsh Bß©õ Esk.
That Self represents the Absolute.
A¢u Bß©õ÷Á ¤µ®©zvß ¤µv{v.
Man is that Absolute and can reach It.
©Ûu÷Ú ¤µ®©®. AÁß Aøu Aøh¯»õ®.
It is sincerity that momentarily takes Man to the Absolute.
Esø© Pn ÷|µ® ¤µ®©zvh® ©ÛuøÚ Cmka ö\À»ÁÀ»x.
Darcy’s introspection is a reversal from his social personality and allowed him to touch the Absolute.
hõº]°ß APa ÷\õuøÚ AÁÚx \‰P BÐø©°¼¸¢x J¸ uø»RÌ ©õØÓzøuz u¢ux. Ax AÁøÚ ¤µ®©zøu öuõh øÁzux.
Elizabeth stepped into that path and took one step from the vital to the mental.
G¼\ö£z A¨£õøu°À |h¢uõÒ. EnºÂ¼¸¢x ©ÚzvØS Kµi |Pº¢uõÒ.
The stupendous result we see is because Darcy’s spiritual voyage was supported by Elizabeth feebly.
hõº]°ß BߪP ¯õzuøµ ]Ô¯ AÍÂÀ G¼\ö£zuõÀ Bu›UP¨£mhuõÀ, ö£¸® £¯ß ÂøÍ¢ux.
Mr. Bennet took that inconceivable decision to pay Mr. Gardiner.
Mr. PõºiÚ¸US £nzøuz v¸¨¤z uµ ÷Ásk® GßÖ {øÚUP÷Á •i¯õu J¸ •iøÁ Mr. ö£ßÚm Gkzuõº.
Jane came forward to shed her faith in duplicity. Today, especially for the devotees, that Absolute is accessible through their total sincerity. Even Lydia’s abominable position was legitimised by the wave of this power.
CµmøhzuÚzv¼¸¢u |®¤UøPø¯z xÓUP ÷áß •ßÁ¢uõÒ. CßÖ •Ê Esø© ‰»® AߣºPÒ ¤µ®©zøu Aøh¯»õ®. C¢u \Uv°ß Aø»÷¯ ¼i¯õÂß ÷PÁ»©õÚ ö\¯ø»²® \› ö\´ux.
87.     “She was at first sorry for the pain he was to receive”.
"AÁÝUS Á¼ u¢uuØPõP AÁÒ Á¸¢vÚõÒ."
One touch of sincerity penetrated her deeply – rooted dislike.
BÇzvÀ ÷Á›mk Âmh öÁÖ¨ø£²® Fk¸Âz öuõh ÁÀ»x Esø©.
Sincerity is all - powerful.
Esø© \ºÁÁÀ»ø© öPõshx.
Sincerity is to be entirely dependent on the Absolute.
Esø© Gߣx ¤µ®©zøu ©mk÷© •ÊÁx©õPa \õº¢v¸¨£x.
Life is open for the Man to exert his choice.
ÁõÌÂÀ ÷uº¢öukUS® E›ø© ©ÛuÝUSsk.
On one side it takes him to the Absolute. On the other side it can take him to the evil in the Inconscient.
J¸ ¦Ó® ¤µ®©zvh® AøÇzxa ö\À¾®. ©Ö¦Ó® £õuõÍzv¾ÒÍ wø©US AøÇzxa ö\À¾®.
He can reach the Being and from there see the three poises of Time.
AÁß ¦¸åøÚ Aøh¢x A[Q¸¢x Põ»zvß ‰ßÖ PvPøͲ® Põn»õ®.
All that Man has to do is to do in Spirit what Darcy did in life.
©Ûuß ö\´¯ ÷Ási¯öuÀ»õ® hõº] ÁõÌÂÀ ö\´uøu Bß©õÂÀ ö\´Á÷u.
The range of Superconscient to Inconscient is there.
÷©¾»P® •uÀ £õuõÍ® Áøµ £» {ø»PÒ Esk.
In life it is from royalty to beggary.
ÁõÌÂÀ Aµ\ß •uÀ Bsi Áøµ £» {ø»PÒ Esk.
The choice decides. It is a human choice.
÷uº¢öuk¨£÷u {ºn°US®. ÷uº¢öukUP ÷Ási¯Áß ©Ûuß.
One step from where he is, he moves like Elizabeth.
uõÛ¸US® {ø»°¼¸¢x Kµi Gkzx øÁzuõÀ G¼\ö£z ÷£õ» •ß÷ÚÖÁõß.
It is from vital to mental.
Ax EnºÂ¼¸¢x ©ÚvØSa ö\ÀÁx.
She reached the social pinnacle for her.
\‰PzvÀ Ea\{ø»ø¯ G¼\ö£z Aøh¢uõÒ.
It is her social infinity.
\‰Pzøu¨ ö£õ¸zuÁøµ Ax AÚ¢u®.
It came to her unsought, unknown.
AÁÍÔ¯õ©À AÁÒ |õhõ©À AÁÎh® Ax Á¢ux.
It is so because she was a child of freedom.
_u¢vµ©õP Áͺ¢u SÇ¢øu¯õP C¸¢uuõÀ AÁÐUS Ax |h¢ux.
Freedom created the atmosphere.
_u¢vµ® A¢u `Çø» E¸ÁõUQ¯x.
She had goodwill, noble values.
AÁÎh® |Àö»sn•® E¯º¢u £s¦PЮ Esk.
Her values made Darcy go to her.
AÁÒ £s¦PÒ hõº]ø¯ AÁøÍ |õha ö\´uÚ.
Not only Darcy but Wickham too came to her.
hõº]©mk©ßÖ ÂUPõ•® AÁøÍ |õiÚõß.
What matters is her choice.
AÁÒ ÷uº¢öuk¨£÷u •UQ¯©õÚx.
It is the psychic that chooses.
ø\zv¯÷© ÷uºÄ ö\´QÓx.
It is the psychic that feels sorry for his pain.
ø\zv¯÷© AÁß Á¼ø¯U Psk Á¸¢xQÓx.
His pain is true.
AÁß Á¼ {á©õÚx.
It is the pain caused by his love for her.
Ax AÁÚx PõuÀ u¢u Á¼.
She can cause pain; she can relieve it too.
Á¼ø¯z u¢uÁÍõÀ Aøu¨ ÷£õUPÄ® •i²®.
88.     “She was… roused to resentment”.
"AÁÒ AÁ©õÚzuõÀ öÁSshõÒ."
Mind can make the right choice, but can always change.
©Ú® \›¯õP ÷uº¢öukUS®. Aøu G¨÷£õx ÷Ánk©õÚõ¾® ©õØÔ öPõÒÍ •i²®.
Life presents such a choice every moment.
JÆöÁõ¸ Pn•® ÁõÌÄ A¨£iz ÷uº¢öukUS® \¢uº¨£zøuz u¸QÓx.
In a trice her sorrow became resentment.
Pn¨ö£õÊvÀ AÁÒ Á¸zu® AÁ©õÚ©õP ©õÖQÓx.
Only the psychic can be steady, not Mind.
ø\zv¯÷© P»[Põv¸US®. Ax ©ÚzuõÀ •i¯õx.
Mind always tends to falsehood and darkness.
©Ú® ö£õ´ø¯²®, C¸øͲ® |õk®.
His inclination is overmastering.
AÁß Â¸¨£® AvP¨£i¯õÚx.
Even then the judgment must have its say.
GÛÝ® wº¨¦ GßÚöÁßÖ öu›¯ ÷Ásk®.
An opinion created does not die by itself.
E¸ÁõÚ P¸zx uõÚõP ©øÓ¯õx.
It has to be worked out in life in external circumstances as Elizabeth did.
Aøu ÁõÌÄ u¸® ¦Ó \¢uº¨£[PÒ ‰»®, G¼\ö£z Ph¢ux ÷£õ» PhUP ÷Ásk®.
In the light of sincerity the opinion dissolves.
Esø©°ß JΰÀ P¸zx Pøµ²®.
This is by human aspiration.
©Ûu BºÁ® Cøu {PÌzx®.
Grace acts like that unasked without our knowledge.
|©USz öu›¯õ©À |õ® ÷PÍõ©À A¸Ò C¨£ia ö\¯À£k®.
Darcy found Lydia like that.
hõº] ¼i¯õøÁ C¨£izuõß Psk¤izuõß.
Darcy’s coming to Pemberley is like that, but there Elizabeth consciously changed her opinion.
hõº] ö£®£º¼US Á¢ux Cx ÷£õßÓ A¸Îß ö\¯÷». BÚõÀ G¼\ö£z •ÊÄnº÷Áõk uß P¸zøu ©õØÔ öPõshõÒ.
She did not ask Darcy for help to find Lydia.
¼i¯õøÁ Psk¤izx EuÄ©õÖ G¼\ö£z hõº]ø¯U ÷PmPÂÀø».
Therefore this is the action of grace.
GÚ÷Á Cx A¸Îß ö\¯÷».
Goodwill acts as an instrument of grace.
|Àö»sn® A¸Îß P¸Â¯õP ö\¯À£k®.
Charlotte and Mrs. Gardiner exhibit that good will.
åõº÷»mk®, Mrs. PõºiÚ¸® |Àö»snzøu öÁΨ£kzxQÓõºPÒ.
Force moves, Man directs.
\Uv |Pºzx®. ©Ûuß C¯USÁõß.
Elizabeth is the Force; Darcy is the Spirit.
G¼\ö£z \Uv; hõº] Bß©õ.
A volcanic energy is released.
G›©ø» \Uv öÁΨ£kQÓx.
It has to be absorbed into action.
Aa\Uv ö\¯¼À ö\»Âh¨£h ÷Ásk®.
It was absorbed into Darcy’s transformation.
Ax hõº]°ß v¸Ä¸©õØÓzuõÀ ö\»Áõ°ØÖ.
She utilised that Force a little.
AÁÒ Aa\Uv°À ]ÔuÍ÷Á E£÷¯õQzxU öPõshõÒ.
He was the giver; she was the recipient.
AÁß u¸£Áß; AÁÒ ö£Ö£ÁÒ.
89.     “Lost all compassion in anger”.
"AøÚzx P¸ønø¯²® ÷Põ£zvÀ CÇ¢uõÒ."
Compassion is above sympathy, below grace.
P¸øn CµUPzøu Âh E¯º¢ux. A¸øÍÂhz uõÌ¢ux.
His sincerity released that compassion in her dislike.
AÁÛhª¸¢u Esø© AÁÒ öÁÖ¨¤¼¸¢u P¸ønø¯ öÁÎÁµa ö\´ux.
It was lost in her anger roused by his language.
AÁß ÁõºzøuPÒ Qͨ¤¯ ÷Põ£zvÀ AÁÒ AUP¸ønø¯ CÇ¢uõÒ.
All that he said need not be said.
AÁß ö\õßÚx Gøu²® ö\õÀ¼ C¸UP ÷Ási¯vÀø».
It could also be said positively.
|À»Âu©õPÁõÁx ö\õÀ¼ C¸UP»õ®.
Language permits to deliver an abuse as praise.
ö©õÈ vmøh¨ £õµõmk¨ ÷£õ»z uµ AÝ©vUQÓx.
It is not a linguistic education that does it.
Aøua ö\´Áx ö©õÈa \õº¢u PÀ AßÖ.
It is a cultural education reaching her through language.
|õP›P® PØÓÁß ö©õÈ°ß ‰»® AÁøÍ Aøh¯»õ®.
It is given at home as upbringing.
Ax ÃmiÀ Áͺ¨¤ß ‰»® Á¸Áx.
It is centred in goodness and sweetness.
Ax CÛø©°¾®, |À»uÚzv¾® ø©¯® öPõsi¸¨£x.
One makes the other magnificent nobility.
JßÖ ©ØöÓõßøÓ ]Ó¨£õP E¯ºzx®.
Goodness is of the Being.
¦¸åÝUS›¯x |À»uÚ®.
Sweetness is of Ananda.
CÛø© BÚ¢uzvØS›¯x.
Actually Love comes out of Ananda.
Aߦ BÚ¢uzv¼¸¢xuõß ¤ÓUQÓx.
Love acquiring knowledge is sweetness.
Aߦ bõÚzøu¨ ö£ØÓõÀ CÛø© BQÓx.
Anger is the force of the vital.
EnºÂØS›¯ \Uv ÷Põ£®.
It is of the physical at No.6.
Ax áhzvØS›¯x. No.6
Man can travel from the Absolute to the Inconscient because he is the conscient.
¤µ®©zv¼¸¢x £õuõÍzvØS ©ÛuÚõÀ ÷£õP •i²®. HöÚÛÀ AÁ÷Ú CøÓÁß.
The psychic is the evolving soul.
ø\zv¯® £›nõ©zv¼¸US® Bß©õ.
It cannot be angry.
AuÚõÀ ÷Põ£¨£h •i¯õx.
Human love is full of selfishness.
©ÛuU PõuÀ •ÊÁx® _¯|»©õÚx.
Darcy’s love is the selfishness of the selfless.
hõº]°ß PõuÀ _¯|»ªßø©°ß _¯|»®.
He is centred in selfishness.
AÁß _¯|»zvÀ ø©¯® öPõskÒÍõß.
When Lydia ran away he regretted the cancellation of her visit to Pemberley.
¼i¯õ Ki¨ ÷£õÚuõÀ AÁÒ ö£®£º¼US Á¸Áøu Cµzx ö\´u ÷£õx AÁß Á¸¢vÚõß.
Selfishness is all pervading in him.
_¯|»® AÁøÚ •ÊUP `Ì¢v¸¢ux.
90.     “tried… to compose herself to answer him with patience”.
"AÁÝUS¨ ö£õ¸zu©õÚ £vÀ ö\õÀÁuØPõPz ußøÚ {uõÚ¨ £kzvU öPõshõÒ."
Her personality was crushed to pieces by what he said, but she tried to put them all together in another fashion.
AÁß TÔ¯øÁ AÁÍx BÐø©ø¯ _US¡ÓõP ö|õÖUQ ÂmhÚ. Eøh¢x ÷£õÚ uß £SvPøÍ JßÖ ÷\ºUP ÷ÁÖ ÁøP°À AÁÒ •¯ÀQÓõÒ.
To answer someone, you should receive what he said.
J¸ÁÝUS £vÀ TÓ, AÁß GßÚ ö\õßÚõß GßÖ ¦›¢x öPõÒÍ ÷Ásk®.
What he said broke her to smithereens.
AÁß ö\õßÚøÁ AÁøͨ ö£õi¨ ö£õi¯õUQÚ.
There was no Elizabeth to answer him.
£vÀ ö\õÀ» A[÷P G¼\ö£z CÀø».
She is to be born anew before she could find words.
©Öö©õÈ TÓ AÁÒ «sk® ¤ÓUP ÷Ásk®.
His great love for her when spoken destroyed her.
÷£]¯ ÷£õx, AÁß öPõsh ö£¸[PõuÀ AÁøÚ AÈzux.
Each time the small contacts the great, this happens.
]Ô¯x ö£›¯øu \¢vUS® JÆöÁõ¸ •øÓ²® Cx {PÊ®.
It happens pleasantly so that the rebirth is at a higher plane.
©Ö¤Ó¨¦ E¯ºuÍzvÀ {PÌÁuõÀ Ax CÛø©¯õÚuõP C¸US®.
Here, it takes place negatively.
C[÷Põ Ax Gvº©øÓ¯õP {PÌQÓx.
Every human contact is an exchange of consciousness.
©ÛuºPÎh® öPõÒЮ JÆöÁõ¸ öuõhº¤¾®, ã¯zvÀ ö£Öu¾® u¸u¾® {PÌQßÓÚ.
That is spiritual growth.
Ax BߪP Áͺa].
It occurs at being and ananda too.
¦¸åÛ¾®, BÚ¢uzv¾® Ax {PÊ®.
It also happens when God meets Man.
CøÓÁß ©ÛuøÚ \¢vUS® ÷£õx® Ax {PÊ®.
It takes place at all four levels of the human being.
©ÛuÛß |õßS {ø»Pξ® Ax {PÊ®.
Some are powerful impacts; this is one.
AÁØÔÀ ]» Á¾ÁõÚ £õv¨ø£ HØ£kzx®. Cx A¨£i¨£mh JßÖ.
Meeting the guru the disciple finds the guru is born in himself.
S¸øÁ \¢vUS® ^hß, ußÝÒ S¸ ¤Ó¨£øu AÔÁõß.
To positively expand into another is spiritual patience.
©ØÓÁ¸Ò uõß |À»Âu©õP ÁͺÁx BߪP¨ ö£õÖø©.
The difference between them is social and psychological.
©Ú•® \‰P•® AÁºPÎhª¸¢u ÷ÁØÖø©.
She rises socially.
AÁÒ \‰PzvÀ E¯ºQÓõÒ.
He is psychologically reborn.
AÁß ©ÚzuÍÂÀ ©Ö¤Ó¨¦ GkUQÓõß.
Proposal is a social occasion in Time and Space.
Põ»zv¾®, öÁΰ¾® EÒÍ \‰P {PÌ÷Á v¸©n¨ ÷£a_.
Words and ideas are the linguistic medium.
ÁõºzøuPЮ P¸zxUPЮ ö©õÈÁÈ Á¸ÁÚ.
Attitude penetrates.
©÷Úõ£õÁ® Fk¸Ä®.
Receptivity absorbs.
HئzvÓß ö£ØÖU öPõÒЮ.
Resistance destroys.
Gvº¨¦ AÈUS®.
This is psychological intercourse.
Ax EÒÍzvß ÷\ºUøP.
91.     “Representing to her the strength of that attachment”.
"AÁß ¤›¯zvß Á¼ø©ø¯ AÁÐUS Gkzxa ö\õÀÁx."
That strength grew to its maximum by his secrecy.
AÁÚx CµP]¯zvß ‰»® Auß Á¼ø© AvP£m\® Áͺ¢ux.
He proposes when it is saturated.
Ax •vº¢ux® AÁß ©n¨ ÷£aø\ Gkzuõß.
A proposal is a social occasion.
©n¨÷£a_ \‰P {PÌa].
Psychologically it is a propitious moment.
©ÚzuÍÂÀ Ax |À» u¸n®.
In character it is an auspicious moment.
SnzuÍÂÀ Ax ©[PÍPµ©õÚ u¸n®.
However much one likes no proposal can rise when that strength is not saturated.
A¢u Á¼ø© •vµõu ÷£õx, GÆÁÍÄ Â¸®¤Úõ¾® v¸©n¨ ÷£a_ öÁÎÁµõx.
This saturation is a maturity that is a rich ripening.
C®•vºa] ö\Ȩ£õÚ PÛ°ß £USÁ®.
As a fruit falls off when ripened, not before, the proposal waits till that moment comes.
PÛ¢uõÀ £Ç® ÂÊ®. AuØS •ß ÂÇõx. uUP u¸n® Á¸® Áøµ v¸©n¨ ÷£a_ Põzv¸US®.
In this case, Darcy’s love must be strong enough to break out of his judgement.
C[S, hõº]°ß wº¨ø£ EøhUS©ÍÂØS AÁß PõuÀ £»©õÚuõP C¸UP ÷Ásk®.
In her she must inwardly move away from her mother and Wickham.
AÁ÷Íõ APzvÀ ÂUPõªhª¸¢x®, AÁÒ uõ°hª¸¢x® »P ÷Ásk®.
Also Jane’s marriage must relax its hold on her Mind.
÷áÛß v¸©n Â寮 AÁÒ ©Úzøu A›¨£x {ØP ÷Ásk®.
Between the two proposals the issues are clearer still.
Cµsk v¸©n[Pξ®, Âå¯[PÒ CßÚ•® öuÎÁõPÂÀø».
Marriage is meeting of Minds, meeting of hearts.
v¸©n® Gߣx ©Ú[PÎß ThÀ, Cu¯[PÎß ThÀ.
Time, Space, Energy, Attitude, People, Events, Power, Power of Accomplishment, Receptivity, Reservations, Resistances, etc. must cooperate to allow the moment to ripen.
u¸n® PÛ¯, Põ»®, öÁÎ, öu®¦, \õvUS® \Uv, ö£Ö¢vÓß, •ß•iÄPÒ, Gvº£õº¨¦PÒ JzxøÇUP ÷Ásk®.
When it has arrived it is rich, ripe, full, mature, saturated.
Ax Á¸® u¸n® Ax ö\Ȩ£õP, PÛÁõP, •Êø©¯õP, £USÁ¨£mk, •vº¢x C¸US®.
This moment can be studied from all these angles, giving us a total vision.
Czu¸nzøu CU÷Põn[PÎÀ Bµõ´¢uõÀ |©US •Êø©¯õÚ £õºøÁ QøhUS®.
Shakespeare’s poetry fully reflects this truth.
÷åU줯›ß PÂøuPÒ C¢u Esø©ø¯ •ÊÁx©õP öÁΨ£kzxQßÓÚ.
His is a drama where the words must be self-explanatory.
AÁº GÊv¯øÁ |õhP[PÒ. AÁØÔÀ ÁõºzøuPÒ _¯ ÂÍUPzxhß C¸UP ÷Ásk®.
Love at first sight, Frailty, Thy name is woman are such phrases.
Pshx® PõuÀ, ö©ßø©, Eß ö£¯º ö£s BQ¯øÁ A¨£i¨£mh £u¨ ¤µ÷¯õP[PÒ.
Living fear is live with fear.
E°¸ÒÍ Aa\® Gߣx Aa\zxhß ÁõÌÁx.
Elegance without embellishment is simplicity elevated.
ö©¸÷PØÓõu E¯ºÄ, GÎø©ø¯ E¯ºzxÁuõS®.
92.     “Impossible to conquer”.
"öÁÀÁx Gߣx |hUP •i¯õu Põ›¯®."
He makes a human effort. The resistance is physical.
AÁß Gk¨£x ©Ûu •¯Ø]. Gvº¨¦ áh©õÚx.
Once formed habits, attitudes, opinions do not give way to human effort.
E¸ÁõÚ £ÇUP[PÒ, ©÷Úõ£õÁ[PÒ, P¸zxPÒ ©Ûu •¯Ø]¯õÀ Pøµ¯õ.
Each level can be overcome by the next higher level.
JÆöÁõ¸ {ø»a ]UPø»²® Akzu E¯º¢u {ø»°¼¸¢x öÁÀ»»õ®.
In practice it yields only to the spiritual light.
|øh•øÓ°À BߪP JÎU÷P AøÁ Pmk¨£k®.
A habit is physical.
£ÇUP® áh©õÚx.
A physical formation can yield to change of vital attitude.
áhzuõÀ E¸ÁõÚx EnºÁõ»õÚ ©÷Úõ£õÁzvß ©õØÓzvØS Pmk¨£k®.
It does not happen like that.
AÆÁsn® {PÊÁvÀø».
A physical habit gradually acquires vital energy, mental endorsement and spiritual support. In that case it can only be destroyed.
EhÀ £ÇUP® £i¨£i¯õP EnºÂß \Uvø¯²®, ©Úvß AÝ©vø¯²®, BߪP BuµøÁ²® ö£ÖQÓx. A¢{ø»°À Cøu AÈUP ©mk÷© •i²®.
The world wars were fought to destroy the habit of pugnacity.
\søh°k® £ÇUPzøu AÈUP÷Á E»P¨ ÷£õºPÒ HØ£mhÚ.
Pugnacity has become identified with the body and could be destroyed only by destroying the body.
Eh÷»õk JßÓõQÂmh ÷£õº Snzøu, Ehø» AȨ£uß ‰»÷© AÈUP •i²®.
In Darcy what was destroyed was vital pride.
hõº]°ÝÒ AÈUP¨£mhx AÁÚx EnºÂ¼¸¢u PºÁ®.
She changed her mental opinion, the vital charm remained.
AÁÒ ©Úv¼¸¢u P¸zøu ©õØÔU öPõshõÒ. EnºÂ¼¸¢u Á^Pµ® ©õÓÂÀø».
Glencora who was a faithful social wife kept her heart with Burgo. It still gave Palliser the Prime Ministership.
\‰PzvÀ Â_Áõ\•ÒÍ ©øÚ¯õP C¸¢u QÍß÷PõµõÂß Cu¯® £º÷PõÂh® C¸¢ux. B°Ý® Ax £¼\¸US ¤µu© ©¢v› £uÂø¯¨ ö£ØÖz u¢ux.
Had Elizabeth given her love to Darcy, Darcy would have shone in the court, rose to the Cabinet, led the nation.
hõº]ø¯ G¼\ö£z Põu¼zv¸¢uõÀ, hõº] \ø£°À ¦PÌ ö£ØÖ, |õmøh ÁÈ |hzx® ©¢v›¯õPU Th E¯º¢v¸¨£õß.
She gave her loyalty not love.
AÁÒ hõº]US Â_Áõ\zøuz u¢uõÒ. Põuø»z uµÂÀø».
Glencora’s marriage gave Palliser another £50,000 a year.
QÍß÷PõµõÂß v¸©n® £¼\¸US Á¸hzvØS ÷©¾® £50000 Á¸©õÚ® ö£ØÖz u¢ux.
It is physical.
Ax áh©õÚx.
Her faithfulness is socially mental.
AÁÍx Â_Áõ\® \‰PzvÀ ©Úzuõ»õÚx.
Her psychological vital charm stayed with Burgo.
AÁÍx ©Ú•®, EnºÄ® £º÷PõÂh÷© ©¯[Q C¸¢uÚ.
It was fulfilled in Silverbridge and Mary.
]ÀÁº ¤›mâ¾® ÷©›°¾® Ax {øÓ÷ÁÔ¯x.
It will always be fulfilled, not as we foresee.
Ax {øÓ÷ÁÔ÷¯z w¸®. {øÓ÷ÁÖÁx |õ® {øÚ¨£x ÷£õ¼¸UPõx.
No movement once started will remain unfulfilled.
÷uõßÔ¯ C¯UP®, {øÓ÷ÁÓõ©À C¸UPõx.
We see love, but there are hundreds of facets.
Põuø»U PõsQ÷Óõ®. BÚõÀ Ax ¡Ö ÁøP¯õÚ £UP[PøÍU öPõshx.
93.     “it would now be rewarded by her acceptance”.
"AÁÒ \®©uzvØS® C¨÷£õx öÁS©v QøhUS®."
Reward is a pleasant return for fair service.
{¯õ¯©õÚ ÷\øÁUS¨ ö£Ö® CÛø©¯õÚ £v÷» öÁS©v.
According to him his service was he loved her.
AÁøÚ¨ ö£õÖzu Áøµ AÁøÍU Põu¼zux AÁß ö\´u ÷Áø».
His sacrifice was his judgement that conflicted with his inclination.
AÁß Â¸¨£z÷uõk •µs£mh AÁß wº¨ø£ AÁß v¯õP® ö\´QÓõß.
Her accepting him was her reward to him.
AÁøÚ HØ£x AÁÒ u¸® öÁS©v.
He completely overlooked the mortal wound he had inflicted on her.
AÁÒ E°÷µ ÷£õS©ÍÂØS AÁøÍU Põ¯¨£kzv¯øu AÁß PÁÛUP÷Á°Àø».
More than that, he ruined Jane’s happiness.
Ax ©mk©ßÔ, ÷áÛß ©QÌa]ø¯²® öPkzuõß.
How did he expect those injuries to be neutralised?
C¢uU Põ¯[PÒ G¨£i \›¯õQ Âk® GßÖ Gvº£õºzuõß?
He was unthinking. He thought of himself only.
AÁß ÷¯õ]¨£÷u°Àø». ÷¯õ]zuõÀ Ax ußøÚ¨ £ØÔ¯uõP ©mk÷© C¸US®.
Perhaps, he understood, that the advances he made would compensate his ‘tolerable’.
uõß £µÁõ°Àø» GßÖ TÔ¯øu uß ^›¯ ]¢uøÚPÒ \› ö\´x ÂmhÚ GßÖ ¦›¢x öPõshõß ÷£õ¾®.
How does a lady publicly humiliated pardon a Man by his private friendly gestures?
ö£õx ChzvÀ AÁ©õÚ¨£kzv Âmk, uÛø©°À |m¦hß £ÇS® Bøn J¸ ö£s G¨£i ©ßÛ¨£õÒ?
Still, how did he expect his role with Jane to move away?
uõß ÷áÝUS ö\´u uÁøÓ AÁÒ ©Ó¨£õÒ GßÖ G¨£i Gvº£õºzuõß?
In his own conscience he was proud of his role.
AÁß ©Ú\õm] uõß E¯º¢u Põ›¯zøu ö\´uuõP {øÚzux.
’Tolerable’ and refusal to dance were not in his Mind.
£µÁõ°Àø» GßÓ÷uõ, |hÚ©õh ©Özu÷uõ AÁß {øÚ¼Àø».
He was willing to forget, over look, but will life do so?
AÁß ©ÓUPÄ®, ¦Ó¢uÒÍÄ® u¯õº uõß. ÁõÌÄ Aøua ö\´²©õ?
Even if she was willing, would life offer him a reward?
AÁÒ Â¸®¤Úõ¾® Th, ÁõÌÄ AÁÝUS öÁS©v u¸©õ?
What does he think of all this?
AÁß CÁØøÓ £ØÔö¯À»õ® GßÚ {øÚzxU öPõsi¸UQÓõß?
A selfish Man does not think, he asks blatantly.
_¯|»ª ]¢vUP ©õmhõß. öÁΨ£øh¯õP ÷Ásk® GßÖ ÷Pm£õß.
The reward life gave was a brutal onslaught on his character, his manhood and his being a gentleman.
AÁß Sn®, Bsø©, E¯ºSi CÁØÔØS ÂÊ¢u Ai÷¯ ÁõÌÄ u¢u £›_.
What did she accept?
AÁÒ GßÚ ö\´¯ \®©vzuõÒ?
She accepted to abuse him as he was never abused in life.
AÁß ÁõÌÂÀ CxÁøµ ö£Óõu AÍÂØS AÁøÚz vmkÁuØSz uõß AÁÒ \®©vUQÓõÒ.
Even if he was not guilty as above, he was not one who could win her for what he was.
AÁÒ SÔ¨¤mh £i AÁß SØÓÁõÎ AÀ» GßÓõ¾® AÁß C¸US® {ø»°À AÁÚõÀ AÁøÍ öÁÀ» •i¯õx.
A Caroline would accept him, not an Elizabeth.
P÷µõ¼ß AÁøÚ HØ£õÒ. G¼\ö£z HØP ©õmhõÒ.
He needed a psychological guillotine not Elizabeth.
AÁÝUS ©ÚzuÍÂÀ QÀ»miß uõß ÷uøÁ. AÁß ÷uøÁ G¼\ö£z AßÖ.
94.     “She could easily see that he had no doubt of a favourable answer”.
"AÁß |À» £vÀ {a\¯® QøhUS® GßÖ {øÚ¨£x AÁÐUS¨ ¦›¢ux.".
Face expresses better than words.
•P® ÁõºzøuPøÍ Âh ]Ó¨£õP öÁΨ£kzx®.
Sensations directly communicate infallibly.
öuõhÁÀ» EnºÄPÒ uÁÓõ©À ÷|µi¯õP Âå¯zøua ö\õÀ¼ Âk®.
Darcy, perhaps, had not received a NO from any one till now.
Cx Áøµ ¯õ¸® hõº]°h® •i¯õx GßÖ ö\õÀ¼°¸UP ©õmhõºPÒ.
So far he might have had his way in anything he had done.
AÁß {øÚzu÷u Cx Áøµ |h¢v¸US®.
His age old habit, his own estimation of himself, his clear explanation of her equation with him led him to this.
AÁÚx £øǯ £ÇUP®, ußøÚ¨ £ØÔ E¯º¢u ©v¨¥k, AÁÒ uÚUS \©ªÀø» GßÓ ÂÍUP® GÀ»õ® ÷\º¢x AÁøÚ C¢{ø»US BÍõUQÚ.
Marriage is not what he was habituated with.
v¸©n® AÁÝUS £ÇUP©ØÓ JßÖ.
It is another who should decide, another not bound to him.
AvÀ AÁÝUSU Pmk¨£hõu ©ØÓÁº wº©õÚ® ö\´¯ ÷Ási°¸UQÓx.
His explanation, if anything, ruined his prospects.
AÁÝUS |À» £vÀ QøhUP Áõ´¨¤¸¢v¸US÷©¯õÚõÀ, A¢u Áõ´¨ø£²® AÁß ÂÍUP® öPkzux.
He did not know she was outside his sphere.
uß Bm] GÀø»US A¨£õØ£mhÁÒ G¼\ö£z Gߣøu hõº] AÔ¯ÂÀø».
She in fact belonged to a hostile sphere.
Esø©°À AÁÒ Gvµoø¯a ÷\º¢uÁÒ.
All his life he was the determinant of his works.
ÁõÌÄ •ÊÁx® uß Põ›¯[PÒ G¨£i |hUP ÷Ásk® Gߣøu AÁß uõß {ºn¯® ö\´uõß.
Now the determinant was outside, on the opposite side.
C¨÷£õ÷uõ AÁß Põ›¯zøu {ºn°¨£ÁÒ öÁÎ÷¯, Gvµo°À C¸UQÓõÒ.
He was like a prey happily entering a trap he set for himself.
uÚUSz uõ÷Ú ö£õÔ øÁzxU öPõsk, AvÀ \¢÷uõå©õPa ]UQU öPõÒЮ Cøµ ÷£õÀ hõº] C¸UQÓõß.
Her response was dislike, disgust, devastation.
öÁÖ¨¦, A¸Á¸¨¦, uõUSuÀ CøÁ÷¯ AÁÎß ©Öö©õÈ.
He was an exception to the rule of Charlotte that few of us can love without encouragement.
FUP©ÎUPõÂmhõÀ ¯õ¸® Põu¼UP ©õmhõºPÒ GßÓ åõº÷»miß ÂvUS »UPõÚÁß hõº].
He loved in spite of active discouragement.
•i¯õx GßÖ ©Özu ¤ßÝ® Põu¼zuÁß hõº].
His love was true, but impure, stupid and selfish.
_¯|»©õP, ‰hzuÚ©õP, P»¨£h©õP C¸¢uõ¾® AÁß PõuÀ Esø©¯õÚx.
He had a crude exterior to his tender love.
AÁß ö©ßø©¯õÚ Põu¼ß ÷©ØTk Pµk•µhõÚx.
Perhaps he had not married till then as he found no one he met suitable to him.
uÚU÷PØÓÁøÍ CxÁøµU PõnõuuõÀ uõß AÁß CxÁøµ v¸©n® ö\´x öPõÒÍÂÀø» ÷£õ¾®.
If that is true, he must be a good judge of appearances.
Ax Esø©¯õÚõÀ, ÷uõØÓzøuU Psk wº¨¦ u¸ÁvÀ AÁß ]Ó¢uÁß.
His judgment here utterly failed.
AÁß wº¨¦ •Êz uÁÓõQÂmhx.
Perhaps he was chased by girls whom he abused or wronged so far.
J¸ ÷ÁøÍ AÁß vmi AÁ©vzu ö£sPöÍÀ»õ® AÁøÚ |õi°¸UPU Tk®.
Bingley remained with him in spite of direct injury.
¤[Q¼US hõº] FÖ ö\´u ÷£õx®, ¤[Q¼ AÁÝh÷Ú÷¯ C¸¢uõß.
95.     “He spoke of apprehension and anxiety”.
"AÁß Aa\zøu¨ £ØÔ²®, PÁø»ø¯¨ £ØÔ²® ÷£]Úõß."
Anxiety is to be not certain of the result.
C[S PÁø» Gߣx GßÚ |hUS÷©õ GßÓÔ¯õuuÚõÀ EshõS® EnºÄ.
Apprehension is the fear of the result.
C[S Aa\® Gߣx •iøÁ¨ £ØÔ¯ Aa\®.
Apprehension is there in store not in his Mind.
Aa\ª¸¢ux. Ax AÁß ©ÚzvÀ CÀø».
Anxiety was there in Elizabeth about Jane, not in him.
÷áøÚ¨ £ØÔ¯ PÁø» G¼\ö£zvh® C¸¢ux. AÁÛhªÀø».
He spoke of them as he was aware of their presence.
AøÁ C¸¨£øu AÔ¢uuõÀuõß AÁß AÁØøÓ¨ £ØÔ¨ ÷£_QÓõß.
He was apprehensive of the discipline he would soon undertake.
öÁS ÂøµÂÀ uõß HØÖU öPõÒÍ ÷Ási¯ Pmk¨£õkPøͨ £ØÔ¯ Aa\® AÁÝUQ¸¢ux.
He was really anxious that he would lose Elizabeth.
uõß G¼\ö£zøu CÇ¢x Âk÷Áõ÷©õ GßÓ PÁø» Esø©°÷»÷¯ AÁÝUQ¸¢ux.
It is the subtle atmosphere that made him speak.
`m_© `ÇÀ AÁøÚ¨ ÷£\ øÁzux.
Apprehension and anxiety were there to one more person.
Aa\•® PÁø»²® CßöÚõ¸Á›h•® C¸¢uÚ.
It was Lady Catherine who was apprehensive of his meeting Elizabeth.
hõº] G¼\ö£zøu \¢v¨£øu¨ £ØÔ¯ Aa\® ÷»i PõuŸÝUS C¸¢ux.
One’s anxiety can enter into anyone in the atmosphere.
J¸Á›ß PÁø» `ǼÀ C¸US® AkzuÁøµ²® öuõØÔU öPõÒÍU Ti¯x.
Emotions are contagious.
EnºÄPÒ JmiU öPõÒЮ.
Even experiences are infectious.
After Elizabeth was entertained by Georgiana, the atmosphere of elopement on her came to her as reality.
áõºâ¯õÚõ G¼\ö£zøu ©QÌÂzu ¤ßÚº, Ki¨ ÷£õS® `ÇÀ G¼\ö£zvh® vmhÁmh©õP HØ£mhx.
Mrs. Bennet uses a ruse for Jane to stay at Netherfield.
÷áß ö|uº¥ÀiÀ u[P Mrs. ö£ßÚm \v ö\´uõÒ.
Its contagion made Darcy use a ruse to prevent Bingley from meeting Jane.
Aa\v hõº]ø¯ JmiU öPõshx. ¤[Q¼ ÷áøÚ \¢vUP Âhõ©À hõº] \v ö\´uõß.
Contagion is the law; what results issue depend upon the personality and motive.
Jmk® Gߣx \mh®. £»ß \®£¢u¨£mhÁ›ß BÐø©ø¯²®, ÷|õUPzøu²® ö£õÖzux.
Collins abused Elizabeth in his proposal.
©n¨÷£a]ß ÷£õx Põ¼ßì G¼\ö£zøuz vmiÚõß.
The contagion went to Darcy.
Ax hõº]ø¯ JmiU öPõshx.
Now Darcy, in Collins’ house, abuses her in the proposal.
hõº] Põ¼ßì ÃmiÀ øÁzx G¼\ö£zøu ©n¨÷£a]ß ÷£õx vmkQÓõß.
There is no small event in the story which cannot be traced for energy, extension, correspondence, Life Response.
Pøu°À \Uv, }mhÀ, öuõhº¦, ÁõÌÂß ©Öö©õÈ BQ¯ÁØøÓ AÔ¯ •i¯õu ]Ö {PÌa] JßÖ Th CÀø».
To see the future big event in the present insignificant event is wisdom.
{PÌPõ»zvß •UQ¯©ØÓ ]Ö ö\¯¼À GvºPõ»zvß ö£›¯ {PÌa]ø¯U Põs£x Â÷ÁP®.
96.     “Such a circumstance could only exasperate farther”.
"Ax ÷£õßÓ \¢uº¨£® Âå¯zøu ÷©¾® öPmk¨ ÷£õPa ö\´²®."
She is on fire. Oblivious of it, he indulges in platitudes.
AÁÒ ö|¸¨¤ß «x {ØQÓõÒ. Aøu¨ ¦›¢x öPõÒÍõ©À AÁß ©mh©õP¨ ÷£_QÓõß.
That she is taken for granted, grates on her nerves.
uß Cèh¨£i AÁÒ |h¨£õÒ GßÓ AÁß {øÚ¨¦, AÁÒ |µ®¦PøÍ •ÖU÷PØÖQÓx.
No man likes to know he is fooled. It is provoking.
uõß •mhõÍõUP¨ £kÁøu GÁ¸® ¸®£ ©õmhõº. Ax G›a\ø»U Qͨ¦®.
He wanted to provoke her thought, but actually provoked her.
AÁÒ ©Úzøu ^sh ¸®¤¯Áß, AÁøÍa ^si Âmhõß.
The contradiction Sri Aurobindo speaks of is fully here.
ÿ AµÂ¢uº SÔ¨¤k® •µs£õkPÒ C[S •ÊÁx©õP C¸UQßÓÚ.
Wisdom requires to see the end in this confrontation.
C¢u ÷©õu¼ß •iøÁ Põs£÷u Â÷ÁP®.
They were at cross purposes. There was no communication.
AÁºPÍx ÷|õUP[PÒ ÷ÁÓõÚøÁ. Aøu¨ £ØÔ¯ ÷£a_ A[QÀø».
A circumstance is not a mere event in Time and Space.
\¢uº¨£ `Çø» Põ»zv¾®, öÁΰ¾® HØ£k® J¸ \õuõµn {PÌÄ AßÖ.
It expresses Man’s thoughts, character, motives, etc.
Ax ©ÛuÛß Gsn[PøͲ®, Snõv\¯[PøͲ®, ÷|õUP[PøͲ® öÁΨ£kzx®.
What determines is not the day or place, it is the inner makeup of the Man.
|õ÷Íõ Ch÷©õ {ºn°¨£vÀø». ©ÛuÛß AP Aø©¨¦ {ºn°US®.
Darcy’s circumstance is not the proposal, but what he is to himself as a person.
hõº]°ß \¢uº¨£ `Ì{ø» ©n¨÷£a\õÀ HØ£mhuÀ». AÁøÚ ö£õ¸zuÁøµ AÁß G¨÷£õx® C¸¨£x ÷£õÀ C¸¢uõß.
That is the inner circumstance which exasperates.
AP{ø» öPkzux.
The same inner circumstances in Elizabeth at Pemberley changed everything diametrically.
A÷u AP{ø», ö£®£º¼US G¼\ö£z Á¢x ÷£õx GÀ»õÁØøÓ²® Gvº•øÚUS ©õØÔ¯x.
Of course Pemberley is different from the Parsonage.
ö£®£º¼, £õv›°ß Ãmi¼¸¢x ©õÖ£mhx.
Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner are different from Collins and Lady Catherine.
Mr. & Mrs. PõºiÚº Põ¼ß꼸¢x®, ÷»i PõuŸÛhª¸¢x® ©õÖ£mhÁºPÒ.
The changing inner circumstances change the outer circumstances of place, Time and Persons.
APa `Çø» ©õØÔU öPõshõÀ Ch®, Põ»®, ©ÛuºPÒ •u¼¯ ¦Óa `ÇÀPÒ ©õÔ Âk®.
Compare the exquisite sensitive self-respect of the Gardiners with Collins’ urge to speak to Darcy.
PõºiÚºPÎß ÷©»õÚ, ö\õµøn²ÒÍ _¯©›¯õøuø¯²® hõº]°h® ÷£\ ÷Ásk® GßÓ Põ¼ßêß xi¨ø£²® J¨¦ ÷|õUP ÷Ásk®.
Compare Mrs. Reynolds’s social idiom of refinement with Maria’s running upstairs in utter panic.
Mrs. ÷µÚõÀmêß \‰P ö|Ô ¤ÓÇõ £USÁzøu²®, •Ê £¯zuõÀ ¥iUP¨£mk ©õiUS ©›¯õ KkÁøu²® J¨¦ ÷|õUP»õ®.
Compare Darcy’s invitation to Mr. Gardiner for fishing with the Colonel’s sense of triumph over Darcy’s interference.
Mr. PõºiÚøµ «ß ¤iUP hõº] u¢u AøǨø£²®, hõº]°ß uø»±møh £ØÔ PºÚÀ öPõsh ö£¸ªzuøu²® J¨¤h»õ®.
97.     “the colour rose into her cheeks”.
"AÁÒ PßÚ[PÒ {Ó® ©õÔÚ."
Facial muscles disclose the emotions.
•Pzuø\PÒ EnºÄPøÍ öÁΨ£kzx®.
Emotions are directly related to the movement of blood, as it is the heart that controls blood.
Cu¯÷© Cµzuzøu JÊ[S £kzxÁuõÀ, EnºÄPÒ Cµzu Kmhzxhß ÷|µi¯õÚ öuõhº¦øh¯øÁ.
Man is his temperament.
©ÚÄnº÷Á ©Ûuß.
What thoughts cannot accomplish, temperament can.
Gsn[PÒ \õvUPõuøu ©ÚÄnºÄ \õvUS®.
She has made light of his slight ‘tolerable’.
AÁß £µÁõ°Àø» GßÖ AØ£zuÚ©õP ö\õßÚøu AÁÒ GÒÎ |øP¯õiÚõÒ.
The subconscious is raw, vengeful, acts through life.
BÌ©Ú® £s£hõux, £È Áõ[S® ußø©²ÒÍx, ÁõÌÂß ‰»® ö\¯À£kÁx.
The conscious can be magnanimous, not the subconscious.
÷©À ©Ú® ö£¸¢ußø©¯õÚuõP C¸UPU Tk®. BÌ©Ú® A¨£i¨ £mhußÖ.
Caroline waited for an occasion to provoke Elizabeth and at Pemberley she got it.
G¼\ö£zøu G›a\À £kzu J¸ \¢uº¨£zvØPõP P÷µõ¼ß Põzv¸¢uõÒ. Ax ö£®£º¼°À AÁÐUSU Qøhzux.
She was in her elements in abusing Darcy as it was her subconscious that developed that circumstance.
hõº]ø¯z vmk® Sn® AÁÎhª¸¢ux. AÁÍx BÌ©Ú® A¢u \¢uº¨£zøu E¸ÁõUQ¯x.
[The study of how life is guided by the subconscious is great.]
[BÌ©Ú® ÁõÌøÁ G¨£i ÁÈ |hzxQÓx GßÖ Bµõ´Áx E¯ºÁõÚx.]
These occasions are generally offered by the victim.
£õvUP¨£k£Á÷µ ö£õxÁõP A¢u \¢uº¨£[PøÍ E¸ÁõUSÁº.
It was an uncalled for ungentlemanly slighting insult.
AØ£zuÚ©õÚ AÁ©õÚzvØS BÍõÁx E¯ºSi ©PÝUS ÷uøÁ¯ØÓ JßÖ.
Therefore he now voluntarily offers her an occasion and speaks as if inviting her to abuse.
GÚ÷Á uõÚõP÷Á •ß Á¢x A¨£i¨£mh J¸ \¢uº¨£zøu AÁÐUSz u¸QßÓÚ. AÁß ÷£_Áx vmkUS AøǨ¦ ÂkÁx ÷£õ¼¸UQÓx.
They cannot marry until this block is removed.
Czuøh }UP¨£k® Áøµ AÁºPÍõÀ v¸©n® ö\´x öPõÒÍ •i¯õx.
On page 199 she explains how the genius of abuse in her came maliciously into play.
199 B® £UPzvÀ vmk® vÓø© xèhzuÚ©õP G¨£i öÁΨ£mhx GßÖ ÂÍUSQÓõº.
Being a true lover, he would not mind even this virulent vituperation.
Esø©¯õÚ Põu»ß öPõi¯ {¢uøÚPøͨ ö£õ¸m £kzu ©õmhõß.
Etiquette requires thanks from her even if she will be refusing.
AÁÒ ©Özu ÷£õx® ©›¯õøu, |ßÔ GßÖ ö\õÀ» øÁUQÓx.
Emotional reality deserves abuse.
EnºÂß Esø© {ø» vmk ö£Óz uSv Áõ´¢u÷u.
She takes on the role of a wife before marriage.
G¼\ö£z v¸©nzvØS •ß÷£ ©øÚ塧 £[øPa ö\´QÓõÒ.
Already at Netherfield she began it substantially.
HØPÚ÷Á ö|uº¥ÀiÀ Aøu HµõÍ©õPa ö\´¯ Bµ®¤zx ÂmhõÒ.
Anger in her finds a mental expression.
÷Põ£® AÁÒ ©Úzvß ‰»® öÁΨ£kQÓx.
"In such cases as this, it is, I believe, the established mode to express a sense of obligation for the sentiments avowed, however unequally they may be returned. It is natural that obligation should be felt, and if I could feel gratitude, I would now thank you. But I cannot -- I have never desired your good opinion, and you have certainly bestowed it most unwillingly. I am sorry to have occasioned pain to any one. It has been most unconsciously done, however, and I hope will be of short duration. The feelings which, you tell me, have long prevented the acknowledgment of your regard, can have little difficulty in overcoming it after this explanation."
"Cx÷£õßÓ \¢uº¨£zvÀ |øh•øÓ ÁÇUP® GßÚöÁßÓõÀ, v¸©n® ö\´x öPõÒQÓõ¯õ GÚ J¸Áº ÷PmhõÀ AuØS ©ØÓÁº |ßÔ²nºa]ø¯ öÁÎUPõmh ÷Ásk®. Eu ö\´uõÀ AuØS |ßÔ²ÒÍÁµõP C¸UP ÷Ásk® GÚ Gvº£õº¨£x C¯ØøPuõß, |ßÔ²nºa] GÚUS C¸¢v¸¢uõÀ, |õß C¨ö£õÊx EÚUS |ßÔ TÔ°¸¨÷£ß. BÚõÀ GßÚõÀ •i¯õx && EßÝøh¯ |À» A¤¨¤µõ¯zvØS |õß GßÖ÷© H[Q¯x Qøh¯õx, Aøu } ¸¨£ªÀ»õ©À uõß GÚUS öPõkzv¸UQÓõ´. ¯õøµ¯õÁx ¦s£kzv C¸¢uõÀ AuØS ©ßÛ¨¦ ÷PmkU öPõÒQ÷Óß. Ax uß {øÚÂÀ»õ©À uõß ö\´¯¨£mhuõP C¸US®. ÷©¾® Ax ]Ôx ÷|µzvØSz uõß C¸US® GßÖ {øÚUQ÷Óß. GßøÚ Â¸®¤¯øu JzxU öPõÒÁuØS G¢u Enºa]PöÍÀ»õ® ukzux GßÖ } TÔÚõ÷¯õ AøÁ GÀ»õ®, GßÝøh¯ C¢u ÂÍUPzøuU ÷Pmh ¤ÓS, } TÖ® EßÝøh¯ Enºa]PøÍ öÁÀÁuØS EÚUS ]Ôx® Pèh©õP C¸UPõx."
98.     Elizabeth meets his impolite offence by a polite negative. She could not feel gratitude for the offer. So, she says, he could easily overcome his own urges.
hõº] AÁÒ ©Ú® ¦s£k®£i ÷£_QÓõß.AÁÒ«x AÁÝUöPÊ¢u ¤›¯® AÁÎh® |ßÔø¯ Gʨ£ÂÀø». AÁß ©Úzuøh Áͺ¢x ¤›¯zøu »UP•i²® GÚ AÁÚx ö\õØPÍõ÷»÷¯ AÁÝUS¨ £vÀ TÖQÓõÒ.
99.     “The established mode to express a sense of obligation”.
"Phø©²nºøÁ öÁΨ£kzxÁx ìuõ¤UP¨ ö£ØÖ Âmh ©µ¦."
Obligation is the other end of the scale that begins with gratitude.
|ßÔ¯Ôu¼À Bµ®¤US® AÍÄ ÷Põ¼ß ©Ö•øÚ°¼¸¨£x Phø©.
A girl feels utter gratitude when a Man loves her, though gratitude is far richer than the love that makes one propose.
v¸©n¨ ÷£aø\z ysk® Põuø» Âh |ßÔ¯ÔuÀ ªP E¯ºÁõÚx GßÓõ¾® J¸ Bs ußøÚU Põu¼US® ÷£õx ö£s •Ê |ßÔ²nºÂÀ vøͨ£õÒ.
Obligation is almost below the scale, though it can be put at the bottom.
Phø© AÍÄ ÷Põ¼ß R÷Ç C¸UQÓx. Aøu Ai©mhzv¾® C¸zu»õ®.
The established mode is for the existing conservative society, known as establishment.
ìuõ£Ú® Gߣx £Çø©ø¯¨ ÷£õØÔ ÁõÊ® \‰P®. Ax uõß ìuõ¤zuøu HØS®.
The establishment permits what perpetuates it.
ußøÚ ÁõÇ øÁ¨£øu ìuõ£Ú® AÝ©vUS®.
It crushes out of existence any other thing.
The society is so cautious as not to allow thinking different from its thought.
uß ]¢uøÚ°¼¸¢x ©õÖ£mh ]¢uøÚø¯ \‰P® AÝ©vUPõ©¼¸¨£vÀ PÁÚ©õP C¸US®.
Marriage has a procedure, wooing, proposal, engagement, parental consent, wedding and married life.
v¸©nzvÀ J¸ ÁÈ •øÓ, ÷Pm£x, ÷£a_, {a\¯uõºzu®, ö£Ø÷Óõº \®©u®, v¸©n®, v¸©n ÁõÌÄ GßÓ £» Âå¯[PÒ Esk.
Its course always runs smooth within the established groove.
E¸ÁõUP¨£mh }sh ÁÈ°À uøhPÎßÔ KkÁx Auß £õo.
One cannot cross the class, status, age limit, social tradition of marrying at a church. Though civil marriage is legal, society frowns upon it.
\‰P ©µø£ Jmi \ºa]À v¸©n® ö\´²® ÷£õx áõv, A¢uìx, Á¯x Âzv¯õ\® •u¼¯ÁØøÓ «ÓU Thõx. \mh §ºÁ©õÚ v¸©n® ö\À»U Ti¯öußÓõ¾® \‰P® Aøu SøÓ ö\õÀ¾®.
A lord marrying a commoner is frowned upon. Still the society tolerates it.
¤µ¦ \õuõµn¨ ö£søn ©n¨£x SøÓ TÓ¨£mhõ¾® \‰P® Aøu ö£õÖzxU öPõÒЮ.
A lady cannot act similarly and be countenanced by the society.
J¸ ö£s A¨£ia ö\´¯ •i¯õx. ö\´uõÀ \‰P® ö£õÖzxU öPõÒÍõx.
In its approval, society has no norms. It approves of strength.
AÝ©v¨£vÀ \‰Pzvh® G¢u uµ[Põmk® AÍÄPÒ CÀø». Ax Á¼ø©ø¯ Bu›US®.
A prince marrying a princess of another country is an arranged marriage, disregarding the socially approved of love marriage.
\‰P® Põuø» AÝ©vUQÓ÷uõ CÀø»÷¯õ, J¸ CÍÁµ\ß CßöÚõ¸ |õmiß CÍÁµ]ø¯ ©n¢uõÀ Ax HØ£õk ö\´¯¨ £mh v¸©n÷©.
In a country where even the parents do not interfere in one’s marriage, Lady Catherine rudely interferes with Elizabeth.
ö£Ø÷ÓõºPÒ Th v¸©nzvÀ uø»°hõu |õmiÀ, G¼\ö£z Âå¯zvÀ ÷»i PõuŸß •µmkz uÚ©õP ‰UøP ~øÇUQÓõÒ.
Society is not its rules. Society is brute strength.
\mh[PÒ \‰P©ßÖ. •µmk £»÷© \‰P®.
Fairness is there; it is for me; it is selfish fairness.
{¯õ¯® Esk. Ax GÚUSz uõß. _¯|»©õÚ {¯õ¯®.
What is fairness, if it is not beneficial to me?
{¯õ¯® Gߣx GÚUS |ßø©¯õP C¸UPõx.
The only value in the society is strength of survival.
\‰Pzvß ©v¨¦ÒÍ J÷µ Â寮 ÁõÇ øÁUP ÁÀ» Á¼ø©÷¯.
100. “However unequally they may be returned”.
"\©ªÀø» GßÓõ¾® v¸¨¤z uµ ÷Ási²ÒÍx."
A proposal is a socially accepted form of emotional relationship.
\‰P® A[RP›zu EnºÄ §ºÁ©õÚ EÓÂß ÁiÁ÷© v¸©n¨ ÷£a_.
Socially accepted is emotionally permissible.
\‰P® J¨¦U öPõÒQÓx GßÓõÀ EnºÂÀ AÝ©vUP»õ® GßÖ ö£õ¸Ò.
The psychological emotions have two forms, one of form and another content.
EÒÍzx EnºÄPÐUS C¸ ÁiÁ[PÒ Esk. JßÖ E¸Á®. ö£õ¸Ò ©ØöÓõßÖ.
The content is compelling. One can predict that if he knows the rules of flow of energy.
ö£õ¸÷Í Á¼²Özx®. \Uv £õ²® •øÓø¯ AÔ¢uõÀ AøuU Põn»õ®.
Behind the socially accepted, psychological form and content is the real movement which fixes the result. That result is unvarying though its time varies.
\‰Pzvß A[RPõµzvß ¤ßÝÒÍ ©Ú E¸Á•®, ö£õ¸Ð® Esø©¯õÚ C¯UP[PÒ. AøÁ÷¯ £»øÚ {ºn°UQßÓÚ. Põ»® •ß¤ßÚõP C¸¨¤Ý® £»ß ©õÓõ©À QøhUS®.
Wickham marrying Lydia, to whom poverty is a preservative, can be traced in his initial scandals, later dissipation and final disintegration.
u›zvµzøu xøn¯õP¨ ö£ØÓ ¼i¯õøÁ ÂUPõ® ©nUQÓõß. CuØSU Põµn® AÁß •ßÚº ö\´u uÁÖPЮ, ¤ßÚº ©Ú® ÷£õÚ ÷£õUQÀ ÁõÌ¢ux®, CÖv°À ußøÚ AÈzxU öPõshx©õS®.
His words, his actions, the adoration he received testify to it.
AÁß ÁõºzøuPЮ ö\¯ÀPЮ AÁß ö£ØÓ £õµõmkøµPЮ Aøuz öuÎÁõPU PõmkQßÓÚ.
His original plan of elopement is fulfilled later as an inescapable punishment.
Ki¨ ÷£õP •u¼À ÷£õmh vmh®, ¤ßÚº u¨¤UP÷Á •i¯õu ushøÚ¯õP {øÓ÷ÁÖQÓx.
The loud mouth of Mrs. Bennet, in the end, is fully shut.
Mrs. ö£ßÚmiß AvP¨¤µ\[P® ö\´²® Áõ´US CÖv°À Áõ´¨§mk ÷£õh¨£mhx.
There was no nervousness at the end as she was speechless.
AÁÒ ÷£a]Ç¢uuõÀ, CÖv°À £h£h¨¦ CÀø».
She was insistent in every issue. Lydia went away to a distance. Jane moved away from her to avoid her. There was no access to Pemberley. She was to live with Mary whom she fully avoided and Kitty who she discriminated against.
JÆöÁõ¸ Âå¯zv¾® AÁÒ ÁئÖzvÚõÒ. ¼i¯õ öÁS yµzvØS »Qa ö\ÀQÓõÒ. AÁøÍz uºUP ÷áß yµ©õP »Qa ö\ÀQÓõÒ. AÁÍõÀ ö£®£º¼US ÷£õP •i¯õx. AÁÒ uõß •ÊÁx©õPz uºzu ÷©›²hÝ®, £õµ£m\® Põmi¯ Qmi²hÝ® uõß CÛ ÁõÇ ÷Ásk®.
Darcy was to court her all the time having initiated the relationship as tolerable and even after her change of attitude; he was to renew his proposal which she feels no self-respecting man can ever do.
'£µÁõ°Àø»' GßÖ TÔ EÓøÁ Bµ®¤zx øÁzu hõº]²hß, AÁÒ ©÷Úõ£õÁzøu ©õØÔ¯ ¤ßÝ®, CÛ •Ê ÷|µ•® ö\»Âh ÷Ásk®. «sk® ©n¨ ÷£a_ Gk¨£x Gߣx _¯©›¯õøu²ÒÍ G¢u Bq® ö\´¯ ©õmhõß GßÖ AÁÒ {øÚUQÓõÒ. Aøu hõº] ö\´QÓõß.
To complete this analysis one has to go behind the words, events, to the character and his psychological composition of energy and will.
C¢u Bµõ´a]ø¯¨ §ºzv ö\´¯ ÁõºzøuPÒ, {PÌa]PÒ, AÁß Snõv\¯®, öu®¦, ¸¨¦Öv BQ¯ÁØÔß P»øÁ¯õÚ ©Ú¨£õ[S CÁØÔß ¤ß÷Ú ÷£õP ÷Ásk®.
Some of the rules here are
]» \mh[PÒ
 1) positive energy travels positively and gets positive results,
÷|º©øÓ¯õÚ \Uv ÷|º©øÓ¯õP¨ £¯ozx |À» £»ßPøÍz u¸®.
 2) Negative energy produces opposite results if it is strong enough to produce results,
Gvº©øÓ¯õÚ \Uv £»ß u¸©ÍÂØS Á¼ø©²øh¯uõÚõÀ, GvµõÚ £»ßPøÍz u¸®.
3) Good will, at last, without fail brings good fortune,
|Àö»sn® CÖv°À u¨£õ©À ö£¸gö\ÀÁ® u¸®.
4) He who wants to circumvent the rules of life finds life does the same to him,
ÁõÌÂß \mh[PøÍz uºUP {øÚzuõÀ, ÁõÌÄ Aøu÷¯ AÁÝUSa ö\´²®.
5) Responsibility is rewarded,
ö£õÖ¨¦nºa] öÁS©v ö£Ö®.
 6) Negative initiative, without fail, destroys the positive possibilities.
   uÁÓõÚ •øÚ¨¦, uÁÓõ©À |À» Áõ´¨¦PøÍU öPkUS®.
101. “It is natural that obligation should be felt, and if I could feel gratitude”.
"|õß |ßÔø¯ Enº¢uõÀ ö£õÖ¨¦nºÄ® C¯ØøP¯õP Áµ ÷Ásk®."
Receiving a proposal is Man’s honouring the feminine value.
ö£sø©°ß ©v¨ø£ Bs ÷£õØÖÁ÷u AÁß öÁΰk® ©n ¸¨£® BS®.
Gratitude is a natural response.
|ßÔ¯ÔuÀ C¯ØøP¯õÚ £vÀ.
An egoistic person instantaneously feels a sense of domination.
AP®£õ Eh÷Ú uõß BUQµª¨£uõP EnºÁõÒ.
That is the source of annoyance.
Ax÷Á G›a\¼ß EØ£zv ìuõÚ®.
Self restraint that allows gratitude to emerge is culture.
|ßÔ¯Ôuø» öÁΨ£kzx® _¯UPmk£õk |õP›P©õS®.
Otherwise a harmless response is obligation.
©ØÓ£i Phø©, ¤µaøÚ°À»õu £vÀ.
Obligation spoken may not be one that is felt.
Phø©ø¯¨ £ØÔ ÷£_Áx EnºÄ§ºÁ ©ØÓuõPÄ® C¸UP»õ®.
Obligation felt is emotional, but of a flat emotion.
Phø©ø¯ Enº¢uõÀ Ax EnºÄ§ºÁ©õÚx. BÚõÀ AÆÄnºa] ©mh©õÚx.
The quality of obligation felt to the proposal will determine the quality of later relationship.
©n¨ ÷£a]ß ÷£õx Enº¢u Phø©°ß uµ÷©, ¤ßÚõÎÀ EÓÂß uµzøu {ºn°US®.
Now the obligation she feels is to let off stream abusing him to her heart’s content for his ‘tolerable’. It is natural.
'£µÁõ°Àø»' GßÖ ö\õßÚuØPõP AÁøÚ ©Ú©õµz vmi uß ÷Põ£zøu öPõmiz wº¨£øu÷¯ AÁÒ C¨÷£õx Phø©¯õP EnºQÓõÒ. Ax C¯ØøP¯õÚ÷u.
Tolerable precedes proposal.
©n¨ ÷£a]ØS •ßÚ÷µ '£µÁõ°Àø»' Á¢x Âmhx.
Her first obligation is to ‘tolerable’.
AÁÒ •uÀ Phø© '£µÁõ°Àø»' US E›¯x.
The sequence of response has its order.
£vÀ Á¸® Á›ø\°À Kº JÊ[Ssk.
It can be inverse.
Ax uø»RÇõPÄ® C¸UP»õ®.
How the direct order and inverse order are mixed is a great observation of subtlety of acts.
÷|º Á›ø\²® uø»RÌ Á›ø\²® G¨£iU P»UQßÓÚ Gߣx ö\¯ÀPÎß `m_©zøu |ßÓõP PÁÛzuõÀ öu›²®.
As soon as Bingley took to Jane, Elizabeth fixed on Darcy in her depths. The social distance between them and her feeling it is an inappropriate aspiration is revealed by his ‘tolerable’.
¤[Q¼ ÷áøÚ HØÓÄhß G¼\ö£z hõº]ø¯ BÇzvÀ HØÓõÒ. AÁºPÎøh÷¯ C¸¢u \‰P CøhöÁβ®, uÁÓõÚ BºÁ® GßÓ EnºÄ® '£µÁõ°Àø»' GßÓ ö\õÀ ‰»® öÁΨ£mhÚ.
Life in Time follows this order. In Timelessness the negative loses its power.
Põ»zuõÀ BÚ ÁõÌÄ C¢u Á›ø\ø¯ ¤ß£ØÖQÓx. Põ»zøu Ph¢u {ø»°À Gvº©øÓ uß \Uvø¯ CÇUQÓx.
In Simultaneous Time the negative is transformed into positive.
Põ»•® Põ»©ØÓ {ø»²® TkªhzvÀ öPmhx v¸Ä¸©õÖQÓx.
The resentment is changed into gratitude.
AÁ©õÚ® |ßÔ¯Ôu»õP ©õÖQÓx.
102. “I have never desired your good opinion”.
"EßÝøh¯ |À» A¤¨¤µõ¯zvØPõP |õß J¸ ÷£õx® Bø\¨£mhvÀø»."
The urge to possess something enjoyable is desire.
\¢÷uõå® uµU Ti¯ JßøÓ ö\õ¢u©õUQU öPõÒÍ xi¨£÷u Bø\.
One desires what one does not have.
Gx CÀø»÷¯õ AuØSzuõß Bø\¨£k÷Áõ®.
Elizabeth cannot desire what she sees Darcy to be.
AÁÒ AÔ¢u hõº]°ß ÷©À AÁÍõÀ Bø\¨£h •i¯õx.
Darcy who values her in spite of her family, cannot value her for what her family is which he does at last unconsciously.
AÁÒ Sk®£zøu¨ £ØÔ AÔ¢u ¤ßÝ® AÁøÍ ©vzu hõº]¯õÀ, AÁÒ Sk®£zvØPõP AÁøÍ ©vUP •i¯õx. Aøu CÖv°À uõ÷Ú AÔ¯õ©À ö\´QÓõß.
Human nature in Elizabeth would want Darcy to love her for what she is so that he might raise her family.
G¼\ö£zvß ©Ûu _£õÁ® uõß C¸US® {ø»°À ußøÚ hõº] Põu¼UP ÷Áskö©ßÖ® Auß ‰»® uß Sk®£® E¯µ ÷Ásk® GßÖ® ¸®¦®.
That happens by circumstances unconsciously.
¯õ¸©Ô¯õ©÷» \¢uº¨£[PÒ ‰»® Ax {PÌQÓx.
She would desire him to do so consciously.
AÁß Aøu AÔ¢x ö\´¯ ÷Ásk® GßÖ AÁÒ Bø\¨ £hU Tk®.
When he acts like that a below average person in her position would think low of him.
AÁß A¨£i |hUS® ÷£õx AÁÒ {ø»°¼¸US® \µõ\›US uõÌ¢uÁÒ AÁøÚ¨ £ØÔ ©mh©õP {øÚ¨£õÒ.
She would want Darcy to raise Wickham for which Lydia applies.
hõº] ÂUPõø© E¯ºzu ÷Ásk® GßÖ® AÁÒ Bø\¨£hU Tk®. Aøuz uõß ¼i¯õ ö\´x PõmiÚõÒ.
Human nature in her would conceive of Darcy’s resources as meaningless if they were not used for Wickham.
ÂUPõªØS¨ £¯ß£hõu hõº]°ß ö\õzx Aºzu©ØÓx GßÖ G¼\ö£zvß ©Ûu _£õÁ® {øÚUPU Tk®.
His good opinion of her means to her Darcy’s identifying with whatever she is and raising him.
AÁøͨ ö£õ¸zu Áøµ hõº]°ß |À»¤¨¤µõ¯® Gߣx AÁÒ G¨£i C¸UQÓõ÷Íõ A¨£i÷¯ HØÖU öPõsk, ÂUPõø© •ßÝUS öPõsk Á¸Á÷u.
She does it psychologically to him.
AÁÒ ©Úzvß ‰»® Aøua ö\´QÓõÒ.
The equilibrium requires something from his side.
\©{ø» }iUP ÷Ásk©õÚõ¾® AÁß HuõÁx uµ ÷Ásk®.
Her subconscious need with Lydia is she should be socially rehabilitated.
¼i¯õ \‰PzvÀ ¦ÚºÁõÌÄ ö£Ó ÷Ásk® Gߣ÷u G¼\ö£zvß BÌ©Úz ÷uøÁ.
So also Elizabeth desires Wickham’s psychological rehabilitation.
ÂUPõ® ©ÚŸv¯õP ¦ÚºÁõÌÄ ö£Ó ÷Ásk® Gߣx® AÁÍx BÌ©Úz ÷uøÁ.
No amount of Money matters to her if it can be achieved.
AøÁ {øÓ÷ÁÖ©õÚõÀ G¢u AÍĨ £n•® AÁÐUS¨ ö£õ¸mhÀ».
She does not know what is there behind her ‘good opinion’.
AÁÍx '|À»¤¨¤µõ¯zvß' ¤ßÚõÀ GßÚ Esk Gߣøu AÁÍÔ¯ ©õmhõÒ.
One becomes a complement at that level.
A¢{ø»°À J¸Áº Ehߣõk E¸ÁõUS£ÁµõÁõº.
103. “You have certainly bestowed it most unwillingly”.
"{a\¯©õP Aøu } ¸¨£ªßÔ u¢x Âmhõ´."
Love irresistibly flows out, why unwillingness in bestowing it.
ukUP •i¯õ©À £õ´Áx PõuÀ. u¸ÁuõÀ Hß Â¸¨£ªÀ»õv¸UP ÷Ásk®.
Unwillingness is inner resistance or hesitation.
APzvÀ HØ£k® Bm÷\£ønPÒ AÀ»x u¯UP[P÷Í Â¸¨£ªßø© BS®.
Initial hesitation is eternal friction.
Bµ®£ u¯UP® {µ¢vµ Eµ\À.
His unwillingness is also due to the vehemence of passion.
Bø\°ß wµ® AÁß Â¸¨£ªßø©UPõÚ Põµn[PÎÀ JßÖ.
Its irregular flow is found as unwillingness.
Auß JÊ[PØÓ £õ´a\¼À ¸¨£ªßø©z öu›QÓx.
It is a negative indication of a powerful future result.
Cx GvºPõ»zvÀ Áµ¨ ÷£õS® ªP¨ ö£›¯ £»øÚU Põmk® Gvº©øÓ¯õÚ AÔSÔ.
To his unstable utterance she gives a stable response.
AÁÚx {uõÚ©ØÓ ¤uØÓ¾US AÁÒ {uõÚ©õÚ £vÀ u¸QÓõÒ.
In a positive proposal no negative idea should be mixed.
÷|º©øÓ¯õÚ v¸©n¨ ÷£a]À Gvº©øÓ¯õÚ P¸zxUPøÍ P»UPU Thõx.
In that case the negative will be taken note of.
A¨£ia ö\´uõ¾® Gvº©øÓ PÁÛUP¨£k®.
Even if the proposal is positive, the negative that is held back will be felt.
÷|º©øÓ¯õÚ ©n¨ ÷£a]À Gvº©øÓ ©øÓUP¨£mhõ¾® Ax Enµ¨£k®.
In a relationship the subconscious communicates.
EÓÂÀ, BÌ©Ú÷© ÷£_®.
The levels of their steadiness reflect their relative strength.
{uõÚzvß {ø», Á¼ø©°ß AÍøÁU Põmk®.
As he is in love he is preoccupied by her thoughts.
PõuÀ Á¯¨£mhuõÀ AÁß AÁøͨ £ØÔ¯ {øÚÄPÎÀ ‰ÌQ C¸UQÓõß.
His conscious preoccupation becomes subconscious preoccupation in her.
AÁß ÷©À ©ÚzvÀ AÔ¢x ‰ÌQ¯x, AÁøÍ AÔ¯õ©À AÁÒ BÌ©ÚzvÀ ‰ÌP øÁzux.
Her response is vehement, drawing its vehemence from the long suppression of love in him.
AÁÍx £vÀ Pkø©¯õÚx. AÁÒ ö|k[Põ»® ©øÓzu AÁß «x öPõsh Põu¼¼¸¢x AUPkø© öÁΨ£mhx.
There is conflict in his conscious surface Mind which is seen in the violent stammering.
AÔQßÓ ÷©À ©Ú® •µs£kÁuõÀ Pkø©¯õÚ ÷£a_ uk©õØÓ® HØ£kQÓx.
His subconscious has no such conflict which is seen in her availability alone each time he comes to her.
BÌ©ÚzvÀ A¨£i¨£mh •µs£õkPÒ CÀø». AuÚõÀ uõß AÁß JÆöÁõ¸ •øÓ AÁøÍU Põn Á¸® ÷£õx® AÁÒ uÛø©°À C¸UQÓõÒ.
She gratefully accepted him, but to the end her love was unwillingly given to him.
AÁøÚ |ßÔ²hß HØÓõ¾® CÖv Áøµ°À AÁÍx PõuÀ ¸¨£ªßÔ÷¯ AÁÝUSz uµ¨£kQÓx.
Her emotions that felt his unwillingness now are unable to forget it to the end.
AÁÝøh¯ ¸¨£ªßø©ø¯ AÔ¢u AÁÒ EnºÁõÀ CÖv Áøµ°À Aøu ©ÓUP •i¯ÂÀø».
104. “I am sorry to have occasioned pain to anyone”.
"GÁ¸U÷PÝ® xߣ® u¢v¸¢uõÀ AuØPõP Á¸¢xQ÷Óß."
She makes him impersonal.
AÁÒ AÁøÚ÷¯õ GÁøµ²÷©õ _mhõ©À ÷£_QÓõÒ.
She refrains from saying you, says anyone.
} GßÖ TÓõ©À GÁøµ÷¯Ý® GßÖ TÖQÓõÒ.
The proposal comes to her as his pain, a sure sign of true love. So, it ends in marriage.
AÁÚx Á¼¯õP C¢u ©n¨ ÷£a_ Á¢ux. Ax Esø©¯õÚ Põu¼ß Aøh¯õÍ®. GÚ÷Á Ax v¸©nzvÀ •iQÓx.
She is proud that he loved her to the point of generating pain in his heart.
AÁß Cu¯zvÀ Á¼ ÷uõßÖ©ÍÂØS AÁß AÁøÍU Põu¼zux AÁÐUS¨ ö£¸ø©¯õP C¸¢ux.
Still she refers to him impersonally as anyone.
B°Ý® AÁÒ AÁøÚU SÔ¨¤hõ©À GÁøµ÷¯Ý® GßQÓõÒ.
She is proud that she has been loved, not that he loved her.
uõß Põu¼UP¨£m÷hõ® GߣvÀ AÁÐUS¨ ö£¸ø©. AÁß Põu¼zuõß GߣvÀ AÁÐUS ö£¸ø© CÀø».
Love gives pain when the heart is saturated.
Cu¯® {øÓ¢uõÀ PõuÀ Á¼ u¸®.
Pain is not an emotion that he can feign.
Á¼²nºøÁ AÁÚõÀ ÷£õ¼¯õPU Põmh •i¯õx.
Love is intense, seeks an outlet.
wµ©õÚ PõuÀ ÁiPõÀ ÷uk®.
In the absence of an outlet, love turns into pain.
ÁiPõ»ØÓ PõuÀ Á¼¯õP ©õÖ®.
His was an unbearable pain.
AÁß uõ[P •i¯õu Á¼°À C¸UQÓõß.
The pain is generated when love becomes a passion.
PõuÀ Caø\¯õP ©õÔÚõÀ Á¼ E¸ÁõS®.
His social emotion of superiority is so intense that even this pain of passionate love cannot overcome it.
uõß \‰PzvÀ E¯º¢uÁß GßÓ EnºÄ AÁÛh® wµ©õP Esk. Caø\ {øÓ¢u PõuÀ u¢u Á¼¯õÀ Th A¢u EnºøÁ öÁÀ» •i¯ÂÀø».
Even at this level of intense pain Man wants his object to conform to his own sensitivity.
A¨£i¨£mh wµ©õÚ Á¼°À C¸US® {ø»°À Th ©Ûuß uõß Â¸®¤¯x uß ö\õ¢u ö\õµønø¯ Jmi÷¯ C¸UP ÷Áskö©ß÷Ó Â¸®¦Áõß.
Sensitivity is emotional attitude that is similar to opinion of the Mind.
EnºÂß ©÷Úõ£õÁ® ö\õµøn. Ax ©Úvß A¤¨¤µõ¯zøu¨ ÷£õßÓ÷u.
The force of fundamentalism issues not out of its rightness but its rightness to him.
Ai¨£øhÁõuzvß \Uv uõß \› GߣuõÀ Á¸ÁvÀø». uÚUS \› GߣuõÀ Á¸QÓx.
The physical cannot change unless its structure is destroyed. It can be destroyed, not changed.
Aø©¨ø£ ]øuUPõ©À áh® ©õÓõx. Aøu ]øuUP •i²®. ©õØÓ •i¯õx.
The two world wars were fought for humanity to overcome its physicality.
áhÄnºøÁ öÁÀ»÷Á Cµsk E»P¨ ÷£õºPÒ HØ£mhÚ.
The vital sensitivity when it changes goes to the opposite.
EnºÂß ö\õµøn ©õÔÚõÀ Ax Gvº•øÚUSa ö\À¾®.
105. “It has been most unconsciously done”.
"Ax AvP£m\ AÔ¯õø©÷¯õk ö\´¯¨£kQÓx."
She means it was subconsciously done.
Ax BÌ©ÚzvÀ ö\´¯¨£kQÓx Gߣ÷u AÁÒ ö\õßÚuß ö£õ¸Ò.
She thus takes note of the fact that it was he who loved.
AÁß uõß Põu¼zuõß GßÓ Esø©ø¯ AÁÒ SÔzxU öPõÒQÓõÒ.
It is a matter of pride for a girl that a Man was in love with her without her knowing and his love rose to the intensity of giving him emotional pain.
uõÚÔ¯õ©À ußøÚ J¸ Bs Põu¼UQÓõß GߣxÄ®, AÁÝUS EnºÂÀ Á¼ u¸©ÍÂØS AÁß PõuÀ Áͺ¢ux GߣxÄ® J¸ ö£sqUS PºÁ® uµU Ti¯ Â寮.
It is a pity, an irony of life that it comes to her in such an insulting manner.
AÁøÍ AÁ©õÚ¨£kzx® ÁøP°À Ax Á¢ux £›uõ£©õÚx. Ax Âv°ß v¸ÂøͯõhÀ.
According to Life Response as his pride hurts her his praise comes to her as insult.
AÁÚx PºÁ® AÁøÍz xߦÖzv¯x ÷£õ» AÁÚx £õµõmk
AÁ©›¯õøu¯õP Á¸Áx ÁõÌÂß ©Öö©õÈ.

He has taken her low status as a complement unwillingly, though consciously, he courts it.
AÁÍx uõÌ¢u {ø»ø¯, ußøÚ {øÓÄ ö\´¯U Ti¯÷u GßÖ Â¸¨£ªßÔ HØÓõß hõº]. AÁÚÔ¯õ©÷» Aøu |õkQÓõß.
She was not able to see his pride as a complement till she read his letter.
AÁß Piuzøu¨ £iUS® Áøµ AÁÚx PºÁ® ußøÚ {øÓÄ ö\´¯ ÁÀ»x Gߣøu AÁÍõÀ AÔ¯ •i¯ÂÀø».
Her values are seen through her low status.
AÁÒ £s¦PÒ AÁÍx uõÌ¢u {ø»°ß ‰»÷© £õºUP¨£mhÚ.
His capacity for transformation is not seen through his pride.
AÁß v¸Ä¸©õÖ® vÓß ö£ØÓÁß Gߣx AÁß PºÁzvß ‰»® öu›¯õx.
Their love progresses from unconscious to conscious through subconscious.
AÁºPÒ PõuÀ AÔ¯õø©°¼¸¢x BÌ©Úzvß ‰»® •ß÷ÚÔ ÷©À ©Úzøu AÔ¯ øÁzux.
He is unconscious of all his defects.
uß SøÓPÒ Gøu²÷© AÁß AÔ¯ÂÀø».
She is subconscious in seeking him at Netherfield, Hunsford and Pemberley.
ö|uº¥Ài¾®, íßì÷£õºi¾®, ö£®£º¼°¾® AÁÒ AÁøÚ BÌ©ÚzvÀ |õiÚõÒ.
He became conscious of her liveliness, ready wit, disregard for wealth, absence of mercenary attitude, courage to face the mountain of his aunt, her affection for Jane, and her anxiety to save the family.
AÁÒ E°÷µõmhzøu²®, \©zPõµzøu²®, ö\õzøu¨ ÷£õØÓõu Snzøu²®, Buõ¯ ©Ú¨£õßø©°ßÔ C¸¢uøu²®, ©ø»¨ ÷£õßÓ ÷»i PõuŸøÚGvºzx {ßÓ øu›¯zøu²®, ÷áÛß «x öPõsh ¤›¯zøu²®, Sk®£zøuU Põ¨£õØÓ ÷Áskö©ßÓ PÁø»ø¯²® AÁß ¦›¢x öPõshõß.
To the end she was unaware of her subconscious longing for him. Once Bingley turned to Jane, she set her sight high on Darcy. She never knew it.
CÖv Áøµ uõß BÌ©ÚzvÀ AÁÝUPõP H[Q¯øu G¼\ö£z AÔ¯ ©õmhõÒ. ¤[Q¼ ÷áøÚ |õi¯ ¤ßÚ÷µ, uõß hõº]ø¯ HØÓøu AÁÒ G¨÷£õx÷© AÔ¯ ©õmhõÒ.
106. “You… can have little difficulty in overcoming it”.
"C¢u EnºÄPøÍ öÁÀÁx EÚUS ]µ©©õP C¸UPõx."
She believes the objections will overcome his love.
AÁÍx Bm÷\£øn AÁß Põuø» •Ô¯iUS® GßÖ |®¦QÓõÒ.
She overlooks the fact that love has overcome his objections.
AÁÐøh¯ Gvº¨¦PøÍ AÁß PõuÀ öÁßÖ Âmhx Gߣøu AÁÒ PÁÛUPÂÀø».
Between love and objections, it is always that love succeeds.
Põu¾® Bm÷\£ønPЮ ÷©õvÚõÀ Põu÷» G¨÷£õx® öÁÀ¾®.
What he has to overcome is not his objection to Mrs. Bennet, but his objections to accept Lady Catherine in him.
AÁß öÁÀ» ÷Ási¯x Mrs. ö£ßÚmøh £ØÔ¯ Bm÷\£ønø¯ AßÖ; ußÝÒ ÷»i PõuŸß C¸UQÓõÒ Gߣøu HØP ©Ö¨£øuz uõß AÁß öÁÀ» ÷Ásk®.
She saw how difficult it is to overcome such feelings after reading Darcy’s letter.
hõº]°ß Piuzøu¨ £izu ¤ßÚ÷µ AzuøP¯ EnºÄPøÍ öÁÀÁx GÆÁÍÄ ]µ©® Gߣøu G¼\ö£z EnºQÓõÒ.
Feelings are energies that the heart generates.
Cu¯® EØ£zv ö\´²® \Uv÷¯ Enºa]PÒ.
They may originate in the heart itself.
AÁØÔß ‰»® Cu¯©õPU Th C¸UP»õ®.
Or they may come there originating as thoughts in the Mind.
AÀ»x AøÁ ©Úzv¼¸¢x Gsn[PÍõP¨ ¤Ó¢x A[÷P ÁµUTk®.
Or, a feeling may begin as a need in the body and come to heart later.
AÀ»x Kº EnºÄ Eh¼À J¸ ÷uøÁ¯õPz ÷uõßÔ ¤ßÚº Cu¯zvØS Á¸®.
Socially the conversion of a bodily need into the emotion of heart is the development of several centuries.
Eh¼ß ÷uøÁ, Cu¯zvß Enºa]¯õP ©õÓ \‰PzvÀ £» ¡ØÓõskPÒ ÷uøÁ.
Thought becoming emotions is instantaneously possible unless a powerful selfish motive prevents it.
Á¼¯ _¯|»©õÚ ÷|õUP® ukUPõv¸¢uõÀ Gsn® Enºa]¯õP Pn¨ö£õÊvÀ ©õÖÁx \õzv¯÷©.
Emotions of the human heart are a later product than the sensations in the nerves.
|µ®¦PÎß Enºa]PÒ ÷uõßÔ¯ ¤ßÚ÷µ ©Ûu Cu¯zvÀ Enºa]PÒ Eshõ°Ú.
Sensations that are refined by ideas are emotions.
Eh¾nºÄPÒ P¸zxUPÍõÀ ÷©®£kzu¨ £mhõÀ Enºa]PÍõQßÓÚ.
Emotions lead to emotional sensitivity.
EnºÄPÒ EnºÂß ö\õµønUS Cmka ö\À¾®.
Emotions are neutral from the point of view of acceptance or rejection.
Enºa]PÒ HØø£²®, ©Ö¨ø£²® \©©õP £õÂUS®.
Sensitivity positively accepts, negatively rejects.
ö\õµøn ÷|º©øÓ¯õÚõÀ HØS®. Gvº©øÓ¯õÚõÀ »US®.
Physical sensitivity pushes dirt away washing.
Eh¼ß ö\õµøn PÊÄu¼ß ‰»® AÊUøP }USQÓx.
Positively it hugs a child happily.
÷|º©øÓ°À Ax SÇ¢øuø¯ \¢÷uõå©õPz uÊÄQÓx.
Nervous sensitivity reacts or rejoices.
|µ®¤ß ö\õµøn GvºÂøÚ ö\´²® AÀ»x \¢÷uõ娣k®.
Mental sensitivity expands or releases anger.
©Úvß ö\õµøn £µ¢x ›²® AÀ»x ÷Põ£zøu öÁΨ£kzx®.
Emotional sensitivity overflows with admiration positively.
Enºa]°ß ö\õµøn ÷|º©øÓ°À uõµÍ©õP¨ ÷£õØÔ¨ £õµõmk®.
Mr. Darcy, who was leaning against the mantlepiece with his eyes fixed on her face, seemed to catch her words with no less resentment than surprise. His complexion became pale with anger, and the disturbance of his mind was visible in every feature. He was struggling for the appearance of composure, and would not open his lips till he believed himself to have attained it. The pause was to Elizabeth's feelings dreadful. At length, in a voice of forced calmness, he said –
Ak¨¤ß ÷©ÀumiÀ \õ´¢u Ásn®, AÁøÍ PsöPõmhõ©À £õºzxU öPõsi¸¢u hõº], AÁÐøh¯ ÁõºzøuPøÍU ÷Pmk GÆÁÍÄ ÷Põ£® Aøh¢uõ÷Úõ AÆÁÍÄ Ba\›¯•®£mhõß. ÷Põ£zuõÀ AÁß •P® öÁÎÔ¯x, AÁÚx ©Ú EøÍa\À •Pzvß GÀ»õ A®\[Pξ® öu›¢ux. Aø©v¯õP C¸UP AÁß £õk£mhõß. Áõø¯z vÓUPÂÀø», ußÛh® Aø©vø¯ ÁµÁøÇzxU öPõshuõP AÁß |®¤Úõß. A¢u CøhöÁÎ, G¼\ö£zvØS £¯[Pµ©õÚuõP C¸¢ux. CÖv°À Pmhõ¯¨£kzv ÁµÁøÇzxU öPõsh Aø©v¯õÚ Sµ¼À AÁß,
107. His own resentment at his own disappointment shut the door.
108. An argument till she finally trounced him could be given to save the situation. Up to this point, it was eminently possible.
109. After this, it became difficult. At no time was it impossible.
110. His letter was written after he left.
111. The ready impulses that spring from below and spoil the chance of reconciliation can be seen at every point.
112. We see Man has the capacity to accomplish.
113. We also see his impulses overtake him.
114. We see he lets the impulse overpower him.
115. Those are the points that can turn around.
116. Later she describes how she enjoyed abusing.
117. Had she exercised the impulse of enjoyment in favour of the opposite, it would have worked.
118. He felt resentment more than surprise.
119. That which is little more decides.
120. It was not a proposal where he expected an answer.
121. He demanded acceptance. His mind was so disturbed as to express it in every feature.
122. Now the fervour turned into anger. Composure deserted him. He postponed speaking till he attained composure. He restrained himself to attain composure.
123. This was the miniscule reversal.
124. Had he been composed enough to be civil or better still tender, it could have been reversed even then.
125. He said he was not under his control. In that case, he should have remained quiet as he was at Longbourn afterwards.
126. His pause was dreadful to her feelings.
127. It was an unpredictable situation. It took a turn for the worse.
128. It could have taken a turn for the better. Or, it could have prevented a deterioration.
129. He unconsciously offended her. He believed she offended him by refusing him. Neither she, nor he, endeavoured to prevent the worsening of the situation.
130. It was a strange situation where love cannot be thought of.
131. Energies must expend themselves. Here they exploded.
132. A minute’s hesitation, the choice to rise to the occasion, on the part of both could have blossomed into instant love, whether they were in each other’s arms or not, could have given a direction of each understanding the other.
133. The proud individual in him is stronger than the lover at this point. He is surprised by the refusal that is unexpected and resents the fact that his wealth is disregarded.
ö£¸ø©°À vøÍUS® ©Ú® Põu»õÀ ö|QÌÁøuÂh Á¾ÁõÚx. ©Ö¨¦ AuØS Ba\›¯® u¸QÓx. uß ö\ÀÁzøu¨ ¦ÓUPozx¨ ÷£_Áx G›a\À u¸QÓx.
134. They unleashed energies, having no culture to organise them.
135. The fact is, it could have been organised as they wanted. It was a creative moment that could have allowed love to be born. They allowed the energies of the moment to take their course.
136. She acknowledged on p. 199 her genius of abuse was released.
137. He was aware that he was under no self-control.
138. The present result was, in the absence of restraint, inevitable.
139. “Catch her words with no less resentment than surprise”.
"AÁÒ ÁõºzøuPÒ AÁÝUS Ba\›¯zøu²® A÷u AÍÄ AÁ©õÚzøu²® u¢uÚ."
Darcy had never been spoken to as an equal by anyone like Elizabeth.
G¼\ö£zøuz uµ ÷ÁÖ ¯õ¸® AÁøÚz uÚUSa \©©õP P¸v ÷£]¯vÀø».
Also he was a constant recipient of unadulterated flattery from Caroline.
P÷µõ¼Ûhª¸¢x G¨÷£õx® P»¨£h©ØÓ •PìxvPøÍ÷¯ ö£ØÖ Á¢v¸UQÓõß.
Lady Catherine’s affection too was deferential.
÷»i PõuŸÛß Aß÷£õ ©›¯õøu {ªzu©õÚx.
She is now talking down to him.
G¼\ö£z C¨÷£õx AÁøÚ ©mh® umkQÓõÒ.
In his eyes anything less than open flattery is offence.
AÁß £õºøÁ°À öÁΨ£i¯õÚ •PìxvUS® SøÓÁõÚ GxÄ® SØÓ÷©.
He was never in a position to ask for anything.
AÁß Gøu²® ÷Pmk¨ ö£Ó ÷Ási¯ {ø»°À C¸¢uvÀø».
Now he has asked for something and it is denied.
AÁß C¨÷£õx JßøÓU ÷PmQÓõß. Ax ©ÖUP¨£kQÓx.
Resentment arises out of thwarted sentiment.
|_UP¨£mh ªøPÄnºÂ¼¸¢x AÁ©õÚ® GÊQÓx.
Surprise is caused by not knowing the cause.
Põµn® öu›¯õu ÷£õx Ba\›¯® ¤ÓUQÓx.
Her words carried more of her irritated emotions than any sense she desired to convey.
AÁÒ ÁõºzøuPÎÀ AÁÒ TÓ ¤›¯¨£mhøu Âh AÁÍx G›a\¾ØÓ Enºa]P÷Í AvP©õP C¸¢uÚ.
She was taken unawares.
AÁÒ Gvº£õµõu ÷£õx ^sh¨ £mk ÂmhõÒ.
He burst upon her as a storm.
¦¯ø»¨ ÷£õ» AÁøÍz uõUQÚõß.
She returned it to him in a fury.
BzvµzvÀ AÁÒ £v»i u¸QÓõÒ.
The contradiction that existed between them was now sharpened to a climax.
AÁºPÎhª¸¢u •µs£õkPÒ C¨÷£õx Tºø© ö£ØÖ Ea\UPmhzøu AøhQßÓÚ.
This was not a conflict that could be resolved at the level of the surface Mind.
Ax ÷©À ©ÚzvÀ \› ö\´¯¨£mk ÂhUTi¯ •µs£õk AÀ».
They prepared to meet at a deeper level.
BÇ©õÚ {ø»°À J¸Áøµ J¸Áº \¢vUP u¯õµõQßÓÚº.
At a deeper level no oral communication is possible.
BÌ{ø»°À Áõ´ ÁõºzøuPÒ ‰»® ÷£\ •i¯õx.
She was not expecting any letter from him as she felt a negative fulfilment in paying back his ‘tolerable’.
'£µÁõ°Àø»' GßÖ ö\õßÚuØPõP £v»i öPõkzx Âm÷hõ® GßÓ uÁÓõÚ {øÓÄ G¼\ö£zvØS C¸¢uuõÀ AÁÒ hõº]°hª¸¢x G¢uU Piuzøu²® Gvº£õºUPÂÀø».
It was a relief to her.
Ax AÁÐUS BÖuø»z u¢ux.
To him it was a scorpion sting.
AÁÝUS Ax ÷uÒ öPõmi¯x ÷£õßÓx.
He had no hope of convincing her of his honesty.
uß ÷|ºø©ø¯ AÁÐUS {¹¤UP •i²® GßÓ |®¤UøP AÁÝUQÀø».
140. “His complexion became pale with anger”.
"÷Põ£zvÀ AÁß {Ó® öÁÎÔ¯x."
Without exception one is angry when the other must be angry at him which proves to be true in this case.
¤Óº uß «x ÷Põ¨£h ÷Ási¯ ÷|µzvÀ J¸Áß ¤Óº «x ÷Põ£©õP C¸¨£õß Gߣx uÁÓõ©À |h¨£x. C[S® Ax÷Á Esø© BQÓx.
Anger in the Mind is resentment.
©Úzvß ÷Põ£® AÁ©›¯õøu.
Anger that makes the complexion grow pale is from the body.
{Ózøu öÁÎÓa ö\´²® ÷Põ£® Eh¼¼¸¢x ÷uõßÖÁx.
It is true he liked her; it was a mental liking.
AÁß AÁøÍ Â¸®¤¯x Esø©. Ax ©Úzvß Â¸¨£®.
It is equally true that his dislike was from his very body.
AÁÚx öÁÖ¨¦ Eh¼À E¸ÁõÚx Gߣx® A÷u AÍÂØS Esø©÷¯.
From early years he began to dislike the family’s low culture from the very physical which prevented him from marrying Anne.
]Ö Á¯x •u÷» uß Sk®£zvß uõÌ¢u £s¦PøÍ Eh¼¼¸¢÷u öÁÖzuõß. Ax÷Á BøÚz v¸©n® ö\´¯ Âhõ©À ukzux.
He was aware of the vices of aristocracy not in themselves but in Wickham as idleness, profligacy, want of principle, desire to elope. He was impervious to them, but not to selfishness, conceit, pride, selfish disdain disqualifying him to be a gentleman. Ruse is the link between them. In that smallest casual error we see on which side he really is. Hence the importance of the smallest Act. Wickham’s one ambition was to become part of Pemberley.
¤µ¦zxÁzvß wø©PøÍ wø©PÍõPU Põnõ©À AÁØøÓ ÂUPõªh® ÷\õ®÷£ÔzuÚ®, wö¯õÊUP®, ö|Ô°ßø©, Ki¨ ÷£õS® Bø\ BQ¯øÁPÍõPU Pshõß. AÁØÓõÀ AÁß wsh¨£hÂÀø». BÚõÀ AÁÛh® E¯º Si©Pß GßÓ uSvø¯ CÇUPa ö\´²® _¯|»®, ©øÓzuÀ, PºÁ®, _¯|»©õÚ öÁÖ¨¦ BQ¯øÁ C¸¢uÚ. AÁºPøÍ Cøn¨£x \v. A¢u ªPa ]Ô¯ \õuµn©õÚ uÁÖ AÁß Esø©°À G¢u¨ £UPzvÀ C¸UQÓõß GߣøuU PõmkQÓx. AuÚõÀ uõß ªPa ]Ô¯ Põ›¯® •UQ¯©õÚx BQÓx. ö£®£º¼°ß J¸ £Sv BÁx ÂUPõªß ÷£µõø\PÎÀ JßÖ.
Elizabeth was the link between Pemberley and Wickham.
ö£®£º¼US® ÂUPõªØS® Cøn¨¦ G¼\ö£z.
What she felt was not love but charm and infatuation of the falsehood Wickham represented.
G¼\ö£z Põuø» EnµÂÀø». ö£õ´ø©°ß ¤µv{v¯õÚ ÂUPõªß Á^Pµ•®, AÁß u¢u Qͺa]²÷© AÁÐUS¨ ¤izv¸¢uÚ.
Elizabeth was the door through which aristocracy entered the world to save its physical world, losing its psychological world. The reality of the outside world was poverty, licentiousness, represented by Lydia.
©ÚÄ»øP CÇ¢x, áhÄ»øPU Põ¨£õØÔU öPõÒÍ E»QÀ ~øǯ ¤µ¦zxÁ® HØ£kzvU öPõsh ÁÈ÷¯ G¼\ö£z. öÁÎ E»Qß {uº\Ú® ÁÖø©, JÊUPªßø©. AÁØÔß ¤µv{v ¼i¯õ.
The several thousand pounds Darcy paid Wickham was the loot of the commoners in the French Revolution.
ÂUPõªØPõP hõº] ö\»Âmh B°µUPnUPõÚ £ÄßPÒ ¤µg_ ¦µm]°ß ÷£õx ö£õx ©UPÒ Aizu öPõÒøÍø¯U SÔUQÓx.
The aristocracy was shaken to the very roots.
¤µ¦zxÁ® Bo ÷Áº Áøµ Bi Âmhx.
141. “He was struggling for the appearance of composure”.
"AÁß {uõÚ©õP C¸¨£x ÷£õÀ PõmiU öPõÒÍ ÷£õµõiÚõß."
His proposal is a symbol of replacing the Revolution by a climb down. He may be willing to initiate it impelled by Elizabeth, but his whole being is in revolt as Mr. Bennet felt after his marriage. Mr. Darcy’s inner disquiet is a caricature of Mr. Bennet’s domestic life after his marriage. The very fact Darcy speaks of her inferior connections and Lady Catherine’s reference to Lydia, forfeits them of their gentlemanliness. A gentleman would not refer to them. He would avoid such people. If he relates to them, he cannot bring himself to refer to those aspects of life. Darcy struggles as he cannot do either.
RÈÓ[Q Á¸Áuß ‰»® ¦µm]ø¯z uº¨£uß SÔ±k AÁÚx ©n¨÷£a_. G¼\ö£zuõÀ E¢u¨£mk Põ›¯® ö\´¯ •øÚ¯ hõº] ¸®£U Tk®. Mr. ö£ßÚm v¸©nzvØS¨ ¤ß ÷£õµõi¯x ÷£õ» AÁß ãÁÝ® GvºUQÓx. hõº]°ß AP Aø©v°ßø© Mr. ö£ßÚm v¸©nzvØS¨ ¤ß ÁõÌ¢u Sk®£ ÁõÌUøP°ß ÷P¼a ]zvµ®. AÁÍx uõÌ¢u EÓÄPøͨ £ØÔ²®, ÷»i PõuŸß ¼i¯õøÁ¨ £ØÔ ÷£]¯x £ØÔ²® hõº] ÷£]¯x, AÁºPÒ E¯ºSiPÒ GßÓ uSvø¯ CÇ¢x ÂmhõºPÒ GߣøuU PõmkQÓx. ¤µ¦ AÁºPøÍU SÔzx ÷£\ ©õmhõß. A¨£i¨£mhÁºPøÍz uº¨£õß. J¸ ÷ÁøÍ AÁºP÷Íõk £ÇP ÷|º¢uõ¾®, ÁõÌÂß A¨£UP[Pøͨ £ØÔ ÷£\ ©õmhõß. Cµsøh²® ö\´¯ •i¯õuuõÀ hõº] ÷£õµõkQÓõß.
What Bingley swallows without reaction, Darcy swallows after vomiting. Hence the complete transformation.
Gvº¨¤ßÔ ¤[Q¼ ÂÊ[Q¯øu, hõº] PUQ¯ ¤ß ÂÊ[SQÓõß. GÚ÷Á uõß •Ê v¸Ä¸©õØÓ® Á¸QÓx.
He passes through all the stages of contradiction, conflict, compromise, reconciliation, harmony.
•µs£õk, \a\µÄ, AÝ\›zuÀ, \©õuõÚ®, _‰P® GßÓ AøÚzx {ø»PøͲ® hõº] PhUP ÷|›kQÓx.
What Bingley silently meekly passed through, Darcy did violently, crudely after being virulently abused.
¤[Q¼ £»ÃÚzuõÀ ÷£\õ©À ö\´uøu hõº] Pkø©¯õÚ {¢uøÚUS BÍõÚ ¤ß Avµi¯õP £USÁªßÔ ö\´QÓõß.
Darcy was not trying for composure, but the appearance of it.
hõº] {uõÚ©õP C¸UP •¯»ÂÀø». {uõÚ©õP C¸¨£x ÷£õßÓ ÷uõØÓ® ö£Ó •¯ÀQÓõß.
His coming down destroyed the very appearance of it.
AÁß RÈÓ[Q¯x Az÷uõØÓzøuz uPºzx Âmhx.
Aristocracy of these days was only an appearance.
CUPõ»zvÀ ¤µ¦zxÁ® Gߣx ÷uõØÓ÷©.
Lydia destroyed that appearance.
¼i¯õ Az÷uõØÓzøuz uPºzuõÒ.
Destruction of appearance is destruction of aristocracy.
÷uõØÓzvß AÈÄ ¤µ¦zxÁzvß AÈÄ.
His proposal is the French Revolution in miniature, a psychological symbol of it.
¤µg_ ¦µm]°ß ]Ö ¤µv÷¯ AÁÚx ©n¨ ÷£a_. Ax A¨¦µm]°ß ©ÚU SÔ±k.
It is inconceivable for Darcy that any girl of Elizabeth’s situation could dream of rejecting his proposal for marriage.
G¼\ö£z {ø»°¼¸US® ö£s uß v¸©n ¸¨£zøu PÚÂÀ Th {µõP›¨£õÒ Gߣøu hõº]¯õÀ {øÚzxU Th £õºUP •i¯ÂÀø».
142. “The pause was to Elizabeth’s feelings dreadful”.
"CøhöÁÎ G¼\ö£zvß EnºÄPÎÀ ¥vø¯z u¢ux."
For the first time in his life, he realised he was valueless, though he had not yet heard out of her mouth a description of it.
ÁõÌÂÀ •uÀ •øÓ¯õP uõß ©v¨£ØÓÁß Gߣøu AÔ¢uõß. Aøu¨ £ØÔ¯ ÂÍUPzøu AÁÒ Áõ¯õÀ CßÝ® AÁß ÷PmPÂÀø».
Self-awareness is the greatest moment of one’s life.
_¯öuÎÄ J¸Á›ß ÁõÌÂÀ EßÚu©õÚ u¸n®.
When that awareness is one of being a zero to the one whom he most values, Man realises the infinity of sunya.
uõß AvP£m\® ©v¨£Á¸US uõß J¸ ©v¨£ØÓÁß GßÓ öuÎÄ Á¸® ÷£õx, ©Ûuß `߯zvß AÚ¢uzøu AÔQÓõß.
The pause is the moment of this realisation in her.
AÁøͨ £ØÔ AÆÁõÖ AÔ²® u¸n÷© A¢u CøhöÁÎ.
Man’s greatest capacity is to behave normally when a resolution is going on inside.
APzvÀ wºÄ HØ£k® ÷£õx {uõÚ©õP |h¨£x ©ÛuÛß ö£¸¢vÓß.
The greatest romantic inner experiences, as Darcy felt towards Elizabeth, were unseen by her or anyone else.
hõº] G¼\ö£z ‰»® Enº¢u EßÚu©õÚ APU PõuÀ AÝ£Á[Pøͨ £ØÔ G¼\ö£zvØ÷Põ ¤Ó¸U÷Põ öu›¯õx.
Her direct inner communication made her dreadful.
÷|µi¯õÚ APz öuõhº¦ AÁøÍ ¥v öPõÒÍ ö\´ux.
She saw at that moment the full intensity of his love for her negatively and that frightened her.
AÁÒ «x AÁß öPõsh Põu¼ß •Ê wµzøu Gvº©øÓ¯õP AUPnzvÀ PshõÒ. Ax AÁøÍ Aa_Özv¯x.
The normal response of an ordinary girl to true intense love is fright and consequent hate of the lover.
Esø©¯õÚ wµ©õÚ Põu¾US \õuõµn©õÚ ö£soß ö£õxÁõÚ ©Öö©õÈ Aa\•® Auß öuõhºa]¯õP Põu»øÚ öÁÖ¨£x©õS®.
Elizabeth is no fit feminine material to fully rise to the occasion of the intensity of love.
wµU PõuÀ öÁΨ£k® \¢uº¨£zøu Gvº öPõÒÍ E¯¸® AÍÂØPõÚ ö£sø© G¼\ö£zvh® CÀø».
She would rather respond to captivating softness that is charm.
AÁÍõÀ Á^P›US® PÁºa]¯õÚ ö©ßø©USz uõß ©Öö©õÈ uµ •i²®.
Anyway it was not Darcy that evoked that elevating emotion of love in her.
E¯ºzx® PõuÀ EnºøÁ hõº]¯õÀ AÁÐUPz uµ •i¯ÂÀø».
That fortunate moment never came to her.
A¢u Aئu©õÚ u¸n® AÁøÍ |õi J¸ ÷£õx® ÁµÂÀø».
It is a moment when one feels he can conquer the world effortlessly.
Ax E»øP÷¯ GÎuõP öÁßÖ Âh»õ® GßÖ J¸ÁøÚ Enµ øÁUS® u¸n®.
She had all the potentials for true love but the occasion never came.
Esø©¯õÚ Põu¾UPõÚ AøÚzx ÂzxUPЮ AÁÎh® C¸¢uõ¾® AzuøP¯ \¢uº¨£® AÁÐUS Áµ÷Á CÀø».
No heroic general ever feels more heroic than a Man whose love is emerging.
PõuÀ öÁΨ£k® Bs En¸Áx ÷£õßÓ Ãµzøu G¨÷£º¨£mh õz uÍ£v²® Enµ •i¯õx.
143. “At length, in a voice of forced calmness”.
"¤ßÚº Aa\‰mk® Aø©v¯õÚ Sµ¼À."
At last she was won by this calmness.
CÖv¯õP C¢u Aø©v AÁøÍ öÁÀQÓx.
The end is indicated in the beginning. Here calmness is that indication.
Bµ®£® •iøÁ {ºn°US®. C[S Aø©v AøuU SÔUQÓx.
What he passed through to change himself is dreadful.
ußøÚ ©õØÓ AÁß Ph¢ux £¯[Pµ©õÚx.
Before she ever abused him, he felt the coming dread.
AÁÒ vmk •ß÷£, Áµ¨ ÷£õS® £¯[Pµzøu Enº¢uõß.
It is the dread of the psychological guillotine.
Ax EÒÍzvÀ 'QÀ»miß' u¢u £¯[Pµ®.
The greatest ever dread for Man is to know what he really is inside.
uõß APzvÀ Esø©°À GßÚÁõP C¸UQ÷Óõ® GßÖ AÔÁx ©ÛuÝUS AvP£m\ Aa\zøuz uµU Ti¯x.
A greater one is to decide to change it. Darcy does both.
Aøu ©õØÓ •iÄ ö\´Áx ªP E¯º¢ux.Cµsøh²® hõº] ö\´QÓõß.
To be calm after this dread requires human strength.
C¢u¨ £¯[PµzvØS¨ ¤ß Aø©v¯õP C¸UP ©ÛuÝUS Á¼ø© ÷uøÁ.
The French Revolution changed the very foundations of the society.
\‰Pzvß Ai¨£øhø¯÷¯ ¤µg_ ¦µm] ©õØÔ¯x.
Its wave in England compelled aristocrats to change in their depths.
Auß Aø» C[Q»õ¢vÀ ¤µ¦UPøÍ BÇzvÀ ©õÓ Pmhõ¯¨£kzv¯x.
To see Mrs. Bennet and Lydia in himself and still seek it, one needs courage.
ußÝÒ Mrs. ö£ßÚmøh²®, ¼i¯õøÁ²® Psh ¤ßÝ® Aøu |õh ©ÛuÝUS xoÄ ÷uøÁ.
Still it is disgustingly frightening.
B°Ý® Ax µUv³mk©ÍÂØS Aa\® u¸Áx.
He recognises he wrote the letter in bitterness of spirit.
AÁß P\¨¦nº÷Áõk Piu® GÊvÚõß Gߣøu EnºQÓõß.
To go to the opposite emotional poise is an anti-climax, but to do so in one instant is to shake the foundations.
GvµõÚ EnºÄ {ø»USa ö\ÀÁx Gvº Ea\UPmh®. BÚõÀ Pn¨ ö£õÊvÀ Aøua ö\´Áx Ai¨£øhø¯÷¯ Aø\¨£uõS®.
One Man’s perfection saves the world – Savitri.
J¸ÁÛß ö\®ø© E»øPU PõUS® & \õÂz›.
Darcy’s trial was great as he is carrying the burden of England.
C[Q»õ¢vß _ø©ø¯÷¯ uõ[Q¯uõÀ, hõº]°ß ÷£õµõmh® ö£›¯x.
The American world invited people offering ten fold higher wages.
£zx ©h[S AvP \®£Í® u¢x ©UPøÍ ußÛh® Aö©›UPõ AøÇzux.
The Industrial Revolution paid higher wages to buy the manufactured goods.
EØ£zv ö\´u ö£õ¸mPøÍ Áõ[SÁuØPõP öuõÈÀ ¦µm] AvP \®£Í® u¢ux.
Trade is offered great profits in a short time to establish itself.
ußøÚ {ø»|õmiU öPõÒÍ ÁºzuP® SÖQ¯ Põ»zvÀ AvP C»õ£® u¸QÓx.
The British Empire was offered greater profits than Akbar’s revenue to rule India.
C¢v¯õøÁ BÍ AU£º ö£ØÓ Á¸©õÚzøu Âh ¤›miè Aµ_ AvP Á¸©õÚ® ö£ØÓx.
Elizabeth and the bourgeoisie through her are offered Pemberley to save England from the French Revolution.
G¼\ö£zx®, |kzuµ ©UPЮ C[Q»õ¢øu ¤µg_ ¦µm]°¼¸¢x PõUP÷Á G¼\ö£z ‰»® ö£®£º¼ø¯ ö£ØÓÚº.
Internet offers great services free for Man to enter into psychological paradise.
©Ûuß ©ÚŸv¯õÚ ö\õºUPzvÀ ~øǯ Cßhºö|m £» E¯º¢u ÷\øÁPøÍ AÁÝUS C»Á\©õPz u¸QÓx.
"And this is all the reply which I am to have the honour of expecting! I might, perhaps, wish to be informed why, with so little endeavour at civility, I am thus rejected. But it is of small importance."
"|õß Gvº£õºUPU Ti¯ £vÀ CxuõÚõ! ©›¯õøu Põmh CÆÁÍÄ ]Ô¯ •¯Ø] GkzxU öPõsk GßøÚ CÆÁõÖ {µõP›zux Hß GÚ GÚUSz öu›¯ ÷Ásk® GÚ Â¸®¦Q÷Óß. BÚõÀ Cx AÆÁÍÄ •UQ¯©À»" GßÓõß.
144. As he explained why he proposed, perhaps now he demands of her why she refuses. He could not comprehend that his wealth would be immaterial to her. How she overcame the power and lure of his status he wishes to know .
hõº] AÁøÍU ÷PmhuØSU Põµn® TÔ¯x÷£õÀ AÁÒ ©Ö¨£uØSU Põµn® ÷PmQÓõß. G¨£i uß ö\ÀÁzøu AÁÍõÀ ¦ÓUPoUP •iQÓx GÚ {øÚUQÓõß.
145. “with so little endeavour at civility, I am thus rejected”. He takes for granted his wealth and status without understanding he is devoid of the gentlemanly behaviour of that status. Without saying how she could overcome his wealth, he mentions absence of civility.
uß ö\ÀÁ® ¦ÓUPoUP¨£mhx AÁÝUSz uõ[P •i¯ÂÀø». AÁøÚ¨ö£õ¸zuÁøµ AÁß PõuÀ Avwµ©õÚx. BÚõÀ Ax ö\ÀÁ¢uÝøh¯ PõuÀ Gߣx AÁÝUS •UQ¯®. ö\ÀÁ® PºÁzuõÀ »UP¨£mhøu AÁß AÔ¯õ©À PºÁzøu÷¯ ö\ÀÁzvß ]ßÚ©õP Hß AÁÍõÀ HØP •i¯ÂÀø» Gߣx AÁß ÷PÒÂ.
146. He acted as a proud, rich man, not as a lover longing for his love.
147. He wanted her to explain why she refused him and gave her scope to abuse. He accused her of incivility.
148. Man accuses the other of his defect.
149. He added it was superfluous, which is true.
150. “why, with so little endeavour at civility, I am thus rejected”.
"|õP›PªßÔ ußøÚ Hß {µõP›zuõÒ GßÖ öu›¢x öPõÒÍ Â¸®¤Úõß."
His wanting to know the reason for her rejection issues from his tenacity to cling to her.
ußøÚ Hß {µõP›zuõÒ GßÖ öu›¢x öPõÒÍ Â¸®¤¯x AÁøÍ CÖP¨ £ØÔU öPõÒÍ ÷Ásk® GßÓ ¤iÁõuzv¼¸¢x ¤Ó¢ux.
He is aware of her incivility, not his own.
AÁÍx A|õP›Pzøu AÔ¢uÁß uß ö\õ¢u A|õP›Pzøu AÔ¯ÂÀø».
He took efforts to offend her; he wants her to take efforts to be civil to him. Giving, for selfishness, means taking.
AÁøÍ Á¸zu¨£kzu •¯Ø]PÒ GkUQÓõß. AÁÒ ußÛh® ©›¯õøu¯õP C¸UP •¯» ÷Ásk® GßÖ Â¸®¦QÓõß.
u¸Áx GߣuØS _¯|»® u¸® ö£õ¸Ò Gk¨£x GߣuõS®.
Romance means the partner offering oneself everything.
PõuÀ GßÓõÀ Põu»º AøÚzøu²® ©ØÓÁ¸USz u¸ÁuõS®.
Eternal Romance is eternal domination.
A©µ PõuÀ A©µ BvUP®.
Man’s intensity in seeking the non-existence is the surface version of his seeking the Non-Being.
BÇzvÀ A\zøu ©Ûuß wµ©õP |õkQÓõß. Auß ÷©À ©Ú¨ ¤µv÷¯ ©Ûuß CÀ»õuøu wµ©õP |õkÁx.
Man is constituted to reach not the Being but the Non-Being.
©Ûuß A\zøu Aøh²©õÖ & \zøu AßÖ Aø©UP¨£mkÒÍõß.
Human aspiration is for the whole, the Absolute, to that which includes the Being and the Non-Being.
A\zøu²® \zøu²® EÒÍhUQ¯ ¤µ®©zøu, •Êø©ø¯ |õkÁ÷u ©Ûu BºÁ®.
Elizabeth desiring Pemberley while retaining the charm of the falsehood of Wickham is the reconciliation of Matter and Spirit in the transcendental consciousness. (Page 30, The Life Divine)
G¼\ö£z ö£®£º¼US® Bø\¨£mkU öPõsk, ÂUPõªß ö£õ´ø©°ß PÁºa]°¾® ©¯[SÁx áhzøu²® Bß©õøÁ²® ÁøµPh¢u ã¯zvÀ Cønzx ö£õ¸zxÁuõS®. (£UP® 30 ø»¨ iøÁß)
Napoleon came to awaken the soul to the Absolute.
¤µ®©zvh® Bß©õøÁ ÂȨ¦Ó øÁUP ö|¨÷£õ¼¯ß Á¢uõß.
Here we see its extension in England.
Auß öuõhºa]ø¯ C[Q»õ¢vÀ PõsQ÷Óõ®.
It is during that period England lost America and finally won India.
(USA 1776, India 1774)
CUPõ»UPmhzvÀ uõß C[Q»õ¢x Aö©›UPõøÁ CÇ¢x, CÖv°À C¢v¯õøÁ öÁßÓx. (Aö©›UPõ 1776, C¢v¯õ 1774)
India almost invited the Britisher to rule her.
ußøÚ BÍ C¢v¯õ ¤›mhÝUS AøǨ¦ Âkzux.
Darcy invites Elizabeth to preside over his destinies at Pemberley.
ö£®£º¼°À uß uø»Âvø¯ {ºn°UP hõº] G¼\ö£zvØS AøǨ¦ ÂkQÓõß.
She was lured by Pemberley but merely accepted Darcy as a husband to whom her family owed gratitude.
G¼\ö£z ö£®£º¼ø¯U Psk ©¯[QÚõ¾® uß Sk®£® £mh |ßÔUPhÝUPõP hõº]ø¯ öÁÖ® PnÁÚõP HØÓõÒ.
Man’s greatest endeavours are for self-destruction.
ußøÚz uõ÷Ú AÈzxU öPõÒÍ÷Á ©Ûuß ö£¸ •¯Ø]PÒ ö\´QÓõß.
Self-destruction is the dissolution of the ego.
ußøÚz uõ÷Ú AȨ£x Gߣx AP[Põµzøu AȨ£uõS®.
The self imposed ego dissolves on its own initiative.
uõ÷Ú E¸ÁõÚ AP®£õÁ® uõ÷Ú _¯©õP •øÚ¢x Pøµ²®.
151. “…I am thus rejected. But it is of small importance”.
"C¨£i |õß {µõP›UP¨£mkÂm÷hß. BÚõÀ Ax AÆÁÍÄ •UQ¯ªÀø»."
His being rejected is of small importance; his class’s preservation is of great importance.
uõß {µõP›UP¨£mhx •UQ¯ªÀø». uß S»¨ ö£¸ø©ø¯ Põ¨£x ªPÄ® •UQ¯®.
Destruction of the ego is of small importance, liberation of the soul is of importance.
AP[Põµ® AÈÁx AÆÁÍÄ •UQ¯©À». Bß©õÂß Âkuø» •UQ¯©õÚx.
The proposal is to replace Revolution by evolution.
©n¨ ÷£a_ ¦µm]US £vÀ £›nõ©zøu öPõsk Á¸QÓx.
This is the process of the subconscious in him becoming conscious.
C¢u ÁÈ•øÓ ‰»® AÁÚx BÌ©Ú® öuÎÁõP ÷©÷» Á¸QÓx.
As the subliminal emerges at the meeting point of the subconscious and the superconscious, he gets his message to arrive a day early at Pemberley.
BÌ©Ú•® £µ©õz©õÄ® Cøn²® ChzvÀ EÒ ©Ú® öÁÎÁ¸ÁuõÀ, ö£®£º¼US J¸ |õÒ •ßÚuõP÷Á ö\À¾® £i AÁÝUSz ÷uõßÖQÓx.
Her fixing Darcy’s look at Pemberley on her is her act of invoking the Superconscient on her.
ö£®£º¼°À AÁß £õºøÁ AÁÒ ÷©À {ø»US® £i ö\´¯ øÁzux AÁÒ AÁÛhª¸¢u CøÓÁÝUS ö\´u ¤µõºzuøÚ÷¯.
His proposal is on the surface to her.
AÁß ©n¨ ÷£a_ AÁÒ ÷©À ©ÚzvØS›¯x.
His seeking an explanation is going below the surface.
AÁß ÂÍUP® ÷Pm£x ÷©À ©ÚzvØSU R÷Ç ÷£õÁx.
Her speaking about Jane is about her family and it is at the depth.
AÁÒ ÷áøÚ¨ £ØÔ ÷£_Áx AÁÒ Sk®£zøu¨ £ØÔ ÷£_ÁuõS®. Ax BÇ©õÚx.
Her complaint about Wickham is about her own attraction.
AÁÒ ÂUPõªØPõP ÷£]¯x, AÁÍx ©¯UPzvÚõÀ HØ£mhx.
It touches his character as well as her character.
Ax AÁÝøh¯ Snõv\¯zøu²® AÁÍx Snõv\¯zøu²® öuõkQÓx.
Character is subconscious.
Snõv\¯® BÌ©Úzv¾ÒÍx.
His explanation through the letter is light from above.
Piu® ‰»® AÁß u¢u ÂÍUP® ÷©¼¸¢x Á¸® JÎ.
By speaking out he reaches her understanding, a process by which the falsehood in her is removed.
öÁΨ£øh¯õP ÷£_Áuß ‰»® AÁÐUS¨ ¦›¯ øÁUQÓõß. A¢u ÁÈ•øÓ ‰»® AÁÎhª¸¢u ö£õ´ø© }UP¨£mhx.
At the same time he emerges from his false exterior.
A÷u \©¯®, uß ö£õ´¯õÚ ÷©Ø Tmi¼¸¢x AÁÝ® öÁÎÁ¸QÓõß.
Darcy has never mentioned his love to anyone.
hõº] uß Põuø»¨ £ØÔ GÁ›h•® TÓÂÀø».
Elizabeth never mentioned her desire for Pemberley to anyone.
Both are secretive.
G¼\ö£z uõß ö£®£º¼US Bø\¨£kÁøu¨ £ØÔ GÁ›h•® TÓÂÀø». C¸Á¸÷© CµP]¯©õÚÁºPÒ.
Had they spoken out, their work at that depth would have been interfered with.
C¸Á¸® öÁΨ£øh¯õP ÷£]°¸¢uõÀ BÇzvÀ AÁºPÒ ö\´¯ ÷Ási¯ ÷Áø»°À SÖURk Á¢v¸US®.
"I might as well inquire," replied she, "why with so evident a design of offending and insulting me, you chose to tell me that you liked me against your will, against your reason, and even against your character? Was not this some excuse for incivility, if I was uncivil? But I have other provocations. You know I have. Had not my own feelings decided against you -- had they been indifferent, or had they even been favourable, do you think that any consideration would tempt me to accept the man who has been the means of ruining, perhaps for ever, the happiness of a most beloved sister?"
"Hß CÆÁÍÄ öÁΨ£øh¯õP÷Á, GßøÚ¨ ¦s£kzu ÷Ásk®, AÁ©õÚ¨£kzu ÷Ásk® GßÖ vmh® wmi, GßøÚ, EßÝøh¯ ©ÚvØS GvµõP, EßÝøh¯ ¸¨£zvØS GvµõP, EßÝøh¯ SnzvØS® GvµõP ¤izv¸UQÓx GßÖ ö\õÀQÓõ´ GÚ |õß ÷PmP»õ©õ? GÚUS ©›¯õøu öu›¯ÂÀø» GßÖ } TÔÚõÀ, } |h¢x öPõÒÁx CuØS J¸ Põµn® BPõuõ? BÚõÀ GÚUS ÷ÁÖ ]» ÷Põ£‰mhU Ti¯ Âå¯[PÒ EÒÍÚ GÚ EÚUSz öu›²®. EÚUS GvµõP GßÝøh¯ EnºÄPÒ wº©õÚ® ö\´uõ¾®, G¢uÂu AUPøÓ²® Põs¤UPõ©À C¸¢uõ¾® AÀ»x EÚUS \õuP©õP C¸¢uõ¾® \›, GxÁõP C¸¢uõ¾® GßÝøh¯ Aߦ \÷Põu›°ß \¢÷uõåzøuU öPkzu ©ÛuøÚ, J¸÷ÁøÍ {µ¢uµ©õPÄ® öPkzv¸UP»õ®, A¨£i¨£mhÁøÚ |õß HØÖU öPõÒÍ HuõÁx CµUP® GßøÚz ysk® GÚ } {øÚUQÓõ¯õ?"
152. He refused to see he had offended her. She sharply points it out.
153. Against his reason, his will, character, he proposed. Why should she accept?
154. She points out the essential offence of his delivery of which he is oblivious because he wants the world to take him for granted as a rich man. He is unable to see that to her he is just a man.
uõß £n® £øhzuÁß Gߣøu E»P® HØÓøu¨ ÷£õÀ Hß CÁЮ HØPÂÀø» Gߣ÷u AÁß ÷PÒÂ. AÁÐUS¨ £n® PsqUSz öu›¯ÂÀø». hõº] AÁøͨö£õ¸zuÁøµ J¸ ©Ûuß. J¸ ©ÛuÝUS›¯ ©Ûuz ußø©ø¯ AÁÒ AÁÛh® PõnÂÀø» Gߣøu AÁÚõÀ ]¢vUPÄ® •i¯ÂÀø».
155. As in the first meeting, a few days earlier, she alluded to Jane’s wedding.
156. She said she had the privilege of offending him in return for his offence to Jane.
157. Life, events, ACTS are indivisible wholes. You cannot pick a rose without being pricked. It is a poor intelligence not to expect the thorn. We all do.
158. A man who triumphs in an act cannot know how the other person is affected, the character of the act, or its future consequences for himself.
159. “Why with so evident a design of offending and insulting me”.
"Hß GßøÚ AÁ©vUP ÷Áskö©ßÓ öuÎÁõÚ vmhz÷uõk."
He spoke ‘tolerable’ with the above attitude.
'£µÁõ°Àø»' GßÖ ÷©ØPsh ©÷Úõ£Áz÷uõk ö\õßÚõß.
His normal reply would have been a ‘No’.
ö£õxÁõP AÁß £vÀ 'CÀø»' GߣuõP C¸US®.
Because he was powerfully attracted to her and was going to pursue her forever, as a reaction to it, she was so described.
hõº] AÁÍõÀ Á¼ø©¯õP DºUP¨£mi¸¢uõß. AÁøÍ AÁß GßöÓßÖ® öuõhµ¨ ÷£õQÓõß. GÚ÷Á uõß ÷©ØPshÁõÖ ÷£_QÓõß.
So, it is the old scores that are being settled now.
GÚ÷Á, C¨÷£õx £øǯ PnUSPÒ wºUP¨£kQßÓÚ.
Desire to relate intensely in one who is uncourteous comes out as offence – offence is intense relationship.
C[Qu©ØÓ J¸Á÷µõk wµ©õP EÓÁõh Bø\¨£mhõÀ Ax vmhõP Á¸®. vmk & wµ©õÚ EÓÄ.
He prods her to come out. She comes out from the days of Meryton Assembly.
AÁß AÁøÍ öÁÎ Áµz yskQÓõß. AÁÒ ö©›hß Aµ[P |õmPμ¸¢x öÁÎ Á¸QÓõÒ.
He was mortally offended by her partiality to Wickham.
AÁÒ ÂUPõªh® Põmi¯ £õµ£m\® AÁÝUS E°º ÷£õÁx ÷£õßÓ Aiø¯z u¸QÓx.
He wants to reach her at that depth positively.
AÁÍx BÇzøu |À»Âu©õPz öuõh AÁß Â¸®¦QÓõß.
In truth he reaches there, but negatively.
Esø©°À BÇzøuz öuõkQÓõß. Aøu Gvº©øÓ¯õPa ö\´QÓõß.
The subconscious knows more fully than the surface.
÷©À ©Úzøu Âh BÌ©Ú® AvP©õP AÔ²®.
She knows from his pain he is fully secured and wants to assert within that limit without losing him.
AÁß Qøhzx Âmhøu AÁÝøh¯ Á¼°¼¸¢x AÁÒ AÔQÓõÒ. AÁøÚ CÇ¢x Âhõ©À GÀø»PÐUSm£mk uß P¸zxUPøÍ Á¼²ÖzxQÓõÒ.
He understands he can secure her only when she gives up Wickham and Jane is married.
AÁÒ ÂUPõø© Âh ÷Ásk®. ÷áÝUSz v¸©n® |hUP ÷Ásk®. A¨÷£õx uõß G¼\ö£z uÚUSU Qøh¨£õÒ Gߣx hõº]US¨ ¦›QÓx.
He is unable to speak out, but is willing to be abused.
AÁÚõÀ ÷£\ •i¯ÂÀø». BÚõÀ vmk Áõ[Pz u¯õµõP C¸UQÓõß.
Both are hot, violent, and abusive but don’t want to lose the other.
C¸Á¸® `hõP, Bzvµz÷uõk vmiU öPõÒQÓõºPÒ. BÚõÀ J¸Áøµ J¸Áº CÇUP ¸®£ÂÀø».
Her surface does not understand it but both sense they have already met below the depth.
AÁÒ ÷©À ©Ú® Aøu¨ ¦›¢x öPõÒÍÂÀø». BÚõÀ BÇzvÀ HØPÚ÷Á \¢vzx Âm÷hõ® Gߣøu C¸Á¸® EnºQÓõºPÒ.
That he was not interrupted shows that his proposal will be finally accepted. Hence his hope that is indefinable.
AÁß ÷£_® ÷£õx G¼\ö£z SÖU÷P ÷£\õux v¸©nz vmh® CÖv°À {øÓ÷ÁÖ® GߣøuU PõmkQÓx. AuÚõÀ AÁÝUSU Põµn® TÓ •i¯õu |®¤UøP EshõQÓx.
160. “You liked me against your …will, reason, and character”.
"Eß Â¸¨¦Öv, {¯õ¯®, Snõv\¯® GÀ»õÁØøÓ²® «Ô Gßøڠ¸®¤Úõ´."
It was a strong irresistible liking which overpowered him, but it is not his love of her.
©ÖUP •i¯õu Á¼ø©¯õÚ Â¸¨£® AÁøÚ BmöPõshx. BÚõÀ Ax AÁÒ ÷©À AÁß öPõsh Põu»ßÖ.
It is her desert that compelled him.
AÁÒ uSv÷¯ AÁøÚ CÊzux.
In a normal sense it is an insult to the girl, though in a deeper sense it is a tribute to her.
ö£õxÁõP¨ £õºzuõÀ Ax J¸ ö£søn AÁ©v¨£uõS®. BÇzvÀ Ax AÁøÍ ö£¸ø©¨ £kzxÁuõS®.
Insult is a subconscious invitation. Darcy’s approach, eager to secure her, resorts to this truth, in view of his lack of culture.
AÁ©v¨¦ BÌ©Úzvß AøǨ¦. AÁøÍ Aøh¯z xiUS® |õP›P©ØÓ hõº]°ß AqS•øÓ C¢u Esø©ø¯ HØQÓx.
She naturally resents it but takes full advantage of it consciously as she explains in page 199.
AuØPõP Ax Á¸¢xÁx C¯À÷£. BÚõÀ öuÎÁõP Aøu¨ £¯ß£kzvU öPõÒQÓõÒ. 199 B® £UPzvÀ Ax ÂÍUP¨£kQÓx.
She speaks a profound truth that one can like against his will and reason.
uß Â¸¨¦ÖvUS®, {¯õ¯[PÐUS® GvµõP J¸Áß Â¸®£UTk® GßÓ ªP¨ ö£›¯ Esø©ø¯¨ £ØÔ AÁÒ ÷£_QÓõÒ.
Neither of them have anything to do with emotion.
C¸Á›h•® Enºa]§ºÁ® ]Ôx® CÀø».
But character has a strong element of emotion.
BÚõÀ Snõv\¯zvÀ Enºa]US Á¼ø©¯õÚ Ch•sk.
Even his character is against this marriage.
AÁß Snõv\¯[PÒ C¢uz v¸©nzvØS GvµõP C¸UQÓx.
It almost says he loved her with his soul against his Mind.
AÁß ©ÚzvÀ Põu¼Àø». Bß©õÁõÀ Põu¼zuõß GßÖ Th ö\õÀ»»õ®.
Her liveliness, playfulness struck a chord in his soul.
AÁÍx E¯÷µõmh•®, ÂøͯõmkzuÚ•® AÁÛß Bß©õÂÀ J¸ u¢vø¯ «mi¯x.
In this proposal his soul speaks brushing aside his Mind and character.
©n¨ ÷£a]ß ÷£õx AÁÚx Bß©õ ©Úzøu²® Snõv\¯zøu²® ¦ÓUPozxÂmk ÷£]¯x.
That explains why Darcy arrived at Meryton.
Cx hõº] ö©›hÝUS Á¢ux Hß Gߣøu ÂÍUSQÓx.
He came there in answer to the call of her soul.
AÁÍx Bß©õÂß AøǨ¤ØS £vÀ ö\õÀ»÷Á AÁß ö©›hÝUS Á¢uõß.
Charlotte’s mercenary view perceived the soul movement in both of them.
åõº÷»miß Buõ¯ ©Ú¨£õßø© AÁºPÒ C¸Á›h•ª¸¢u Bß©õÂß C¯UPzøuU Psk öPõshx.
Soul knows no offence. He was not offended by her abuse, nor is she stung to the quick.
Bß©õ SØÓ[PøÍ AÔ¯õux. AÁÒ vmhõÀ AÁ÷Úõ, AÁß ÷£]¯uõÀ AÁ÷Íõ AÁ©õÚ¨£hÂÀø».
161. “Was not this some excuse for incivility”.
"A|õP›P©õP C¸UP Cx J¸ \õUPÀ»Áõ?"
In the emotional state they were in, neither of them had the patience to be civil to the other.
AÁºPÒ C¸¢u Enºa]©¯©õÚ {ø»°À, J¸Á›h® ©ØÓÁº ÂÚ¯©õP |hUPz ÷uøÁ¨£k® ö£õÖø© C¸Á›h•® CÀø».
Each needed an excuse not to be civil so that their embarrassment could find relief.
C¸Á¸® u[PÒ uº©\[Ph® wµ, uõ[PÒ A|õP›P©õP C¸¨£uØPõÚ \õUS ö\õÀQÓõºPÒ.
It is the French Revolution miniaturised to human scale.
Cx ©Ûu AÍÂÀ _¸UP¨£mh ¤µg_ ¦µm].
Had they resorted to fist fighting their pent up energies would have found relief.
C¸Á¸US® øPP»¨¦ |h¢v¸¢uõÀ AhUQ øÁUP¨£mh \Uv ö\»ÁõQ C¸US®.
Socrates’ wife sought relief in the chamber pot.
PÈÄ }º £õøÚø¯ \õUµjêß uø»°À PÂÌzuuß ‰»® AÁº ©øÚÂUS {®©v Qøhzux.
In 2000 years expression of conflicts have become civilised.
¤nUSPÒ |õP›P©õP öÁΨ£h 2000 Á¸h[PÒ ÷uøÁ¨£kQÓx.
Still, in the culture of log cabin, broom stick was employed.
B°Ý® ©µUSiÀ |õP›Pzvß ÷£õx xøh¨£® £¯ß £kzu¨£mhx.
Uncivil words to accuse the other in a proposal – context is understandable.
v¸©n¨ ÷£a]ß ÷£õx J¸Áøµ J¸Áº vmiU öPõÒÍ A|õP›P©õÚ ÁõºzøuPÒ E£÷¯õQUP¨£mh \¢uº¨£® ¦›¢x öPõÒÍU Ti¯÷u.
Battlefields were partly shifted to conference tables.
²zu PÍ[PÒ Tmh ÷©øáPÐUS KµÍÂØS ©õØÓ¨£mkÒÍÚ.
His “tolerable” is working itself out in the existing circumstance through the instrumentation of human nature of the characters in the story.
Puõ£õzvµ[PÎß ©Ûu _£õÁ©õQ¯ P¸ÂPÒ ‰»® A¢u `Ì{ø»°À AÁÚx '£µÁõ°Àø»' GßÓ ö\õÀ uß ÷Áø»ø¯U PõmkQÓx.
The play of forces, clash of characters, Life Response, past realised energy, force moving to being, revolutionary fervour pushing itself through channels of evolution all find their play in Man proposing marriage to woman.
Bs ußøÚ ©nUS©õÖ ö£sønU ÷Põ¸® ÷£õx \UvPÎß ½ø», Snõv\¯[PÎß ÷©õuÀ, ÁõÌÂß Gvöµõ¼, ÷\Pµ©õÚ \Uv, ãÁøÚ |Pºzx® öu®¦, £›nõ© £õøuPÎÀ ußøÚ E¢x® ¦µm]z xi¨¦ AøÚzx® ö\¯À£k®.
Marriage is the miniature of the material universe.
ö»ÍRP ¤µ£g\zvß _¸UP©õÚ £v¨÷£ v¸©n®.
Romance ends in marriage will be belied by Darcy’s wedding to Elizabeth.
PõuÀ v¸©n©õÚx® •i¢x Âk® GßÓ TØÖ hõº]&G¼\ö£z v¸©n Âå¯zvÀ ö£õ´¯õS®.
The energy of the Revolution is the power of Being reversing the old rules of karma and its various expressions in life such as there is a limit to anything.
Pº©õÂß £øǯ \mh[PøͲ® AøÁ 'GuØS® AÍÄsk' Gߣx ÷£õ» öÁΨ£k® Ch[PøͲ® ãÁÛß \Uv¯õÚ ¦µm]°ß \Uv uø»RÇõP ©õØÖ®.
162. “I have other provocations”.
"GÚUS ÷ÁÖ ÷Põ£[PЮ Esk."
She was more interested in Jane’s affair than his proposal to her.
AÁÝøh¯ ©n¨ ÷£aø\ Âh AÁÐUS ÷áÛß Âå¯zvÀ AvP AUPøÓ Esk.
He provoked her with ‘tolerable’; she comes to him with a provocation.
'£µÁõ°Àø»' GßÖ TÔ AÁß AÁøÍ ÷Põ£¨£kzvÚõß. AÁÒ AÁÛh® ÷Põ£z÷uõk Á¸QÓõÒ.
Invitation to anything below the surface is given by approaches such as provocations.
÷©À©ÚzvØS R÷Ç C¸US® GuØPõÚ AøǨ¦® G›a\¿mkÁx ÷£õßÓ AqS•øÓPÒ ‰»÷© Á¸®.
To discuss provocations as part of a proposal is strange.
G›a\¿mi¯ÁØøÓ¨ £ØÔ v¸©n¨ ÷£a]ß J¸ £Sv¯õP ÂÁõv¨£x Â¢øu¯õÚx.
Between Darcy and Elizabeth provocations and accusations are instruments of engagement.
G›a\ÀPЮ, SØÓa\õmkPЮ AÁºPÒ v¸©n {a\¯uõºzuvØPõÚ P¸ÂPÒ.
Pride provokes prejudice; prejudice accuses pride.
PºÁ® u¨£¤¨¤µõ¯zøu Qͨ¦®. u¨£¤¨¤µõ¯® PºÁzøu {¢vUS®.
Loud voice reaches one hard of hearing.
÷PmP •i¯õuÁøÚ \zu©õÚ SµÀ ÷PmP øÁUS®.
Provocation reaches insensitive people.
ö\õµøn¯ØÓÁºPøÍ G›a\À öuõk®.
Accusation is called for as he himself does not realise his errors. It needs a forceful accusation.
uß uÁÖPøÍ AÁß EnµõuuõÀ AÁÝUSz vmk ÷uøÁ¨£mhx. Ax £»©õÚ vmhõP Áµ ÷Ási°¸¢ux.
A man will not resort to ruses if he is a gentleman.
E¯º¢uÁß `Ìa] ö\´¯©õmhõß.
When he resorts to it, it means he is insensitive.
`Ìa] ö\´uõÀ AÁß ö\õµøn¯ØÓÁß GßÖ ö£õ¸Ò.
To cross the thick skin of insensitivity provocation is necessary.
ö\õµøn°ßø©°ß uizuz ÷uõø»U PhUP G›a\¿mkÁx AÁ]¯®.
Mild statements, understatements are of no avail here.
ö©ßø©¯õÚ TØÖPÒ, SøÓzxU TÖÁx C[S £¯ß£hõx.
They are out of the range of his audibility.
AøÁ AÁÚx ÷PmS® \UvUS A¨£õØ£mhøÁ.
Provocation will evoke a ready response.
G›a\¿mkÁ÷u EhÚi¯õÚ £vø»¨ ö£ØÖz u¸®.
The context for them is not the sweet atmosphere of usual courting.
C¸Á¸US® Ax CÛø©¯õÚ `ǼÀ \¢vzx EÓÁõk® \©¯©ßÖ.
Behind rumbles the rolling heads.
E¸Ð® Kø\US¨ ¤ßÚõÀ uø»PÒ E¸ÐQßÓÚ.
That vibration is insistently present behind their relationship.
A¢u AvºÄPÒ Âhõ¨¤i¯õP AÁºPÎß EÓÂß ¤ßÚõÀ C¸UQÓx.
Personal grievances are the frontal appearance of class conflict that is raging across the channel.
ÁS¨¦ ÷©õuÀPÎß •ß ÷uõØÓ÷© A[÷P ö£õ[S® uÛ©Ûu Á¸zu[PÒ.
163. “Had not my own feelings decided against you”.
"GßÝøh¯ EnºÄPÒ EÚUS GvµõP •iöÁkzv¸UPõÂmhõÀ."
She once considered his suitability for her and decided against.
AÁß uÚUS ö£õ¸zu©õÚÁÚõ Gߣøu¨ £ØÔ J¸ •øÓ ÷¯õ]zx AuØS GvµõP •iöÁkUQÓõÒ.
There is no inkling of it in the text.
Pøu°À Aøu¨ £ØÔ G¢uU SÔ¨¦® CÀø».
It is her subconscious consideration.
Ax AÁÒ BÌ©Ú ÷¯õ\øÚ.
The only references in the text are from Charlotte and Sir Lucas.
åõº÷»m, \º ¿Põì CÁºPøͨ £ØÔ¯ SÔ¨¦PÒ ©mk÷© |©US EuÄQßÓÚ.
A Man or woman considers more than one as a possible partner in the course of life.
J¸ B÷nõ ö£s÷nõ uÚUSz xøn¯õP CÁº Á¢v¸UP»õ÷©õ GßÖ JßÖUS ÷©Ø£mhÁºPøͨ £ØÔ ÷¯õ]zx¨ £õº¨£xsk.
Presence of Men and Women together creates that social possibility.
BsPЮ ö£sPЮ ÷\º¢x C¸¨£x AzuøP¯ \‰P \õzv¯[PøÍ HØ£kzxQÓx.
That is the self-conception of an individual.
Ax uÛ ©ÛuÛß ußÛaø\ BS®.
The right partner sticks in imagination and creates possibilities of interaction which is considered by temperament.
\›¯õÚ xøn PØ£øÚ°À JmiU öPõsk, £ÇSÁuØPõÚ \õzv¯[PøÍ E¸ÁõUS®. Cøu ©ÚÄnºÄ ö\´²®.
There are people constantly dreaming of an ideal partner.
C»m]¯z xønø¯¨ £ØÔ K¯õ©À PÚÄ Põs£Á¸sk.
The moment they meet, it becomes love at first sight.
AÁºPÒ \¢vzu PnzvÀ, Pshx® PõuÀ öPõÒÁº.
This rule applies to all actions though less perceptible.
C¢u \mh® GÀ»õ ö\¯ÀPÐUS® ö£õ¸¢x® GßÓõ¾®, öuÎÁõP öÁÎ÷¯ öu›¯õx.
The Ideal is the Self-conception.
ußÛaø\÷¯ C»m]¯®.
Self-absorption is the consummate loyalty.
ußÝÒ ©øÓzuÀ §ºzv ö\´²® Â_Áõ\®.
Self-limitation is the social translation of the self-conception into self-absorption.
ußÛaø\ ußÝÒ ©øÓÁ÷u \‰PzvÀ ußøÚ Áøµ¯ÖzxU öPõÒÁøuU SÔUQÓx.
All great men await the great action for which they were born.
GÀ»õ ö£›¯ ©ÛuºPЮ uõ[PÒ G¢u ö£›¯ ö\¯À ö\´¯ ¤Ó¢uÚ÷µõ AuØPõP Põzv¸¨£º.
When it comes, he is lost in it and completes it to victory.
Ax Á¸® ÷£õx AvÀ ußøÚ CÇ¢x öÁØÔø¯ •Êø©¯õUSÁº.
For a woman the conception of a child is like that every time.
J¸ ö£s JÆöÁõ¸ •øÓ P¸zu›¨£x® A¨£i¨£mh÷u.
That is why she is attached to the last child.
AuÚõÀ uõß AÁÒ Pøh] SÇ¢øu°h® ªPÄ® ¤›¯©õP C¸UQÓõÒ.
She is able to wait for the Man to come to her because of that.
AuÚõÀ uõß Bs ußøÚ |õk® Áøµ AÁÍõÀ Põzv¸UP •iQÓx.
Each Man reaches his God by this process of conception, limitation and absorption.
P¸zuõUP®, Áøµ¯ÖzuÀ, ©øÓuÀ ‰»® JÆöÁõ¸ ©ÛuÝ® uß PhÄøÍ AøhQÓõß.
Elizabeth has conceived that Darcy was unsuitable.
hõº] uÚUS HØÓÁÛÀø» GßÖ G¼\ö£z {øÚzuõÒ.
It is a negative consent to an opportunity that is too great for her to dream of.
Ax, uõß PÚÂÀ Th Põn •i¯õu ö£›¯ Áõ´¨¤ØS AÁÒ Gvº©øÓ¯õP \®©u® u¸ÁuõS®.
164. “Do you think that any consideration would tempt me to accept the man”.
"Gøu DhõPz u¢uõ¾® A¢u ©ÛuøÚ HØP |õß \£»¨£h ©õm÷hß. A¨£i \£»¨£k÷Áß GßÖ {øÚUQÓõ¯õ?"
Her first concern in life is Jane’s happiness.
÷áÛß \¢÷uõå÷© ÁõÌÂÀ AÁÐUS •uÀ PÁø».
She never consciously thinks of her marriage.
uß v¸©nzøu¨ £ØÔ AÁÒ J¸ ÷£õx® öuÎÁõP ]¢vzuvÀø».
Her mental fulfilment is in her father.
AÁÒ uP¨£Úõ›h® AÁÒ ©Ú® {øÓÄ ö£ÖQÓx.
Her emotional fulfilment is in Jane.
÷áÛh® AÁÒ EnºÄ {øÓÄ ö£ÖQÓx.
She is not even bothered by the future of the wild sisters.
xèhzuÚ©õÚ \÷Põu›Pøͨ £ØÔ AÁÒ ]Ôx® PÁø»¨£hÂÀø».
Affectionately brought up children in affluent family are not physically needing a wedding – Bernard Shaw.
ö\ÀÁõUS {øÓ¢u SÇ¢øuø¯ Aߦhß ÁͺzuõÀ AuØS Eh»ÍÂÀ v¸©n® ÷uøÁ¨£hõx & ö£ºÚõºm åõ.
The mental training she gives herself is consuming all her energies and is a pride and preoccupation.
uÚUSz uõ÷Ú AÁÒ u¸QßÓ ©Ú¨ £°Ø]PÎÀ AÁÒ AøÚzx \Uv²® ö\»ÁõQÓx. Ax PºÁ•ÒÍx. ©Úøu Bm öPõÒÁx.
Wickham’s charm captivates her.
ÂUPõªß PÁºa] AÁøÍ Á^P›UQÓx.
Whenever it is juxtaposed with Jane’s affairs, Jane takes precedence, not Wickham.
÷áÚõ ÂUPõ©õ GßÖ Á¢uõÀ G¨÷£õx® ÂUPõø© Âh ÷á÷Ú •ßÝ›ø© ö£ÖQÓõÒ.
Between Darcy and Wickham, her Mind is inclined to Jane.
hõº]¯õ ÂUPõ©õ GßÖ Á¢uõÀ ÂUPõ® •ßÝ›ø© ö£ÖQÓõß.
In Jane she sees, though stupid, a rare positive Mind whose occurrence she has not met with in her experience.
÷áÛh® AÔÃÚª¸¢uõ¾® |À» ©Ú® Esk Gߣøu AÁÒ PõsQÓõÒ. AÁÒ AÝ£ÁzvÀ Ax ÷£õßÓ JßøÓ AÁÒ PshvÀø».
Organising one’s Mind is not a personal possibility.
©Úøu JÊ[S£kzxÁx _¯\õzv¯©ßÖ.
The society organises its Mind which everyone subconsciously shares without thinking. Each girl thinks of her looks and make up.
\‰P® uß ©Úzøu JÊ[S£kzxQÓx. G¢u ]¢uøÚ²ªßÔ JÆöÁõ¸Á¸® AvÀ £[S ö£ÖQÓõºPÒ. JÆöÁõ¸ ö£sq® uß ÷uõØÓzøu¨ £ØÔ²® J¨£øÚø¯¨ £ØÔ²® {øÚUQÓõÒ.
In that sense Elizabeth is not feminine. Her interests are mental.
A¢u ÷|õUQÀ G¼\ö£zvh® ö£sø© CÀø». AÁÒ Bø\PÒ ©Úzuõ»õÚøÁ.
At least she, if not Jane, exhibits the characteristics of a twin.
Cµmøh¨ ¤Ó塧 Snõv\¯zøu, ÷áß öÁΨ£kzxQÓõ÷Íõ CÀø»÷¯õ, G¼\ö£z öÁΨ£kzxQÓõÒ.
Her fulfilment is in Jane’s marrying happily.
÷áß ©QÌa]¯õP v¸©n® ö\´x öPõÒÁvÀuõß G¼\ö£zvØS {øÓÄ EshõS®.
The circumstances here are, as Bingley values his submission to Darcy most, Darcy’s paramount interest is Bingley’s submission to him.
hõº]USU RÌ£iÁøu ¤[Q¼ ÷£õØÖÁuõPÄ®, ¤[Q¼ uÚUSU RÌ£iÁvÀ hõº] ¤µuõÚ BºÁ•øh¯ÁÚõP C¸¨£uõPÄ® `Ì{ø» C¸UQÓx.
Hence Darcy cannot marry till Bingley is married.
GÚ÷Á, ¤[Q¼USz v¸©n©õS® Áøµ hõº]¯õÀ v¸©n® ö\´x öPõÒÍ •i¯õx.
This is a boundary of a wider concentric circle crossing which we enter into a wider, maybe the widest aspect of life where it begins to lose its organised identity into that of cosmic existence.
APßÓ öÁÎÁmhzvß GÀø»ø¯U Ph¢uõÀ AøuÂh APßÓ Ámhzøu Aøh¯»õ®. Ax ÁõÌÂß AvP£m\ AP»©õÚuõP C¸UP»õ®. A[S Aø©UP¨ £mkÂmh Aøh¯õÍ® ußøÚ ¤µ£g\ ÁõÌÂÀ CÇUPz öuõh[S®.
165. “Who has been the means of ruining, perhaps forever”.
"{µ¢uµ©õÚ AÈÂØSU Põµn©õÚÁß."
No other sister thinks of Jane.
÷áøÚ¨ £ØÔ ÷ÁÖ G¢u \÷Põu›²® {øÚUPÂÀø».
Jane does not think of Elizabeth.
÷áß G¼\ö£zøu¨ £ØÔ {øÚUPÂÀø».
Bingley is unaware of Darcy’s interest in Elizabeth.
hõº]US G¼\ö£z «x Bø\ Esk Gߣx ¤[Q¼USz öu›¯õx.
In an atmosphere where no one thinks of another Elizabeth unselfishly thinks only of Jane.
J¸Áøµ¨ £ØÔ J¸Áº {øÚUPõu `Ì{ø»°À G¼\ö£z ©mk÷© _¯|»ªßÔ ÷áøÚ¨ £ØÔ {øÚUQÓõÒ.
To open him up he must be told he is not a gentleman.
hõº] E¯º¢uÁÚÀ» GßÖ AÁÛh÷© ö\õßÚõÀ uõß hõº] ußøÚ AÔ¯ Bµ®¤¨£õß.
It is his sore spot as her mother is her sore spot.
Ax÷Á AÁÚx £»ÃÚ©õÚ Ch®. AÁÐUS AÁÒ uõ´ £»ÃÚ©õÚ Ch®.
He knew consciously that he was not a gentleman; it was not in him to behave as a gentleman. He knew of all his defects she pointed out.
uõß E¯º¢uÁÚÀ» Gߣøu AÁß AÔÁõß. AÁÚõÀ E¯º¢uÁÚõP |hUP •i¯õx. AÁÒ SÔ¨¤mh AøÚzx SøÓPЮ ußÛh® Esk Gߣøu AÁß AÔÁõß.
But he was not thinking of them. But his awareness, especially in the presence of the colonel, that he was unable to enter into conversation as a well bred man, was sore in his contemplation. She rubbed it in. He was mortified; selfishness, pride, and conceit he was aware of.
BÚõÀ AÁß AÁØøÓ¨ £ØÔ ÷¯õ]zxU öPõsi¸UPÂÀø». ußÚõÀ |ßÓõP ÁͺUP¨£mhÁøÚ¨ ÷£õÀ Eøµ¯õh •i¯ÂÀø» GßÖ AÔ¢ux & •UQ¯©õP PºÚÀ C¸US® ÷£õx AÔ¢ux & AÁß ]¢uøÚ°À Põ¯zøuz u¢ux. Aøu AÁÒ ÷u´zx ÂkQÓõÒ. AÁß AÔ¢u _¯|»®, PºÁ®, ©øÓzuÀ AÁøÚ CÈÄUS BÍõUSQßÓÚ.
He could not get rid of those. In spite of it society adored him. Sometimes he was proud of them, sometimes shy. The advent of the colonel who was evidently praised by the ladies by their behaviour was too much for him to stand. All this he can stand in one way or another. The ruse is the last straw. He was already ashamed of it. She came close to it. In his own unthinking understanding he knew that Elizabeth’s attention could be gained only when Jane’s well being was tampered with.
AÁÚõÀ AÁØøÓ }UP •i¯ÂÀø». B°Ý® \‰P® AÁøÚ¨ ÷£õØÔ¯x. ]» \©¯[PÎÀ AÁß AÁØÔØPõP ö£¸ø©¨£mhõß. ]» \©¯[PÎÀ öÁmP¨£mhõß. ö£sPÒ u[PÒ |hÁiUøPPÒ ‰»® PºÚø»¨ ¦PÌ¢uÚº. A¢uU PºÚ¼ß Á¸øPø¯ hõº]¯õÀ ö£õÖzxU öPõÒÍ •i¯ÂÀø». BÚõ¾® ö£õÖzxU öPõsk ÷£õP ÷Ási¯uõP C¸¢ux. `Ìa] ö\´Áx Pøh] uÁÖ. HØPÚ÷Á AÁß AuØPõP öÁmP¨£kQÓõß. AÁÒ Aøu ö|¸[Q ÂmhõÒ. ÷áÛß |ÀÁõÌUøP°À SÖUQmhõÀuõß G¼\ö£zvß PÁÚzøu¨ ö£Ó •i²® Gߣøu hõº] ÷¯õ]UPõ©÷» ¦›¢x öPõshõß.
Therefore he does it. She responds as expected. In the background he is aware that news will go to her through the colonel.
GÚ÷Á Aøua ö\´QÓõß. Gvº£õºzux ÷£õ» AÁÒ Gvº ÂøÚ BØÖQÓõÒ. ¤ß ¦»zvÀ, PºÚÀ ‰»® ö\´v AÁÐUSa ö\À¾® Gߣøu hõº] AÔ¢v¸¢uõß.
It does look as if he is aware of her presence in Hunsford.
íßì÷£õºiÀ AÁÒ C¸¨£øu AÁß AÔ¢v¸UPU Tk® Gß÷Ó ÷uõßÖQÓx.
These perceptions take our enquiry to wider worlds than the world of the story. Darcy acts under an impulse of deeper forces.
Pøu²»Pzøu²® uõsi¯ APßÓ E»P[PÐUS C¢u Bµõ´a] |®ø© AøÇzxa ö\ÀQÓx. BÌ{ø» \UvPÎß E¢xu»õÀ hõº] ö\¯À£kQÓõß.
166. “ruining… the happiness of a most beloved sister”.
"ªP AvP©õP ÷|]zu \÷Põu›°ß \¢÷uõåzøuU öPkzuÁß."
The stress on her love for Jane is characteristic.
AÁÒ ÷áÛß «x öPõsh AߤØS ÂÊ¢u Ai öuÎÁõPz öu›QÓx.
Here is an inversion. A Man ruins a girl’s happiness which is understandable but his wanting to marry her sister is not.
J¸ ö£soß \¢÷uõåzøu J¸Áß öPk¨£x ¦›¢x öPõÒÍU Ti¯÷u. BÚõÀ A¨£iU öPkzx Âmk, AÁÒ \÷Põu›ø¯ ©nUP {øÚ¨£x ¦›¢x öPõÒÍU Ti¯uõP CÀø». Cx uø»RÇõP C¸UQÓx.
This is a love – hate relationship, where love predominates.
Cx Põu¾® öÁÖ¨¦® u¢u EÓÄ. CvÀ Põu÷» AvP BvUP® ö\¾zxQÓx.
The central construction of the story has this tangle of a paradox.
Pøu°ß ø©¯UP¸ÂÀ •µs£k® Esø©PÎß ]UP»õÚ •ia_ EÒÍx.
Life destroys its knots, rarely unravels its tangles.
Here it is neither destroyed, not unravelled, but its complex richness discovered for higher enjoyment by knowing the deeper truths of life such as the value of freedom.
C[S GxÄ® AÈUP¨£hÂÀø»; AÂÌUP¨£hÂÀø». _u¢vµzvß ©v¨¦ ÷£õßÓ ÁõÌÂß BÇ©õÚ Esø©PøÍ öu›¢x öPõÒÁuß ‰»® ]UP»õÚ A›¯ Âå¯[PÒ PshÔ¯¨£mk E¯º¢u {ø»°À \¢÷uõå® AÝ£ÂUP¨£kQÓx.
Freedom, in place of discipline, destroys is common knowledge.
Pmk¨£õmiØS £vÀ _u¢vµ® u¢uõÀ Ax AÈÄUS ÁÈ Gߣx ö£õxÁõÚ |®¤UøP.
Freedom extended with understanding and enduring patience is richly creative of its invisible potentials, is made out here.
¦›¢x u¢u _u¢vµ•® u͵õu ö£õÖø©²® PsqUSz öu›¯õu ÂzxUPøÍ ]Ó¨£õP E¸ÁõUS® Gߣ÷u C[S TÓ¨£kQÓx.
Scandalous falsehood destroys noble lives for no fault of the victim is the experience.
Âå©zuÚ©õÚ ö£õ´ø© SØÓ©Ø÷Óõ›ß E¯º¢u ÁõÌøÁ £¼ Áõ[S® Gߣx AÝ£Á®.
Search for truth, willingness to be rational, and strength of character rise out of this vicious gossip that is stifling, to newer heights, transforms troubles into non-existing opportunities, destroying the roots of that falsehood. To this end it is able to avail of the creative revolutionary forces around.
Esø©ø¯z ÷ukuÀ, {¯õ¯©õP C¸UP ¸®¦uÀ, Á¼ø©¯õÚ Snõv\¯® •u¼¯øÁ CzuøP¯ vnÓ øÁUS® öPõi¯ ö£õ´ ÷£a]¼¸¢x «sk E¯¸®. A¨£i E¯¸® ÷£õx ¦v¯ Ea]PøÍz öuõk®. ¤µaøÚPøÍ CxÁøµ CÀ»õu Áõ´¨¦PÍõP ©õØÖ® ö£õ´ø©°ß ÷ÁºPøÍ AÈUS®. £øhUS¢vÓß ö£ØÓ ¦µm] \UvPÎß Eu QøhUS®.
Evolution of personality enjoys the higher benefits of Revolution.
BÐø©°ß £›nõ©® ¦µm]°ß ö£›¯ |ßø©Pøͨ ö£Ö®.
Rationality is the Revolution of mentality.
£SzuÔÄ Gߣx ©Úzvß ¦µm].
In the early stages of social progress, values are destroyed and punished. In later stages, values that stand the test of time and trial of strength are materially rewarded with social upliftment.
\‰P •ß÷ÚØÓzvß Bµ®£ {ø»PÎÀ £s¦PÒ AÈUP¨£k®. usiUP¨£k®. ¤ßÚº Á¸® {ø»PÎÀ Põ»zøu²® £»zøu²® öÁßÖ {ßÓ £s¦PÒ \‰P E¯º÷Áõk ö\ÀÁzøu²® £›\õPz u¸®.
Obstacles created serve to destroy wider social obstacles.
E¸ÁõÚ uøhPÒ ö£›¯ \‰Pz uøhPøÍ AÈUP EuÄ®.
Escapades turn into enjoyable experience.
Pmk«ÖuÀ BÚ¢u AÝ£Á©õP ©õÖ®.
As she pronounced these words Mr. Darcy changed colour; but the emotion was short, and he listened without attempting to interrupt her while she continued –
AÁÒ Cøua ö\õÀ¾® ö£õÊx, hõº]°ß •P® ©õÔ¯x, BÚõÀ ußøÚU Pmk¨£kzvU öPõsk, AÁÒ öuõhº¢x ÷£_® ö£õÊx, SÖUQkÁuØS •¯Ø] ö\´¯õ©À, AÁÒ ÷£aø\ ÷PmkU öPõsi¸¢uõß.
167. Triumph is all-consuming. He loves to dwell on the success.
168. At this level, he is a primitive guided by energy only.
169. Elizabeth sees clearly his mind. What he obliviously delivered she describes as against his “will, reason and character”. She shows the incivility originated in him but she is not uncivil unless he takes her refusal as one.
G¼éö£zvØS hõº] ©Ú® ¦›QÓx. ußøÚ¯Ô¯õ©À AÁß ÷£]¯uØS AÁÒ ÂÍUP® u¸QÓõÒ. ußøÚ²® , uß AÔøÁ²® _£õÁzøu²® «Ô AÁß ÷£_QÓõß GßÓõÒ. hõº]÷¯ ©›¯õøu°À»õ©À ÷£]¯øu²®, uõß GÀø»USÒθ¢x ©Özuøu²® GkzxU TÖQÓõÒ.
170. “Darcy changed colour”.
"hõº] {Ó® ©õÔÚõß."
The loss of Jane made him change colour.
÷áÛß CǨ¦ AÁøÚ {Ó® ©õÓ øÁzux.
Sense of triumph always prevails over sense of fairness.
{¯õ¯ÁnºøÁ Âh öÁØÔ¨ ö£¸ªu÷© Cu©õP C¸US®.
In a proposal people change colour to touch upon their love overtly in words.
J¸Áº v¸©n¨ ÷£a]ß ÷£õx uß Põu»øµ ÁõºzøuPÍõÀ wsk® ÷£õx {Ó® ©õÖÁõº.
Love is an overwhelmingly powerful emotion that allows no words to express it. That results in the face colouring.
PõuÀ ÁõºzøuPÍõÀ öÁΨ£kzu •i¯õu ªPÄ® Á¼ø©¯õÚ EnºÄ. AuÚõÀ uõß •P® {Ó® ©õÖQÓx.
There was no love in her for him.
For her it is an excellent occasion to exercise her genius for abuse.
uß vmk® vÓø©ø¯U Põmh AÁÐUS Ax A¸ø©¯õÚ \¢uº¨£®.
He is a willing recipient.
AÁß Â¸¨£zxhß vmøh Áõ[QU öPõÒQÓõß.
Abuse or adoration, to him, it is intense emotion in her.
yØÔÚõ¾®, ÷£õØÔÚõ¾® Ax AÁÝUS AÁÐøh¯ wµ©õÚ EnºøÁ¨ ö£ÖÁx.
He could be oblivious of all these abuses and never refer to them again or recollect it with regret; his love must be true to its original character.
CøÁ Á\ÄPÒ Gß÷Ó AÁß AÔ¯©õmhõß. AÁØøÓ¨ £ØÔ J¸ ÷£õx® SÔ¨¤h ©õmhõß. Á¸zuz÷uõk {øÚÄ £kzvU öPõÒÍ ©õmhõß. AÁß PõuÀ y¯ Snz÷uõk C¸¨£x •UQ¯®.
As a matter of fact, later he thanked her for the very same abuses which he said set him on the right course of life.
AÁÍx Á\ÄP÷Í ÁõÌÂÀ ußøÚ \›¯õÚ ÁÈ°À |hzvÚ GßÖ ¤ßÚº |ßÔ÷¯õk TÔÚõß.
It is not as if he overlooked the offence, but received them with appreciation.
A¢u uÁØøÓ AÁß PÁÛUPõ©¼¸UPÂÀø». Aøu¨ ÷£õØÔ HØÖU öPõshõß.
“When girls abuse, Men like it, don’t ask me why” has come to stay as wisdom in love-making.
ö£sPÒ vmkÁøu BsPÒ Â¸®¦QÓõºPÒ. Hß GßÖ ÷PmPõ÷u”, Gߣx Põuø»¨ £ØÔ¯ Â÷ÁP®.
Sachchidananda sees itself as Matter and it is the delight of being.
\a]uõÚ¢u® ußøÚ áh©õPU PõsQÓx. Ax÷Á ãÁÛß BÚ¢u®.
Darcy sees himself as all she described him as and it is the delight of his being.
G¼\ö£z TÔ¯ AøÚzx® ußÛh® C¸¨£øu hõº] PõsQÓõß. AÁß ãÁÝUS Ax BÚ¢uzøuz u¸QÓx.
He sees her as the whole of which he is a part.
AÁøÍ •Êø©¯õPÄ® ußøÚ AvÀ J¸ £Sv¯õPÄ® PõsQÓõß.
To him she is a whole which is not part of any other whole.
AÁøÍ G¢u •Êø©°ß £Sv¯õPÄ® CÀ»õu •Êø©¯õP AÁß PõsQÓõß.
171. “He listened without attempting to interrupt her while she continued”.
"AÁÒ öuõhº¢x ÷£_Áøu AÁß SÖUQhõ©À PÁÛzuõß."
Capacity to maintain the outward form under impossible conditions is one trait of aristocracy. That completed the wedding.
ªPU Pèh©õÚ `Ì{ø»Pξ® öÁÎz ÷uõØÓzøu ©[PÂhõ©À øÁzv¸US® vÓß ¤µ¦UPÎß Snõv\¯[PÎÀ JßÖ. Ax÷Á v¸©nzøu |hzv¯x.
Events split into essential and inessential parts.
{PÌa]PÒ \õµ©õÚ £SvPÒ, \õµ©ØÓ £SvPÒ GßÖ ¤›²®.
In a general state of disturbance essentials remaining intact indicates fulfilment at the end.
SǨ£©õÚ {ø»°À \õµ©õÚ £Sv {ø» Sø»¯õv¸¢uõÀ ö£õxÁõP Â寮 Ti Á¸®.
Inessentials going right, as it rained during Jane’s visit, won’t have the same indication.
÷áÛß £¯nzvß ÷£õx ©øÇ ö£´ux ÷£õßÓ \õµ©ØÓøÁ \›¯õP C¸¢uõ¾® Â寮 Ti Á¸® GßÖ ö\õÀÁuØQÀø».
How the essentials and inessentials mix is an indication of how events disturb and quiet down.
\õµ•®, \õµªßø©²® G¨£iU P»UQßÓÚ Gߣøu øÁzx {PÌa]PÒ öuõ¢vµÄ u¸©õ, Aø©v¯õP |P¸©õ GßÖ AÔ¯»õ®.
An exhaustive tabular column of corresponding events in the beginning and end will explain this rule.
•u¼¾®, •i¾® |hUS® öuõhº¦øh¯ {PÌa]PÒ AøÚzøu²® £mi¯¼mhõÀ C¢u \mh® ÂÍ[S®.
Bingley rented Netherfield readily without even inspecting the whole house. His engagement at the end came about with little hesitation.
ö|uº¥ÀiÀ •Ê Ãmøh²® £õºUPõ©÷» ¤[Q¼ Eh÷Ú ÁõhøPUS Gkzuõß. AÁß {a\¯uõºzu® •iÂÀ G¢uz u¯UP•ªßÔ |h¢ux.
Elizabeth extricated herself with difficulty from Collins in his proposal; she entered the second proposal with similar obstacles.
Põ¼ßêß ©n¨÷£a]¼¸¢x ußøÚ G¼\ö£z ]µ©¨£mk ÂkÂzxU öPõshõÒ. A÷u ÷£õßÓ ]µ©[P÷Íõk uõß AÁÒ CµshõÁx ©n¨÷£aø\ Gvº öPõÒÍ ÷Ási°¸¢ux.
Elizabeth swallowed “tolerable” with considerable difficulty and great good humour. At the end she has to pass through a similar phase with elopement.
G¼\ö£z ªPÄ® ]µ©¨£mk, |øPa_øÁ Enº÷Áõk £µÁõ°Àø» Gߣøu ö£õÖzxU öPõshõÒ. CÖv°À ¼i¯õ Ki¨ ÷£õÚøu²® A÷u ÷£õ»z uõ[QU öPõÒÍ ÷|º¢ux.
Mr. Collins courts occasions to be snubbed. At last it grew into a storm pushing him away from Rosings.
Põ¼ßì uß ‰USøh¨£k® \¢uº¨£[PøÍ |õi¨ ÷£õQÓõß. CÖv°À Ax ¦¯»õP ©õÔ, AÁøÚ ÷µõê[øé Âm÷h ÷£õP øÁUQÓx.
Mr. Bennet’s patience in the beginning is enormous and indifferent.
Mr. ö£ßÚm Bµ®£zvÀ Põmk® ö£õÖø© HµõÍ©õÚx. Ax Gøu²® ö£õ¸m£kzuõux.
At the end his attitude continues with enormous results.
CÖv°À A¢u ©÷Úõ£õÁ® ö£›¯ £»ßPøÍz öuõhº¢x u¸QÓx.
Elizabeth brings in Wickham to drive away Darcy. Finally she sends Wickham farther away to bring in Darcy.
G¼\ö£z hõº]ø¯z xµzu ÂUPõªØS AøǨ¦ ÂkUQÓõÒ. CÖv°À hõº]ø¯ AøÇUP ÂUPõø© yµ©õP Aݨ¦QÓõÒ.
Darcy comes a little early to save Georgiana. He comes again a day early to meet Elizabeth. These events can be studied in terms of Time, Space, sequence, results, and every other point of view.
hõº] \ØÖ •ßÚ÷µ Á¢x áõºâ¯õÚõøÁU Põ¨£õØÖQÓõß. J¸ |õÒ •ßÚuõP Á¢x G¼\ö£zøu \¢vUQÓõß. C¢u {PÌa]PøÍ Põ»®, öÁÎ, Á›ø\, £»ßPÒ ©ØÖ® Cuµ ÷Põn[Pξ® Bµõ¯»õ®.
"I have every reason in the world to think ill of you. No motive can excuse the unjust and ungenerous part you acted there. You dare not, you cannot deny that you have been the principal, if not the only means of dividing them from each other -- of exposing one to the censure of the world for caprice and instability, the other to its derision for disappointed hopes, and involving them both in misery of the acutest kind."
"EßøÚ¨£ØÔ ÷©õ\©õP {øÚUP C¢u E»Pzv¾ÒÍ GÀ»õ Põµn[PЮ GÚUS C¸UQÓx. } A[S, A{¯õ¯©õPÄ®, CµUPªÀ»õ©¾® |h¢x öPõshuØS ÷|õUP® GxÁõP C¸¢uõ¾® Aøu ©ßÛUP •i¯õx. AÁºPÒ C¸Áøµ²® ¤›¨£vÀ •UQ¯ £[S ÁQzuÁß }uõß Gߣøu } ©ÖUP •i¯õx, ©Ö¨£uØS •¯Ø]²® ö\´¯ •i¯õx. AÁºPøÍ ¤›zu÷uõk AÀ»õ©À, J¸Áøµ \£» ¦zv²®, {ø»¯ØÓ ußø©²øh¯ÁµõP C¢u E»Pzvß PshÚzvØS®, ©ØöÓõ¸Áµx |®¤UøP {µõø\¯õÚx GßÓ HÍÚzvØS® BÍõUQÚõ´. ÷©¾® C¸Áøµ²® ö\õÀ» •i¯õu x¯µzvÀ BÌzv Âmhõ´."
172.  “I have every reason in the world to think ill of you”.
"EßøÚ¨ £ØÔ ©mh©õP {øÚUP E»QÀ GÚUS GzuøÚ÷¯õ Põµn[PÒ Esk."
It is later inverted as I have every reason in the world to be grateful to you.
Cx÷Á ¤ßÚº EßÛh® |ßÔ÷¯õk C¸UP E»QÀ GÚUS GzuøÚ÷¯õ Põµn[PÒ Esk GßÖ uø»RÇõP ©õÔ¯x.
Anger, prejudice, ignorance, impatience, folly have to reverse like that.
÷Põ£®, u¨£¤¨µõ¯®, AÔ¯õø©, ö£õÖø©°ßø©, ‰hzuÚ® GßÖ GzuøÚ÷¯õ Â寮 uø»RÇõP ©õÓ ÷Ásk®.
As Sachchidananda becomes Matter reversed by Mind, their relations reverse here exposed to their Minds at the proposal.
©Ûuß ‰»® \a]uõÚ¢u® áh©õÚx ÷£õ», ©n¨ ÷£a]ß ÷£õx AÁºPÒ ©Úvß ‰»® AÁºPÒ EÓÄ uø»RÇõQÓx.
Her world is too small even as his world.
AÁºPÒ E»P® ]Ô¯x.
Hers is not thought, but an impression on the very surface.
AÁÐøh¯x Gsn©ßÖ. ÷©À ©ÚzvÀ J¸ £vÄ.
From her side her problem was a very small, one of slight to poverty of a plain girl. From the world’s point of view, it is decisive to determine the political future of England.
AÁÒ £UPzv¼¸¢x £õºzuõÀ AÁÒ ¤µaøÚ ªPa ]Ô¯x. GÎø©¯õÚ ö£soß ÁÖø© AØ£©õÚ ¤µaøÚ. E»Pzvß £õºøÁ°À Ax C[Q»õ¢vß Aµ]¯À uø»Âvø¯ {ºn°US® Â寮.
Context changing, consequences change.
Ch® ©õÔÚõÀ, £»ßPÒ ©õÖ®.
The intensity and force suggest they have to reverse in the end.
wµ•® \Uv²® CÖv°À AøÁ uø»RÇõP ÷Ásk® GßÖ TÖQßÓÚ.
More intensity than necessary inevitably reverses.
÷uøÁUS AvP©õÚ wµ® uø»RÇõÁx uºUP •i¯õux.
She has to begin her speech with I am a selfish creature, having taunted him with selfishness.
AÁøÚ _¯|»ª GßÖ vmi¯uõÀ |õß J¸ _¯|»©õÚ ¤Ó GßÖ CÁÒ ÷£aø\ Bµ®¤UP ÷Ásk®.
Not all events reverse. There are events that continue their character.
GÀ»õ {PÌa]PÐ÷© uø»RÇõÁvÀø». ]» öuõhº¢x ÷|µõP÷Á {PÊ®.
Mr. Bennet who kept quiet till Lydia ran away, had to keep quiet for another reason during the proposals of Darcy and Bingley. In one the words are reversed, in the other attitude is reversed.
¼i¯õ Ki¨ ÷£õS® Áøµ ö©ÍÚ©õP C¸¢u Mr. ö£ßÚm ÷ÁÖ Põµn[PÐUPõP hõº], ©ØÖ® ¤[Q¼°ß v¸©n¨ ÷£a]ß ÷£õx ö©ÍÚ©õP C¸UP ÷Ási°¸¢ux. JßÔÀ ÁõºzøuPÒ uø»RÇõ°Ú. ©ØöÓõßÔÀ ©÷Úõ£õÁ® uø»RÇõ°ØÖ.
The story is a triumph of low culture’s insistent ignorance.
uõÌ¢u |õP›Pzvß Âhõ¨¤i¯õÚ AÔ¯õø©°ß öÁØÔ¨ ö£¸ªu÷© CUPøu.
It becomes a success by exhausting its negative potentials.
uß Gvº©øÓ¯õÚ ÂzxUPøÍ •ÊUP ö\»ÁÈzuuõÀ Ax öÁØÔ ö£ØÓx.
We can also say it is a success of wide patience commensurate with the freedom unintentionally extended when the basic responsibility is fully acknowledged.
öu›¯õ©À u¢u _u¢vµ•®, AuØS ö£õ¸zu©õÚ £µ¢u ö£õÖø©²®, Ai¨£øh¯õÚ ö£õÖ¨ø£ •ÊUP HØÖU öPõshx®, öÁØÔ Qmi¯x.
Notwithstanding the rumblings of the surface, earth quickly restores its equilibrium in its own fashion.
÷©Ø£µ¨¤À ]» AvºÄPÒ HØ£mhõ¾® §ª Âøµ¢x uß £õo°À \©{ø»ø¯z v¸®£ öPõsk Á¢ux.
Elizabeth’s reasons are prejudices, not reasons.
G¼\ö£z ö\õßÚ Põµn[PÒ AÁÍx u¨£¤¨¤µõ¯[PÒ. AøÁ {¯õ¯©õÚøÁ AÀ».
173. “No motive can excuse the unjust and ungenerous part you acted”.
"} ö\´u ö£¸¢ußø©¯ØÓ A}v¯õÚ ö\¯ø» G¢u ÷|õUPzuõ¾® {¯õ¯¨£kzu •i¯õx."
She is an extraordinary girl of enlightenment.
AÁÒ AP JÎ ö£ØÓ A\õuõµn¨ ö£s.
He is one of uncultivated Mind, not exposed to culture.
hõº] |õP›PzøuU Põnõu £s£hõu ©Ú® öPõshÁß.
She is lovely, outgoing, pleasant, talkative, and idealistic.
AÁÒ CÛ¯ÁÒ, P»P»¨£õÚÁÒ, \¢÷uõå©õÚÁÒ, {øÓ¯ ÷£_£ÁÒ, C»m]¯Áõv.
He is morose, secretive, unpleasant, silent, and conservative.
AÁß ]k‰g], CµP]¯©õÚÁß, CÛø©¯ØÓÁß, ÷£\õuÁß, £Çø© ¸®¤.
She is utterly selfless, gives herself entirely to her sister.
AÁÒ ]Ôx® _¯|»©ØÓÁÒ. uß \÷Põu›USz ußøÚ •ÊÁx©õPz u¸£ÁÒ.
He dominates over Bingley, denies his right to marry happily.
AÁß ¤[Q¼ «x BvUP® ö\¾zxQÓõß. AÁß \¢÷uõå©õP v¸©n® ö\´²® E›ø©ø¯z uµ ©ÖUQÓõß.
She readily confides in Charlotte, readily mixes with all.
AÁÒ åõº÷»mih® Eh÷Ú A¢uµ[P©õP¨ ÷£_QÓõÒ. GÀ÷»õ¸hÝ® Eh÷Ú P»¢x EÓÁõkQÓõÒ.
He is supercilious, resents people talking to him.
AÁß AP®£õÂ. ¤Óº ußÝhß ÷£_Áøu AÁ©õÚ©õP {øÚ¨£Áß.
She has inherited freedom from her father, not the vulgarity from her mother.
AÁÒ uß u¢øu°hª¸¢x _u¢vµzøu¨ ö£ØÓõÒ. uõ°ß RÇõÚ Sn[Pøͨ ö£ÓÂÀø».
He has not inherited the excellent qualities of his father but inherited the autocratic attitude of Lady Catherine perhaps from his mother.
AÁß uß u¢øu°ß |À» Sn[Pøͨ ö£ÓÂÀø». ¯÷ua\vPõµ ©÷Úõ£õÁzøu uß ]zv¯õÚ ÷»i PõuŸÛhª¸¢÷uõ uß uõ°hª¸¢÷uõ ö£ØÖÒÍõß.
Psychologically it is outrageous and unjust for her to marry him.
©÷ÚõŸv°À AÁÒ AÁøÚ ©n¨£x uPõx. A}v.
She has £ 50 while he has £ 10,000.
AÁÎh® £50 Esk. AÁÛh® EÒÍx £10,000.
Wealthwise it is ungenerous for her to expect him to marry her.
ö\õzøu øÁzx¨ £õºzuõÀ AÁß ußøÚ ©nUP ÷Áskö©ßÖ AÁÒ Gvº£õº¨£x ö£¸¢ußø©¯ØÓx.
That being the social, psychological context, it is right he comes to her by an unjust, ungenerous act to Jane.
Cx \‰P, ©ÚŸv¯õÚ Chö©ß£uõÀ AÁß ÷áÝUS ö\´u A}v¯õÚ, ö£¸¢ußø©¯ØÓ ö\¯À ‰»® G¼\ö£zvh® Á¸Áx \›¯õÚ÷u.
A pleasant, acceptable, open minded generous approach to her, as with the colonel, will end up in nothing, each not even remembering the other at the time of parting.
CÛ¯, CnUP©õÚ vÓ¢u ©Úz÷uõk Th¯ ö£¸¢ußø©¯õÚ PºÚÀ ö\´ux ÷£õßÓ AqS•øÓ AÁÎh® £¼UPõx. ¤›²® ÷£õx J¸Áøµ J¸Áº {øÚzxU Th £õºUP •i¯õx.
Approaches to be successful must be appropriate.
AqS•øÓ öÁØÔ ö£Ó Ax ö£õ¸zu©õÚuõP C¸UP ÷Ásk®.
Appropriateness is not similarity but complementarity.
ö£õ¸zu® GßÓõÀ JßÖ ÷£õ» C¸¨£ußÖ. Ax §ºzv ö\´ÁuõP C¸UP ÷Ásk®.
Each being inaccessible to the other temperamentally and insensitive to the other in their need, their exchange from the beginning is crude, sharp, uncivil, unpardonably uncivilised.
©ÚÄnºÄ ‰»® J¸Áøµ J¸Áº AqP •i¯ÂÀø». J¸Áº ÷uøÁ £ØÔ ©ØÓÁ¸US ö\õµøn°Àø». AÁºPÒ Eøµ¯õhÀ Bµ®£® •uÀ ©mh©õP, Tºø©¯õP, |õP›PªßÔ, ©ßÛUP •i¯õu AÍÂØS £s£ØÖ C¸¢ux.
The proposal is a temperamental compatibility.
©ÚÄnºÄPÎß ö£õ¸zu÷© ©n¨ ÷£a_.
174. “You dare not, you cannot deny….”
"EßÚõÀ ©ÖUP •i¯õx. AuØS øu›¯•shõ?"
She knows his role not for certain, but taunts him as if she is aware.
AÁß £[S GßÚöÁßÖ AÁÐUS {a\¯©õPz öu›¯õx. BÚõÀ uÚUS öu›²® Gߣx ÷£õ» ÷P¼ ö\´QÓõÒ.
Her courage is courage of conviction.
SØÓ® _©zvÂmhuõÀ EshõÚ øu›¯÷© AÁÍx øu›¯®.
He may not normally deny it, but after this challenge there is no denying it.
\õuõµn {ø»°À Th AÁß Aøu ©Özv¸UP ©õmhõß. AÁÒ C¨£i \ÁõÀ Âmh ¤ß AÁß ©ÖUP¨ ÷£õÁvÀø».
She is not asking him to plead guilty in Jane’s affair. She is demanding of him to commit himself to her, now that he has proposed.
÷áß Âå¯zvÀ AÁß ußøÚ SØÓ©ØÓÁÚõP {¹¤UP ÷Áskö©ßÖ AÁÒ ÷PõµÂÀø». ©n¨ ÷£a_ AÁß ÷£]ÂmhuõÀ ußøÚ AÁ÷Íõk ¤ønUPU ÷Põ¸QÓõÒ.
Compare Mrs. Bennet’s invitation to Bingley for the dinner.
Cøu CµÄ ¸¢vØS ¤[Q¼US Mrs. ö£ßÚm u¢u AøǨ÷£õk J¨¦ ÷|õUP ÷Ásk®.
Mrs. Bennet asks him to propose to Jane, not merely to accept the invitation to dinner.
Mrs. ö£ßÚm AøǨø£ HØ£÷uõk ÷áÛh® ©n¨ ÷£a_ ÷£\ ÷Ásk® GßÖ AÁÛh® TÖQÓõÒ.
The energy, strength, and strategy of the mother is there in her fully.
\Uv, Á¼ø©, uõ°ß ²Uv BQ¯Ú AÁÎh® •Êø©¯õP C¸UQßÓÚ.
Mr. Bennet was nowhere to be found for two days, till the day of dinner. Even then, Mr. Bennet is not mentioned in the Tuesday dinner.
Mr. ö£ßÚm ¸¢vØS •¢øu¯ Cµsk |õmPЮ PsoÀ öuߣhÂÀø». ö\ÆÁõ¯ßÖ |h¢u CµÄ ¸¢vß ÷£õx Mr. ö£ßÚm C¸¢uõµõ Gߣx £ØÔ G¢u SÔ¨¦® CÀø».
The surface truth however strong or complete, can give way, whereas the subconscious commitment fulfils itself invariably.
÷©Ø£µ¨¤¼¸US® Esø© GzuøÚ •Êø©¯õÚuõP C¸¢uõ¾® Á¼ø©¯õÚuõP C¸¢uõ¾® §ºzv¯õPõ©À ÷£õP»õ®. BÌ©Ú¨ ¤øn¨¦ uÁÓõ©À {øÓ÷ÁÖ®.
Elizabeth is indirectly demanding of him that.
G¼\ö£z Aøu AÁÛhª¸¢x ©øÓ•P©õPU ÷Põ¸QÓõÒ.
She has her mother’s strength and father’s values.
AÁÎh® uõ°ß Á¼ø©²®, u¢øu°ß £s¦PЮ Esk.
Darcy, though wealthy, does not have the aristocratic strength of value.
hõº] ö\ÀÁ¢uß GßÓõ¾®, ¤µ¦UPÎh•ÒÍ £s¤ß Á¼ø© CÀø».
His whole subsequent answer and letter are entering into her trap willingly.
AÁß ¤ßÚº u¢u •Ê ÂÍUP•® Piu•® AÁß Â¸¨£z÷uõk AÁÒ Â›zu Áø»°À ÂÊÁuõS®.
She begins to behave like the mistress of Pemberley after the wedding.
v¸©nzvØS¨ ¤ß ö£®£º¼°ß Gá©õÛ G¨£i |h¢x öPõÒÁõ÷Íõ A¨£i C¨÷£õ÷u |h¢x öPõÒQÓõÒ.
We saw a little of it at the Netherfield ball.
ö|uº¥Àm |hÚzvß ÷£õx AÁÒ ]Ôx A÷u ÷£õ»z uõß |h¢x öPõshõÒ.
Whether it is with Collins or Darcy or Lady Catherine, she is in top form of strong authority unfailingly exercising sure of its target.
uß SÔ GxöÁßÖ öu›¢v¸¢uuõÀ Põ¼ß÷éõ, hõº]÷¯õ, ÷»i PõuŸ÷Úõ ¯õµõP C¸¢uõ¾® uß AvP£m\ Á¼¯ AvPõµzøuz uÁÓõ©À PõmkQÓõÒ.
The energy for this exercise, in this context, comes negatively.
C¢u ChzvÀ \Uv Caö\¯¼À uÁÓõP Á¸QÓx.
175. “Involving them both in misery of the acutest kind”.
"C¸Áøµ²® Pkø©¯õÚ PÁø»US BÍõUQ¯."
She speaks as if they were already engaged or even married.
C¸Á¸US® HØPÚ÷Á {a\¯©õQ Âmhx ÷£õ»÷Áõ, v¸©n©õQ Âmhx ÷£õ»÷Áõ ÷£_QÓõÒ.
He was thinking of her; she was thinking of Jane.
hõº] G¼\ö£zøu¨ £ØÔ {øÚUQÓõß. G¼\ö£z ÷áøÚ¨ £ØÔ {øÚUQÓõÒ.
She is aware of the law of life that, if at all Darcy ever comes to her as husband, it must be through Jane and Bingley.
hõº] uÚUSU PnÁÚõP Áµ ÷Áskö©ßÓõÀ Ax, ÷áß ©ØÖ® ¤[Q¼ ‰»÷© |hUS® GßÓ ÁõÌÂß \mh® G¼\ö£zvØS öu›¢v¸UQÓx.
There, there is the sanction of life through what she has done to Jane.
A[S ÷áÝUPõP AÁÒ ö\´uuØS ÁõÌÂß AÝ©v C¸UQÓx.
What awaits her in Pemberley is too great for her to receive all by her desert.
AÁÒ uß uSv°ß ‰»® ©mk® ö£ÓUTi¯øu Âh ö£®£º¼°À AÁÐUPõP Põzv¸¨£x ªPÄ® AvP©õÚx.
A concrete material benefit Jane received will be able to form as a foundation in life’s sanction for her to go to Pemberley.
÷áß ö£ÖÁx vh©õÚ ö»ÍRP »õ£®. Ax G¼\ö£z ö£®£º¼US  ÷£õÁuØPõÚ Ai¨£øh¯õÚ Â審õP ÁõÌÂß AÝ©v°À C¸UQÓx.
Her father’s strength is there in her in potential, not overtly as wealth. He was not even informed yet of Darcy’s interest. It reached him as a rumour from Collins, negatively.
AÁÒ u¢øu°ß Á¼ø© AÁÎh® ÂzuõP EÒÍx. Ax öÁÎ÷¯ öu›²® ö\õzuõP CÀø». hõº]°ß ¸¨£zøu¨ £ØÔ CßÚ•® Th AÁ¸USz öu›¯õx. Ax Põ¼ßì ‰»® Áu¢v¯õP uÁÓõP AÁ›h® Á¢ux.
Mrs. Gardiner’s goodwill, Charlotte’s wish for her to marry Darcy all had no substance.
Mrs. PõºiÚ›ß |Àö»sn®, G¼\ö£z hõº]ø¯ ©nUP ÷Ásk® GßÓ åõº÷»miß Â¸¨£® BQ¯Ú ö£õ¸ÍØÓøÁ.
Life needs material support. In the scheme of things we do not see anything other than Bingley’s joy serving that purpose. £ 4000 of Bingley is substance to her family even if it does not become Mrs. Bennet’s property.
ÁõÌÄUS ö£õ¸Íõuõµ® ÷uøÁ. C[S |hUS® Âå¯[PÎÀ ¤[Q¼°ß \¢÷uõå® ©mk÷© ÷Áø» ö\´QÓx. ¤[Q¼°ß £4000Mrs. ö£ßÚmiØS ö\õ¢uªÀø» GßÓõ¾® AÁÒ Sk®£zvØS Aºzu•ÒÍ Â寮.
Compared with her interest in Jane, Wickham is far removed in her calculations.
÷áß «x AÁÒ öPõsh AUPøÓ÷¯õk J¨¤k® ÷£õx AÁÒ PnUQÀ ÂUPõ® G[÷Põ »Q C¸UQÓõß.
She fully exercises her available authority at this moment.
A¢u \©¯zvÀ uÚUQ¸US® AvPõµzøu AÁÒ •Êø©¯õP PõmkQÓõÒ.
Things or events are prepared in the subtle plane and are accomplished by the subconscious urge.
`m_© uÍzvÀ Âå¯[PЮ, {PÌa]PЮ E¸ÁõQßÓÚ. AøÁ BÌ©Ú E¢xuÀ ‰»® {øÓ÷ÁÖQßÓÚ.
To be able to see those two phenomena here in their dialogue will help complete our understanding.
C¢u Cµsk ÷Põ»[PøͲ® CÁºPÒ Eøµ¯õh¼À Põn •i¢uõÀ |® ¦›uÀ •Êø© Aøh²®.
She paused, and saw with no slight indignation that he was listening with an air which proved him wholly unmoved by any feeling of remorse. He even looked at her with a smile of affected incredulity.
]Ôx ÷|µ® ÷£aø\ {Özv¯ AÁÐUS, uõß ö\´u uÁÖUS G¢uÂu SØÓ Enºa]²® CÀ»õ©À AÁß {ßÖ öPõsk ÷PmkU öPõsi¸¢uøu¨ £õºzux® ÷©¾® ÷Põ£® Eshõ°ØÖ. AÁÒ TÖÁøu AÁß |®£ÂÀø» Gߣx ÷£õßÓ J¸ ]›¨¦hß £õºzxU öPõsi¸¢uõß.
176. She feels she is in the right. He feels he should be admired for his services to Bingley.
177. Both are acting on behalf of another.
178. Self-righteousness is virulent.
179. The fresh information from Fitzwilliam gave fresh impetus to her accusation. There is no logic that can prevail against self-righteousness. It has superstitious dynamism, even missionary zeal.
180. He feels all the privilege of raising her to aristocracy. She has all the advantage of his seeking her.
181. He is tactless; she is wounded.
182. It is a brute boor meeting more than his match who has a legitimate grievance.
183. There is no remorse in him.
184. On the other hand, he expects the whole world, particularly her, to see his self-denial, the purity of his love and its passion.
185. They were at cross purposes. In the eyes of each the other is beside the point.
186. His culture is evolved to the point of expecting her to appreciate him for his offending her, expecting the lamb to thank the butcher.
187. He is unformed, uneducated, uncultivated, in her words, conceited.
188. Collins and Darcy are parallels, expressions vary, essence is the same.
189. He is used to Caroline fawning on him, Bingley submitting to him.
190. In her, he meets a formed, educated, discriminating Individual of Good Will.
191. He smiles at her incredulity.
192. Pride is impermissible, in a gentleman it is an unpardonable crime.
193. He is actively displaying that he is not a gentleman. He wants his status and wealth to be recognized.
194. That is exactly what she has learnt not to value as a reversal of her mother’s character.
195. Remember Mr. Bennet does not want her to marry for money.
196. When she marries, she marries only Pemberley. To see no contradiction here is essential.
197. The idealist who renounces power and property is valued by the power and property he comes by. Only they help him accomplish.
198. “saw with no slight indignation that he was listening”.
"AÁß ªPÄ® Bzvµzxhß ÷PmkU öPõÒÁøu AÁÒ PÁÛzuõÒ."
His conscious object was to deliver a marriage proposal.
AÁÚx ÷©À ©Úzvß SÔU÷PõÒ ©n¨ ÷£a_ ÷£_Áx.
His subconscious object was to get her committed to him.
AÁÚx BÌ©Úzvß SÔU÷PõÒ AÁøÍz uß÷Úõk ¤ønUP øÁ¨£x.
What she spoke stirs the indignation in him.
AÁÒ ÷£]¯ Â寮 AÁß BzvµzøuU QÍÔ¯x.
That is what will serve his purpose he is unaware of.
Ax AÁÚÔ¯õu SÔU÷PõÒ {øÓ÷ÁÓ EuÄ®.
The indignation is mounting.
Bzvµ® ö£¸SQÓx.
It is his natural response to what she speaks.
AÁÒ ÷£]¯uØPõÚ AÁÚx C¯À£õÚ ©Öö©õÈ Ax÷Á.
He is to overlook this natural response and act from below that.
AzuøP¯ C¯À£õÚ ©Öö©õÈø¯z uºzx Auß Rȸ¢x ö\¯À£kQÓõß.
That is what a Man faces after the wedding knot is tied.
‰ßÖ •ia_PÒ ÷£õmhx® Bs Cøu÷¯ uõß GvºöPõÒQÓõß.
Had I known this, I would not have married her is not what he can declare.
C¨£i GßÖ öu›¢v¸¢uõÀ CÁøÍz v¸©n® ö\´x öPõsi¸UP ©õm÷hß GßÖ AÁß TÓ •i¯õx.
He knew it in his nerves. With eyes open he went in for her.
AÁß |µ®¦PÒ Aøu AÔ²®. vÓ¢u PsP÷Íõk AÁß AÁÎh® ö\ÀQÓõß.
He allowed her to speak so that he may answer in full.
AÁß •Êø©¯õP £vÀ ö\õÀÁuØPõP AÁøÍ ÷£\ AÝ©vzuõß.
His confidence in his position was consummate now.
uß {ø»ø¯¨ £ØÔ¯ ußÚ®¤UøP AÁÝUS §µn©õP C¸¢ux.
After fully listening to her his confidence gave way.
AÁÒ ÷£aø\ •ÊÁx©õPU ÷Pmh ¤ß AÁÝUS ußÚ®¤UøP¨ ÷£õ´ Âmhx.
He was not sure his ruse was justified.
uß `Ìa] {¯õ¯©õÚx uõÚõ GßÓ \¢÷uP® Á¢x Âmhx.
He realised it was beneath him as a gentleman.
A¨£ia ö\´Áx E¯º¢uÁÝUS AÇPÀ» Gߣøu¨ ¦›¢x öPõshõß.
He was not sure she would take his words as true.
uß ÁõºzøuPøÍ AÁÒ |®¦ÁõÍõ GßÖ AÁÝUS {a\¯©õPz öu›¯ÂÀø».
He did not know what complaints she had against him.
uß ÷©À AÁÒ _©zu¨ ÷£õS® SØÓa\õmkPøͨ £ØÔ AÁÝUSz öu›¯ÂÀø».
He was unnerved.
AÁß uk©õÔÚõß.
He could not collect himself to reply to her.
AÁÐUS £vÀ ö\õÀ» ußøÚ J¸ø©¨ £kzvU öPõÒÍ •i¯ÂÀø».
At best he could only write to her the next day.
AvP£m\©õP Akzu |õÒ AÁÚõÀ Piu® ©mk÷© GÊu •i¢ux.
He was not sure Jane loved Bingley.
÷áß ¤[Q¼ø¯U Põu¼zuõÍõ Gߣx AÁÝUS {a\¯©õPz öu›¯ÂÀø».
He was in a quandary.
AÁß {ø»Sø»¢x ÷£õÚõß.
To him any problem created has a solution.
AÁøÚ¨ ö£õÖzuÁøµ G¢u ¤µaøÚUS® wºÄ Esk.
He could not then put his finger on the right spot.
\›¯õÚ Chzøu AÁÚõÀ öuõh •i¯ÂÀø».
She put him in a tight spot.
AÁÒ AÁøÚ ]UP¼À ©õmiÂmhõÒ.
His anger was in the ascendent.
AÁß ÷Põ£® AvP›UQÓx.
199. “Wholly unmoved by any feeling of remorse….with a smile”.
"Á¸zu EnºÁõÀ \ØÖ® u͵õ©À....    ¦ßÚøP÷¯õk."
What gave her sorrow gave him a sense of triumph.
AÁÐUS Gx Á¸zuzøuz u¢u÷uõ Ax AÁÝUS öÁØÔ¨ ö£¸ªuzøuz u¢ux.
All along she was not trailing behind him like Bingley’s sisters.
¤[Q¼°ß \÷Põu›Pøͨ ÷£õ» G¼\ö£z hõº]ø¯ J¸ ÷£õx® ¤ß öuõhº¢uvÀø».
She more than once refused to dance with him.
AÁ÷Úõk |hÚ©õh AÁÒ JßÖUS® ÷©Ø£mh •øÓ ©Özv¸UQÓõÒ.
Once she questioned why he was overhearing her conversation with Forster.
£õºìh÷µõk AÁÒ ÷£_Áøu AÁß Hß JmkU ÷PmQÓõß GßÖ J¸ •øÓ ÷PmhõÒ.
Again she asked him not to stare at her or intimidate her with his stately presence and warned him her courage would only rise.
©ØöÓõ¸ •øÓ ußøÚ EØÖ ÷|õUP ÷Áshõ® GßÖ® AÁß uß AvPõµ©õÚ \ßÛuõÚzvß ‰»® £¯•Özu ÷Áshõ® GßÖ® ö\õßÚõÒ. A¨£ia ö\´uõÀ AÁÐøh¯ xoÄ uõß AvP©õS® GßÖ® Ga\›UøP ÂkzuõÒ.
There was no occasion when she was weak in his relationship.
AÁ÷Úõk öPõsh EÓÂÀ AÁÒ J¸ ÷£õx® £»ÃÚ©õP C¸UPÂÀø».
Naturally he liked to see her hurt, annoyed, disappointed all of which he was all those days.
AÁß uõß C¸¢ux ÷£õ», AÁЮ ¦s£mk, G›a\¾ØÖ, H©õØÓz÷uõk C¸UP ÷Ásk® Gß֠¸®¤¯x C¯ØøP÷¯.
Why should there be any remorse, there will be triumph.
A[S Á¸zu® HÛ¸UP¨ ÷£õQÓx? A[S öÁØÔ •ÇUP® uõß C¸US®.
His smile irritated her.
AÁß ¦ßÚøP AÁÐUS G›a\¿mi¯x.
Obviously they were on different mental perches.
AÁºPÒ ©ÚzvÀ öÁÆ÷ÁÖ Ch[PÎÀ C¸¨£x Ps Tk.
On the surface the quarrel was real. Subconscious seeking was real.
÷©À ©ÚzvØS \a\µÄ Esø©. BÌ©ÚzvØS |õkÁx Esø©.
He smiles because she was at least once defensive before him.
AÁÒ ußøÚ¨ £õxPõzx öPõÒÍ ÷Ási¯ {ø»°À J¸ •øÓ¯õÁx C¸UP ÷|º¢uuõÀ AÁß ¦ßÚøPzuõß.
Her defensive posture is to him the woman’s submission.
ußøÚU Põzx öPõÒÍ AÁÒ öPõsh ÷Põ»®, AÁøÚ¨ ö£õÖzuÁøµ ö£s R̨£iÁx.
In her it is the preparation to launch an offensive.
AÁøͨ ö£õÖzuÁøµ Ax uõUSuø» xÁUSÁuØPõÚ B¯zu®.
She says she abused him because her genius was kindled to abuse.
AÁøÚz vmkÁuØPõP uß ÷©uø© ysh¨£mhuõÀ uõß AÁøÚz vmi¯uõPU TÖQÓõÒ.
She enjoyed the abuse even when he did not deserve it.
vmk ö£Ö©ÍÂØS AÁß SØÓ©ØÓÁß GßÓõ¾®, AÁÒ vmkÁvÀ Cߣ® ö£ØÓõÒ.
That is the spirit of abuse.
Ax÷Á vmiß ãÁß.
He expected a modest maiden who will cherish his proposal and receive it with gratitude.
AÁß Gvº£õºzux uß ©n¨ ÷£aø\ ÷£õØÔ, |ßÔ÷¯õk HØÖU öPõÒЮ AhUP©õÚ PßÛ¨ ö£søn.
He found a defiant girl launching an offensive on several aspects of his personality that had nothing to do with her. She held him to ransom and questioned him with an authority no one had assumed over him all these days. He was speechless!
AÁß Psh÷uõ AÁÐUS \®£¢uªÀ»õu Âå¯[PÍõÚ uß BÐø©°ß £» £SvPøͨ £ØÔ SøÓ TÓ •Ø£k® •µmk¨ ö£søn. AÁÒ AÁøÚ¨ £øn¯©õUQ Cx |õÒ Áøµ ¯õ¸® AÁß «x ö\¾zuõu AvPõµz÷uõk ÷PÒ ÷PmQÓõÒ. AÁß ÷£a]ÇUQÓõß.
"Can you deny that you have done it?" She repeated.
"} Aøu ö\´¯ÂÀø» GÚ EßÚõÀ TÓ •i²©õ?" GÚ AÁÒ «sk® ÷PmhõÒ.
200. She accuses Darcy of spoiling Jane’s wedding.
201. From a marriage proposal it has become an argument of ethics.
202. Only after his accusation of incivility, does she refer to Darcy’s spoiling Jane’s wedding. She challenges him to deny it.
©›¯õøu°Àø» GßÓ ¤ßÚ÷µ ÷áß v¸©nzøu Hß ukzuõ´? CÀø» GßÖ TÖÁõ¯õ? GÚU ÷PmQÓõÒ.
With assumed tranquillity he then replied, "I have no wish of denying that I did everything in my power to separate my friend from your sister, or that I rejoice in my success. Towards him I have been kinder than towards myself."
Aø©vø¯ ÷©ØöPõshÁÚõP AÁß ¤ÓS £v»Îzuõß. "GßÝøh¯ |s£øÚ EßÝøh¯ \÷Põu›°hª¸¢x ¤›¨£uØS GßÚõÀ •i¢u AÍÂØS ÷Ási¯ AøÚzøu²® ö\´÷uß AÀ»x GßÝøh¯ öÁØÔ°À GÚUS ©QÌa] Gߣøu ©ÖUS® Gsn® GÚUS CÀø». Gß÷©À GÚUS C¸US® AUPøÓø¯Âh AÁß÷©À AvP AUPøÓ Põmi°¸UQ÷Óß."
203. He accuses her for not appreciating his high motives for Bingley.
204. He is truthful, not artful. He does not have the intelligence to be artful.
205. The buffalo is not ashamed of the mud, it enjoys being there.
206. Darcy is one who enjoys the cultural mud, slush. He is a buffalo that wants to marry a cow. To the end, it is he who loves her.
207. In her, no love was ever born for him. What was there is gratitude.
208. Elizabeth was deeply wounded when he points out that hers is a family to be shunned.
209. The strong wants a favour by demanding it. In this case, he thought because of his wealth he was strong, but he was weak.
210. Actually, during the last few meetings, she demands like that.
211. Without defending himself, he further offends her resorting to the same argument that her family is low. He believes in his status. He expects her to accept his offence. There he is not only mistaken, but plainly foolish.
£vÀ ö\õÀ» JßÖªÀø». ußøÚ¨£ØÔ AÔÂÀ»õ©À ÷£]¯x ÷£õ»÷Á «sk® AÁøÍ AÁ©õÚ¨£kzxQÓõß. uß ö\ÀÁ® AÁøÍ AÁ©õÚ¨£kzx® E›ø© öPõkUQÓx. Aøu AÁÒ HØP÷Ásk® GÚ ©øh¯ÚõP {øÚUQÓõß.
212. “I have no wish of denying”.
"GÚUS Gøu²® ©ÖUP ¸¨£ªÀø»."
Darcy would not speak a lie when directly questioned.
÷|µi¯õP ÷PmP¨£k® ÷£õx hõº] ö£õ´ ö\õÀ» ©õmhõß.
If not questioned, he would not have come to Jane.
÷PÒ ÷Pmi¸UPõÂmhõÀ ÷áøÚ¨ £ØÔ ÷£] C¸UP ©õmhõß.
Hers was a guess, a shrewd right guess.
AÁÒ ö\´ux ³P®. \©zPõµ©õÚ, \›¯õÚ ³P®.
She may refuse to marry him without assigning any reason.
G¢uU Põµn•® TÓõ©À AÁøÚ AÁÒ ©nUP ©ÖUP»õ®.
She enters into an evaluation of his personal character, values and doings. He is certainly not obliged to establish his truth.
AÁÚx uÛ¨£mh Snõv\¯[PÒ, £s¦PÒ, ö\¯ÀPÒ BQ¯ÁØøÓ ©v¨¥k ö\´QÓõÒ. uß uµ¨¦ Esø©ø¯ {ø»|õmh ÷Ási¯ AÁ]¯® AÁÝUS CÀø».
But he does extensively, goes to Georgiana, a topic no one will touch upon with a stranger.
BÚõÀ ‰ßÓõ® ©Ûu¸hß GÁ¸® ÷£\z xo¯õu áõºâ¯õÚõ \®£¢u¨£mh {PÌa] •uØ öPõsk AøÚzøu²® hõº] ÂÍUSQÓõß.
He has taken her into the closest circle of his family and displays his psychological wares asking her to sit in judgment over his personal affairs.
uß Sk®£zvß A¢uµ[P ÁmhzvØSÒ AÁøÍ HØQÓõß. A[S uß ©Úzv¾ÒÍÁØøÓ öÁΨ£kzv, Auß ¤ß uß A¢uµ[P ö\¯ÀPøͨ £ØÔ wº¨¦ TÓU ÷Põ¸QÓõß.
That way he subconsciously committed to her. It was that she wanted from him.
AÆÁøP°À BÌ©ÚzvÀ AÁß ußøÚ AÁ÷Íõk ¤ønUQÓõß. AÁÒ AÁÛhª¸¢x ¸®¤¯x Aøu÷¯.
She goes to Pemberley as if she is going to verify his facts.
AÁÒ ö£®£º¼US¨ ÷£õÁx AÁß TÔ¯øÁ Esø©¯õ GßÖ Â\õ›UP¨ ÷£õÁx ÷£õ¾ÒÍx.
Whoever heard of a cross examination in a proposal.
©n¨ ÷£a]À SÖUS Â\õµønø¯¨ £ØÔ GÁ÷µÝ® ÷PÒ¨£mhxshõ?
He could have brushed aside the whole issue which he did not. He gives a long detailed explanation as if he owed her one.
ö©õzu Âå¯zøu²® AÁß ¦Ó[øP¯õÀ uÒÎ C¸UP»õ®. AÁß A¨£ia ö\´¯ÂÀø». H÷uõ uõß AÁÐUSU Phߣmhx ÷£õÀ ªP }sh ÂÍUPzøuz u¸QÓõß.
He was sure of passing the test and wanted to pass it.
AÁß ÷uºÂÀ öÁØÔ ö£Ó ¸®¤Úõß. {a\¯® öÁØÔ ö£Ö÷Áõ® GßÓ |®¤UøP C¸¢ux.
He could smile as he was sure of justice in his action.
uß ö\¯¼ß {¯õ¯zøu¨ £ØÔ AÁÝUS \¢÷uP® GxĪÀ»õuuõÀ ¦ßÚøPzuõß.
He spoke to her of his ruse as that would not be approved by her.
uõß ö\´u `Ìa]¨ £ØÔ AÁÎh® ÷£_QÓõß. Aøu AÁÒ HØÖU öPõÒÍ ©õmhõÒ Gߣx öu›²®.
Having raised it, he felt ashamed of it.
Aøu¨ £ØÔ ÷£]¯ ¤ß, AuØPõP öÁmP¨£mhõß.
His aim was to gain her good will.
AÁÝøh¯ SÔ AÁÍx |Àö»snzøu¨ ö£ÖÁ÷u.
A ruse employed though frankly admitted will not dissolve fully at once. Even after Darcy confessed to Bingley the dissolution was not imminent. It took time.
ö\´u `Ìa]ø¯ öÁΨ£øh¯õP J¨¦U öPõshõ¾® Eh÷Ú Pøµ¯õx. ¤[Q¼°h® hõº] uõß ö\´uøu J¨¦U öPõsh ¤ßÝ® Ax Pøµ¯ £» |õmPÍõ°ØÖ.
213. “I rejoice in my success”.
"Gß öÁØÔø¯ |õß öPõshõkQ÷Óß."
Nothing appeals to Man as success. Hence nothing succeeds like success.
©ÛuøÚ öÁØÔø¯¨ ÷£õÀ ÷ÁÖ GxÄ® PÁ¸ÁvÀø». AuÚõÀ öÁØÔø¯¨ ÷£õÀ GxÄ® öÁØÔ ö£ÖÁvÀø» GßQÓõºPÒ.
Darcy is one who meets only success in his life because of his power. That success is not stimulating or interesting.
hõº] uÚUQ¸¢u AvPõµ £»zvÚõÀ ©mk÷© öÁØÔø¯ ö£ÖQÓÁß. A¢u öÁØÔ ÂÖÂÖ¨§mkÁuõP÷Áõ, BºÁ‰mkÁuõP÷Áõ CÀø».
Bingley is a rich bourgeois who submits to him.
AÁÝUSU RÌ£i²® ¤[Q¼ Á\v¯õÚ ÁºUPzøua ÷\º¢uÁß.
Success with Bingley is a triumph worth gloating over.
¤[Q¼ «x ö£Ö® öÁØÔ Âå©zuÚz÷uõk ö£¸ø©¨£mkU öPõshõi¯ öÁØÔ.
It is a success he will not risk or miss at any cost.
A¢u öÁØÔø¯ Guß ö£õ¸mk® B£zvØS Em£kzu÷Áõ, CÇUP÷Áõ xo¯ ©õmhõß.
Man’s values are put to test when the cherished act is at risk.
©ÛuÝUS ¸¨£©õÚ ö\¯À B£zvØSm£k® ÷£õx uõß AÁÚx £s¦PÐUS ÷\õuøÚ Á¸QÓx.
That made him resort to the ruse.
Ax÷Á AÁøÚ `Ìa] ö\´¯ øÁzux.
This small act of a ruse has really ultimately made him marry Elizabeth.
C¢u ]Ö ö\¯»õÚ `Ìa] CÖv°À AÁøÚ G¼\ö£zøu ©nUP øÁzux.
Nothing carried conviction with Elizabeth, not all her argument that pleaded the cause of Jane, as the ruse he himself acknowledged.
AÁ÷Ú uõß `Ìa] ö\´uøu J¨¦U öPõshõß. GÚ÷Á, G¼\ö£z ÷áÝUPõP £›¢x ÷£]¯ GxÄ÷© Bozuµ©õÚ SØÓa\õmkPÍõP C¸UP •i¯ÂÀø».
Her questioning his gentlemanliness brought home its reality by his stooping down to employ this ruse.
`Ìa] ö\´²©ÍÂØS AÁß RÈÓ[QÚõß. Ax E¯ºSi©PÝUS AÇPÀ» GßQÓõÒ G¼\ö£z. Ax Esø©ø¯ EnºzxQÓx.
In any story there are several small significant acts that prove to be the ultimate determinants.
G¢uU Pøu°¾® £» ]Ô¯ •UQ¯©õÚ ö\¯ÀPÒ |hUS®. Ax÷Á CÖv°À Âå¯[PøÍ {ºn°¨£øÁ¯õP C¸US®.
In this story such acts are Mr. Bennet’s decision to repay, Lady Catherine’s tirade, and Charlotte’s invitation to Elizabeth to Hunsford.
CUPøu°À Mr. ö£ßÚm £nzøu v¸®£z uµ •iÄ ö\´ux, ÷»i PõuŸß öPõsh ÷£õºU÷Põ»®, åõº÷»m G¼\ö£zøu íßì÷£õºkUS AøÇzux BQ¯øÁ AzuøP¯ ö\¯ÀPÒ.
To know the Marvel of life one has to see each act is a Marvel.
ÁõÌÂß AئuzøuU Põn JÆöÁõ¸ ö\¯ø»²® Aئu©õPU Põn ÷Ásk®.
Bingley’s coming to Meryton is a significant act in the story.
Pøu°À ¤[Q¼ ö©›hÝUS Á¸Áx ªP •UQ¯©õÚ {PÌa].
Mr. Collins’ offer to marry one of the girls of Longbourn is thus a small significant act that led to the wedding of three girls.
»õ[U£ºß \÷Põu›PÎÀ J¸zvø¯ ©nUPz u¯õº GßÖ Põ¼ßì TÔ¯x ]Ô¯ BÚõÀ •UQ¯©õÚ ö\¯À. Ax÷Á ‰ßÖ ö£sPÎß v¸©nzøu |hzv¯x.
214. “Towards him I have been kinder than towards myself”.
"Gß ÷©¼¸US® P¸ønÄnºøÁ Âh AÁß ÷©À AvP P¸ønÄnºÄ GÚUSsk."
This is the true friendship which is true in the story.
Cx Pøu°À Esø©¯õP Á¸QßÓ Esø©¯õÚ |m¦.
The kinder feelings he has towards Bingley gave him Elizabeth is the result in the story.
¤[Q¼°h® AÁß öPõsh P¸ønÄnº÷Á AÁÝUS G¼\ö£zøu¨ ö£ØÖz u¢ux Gߣx Pøu TÖ® £»ß.
The logic of the result combines the logic of the finite as well as the logic of the Infinite.
C¢u¨ £»Ûß uºUP®, Pshzvß uºUPzøu²® APshzvß uºUPzøu²® JßÖ ÷\ºUQÓx.
Now that the basic social contradiction is there between her and him and a powerful attraction is there in him for her, Darcy can only successfully approach her through Bingley and Jane, Jane because she is attached to her and Bingley because he is the direct contradiction to Darcy.
C¨÷£õx AÁºPÎøh÷¯ Ai¨£øh¯õÚ \‰P •µs£õkPÒ C¸UQßÓÚ. AÁÝUS AÁÒ «x £»©õÚ Dº¨¦ C¸UQÓx. GÚ÷Á hõº]¯õÀ, ¤[Q¼ ©ØÖ® ÷áß ‰»÷© G¼\ö£zøu AqP •i²®. HöÚÛÀ G¼\ö£z ÷áß «x ¤›¯® öPõshÁÒ. ¤[Q¼ hõº]US •µnõÚ Sn® öPõshÁß.
England is a society where no one, not even any member of the family will influence a man’s choice in marriage.
C[Q»õ¢x \‰PzvÀ J¸Áº v¸©n® £ØÔ¯ •iÂÀ & Sk®£ EÖ¨¤ÚµõP C¸¢uõ¾® Th & ©ØöÓõ¸Áº uø»°h ©õmhõº.
Darcy and Caroline interfere with Bingley.
hõº]²®, P÷µõ¼Ý® ¤[Q¼°ß Âå¯zvÀ uø»°kQßÓÚº.
This contradiction arises because of the original conflict between him and her.
A¢u •µs£õk HØ£hU Põµn® AÁÛh•® AÁÎh•® Bµ®£® •u÷» C¸US® ¤nUS.
Submission is the rule of not only life, but existence.
ÁõÌÂÀ ©mk©ßÖ, C¸zu¼¾® RÌ£iu÷» \mh®.
The spiritual truth about submission is it is self-chosen.
uõ÷Ú ÷uº¢öukUP ÷Ásk® Gߣ÷u RÌ£iu¼ß BߪP Esø©.
When the cycle is over, submission must emerge into its own.
Aa_ÇØ] •i¢uuõÀ RÌ£iuÀ uõÚõP÷Á öÁΨ£h ÷Ásk®.
It is best done by the inner ripeness of submission.
AP¨ £USÁ÷uõk RÌ£iÁ÷u ]Ó¨£õÚx.
The ruse he employed is the occasion for revival.
«sk® E°º¨¤US® \¢uº¨£÷© AÁß ö\´u `Ìa].
Darcy, who patronised Bingley by lending his aristocratic status, wishes to patronise Elizabeth by lending his wealth to her, not realising that it was her turn to patronise Darcy by lending her maturity of mind.
uß ¤µ¦zxÁ A¢uìzvß ‰»® ¤[Q¼ø¯ Bu›zu hõº], uß ö\õzvß ‰»® G¼\ö£zøu Bu›UP ¸®¦QÓõß. uß ©Ú •vºa] ‰»® hõº]ø¯ Bu›UP ÷Ási¯x G¼\ö£zvß •øÓ Gߣøu hõº] AÔ¯ÂÀø».
His kindness is genuine as well as true. Otherwise he could not have saved Georgiana. The very fact that Lady Catherine served him by ill will confirms that.
AÁß P¸øn PÍ[P©ØÓx. Esø©¯õÚx. AÆÁõÔÀ»õÂmhõÀ AÁÚõÀ áõºâ¯õÚõøÁ Põ¨£õØÔ C¸UP •i¯õx. uß öPmh Gsnzvß ‰»® ÷»i PõuŸß AÁÝUS ÷\øÁ ö\´ux C¢u Esø©ø¯ {¹¤UQÓx.
Elizabeth disdained the appearance of noticing this civil reflection, but its meaning did not escape, nor was it likely to conciliate her.
©›¯õøu¯õP C¸¨£x÷£õÀ ¤µv£¼zu A¨£v¼ß ÷uõØÓzøuU Psh G¼\ö£z Aøu A»m]¯® ö\´uõÒ. BÚõÀ AuÝøh¯ ö£õ¸Ò ©õÓÂÀø», Ax AÁøÍ \©õuõÚ¨£kzuĪÀø».
215. Only after he insists on his right to offend her, she accuses him of injustice to Wickham. Her indefensible accusation is made possible by his indefensible folly. Here he grew self-righteous, as he was right. All along he took for granted that she would treat him as a rich man. She does not have that consideration. Now she has discovered his ruse with Jane and accuses him of injustice to Wickham. Her opinion of him sours him and he feels it was due to his frankness, sincerity, and lack of pretence.
G¼éö£zøuU SøÓzx¨ ÷£_Áx uß E›ø© GÚ hõº] ÁئÖzv¯ö£õÊx AÁÒ ÂUPõ•US ö\´u A}vø¯U SÔUQßÓõÒ. AÁÝøh¯ Aºzu©ØÓ ©hø© AÁÐøh¯ uÁÓõÚ SØÓa\õmøh Gʨ¦QÓx. uõß £nUPõµß Gߣøu AÁÒ HØÖUöPõshõÒ Gߣx AÁß Ai¨£øh. AÁÐUS AÁß £n® öu›¯ÂÀø». ÷áß Âå¯zvÀ AÁß ö\´u Âå©•® AÁÐUS Ez÷u\©õPz öu›²÷© uµ {a\¯©õPz öu›¯õx. ÂUPõ® Âå¯zvÀ AÁÒ uÁÖ ußøÚ AÁÒ ©mh©õP {øÚUQÓõÒ Gߣx AÁÝUSU P\¨£õÚ Avºa]. Ax uß A|õPŸP©õÚ AÔÂßø©¯õÀ GÚ AÁÚõÀ AÔ¯•i¯ÂÀø». uß Esø©²®, öÁΨ£øh¯õÚ £ÇUP•® uÁÓõ GßÓ ÷PÒ GÊQÓx. uõß |izv¸¢uõÀ ußøÚ AÁÒ HØÖUöPõsi¸¨£õÒ GÚ {øÚUQÓõß.
216. Endowed with no considerable culture, a cultured alternative never occurred to him. Had he been a cultured man of course his behaviour till then would have been different. Even otherwise, his declaration of intense passion for her will not be through vulgar obscenities. Surely he is sincere. It is sincere boorishness.
|õPŸP©ØÓÁß GߣuõÀ AÁÝUS A¢u ÷|µ® G¨£i £s£õÚÁº £ÇSÁº GÚ {øÚUP •i¯ÂÀø». A¨£i°¸¢uõÀ CxÁøµ ÷ÁÖ ©õv› £ÇQ°¸¨£õß. A¨£i°Àø» GÛÝ® AÁÒ «x £ØÖ HØ£mh¤ß Aøu öu›ÂUP B£õ\©õÚ ÂÍUP® u¢v¸UP ©õmhõß. AÁÝUS Esø©²sk. Ax •µhÛß •\mk Esø©.
217. “Disdained the appearance of noticing this civil reflection… nor was it likely to conciliate her”.
"C¢u £s¦ÒÍ ÷£a_ AÁÐUS P\¨ø£z u¢ux. Ax AÁøÍ \©õuõÚ¨£kzuÂÀø»."
His love was true, utterly true; one symptom of true love is it cannot acknowledge it or give utterance to it. Darcy is unable to tell her that he loved her more truly than Bingley loved Jane.
AÁß PõuÀ Esø©¯õÚx. •ÊUP Esø©¯õÚx. Esø©¯õÚ Põu¼ßKº Aøh¯õÍ® Ax ußøÚ AÆÁõÖ PõmiU öPõÒÍ÷Áõ, öÁΨ£øh¯õP TÓ÷Áõ ö\´¯õx. ¤[Q¼ ÷áøÚ Põu¼¨£øu Âh uõß AvP Esø©÷¯õk G¼\ö£zøuU Põu¼¨£øu hõº]¯õÀ AÁÎh® TÓ •i¯ÂÀø».
Her disdain is because he gives this ideal she thought as an excuse.
AÁß öPõsh C»m]¯zøu AÁÒ \õUS GÚU P¸v P\¨¦ØÓõÒ.
It was not an excuse from him but a valid emotion.
Ax AÁÛhª¸¢x Á¸® \õUPßÖ. Ax Esø©¯õÚ EnºÄ.
An emotion is efficacious if it is felt by its own unexpressed force.
uß öÁΨ£kzuõu \Uvø¯ uõ÷Ú Enº¢uõÀ, Enºa] £»ÚÎUS® vÓß ö£Ö®.
Darcy is of the intelligence that does not understand that emotions explained are ineffective or create opposite results.
hõº]°ß AÔÂØS Enºa]Pøͨ £ØÔ ÂÍUQÚõÀ AøÁ £¯ÚØÖ¨ ÷£õS® AÀ»x GvµõÚ £»ß u¸® GßÓ Esø© ¦›¯õx.
Elizabeth and Bingley had wisdom not to disclose to Jane Darcy’s ruse. It is not something to be disclosed and later obliterated by explanation.
hõº]°ß `Ìa]ø¯¨ £ØÔ ÷áÛh® ö\õÀ»U Thõx GßÓ Â÷ÁP® G¼\ö£zvh•®, ¤[Q¼°h•® C¸¢ux. Ax •u¼À ö\õÀ¼Âmk ¤ßÚº ÂÍUP® u¢x »UP¨ £h ÷Ási¯ Â審ßÖ.
It is an act in the substance; it cannot be wiped out by words. Equally powerful words can wipe it out.
Ax ö£õ¸ÎÀ J¸ ö\¯À. Aøu ÁõºzøuPÍõÀ }UP •i¯õx. \© AÍÄ \Uv Áõ´¢u ÁõºzøuPÍõÀ Aøu }UP •i²®.
Jallianwallahbagh will certainly repeat, Non-violence cannot overcome that.
áõ¼¯ßÁõ»õ£õU «sk® |hUPU Tk®. Aøu Aî®ø\¯õÀ öÁÀ» •i¯õx.
A good act can balance a bad act, not wipe it out.
|Øö\¯À w¯ ö\¯ø» \©ß£kzx®, }UP •i¯õx.
What removes it from the consciousness is transformation.
v¸ÄÖ©õØÓ÷© Aøu ã¯zv¼¸¢x }US®.
For one to initiate transformation, he must recognise that everyone around is helping him evolve.
v¸ÄÖ©õØÓ® ö\´¯ ¸®¦£ÁºPÒ ußøÚa _ØÔ C¸US® JÆöÁõ¸Á¸® uõß £›nªUP EuÄQÓõºPÒ Gߣøu AÔ¯ ÷Ásk®.
Darcy does it limitedly with Elizabeth.
Aøu G¼\ö£zvh® hõº] AÍÂØS Em£mk ö\´QÓõß.
The benefit of transformation Darcy received is sanctioned by the society.
hõº] ö£Ö® v¸ÄÖ©õØÓzvß £»ß \‰PzuõÀ AÝ©vUP¨£mhx.
No one can receive a benefit society has not sanctioned but is not immediately available as Collins receiving Elizabeth’s approval.
\‰P® AÝ©vUPõu £»øÚ J¸Áµõ¾® ö£Ó •i¯õx. BÚõÀ Ax Eh÷Ú QøhUPÄ® ö\´¯õx & Euõµn® Põ¼ßì G¼\ö£zvß J¨¦uø»¨ ö£ÖÁx.
"But it is not merely this affair," she continued, "on which my dislike is founded. Long before it had taken place my opinion of you was decided. Your character was unfolded in the recital which I received many months ago from Mr. Wickham. On this subject, what can you have to say? In what imaginary act of friendship can you here defend yourself? Or under what misrepresentation can you here impose upon others?"
"GßÝøh¯ öÁÖ¨¤ØS Põµn® C¢u ÂÁPõµ® ©õzvµ® AÀ». Cx |h¨£uØS •ß£õP÷Á Eß ÷©¾ÒÍ GßÝøh¯ P¸zx wº©õÛUP¨£mk Âmhx. £» ©õu[PÐUS •ß£õP÷Á v¸.ÂUPõ® TÔ¯ÁØÔ¼¸¢x EßÝøh¯ Sn® öÁÎÁ¢ux. C¢u Âå¯zøu¨£ØÔ EÚUS GßÚ ö\õÀ» •i²®? G¢u PØ£øÚ¯õÚ |m¤ß ÷£›À, } EßøÚ uØPõzxU öPõÒͨ ÷£õQÓõ´? AÀ»x GßÚ uÁÓõÚ AÔ¨¤ß Ai¨£øh°À, ©ØÓÁº÷©À £È _©zu¨ ÷£õQÓõ´?"
218. She raises Jane’s issue first, Wickham’s next.
219. The more he expects her to value, the more she wants to tell him that he is valueless for her long ago.
220. “But it is not merely this”.
"BÚõÀ Ax ©mk©À» Cx."
When luck descends, and one is eligible for it, the maximum possibility here is Elizabeth cannot escape Pemberley.
uSv Áõ´¢uÁøµz ÷ui Avºèh® Á¸® ÷£õx AvP£m\® ö£ÓU Ti¯x ö£®£º¼ø¯ umh •i¯õ©À G¼\ö£z ö£ÖÁx.
Luck or grace descending, the deserving acquire it with effort.
Avºèh÷©õ A¸÷Íõ Á¸® ÷£õx, uSv²ÒÍÁºPÒ •¯Ø] ö\´x ö£ØÖU öPõÒÁõºPÒ.
There are those outside that who cannot aspire for grace.
A¸Îß «x BºÁ® öPõÒÍ •i¯õuÁºPÒ Esk.
Those who aspire, aspire by virtue of their culture and temperament.
BºÁ® öPõÒ£ÁºPÒ u[PÒ £s£õk, ©ÚÄnºÄPÒ BQ¯ÁØÓõÀ BºÁ® öPõÒÁõºPÒ.
Many a slip is for those who aspire for luck by their desert.
u[PÒ uSv ‰»® Avºèh® ö£Ó BºÁ•Ö® £»º ©°›øÇ°À Aøu CǨ£xsk.
There are others who get it by virtue of grace in the atmosphere.
`ǼÀ C¸US® A¸ÍõÀ Avºèh® ö£Ö÷Áõ¸sk.
Some make a minimum effort and get it or lose it.
]»º SøÓ¢u£m\ •¯Ø] ö\´x Avºèhzøu ö£ÖÁõºPÒ AÀ»x CǨ£õºPÒ.
Others make the maximum effort and get it or lose it.
¤Óº AvP£m\ •¯Ø] ö\´x Avºèhzøu ö£ÖÁõºPÒ AÀ»x CǨ£õºPÒ.
There are yet others on whom the minimum or maximum is thrust which they cannot escape.
]»º «x SøÓ¢u£m\÷©õ, AvP£m\÷©õ »Q¨ ÷£õP •i¯õu£i, AÁºPÒ «x voUP¨£kÁxsk.
It is true of spiritual realisation not only about luck.
Cx AvºèhzvØS ©mk® ö£õ¸¢x® Esø© AßÖ. BߪP ]zvPÐUS® ö£õ¸¢x®.
The rules of ascent are of labour.
EøǨ£ÁºPÒ ÷©÷» ÷£õP \mh[PÒ Esk.
The rules of descent are an abundant overwhelming grace which instantly exhausts the receptivity.
R÷Ç Á¸Áx vUS•UPõh øÁUS® HµõÍ©õÚ A¸Ò. Ax ö£ØÖU öPõÒЮ vÓøÚ EhÚi¯õP §ºzv ö\´x Âk®.
Elizabeth deserves grace, but is not aware of it.
A¸øͨ ö£Ö® uSv G¼\ö£zvØS Esk. Aøu AÁÒ AÔ¯õÒ.
Not only that, she gravitates to perdition.
England was dark, was not receptive to Shakespeare, nor was she well disposed to Napoleon. Nor did she respond to the call of Karl Marx in 1848. Her rule of India could have civilised her, at least made her physically clean and hygienic.
C[Q»õ¢x C¸ÍõÀ BÚx. ÷åU줯øµ HØPÂÀø». ö|¨÷£õ¼¯ÝUS GvµõP C¸¢ux.1848 CÀ PõºÀ ©õºUêß AøǨ¦US £vÀ uµÂÀø». C¢v¯õøÁ Bshuß ‰»® Ax £s£mi¸UP»õ®. SøÓ¢u £m\® Eh»ÍÂÀ _zu•®, _Põuõµ•® ö£ØÓx.
Mother says the only good thing England has done is to educate Sri Aurobindo. Jane Austen captured the social flavour of the French Revolution and presented it to the unfortunate woe begone thick skinned Briton but it was lost sight of.
ÿ AµÂ¢u¸US PÀ ¦Pmi¯÷u C[Q»õ¢x ö\´u J÷µ |À» Põ›¯® GßÖ AßøÚ TÖQÓõº. ÷áß Bìiß ¤µg_ ¦µm]°ß \‰P £USÁzøu ¦›¢x öPõsk, xµvºèh•® ÷\õP•® {øÓ¢u uizu ÷uõÀ öPõsh ¤›miåõ¸US ¦zuP©õPz u¢uõº. Ax ÂǾUS CøÓzu }µõ°ØÖ.
221. “On which my dislike is founded”.
"Gß öÁÖ¨¦US Ai¨£øh¯õÚ Â寮."
Likes and dislikes are the same in opposite directions.
¸¨¦®, öÁÖ¨¦® Jß÷Ó. AøÁ ÷£õS® vø\PÒ ÷ÁÖ.
Life for the normal Man is exhausted in this plane of likes and dislikes.
\õuõµn ©ÛuÛß ÁõÌÄ, ¸¨£[PÒ öÁÖ¨¦PÒ BQ¯ÁØÔß uÍzvÀ wº¢x ÂkQÓx.
Below is the plane of useful and useless.
AuØPi°À E£÷¯õP®, E£÷¯õPªßø© BQ¯ÁØÔß uÍ•sk.
Above is the plane of valuable and valueless.
AuØS ÷©À ©v¨¦ ©v¨¤À»õuøÁ BQ¯ÁØÔß uÍ•sk.
The recipients of grace, luck, Supergrace, disapproval, punishment, and catastrophe are spread evenly in the society in grades.
\‰PzvÀ A¸Ò, Avºèh®, ÷£µ¸Ò, ©Ö¨¦, ushøÚ, AÈÄ BQ¯ÁØøÓ ö£Ö£ÁºPÒ £» {ø»PÎÀ £µÂ C¸UQÓõºPÒ.
In Bennet’s family the Supergrace of society coming from across the channel is variously received by every one of the seven members.
ö£ßÚm Sk®£zv¼¸US® HÊ ÷£¸® Gvº•øÚ°À C¸¢x Á¸® ÷£µ¸øÍ JÆöÁõ¸Á¸® ÷ÁÖ Âu©õP¨ ö£ÖQÓõºPÒ.
We all see its lucky shadow to Charlotte and to Collins, one related in society and the other by blood.
AUSk®£z÷uõk \‰P EÓÄ §sh åõº÷»iß ÷©¾®, Cµzu EÓÄ §sh Põ¼ßì ÷©¾® Avºèhzvß {ÇÀ ÂÊÁøu |õ©øÚÁ¸® PõsQ÷Óõ®.
What comes is different from what is received.
Á¸Áx ÷ÁÖ. ö£ÖÁx ÷ÁÖ.
How each received is split into 1) grade and 2) the process.
JÆöÁõ¸Áº ö£ÖÁøu²® 1) uµzv¾® 2) ÁÈ•øÓ°¾® ¤›UP»õ®.
We can consider Wickham is punished with Lydia or we can think he, who will never marry and loiter as a loafer is blessed with marriage with two brothers-in-law well placed in the society.
ÂUPõ® ¼i¯õøÁ ©n¨£x ushøÚ GßÖ {øÚUP»õ®. ÷ÁÖÁøP¯õP¨ £õºzuõÀ, J¸ ÷£õx® v¸©n® ö\´¯õ©À, Cµ¢xsk v›²® ÃnÝUS E¯º¢u \‰P A¢uìx öPõsh Cµsk \P»ºPÒ öPõsh v¸©n® Qøhzux.
We must evaluate him from his own side.
AÁß £UPzv¼¸¢x AÁøÚ ©v¨¥k ö\´¯ ÷Ásk®.
If it is a punishment it will end up as a reward if he changes inwardly.
Ax ushøÚ¯õP C¸¢uõÀ AzushøÚ AÁß APzvÀ ©õÔÚõÀ £›\õP ©õÔ Âk®.
There was a talk of his going to court on three or four hundred.
AÁß }v©ßÓzvØS ]» ¡ÖPÐUPõP ÷£õPU Tk® Gߣx ÷£õÀ SÔ¨¦sk.
Jane and Elizabeth are self-explanatory.
÷áÝ® G¼\ö£zx® GßÚ ö£ØÓõºPÒ Gߣx öuÎÄ.
So also Kitty and Mary.
Qmi²®, ÷©›²® ö£ØÓx® öuÎÄ.
222. “My opinion of you was decided”.
"EßøÚ¨ £ØÔ¯ Gß P¸zx •iÁõQ¨ ÷£õÚ JßÖ."
Opinion is the one-sided conclusion, outside of the issue.
Âå¯zvØS A¨£õØ£mh J¸ uµ¨¦ •i÷Á P¸zx.
People are uncompromising over opinion because it was arrived at without being corrected or complemented by other relevant factors.
©ÛuºPÒ P¸zxUPøÍ ÂmkU öPõkUP ©õmhõºPÒ. HöÚÛÀ P¸zx ¯õ¸® v¸zuõ©¾® Põµn[PÎÀ»õ©¾® HØÖU öPõÒͨ£mh JßÖ.
Formation of opinion is a mental activity that is mental self-affirmation.
P¸zøu E¸ÁõUSÁx ©Úzvß ö\¯À. ©Ú® uõß \› GßÖ øÁzxU öPõÒÁx.
Affirmation once arrived at looks sacred.
J¸ •øÓ HØÖU öPõsk ÂmhõÀ, Ax ¦Ûu©õPz ÷uõßÖ®.
Mind is sentimentally possessive of its opinions.
uß P¸zxUPøÍ ©Ú® ªøP²nº÷Áõk uÚUS ö\õ¢u©õP øÁzv¸US®.
Even when blatant factual mistakes are seen, opinion refuses to change.
÷\vPÎÀ ö£›¯ uÁÖPÒ C¸¨£x öu›¢uõ¾® P¸zx ©õÓõx.
Mother says in the subtle plane opinions are like needles.
`m_© uÍzvÀ P¸zxUPÒ F]Pøͨ ÷£õÀ C¸¨£uõP AßøÚ TÖQÓõº.
Knowledge confined to opinion is a tiny portion.
P¸zvÀ Ah[Q¯ bõÚ® ªPa ]Ô¯x.
Emerging rationality destroys the edifice of all opinions.
£SzuÔÄ öÁΨ£k® ÷£õx GÀ»õ P¸zxUPÎß Ai¨£øhø¯²® uPºzxÂk®.
To be able to form a mental opinion is a further stage to enjoying the social superstition as personal opinion.
©ÚzvÀ P¸zøu E¸ÁõUQU öPõÒÁx Gߣx \‰Pzvß ‰h |®¤UøPø¯ uß P¸zuõP Gso ©QÌÁuõS®.
Opinion that stiffly resists change, readily yields to transformation once surrender is resorted to.
©õØÓzøu •µmkzuÚ©õP ©ÖUS® P¸zxUPÒ, \µnõPvø¯ HØS® ÷£õx v¸Ä¸©õØÓzvØS¨ £o²®.
Vital opinion is attitude.
EnºÂß P¸zx ©÷Úõ£õÁ®.
Physical opinion is habit.
Eh¼ß P¸zx £ÇUP®.
Spiritual opinion is the capacity to accept anyone’s opinion as valuable for him, for his sake.
BߪPU P¸zx Gߣx GÁ¸øh¯ P¸zx® AÁ¸US AÁº ö£õ¸mk ©v¨¦ÒÍx GßÖ HØS® vÓß.
To be able to examine one’s opinion rationally and accept the findings is to grow from vitality to mentality.
J¸Áº P¸zøu £SzuÔ÷Áõk ÷\õuøÚ ö\´x, •iÄPøÍ HØ£x
EnºÂ¼¸¢x ©ÚvØS ö\ÀÁx.

Open-mindedness is not to have the capacity to form opinions.
vÓ¢u ©Ú® Gߣx P¸zxUPÒ E¸ÁõS® vÓÚØÖ C¸¨£x.
To shed the opinion is like the snake shedding its skin.
P¸zøu ÂkÁx £õ®¦ uß ÷uõø» E›¨£x ÷£õßÓx.
Hence public opinion is of no value.
GÚ÷Á ö£õx áÚU P¸zvÀ ©v¨¦ GxĪÀø».
223. “On this subject – Wickham – what can you have to say?”
"ÂUPõ® £ØÔ¯ Âå¯zvÀ } GßÚ ö\õÀQÓõ´?"
The subject on hand is his proposal, not Wickham.
øP°¼¸US® Â寮 v¸©n¨ ÷£a_ £ØÔ¯x. ÂUPõø©¨ £ØÔ¯ußÖ.
He is not obliged to answer her or convince her.
AÁÐUS AÁß £vÀ ö\õÀ» ÷Ási¯ AÁ]¯÷©õ AÁøÍ v¸¨v £kzu ÷Ási¯ AÁ]¯÷©õ CÀø».
He does, as he deeply needs her.
BÇzvÀ AÁÒ AÁÝUSz ÷uøÁ¨£kÁuõÀ Aøua ö\´QÓõß.
This question is beside the point, impertinent, but through this she pursues her policy of making him deeply commit himself to her.
÷PÒ Âå¯zvØS ¦Ó®£õÚx. ö£õ¸zu©ØÓx. BÚõÀ Cuß ‰»® AÁß ußøÚ AÁ÷Íõk CønzxU öPõÒÍ øÁUS® öPõÒøPø¯ ö\¯À£kzxQÓõÒ.
She does not ask him what happened with Wickham or Jane.
ÂUPõªØS®, ÷áÝUS® GßÚ |h¢ux GßÖ AÁÒ AÁøÚU ÷PmPÂÀø».
She assumes Wickham is right and taunts Darcy.
ÂUPõ® ö\õÀÁx \› GßÖ øÁzx öPõsk hõº]ø¯ SøÓ TÖQÓõÒ.
In any successful negotiation, the strong party behaves like this.
G¢u öÁØÔPµ©õÚ ÷£a_ Áõºzøu°¾® Á¼ø©²ÒÍ uµ¨¦ C¨£iz uõß |h¢x öPõÒЮ.
The capacity to clinch a bargain is to exhaust the other’s opening.
÷£µzøu \õuP©õP¨ £i¯ øÁUS® vÓß Gߣx AkzuÁº uµz u¯õµõ°¸¨£øu •ÊÁx® GkzxU öPõÒÁuõS®.
She is apparently doing what is possible for her.
ußÚõÀ Gx •i²÷©õ Aøua ö\´QÓõÒ Gߣx ÷£õ» ÷uõßÖQÓx.
In doing so, she is doing the very best for him ultimately.
A¨£ia ö\´Áuß ‰»® AÁÝUS Gøua ö\´uõÀ CÖv°À AvP£m\® |À»÷uõ Aøua ö\´QÓõÒ.
The best of bargains is to work for another’s maximum benefit.
EßÚu©õÚ ÷£µ® Gߣx AkzuÁÝUS AvP£m\ |ßø© ö£Ó £õk£kÁx.
Making Wickham the bone of contention, she brings to the surface her own falsehood and his own vulnerable spot and lays them bare for a process of purification. It works.
ÂUPõªß Âå¯zøu ÷£\¨£h ÷Ási¯ Â審õUQ Âmk, uß ö\õ¢u ö£õ´ø©ø¯²® AÁÚx £»ÃÚ©õÚ ö\¯ø»²® ÷©Ø£µ¨¤ØS G¼\ö£z öPõsk Á¸QÓõÒ. AÁØøÓz y´ø©¨£kzu öÁmh öÁÎa\©õUSQÓõÒ. Ax |hUQÓx.
It is Georgiana that sealed their relationship with the stamp of inner psychological approval.
uß APÄnºÂß AÝ©v ‰»® AÁºPÒ EÓÄUS Eµªk£ÁÒ áõºâ¯õÚõ.
Georgiana and Lydia are the inner realities.
áõºâ¯õÚõÄ®, ¼i¯õÄ÷© APzvß Esø©PÒ.
Wickham is the pleasant exterior.
ÂUPõ® Cߣ©õÚ ÷©ØTk.
Darcy had absolutely no idea when he proposed that he would be opening the secret doors of his existence to her.
G¼\ö£zvh® v¸©n¨ ÷£a_ Gkzu ÷£õx uß ÁõÌÂß A¢uµ[P©õÚ CµP]¯U PuÄPøÍ G¼\ö£zvØPõPz vÓUP¨ ÷£õQ÷Óõ® Gߣx hõº]US ]Ôx® öu›¯õx.
The process of accomplishment sometimes starts on the surface innocently and reaches all the inner secret recesses of life to get what it wants.
\õuøÚUPõÚ ÁÈ•øÓPÒ ]» \©¯[PÎÀ ÷©Ø£µ¨¤À \õuõµn©õP Bµ®£©õS®. ¤ß Gøu Aøh¯ ÷Ásk÷©õ Aøu Aøh¯ AP CµP]¯¨ £õøuPÒ AøÚzøu²® öuõk®.
What women do after wedding Elizabeth does at the proposal.
v¸©nzvØS¨ ¤ß ö£sPÒ Gøua ö\´ÁõºP÷Íõ, Aøu v¸©n¨ ÷£a]ß ÷£õ÷u G¼\ö£z ö\´QÓõÒ.
224. “In what imaginary act of friendship…  under what misrepresentation can you here impose upon others?”.
"G¢u PØ£øÚ¯õÚ |mø£ •ßÛmk AÀ»x G¢u ö£õ´¯õÚ uPÁÀPÎß Ai¨£øh°À ©ØÓÁºPøÍU Pmk¨£kzu {øÚUQÓõ´?"
Being on the offensive, she demands him to defend himself.
uõUSuø»z öuõh[Q ÂmhuõÀ AÁøÚz uØPõ¨¦ ö\´¯z yskQÓõÒ.
Offence is the best defence. It is true here fully.
uõUSu÷» ]Ó¢u £õxPõ¨¦. C[S Ax •ÊÁx® Esø©.
The fluency she has, he is not endowed with. He writes.
AÁÍõÀ \µÍ©õP¨ ÷£\ •i²®. AÁÚõÀ •i¯õx. AÁß GÊxQÓõß.
In reading a letter one has to go to the end while in a discussion interruption is possible.
Piuzøu¨ £iUS® ÷£õx J¸Áº Aøu CÖv Áøµ £iUP ÷Ásk®. Eøµ¯õh¼ß ÷£õx SÖUQh •i²®.
Her fluency comes from the certainty of complete conviction. His hesitation comes from guilty conscience and the shameful facts he has to disclose.
uõß ö\´Áx •ÊÁx® \›÷¯ GßÓ AÁÒ EÖv°¼¸¢x AÁÍõÀ \µÍ©õP¨ ÷£\ •iQÓx. SØÓ EnºÂÚõ¾® öÁmP¨£hzuUP Esø©PøÍ öÁΰÀ TÓ ÷Ási°¸¨£uõ¾® AÁß u¯[Qz u¯[Q¨ ÷£_QÓõß.
Guilt and shame are dumb.
SØÓ•® öÁmP•® Fø©PÒ.
Clarity of conviction urged by revenge is fluent.
£È Áõ[S® EnºÁõÀ E¢u¨£mh uõß \› GßÓ öuÎÄ \µÍzøuz u¸®.
Fluency is emotions flowing in words.
\µÍ® Gߣx Enºa]PÒ ÁõºzøuPÎÀ öÁΨ£kÁx.
Glum silence is that which fails to verbalise shame.
öÁmPzøu Áõ´ ÁõºzøuPÍõP ©õØÓ •i¯õu {ø» Á¸zu® ÷uõ´¢u ö©ÍÚ©õQÓx.
Taking advantage of one’s vulnerability is mean.
J¸ÁÛß £»ÃÚzøu E£÷¯õP¨£kzvU öPõÒÁx CÈÁõÚ ö\¯À.
Though she does it unintentionally, she is still mean.
÷Áskö©ß÷Ó ö\´¯ÂÀø» GßÓõ¾® AÁÒ uõÌ¢uÁ÷Í.
Without that coming to her surface, she can’t purify herself.
Ax öÁÎ Áµõv¸¢uõÀ AÁÍõÀ ußøÚz y´ø©¨ £kzv C¸UP •i¯õx.
The misrepresentation is not Darcy’s but hers.
v›zx¨ ÷£_Áx G¼\ö£z, hõº]¯ßÖ.
Marriage is education in values.
v¸©n® Gߣx £s¦PÎß PÀÂ.
She learns to be rational.
He learns to be selfless.
AÁß _¯|»ªßÔ C¸UP PØQÓõß.
Her words are fit accusations against Wickham.
AÁÒ SØÓa\õmkPÒ ÂUPõªØSz uõß ö£õ¸¢x®.
The guilty accusing the innocent of the guilt is the way of falsehood destroying itself.
SØÓÁõÎ {µ£µõv «x SØÓ® _©zxÁx Gߣx ö£õ´ø©z ußøÚz uõ÷Ú AÈzxU öPõÒЮ ÁÈ.
In the end each is rewarded according to his truth.
AÁµÁ›hª¸¢u Esø©US HØÓõØ ÷£õ» CÖv°À £»ß Qøhzux.
The path of truth through the false life is the course of the story.
ö£õ´¯õÚ ÁõÌÂÀ \zv¯zvß £õøu÷¯ Pøu°ß ÷£õUS.
Truth discovers itself in the course.
A¨÷£õUQÀ \zv¯® ußøÚU PshÔQÓx.
"You take an eager interest in that gentleman's concerns," said Darcy, in a less tranquil tone, and with a heightened colour.
"A¢|£›ß Âå¯zvÀ } AvP©õP BºÁ® PõmkQÓõ´" GßÖ Aø©v SøÓ¢u Sµ¼À £v»Îzu hõº]°ß •P® ÷Põ£zuõÀ ]Á¢ux.
225. Wickham brings the normal temper of his to the conversation.
226. “You take an eager interest in that gentleman’s concerns” said Darcy in a less tranquil tone and heightened colour.
"A¢u E¯º¢uÁÛß Âå¯[PÎÀ BºÁzxhß AUPøÓ PõmkQÓõ´ GßÖ ]Ôx Aø©v¯ØÓ öuõÛ÷¯õk, AvP©õP {Ó® ©õÔU TÔÚõß."
Darcy left to himself would have acted with respect to Elizabeth as his inner conflicts permitted.
hõº]ø¯ AÁß ÷£õUQÀ Âmi¸¢uõÀ, uß AP •µs£õkPÒ AÝ©vUS® AÍÂÀ G¼\ö£zvØPõP ö\¯À£mi¸¨£õß.
Life which has its own course, does not permit human preferences or indulgence. Man has to fall in line with life.
ÁõÌÂØS J¸ ÷£õUS Esk. Ax ©Ú® ÷£õS® ÷£õUøP÷¯õ, ©ÛuÛß Â¸¨¦ öÁÖ¨¦PøÍ÷¯õ AÝ©vUPõx. ÁõÌøÁ AÝ\›z÷u ©Ûuß |hUP ÷Ásk®.
The close attention Collins was paying Elizabeth at Netherfield urged Darcy to offer to dance with her.
ö|uº¥ÀiÀ Põ¼ßì G¼\ö£zvß «x ö|¸UP©õÚ PÁÚ® ö\¾zvÚõß. Ax AÁ÷Íõk |hÚ©õhU ÷PmS®£i hõº]ø¯z ysi¯x.
The daily events at Hunsford where he often listened to the colonel of his dialogues with Elizabeth pushed him to propose.
PºÚÀ G¼\ö£z÷uõk ÷£]¯ÁØøÓ¨ £ØÔ AiUPi ÷PmkU öPõÒÁx íßì÷£õºiÀ hõº]°ß AßÓõh ö\¯ÀPÎÀ JßÖ. Ax AÁøÚ G¼\ö£zvh® ©n¨÷£aø\ GkUPz ysi¯x.
Now she brought in one more rival, Wickham.
C¨÷£õx AÁÒ ÂUPõ® GßQÓ ©ØöÓõ¸ ÷£õmi¯õÍøÚU öPõsk Á¸QÓõÒ.
Darcy hastened to take her into confidence about Georgiana.
Âøµ¢x áõºâ¯õÚõøÁ¨ £ØÔ ÷£] AÁß G¼\ö£zøuz uÚUS A¢uµ[P©õÚÁÍõUQU öPõÒQÓõß.
Life events make a Man act as he does not choose.
ÁõÌÂß {PÌÄPÒ ©ÛuøÚ AÁß ÷uº¢öukUPõu ö\¯ÀPøÍ ö\´¯ øÁUQßÓÚ.
Subtle atmosphere urges him to act contrary to his wishes.
AÁøÚ AÁß Â¸¨£[PÐUS GvµõP ö\¯À£h `m_© `ÇÀ yskQÓx.
They all act through the known channels of individual temperament, social urges and deeper truths of life.
uÛ©Ûu ©ÚÄnºÄPÒ, \‰P E¢xuÀPÒ, ÁõÌÂß BÇ©õÚ Esø©PÒ BQ¯ öu›¢u ÁÈPÒ ‰»® AøÁ AøÚzx® ö\¯À£kQßÓÚ.
Life comes to a patient man as impatience.
ö£õÖø©¯õÚÁÝUS ÁõÌÄ ö£õÖø©°ßø©¯õP Á¸QÓx.
It also presents patient quietude to an impatient man.
ö£õÖø©¯ØÓÁÝUS ÁõÌÄ ö£õÖø©¯õÚ Aø©vø¯z u¸QÓx.
Life is the determinant, not the Man.
{ºn°¨£x ÁõÌÄ. ©ÛuÚßÖ.
To the Man who awakes, life lends its power for use.
ÂÈzxU öPõsh ©ÛuÝUS AÁß E£÷¯õQzxU öPõÒÍ ÁõÌÄ uß \Uvø¯z u¸®.
Life made Darcy act against his will more than once.
ÁõÌÄ JßÖUS® ÷©Ø£mh •øÓPÒ hõº]ø¯ AÁß Â¸¨£zvØS GvµõP ö\¯À£h øÁzux.
It brought him to her to fulfil her wishes at Pemberley.
AÁÒ uß Â¸¨£[PøÍ {øÓ÷ÁØÔU öPõÒÍ ÁõÌÄ ö£®£º¼°À AÁÎh® AÁøÚ AøÇzxa ö\ßÓx.
Man seeks a woman; life opens all his depths, his secrets against his will.
Bs ö£søn |õkQÓõß. AÁß Â¸¨¦ÖvUS GvµõP ÁõÌÄ AÁß BÇ[PøͲ® CµP]¯[PøͲ® öÁΨ£kzxQÓx.
A woman penetrates a Man against his will.
Boß Â¸¨¦Övø¯ «Ô ö£s AÁÝÒ ~øÇQÓõÒ.
Apart from his own conflicts Darcy found the outer events too much to contend with. During his proposal, therefore, he was beside himself.
uß ö\õ¢u •µs£õkP÷Íõk, öÁÎ {PÌa]PЮ hõº]US AÍÄ Ph¢u £õµ©õ°Ú. AuÚõÀuõß ©n¨÷£a]ß ÷£õx AÁß AÁÚõP CÀø».
"Who that knows what his misfortunes have been, can help feeling an interest in him?"
"¯õ¸US AÁÝøh¯ xµvºèhzøu¨£ØÔ öu›¢v¸UQÓ÷uõ AÁµõÀ AÁß÷©À BºÁ® Põmhõ©À C¸UP •i¯õx?"
227. About Wickham, she is more than sure.
228. Such a feeling is generated when the truth is the opposite.
229. Suppose Wickham’s story was true, it would have a quiet strength without a vibrating dynamism.
230. The falsehood vibrates.
231. She directly tells him after his proposal, she is interested in him. This is ultimate provocation.
232. “who… can help feeling an interest in him?”
"AÁß «x AUPøÓ GkUPU Ti¯Áº."
This is a declaration of her abiding interest in Wickham.
Cx ÂUPõªß «x AÁÒ öPõsh BÇ©õÚ BºÁzøu AÔ¨£uõS®.
It is a danger signal to Darcy.
hõº]US Ax B£zvß AÔSÔ.
No woman feels an interest in a man socially, with this fervour.
\‰PzvÀ G¢u ö£sq® J¸ Boß «x A¢u AÍÄ wµ©õÚ AUPøÓ öPõÒÍ ©õmhõºPÒ.
How is he to disillusion her infatuated Mind?
Caø\US BÍõQÂmh AÁÒ ©Úzv¼¸US® ©¯UPzøu AÁß G¨£i¨ ÷£õUP¨ ÷£õQÓõß?
Wickham is so handsome, captivating and meets her often while Darcy is away from her.
ÂUPõ® ªP AÇPß. PÁºa]¯õÚÁß. AÁøÍ AiUPi \¢vUQÓÁß. hõº]÷¯õ AÁÎhª¸¢x öÁS yµzvÀ C¸UQÓõß.
She, Darcy finds, is interested in Wickham’s concerns.
AÁÒ ÂUPõªß ÂÁPõµ[PÎÀ AUPøÓ PõmkÁx hõº]USz öu›QÓx.
Welfare and well being are one’s concerns.
_P•® |ÀÁõÌÄ® J¸Á›ß ÂÁPõµ[PÒ.
Family members are interested in one’s concerns.
Sk®£ EÖ¨¤Ú›ß ÂÁPõµ[PÎÀ ¤Ó Sk®£ EÖ¨¤ÚºPÒ AUPøÓ PõmkÁõºPÒ.
Why was she interested in Wickham’s concerns?
AÁÒ Hß ÂUPõªß ÂÁPõµ[PÎÀ AUPøÓ Põmh ÷Ásk®?
She speaks as if he deserves the interest of all which means she adores him.
AÁß «x GÀ÷»õ¸® AUPøÓ PõmhU Ti¯ AÍÂØS AÁÝUSz uSv Esk Gߣx ÷£õ» AÁÒ ÷£_Áx, AÁÒ AÁøÚ §âUQÓõÒ GߣøuU PõmkQÓx.
Would she adore him if she knew his life and character?
AÁÚx ÁõÌøÁ¨ £ØÔ²® Snõv\¯zøu¨ £ØÔ²® öu›¢uõÀ AÁÒ AÁøÚ §â¨£õÍõ?
Is it for him to expose Wickham?
ÂUPõø© hõº] PõmiU öPõkUP ÷Ásk©õ?
If so, how can he do so without hurting himself?
A¨£ia ö\´ÁöußÓõÀ uÚUS Põ¯® HØ£hõ©À G¨£ia ö\´Áx?
One cannot hurt oneself in the process of protection.
ußøÚ¨ £õxPõzxU öPõÒЮ ÷£õx J¸Áß ußøÚ Põ¯¨£kzvU öPõÒÍU Thõx.
An attack against another that hurts oneself is no attack.
AkzuÁß «x |hzx® uõUSuÀ uÚUS Põ¯® HØ£kzvÚõÀ, Ax uõUSuÀ AßÖ.
What can protect you in such a situation?
A¢u \¢uº¨£zvÀ ußøÚ G¨£i PõzxU öPõÒÁx?
Survival requires such knowledge.
A¨£i¨£mh bõÚ® ¤øÇUP AÁ]¯®.
Desire for Elizabeth undermines his very existence thus.
G¼\ö£z «x öPõsh Bø\ hõº]°ß ÁõÌUøPU÷P öÁi øÁUQÓx.
If anything protects him here, it must be his values and virtues.
A[÷P AÁøÚ £s¦PЮ, ö|ÔPЮ ©mk÷© PõUS®.
Is there a value that can offer that shield?
AzuøP¯ ÷Ph¯zøu G¢u £s¦ u¸®?
If so it must be in his very substance.
AÁÝÒ uõß A¨£s¦ C¸UP ÷Ásk®.
That does not permit a blemish of a ruse.
`Ìa]°ß P¸ {ÇÀ AÝ©vUPõu £s£õP C¸UP ÷Ásk®.
He confesses his ruse to her first.
AÁß •u¼À uß `Ìa]ø¯ J¨¦U öPõÒQÓõß.
We see in her frontal attack this subtle knowledge of life, survival, offence, protection.
ÁõÌÂß `m_© bõÚ® ¤øÇzuÀ, uõUSuÀ, £õxPõzuÀ BQ¯ÁØøÓ A¢u •ßÚoz uõUSu¼À PõsQ÷Óõ®.
"His misfortunes!" Repeated Darcy contemptuously; "yes, his misfortunes have been great indeed."
"AÁÝøh¯ xµvºèh[PÒ!" A»m]¯©õP Aøu v¸¨¤U TÔ¯ hõº] "B®, AÁÝøh¯ xµvºèh[PÒ ªP¨ ö£›¯uõP÷Á C¸¢uÚ" GßÓõß.
233. Here Darcy is on solid ground.
234. So he moves to contempt from explanation.
235. Contempt is offensive.
236. He moves from defence to offence.
237. “His misfortunes have been great indeed”.
"AÁÝøh¯ xµvºèh[PÒ Esø©°À ö£›¯øÁ."
When a man misses his fortune it is misfortune.
J¸Áº Avºèhzøu CÇ¢uõÀ Ax xµvºèh©õQÓx.
When a man causes another to miss his fortune, it is not misfortune but is malice.
J¸Áº Avºèh® ö£ÖÁøu CßöÚõ¸Áº CÇUP øÁzuõÀ, Ax xµvºèh©õPõx. Ax öPmh Gsn®.
Space has a role to play in life as Time.
Põ»zøu¨ ÷£õ»÷Á öÁÎUS® ÁõÌÂÀ J¸ £[Ssk.
Wickham could deceive Elizabeth as they were not in Pemberley but were in another space.
ö£®£º¼°À CÀ»õ©À ÷ÁÖ ChzvÀ C¸¨£uõÀ ÂUPõ©õÀ G¼\ö£zøu H©õØÓ •i²®.
Change of space permits falsehood.
Ch® ©õÖÁx ö£õ´ø¯ AÝ©vUS®.
Change of space or Time that does not permit falsehood is the subjective state of Truth, i.e. spirit.
ö£õ´ø©ø¯ AÝ©vUPõu Ch ©õÖu¾®, Põ» ©õÖu¾® \zv¯zvß AP{ø», AuõÁx Bß©õ.
Spirit in life – Time and Space – is value.
ÁõÌÂÀ Bß©õ & Ch•®, Põ»•® & £s£õS®.
Value is the spiritual skill.
£s¦ Gߣx BߪPz vÓø©.
Suppose she had the sensation of true values, as Wickham spoke she would have sensed the falsehood.
AÁÎh® Esø©¯õÚ £s¦PÎß ì£›\® C¸¢v¸¢uõÀ, ÂUPõ® ÷£_® ÷£õ÷u ö£õ´ø©ø¯ Enº¢v¸¨£õÒ.
Actually she saw truth in his looks, names, facts.
AÁß ÷uõØÓzvÀ AÁß ö\õßÚ ÷\vPÎÀ ö£¯ºPÎÀ AÁÒ Esø©ø¯U PshõÒ.
One who is true at the level of sensation and is not lost in the falsehood of charm can easily see him leading her to come out with complaints against Darcy.
죛\ AÍÂÀ Esø©¯õP C¸¨£ÁºPЮ, PÁºa]°ß ö£õ´ø©°À ©¯[PõuÁºPЮ ÂUPõ® G¼\ö£zøu hõº]US GvµõP SØÓa\õmkPÒ TÓ øÁUS©ÍÂØS ÁÈ |hzxÁøu GÎuõPU Põn»õ®.
His falsehood was charming.
AÁß ö£õ´ø© PÁºa]¯õÚx.
His truth’s attraction would have been sweet.
AÁÚx Esø©°ß Á^Pµ® CÛø©¯õP C¸¢v¸US®.
Sweetness leads to Romance.
CÛø© Põu¾US Cmka ö\À¾®.
Charm leads to infatuation.
PÁºa] Caø\US Cmka ö\À¾®.
To be aware of truth and falsehood at the level of sensation is spiritual awakening in life.
öuõkÄnºÄ {ø»°À Esø©ø¯²®, ö£õ´ø©ø¯²® PshÔ¯ •iÁx ÁõÌÂÀ BߪP ÂȨ¦¨ ö£ÖÁuõS®.
Misfortunes are true; Wickham is a source of misfortune to others.
xµvºèh[PÒ Esø©¯õÚøÁ. ÂUPõ® AkzuÁºPÎß
xµvºèh[PÐUPõÚ EØ£zv ìuõÚ®.

He is an instrument of perfection to those who seek perfection.
ö\®ø©ø¯ |õk£ÁºPÐUS AÁ÷Ú ö\®ø©ø¯z u¸® P¸Â.
"And of your infliction," cried Elizabeth with energy. "You have reduced him to his present state of poverty -- comparative poverty. You have withheld the advantages, which you must know to have been designed for him. You have deprived the best years of his life, of that independence which was no less his due than his desert. You have done all this! And yet you can treat the mention of his misfortunes with contempt and ridicule."
"EßÝøh¯ xߦÖzu¾®" ÷ÁPzxhß ÷£]¯ G¼\ö£z "AÁøÚ C¨ö£õÊx, uØö£õÊx EÒÍ ÁÖø© {ø»US } BÍõUQ°¸UQÓõ´, J¨¤mk¨ £õºzuõÀ ÁÖø© {ø» uõß. AÁÝUS GßöÚßÚ |ßø©PÒ QøhUP ÷Ásk÷©õ AuøÚ AÁÛhª¸¢x } £Ôzx Âmhõ´. AÁÝøh¯ ÁõÌUøP°ß ]Ó¨£õÚ ö£¸® £Svø¯ AÁÝUS ©Özx Âmhõ´, AÁÝUSa ÷\µ ÷Ási¯ _u¢vµzøu²® AÁøÚ CÇUPa ö\´x Âmhõ´, } CøÁ GÀ»õÁØøÓ²® ö\´v¸UQÓõ´! C¸¢x® AÁÝøh¯ xµvºèhzøu¨ £ØÔ TÔ¯øu ÷P¼¯õPÄ®, öÁÖ¨£õPÄ® {øÚUP •iQÓx" GßÓõÒ.
238. She directly pleads Wickham’s case for him. There is solicitude in it.
239. Any lover will be mortally wounded here.
240. Anyone will give her up seeing that.
241. Darcy wanting her even after that, wanting to disabuse her mind about Wickham shows the depth of his passion.
242. She even finds fault with Darcy for his contempt.
243. In the end, Wickham as a subject never arises between them.
244. “You have reduced him to his present state of poverty”.
"AÁøÚ uØ÷£õøu¯ ÁÖø© {ø»US } uÒÎ Âmhõ´."
It is humiliating for Darcy to plead his case when she totally believes the scandalous fabrications of Wickham.
ÂUPõªß Âå©zuÚ©õÚ ö£õ´¨¦øÚÄPøÍ |®¦£ÁÎh®, uõß öPõsh £›øÁ¨ £ØÔ ÂÍUP® TÖÁx hõº]US uø» SÛ÷ÁØ£kzxQÓx.
Truth to survive has to face humiliation.
Esø© ÁõÇ, uø»SÛÄPøÍ Gvº öPõÒÍ ÷Ásk®.
Humiliation is for the strong Man or the right Man to voluntarily own weakness or wrong.
Á¼ø©¯õÚÁß uõÚõP÷Á £»ÃÚzøu HØÓõÀ AÀ»x \›¯õÚÁß uõÚõP÷Á uÁøÓ HØ£uõÀ uø» SÛÄ Á¸®.
Truth emerging out of falsehood has to acknowledge its rule before fully defeating it.
ö£õ´ø©°¼¸¢x öÁΨ£k® Esø©, Aøu •ÊÁx©õP •Ô¯iUS•ß Auß Bm]ø¯ HØP ÷Ásk®.
Self humiliation of Truth is the sure death blow to the ruling falsehood.
\zv¯® ußøÚz uõ÷Ú uõÌÄ £kzvU öPõÒÁx BÐQßÓ ö£õ´ø©US {a\¯©õÚ ©µn Ai u¸ÁuõS®.
Truth unmixed with falsehood suffers less.
ö£õ´ø©÷¯õk P»UPõu Esø© ªPU SøÓÁõP÷Á ]µ©¨£k®.
What Darcy passed through at Netherfield, Hunsford, Pemberley, Lambton and London is what the soldier of Truth passes through.
ö|uº¥Àm, íßì÷£õºm, ö£®£º¼, »õ®¨hß, »shß BQ¯ Ch[PÎÀ hõº] Ph¢x ö\ÀÁøu¨ ÷£õßÓ÷u \zv¯zvß Ãµß Ph¢x ö\À» ÷Ási¯x.
To accept an undeserving defeat at the hands of falsehood is an inevitable process for Truth.
ö£õ´ø©°h® ö£Ö® uSv¯ØÓ ÷uõÀÂø¯ HØ£x Gߣx \zv¯zvß uºUP •i¯õu ÁÈ•øÓ.
After all falsehood is a variation of Truth and defeat is an emotion of ego, carrying no significance.
GÀ»õ ö£õ´PЮ \zv¯zvß ©õÖ£õkP÷Í. ÷uõÀ Gߣx AP¢øu°ß EnºÄ. Ax Aºzu©ØÓx.
Humiliation or defeat is an act in life. Only in ego it has the present characteristic.
uø»SÛ÷Áõ ÷uõÀÂ÷¯õ ÁõÌÂÀ J¸ ö\¯À. AP¢øu°À C¸US® ÷£õx uõß Cx ÷£õ»z ÷uõßÖ®.
Grace waits for ignorance constantly without complaining.
A¸Ò SøÓ÷¯x® TÓõ©À AÔ¯õø©UPõP G¨÷£õx® Põzv¸US®.
One cannot work for the victory of Truth unless he accepts failure is success.
÷uõÀÂø¯ öÁØÔ GÚ HØPõ©À, \zv¯zvß öÁØÔUPõP EøÇUP •i¯õx.
Failure and success are human egoistic conceptions of the surface Mind while both are two different Acts in the divine scheme of things.
öÁØÔ, ÷uõÀ GߣøÁ ÷©À ©ÚzvÀ ©Ûu AP¢øu°ß P¸zxUPÒ. CøÓÁÛß ½ø»°À AøÁ Cµsk® ÷ÁÓõÚ ö\¯ÀPÒ.
Darcy is a soldier of Truth.
hõº] \zv¯zvß Ãµß.
245. “present state of poverty - comparative poverty”.
"uØ÷£õøu¯ ÁÖø© {ø», J¨¤hzuUP ÁÖø©."
It hurts her to conceive Wickham is poor even after his deserting her. It is true love.
AÁß AÁøÍ Âmka ö\ßÓ ¤ßÝ®, ÂUPõ® ÁÖø©°À C¸UQÓõß GßÓ Gsn® AÁøÍ Á¸zxQÓx. Ax Esø©¯õÚ PõuÀ.
Once love emerges, it remains love in character, strength varies.
J¸ •øÓ PõuÀ öÁίõÚx®, Ax G¨÷£õx® PõuÀ ußø©÷¯õk uõß C¸US®. Á¼ø©°ß AÍÄ ÷ÁÖ£h»õ®.
Tenderness in reference is the test for true love.
ö©ßø©¯õPU SÔ¨¤kÁx Esø©¯õÚ Põu¾US J¸ ÷\õuøÚ.
This sets him a great task of a greater hurdle.
hõº]US Cx ö£›¯ uøhø¯ Gvº öPõÒÍ ÷Ási¯ ö£›¯ ÷Áø».
He is out to win a girl who is irretrievably dedicated to a confirmed loafer and scandalous scoundrel.
Âå©zuÚ©õÚ A÷¯õUQ¯Ûh®, FµÔ¢u ÃnÛh® ©õØÓ •i¯õu £i ©Úøu¨ £Ô öPõkzv¸US® ö£søn öÁÀ» hõº] •¯ÀQÓõß.
It is not easy to save her.
AÁøÍU Põ¨£õØÖÁx GÎußÖ.
Having saved her, will it be easy to win her love.
Põ¨£õØÔ¯ ¤ß AÁÒ Põuø»¨ ö£ÖÁx GÎuõ GßÚ?
Darcy would want to save her, marriage or no marriage.
v¸©n® |hUQÓ÷uõ, CÀø»÷¯õ, hõº] AÁøÍ Põ¨£õØÓ Â¸®£U Tk®.
This is a point of life where being losing in non-being emerges as finite soul.
\z ußøÚ A\zvÀ CÇUS® ÁõÌÂß C¢uU PmhzvÀ ußøÚ AÍÂØSm£kzvU öPõÒЮ Bß©õ öÁÎ Á¸QÓx.
No ordinary man can meet such circumstances in his life.
\õuõµn ©Ûuß Cx ÷£õßÓ \¢uº¨£[PøÍ ÁõÌÂÀ Põn •i¯õx.
Darcy saved her, evoked gratitude in her, made her fully see Wickham’s falsehood and her infatuation. The mystery of life still remains, leaving him in her adoring emotions.
hõº] AÁøÍU Põ¨£õØÔÚõß. AÁÎh® |ßÔ¯Ôuø» Gʨ¤Úõß. AÁß ö£õ´ø©ø¯²®, AÁÒ Caø\ø¯²® •ÊuõPU Põn øÁzuõß. ÁõÌÂß ©º©® CßÚ•® «uª¸UQÓx. G¼\ö£z öuõhº¢x ÂUPõø© EnºÄPÍõÀ ÷£õØÔU öPõsk uõß C¸UQÓõÒ.
The lure of falsehood for the soul of Man contains the seeds of totality or integrality.
©ÛuÛß Bß©õÂØS ö£õ´ø©°h® EÒÍ Dº¨¤À •Êø©°ß, §µnzvß ÂzxUPÒ C¸UQßÓÚ.
There is no utter destruction.
A[S •Êø©¯õÚ AÈÄ CÀø».
He who destroys something carries the stain of that which is destroyed.
Gøu÷¯Ý® AȨ£Áß, AÈ¢uuß PøÓø¯z uõ[QU öPõsi¸¨£õß.
Fullness or integrality is not for him who does not see this truth.
\zv¯zøu Põn •i¯õuÁÝUS §µn÷©õ •Êø©÷¯õ QøhUPõx.
Selfishness saturated is after all self-giving reversely organised.
•vº¢u _¯|»® Gߣx ußøÚz u¸Áøu uø» R÷Ç ö\´ÁuõS®.
Shameless dissipation is the highest value reversed.
öÁmPªßÔ ußøÚ AÈzxU öPõÒÁx, uø» RÇõQ¨ ÷£õÚ E¯º¢u £s¦.
A value is not lost just because it is reversed.
uø» RÇõQ ÂmhuÚõÀ £s¦ AÈ¢x Âhõx.
That is why avatars face abominable circumstances.
AuÚõÀ uõß AÁuõµ ¦¸åºPÒ A¸Á¸UPzuUP \¢uº¨£[PøÍ Gvº öPõÒÍ ÷Ási¯uõP C¸UQÓx.
246. “You have withheld the advantages”.
"} |ßø©PøÍ ukzx {Özv Âmhõ´."
Insults hurled once remain with him forever, rise powerfully later.
J¸ •øÓ TÓ¨£mhõ¾® {¢uøÚ AÁ÷Úõk GßöÓßÖ® C¸US®. ¤ßÚº ÷ÁPz÷uõk öÁΨ£k®.
Insult is the clarion call of God in life to him who is meant for God.
CøÓÁÝUPõP £øhUP¨£mhÁøÚ ÷|õUQ ÁõÌÂÀ CøÓÁß Fx® ²zu öPõ®¤ß •ÇUP÷© {¢uøÚ.
Insult makes an indelible impression.
{¢uøÚ {µ¢uµ©õÚ PÀöÁmk.
Insult is the reverse of a deep impression that goes to the origin.
BvUSa ö\À¾® BÌ£vÂß uø»RÌ ©õØÓ÷© {¢uøÚ.
An insult stings.
{¢uøÚ öPõmk®.
Only low people are strong.
uõÌ¢uÁºP÷Í Á¼ø©¯õÚÁºPÒ.
Unless stung one cannot reach them.
öPõmhõÂmhõÀ AÁºPøÍ Aøh¯ •i¯õx.
Left to herself Elizabeth would replace Darcy with Wickham at Pemberley and would be surprised to know he would not look at her.
ußÛaø\¨£i ÂmhõÀ G¼\ö£z ö£®£º¼°À hõº]US £vÀ ÂUPõø© EmPõµ øÁzx ÂkÁõÒ. Auß ¤ß ÂUPõ® ußøÚ Hß HöÓkzx® £õº¨£vÀø» GßÖ Â¯¨£øhÁõÒ.
The desire of infatuation is limitless.
Life permits the high and low to destroy each other.
E¯º¢÷uõ¸®, uõÌ¢÷uõ¸® J¸Áøµ J¸Áº AÈzxU öPõÒÍ ÁõÌÄ AÝ©vUQÓx.
That process is literature.
A¢u ÁÈ•øÓ÷¯ C»UQ¯®.
The acme of the low serving the high is when the high having received the service does not look at it, the low is NOT hurt.
uõÌ¢uuß ÷\øÁø¯¨ ö£ØÓ ¤ß, E¯º¢ux uõÌ¢uøu¨ ö£õ¸m£kzuõu ÷£õx® uõÌ¢ux ¦s£hõx. uõÌ¢ux E¯º¢uuØS ö\´²® ÷\øÁ°ß Ea\UPmh® Cx÷Á.
Capacity to be not hurt ends the service. If hurt, service will continue.
¦s£hõv¸US® vÓß ÷\øÁUS •iÄ Pmk®. ¦s£mhõÀ ÷\øÁ öuõh¸®.
247. “You have deprived the best years of his life”.
"AÁÚx ÁõÌÂß ö£õØPõ»zøu CÇUP øÁzuõ´."
This is solicitude, affectionate in the extreme.
Cx Avwµ ¤›¯®. Aߦ.
It carries the full flavour of a woman’s adorable dedication to Man.
AvÀ Kº Bøn §âzx ußøÚ \©º¨£n® ö\´²® ö£soß •Êø©¯õÚ _øÁ öu›QÓx.
She identified with Wickham’s plight and speaks with feeling.
AÁÒ ÂUPõªß Pèhzøu uß Pèh©õP {øÚzx, Enºa] §ºÁ©õP¨ ÷£_QÓõÒ.
Lovers, disciples, fans have this superficial emotion fully saturated. Silly shallowness made sacred.
Cx ÷£õßÓ |ßÓõP •vº¢u ÷©®÷£õUPõÚ Enºa]ø¯ Põu»ºPÒ, ^hºPÒ ©ØÖ® µ]PºPÎh® Põn»õ®. BÇ©ØÓ AØ£©õÚøÁ ¦Ûu¨£kzu £kQßÓÚ.
Seriousness in the depth of substance similarly made sacred and sacrosanct in violation is the dedication Mother requires. One’s Being is fulfilled in its wholesome truth of sweetness by such devotion. It achieves instantaneously. Miserliness perfected at saturation converts this saturation into Money value.
ö£õ¸Îß BÇzvÀ EÒÍ wµzøu Ax ÷£õÀ ¦Ûu©õUQ, «Ó •i¯õu ¦Ûu©õUSÁ÷u AßøÚ ÷PmS® \©º¨£n®. A¨÷£º¨£mh £Uv°À J¸Áµx ãÁß Á¼ø©¯õÚ \zv¯zvß CÛø©¯õÀ {µ¨£¨£k®. Ax Pn¨ ö£õÊvÀ \õvUP ÁÀ»x. P¸ªzuÚ® {øÓ¢x ö\®ø© Aøh¢uõÀ C¢u {øÓÄ £n©v¨£õP ©õÖ®.
Reversing it, one presides over the wealth of the world. Hard successful work leads to miserliness. Deprivation over the generations creates generosity to oneself and miserliness to others. Miserliness is overshot only by selfishness. Of all the types of selfishness, the selfishness of falsehood excels.
Cøu uø»RÇõUQÚõÀ, E»Pzvß ö\ÀÁ©øÚzvØS® uø»ø© uõ[P •i²®. Pkø©¯õÚ öÁØÔPµ©õÚ EøǨ¦ P¸ªzuÚzvØS Cmka ö\À¾®. £» uø»•øÓPÍõP _µsh¨£mh {ø»°À C¸¢v¸¢uõÀ, Ax ußÛh® ö£¸¢ußø©ø¯²® ¤Óøµ¨ ö£õÖzuÁøµ P¸ªzuÚzøu²® E¸ÁõUS®. _¯|»® ©mk÷© P¸ªzuÚzøu ªg\ÁÀ»x. ö£õ´ø©°ß _¯|»®, ¤Ó GÀ»õ _¯|»[PøÍ Âh ÷©õ\©õÚx.
By denying another his right, one acquires in falsehood for selfish gain. When it turns to miserliness, one witnesses perfection in the infinitesimal. He who aspires for social upliftment is a miser of dignity. Sometimes he combines miserliness too. Here arises a human specimen who is established in his ignorance as if it is the ultimate truth. This is the opposite end of high material achievement even as the opposite end of attaining moksha is gross betrayal of God which He calls the final refusal of Brahmin.
AkzuÁ›ß E›ø©ø¯ ©Ö¨£uß ‰»®, ö£õ´¯õP J¸Áº _¯|»©õÚ C»õ£® ö£ÖQÓõº. Ax P¸ªzuÚ©õP ©õÔÚõÀ ªPa ]Ó¯ £Sv°À ö\®ø©ø¯U Põn»õ®. \‰P •ß÷ÚØÓzvÀ BºÁ•ÒÍÁß ©›¯õøu°À P¸ª¯õP C¸¨£õß. AÁß P¸ªzuÚzøu²® ÷\ºzxU öPõÒÁxsk. Ax÷Á CÖv¯õÚ Esø© GßÖ AÔ¯õø©÷¯õk |®¦® ©Ûu¨¤Ó C[÷P E¸ÁõS®. Cx ö£õ¸ÎÀ ö\´u ö£¸g\õuøÚUS Gvº •øÚ°À EÒÍx. Ax ÷©õm\zøu AøhÁuß Gvº •øÚ CøÓÁÝUS ö\´²® •Êz x÷µõP® Gߣøu¨ ÷£õßÓx. Cøu £PÁõß ¤µõ©n›ß CÖv ©Ö¨¦ GßQÓõº.
No one has the right to refuse his possessions to others as it is a social possession.
J¸Á›ß Eøhø©PøÍz uµ ©ÖUP ¤Ó¸US G¢u E›ø©²® Qøh¯õx. HöÚÛÀ Ax \‰Pzvß Eøhø©.
Culture, spirit, wealth, production, health, knowledge, etc. are created in one nation or in part of the nation so that the whole of humanity can enjoy them.
£s£õk, Bß©õ, ö\õzx, EØ£zv, EhÀ |»®, bõÚ® BQ¯Ú J¸ |õmi÷»õ Auß £Sv°÷»õ ö©õzu ©Ûu S»zvß |ßø©UPõP E¸ÁõUP¨£kQßÓÚ.
248. “independence which was no less his due than his desert”.
"AÁß _÷¯aø\¯õP C¸¨£÷uõk, AÁÝUS E›¯x® QøhUP ÷Ásk®."
She is one who has enjoyed the freedom of independence.
AÁÒ _÷¯aø\ø¯²®, _u¢vµzøu²® AÝ£Âzx ©QÌ¢uÁÒ.
She is also one who knows the absence of wealth or property.
ö\õzx, ö\ÀÁ® CÀø» GßÓõÀ GßÚ |hUS® Gߣx® AÁÐUSz öu›²®.
Of all the misfortunes, deserts deceived are the worst.
GÀ»õ xµvºèh[Pξ®, ªP ÷©õ\©õÚx uÚUS E›¯x ©ÖUP¨£mk H©õØÓ¨ £kÁx.
A guru feels sore when the potentials he has created in the disciple have no occasion to surface. A patriot feels betrayed when the national potentials cannot be actualised. A mother has similar sore disappointment in her child.
uß ^hÛh® uõß E¸ÁõUQ¯ ÂzxUPÒ öÁΨ£h \¢uº¨£[PÒ Aø©¯õu ÷£õx S¸ ö|õ¢x ÷£õÁõº. ÷u\zvß ÂzxUPÒ £»ÚõP ©õÓõu ÷£õx ÷u\£Uuß x÷µõP® {PÌzu¨£mk ÂmhuõP EnºÁõß. J¸ SÇ¢øu°h® Auß uõ´US Cx ÷£õßÓ H©õØÓ[PÒ ÁµU Tk®.
 Elizabeth’s concern combines all these intensities. Perhaps she has seen God’s face in Wickham. When it comes to Jane all these become secondary. Her common sense is so great that it is doubtful whether she would have accepted if he offered. She knew in her depths that marriage is property, not even Money. She is Mrs. Bennet’s daughter. In her we see the intense combination of downright common sense combined with extreme affection for Jane.
G¼\ö£zvß PÁø» CzuøÚ wµ[PÎß öuõS¨¦. AÁÒ ÂUPõªh® CøÓÁÛß v¸•PzøuU Psk ÂmhõÒ ÷£õ¾®. ÷áß GßÖ Á¢x ÂmhõÀ ÂUPõªß Âå¯[PÒ Cµshõ® £m\©õQ ÂkQßÓÚ. AÁÒ Awu©õÚ AÔÄ öPõshÁÒ. ÂUPõ® ©nUPU ÷Põ›°¸¢uõÀ, AÁÒ \®©vzv¸¨£õÍõ Gߣx \¢÷uP® uõß. v¸©n® Gߣx ö\õzx & £n® Th AßÖ & Gߣøu uß BÇzvÀ AÁÒ AÔÁõÒ. AÁÒ Mrs. ö£ßÚmiß ö£s. |øh•øÓ bõÚ•®, ÷áß «uõÚ wµ©õÚ Aߦ® P»UP¨£mh wÁµ©õÚ P»øÁø¯ G¼\ö£zvh® PõsQ÷Óõ®.
We see affection and common sense rewarded, not infatuation.
AߤØS®, AÔÂØS® £›_ Qøh¨£øuU PõsQ÷Óõ®. öÁØÔaø\US £›_ QøhUPÂÀø».
It was her own deep interest to keep Wickham in the family that made Lydia marry him. Polygamy and Polyandry are still in the instincts and speaks out of Mrs. Bennet’s mouth about the red coats.
ÂUPõø© uß Sk®£z÷uõk CønUP ÷Ásk® GßÓ AÁÍx BÇ©õÚ BºÁ÷© ¼i¯õøÁ ÂUPõø© ©nUP øÁzux. £» ©øÚ¯º, £» PnÁºPÒ GßÓ EÒÐnºÄPÒ CßÚ•® C¸UQßÓÚ. ]P¨¦ \møhPøͨ £ØÔ ÷£_® ÷£õx Mrs.ö£ßÚmiß Áõ´ ÁȯõP Ax öÁΨ£kQÓx.
Infatuation is love at the wrong end, at the end of falsehood.
PõuÀ, ö£õ´ø©°ß uÁÓõÚ •øÚ°¼¸US® ÷£õx Caø\ BQÓx.
In scholarship the tragedy is to have an audience who understand poetic metaphor as facts of information.
PÂøu°ß EÁ©õÚ EÁ÷©¯[PøÍ Esø© GÚU P¸x® Áõ\PºPøͨ ö£ÖÁx ÷©uø©US HØ£k® £¯[Pµ©õÚ xߣ®.
Elizabeth has no one, not even Jane, who can appreciate the heights of her longing for Wickham as an agreeable young man of charm and perfection. All his defects for her are perfections because he is a perfect gentleman.
G¼\ö£z ÂUPõø© CnUP©õÚ CøÍbß, PÁºa]¯õÚÁß, ö\®ø©¯õÚÁß GßÖ Gso AÁÝUPõP H[SQÓõÒ. AÁÒ HUPzvß E¯ºa]ø¯ ÷áß Em£h GÁµõ¾® ÷£õØÓ •i¯õx. AÁøÚ A¨£ÊUPØÓ E¯º¢uÁß GßÖ GsqÁuõÀ AÁß SøÓPöÍÀ»õ® AÁÐUS {øÓPÍõPz öu›QßÓÚ.
249. “you can treat the mention of his misfortunes with contempt”.
"AÁß xµvºèhzøu¨ £ØÔU SÔ¨¤kÁøu } SøÓ TÓ»õ®."
Contempt touches a person as ridicule does.
{¢v¨£x ÷P¼ ö\´Áx ÷£õß÷Ó J¸Áøµz öuõhÁÀ»x.
New successful ideas are ignored, opposed and then ridiculed.
¦v¯, öÁØÔPµ©õÚ P¸zxUPøÍ A»m]¯¨£kzu»õ®, GvºUP»õ® AÀ»x ÷P¼ Tha ö\´¯»õ®.
Those who stood the ignoring or opposition cannot stand the ridicule.
A»m]¯zøu²® Gvº¨ø£²® ö£õÖzxU öPõshÁºPÍõ¾® ÷P¼ø¯¨ ö£õÖUP •i¯õx.
Ridicule hurts, refuses to leave the consciousness.
÷P¼ ¦s£kzx®. ã¯zøu Âmk ÷£õP ©ÖUS®.
Contempt is equally so, hence the phrase “he is beneath contempt”.
{¢v¨£x® Aøu¨ ÷£õßÓ÷u. AuÚõÀ uõß AÁß {¢uøÚUS® uSv¯ØÓÁß GßÓ ö\õØöÓõhº E¸Áõ°ØÖ.
Wise men who do want to accomplish will refrain from ridicule or contempt as they know it cannot leave their consciousness even if they want, and it prevents accomplishment.
\õvUP ¸®¦® Â÷ÁQPÒ ÷P¼, {¢uøÚ BQ¯ÁØøÓ ö\´¯ ©õmhõºPÒ. uõ[PÒ Â¸®¤Úõ¾® AøÁ ã¯zøu Âmk »Põx Gߣøu²®, u[PÒ \õuøÚUS AøÁ uøhPøÍ HØ£kzx® Gߣøu²® AÁºPÒ AÔÁõºPÒ.
Not to exhibit one’s contempt to his opponent is wisdom of accomplishment.
Gv›ø¯¨ £ØÔ¯ uß {¢uøÚPøÍ öÁΨ£kzuõ©¼¸¨£x \õuøÚUS›¯ Â÷ÁP®.
These emotions survive after 20 or 30 generations.
20 AÀ»x 30 uø»•øÓPÒ PÈzx® CøÁ ÷£õßÓ Enºa]PÒ E°÷µõk C¸US®.
Mahatma in his anti-British campaign opposed them as imperialists and never as white men.
©Põz©õ ¤›miåõ¸US GvµõÚ ÷£õµõmhzvÀ AÁºPøÍ HPõv£zv¯ÁõvPÒ GߣuõÀ Gvº¨£uõP ¤µa\õµ® ö\´uõº. J¸ ÷£õx® öÁÒøͯºPÒ GßÓ PõµnzvÚõÀ GvºUPÂÀø».
In 1946 a student speaker mentioning white blood was widely resented by the audience.
1946 À J¸ ©õnÁ¨ ÷£a\õͺ öÁÒøÍ Cµzu® GßÖ SÔ¨¤mh ÷£õx A[Q¸¢u \ø£°Úº AuØPõP Á¸¢vÚº.
Mountbatten could be given a warm send-off because of the quality of the non-violent opposition in India.
AQ®ø\ Gvº¨¤ß ußø©, ©Äsm ÷£mhÝUS ¤›¯©õÚ ¤›Ä£a\õµ® uµ øÁzux.
There was no bitterness in the opposition.
C¢u Gvº¨¤À P\¨¦ CÀø».
Caste, sex, race, nationality are best ignored in any conflict. Even their native town should not be mentioned.
áõv, £õÀ, CÚ®, ÷u^¯® BQ¯ÁØøÓ G¢u ÷£õµõmhzv¾® ö£õ¸m£kzuU Thõx. AÁºPÐøh¯ ö\õ¢u Fº Th SÔ¨¤h¨ £hU Thõx.
Abuse too has certain cultural norms as wars; prisoners of war are governed by the Geneva Convention. They are indications of civilisation as well as culture.
÷£õ ›À EÒÍx ÷£õÀ vmkÁv¾® ]» £s£õÚ ö|ÔPÒ ÷Ásk®. ÷£õºU øPvPøÍ G¨£i |hzu ÷Ásk® GßÖ öáÛÁõ J¨£¢u® TÖQÓx. AøÁ |õP›P®, ©ØÖ® £s£õmiß _miPÒ.
"And this," cried Darcy, as he walked with quick steps across the room, "is your opinion of me! This is the estimation in which you hold me! I thank you for explaining it so fully. My faults, according to this calculation, are heavy indeed! But perhaps," added he, stopping in his walk, and turning towards her, "these offences might have been overlooked, had not your pride been hurt by my honest confession of the scruples that had long prevented my forming any serious design. These bitter accusations might have been suppressed, had I, with greater policy, concealed my struggles, and flattered you into the belief of my being impelled by unqualified, unalloyed inclination; by reason, by reflection, by everything. But disguise of every sort is my abhorrence. Nor am I ashamed of the feelings I related. They were natural and just. Could you expect me to rejoice in the inferiority of your connexions? -- to congratulate myself on the hope of relations, whose condition in life is so decidedly beneath my own?"
A¢u AøÓ°ÝÒ ÷ÁP©õP |h¢x öPõsi¸¢u hõº], "Cxuõß GßøÚ¨£ØÔ¯ Eß A¤¨¤µõ¯©õ! Cxuõß } Gß÷©À øÁzv¸US® ©v¨£õ! Cøu •ÊÁx©õP ÂÍUQ¯uØS |õß |ßÔ ö\õÀQ÷Óß. C¢u PnUS¨£i GßÝøh¯ uÁÖPÒ AvP®uõß! BÚõÀ J¸ ÷ÁøÍ" |h¨£øu {Özv AÁøÍ ÷|õUQ v¸®¤, "EßÛh® Á¢x Gß Â¸¨£zøuz öu›ÂUP Gx GßøÚ CÆÁÍÄ |õmPÒ ukzux Gߣøu |õß Esø©¯õP EßÛh® JzxU öPõs÷hß. AÆÁõÖ ö\´uvÚõÀ EßÝøh¯ PºÁ® Ai£mi¸UQÓx. AÆÁõÖ Eß PºÁ® Ai£mi¸UPõ©À C¸¢v¸¢uõÀ } GßÝøh¯ SøÓPøÍ ©ßÛzv¸¨£õ´. GßÝøh¯ EÒ ©Úx ÷£õµõmh[PøÍ GÀ»õ® ©øÓzx G¢uÂu {£¢uøÚ CÀ»õ©¾®, ©Ú¨§ºÁ©õPÄ®, Â÷ÁP©õPÄ®, GÀ»õÂuzv¾® ÷¯õ]zx, ©ØÓ GÀ»õ Põµn[PÎÚõ¾® |õß EßøÚ Â¸®¦Q÷Óß GßÖ EßøÚ •Pìxv ö\´v¸¢uõÀ } CÆÁÍÄ Pkø©¯õP GßøÚz uõUQ C¸UP ©õmhõ´. BÚõÀ GÚUS ÷£õ¼¯õP |iUP¨ ¤iUPõx. |õß TÔ¯ÁØÔØPõP |õß öÁmP¨£hÂÀø». AøÁ C¯À£õPÄ® TÓ¨£mhx, Esø©²® Th. EßÝøh¯ uõÌ¢u \®£¢u[PøÍ {øÚzx |õß \¢÷uõ娣k÷Áß GßÖ } Gvº£õºUQÓõ¯õ? GßÝøh¯ A¢uìvØSU RÇõÚ {ø»ø©°À EÒÍÁºPÎß \®£¢uzvØPõP |õß GßøÚ÷¯ £õµõmiU öPõÒÍ ÷Ásk® GÚ Gvº£õºUQÓõ¯õ?" GßÓõß.
250. Darcy does not have the composure not to exclaim, “This is your opinion.”
251. It is his pride that hurts.
252. He tells her that her pride is hurt.
253. Further, he tries to explain his insensitivity as frankness, artless sincerity.
254. A fool consoles himself as one who is not clever enough to cheat.
255. No man acknowledges his weakness.
256. To Darcy, “they were natural and just”.
257. It is the justice of the unsophisticated rustic.
258. In Darcy we see the fool, stupidity, crudeness, boorishness, rusticity, primitivity, the violence of ununderstanding, incapacity for artfulness.
259. To him, who is somewhere aware of all this in him, who finds Bingley an empty shell and his sisters sycophants, Elizabeth’s liveliness, her perceptive penetration, solid independence must have appeared as celestial endowments. 
260. “This… is your opinion of me”.
"GßøÚ¨ £ØÔ¯ Eß P¸zx."
What another Man thinks of us will come out only in a crucial moment; in ordinary times we cannot know of it.
AkzuÁº |®ø©¨ £ØÔ GßÚ {øÚUQÓõº Gߣx •UQ¯©õÚ u¸nzvÀ uõß öu›¯ Á¸®. \õuõµn ÷|µzvÀ Aøu¨ £ØÔ |©USz öu›¯ Áµõx.
He told her at Netherfield about his temperament and values.
uß ©ÚÄnºÄPÒ ©ØÖ® £s¦PÒ £ØÔ AÁß ö|uº¥ÀiÀ AÁÎh® TÔÚõß.
In his own Mind, he would expect her to think of him like that.
Ax ÷£õ»÷Á AÁÒ ußøÚ¨ £ØÔ {øÚUP ÷Ásk® GßÖ ©ÚzvØSÒ hõº] {øÚUPU Tk®.
Man has the illusion that the other Man will believe his words.
AkzuÁº uß ÁõºzøuPøÍ |®¦Áõº GßÓ ©Ú¨ ¤µø© ©ÛuÝUS Esk.
Each Man wants others to think of him as he would.
JÆöÁõ¸ ©ÛuÝ® uõß ußøÚ¨ £ØÔ {øÚ¨£x ÷£õ»÷Á ©ØÓÁºPЮ {øÚUP ÷Ásk® GßÖ Â¸®¦QÓõß.
Darcy believed on both the scores he was blameless.
Cµsk Âå¯[Pξ® uõß ©õ\ØÓÁß GßÖ hõº] |®¤Úõß.
He does not see he has offended her by taking note of her low status.
AÁÍx uõÌ¢u {ø»ø¯¨ £ØÔ¨ ÷£] AÁøͨ ¦s£kzv¯øu AÁß AÔ¯ÂÀø».
Low status, poverty, disease, ignorance hurts. Such Men are hurt by their own position. They always think everyone else knows every one of his weaknesses. Weakness believes it would be evaluated by its own inherent weakness.
uõÌ¢u {ø», ÁÖø©, ÷|õ´, AÔ¯õø© BQ¯Ú ¦s£kzxÁÚ. A¨£i¨£mhÁºPÒ u[PÒ ö\õ¢u {ø»¯õÀ ¦s£kQÓõºPÒ. ¤Ó AøÚÁ¸® u[PÒ JÆöÁõ¸ £»ÃÚzøu²® AÔÁõºPÒ GßÖ AÁºPÒ {øÚUQÓõºPÒ. £»ÃÚ® uõß ußÝøh¯ £»ÃÚzuõÀuõß ©v¨¥k ö\´¯¨ £hUTk® GßÖ |®¦QÓx.
Taking note of that is the greatest of offence. Speaking it out to another is unpardonable. Talking to a girl during his proposal about her low status is an insane obscene offence.
Aøu PÁÛ¨£x ö£¸¢uÁÖ. Aøu¨ £ØÔ¨ ÷£_Áx ©ßÛUP •i¯õu SØÓ®. v¸©n¨ ÷£a_ |hUS® ÷£õx, ö£soß uõÌ¢u {ø»ø¯¨ £ØÔ ÷£_Áx QÖUSzuÚ©õÚ ÷PÁ»©õÚ SØÓ®.
Darcy is an insular personality.
hõº] wÄ ÷£õßÓ BÐø© Eøh¯Áß.
He does not know the outside world.
AÁÝUS öÁÎ E»Pzøu¨ £ØÔz öu›¯õx.
He was condescending to her in his proposal.
uß v¸©n¨ ÷£a]ß ÷£õx ußøÚ AÁÎh® uõÌzvU öPõÒQÓõß.
He has no experience of human sensitivity.
©Ûu ö\õµønø¯¨ £ØÔ¯ AÝ£Á® AÁÝUQÀø».
Having mortally offended her, he feels offended in a childish way.
E°÷µ ÷£õS®£i AÁøÍz uõUQ¯ ¤ß, uõß uõUP¨£mk ÂmhuõP ]Ö¤ÒøÍz uÚ©õP {øÚUQÓõß.
The lower vital when it offends feels offended.
uõÌ¢u EnºÄ, Ax uõUS® ÷£õx uõß uõUP¨£kÁuõP En¸®.
That is its way of outgrowing vitality into mentality.
Cx EnºøÁ Âh Áͺ¢x ©ÚvØSÒ ~øDz® ÁÈ.
You cannot know another Man’s opinion of you until he speaks it out.
No opinion has any truth in it.
J¸Áº öÁΨ£øh¯õP¨ ÷£_® Áøµ AÁº EßøÚ¨ £ØÔ GßÚ {øÚUQÓõº GßÖ öu›¢x öPõÒÍ •i¯õx.
G¢u P¸zv¾® \ØÖ® Esø© CÀø».
261. “And this… is your opinion of me”.
"Cx uõß GßøÚ¨ £ØÔ¯ Eß P¸zx."
Darcy who rated himself sky high, found himself rated lower than the lowest. It stuns a Man, more than a shock.
ÁõÚÍÂØS ußøÚ E¯ºÁõP {øÚzv¸¢u hõº], uõß Pøh {ø»US® RÇõP ©vUP¨£kÁøuU PõsQÓõß. Aøu Avºa] Gߣøu Âh ©ÛuøÚ ìu®¤UP øÁ¨£x GßÖ ö\õÀ» ÷Ásk®.
When a Man finds himself in such a mental state whatever he talks will certainly be incoherent. It is best he does not.
A¢u ©Ú {ø»°À ußøÚU Põq® ©Ûuß Gøu¨ ÷£]Úõ¾® \®£¢uõ \®£¢uªÀ»õ©À C¸US®. GÚ÷Á, Ax ÷£õßÓ \©¯[PÎÀ ÷£\õv¸¨£÷u |À»x.
The very recognition of his being found so low will urge him to defend himself. The rule is his position will be made worse. What he is going to talk to her in his defence is in the frame of this Mind. And he talks; she had a field day.
uõß AÆÁÍÄ RÇõP ©vUP¨ £kQ÷Óõ® GßÖ AÔÁx AÁøÚ ußøÚz uØPõzxU öPõÒÍz ysk®.
Earlier he pointed out to her her low family to reinforce the strength of his love. Now he begins to explain the reasons for his being misunderstood. He forgets he speaks from a disillusioned Mind. She will only see his Mind, not the value of his words. Nor can he speak valuable thoughts from that Mind. In a situation like this she should understand him by what she sees not by what he explains. Explanation will make her see his Mind. She must see his emotions. That she will feel without his explaining. His defence, as far as words and motives go, is right but that will not serve his purpose. The very idea of defence implies he is already lost. It is after this she resorted to worse epithets, justifying the rule: Defence of the defenceless leads to crushing defeat. She uttered the two most offensive words after that:1) not a gentleman, 2) you are the last Man I would marry.
uß Põuø»¨ £»¨£kzvU öPõÒÍ •ßÚº AÁÍx Sk®£zvß uõÌ¢u {ø»ø¯¨ £ØÔU SÔ¨¤mhõß. uõß Hß uÁÓõP¨ ¦›¢x öPõÒͨ £mk Âmhõß Gߣx £ØÔ C¨÷£õx ÂÍUP •Ø£kQÓõß. ©¯UP® wº¢u ©Úzv¼¸¢x uõß ÷£_Áøu AÁß ©Ó¢xÂmhõß. AÁÒ AÁß ©Úzøu ©mk÷© £õºUQÓõÒ. AÁß ÁõºzøuPÎß ©v¨ø£U PõnÂÀø». A¢u ©Úv¼¸¢x E¯º¢u P¸zxUPøÍ AÁÚõÀ ÷£\ •i¯õx. Cx ÷£õßÓ `Ì{ø»°À uõß Põs£uß ‰»® AÁÒ AÁøÚ¨ ¦›¢x öPõÒÍ ÷Ásk®. AÁß ÂÍUPzøu øÁzx ¦›¢xU öPõÒÍU Thõx. ÂÍUP® AÁøÍ AÁß ©Úzøu £õºUP øÁUS®. AÁÒ AÁß EnºÄPøͨ £õºUP ÷Ásk®. AÁß ÂÍUP® ÷uøÁ°ßÔ AÁÒ Enµ ÷Ásk®. ÁõºzøuPøͲ® ÷|õUPzøu²® ö£õÖzuÁøµ AÁÚx uØPõ¨¦ \›¯õÚx. BÚõÀ Ax AÁÝUS¨ £¯ß£hõx. uØPõ¨¦ GßÓ P¸zx AÁß HØPÚ÷Á ÷uõØÖ Âmhõß GߣøuU SÔUQÓx. CuØS¨ ¤ßÚº uõß AÁÒ ÷©õ\©õÚ £u[Pøͨ ¤µ÷¯õP® ö\´x, £õxPõ¨¤À»õu £õxPõ¨¦ £k ÷uõÀÂø¯z u¸® GßÓ \mhzøu EÖv ö\´QÓõÒ. AuØS¨ ¤ß AÁÒ Cµsk ªPU Pkø©¯õÚ ÁõºzøuPøÍU TÖQÓõÒ: 1) E¯º¢uÁÛÀø» 2)|õß ©nUP ¸®¦® Pøh] Bs }¯õPz uõß C¸¨£õ´.
262. “My faults, according to this calculation, are heavy indeed”.
"CUPnUQß £i Gß uÁÖPÒ Esø©°À ªP¨ ö£›¯øÁ."
Mother says one cannot teach anything to another Man; he must learn it himself.
J¸Áß CßöÚõ¸ÁÝUS Gøu²® PؤUP •i¯õx. AÁß uõÚõP÷Á uõß PØP ÷Ásk® GßÖ AßøÚ TÖQÓõº.
The ultimate Freedom of the Absolute abides with him.
AÁÝhß ¤µ®©zvß Ea\UPmh _u¢vµ® GßÖ® C¸UQÓx.
He, using that freedom, has chosen to be his ego.
Aa_u¢vµzøu E£÷¯õQzx uß AP[Põµzøu AÁß ÷uº¢öukzuõß.
Now, it is for him to choose to shed the ego.
C¨÷£õx AÁß AP[Põµzøuz xÓ¨£øu ÷uº¢öukUP»õ®.
Darcy decided to transform himself because he wanted her.
AÁÒ uÚUS ÷Áskö©ß£uõÀ hõº] ußøÚ v¸Ä¸©õØÓ •iÄ ö\´uõß.
Man will transform himself, if he wants the Divine.
CøÓÁß ÷Áskö©ßÖ Â¸®¤ÚõÀ, ©Ûuß ußøÚ v¸Ä¸©õØÔU öPõÒÁõß.
I do not think, in all literature, there is a parallel to this.
G¢u C»UQ¯zv¾® CuØS Cøn¯õP {PÌa] C¸¨£uõP GÚUSz öu›¯ÂÀø».
Having replied to her in the above words, he wrote to her not regretting what he had done, but explaining his position.
÷©Øö\õßÚ £vø» AÁÐUSU TÔ¯ ¤ßÚº uõß ö\´uøu¨ £ØÔ Á¸¢uõ©À, ußÛø»ø¯ ÂÍUQ AÁÐUSU Piu® GÊxQÓõß.
Only after writing the letter which he thought he wrote in a calm spirit, he discovered that he was in a bitter spirit.
uõß Aø©v¯õÚ {ø»°À AUPiuzøu GÊv¯uõP GsoÚõß. Aøu GÊv¯ ¤ßÚº uõß P\¨£õÚ {ø»°À C¸¢uøu AÁß AÔQÓõß.
As long as he thought of the accusations, he felt he was right.
SØÓa\õmkPøͨ £ØÔ÷¯ {øÚzxU öPõsi¸¢u Áøµ°À uõß \›¯õÚÁß GßÓ EnºÂÀ C¸¢uõß.
When he thought he wanted her, the Light in her eyes, he realised ALL that she said was true.
uÚUS AÁÒ ÷Ásk® GßÖ {øÚzu ÷£õx® AÁÒ PsPμ¸¢u JÎø¯¨ £ØÔ Gso¯ ÷£õx®, AÁÒ ö\õÀ¼¯ AzuøÚ²®Esø© Gߣøu Enº¢uõß.
For transformation, Man should see the Light, want it for its sake; only then he will realise he is an ego.
v¸Ä¸©õØÓzvØS ©Ûuß JÎø¯U Põn ÷Ásk®. JÎø¯ JÎUPõP Â¸®£ ÷Ásk®. A¨£i C¸¢uõÀ uõß uõß AP[PõµzvÀ C¸¨£øu AÔ¯ •i²®.
His consecration is Self-consecration, conception is Self-conception and His surrender is Self-surrender.
AÁÚx \©º¨£n® _¯ \©º¨£n®. AÁÚx P¸zx _¯ P¸zx. AÁÚx \µnõPv _¯ \µnõPv.
Darcy’s transformation is Self-transformation.
hõº]°ß v¸Ä¸©õØÓ® _¯v¸Ä¸©õØÓ®.
Man when he realises his Self, realises his all.
©Ûuß Bß©õøÁ AÔ²® ÷£õx, ußøÚ¨ £ØÔ¯ AøÚzøu²® AÔÁõß.
In this yoga the end in the tradition is the beginning.
£µ®£øµ ÁÇUP[PÎß •i÷Á C¢u ÷¯õPzvß Bµ®£®.
Having attained the Self the sadhak employs the Self in surrender, conception, limitation, absorption, poise, etc. till he sees the Marvel where God delights.
CøÓÁøÚ Aøh¢u ¤ß, A¢u CøÓÁøÚ \õuPß uß \µnõPvø¯a ö\´¯ øÁUQÓõß. P¸Ä¸ÁõUP®, AÍÄ HØ£kzxuÀ, ©øÓzuÀ, {ø» •u¼¯Ú BshÁß BÚ¢u•Ö® AئuzøuU Põq® Áøµ Esk.
263. “these offences might have been overlooked”.
"C¢uU SØÓ[PøÍ JxUQ Âh»õ®."
An idea generated in the Mind sooner or later will express itself.
©ÚvÀ E¸ÁõÚ P¸zx ÂøµÂ÷»õ, Põ»¢uõÌzv÷¯õ öÁΨ£mk Âk®.
He thinks of an answer and he speaks it out.
AÁß GßÚ £vÀ ö\õÀÁx GßÖ ÷¯õ]UQÓõß. Aøu öÁÎ÷¯ ö\õÀQÓõß.
The Brahmins in India excel mankind there by NOT speaking out to their boss the answer they have in their Minds.
uß ©Úzv¼¸¨£øu u[PÒ uø»Á›h® TÓõv¸¨£vÀ C¢v¯ ¤µõ©nºPÒ ©Ûu S»zvÀ ¤ÓµøÚÁøµ²® ªg_QÓõºPÒ.
Darcy did not know it would produce the opposite effect.
Ax GvµõÚ ÂøÍøÁ HØ£kzx® GßÖ hõº] AÔ¯õß.
It did.
A¨£izuõß |h¢ux.
From that he learnt NOT to renew his proposal at Pemberley or at Lambton because she was mild in manners.
AÁÒ ö©ßø©¯õP |h¢x öPõshuõÀ, ö£®£º¼°¾® »õ®¨hÛ¾® ©n¨ ÷£aø\ «sk® GkUPU Thõx GߣøuU PØÖU öPõshõß.
Only Lady Catherine gave him hope.
AÁÝUS |®¤UøP³mi¯ÁÒ ÷»i PõuŸß ©mk÷©.
Even then it was Elizabeth who first confessed.
BÚõ¾® •u¼À uÁØøÓ J¨¦U öPõshÁÒ G¼\ö£z÷u.
Man cannot be taught. All his learning must be Self-learning.
©ÛuÝUSU PؤUP •i¯õx. AÁß PØ£x AøÚzx® _¯©õPU PØ£÷u.
The lingering belief that rationality is valid will make him act in the old way.
£SzuÔÄ \›¯õÚx GßÖ {Ç»õ´ öuõh¸® |®¤UøP AÁøÚ¨ £øǯ ÁÈ°À ö\¯À £h øÁUS®.
This aspect of human nature, which Mother emphasizes, is unique and this passage is most significant from that point of view.
©Ûu C¯À¤ß C¢u •P® uÛzxÁ©õÚx GßÖ AßøÚ EÖv¯õPU TÖQÓõº. CU÷Põnzv¼¸¢x £õºzuõÀ A¢u ÁÈ ªPÄ® •UQ¯©õÚx.
An act, long after it is reversed in fact will remain in the subconscious and remind one in his dreams.
uø»RÇõUP¨£mh ö\¯À ö|k|õÒ PÈzx® BÌ©ÚzvÀ C¸US®. AÁß PÚÄPÎÀ Aøu {øÚÄÖzx®.
Here we see the genius of Jane Austen. We also see it in
C[S ÷áß BìiÛß ÷©uø©ø¯U PõsQ÷Óõ®. |õ® ÷©¾® Põs£Ú
1) the suppression of the ruse by Bingley and Elizabeth,
¤[Q¼²®, G¼\ö£zx® `Ìa]ø¯¨ £ØÔ ÷£\õv¸¨£x.
2) her ‘your intrusion is not unwelcome’,
Eß SÖURk Áµ÷ÁØ£uØQÀø» GßÖ ö\õÀ» •i¯õx GßÖ AÁÒ TÔ¯x.
3) Mr. Bennet’s decision,
Mr. ö£ßÚmiß •iÄ.
 4) Mrs. Bennet’s assessment of Lydia’s running away,
¼i¯õ Ki¨ ÷£õÚøu¨ £ØÔ¯ Mrs. ö£ßÚmiß P¸zx.
5) Her going to Netherfield,
AÁÒ ö|uº¥ÀiØS ö\ßÓx.
6) Charlotte’s invitation to her to Hunsford,
íßì÷£õºkUS AÁøÍ åõº÷»m AøÇzux.
 7) Mrs. Gardiner’s idea of visiting Pemberley,
ö£®£º¼US ÷£õP»õ® GßÓ Mrs. PõºiÚ›ß ÷¯õ\øÚ.
8) Mistress of Pemberley,
ö£®£º¼US Gá©õÛ.
9) Gratitude too can be born not love,
|ßÔ Th ¤Ó¢x Âk®. PõuÀ ¤ÓUPõx.
10) the impudence of Lydia and Wickham after marriage.
v¸©nzvØS¨ ¤ß ¼i¯õ ©ØÖ® ÂUPõªh® Põn¨£mh
264. “Had not your pride been hurt by my honest confession”.
"|õß ÷|ºø©¯õP J¨¦U öPõshuÚõÀ Eß PºÁ® ¦s£miµõÂmhõÀ."
Honesty that hurts is no honesty.
¦s£kzx® ÷|ºø© ÷|ºø©¯À».
Jane Austen knew the world without Evil is possible.
wø©PÎßÔ E»P® C¸UP •i¯õx Gߣøu ÷áß Bìiß AÔÁõº.
She had the inkling of the supramental life.
\zv¯ã¯ ÁõÌUøPø¯¨ £ØÔ AÁ¸US H÷uõ öPõg\® öu›¢v¸UP ÷Ásk®.
It does not rear its head as long as versions of evil such as pain or hurt linger.
wø©°ß E¸Á[PÍõÚ Á¼, £] •u¼¯Ú C¸US® Áøµ Ax öÁΨ£hõx.
Pain or hurt, to whomsoever it is, has no justification.
Á¼ø¯÷¯õ xߣzøu÷¯õ GÁ¸US u¸Áøu²® {¯õ¯¨£kzu •i¯õx.
At this point Darcy failed to see it.
C¢u ÷|µzvÀ hõº] CøuU Põnz uÁÔÚõß.
Later he sees the need of that perfection.
A¢u ö\®ø© ÷uøÁ Gߣøu¨ ¤ßÚ÷µ AÔQÓõß.
First, we saw it unacceptable in Charlotte’s mercenary advice.
åõº÷»miß Buõ¯ ©Ú¨£õßø©¯õÚ AÔÄøµ°À Aøu |®©õÀ •u¼À HØP •i¯ÂÀø».
Next we see it in her refusal of the proposal.
¤ßÚº Aøu AÁÒ ©n¨÷£aø\ HØP ©Özu ÷£õx Ps÷hõ®.
Again the presence of Caroline’s provocation that spoils their meeting makes it evident.
P÷µõ¼ß G›a\¿mi¯x, \¢v¨ø£U öPkzux ÷©¾® öuÎøÁz u¸QÓx.
And finally we see the lingering ruse rankling.
CÖv°À `Ìa] }i¨£x G›a\¿mkÁøuU PõsQ÷Óõ®.
To cap it all, the acme of Elizabeth’s feminine wisdom corroborated by Bingley’s submissive sensitivity.
GÀ»õÁØÔØS® ]Pµ® øÁzuõØ ÷£õ» ¤[Q¼°ß £oÂß ö\õµøn, G¼\ö£zvß ö£sø©°ß Â÷ÁPzvß E¯ºøÁ ]Ó¨£õUSÁøuU PõsQ÷Óõ®.
Unless purity, honesty, perfection are unmixed with the opposite, Man commits a huge human error that totally cancels the decent of Grace.
y´ø©, ÷|ºø©, ö\®ø© BQ¯Ú u©US GvµõÚÁØ÷Óõk P»¢uõÀ, ©Ûuß ªP¨ ö£›¯ uÁÖPøÍa ö\´x ÂkÁõß. AzuÁÖ A¸øÍ Â»US®.
No thought however lofty can serve this descent.
Gsn® GÆÁÍÄ E¯º¢uuõP C¸¢uõ¾® AuÚõÀ A¸ÐUS ÷\øÁ ö\´¯ •i¯õx.
All are parts of the sum, one of the Many.
AøÚzx® ö©õzuzvß £SvP÷Í. £»ÁØÔÀ Jß÷Ó.
The goal lies beyond the parts, beyond the sum, in the next plane, in the whole that regenerates itself in the next higher subtle plane.
C»US £SvPøͲ®, ö©õzuzøu²® uõsi¯ Akzu uÍzvÀ EÒÍx. Akzu E¯º¢u `m_© uÍzvÀ ußøÚz uõ÷Ú «sk® EØ£zv ö\´¯ÁÀ» •Êø©°À uõß C»US EÒÍx.
Intellectuality, of any description, is an effective bar.
G¢u ÁøP¯õÚ AÔĨ §ºÁ©õÚ Â寕® ÁÀ»ø©ªUP uøh.
The one service it can do is self-dissolution.
_¯Pøµu¾US ©mk÷© AuÚõÀ ÷\øÁ ö\´¯ •i²®.
For it, self-dissolution is self-immolation.
_¯PøµuÀ Gߣx Aøu¨ ö£õ¸zuÁøµ _¯ G›¨£õS®.
265. “these bitter accusations might have been suppressed, had I, with greater policy ".
"E¯º¢u öPõÒøP ÷£õÀ C¢uU P\¨£õÚ SØÓa\õmkPøÍ ©øÓUP •i²®."
Policy will backfire in a proposal.
v¸©n¨ ÷£a]À öPõÒøP £Ÿu ÂøÍÄPøÍz u¸®.
Bitter accusations, if felt, will not permit a proposal to rise.
EnºøÁz öuõk® P\¨£õÚ SØÓa\õmkPÒ v¸©n¨ ÷£a_ GÊÁøu AÝ©vUPõx.
A proposal arises when all bitter accusations dissolve in passionate love.
Bø\ {øÓ¢u Põu¼À P\¨£õÚ GÀ»õ SØÓa\õmkPЮ Pøµ¢uõÀ v¸©n¨ ÷£a_ GÊ®.
A proposal is not a negotiation.
v¸©n¨ ÷£a_ ÷£µ¨ ÷£a_ AÀ».
It is an opening of the inmost recesses for her reign.
AÁÍx Bm]°ß BÇ©õÚ £õøuPÐUPõÚ vÓ¨÷£ v¸©n¨ ÷£a_.
No accusations can survive in that opening.
A¢uz vÓ¨¦ {PÊ® ÷£õx G¢uU SØÓa\õmk® E°÷µõi¸UP •i¯õx.
Bitterness, if any, is transformed into sweetness in that state.
A¢u {ø»°À P\¨¦ CÛø©¯õPz v¸Ä¸©õÖ®.
It is not a state of Mind that thinks or weighs or judges.
Ax ÷¯õ]UP÷Áõ, Gøh ÷£õh÷Áõ, wº¨¦ TÓ÷Áõ xo²® ©Ú{ø»¯ßÖ.
It is a state of Soul where Mind is non-existent.
Ax ©Ú©ØÖ¨ ÷£õÚ Bß©õÂß {ø».
Elizabeth is the child of raw low energy and high aristocratic culture of freedom that is tolerance.
G¼\ö£z •øÓ¨£kzu¨£hõu uõÌ¢u \Uv²®, ö£õÖø©¯õS® _u¢vµ©õÚ E¯º¢u ¤µ¦zxÁ |õP›P•® ö£ØÓ SÇ¢øu.
She is fashioned to release all that irrepressible energy as liveliness organised into cheerfulness in the plane of freedom.
G¼\ö£z Pmk¨£kzu •i¯õu \Uv AøÚzøu²® _u¢vµ uÍzvÀ EØ\õPzxhß Ti¯ E°÷µõmh©õP öÁΨ£kzxQÓõÒ.
She cannot be caught by selfishness because of wealth.
ö\õzøuU Põmi _¯|»® AÁøÍ øP¨£ØÓ •i¯õx.
Self-oblivious, self-forgetful mirth that overflows will arrest her attention, not policy or pretension.
ußøÚ {øÚUPõ©À ußøÚ ©Ó¢x ö£õ[Q ÁȲ® EÀ»õ\® AÁÍx PÁÚzøuU PÁ¸®. öPõÒøP²® £õ\õ[S® AÁÎh® £¼UPõx.
Darcy as he is constituted to move to a state of self-expansive delight that forgets the external forms of the world, needs a brutal merciless thrashing.
hõº] uõ÷Ú Â›²® £µÁ\ {ø»US¨ ÷£õP ÷Ási¯Áß. A¢{ø»°À E»Pzvß öÁÎz ÷uõØÓ[PÒ ©Ó¢x Âk®. GÚ÷Á, CµUPªÀ»õu AiPÒ AÁÝUSz ÷uøÁ¨£kQßÓÚ.
He is here in the process of applying for that avalanche.
ö£¸® £õøÓPøÍ uß uø» ÷©÷» ÂÇ øÁzxU öPõÒÍ HØ£õkPÒ ö\´QÓõß.
Twice she hesitates and doles out small doses.
C¸ •øÓ AÁÒ u¯[QÚõÒ. ]Ô¯ AÍÂÀ vmiÚõÒ.
He insists on having the full benefit of her inner sweetness that is infinite.
AÁ÷Úõ AÁÍx AÚ¢u©õÚ AP CÛø© uÚUS •Êø©¯õP ÷Ásk® GßÖ ÁئÖzvQÓõß.
She opens the treasures of her evil genius and lets him have his heart’s content.
AÁÒ uß w¯ ÷©uø©°ß ö£õUQå \õø»ø¯z vÓ¢x, AÁß ö|g\® {øÓ²©ÍÂØS AÒÎz u¸QÓõÒ.
Having received it, he realises its full value in the reliving of these words in the coming months.
ö£ØÓ ¤ßÚº, Akzx Á¢u ©õu[PÎÀ A¢u ÁõºzøuPøÍ «sk® «sk® {øÚÄ Tº¢x AÁØÔß ©v¨ø£ AÔQÓõß.
266. “Disguise of every sort is my abhorrence”.
"G¢u ©øÓÁõÚ Põ›¯•® GÚUS öÁÖ¨§mkQÓx."
Man is adored for his strength.
©Ûuß AÁÚx Á¼ø©UPõP¨ §âUP¨ £kQÓõß.
Physical strength, vital power, Money, mental clarity and spiritual realisation are the strengths at various planes.
EhÀ Á¼ø©, E°›ß \Uv, £n®, ©Úz öuÎÄ, Bß«P ]zv BQ¯øÁ £À ÷ÁÖ uÍ[PÎß Á¼ø©.
Everyone admires strength; so everyone seeks it.
Á¼ø©ø¯ GÀ÷»õ¸® ÷£õØÖQÓõºPÒ. |õkQÓõºPÒ.
The weak, not endowed with strength, ape their ways.
Á¼ø©ø¯ ö£Óõu £»ÃÚß, Á¼ø©¯õÚÁøÚ¨ ÷£õÀ £õ\õ[S ö\´Áõß.
When it comes to the essentials, Man cannot deceive the public.
\õµö©ßÖ Á¢uõÀ ©ÛuÚõÀ ©UPøÍ H©õØÓ •i¯õx.
Public opinion may be wide off the mark often, but not in knowing the essential worth of a Man.
ö£õx áÚU P¸zx AÍÄUPvP©õP Âzv¯õ\¨£h»õ®. BÚõÀ AÁÚx \õµzøu AÔ¢v¸US®.
Sincerity is of great value among men of culture.
|õP›P©õÚÁºPÐUS Esø©÷¯ ö£›¯ £s¦.
One expression of sincerity is to own weakness, not hide what others hide.
©ØÓÁºPÒ ©øÓ¨£øu ©øÓUPõ©À £»ÃÚzøu J¨¦U öPõÒÁx Esø©°ß J¸ ÁøP.
The ways of the culturally superior, when imitated by the culturally inferior, expose them badly making them ridiculous.
|õP›PzvÀ E¯º¢uÁºPÒ |h¢x öPõÒÁøu¨ ÷£õ», |õP›PzvÀ uõÌ¢uÁºPÒ ÷£õ¼¯õP ¤ß£ØÔ |h¢uõÀ AÁºPÍx ÷Áå® ÷©õ\©õP öÁΨ£mk |øP¨¤ØQh©õÁõºPÒ.
At his best, Darcy is naïve, apes manners of his superiors, ends up exhibiting his crudeness involuntarily.
hõº] \õxº¯©ØÓÁß. ußøÚ Âh E¯º¢÷uõ›ß £ÇUP ÁÇUP[PøÍ ÷£õ¼¯õP ¤ß£ØÖQÓõß. ußøÚ¯Ô¯õ©À uß ©mh©õÚ |hzøuø¯ öÁΨ£kzv ÂkQÓõß.
In such a situation every effort at betterment ends as a master stroke of clownishness.
Ax ÷£õßÓ \¢uº¨£zvÀ ußøÚ ÷©®£kzvU Põmh GkUS® JÆöÁõ¸ •¯Ø]²®, ÷Põ©õÎzuÚzvß Ea\U Pmhzøu Gmk®.
If Collins’ proposal has become in literature a landmark for pompousness, Darcy’s proposal deserves to be ranked high in inadvertence.
Põ¼ßêß ©n¨ ÷£a_ C»UQ¯zvÀ ÷£õ¼zuÚzøuU Põmk® •UQ¯©õÚ \®£Á©õP C¸UQÓx. hõº]°ß ©n¨ ÷£aø\ ö£õ¸zu©ØÓ JßÖ GߣuØPõP ÷£õØÓ»õ®.
It is a wonder that in some months till he met her at Pemberley, he has outgrown all these blemishes, fully given up his insistent justifications.
G¼\ö£zøu ö£®£º¼°À ]» ©õu[PÒ PÈzx \¢vUQÓõß. AuØSÒ uß SøÓPøÍö¯À»õ® PøÍ¢x, uß uµ¨¦ {¯õ¯[PøÍ Á¼²ÖzxÁøu²® ÂmkÂmh ö\¯À ªPÄ® ¯¨¤ØS›¯x.
It is obvious that not his belief in these theories but the urge of his ego drove him to these uncivilised exhibitions.
AÁÚx A|õP›P©õÚ |hzøuUPõÚ Põµn® AÁÚx AP®£õÁzvß E¢xu÷». AÁÝUS C¢u ÂÍUP[PÎÀ C¸¢u |®¤UøP Põµn® AÀ» Gߣx öuÎÄ.
Once the ego is blunted all its expressions are shed automatically.
AP®£õÁ® AhUP¨£mhx®, Auß öÁΨ£õkPЮ uõ©õP÷Á }[QÂmhÚ.
267. “Nor am I ashamed of the feelings I related”.
"Gß öÁΨ£kzv¯ Enºa]PÐUPõP |õß öÁmP¨£hÂÀø»."
He means his criticism of her family.
AÁß uõß AÁÒ Sk®£zøu SøÓ TÔ¯øu¨ £ØÔ SÔ¨¤kQÓõß.
He is really not ashamed of loving her.
AÁøÍU Põu¼zuuØPõP AÁß öÁmP¨£hÂÀø».
If love does not know something, it is shame.
öÁmP® Gߣøu PõuÀ AÔ¯õx.
We can add it does not know regret for having loved.
Põu¼zuuØPõP Á¸¢xÁøu²® PõuÀ AÔ¯õx Gߣøu²® |õ® ÷\ºzxU öPõÒÍ»õ®.
Darcy’s love is pure on any showing.
G¨£i¨ £õºzuõ¾® hõº]°ß PõuÀ y´ø©¯õÚx.
I even wonder whether the girl deserves it.
AuØS G¼\ö£z uSv¯õÚÁÒ uõÚõ GßÖ GÚUS \¢÷uP©õP C¸UQÓx.
Even that pure love is incapable of interfering with thought formation.
AzuøP¯ y¯ Põu»õÀ Th Gsn[PÒ E¸ÁõÁvÀ SÖUQh •i¯ÂÀø».
Thought once formed in the mind is incapable of self-dissolution.
©ÚvÀ E¸ÁõÚ GsnzvØS uõÚõPU Pøµ²® vÓß CÀø».
It does not destroy itself unless it is spoken out.
Aøu¨ £ØÔ¨ ÷£\¨£hõÂmhõÀ, Ax ußøÚz uõ÷Ú AÈzxU öPõÒÍõx.
His speaking out is not only his folly, but a necessity to overcome such thought.
AÁß ÷£]¯x ÷£uø© ©mk©ßÖ. AzuøP¯ GsnzøuU PhUP ÷uøÁ¯õÚx® Th.
His love for her is the highest adoration.
AÁÒ «x AÁß öPõsh PõuÀ AvP£m\® §â¨£x.
Adoration is an emotional energy.
§â¨£x Gߣx Enºa]°ß \Uv.
For it to bear fruit, it needs to be unmixed.
Ax £»ß uµ ÷Ásk©õÚõÀ P»¨£ØÓuõP C¸UP ÷Ásk®.
The thought of her inferior family is already formed, is rankling in him. As long as it is there, overcoming it by suppression is not possible.
AÁÒ uõÌ¢u Sk®£zøu¨ £ØÔ¯ Gsn® HØPÚ÷Á E¸ÁõQ Âmhx. Ax AÁÝUS G›a\¿mkQÓx. Ax C¸US® Áøµ, ©øÓ¨£uß ‰»® AøuU Ph¢x Á¸Áx \õzv¯ªÀø».
A weak-nerved foolish lawyer was enamoured of witnessing an execution. It haunted his dreams. He has no power to overcome it. On advice, he witnessed it once more. A repetition had the power to relieve him from the haunting of it.
£»ÃÚ©õÚ EnºÄ {ø» öPõsh •mhõÒ ÁÇUPÔbº, ©µn ushøÚ {øÓ÷ÁØÓ¨£kÁøu¨ £õºUP ÷|º¢ux. Ax AÁøµU PÚÄPÎÀ xߦÖzv¯x. Av¼¸¢x «Í AÁ¸US \Uv CÀø». AÁ¸USU Qøhzu AÔÄøµ°ß ÷£›À, A÷u ÷£õßÓ ushøÚø¯ «sk® £õºzuõº. v¸®£a ö\´ux AÁ¸UQ¸¢u öuõ¢uµøÁ »US® \Uv ö£ØÔ¸¢ux.
It was necessary for Darcy to speak it, write it. Still he needed several months and her own acceptance of Pemberley to meet her in tranquility. It needed still further digging. He must pass through the slums of London, she must be saturated in her surface Mind in the reality of Mrs. Bennet in her in the shape of Wickham and Lydia.
Aøu¨ £ØÔ ÷£_Áx® GÊxÁx® hõº] AÁ]¯® ö\´¯ ÷Ási¯øÁ. B°Ý® AÁøÍ Aø©v¯õP ö£®£º¼°À \¢vUPÄ®, AÁÒ ö£®£º¼ø¯ HØP \®©vUPÄ® AÁÝUS¨ £» ©õu[PÒ ÷uøÁ¨£mhÚ. ÷©¾® BÇ©õPz ÷uõskÁx AÁ]¯©õQÓx. AÁß C»shß ÷\›PÎÀ |hUP ÷Ási°¸¢ux. ¼i¯õ ©ØÖ® ÂUPõ® ÁiÁ[PÎÀ ußÝÒ Mrs. ö£ßÚm C¸UQÓõÒ GßÓ Esø©ø¯ AÁÒ ÷©À ©Ú® •ÊÁx©õP HØÖU öPõÒÍ ÷Ási°¸¢ux.
268. “could you expect me to rejoice in the inferiority of your connections”.
"uõÌ¢u EÓÄPøͨ £ØÔ |õß ö£¸©QÌa] öPõÒ÷Áß GßÖ Gvº£õºUQÓõ¯õ?"
The process of transformation is a conscious reversal. Once you are conscious of an idea, it is not given to Man to forget it, to unlearn it.
v¸Ä¸©õØÓzvß ÁÈ ãÁÝÒÍ uø» RÌ ©õØÓ®. J¸ P¸zøu¨ £ØÔ ãÁ÷Úõk C¸¢uõÀ, ©ÛuÚõÀ Aøu ©ÓUP÷Áõ xÓUP÷Áõ •i¯õx.
Having become conscious of something, it is the conscious to exert itself.
JßøÓ¨ £ØÔ¯ öuÎÄ Á¢x ÂmhõÀ A¢uz öuÎ÷Á •¯Ø]US®.
The conscious reversal is to know, overcome intelligently a negative process, i.e. by fully absorbing the service of a negative constituent.
ãÁÝÒÍ uø» RÌ ©õØÓ® Gߣx J¸ uÁÓõÚ ÁÈ•øÓø¯ AÔ÷Áõk Ph¢x Á¸ÁuõS®. uÁÓõÚ £Sv°ß ÷\øÁø¯ •Êø©¯õP ö£ØÖU öPõÒÁuõS®.
Conscious reversal is to allow the negative to grow in freedom and exhaust itself in the field of one’s patience – an infinite patience, something Mr. Bennet underwent. What Mr. Bennet went through in 25 years of domestic life, Darcy goes through in nine months inwardly. Jane Austen does not fully spell out the process but leaves enough hints everywhere. Darcy’s inner workings see Mrs. Bennet in Lady Catherine, Lydia in Georgiana, Collins in himself, Mary in Caroline, Mr. Bennet in Mr. Hurst, and in his own ability to stoop down to employ a ruse and hide it from a true friend. There he finds Wickham in himself. What was the actual process and which he tackled how is left to our guess. With Mrs. and Mr. Gardiner he exhibits an obstinacy, as he was responsible for the secrecy, he must pay for it. Apparently this is the counterpart of Mrs. Bennet’s obstinacy that she should have gone to Brighton. He undergoes the change Mrs. Bennet refuses to undergo. That is the measure of his acceptance of the bourgeoisie. Mrs. Gardiner finds that obstinacy unbecoming in a gentleman. We see and now know he becomes unbecoming to fully accept Elizabeth on her own terms, not on his terms. It is true he has Pemberley and wealth but not the culture it deserves. She has the potential for that culture, not the sophisticated version of its social expression.
Gvº©øÓø¯ _u¢vµ©õP Á͵Âmk, Ax ußøÚz uõ÷Ú |® AÍÁØÓ ö£õÖø©°À wº¢x ÷£õP øÁ¨£÷u ãÁÝÒÍ uø» RÌ ©õØÓ©õS®. Cøu Mr. ö£ßÚm KµÍÂØSa ö\´uõº.Mr. ö£ßÚm uß Sk®£ ÁõÌÂÀ 25 Á¸h[PÎÀ ö\´uøu hõº] Jߣx ©õu[PÎÀ APzvÀ ö\´QÓõß. ÷áß Bìiß AÁß GßÚ ö\´uõß Gߣøu •ÊÁx©õP ÂÍUQa ö\õÀ»ÂÀø». BÚõÀ GÀ»õ Ch[Pξ® SÔ¨£õÀ EnºzxQÓõº. hõº]°ß AP÷Áø», Mrs. ö£ßÚmøh ÷»i PõuŸÛ¾®, ¼i¯õøÁ áõºâ¯õÚõ¾®, Põ¼ßøé ußÛ¾®, ÷©›ø¯ P÷µõ¼Û¾®, Mr. ö£ßÚmøh Mr. íºìi¾®, uõß `Ìa] ö\´²©ÍÂØS RÈÓ[PU Ti¯Áß Gߣøu²® Aøu Esø© |s£Ûh® ©øÓUPU Ti¯Áß Gߣøu²® EnºzxQÓx. A[S ußÝÒ ÂUPõø©U PõsQÓõß. AÁÝÒ |h¢ux GßÚ, AÁß ö\´ux GßÚ Gߣøu B]›¯º |® FPzvØS ÂmkÂkQÓõº. Mrs. ©ØÖ® Mr. PõºiÚ›h® uß ¤iÁõuzøu PõmkQÓõß. (CµP]¯zvØS AÁß ö£õÖ¨¦ GߣuõÀ AÁß uõß £n® uµ ÷Ásk®.) Cx Mrs. ö£ßÚm uõß ¤øµmhÝUS¨ ÷£õ°¸UP ÷Ásk® GßÖ ¤iÁõu® ö\´Áuß ©Ö£UP®. Mrs. ö£ßÚm HØP ©Özu ©õØÓ[PøÍ hõº] HØQÓõß. ©zv¯ ÁºUPzvÚøµ AÁß HØS® AÍøÁU PõmkQÓx. A¨¤iÁõu® E¯º¢uÁºPÐUS ö£õ¸zu©ßÖ GßÖ Mrs. PõºiÚº {øÚUQÓõº. uß {ø»¨£õkPøÍ ÂmkÂmk, G¼\ö£zvß {ø»¨£õkPøÍ Jmi AÁøÍ HØÖU öPõÒÍ hõº] ö£õ¸zu©ØÓÁØøÓ HØQÓõß Gߣøu PõsQ÷Óõ®, AÔQ÷Óõ®. AÁÛh® ö£®£º¼²®, ö\õzx® Esk. BÚõÀ AuØ÷PØÓ £s£õk CÀø». A¨£s£õk AÁÎh® ÂzuõP EÒÍx. AÁÎh® Ax \‰P öÁΨ£õhõP AÇPõÚ ¤ßÚ»õP CÀø».
269. “To congratulate myself on the hope of relations, whose condition in life is so decidedly beneath my own”.
"Gß A¢uìvØSz uõÌ¢uÁºP÷Íõk GÚUQ¸US® EÓÄUPõP GßøÚ |õ÷Ú £õµõmkÁx."
He tells himself now what he would be doing months later.
£» ©õu[PÒ PÈzxz uõß ö\´¯¨ ÷£õÁøu AÁß C¨÷£õx ußÛh® uõ÷Ú ö\õÀ¼U öPõÒQÓõß.
Surely when Elizabeth accepted, he congratulated himself.
G¼\ö£z HØS® ÷£õx Pmhõ¯® ußøÚ £õµõmiU öPõÒÁõß.
You certainly cannot have one side of the coin only.
|õn¯zvØS J¸ £UP® ©mk® C¸UP •i¯õx.
He did congratulate himself on Elizabeth, not on Mrs. Bennet.
G¼\ö£z Âå¯zvØPõP ußøÚ¨ £õµõmiU öPõshõß. BÚõÀ Mrs. ö£ßÚmøh ö£ØÓuØPõP £õµõmiU öPõÒÍÂÀø».
As Elizabeth gratefully accepted him keeping in reserve her love for Wickham, Darcy was proud of Elizabeth, not knowing the fullness of pride lies in Mrs. Bennet and Lydia and Wickham.
uß Põuø» ÂUPõªØPõP £zvµ£kzvU öPõsh G¼\ö£z, |ßÔ²nº÷Áõk hõº]ø¯ HØQÓõÒ. hõº] G¼\ö£zvØPõP ö£¸ø©¨£kQÓõß. A¨ö£¸ø©°ß •Êø© Mrs. ö£ßÚm, ¼i¯õ ©ØÖ® ÂUPõø©²® uÊÄ® Gߣøu AÁß AÔ¯ÂÀø».
The lotus grows in filth. We accept the lotus not filth. The ultimate wisdom sees the essence of that filth is the lotus.
÷\ØÔ¼¸¢x ö\¢uõ©øµ öÁÎ Á¸®. |õ® uõ©øµø¯ HØQ÷Óõ®. ÷\ØøÓ HØ£vÀø». BÚõÀ Ea\UPmh Â÷ÁP® ÷\ØÔß \õµ® uõß ö\¢uõ©øµ GߣøuU Põq®.
She accepted Pemberley, he accepted the Gardiners. The story does not go beyond that. We see Mrs. Bennet is vulgar and Lydia obscene, forgetting the highest culture in the society is Mrs. Bennet’s energy tamed, organised, delivered through softly spoken syllables. The material is the same, the organisation is different. Culture is the organisation of energy into power. Lydia’s energy overtly exhibited is obscene; she is open to come upon the town. The dynamic women of the society who rose to the top of the world had energies on Lydia’s scale but expressed it as an organization of culture.
AÁÒ ö£®£º¼ø¯ HØÓõÒ. AÁß PõºiÚºPøÍ HØÓõß. Pøu Aøuz uõsia ö\À»ÂÀø». Mrs. ö£ßÚm uõÌ¢uÁÒ Gߣøu²®, ¼i¯õ B£õ\©õÚÁÒ
Gߣøu²® |õ® PõsQ÷Óõ®. \‰Pzvß E¯º¢u |õP›P® Gߣx £s£kzu¨£mk, •øÓ¨£kzu¨£mk, ö©ßø©¯õÚ ÷£a_ ö©õÈPÍõÀ öÁΨ£kzu¨ £k®
Mrs. ö£ßÚmiß \Uv÷¯ Gߣøu ©Ó¢x ÂkQ÷Óõ®. ö£õ¸Ò Jß÷Ó. Aø©¨¦ ÷ÁÖ. \Uv •øÓ¨£kzu¨£mhõÀ |õP›P©õQÓx. ¼i¯õÂß \Uv B£õ\zøu öÁΨ£kzv¯x. AÁÒ Fº _ØÔ. E»PzvÀ E¯º¢u {ø»ø¯ Gmi¯ ö\¯¿UP® ªS¢u ö£sPÒ ¼i¯õÂß AÍÂØS \Uv ö£ØÓÁºPÒ. BÚõÀ u[PÒ \Uvø¯ •øÓ¨£kzv |õP›P©õP öÁΨ£kzvÚº.
Society has narrow eyes. It sees actions in terms of social values, and passes unwelcome judgments.
\‰Pzvß Ps÷nõmh® SÖQ¯x. \‰P £s¦PøÍ Jmi÷¯ ö\¯ÀPøÍ PÁÛzx, ÷Áshõu wº¨¦PøÍ ÁÇ[S®.
Energy is good, great; Lydia’s energy channeled will make Lydia into a Theresa. Only absence of energy is unwelcome. Spiritually, even absence of energy is energy unseen by human eyes. Lydia will be in trance for a short while gazing at the handsome face of Wickham and then fade as a flower. Flowers fade by the end of the day.
\Uv |À»x, E¯º¢ux. ¼i¯õÂß \Uv \›¯õÚ ÁÈ°À ö\¾zu¨£mhõÀ ¼i¯õ öuµ\õ ÷£õ»õÁõÒ. \Uv¯ØÖ C¸¨£÷u ¸®£zuPõux. BߪP ÷|õUQÀ \Uv¯ØÓ {ø» GßÓõÀ ©ÛuU PsPÐUS \Uv ¦»¨£hõu {ø» GßÖ ö£õ¸Ò. ÂUPõªß AÇQ¯ •Pzøu EØÖ ÷|õUS® ÷£õx \ØÖ ÷|µ® ©¯[Q¨ ÷£õS® ¼i¯õ ¤ß §øÁ¨ ÷£õ» Áõi¨ ÷£õÁõÒ. ©õø»°À ©»ºPÒ Áõi Âk®.
Elizabeth felt herself growing more angry every moment; yet she tried to the utmost to speak with composure when she said –
JÆöÁõ¸ ÂÚõi²® ußÝøh¯ ÷Põ£® AvP›zxU öPõsk Á¸Áøu G¼\ö£z Enº¢uõÒ. BÚõ¾® ªPÄ® ö£õÖø©¯õP¨ ÷£_ÁuØS ö£¸® •¯Ø] Gkzx ÷£\ •Ø£mhõÒ.
270. She controls her anger and tries composure.
271. That effort at culture discloses that he is not gentlemanly.
272. Darcy, who values that attribute, was shocked and his rough interior opened.
273. It rankled in him later for a long time.
"You are mistaken, Mr. Darcy, if you suppose that the mode of your declaration affected me in any other way, than as it spared me the concern which I might have felt in refusing you, had you behaved in a more gentlemanlike manner."
"BÚõÀ } AÔÂzu Âu® GßøÚ ÷ÁÖ G¢u Âuzv»õÁx £õvzv¸UP»õ® GßÖ } {øÚzv¸¢uõÀ hõº], Ax uÁÖ. |ØSn® Eøh¯ ©ÛuøÚ¨ ÷£õÀ |h¢x öPõsi¸¢uõÀ EßøÚ {µõP›zuuØS |õß Á¸zu¨£mi¸¨÷£ß. BÚõÀ } |h¢x öPõsh Âu® GÚUS G¢uÂu Á¸zuzøu²® C¨ö£õÊx AÎUPÂÀø»."
274.  “You are mistaken, Mr. Darcy, if you suppose that the mode of your declaration…”
"Mr. hõº], } uÁÓõP¨ ¦›¢x öPõsk Âmhõ´. } ÷£_® •øÓ £ØÔ } {øÚ¨£x."
To Elizabeth Darcy is always mistaken.
G¼\ö£zøu ö£õ¸zuÁøµ hõº] G¨÷£õx® uÁÓõPzuõß ¦›¢x öPõÒQÓõß.
Darcy tells her about his delivery – it is unpardonable.
uõß ÷£]¯x £ØÔ AÁÎh® hõº] TÖQÓõß. Ax ©ßÛUP •i¯õux.
She tells him about his personality.
AÁÒ hõº]°h® AÁÚx BÐø© £ØÔU TÖQÓõÒ.
No one can speak a few words without disclosing his personality.
AÁÝøh¯ BÐø© £ØÔU SÔ¨¤hõ©À GÁµõ¾® J¸ ]» ÁõºzøuPÒ Th ÷£\ •i¯õx.
The simple fact is the personality he is proud of is more than abominable not only to Elizabeth, but intrinsically.
AÁß PºÁ[öPõÒЮ BÐø© AÁÐUS ©mk÷© öÁÖ¨§mhU Ti¯ußÖ. Ax EÒѵ A¨£i¨£mhx Gߣx ö£›¯ Esø©.
The problem in this proposal is the devil mistaking himself to be an angel.
v¸©n¨ ÷£a]ß ¤µaøÚ GßÚöÁßÓõÀ, \õzuõß ußøÚ |À» ÷uÁøu¯õP {øÚzxU öPõshx.
This is a common problem prevalent everywhere.
Cx G[S® £µÁ»õPU Põn¨£k® ö£õxÁõÚ ¤µaøÚ.
The most insincere Man in an organisation seriously believing himself to be the most sincere sadhak, is what we know.
J¸ ìuõ£ÚzvÀ Esø©US¨ ¦Ó®£õÚÁß uõ÷Ú ªPÄ® wµ©õÚ Esø©¯õÚ \õuPß GßÖ |®¦Áøu |õ® AÔ÷Áõ®.
Not only it is self-deception, the whole population can thus be deceived.
Cx ußøÚz uõ÷Ú H©õØÔU öPõÒÁx ©mk©ßÖ. ö£õx ©UPÒ AøÚÁøµ²® Cx ÷£õÀ H©õØÓ»õ®.
One who finds it difficult to read and can’t bring himself to write was believed by the whole university to be a genius.
J¸Áº £iUP ]µ©¨£kÁõº. J¸ Áõºzøu²® GÊu •i¯õuÁº. ö©õzu £ÀPø»UPÇP•® AÁøµ ÷©øu GßÖ |®¤¯x.
It is so because there are no known standards.
uµ[PõmiPÒ CÀ»õuuõÀ C¨¤µaøÚ HØ£kQÓx.
In the absence of any semblance of standards everyone is a genius in his own evaluation.
uµ[PõmiPøͨ ÷£õßÓøÁPÒ CÀø»ö¯ßÓõÀ JÆöÁõ¸Á¸® uzu® _¯©v¨¥kPÎß £i ÷©øuP÷Í.
She too falls a prey to the same guilt.
Only Wickham knows who he is and what he is.
AÁß ¯õº, G¨£i¨£mhÁß Gߣx ÂUPõªØS ©mk÷© öu›²®.
If Brahman is set on a journey of Self-discovery, Darcy is now sent to that adventure by Elizabeth.
_¯ AÔu¾UPõÚ ¯õzvøµø¯ ¤µ®©® ÷©Ø öPõshx. A¢u ¯õzvøµUS hõº]ø¯ G¼\ö£z Aݨ¦QÓõÒ.
His reversal did not start with the letter too.
AÁÝøh¯ uø»RÌ ©õØÓ® PiuzvÀ Th Bµ®¤UPÂÀø».
It began after that, we do not know when.
Ax ¤ßÚ÷µ Bµ®¤zux. G¨÷£õx GßÖ |©USz öu›¯ÂÀø».
We can surmise that it was initiated by her after reading the letter and Wickham’s last visit to Longbourn.
AÁÒ Piuzøu¨ £izu ¤ßÚº ©ØÖ® ÂUPõ® Pøh] •øÓ¯õP »õ[U£ºÝUS Á¢xÂmk ö\ßÓ ¤ßÚº Ax Bµ®¤UP¨£mhx GßÖ |õ® øÁzxU öPõÒÍ»õ®.
275. “It spared me the concern which I might have felt in refusing you”.
"EßøÚ {µõP›¨£uõÀ GÚUS HØ£hU Ti¯ \[Phzøu Ax uºzux."
External social obligations are things no one can escape.
öÁÎ÷¯ C¸US® \‰PU Phø©Pμ¸¢x ¯õ¸® u¨£ •i¯õx.
In a girl receiving a proposal even the inner obligation to thank him is paramount. She may not accept him as she is not obliged to but she is not free not to thank him.
J¸Áß ußøÚ ©nUP ¸®¦ÁuõPU TÖ® ÷£õx AÁÐÒ C¸US® |ßÔ ö\õÀ» ÷Ási¯ Phø©²nºÄ •UQ¯©õÚx. AÁøÚ HØP ÷Ási¯ Pmhõ¯® AÁÐUQÀø». BÚõÀ |ßÔ TÓõv¸US® E›ø© AÁÐUS CÀø».
One who refrains from that psychological obligation for whatever reason will be compelled by life later to do so in double measure. Elizabeth had excellent reasons now not to thank him; but what happened when Bingley was engaged and she learnt of Lydia’s marriage. She was forced to tell him that she was selfish creature, having now branded him selfish. Life perseveres in its own requirements. What are they? She did thank Collins for the honour of his proposal. How can she now refrain from thanking Darcy? Her refraining from the formality of thanksgiving today makes her after reading the letter feel GRATITUDE the next day. It is a deeper, subconscious commitment she makes to herself. He is not one who can be formally secured and safely kept. From the beginning she is urged by deeper forces. After the letter, she gave him up totally. She could not even dream of his renewing his proposal. Even after Bingley’s engagement and knowing his help she does ask herself how it is possible for a self-respecting man to propose a second time after she has once refused. That is her conscious understanding, but the subconscious has already prepared the ground for its completion.
AzuøP¯ EÍ Ÿv¯õÚ Phø©ø¯ J¸Áº G¢u PõµnzvØPõPz uºzuõ¾®, ÁõÌÂÀ ¤ßÚõÎÀ AÁº Aøu C¸ ©h[S ö\´¯ ÷|›k®. AÁÝUS |ßÔ TÓõv¸UP G¼\ö£zvØS HµõÍ©õÚ A¸ø©¯õÚ Põµn[PÒ Esk. BÚõÀ ¤[Q¼°ß {a\¯uõºzuzvß ÷£õx®, ¼i¯õ Ki¯ ÷£õx® GßÚ |h¢ux? C¨÷£õx AÁøÚ _¯|»ª GßÖ ö\õÀ£ÁÒ, A¨÷£õx uõß _¯|»ª GßÖ hõº]°h® ö\õÀ» ÷Ási¯ AÁ]¯® HØ£mhx. ÁõÌÄ uß ÷uøÁPøͨ £õxPõUS®. AøÁ ¯õøÁ? v¸©n¨ ÷£a_ ÷£] Põ¼ßì ö£¸ø© £kzv¯uØPõP AÁÒ Põ¼ßéüUS |ßÔ TÔÚõÒ. C¨÷£õx G¨£i hõº]US |ßÔ TÓõ©¼¸UP •i²®? AßÖ |ßÔ TÖ® \®¤µuõ¯zøuz uºzuÁÒ, ©Ö|õ÷Í, AÁß Piuzøu¨ £izu ¤ÓS |ßÔ¯Ôuø» Enº¢uõÒ. Cx BÌ©Úzvß BÇzvÀ uÚUSz uõ÷Ú HØ£kzvU öPõÒЮ ¤øn¨¦. AÁøÚ •øÓ¨£i Aøh¢x, £zvµ¨£kzv øÁzxU öPõÒÍ •i¯õx. Bµ®£® •u÷» AÁÒ BÇ©õÚ \UvPÍõÀ E¢u¨£kQÓõÒ. PiuzøuU Psh ¤ß, AÁÒ AÁøÚ •Êø©¯õP ÂmkÂmhõÒ. AÁß v¸©n¨ ÷£aø\ «sk® ¦x¨¤¨£õß GßÖ AÁÍõÀ PÚÄ® Põn •i¯õx. ¤[Q¼°ß {a\¯uõºzu®, hõº] ö\´u Eu BQ¯ÁØøÓ¨ £ØÔ öu›¢x öPõsh ¤ßÝ®, uõß
{µõP›zu ¤ßÝ® G¨£i _¯ ©›¯õøu²ÒÍ ©ÛuÚõÀ Cµshõ® •øÓ¯õPz v¸©n¨ ÷£a_ GkUP •iQÓx GßÖ ußøÚz uõ÷Ú ÷PmkU öPõÒQÓõÒ. Ax AÁÒ ÷©À ©Úzvß ¦›uÀ. BÚõÀ AÁÒ BÌ©Ú÷©õ ußøÚ §ºzv ö\´x öPõÒÍ ÷Ási¯ÁØøÓ HØPÚ÷Á u¯õº ö\´x Âmhx.
276. “Had you behaved in a more gentlemanlike manner”.
"CßÚ•® E¯º¢uÁÚõP } |h¢x öPõsi¸¢uõÀ."
In normal societies, even in the worst of enmities, the other man’s sensitivities – childlessness, a family scar, etc. – will not be referred to. Once it is done, rapprochement is ruled out. She does it, intending to sting him deeply. And he was stung. Later he refers to it. Still he loves her, maybe for having so abused him. She said she never meant it, but she spoke out without thinking. In Lady Anna, Josephine returns all the money borrowed with interest, the idea being the obligation was discharged.
|k{ø»¯õÚ \‰P[PÎÀ Pkø©¯õÚ Â÷µõu[PÎÀ Th, AkzuÁ›ß ö\õµønPÒ & SÇ¢øu°ßø©, Sk®£U PøÓ •u¼¯Ú & _miU Põmh¨£h ©õmhõx. J¸ •øÓ Aøua ö\´xÂmhõÀ, \©õuõÚzvØS Chª¸UPõx. AÁøÚ BÇ©õP ¦s£kzx® Ez÷u\z÷uõk Aøua ö\´QÓõÒ. AÁß ¦s£kQÓõß. ¤ßÚº AøuU SÔ¨¤kQÓõß. B°Ý® AÁøÍU Põu¼UQÓõß & AÁÒ AÁøÚ vmi¯uõÀ AÁøÍ Põu¼zv¸UPU Tk®. uõß J¸ ÷£õx® A¢u AºzuzvÀ ö\´¯ÂÀø» GßQÓõÒ. BÚõÀ ÷¯õ]UPõ©À ÷£]ÚõÒ. ÷»i AÚõ Pøu°À, ÷áõ\¨¤ß uõß ö£ØÓ Phß AøÚzøu²® Ámi÷¯õk v¸¨¤z u¸QÓõÒ. A¨£ia ö\´uõÀ Phø© §ºzv¯õQÂk® GßÖ P¸xQÓõÒ.
Had she lost the case, the return is not possible. Help accepted at any level obliges you at the level the other requires. That is the nature of obligation, though in spending his Money, the tailor never expected it back. That creates a greater obligation to give her daughter in marriage. It is socially odd or amiss, but psychologically it is right. She has no conscious knowledge of these truths, nor does she angle for any result consciously. The life vibration that urges her has these inbuilt characteristics. Those who get a lifetime opportunity or miss it can look back that life would have sown such seeds in his life. In this sense NO event in our life ever happens without that prior sanction by oneself.
Those who do harm out of foolishness or wrong information, when reminded of a sensitive obligation, will certainly refrain from the intention.
AÁÍx ÁÇUS ÷uõØÔ¸¢uõÀ AÁÍõÀ £nzøuz v¸¨¤U öPõkzv¸UP •i¯õx. G¢u {ø»°À Eu ö£Ó¨£mhõ¾®, Eu ö\´uÁº G¢u {ø»ø¯ ¸®¦QÓõ÷µõ A¢u {ø»°À Phø© HØ£kQÓx. Ax÷Á Phø©°ß C¯À¦. £nzøu ö\»ÁÈUS® ÷£õx Ax v¸®£U QøhUS® GßÖ øu¯ÀPõµº {øÚUPÂÀø». Ax uß ö£søn v¸©n® ö\´x uµ ÷Ási¯ ö£›¯ Phø©ø¯ HØ£kzxQÓx. \‰P Ÿv°À Ax Âzv¯õ\©õÚx. £Ÿu©õÚx. BÚõÀ ©÷ÚõŸv°À \›¯õÚx. AÁÐøh¯ ÷©À ©ÚzvØS C¢u Esø©Pøͨ £ØÔ¯ bõÚªÀø». uÚUS G¢u £»Ý® QøhUS® GßÖ® AÁÒ {øÚUPÂÀø». AÁøÍ E¢x® ÁõÌÂß AvºÂØS C¯ØøP¯õP÷Á CzuøP¯ Snõv\¯[PÒ Esk. ÁõÌÂÀ QøhzuØP›¯ Áõ´¨ø£ ö£ØÓÁ÷µõ AÀ»x CÇ¢uÁ÷µõ uß ÁõÌUøPø¯z v¸®¤¨ £õºzuõÀ ÁõÌÄ Cuß ÂøuPøÍ •ß÷£ Âøuzv¸¨£øu AÔ¯»õ®. C¢u ÷|õUQÀ £õºzuõÀ, |õ® AÝ©vUPõu GxÄ® |® ÁõÌÂÀ |h¨£vÀø» Gߣx öu›²®.
She saw him start at this, but he said nothing, and she continued --
CøuU ÷Pmk AÁß vkUQmhøu PÁÛzuõÒ. BÚõÀ AÁß GxÄ® ö\õÀ»ÂÀø», AÁÒ öuõhº¢x ÷£\»õÚõÒ,
277.  “She saw him start at this, but he said nothing, and she continued”.
"AÁß Bµ®¤zuøuU PshõÒ. BÚõÀ AÁß GxÄ® TÓÂÀø». AÁÒ öuõhº¢uõÒ."
There are moments of revelation in one’s life. This is one for him.
J¸Á›ß ÁõÌÂÀ A§ºÁ öuÎøÁz u¸® u¸n[PÒ Á¸Áxsk. AÁÝUS Cx Aøu¨ ÷£õßÓ÷u.
There are positive as well as negative and both are POSITIVE. This is a negative moment of revelation which he makes positive.
÷|º©øÓ Esk. Gvº©øÓ Esk. BÚõÀ Cµsk® ÷|º©øÓP÷Í. Cx Gvº©øÓ¯õP öuÎÄ Á¸® u¸n®. Aøu AÁß ÷|º©øÓ BUSQÓõß.
Knowing Mother is such a positive moment of life revelation.
AßøÚø¯ AÔÁx ÷|º©øÓ¯õP ÁõÌÂÀ öuÎÄ Á¸® u¸n®.
Accepting Her principles is a higher moment of psychological revelation – Darcy had that.
AÁµx ÷Põm£õkPøÍ HØ£x ©ÚzöuÎÄ HØ£k® E¯º¢u u¸n®. hõº]US Ax Qøhzux.
Seeing the spiritual touch of it is entering the world of yoga.
Auß BߪPz wskuø»U Põs£x ÷¯õP E»QÀ Aiö¯kzx øÁ¨£uõS®.
Recognising the inner door opening is the ultimate initiation.
APU PuÄ vÓ¨£øu AÔÁ÷u CÖv wmø\ BS®.
There are doors of communication we can keep permanently open – page 122 – The Life Divine.
(öuõhº¦ öPõÒÍ EuÄ® PuÄPøÍ |õ® {µ¢uµ©õPz vÓ¢x øÁzv¸UP •i²® & £.122 & ø»¨ iøÁß.)
For Darcy, he was to start, realise the moment, work on each aspect of inner life and receive the transformed consciousness.
hõº] uõÚõPz xÁUQ, AUPnzøu AÔ¢x, APÁõÌÂß JÆöÁõ¸ £Sv°¾® ÷Áø» ö\´x v¸Ä¸©õØÓ¨£mh ã¯zøu¨ ö£ØÓõß.
For the devotee, all that he has to do is to recognise the supergrace. SHE does it to all and always.
AßøÚ Aߣº ö\´¯ ÷Ási¯öuÀ»õ® ÷£µ¸øÍ AÔ¢x HØ£÷u.
AßøÚ Aøu GÀ÷»õ¸US® G¨÷£õx® ö\´QÓõº.
Hundreds of devotees have already received it unconsciously.
¡ØÖUPnUPõÚ AߣºPÒ u[PøÍ AÔ¯õ©÷» Aøu¨ ö£ØÔ¸UQßÓÚº.
Even after the material result has come Man remains the same.
ö»ÍRP¨ £»øÚ¨ ö£ØÓ ¤ßÝ® ©Ûuß A¨£i÷¯uõß C¸UQÓõß.
To receive it permanently in his soul and see the Sri Aravinda Darsan
ÿ AµÂ¢u u›\Ú®, he must choose to remain there without going back to the Taste of Ignorance.
Aøu Bß©õÂÀ {µ¢uµ©õP¨ ö£ØÖ ÿ AµÂ¢u u›\Ú® ö£Ó «sk® AÔ¯õø©°ß _øÁø¯ |õhõ©À A[÷P÷¯ C¸UP •iÄ ö\´¯ ÷Ásk®.
Reading the whole book, making the human choice, wanting Mother is all She asks of the sadhaks and devotees.
•Ê ¦zuPzøu²® £i¨£x, ©Ûu •iøÁ Gk¨£x, AßøÚø¯ ¸®¦Áx BQ¯Ú÷Á \õuPºPÎh•®, AߣºPÎh•® AßøÚ Gvº¨£õº¨£Ú.
"You could not have made me the offer of your hand in any possible way that would have tempted me to accept it."
"EßøÚ v¸©n® ö\´x öPõÒÍa ö\õÀ¼ } ÂkUS® ÷Ásk÷PõøÍ, |õß HØÖU öPõÒÍz ysk® ÂuzvÀ } GßøÚ ÷Pmi¸UP÷Á •i¯õx."
278. That he is unacceptable as a groom is too much for him to swallow, especially when his own opinion is she is desirable.
279. “you could not have made me the offer of your hand in any possible…”
"Eß Pµzøuz uµ G¢u \õzv¯©õÚ".
It looks she was taking a joy of refusal for refusal’s sake.
AÁÒ ©Ö¨£x, ©Ö¨£vÀ EÒÍ ©QÌa]ø¯¨ ö£Ó GßÖ ÷uõßÖQÓx.
There was no point of reference in him that could make out what she was doing.
AÁÒ GßÚ ö\´QÓõÒ Gߣøu¨ £ØÔ AÁß G[S® _miU PõmhÂÀø».
Still, she had not delivered her climax address.
AÁÒ uß Ea\UPmh ¤µ\[Pzøu CßÚ•® ö\´¯ÂÀø».
He was stunned, dazed, astonished, non-plussed.
AÁß vøPzx, ìu®¤zx, Avº¢x öÁÔzx ÷|õUQÚõß.
As long as he wanted her to understand, life beat him down.
AÁøͨ ¦›¢x öPõÒÍ •¯ßÓÁøµ, ÁõÌÄ AÁøÚ Aizx ÃÌzv¯x.
He stopped that approach, took leave of her, wrote to her what came to his Mind and then disappeared till we see him at Pemberley.
A¢u AqS•øÓø¯ {Özv Âøh ö£ØÓõß. ©ÚvÀ £mhøu AÁÐUS GÊvÚõß. ¤ß ö£®£º¼°À AÁøÚ |õ® Põq® Áøµ ©øÓ¢x ÷£õÚõß.
Whatever happened in him began subconsciously and was gaining half-consciousness.
AÁÝÒ Gx |h¢u÷uõ Ax BÌ©ÚzvÀ öuõh[Q £õv öuÎÄ

It was not an experience he had till then, nor was it an experience Man had had till then.
AxÁøµ AÁß Ax ÷£õßÓ AÝ£Á® ö£ØÓvÀø». G¢u ©ÛuÝ® AxÁøµ Ax ÷£õßÓ AÝ£Ázøu¨ ö£ØÓvÀø».
Perhaps it was the earliest descent of Supermind on Man.
©Ûuß ÷©À •uß•u¼À \zv¯ 㯮 A¨÷£õx uõß CÓ[Q¯x ÷£õ¾®.
Of course, we know it occurs in the shadow of the French Revolution, of Napoleon acting in France.
¤µg_ ¦µm]°ß {ǼÀ, ö|¨÷£õ¼¯ß ¤µõßêÀ ö\¯À£k® ÷£õx Ax |h¨£øu |õ©Ô÷Áõ®.
Mother and Sri Aurobindo were on earth, many here lived with them, and thousands had their Darsan.
AßøÚ²® ÿ AµÂ¢u¸® §ª°À C¸¢uÚº. £»º AÁºP÷Íõk ÁõÌ¢uÚº. B°µUPnUPõ÷Úõº AÁºPÍx u›\Úzøu¨ ö£ØÓÚº.
Everyone, without fail, received their realisation as a one time experience. It was truly a miracle, every time.
uÁÓõ©À JÆöÁõ¸Á¸® J¸ •øÓ AÁºPÍx ÷£µÝ£Ázøu¨ ö£ØÓÚº. JÆöÁõ¸ •øÓ²® Ax Esø©°À Kº Aئu÷©.
The door opened countless number of times.
PnUPØÓ •øÓPÒ PuÄ vÓ¢ux.
Darcy kept it open till Elizabeth entered.
G¼\ö£z ~øDz® Áøµ hõº] PuøÁz vÓ¢x øÁzv¸¢uõß.
Elizabeth saw the door open to realise her folly.
uß ‰hzuÚzøu Enµ÷Á G¼\ö£z PuøÁz vÓUP øÁzuõÒ.
The door beckons to us.
PuÄ |®ø© AøÇUQÓx.
Every Man refuses to go back to it.
AuÛh® v¸®£a ö\À» AøÚÁ¸® ©ÖUQßÓÚº.
Will one or a few respond to HER or to HIM.
J¸Á÷µõ, J¸ ]»÷µõ AßøÚU÷Põ ÿ AµÂ¢u¸U÷Põ £vÀ AΨ£õºPÍõ?
It needs a concentration that leads to consecration.
AuØS \©º¨£nzøuz u¸® J¸•P¨£kuÀ ÷uøÁ.
It is All-inclusive concentration.
Ax AøÚzøu²® EÒÍhUQ¯ J¸•P¨£kuÀ.
Again his astonishment was obvious; and he looked at her with an expression of mingled incredulity and mortification. She went on --
«sk® AÁÝøh¯ ¯¨¦ öÁΨ£øh¯õP÷Á öu›¢ux; ÷©¾® AÁÝøh¯ £õºøÁ°À \¢÷uP•®, Á¸zu•® C¸¢ux. AÁÒ uÚx ÷£aø\z öuõhº¢uõÒ.
280. His facial response encouraged her to activate her abusive genius.
281. “he looked at her with an expression of mingled incredulity and mortification”.
"AÁß \¢÷uP•®, Á¸zu•® P»¢x AÁøͨ £õºzuõß."
He saw Savitri’s face; rather God’s face in Elizabeth.
AÁß \õÂz›°ß •Pzøu Pshõß. PhÄÎß •Pzøu G¼\ö£zvÀ Pshõß.
It was not a human moment.
Ax ©Ûu u¸n® AßÖ.
There was no proposal, a Man wanting to marry a woman.
Ax Kº Bs J¸ ö£søn ©nUP ¸®¦Áøuz öu›ÂUS® ©n¨ ÷£a]ß u¸n©ßÖ.
She was a terrible Kali, a goddess, demanding his head as an offering and he was willing.
AÁÒ EUQµ PõÎ. AÁß uø»ø¯ PõoUøP¯õPU ÷PmS® öu´Á®. AÁß AuØS u¯õµõP C¸UQÓõß.
He had no answer. He could only wish her well.
AÁÛh® £vÀ CÀø». AÁÒ |ßÓõP C¸UP ÷Áskö©ßÖ Â¸®£zuõß AÁÚõÀ •i²®.
No woman, especially in a proposal, called a gentleman the names she was pleased to call.
G¢u ö£sq®, •UQ¯©õP v¸©n¨ ÷£a]ß ÷£õx, ö£¸[Si©PøÚ ©Ú® ÷£õÚ ÷£õUQÀ vmh ©õmhõÒ.
She was not speaking.
AÁÒ ÷£\ÂÀø».
The Force of Kali found utterance in her.
Põ롧 \Uv AÁøÍ ÷£\ øÁzux.
It was one of the divine occasions when the very punishments are grace.
Ax ushøÚ A¸ÍõP ©õÖ® CøÓ u¸n[PÎÀ JßÖ.
It was her genius that spoke.
AÁÐøh¯ ÷©uø© ÷£]¯x.
It was evil genius.
Ax w¯ ÷©uø©.
Until she exhausted her repertory he was renewing his pleadings.
uß Á\ª¸¢u \µUSPøÍ AÁÒ wºUS® Áøµ hõº] G¼\ö£zvh® •øÓ°mkU öPõsi¸¢uõß.
He almost approached her on different facets of her personality and was asking her to relate to him from that dimension.
AÁß AÁÍx BÐø©°ß £À÷ÁÖ £UP[PøÍ AqQ, A¨£›©õn[PÎß ‰»® AÁÒ uß÷Úõk EÓÄ öPõÒÍ ÷Ásk® GßÖ ÷Pmhõß.
What Napoleon often executed on the battlefield, she did in meeting him.
None of Jane Austen’s other novels carry this atmosphere.
÷£õºPÍzvÀ ö|¨÷£õ¼¯ß AiUPi ö\´uøu G¼\ö£z hõº]²hÚõÚ \¢v¨¤À ö\´QÓõÒ.
÷áß BìhÛß ÷ÁÖ G¢u Pøu°¾® Cx ÷£õßÓ `ÇÀ CÀø».
It was too long ago and there is no wonder in her not being able to publish it for 20 years.
Pøu ªP ö|k[Põ»zvØS •ß GÊu¨£mhx. Aøu C¸£x Á¸h[PÍõP öÁΰh •i¯õuvÀ ¯¨ö£õßÖªÀø».
It had a market value of £ 40.
Auß \¢øu ©v¨¦ £ 40.
It is the social response to the descent of God.
|õi Á¸® CøÓÁÝUS Ax÷Á \‰P® u¸® ©Öö©õÈ.
Man is mercenary, mean, selfish and cantankerous.
©Ûuß Buõ¯ ©Ú¨£õßø© EÒÍÁß. uõÌ¢uÁß. _¯|»©õÚÁß. \a\µÄ ö\´£Áß.
To expect him to respond is equally so.
AÁß ©Öö©õÈ u¸Áõß GßÖ Gvº£õº¨£x® A¨£i¨£mh÷u.
"From the very beginning -- from the first moment, I may almost say -- of my acquaintance with you, your manners, impressing me with the fullest belief of your arrogance, your conceit, and your selfish disdain of the feelings of others, were such as to form that groundwork of disapprobation on which succeeding events have built so immoveable a dislike; and I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry."
 "Bµ®£zv¼¸¢÷u, CßÝ® ö\õÀ»¨ ÷£õÚõÀ } AÔ•P® BÚ •uÀ ÂÚõi°¼¸¢÷u, EßÝøh¯ |hzøu, EßÝøh¯ CÖ©õ¨¦, PºÁ®, ©ØÓÁºPÎß Enºa]PøÍ Eß _¯|»zvØPõP A»m]¯® ö\´Áx CøÁPÒ GÀ»õ® EßøÚ {µõP›¨£uØS £»©õÚ AìvÁõµ©õP •ß÷£ Aø©¢xÂmi¸¢ux. CuøÚ öuõhº¢x |h¢u Âå¯[PÒ Gß öÁÖ¨ø£ ÷©¾® ìvµ¨£kzv¯x. EßøÚz öu›¢u J¸ ©õuzvØSÒ÷Í÷¯ EßøÚ |õß, GUPõµnzvØPõPÄ® v¸©n® ö\´x öPõÒÍ ©õm÷hß GßÖ {øÚUP Bµ®¤zx Âm÷hß."
282.  “With the fullest belief of your arrogance”.
"Eß PºÁzvß «x C¸¢u •Ê |®¤UøP÷¯õk."
In answer to his question whether he could delight in her inferior connections, she pungently asks if she could enjoy his arrogance and fall in love with him.
AÁÍx uõÌ¢u EÓÄPøͨ £ØÔ uõß ©QÌa] öPõÒÍ •i²©õ GßÓ AÁÚx ÷PÒÂUS AÁÒ £vÀ ö\õÀQÓõÒ. AÁÚx PºÁzøuU Psk ©QÌ¢x AÁß «x PõuÀ Á¯¨£h •i²©õ GßÖ Põµ©õPU ÷PmQÓõÒ.
Her offensive words startle him; his own words he was unaware of.
AÁÐøh¯ Pkø©¯õÚ ÁõºzøuPÒ AÁøÚ vkUQh øÁUQßÓÚ. uõß TÔ¯ ÁõºzøuPÒ AÁß PÁÚzvÀ CÀø».
After all, her offence was only in return of his offence.
AÁß uõUSu¾US AÁÒ £v»i uõß u¢uõÒ.
The initiative was his. Mother asks us not to take initiative.
Bµ®¤zux AÁß uõß. AßøÚ |®ø© Gøu²® Bµ®¤UP •øÚ¯õ÷u GßQÓõº.
Initiative is for God, not for Man. That will be very good indeed.
CøÓÁ÷Ú •øÚ¯ ÷Ásk®. Aøu ©Ûuß ö\´¯U Thõx. Ax Esø©°÷»÷¯ ]Ó¨£õP C¸US®.
God does not take wrong initiative. What appears to be God’s initiative is a continuation of our past initiative.
CøÓÁß uÁÓõP •øÚ¯ ©õmhõº. CøÓÁÛß •øÚ¨£õPz ÷uõßÖÁx |® Ph¢u Põ» •øÚ¨¤ß öuõhºa]÷¯.
Creation is His and He alone has the right to take initiative.
£øh¨¦ CøÓÁÝøh¯x. •øÚ²® E›ø© CøÓÁÝUS ©mk÷© E›¯x.
Ego takes initiative and that becomes one’s karma.
AP[Põµ® •øÚ²®. Ax J¸ÁÚx Pº©©õQÓx.
‘Tolerable’ was his initiative. Now he proposed and she refused. He further takes initiative to ask why. She spoke out mentioning he was ungentlemanly.
£µÁõ°Àø» GßÓx AÁÚx •øÚ¨¦. C¨÷£õx v¸©n¨ ÷£a_ Gkzuõß. AÁÒ ©Özx ÂmhõÒ. HöÚßÖ ÷Pmk ÷©¾® •øÚQÓõß. AÁß E¯º¢uÁÛÀø» GßQÓõÒ.
 He further provoked her about her inferior connections. She emptied herself about his arrogance, conceit, etc. He stopped her at that point and offered her his good wishes. He was disappointed, not hurt. His own edifice about himself came crashing down and in its place another dark one was now erected.
AÁÍx EÓÄPÒ uõÌ¢uøÁ GßÖ ÷©¾® G›a\¿mkQÓõß. AÁÝøh¯ H©õØÖ ÷Áø», PºÁ® BQ¯ÁØøÓ¨ £ØÔz vmiz wºUQÓõÒ. A¢u ChzvÀ AÁøÍz ukzx {Özv¯ hõº] AÁÐUS |ÀÁõÌzxUPøÍU TÖQÓõß. AÁß H©õØÓ©øh¢uõß. BÚõÀ ¦s£hÂÀø». AÁß ußøÚ¨ £ØÔU Pmi¯ ÷Põmøh Ci¢x ÃÇ¢ux. A¢u ChzvÀ ÷ÁöÓõ¸ P›¯ ÷Põmøh GÊ®¦QÓx.
Events reveal the face of Life. If one goes further, God reveals himself. These things happen only at mature moments of life. And they are only in the lives of those who are lucky. Luck is the descent of grace on the receptive soul at a moment his soul is ripe with the vision of wisdom. Darcy is the chosen soul through whom the society is saving the human heads of the English aristocracy. It is his individual sacrifice on behalf of his class.
{PÌa]PÒ ÁõÌÂß •Pzøu öÁΨ£kzx®. ÷©÷» ö\ßÓõÀ CøÓÁÛß v¸•P® öu›²®. A¨£i¨£mh {PÌa]PÒ £USÁ® {øÓ¢u Pn[PÎÀ ©mk÷© {PÊ®. AxÄ® Avºèh\õ¼PÎß ÁõÌÂÀ ©mk÷© {PÊ®. ö£Ö¢vÓß ö£ØÓ Â÷ÁP©õÚÁÛß Bß©õ PÛ²® ÷£õx, AÁß «x ö£õȲ® A¸÷Í Avºèh® GÚ¨£k®. hõº] ÷uº¢öukUP¨£mh Bß©õ. \‰P® AÁß ‰»® B[Q» ¤µ¦UPÎß uø»PøÍU Põ¨£õØÖQÓx. Ax uß ÁºUPzvÚ¸UPõP AÁß ö\´²® uÛ©Ûuz v¯õP®.
283. “Such as to form that groundwork of disapprobation”.
"{µõP›¨¤ØPõÚ PÍ÷Áø» C¨£izuõß E¸Áõ°ØÖ."
Temperament is a structure; character is its foundation.
©ÚÄnºÄ J¸ Pmhø©¨¦. Snõv\¯® Auß AìvÁõµ®.
Society lays the foundation for the character. Family and immediate events shape the temperament. Elizabeth’s character has the foundation in the aristocracy and bourgeois coming together. Her temperament is structured in the freedom of the father where the energy of the mother takes shape and strength. At the Meryton Assembly and Netherfield several events have gone in to give the form to the temperament. Darcy knows nothing of this, nor does he know what constitutes his character and temperament. He is a youth eagerly pursuing a girl of his heart’s choice. He expects an eager reception, adoration, admiration, gratitude and love. He was expecting her to be overwhelmed by his aristocratic generosity abundantly bestowed. He never knew the evolutionary role he was called to play. He was saving his precarious head along with the figurative heads of similar aristocrats. She first shaved his head before it was dismantled and severed. That made him start. She saw he was no gentleman and was broadcasting low obnoxious social sewage and was demanding her to approve of it. He was in the surface Mind. His material came from the subconscient. She too was on the surface Mind at the other end, the opposite end. To drain the subconscious from the opposite ends is to pit evil against good, good against evil. This is a process where good and evil have different significances to each of them. As they emerge from the depth, Darcy and Elizabeth began to perceive that they changed character. He found her exhausting her accumulated store of resentment.
\‰P® Snõv\¯zvß AìvÁõµzøu CkQÓx. Sk®£•® A¸QÀ |h¨£øÁ²® ©ÚÄnºÄPøÍ ÁiÁø©UQßÓÚ. G¼\ö£zvß Snõv\¯zvß Ai¨£øhø¯ ¤µ¦zxÁ•® ©zv¯ ÁºUP•® Cøn¢x E¸ÁõUQÚ. AÁÒ ©ÚÄnºÂß Pmhø©¨¦ AÁÒ u¢øu u¢u _u¢vµzuõÀ Á¢ux. A[÷P uõ°ß \Uv E¸Á•®, Á¼ø©²® ö£ØÓx. SnÄnºÄUS ÁiÁ® u¸® ÁøP°À ö©›hß Tmhzv¾®, ö|uº¥Ài¾® £» {PÌa]PÒ |h¢uÚ. hõº]US Cx GxÄ® öu›¯õx. uß Snõv\¯zøu²® ©ÚÄnºÄPøͲ® E¸ÁõUQ¯x Gx Gߣx® AÁÝUSz öu›¯õx. hõº] uß Cu¯® ÷uº¢öukzu¨ ö£søn BºÁzxhß öuõh¸® CøÍbß. AÁß Gvº£õºzux BºÁ©õÚ Áµ÷Áئ, ÷£õØÖuÀ, £õµõmk, |ßÔ¯ÔuÀ ©ØÖ® PõuÀ. uõµõÍ©õP ÁÇ[P¨£mh ¤µ¦zxÁ¨ ö£¸¢ußø©¯õÀ AÁÒ vUS•UPõi¨ ÷£õÁõÒ GßÖ Gvº£õºzuõß. uÚUSz uµ¨£mh £›nõ© ÷Áø»ø¯¨ £ØÔ AÁÝUS JßÖ® öu›¯õx. F\»õiU öPõsi¸US® uß uø»ø¯²®, ußøÚ¨ ÷£õßÓ ¤µ¦UPÎß uø»PøͲ® AÁß PõUP ÷Ásk®. G¼\ö£z AÁß uø»ø¯ öÁmk •ß •u¼À AÁÝUS ö©õmøh AiUQÓõÒ. Ax AÁøÚ Avºa]UPõÍõUQ¯x. AÁß E¯º¢uÁÚÀ» Gߣøu²®, \‰Pzvß uõÌ¢u \õUPøh¯õP¨ £µÄQßÓÁß Gߣøu²® Aøu HØPa ö\õÀQÓõß Gߣøu²® AÔQÓõÒ. AÁß ÷©À ©ÚzvÀ C¸UQÓõß. AÁÚx ö£õ¸Ò £õuõÍzv¼¸¢x Á¢ux. AÁÒ ÷©À ©Úzv¼¸¢uõ¾® Gvº•øÚ°À C¸UQÓõÒ. Gvº •øÚPÎÀ C¸zv |ßø©US GvµõP wø©ø¯²®, wø©US GvµõP |ßø©ø¯²® ÷©õu Âmk BÌ©ÚzvÀ C¸¨£ÁØøÓ wºUP»õ®. C¢u ÁÈ •øÓ°À |ßø© wø© CµsiØS÷© öÁÆ÷ÁÖ ÁøPPÎÀ •UQ¯zxÁ® Esk. BÇzv¼¸¢x öÁΨ£kÁuõÀ hõº]²® G¼\ö£zx® AøÁ SnzvÀ ©õÔÂmhuõP GsoU öPõshÚº. uõß ÷\ºzx øÁzu AÁ©õÚ EnºÄPøÍ AÁÒ •ÊÁx©õP ö\»ÁȨ£øu hõº] Pshõß.
 It is very significant that he offered her at the end good wishes.
CÖv¯õP AÁß AÁÐUS |ÀÁõÌzxUPÒ TÔ¯x ªPÄ® •UQ¯©õÚx.
284. “On which succeeding events have built so immovable a dislike”.
"öuõhº¢u {PÌa]PÍõÀ Aø\UP •i¯õu öÁÖ¨¦ E¸Áõ°ØÖ."
The immovable mountain in Time dissolves in Simultaneous Time.
Põ»•® Põ»ªßø©²® Tk® ChzvÀ Aø\¯õu ©ø» ÷£õßÓ Põ»® Pøµ²®.
She, like all of us, is in Time, and speaks in the language of Time.
|®ö©À÷»õøµ²® ÷£õ»÷Á AÁÒ Põ»zvÀ C¸UQÓõÒ. ÷|µzvß ö©õÈø¯¨ ÷£_QÓõÒ.
Surely it is an immovable dislike looked at as it is.
{a\¯©õP Ax Aø\¯õu öÁÖ¨ø£, Aø\¯õu öÁÖ¨£õP÷Á £õº¨£uõS®.
There is no force in life to handle it at all.
Aøu øP¯õЮ \Uv ÁõÌÂÀ CÀø».
Still we saw what happened to its immovability.
B°Ý® Auß Aø\Âßø© GßÚ B°ØÖ GߣøuU Põs÷£õ®.
The dimensions of Time changing the immovability too changes.
Põ»zvß £›©õn[PÒ ©õÔÚõÀ, Aø\¯õzußø©²® Th ©õÖ®.
What was happening in Paris was in Time.
£õ›êÀ |h¨£x Põ»zvÀ C¸¨£uõS®.
There was total apprehension it would come across the channel at any time.
G¢u ÷|µzv¾® H÷uõ J¸ ÁÈ°À Ax ÁµUTk® GßÓ •Êz öuÎÄ C¸¢ux.
The revolution of Paris came to England without its horror, because the English aristocracy was not moving in the physical plane, but moved to the vital plane.
£õ›êÀ |h¢u ¦µm] Auß £¯[Pµ {PÌÄPÎßÔ C[Q»õ¢vØS Á¢ux. Auß Põµn® B[Q» ¤µ¦zxÁ® áh uÍzv¼¸¢x E°º uÍzvØS |Pº¢u÷u.
She could do so since in 1688 she underwent one revolution.
A¨£i ö\´¯ •i¢uuØPõÚ Põµn® 1688À HØPÚ÷Á J¸ ¦µm]ø¯ \¢vzux uõß.
Mr. Bennet’s family, as explained in the story, is an individual beneficiary of a universal vibration.
Pøu°À ÂÍUP¨£mhx ÷£õ» Mr. ö£ßÚm Sk®£® ¤µ£g\ AvºÂß £»øÚ¨ ö£ØÓx.
Events succeed in the plane of Time. They build up.
Põ»zvß {PÌÄPÒ Akzukzx Á¸®. AøÁ AkUPkUPõP ©õÖ®.
Events in the higher plane do not succeed, but exist in one another, i.e. exist simultaneously.
E¯º¢u uÍ[PÎÀ {PÌÄPÒ Akzukzx HØ£kÁvÀø». JßÔÀ JßÖ C¸US®. AuõÁx J÷µ \©¯zvÀ C¸US®.
This story starts in Time and moves to the higher planes of Time to undo the accretions of Time.
Pøu Põ»zvÀ Bµ®¤zx, Põ»zvß E¯º uÍ[PÐUS |Pº¢x Põ»a_ø©PøÍU PøµUQÓx.
Mrs. Bennet exhibits the infinity of stupidity after Lydia’s elopement.
Infinity is infinity whether it is of stupidity or intelligence. That changed the plane in which they existed.
¼i¯õÂß KmhzvØS¨ ¤ß Mrs. ö£ßÚm AÍÁØÓ AÔ¯õø©ø¯ öÁΨ£kzxQÓõÒ. AÔ÷Áõ AÔÂßø©÷¯õ AÚ¢u® AÚ¢u÷©. Ax AÁºPÒ C¸¢u uÍzøu ©õØÔ¯x.
After her stupid outpouring, the finite plane of Time changed into the infinite plane of higher Time, making three marriages possible.
AÁÍx AÔÃÚ©õÚ ÷£a_UPÐUS¨ ¤ß A¢u©õÚ Põ»zuÍ® AÚ¢u©õÚ E¯º Põ»z uÍ©õ°ØÖ. Ax ‰ßÖ v¸©n[PÒ |h¨£øu \õzv¯©õUQ¯x.
285. “You were the last man in the world whom I could… marry”.
"E»QÀ |õß ©nUP ¸®¦® Pøh] Bs } uõß."
Life compels Man to speak the very opposite thoughts to what he has in his Mind.
uß ©ÚzvÀ C¸US® Gsn[PÐUS ªPÄ® GvµõÚ Gsn[PøÍ ÷£_©õÖ ©ÛuøÚ ÁõÌÄ ÁئÖzx®.
He came to Hunsford to propose. After the proposal he left.
AÁß íßì÷£õºiØS ©n¨ ÷£a_ ÷£\ Á¢uõß. ÷£]¯ ¤ß ö\ßÖ Âmhõß.
She came and was waiting for weeks for the proposal. She stays there for some weeks after the proposal.
AÁÒ Á¢uõÒ. ©n¨÷£a]ØPõP £» Áõµ[PÒ Põzv¸¢uõÒ. ©n¨÷£a]ØS¨ ¤ß £» Áõµ[PÒ u[Q C¸¢uõÒ.
The woman, having planted the bait, waits patiently for the Man.
Áø»ø¯ ›zx Âmk ö£s BqUPõP¨ ö£õÖø©¯õPU Põzv¸¨£õÒ.
After reading the letter she moves to the inner Mind.
Piuzøu¨ £izu ¤ß AÁÒ EÒ ©ÚzvØS |PºQÓõÒ.
After writing the letter he moves to the subliminal Mind.
Piuzøu GÊv¯ ¤ß AÁß Ai ©ÚzvØS |PºQÓõß.
It was a battle of wits – comparable social status.
Ax \‰P A¢uìzvÀ ©õÖ£mh Thõµ[PÎß ÷£õº.
“Can I rejoice” cannot go without its counterpart.
|õß \¢÷uõ娣h •i²©õ? Gߣx Auß Gvº £Sv CßÔ ÷£õP •i¯õx.
When the rival reveals his weakness, it is hardly possible not to take advantage of it.
GvµõÎ uß £»ÃÚzøu öÁΨ£kzv¯ ¤ß Aøu uÚUS \õuP©õP £¯ß£kzvU öPõÒÍõ©¼¸UP •i¯õx.
“You are the last man” may not fully balance his phrases.
}÷¯ Pøh] Bs GßÓ ÁõºzøuPÒ AÁß ÁõºzøuPÐUS •ÊÁx©õP DhõPõx.
It is necessary for the obstacles in the surface consciousness to be removed for the true relationship.
÷©Ø£µ¨¦ ã¯zv¼¸US® uøhPøÍ •ÊÁx©õP »USÁx Esø©¯õÚ EÓÄUS AÁ]¯©õS®.
One cannot do it oneself.
uõ©õP÷Á J¸ÁµõÀ ö\´¯ •i¯õx.
Each does it to the other.
J¸Áº ©ØÓÁ¸US Cøua ö\´¯ •i²®.
This proposal is the meeting of their vitals before their minds will meet later.
©Ú[PÒ ¤ßÚº \¢vUS® •ßÚº EnºÄPÒ \¢v¨£÷u v¸©n¨ ÷£a_.
Ostensibly he replies to her accusations about Jane and Wickham.
öÁÎz÷uõØÓzvÀ hõº], ÷áß ©ØÖ® ÂUPõ® £ØÔ¯ G¼\ö£zvß SØÓa\õmkPÐUS £vÀ TÖQÓõß.
In truth in the letter he is more than answering the accusations, trying to make her understand that he is not mean with Jane, not dishonest with Wickham, he is not one devoid of values.
AÁß PiuzvÀ SØÓa\õmkPÐUS £vÀ TÖÁ÷uõk, uõß ÷áÝUSU öPkuÀ ö\´¯z xo¯õuÁß Gߣøu²®, ÂUPõªh® ÷|ºø©¯ØÓÁÚõP |h¢x öPõÒÍÂÀø» Gߣøu²®, uõß £s¦PÍØÓÁß CÀø» Gߣøu²®
G¼\ö£zvØS ¦›¯ øÁUP •¯ÀQÓõß.

As she had other provocations, he had other weighty considerations to move away from Wickham.
AÁÐUS ÷ÁÖ ÷Põ£[PÒ C¸¢uøu¨ ÷£õ», ÂUPõªhª¸¢x »P AÁÝUS® Á¾ÁõÚ Põµn[PÒ Esk.
"You have said quite enough, madam. I perfectly comprehend your feelings, and have now only to be ashamed of what my own have been. Forgive me for having taken up so much of your time, and accept my best wishes for your health and happiness."
"} AvP® ÷£]Âmhõ´. EßÝøh¯ EnºÄPøÍ |õß ªPa \›¯õP¨ ¦›¢x öPõsk Âm÷hß. GßÝøh¯ EnºÄPøÍ {øÚzx |õß C¨ö£õÊx öÁmP¨£hzuõß ÷Ásk®. EßÝøh¯ ÷|µzøu ÃnõUQ¯uØS ©ßÛUPÄ®. EßÝøh¯ B÷µõUQ¯zvØS®, \¢÷uõåzvØS® GÚx ÁõÌzxUPÒ."
286. He is not prepared to listen to more.
287. Not wanting to snap the relationship, he wishes her health and happiness.
288. Knowing what she thinks, shame arises in him.
289. “You have said quite enough, madam”.
"A®©o }[PÒ {øÓ¯ ÷£] ÂmjºPÒ."
Virtually he had no more capacity to be the recipient of her abuse.
AuØS ÷©À AÁÎh® vmk Áõ[S® vµõo AÁÛh® CÀø» Gߣx öÁΨ£øh¯õPz öu›QÓx.
Even in quantity she has said enough. She has shown that his officious interference with Bingley intruded into his private judgement and therefore lost all sense of decent human behaviour.
÷Ási¯ AÍÂØS ÷£]ÂmhõÒ. ¤[Q¼ Âå¯zvÀ AÁÚx ©mh©õÚ SÖURk AÁÚx ö\õ¢u •iÂÀ SÖUQmhx GßÖ® GÚ÷Á |õP›P©õÚ ©ÛuøÚ¨ ÷£õ» |h¢x öPõÒÍ uÁÔÂmhõß GßÖ® _miU Põmi ÂmhõÒ.
In conspiring against a sweet innocent girl like Jane, with other ladies, he has forfeited all sense of dignity.
¤Ó ö£sP÷Íõk ÷\º¢x ÷áøÚ¨ ÷£õßÓ CÛ¯ A¨£õ¨ ö£sqUS GvµõP `Ìa] ö\´u ÷£õx ªPÄ® uµ® uõÌ¢x ÷£õÚõß.
She had not called it a heinous crime, but she meant it.
AÁÒ AøuU Pkø©¯õÚ SØÓ® GßÖ TÓõÂmhõ¾® A¨£i¨ ö£õ¸Ò£k®£i÷¯ ÷£]ÚõÒ.
To take advantage of a trusting friend and his extreme modesty is to betray the trust reposed in him.
|s£Ûß Â_Áõ\zøu²® AÁÚx wµ AhUPzøu²® uÚUS \õuP©õP¨ £¯ß£kzvU öPõÒÁx uß «x AÁß öPõsh Â_Áõ\zvØS x÷µõP® ö\´ÁuõS®.
It was not an open break, an open objection merits.
Ax öÁΨ£øh¯õÚ ¤ÍÁßÖ. öÁΨ£øh¯õÚ Gvº¨¦ PÁÛUP¨£h ÷Ási¯x.
It is clandestine, a detestable devious behaviour.
Ax ©øÓÁõÚ, ÷PÁ»©õÚ, öÁÖUPzuUP |hzøu.
To act in concert with jealous women, he equates himself with them, unbecoming of his masculinity.
ö£õÓõø© ¤izu ö£sP÷Íõk Tmk ÷\º¢x ö\¯À£k® ÷£õx, AÁºPøͨ ÷£õ»÷Á AÁÝ® BQÓõß. AÁÚx Bsø©US Ax AÇPßÖ.
It is obvious that Bingley loved Jane even according to Darcy, if not, why fear their meeting.
hõº]°ß ö\¯ø» øÁzx¨ £õºzuõÀ ¤[Q¼ ÷áøÚ Põu¼zuõß GßÖ öu›QÓx. CÀø»ö¯ßÓõÀ AÁºPÒ \¢v¨ø£¨ £ØÔ hõº] Hß Aa\® öPõÒÍ ÷Ásk®?
One can impute it even to jealousy of Bingley who won the prettiest girl there.
A[Q¸¢u ö£sPÎ÷»÷¯ ªP AÇPõÚÁÍõÚ ÷áÛß Põuø» öÁßÓ ¤[Q¼°ß «x AÁß öPõsh ö£õÓõø© GßÖ SØÓ® ö\õÀ»»õ®.
She implied Darcy lacked common humanity.
hõº]°h® ö£õxÁõÚ ©Ûuzußø© Th CÀø» GßÖ G¼\ö£z SÔ¨£õÀ EnºzxQÓõÒ.
To have another under his thumb will not be flattering to any self-respecting Man whose duty it is to respect others.
¤Óøµ ©vUP ÷Ási¯ Phø©ø¯U öPõsh _¯ ©›¯õøu EÒÍ GÁ¸® ¤Óº uß Âµ»ø\ÂØSU Põzv¸¨£øu ö£¸ø©¯õP {øÚUP ©õmhõºPÒ.
She did not even raise these issues as a matter of curiosity or with a desire to know the facts but as an accusation against which he was called upon to defend.
Â審Բ® Bø\°Úõ÷»õ, Esø©ø¯ öu›¢x öPõÒЮ BºÁzvÚõ÷»õ AÁÒ C¢u Âå¯[Pøͨ £ØÔ ÷£\ÂÀø». AÁß «x SØÓ® _©zxQÓõÒ. AÁß ußøÚ Põzx öPõÒÍ ÷Ási¯uõQÓx.
She has incensed him on purpose.
AÁÒ ÷Áskö©ß÷Ó AÁøÚz yskQÓõÒ.
290. “I perfectly comprehend your feelings”.
"Eß EnºÄPøͨ £ØÔz öuÎÁõPz öu›¢x öPõs÷hß."
He came to propose to her and discovered that she detests him from the bottom of her heart, because of what he is and what she heard otherwise.
AÁÎh® v¸©n ¸¨£zøuz öu›ÂUP Á¢uõß. AÁß C¸US® {ø»ø¯²® uõß ÷PÒ¨£mhøu²® øÁzx uß Cu¯zvß Ai°¼¸¢x AÁøÚ G¼\ö£z öÁÖUQÓõÒ Gߣøuz öu›¢x öPõshõß.
It is not so much what he did as what she has construed.
AÁß GßÚ ö\´uõß Gߣøu Âh AÁÒ GßÚ {øÚzxU öPõshõÒ Gߣx ö£›uõQ Âmhx.
An event is multidimensional, multifaceted. It looks constructed outside. On enquiry we see it is constructed inside us. Further it reveals it is constructed in all of us, in all the Many. That is not the end. It is created in the One. All these cover only the apprehending supermind.
J¸ {PÌÂØS £» £›©õn[PЮ £» •P[PЮ Esk. Ax öÁÎ÷¯ E¸ÁõUP¨£kÁx ÷£õ»z ÷uõßÖQÓx. Bµõ´¢uõÀ Ax |®•Ò E¸ÁõQÓx Gߣøu AÔ¯»õ®. ÷©¾® öu›Áx GßÚöÁßÓõÀ Ax |® AøÚÁ›¾® E¸ÁõQÓx. £»µõÚ AzuøÚ ÷£›¾® E¸ÁõQÓx. Ax •iÁßÖ. CøÓÁÛ¾® E¸ÁõQÓx. CøÁ GÀ»õ® apprehending\zv¯ ã¯zøu¨ £ØÔ¯øÁ.
And the role of ignorance is there. What then is an event? Is it the Force of consciousness or Force of Being? He says they are one when the supreme victory is won. Darcy has tried for transformation of his own inside and reached his goal. She has come forward to shed her vital falsehood that dominated her Mind. That brought Darcy. The story reaches its end there.
A[÷P AgbõÚzvß £[Ssk. A¨£i¯õÚõÀ {PÌÄ Gߣx GßÚ? ã¯zvß \Uv¯õ? ãÁÛß \Uv¯õ? Ea\UPmh öÁØÔø¯ ö£ØÓ ¤ßÚº Cµsk® Jß÷Ó GßÖ £PÁõß TÖQÓõº. hõº] uß AP® v¸Ä¸©õÓ uõÚõP •¯ßÖ uß SÔU÷PõøÍ Aøh¢uõß. uß ©Úzvß «x BvUP® ö\¾zv¯ uß EnºÂß ö£õ´ø©ø¯ Âmk Âh AÁÒ •ß Á¢uõÒ. Ax hõº]ø¯ AøÇzx Á¢ux. Pøu A[÷P •iQÓx.
To us it is not the end. The original evil is there. The ego is there.
|©US Ax •iÁßÖ. A[Suõß wø©°ß Bµ®£® C¸UQÓx. A[Suõß AP[Põµ® C¸UQÓx.
Self-absorption relieves us of both. And there is one more step in the Supreme victory. At some stage he found Elizabeth innocent. Anyone is innocent at that perception.
ußøÚ ©øÓzuÀ |®ø© A¢u Cµsi¼¸¢x® ÂkÂUQÓx. Ea\UPmh öÁØÔUS CßÝ® J¸ £iø¯z uõsh ÷Ásk®. J¸ PmhzvÀ AÁß G¼\ö£z A¨£õ Gߣøu AÔ¢uõß. A¢u ÷|õUQÀ GÁ¸÷© A¨£õÂuõß.
As soon as he left, she saw the tumult in her Mind.
AÁß ö\ßÓÄhß, AÁÒ ©Ú® SǨ£©øhÁøuU PshõÒ.
It is not a vision that belongs to the world she is born into.
Ax AÁÒ ¤Ó¢u E»PzvØS›¯ u›\Ú©ßÖ.
It is the vision of the story Jane Austen offers her.
Ax ÷áß BìiÛß Pøu AÁÐUSz u¸® u›\Ú®.
She felt the wonder of gratitude and it was not comprehensible.
AÁÒ |ßÔ¯Ôu¼ß Aئuzøu Enº¢uõÒ. Aøu AÁÍõÀ ¦›¢x öPõÒÍ •i¯ÂÀø».
Life spared her. No one came to disturb her.
ÁõÌÄ AÁøÍ JßÖ® ö\´¯õ©À Âmhx. GÁ¸® AÁøÍz öuõ¢uµÄ ö\´¯ÂÀø».
The powerful human atmosphere she carried prevented them from calling on her.
AÁÎhª¸¢u \Uv Áõ´¢u ©Ûu `ÇÀ GÁ¸® AÁøÍz öuõ¢uµÄ ö\´Áøu ukzux.
As her own power increased in her, her memory would not be there in others.
AÁÍx Á¼ø© AÁÎh® AvP›US® ÷£õx ¤Ó›h® AÁøͨ £ØÔ¯ {øÚÄ C¸UPõx.
That is the power of what she was.
AÁÎhª¸¢u \Uv°ß ußø© A¨£i¨£mhx.
Fitzwilliam could not meet her later.
¤mì ÂÀ¼¯ªÚõÀ ¤ßÚº AÁøÍ \¢vUP •i¯ÂÀø».
291. “Have now only to be ashamed of what my own have been”.
"|õß ö\´uuØPõP öÁmP¨£h ÷Ási¯uõP EÒÍx."
Great moments of life are moments of Self-revelation.
Bß©õ öÁΨ£k® u¸n[PÒ ªPÄ® EßÚu©õÚ u¸n[PÒ.
Darcy has had no such self-revelation.
A¨£i¨£mh u¸n[PÒ hõº]US Á¢uvÀø».
The logical conclusion from her description led him to say the above.
AÁÒ ÂÁ›zuv¼¸¢x AÁß Aøh¢u uºUPŸv¯õÚ •iÄ AÁøÚ AÆÁõÖ ÷£\ øÁzux.
The letter is one of full self-justification.
ußøÚ •Êø©¯õP {¯õ¯¨£kzu Piu® GÊvÚõß.
In the letter, he does not regret anything except the ploy.
PiuzvÀ uõß ö\´u `Ìa]ø¯z uµ ÷ÁÖ GuØS® AÁß Á¸zu® öu›ÂUPÂÀø».
Even that he says it was done for the best and needs no further apology.
Aøu²® uõß |À»uØPõPz uõß ö\´uuõPU TÖQÓõß. AuØS ÷©À G¢u ©ßÛ¨ø£²® ÷PõµÂÀø».
A question arises about his faulty judgement about Jane’s love.
÷áÛß Põuø»¨ £ØÔ¯ AÁÚx uÁÓõÚ wº¨ø£¨ £ØÔ ÷PÒ GÊQÓx.
It has shaken him about whether he was right.
uõß ö\´ux \›uõÚõ GßÖ AU÷PÒÂ AÁøÚ BmkÂzux.
He never relied on Elizabeth for that.
AÁß AuØS Âøh Põn G¼\ö£zvß EuÂø¯ |õhÂÀø».
He came back and verified it himself.
v¸®¤¯Áß uõÚõP÷Á Aøu \› £õºUQÓõß.
All these introspections never made him see that his interference was officious.
C¢u AP ÷\õuøÚPÒ uß SÖURk uÁÓõÚx GßÖ J¸ ÷£õx® AÁøÚ Enµ øÁUPÂÀø».
His relationship with Bingley remained untouched all through.
G¢u {ø»°¾® ¤[Q¼²hÚõÚ AÁß EÓÄ öuõh¨£hõ©÷»÷¯ C¸¢ux.
His transformation was confined to Elizabeth.
AÁÝøh¯ v¸Ä¸©õØÓ® G¼\ö£zuÍÂÀ {ßÖ Âmhx.
Mr. Bennet’s opposition and Jane’s disapproval were because his transformation was limited to Elizabeth, not fully embracing all the family.
AÁÝøh¯ v¸Ä¸©õØÓ® G¼\ö£zuÍ÷Áõk {ßÖ AÁÍx •Ê Sk®£zvÚøµ •ÊÁx©õP uÊÁõuuõÀ uõß Mr. ö£ßÚmiß Gvº¨¦®, ÷áÛß ©Ö¨¦® HØ£mhÚ.
Lydia, Wickham, Mrs. Bennet, Mr. Bennet are all accepted for her sake.
¼i¯õ, ÂUPõ®, Mrs. ö£ßÚm, Mr. ö£ßÚm BQ¯ AøÚÁ¸® AÁÒ ö£õ¸mk HØÖU öPõÒͨ£mhÚº.
She alone was accepted as she is.
AÁÒ ©mk÷© AÁÐUPõP HØÖU öPõÒͨ£mhõÒ.
When changes come in the society or in the individual or in events, we always see the reality of the change, what changes to what extent, how, for what reasons.
\‰Pzv÷»õ, uÛ©ÛuÛ÷»õ, {PÌa]PÎ÷»õ ©õØÓ® Á¢uõÀ, ©õØÓzvß {a\¯©õÚ Esø©ø¯, Gx G¢u AÍÂÀ ©õÖQÓx, G¨£i, GßÚ Põµn[PÐUPõP GߣÁØøÓ G¨÷£õx® £õºUQ÷Óõ®.
He accepts the Gardiners fully is the reality.
AÁß PõºiÚºPøÍ HØÖU öPõshx {a\¯©õÚ Esø©.
He did become ashamed of what he had been, not when he spoke or wrote the letter. It was a later development.
uõß GßÚÁõP C¸¢÷uõ® GߣuØPõP AÁß öÁmQ Á¸¢vÚõß. AÁß ÷£]¯ ÷£õ÷uõ Piu® GÊv¯ ÷£õ÷uõ AÆÁõÖ Á¸¢uÂÀø». Ax ¤ßÚº {PÌ¢ux.
292. “Accept my best wishes for your health and happiness”.
"} EhÀ |»zxhÝ® ©QÌa]²hݪ¸UP |õß TÖ® |ÀÁõÌzxUPøÍ HØÖU öPõÒÍ ÷Ásk®."
After her vituperation of which he was ashamed, he wishes her happiness.
AÁÍx SØÓa\õmkPÎÚõÀ öÁmP¨£mh hõº], AÁÒ ©QÌa]¯õP C¸UP ÁõÌzxQÓõß.
That is the lover in him; the Man cannot do it.
Aøua ö\´ux AÁÝÒ C¸¢u Põu»ß. ©ÛuÚõÀ Aøua ö\´¯ •i¯õx.
This is an indication of her marriage at the end.
CÖv°À AÁ÷Íõk v¸©n® |hUPU Tk® Gߣøu Ax PõmkQÓx.
After she disclosed about Lydia and totally lost him, he gave her a long parting look. Now it is words, then it is a look. Both are the same.
¼i¯õøÁ¨ £ØÔ AÁÛh® TÔ, AÁøÚ G¼\ö£z •Êø©¯õP CÇ¢u ¤ß, AÁß Âøhö£ØÓõß. A¨÷£õx AÁß AÁøÍ }sh ÷|µ® £õºzuõß. •ßÚº ÁõºzøuPÒ. ¤ßÚº £õºøÁ. Cµsk® J÷µ ©õv›¯õÚøÁ.
To see the role of these small acts is to know the significance of life.
C¢u ]Ô¯ ö\¯ÀPÎß £[øP AÔÁx ÁõÌÂß •UQ¯zxÁzøu AÔÁuõS®.
The smallest act can fully reveal the whole of the act and this is one such.
ªPa ]Ô¯ ö\¯À, ö£›¯ Põ›¯zøu •Êø©¯õP öÁΨ£kzx®.
Caö\¯À Aøu¨ ÷£õßÓ÷u.
The normal logic of life holds good as long as the energy passes through the normal channel of life.
\Uv ÁõÌÂÀ ÁÇUP©õÚ ÁÈPÎÀ ö\À¾® ÷£õx, ÁõÌÂß ÁÇUP©õÚ uºUP® ö\À¾£i¯õS®.
It is the cosmos that determines each act. Hence the cosmic determinant.
JÆöÁõ¸ ö\¯ø»²® ¤µ£g\÷© {ºn°UQÓx. {ºn¯® ö\´Áx ¤µ£g\÷©.
Bingley’s proposal to Jane or Collins’ proposal to Charlotte are events of life, governed by the rules of life.
÷áÛh® ¤[Q¼²®, åõº÷»mih® Põ¼ßéü® Gkzu ©n¨ ÷£a_ ÁõÌÂß {PÌÄPÒ. ÁõÌÂß \mh[PÒ AÁØøÓU Pmk¨£kzx®.
Between Darcy and Elizabeth, one cannot say when the higher force will enter into the scheme. It is all governed by the Being.
hõº] ©ØÖ® G¼\ö£z Âå¯zvÀ E¯º¢u \Uv G¨÷£õx ~øDz® GßÖ TÓ •i¯õx. Ax ¦¸åÚõÀ Pmk¨£kzu¨£kQÓx.
Once the Being enters the act the finite act becomes a field to reveal the infinite.
¦¸åß ö\¯¼À ~øÇ¢x ÂmhõÀ, AÍÂØSm£mh ö\¯À, AÚ¢uzøu öÁΨ£kzx® Ch©õQÓx.
Theoretically every moment is so.
JÆöÁõ¸ Pn•® A¨£i¨£mh÷u Gߣx uzxÁ®.
Even in Pemberley he met her and went away.
ö£®£º¼°¾® Th AÁøÍ \¢vzu¨ ¤ß »Qa ö\ßÓõß.
A little later by chance he came upon her and only then the new Darcy was in evidence.
]Ôx ÷|µ® PÈzx, Gvº£õµõ©À AÁøÍ \¢vzuõß. A¨÷£õx uõß ¦v¯ hõº] Gߣx ¦›¢ux.
Everything inside him rushes headlong towards her.
AÁÝÒ C¸US® AøÚzx® AÁøÍ ÷|õUQ ÷ÁP©õP £õ´QßÓÚ.
Nothing on the surface matches the inner urge.
EÒθUS® E¢xu¾US öÁÎ÷¯ C¸US® GxÄ® {P›Àø».
As a result, we see the resultant of these two forces.
C¢u Cµsk \UvPÎß ÂøÍøÁ |õ® PõsQ÷Óõ®.
Particularly in Darcy this combination from the beginning reveals a compromise that governs his actions.
CUP»øÁ Bµ®£zv¼¸¢÷u hõº]°h® AÁß ö\¯ÀPÎÀ \©µ\zøuU öPõsk Á¸ÁøuU PõsQ÷Óõ®.
For us the process of their combining is of importance.
AøÁ G¨£iU P»UQßÓÚ Gߣx |©US •UQ¯®.
And with these words he hastily left the room, and Elizabeth heard him the next moment open the front door and quit the house.
Cøu ö\õÀ¼ •izuÄhß , AÆÁøÓø¯ Âmk AÁß AÁ\µ©õP APßÓõß. Akzu Â|õi Áõ°À PuøÁz vÓ¢x, Ãmøh Âmk öÁÎ÷¯ ö\ßÓx G¼\ö£zvØSU ÷Pmhx.
The tumult of her mind was now painfully great. She knew not how to support herself, and from actual weakness sat down and cried for half an hour. Her astonishment, as she reflected on what had passed, was increased by every review of it. That she should receive an offer of marriage from Mr. Darcy! That he should have been in love with her for so many months! -- so much in love as to wish to marry her in spite of all the objections which had made him prevent his friend's marrying her sister, and which must appear at least with equal force in his own case -- was almost incredible! -- it was gratifying to have inspired unconsciously so strong an affection. But his pride, his abominable pride -- his shameless avowal of what he had done with respect to Jane -- his unpardonable assurance in acknowledging, though he could not justify it, and the unfeeling manner in which he had mentioned Mr. Wickham, his cruelty towards whom he had not attempted to deny, soon overcame the pity which the consideration of his attachment had for a moment excited. She continued in very agitating reflections till the sound of Lady Catherine's carriage made her feel how unequal she was to encounter Charlotte's observation, and hurried her away to her room.
C¨ö£õÊx AÁÍx ©ÚUSǨ£® ªPÄ® AvP©õP C¸¢ux. Aøu G¨£iz uõ[QU öPõÒÁx GßÖ AÁÐUS¨ ¦›¯ÂÀø». ªPÄ® ÷\õºÁøh¢u AÁÒ EmPõº¢x Aøµ©o ÷|µ® AÊuõÒ. |h¢uøu GÀ»õ® Gso¨ £õºUS® JÆöÁõ¸ •øÓ²® AÁÐøh¯ vøP¨¦ TiU öPõs÷h ö\ßÓx. hõº] ußøÚ v¸©n® ö\´x öPõÒЮ£i ÷Pmi¸UQÓõß! AÁøÍ £» ©õu[PÍõPU Põu¼zxU öPõsi¸UQÓõß! ußÝøh¯ \÷Põu›ø¯, AÁÝøh¯ |s£ß v¸©n® ö\´x öPõÒÁuØS Gøuö¯À»õ® Põµn® Põmi Bm÷\¤zuõ÷Úõ, AøÁö¯À»õ® AÁÝøh¯ Âå¯zv¾® A¢u AÍÂØS C¸¢u ÷£õv¾®, ußøÚ v¸©n® ö\´x öPõÒЮ AÍÂØS wµ©õPU Põu¼UQÓõß Gߣx |®£ •i¯õu JßÓõP C¸¢ux. ußøÚ AÔ¯õ©÷»÷¯ uõß CÆÁÍÄ BÇ©õÚ Põuø» AÁÝUS HØ£kzv¯x \¢÷uõå©õPzuõß C¸¢ux. BÚõÀ AÁÝøh¯ Ãsö£¸ø©, öÁÖUPzuUP Ãsö£¸ø© ÷áÝUS CøÇzu öPõkø©ø¯ Ta\ªÀ»õ©À J¨¦U öPõshx, AuøÚ {¯õ¯¨£kzu •i¯õÂmhõ¾®, uõßuõß ö\´uuõP EÖv¨£kzv¯x, ÂUPõø©¨ £ØÔ¯ G¢u Âu Enºa]²ªÀ»õ©À ö\õßÚx, AÁÝUQøÇzu öPõkø©ø¯ ©ÖUP •¯»õ©À C¸¢ux && CøÁ¯õÄ®, AÁß uß÷©À øÁzv¸¢u Põuø» {øÚzx J¸ ñn® AÁß÷©À GÊ¢u £›uõ£zøuz ÷uõØPizux.
©Ú EøÍa\¼À C¸¢u AÁÒ, ÷»i Põu›Ýøh¯ Ási \zu® ÷Pmk, \õºö»miß £õºøÁø¯ GvºöPõÒÁx PiÚ® GßÖ Enº¢uuõÀ, AÁ\µ©õPz uß AøÓUSÒ ~øÇ¢uõÒ.
293. The very fact that she has to admit his love for her creates the tumult in her.
294. Body becomes weak when the mind is tired.
295. Crying gives relief as it takes away the energy of sorrowing.
296. “honest confession of the scruples” are inordinate intemperance. She showed there was no gentleman-like behaviour in him. He was speechless when he found he was not treated as a gentleman. Now she finds her genius having a spur, released by a causeless spur and describes him as selfish, arrogant, disdainful, and conceited. This was too much for him. He stopped her there, offering her his best wishes for health and happiness. Even now he could do it.
Gß ÷|ºø©¯õÚ ©Ú EÖzuÀPÒGßÖ AÁß uß PmkUPh[Põu ÷Põ£zøuU TÖQÓõß. hõº] gentleman CÀø» GÚ AÁÒ ÁºnøÚ AÁß Áõø¯ AøhzxÂmhx. PõµnªßÔ AÁß «xÒÍ öÁÖ¨¦ Põ¯ |¯©õP _¯|»®, PºÁ®, uõöÚÝ® {øÚÄ, P¯ø©GÚ AÁøÚ }Í ÁºoUS®ö£õÊx AÁÚõÀ ö£õÖUP •i¯õ©À uøh ö\´x A¢u ÷|µzv¾® AÁøÍ ÁõÌzvÂmk¨ ÷£õQÓõß.
297. His love for her, the passion witnessed, the strength she defied creates a painful tumult in her mind. Still the wonder of her having evoked this love in him overwhelms her. In her own estimation she rises. She feels a fulfillment in her genius for abuse finding a vent.
uß«x AÁÝUSÒÍ PõuÀ, Auß wµ®, AÁß A¢uìzøu Gvºzx¨ ÷£]¯x AÁÒ ©ÚzvÀ Kº öPõ¢uΨø£ HØ£kzv¯x. ußÚõÀ AÁß ©ÚzvÀ ¤›¯zøu Gʨ£ •i¢ux AÁÐUS Ba\›¯® uõ[PÂÀø». Ax AÁÐUS¨ ö£¸ø©. P ußÝÒ PÚ»õP GÊ¢ux AÁÐUS Bz©v¸¨v.
298. The shameless avowal of his role with Bingley revealed the uncultured brute in him.
299. Nor was his contempt towards her sympathy for Wickham less shocking.
öÁmP÷©°ßÖ ÷áß Âå¯zøu HØÓx®, £›uõ£ªßÔ ÂUPõø©¨ £ØÔa xa\©õP¨ ÷£]¯x® hõº]°ß _£õÁ®, £ÇUP®, |øh•øÓ BQ¯ÁØøÓ AÁÐUSz öuÎÁõP GkzxøµzuÚ. AÁøÚ ¯õº GÚ AÁÒ öuÎÁõP AÔ¢uõÒ. ußøÚ¨ £ØÔ G¼éö£z GßÚ {øÚUQÓõß GߣvÀ AÁÝUS G¢u I¯•ªÀø» GßÓ AÍÄUS AÁß öuÎÄ ö£ØÓõß.
300. Her astonishment grew.
301. It is a positive feeling.
302. It is gratifying to anyone to know they are loved by anyone.
303. Only when Collins loves it is revolting.
304. Even to him she offered thanks for the offer.
305. Deeply felt emotional energies release by the knowledge of his love.
306. Love is an elevating passion. She does not feel anything like love for him.
307. “The tumult of her Mind was now painfully great”.
"AÁÒ ©Úzv¼¸¢u SǨ£® xߣ® u¸©ÍÂØS ö£›¯uõP C¸¢ux."
One’s Mind is not stirred like this at all. If it ever happens it is once in a lifetime. She has it at 21.
J¸Á¸øh¯ ©Ú® C¢u AÍÂØS SÇ®£õx. A¨£i÷¯ |h¢uõ¾® ÁõÌÂÀ J¸ •øÓ |hUS®. C¸£zv÷¯õ¸ Á¯vÀ AÁÐUS |hUQÓx.
Her whole life was pleasantly focused on Jane. Now it is rudely destroyed.
AÁÍx ö©õzu ÁõÌÄ® ÷áøÚ ÷|õUQ Cߣ©õPU SÂQÓx. Ax C¨÷£õx •µmkzuÚ©õPz uPºUP¨ £kQÓx.
The only one she ever admired was Wickham. In her Mind he is the most agreeable Man of soft behaviour that captivates.
AÁÒ ÷£õØÔ¯ J÷µ Bs ÂUPõ®. Á^P›US® ö©ßø©¯õÚ |hzøu öPõsh ªPÄ® Jzx¨ ÷£õP ÁÀ» Bs ÂUPõ® uõß GßÖ AÁÒ ©Ú® {øÚUQÓx.
Just now she heard contempt poured, what then is the question.
C¨÷£õx uõß PshÚ[PøÍU ÷PmhõÒ. ¤ß GuØS A¢u ÷PÒ GÇ ÷Ásk®?
her being aware, something in her, her beauty or character or her being evoked a deep passionate love in Darcy.
AÁÍÔ¯õ©÷», AÁÐÒ C¸¢u H÷uõ JßÖ, AÁÒ AÇ÷Põ, Sn÷©õ AÀ»x AÁÍx ãÁ÷Úõ hõº]°ÝÒ BÇ©õÚ Bø\ {øÓ¢u Põuø» Gʨ¤ Âmhx.
How can a Mind hold this calamity and this wonder in juxtaposition?
©Ú® GÆÁõÖ C¨ö£¸¢xߣzøu²®, Akzukzx Á¸® Ba\›¯[PøͲ® uõ[S®?
It is too much for the structure she was.
AÁÍx Pmhø©¨¦US Cx AvP©õÚ _ø©.
Her Mind was not her own. She does not know what is happening. No use attempting any composure in the Mind.
AÁÒ ©Ú® AÁÐøh¯uÀ». GßÚ |hUQÓöußÖ AÁÐUSz öu›¯ÂÀø». ©Úøua \õ¢u¨£kzu •¯Ø]¨£vÀ £»ß JßÖªÀø».
What else is she to do?
AÁÒ ÷ÁÖ GßÚ uõß ö\´¯ ÷Ásk®?
Her weakness is inability to keep the poise of the Mind.
©Úøu {uõÚ©õP øÁzxU öPõÒÍ •i¯õux AÁÐøh¯ £»ÃÚ®.
Crying is nervous relief and removes the energy from the Mind.
AÊÁx |µ®¤ØS {uõÚzøuz u¢x, ©Úzv¾ÒÍ \Uvø¯ »US®.
She could not pardon herself, listening to Darcy that it was done for the best.
GÀ»õ® |ßø©U÷P GßÖ hõº] ö\õßÚøu ö\©kzuõÒ. AÁÍõÀ ußøÚ ©ßÛUP •i¯ÂÀø».
Darcy has no apology, but what about Jane.
hõº] ©ßÛ¨¦ ÷PõµÂÀø». ÷áÛß Pv GßÚ?
How fate has put Jane’s future in the hands of a callous dominating officiously interfering friend.
AhUQ BvUP® ö\¾zx® ©mh©õP SÖURk ö\´²® |s£Ûß øPPÎÀ ÷áÛß GvºPõ»zøu Âv u¢x Âmhx.
She could not bring herself to condemn Bingley.
AÁÍõÀ ¤[Q¼ø¯U SøÓ TÓ •i¯ÂÀø».
Bingley, in her opinion, is above blame.
AÁÒ P¸zvÀ ¤[Q¼ A¨£ÊUPØÓÁß.
The whole mistake is on the part of Darcy and the scheming sisters.
hõº]²®, \v ö\´²® \÷Põu›PÐ÷© •Ê SØÓÁõÎPÒ.
308. “Her astonishment… was increased by every review of it”.
"JÆöÁõ¸ •øÓ {øÚÄ T¸® ÷£õx® AÁÍx Ba\›¯® AvP›zux."
Such an increase of astonishment is a positive indication.
CÆÁõÖ Ba\›¯® AvP›¨£x |ßø©UPõÚ AÔSÔ.
The atmosphere of the next proposal is fully subtly, reflected in this review.
C¢u {øÚÄ Tµ¼À Akzu v¸©n¨ ÷£a]ß `ÇÀ `m_©©õP EÒÍx.
It is a wonder she is able to review the interview.
\¢v¨ø£¨ £ØÔ AÁÍõÀ {øÚÄ Tµ •i¢ux Kº Aئu®.
Astonishment is a pleasant positive emotion of excessive energy that suspends thought.
]¢uøÚø¯ {Özx®, E£›¯õÚ \Uv°ß Cߣ©õÚ ÷|ºø©¯õÚ Enº÷Á Ba\›¯©õS®.
It is equally a great wonder that after such sharp abuses, she is positively overwhelmed.
AuØS Cøn¯õÚ CßöÚõ¸ Aئu•® Esk. Ax AzuøÚ Tºø©¯õÚ {¢uøÚPøÍU TÔ¯¨ ¤ÓS, AÁÒ §›zx C¸¢uõÒ.
It means the interview is overall positive.
ö©õzuzvÀ \¢v¨¦ ÷|º©øÓ¯õÚx Gߣx Auß ö£õ¸Ò.
Her astonishment also indicates that her own premises with Jane and Wickham will soon prove to be false.
÷áøÚ¨ £ØÔ²®, ÂUPõ® £ØÔ²® AÁÒ HØ£kzvU öPõsh P¸zxUPÒ öÁS ÂøµÂÀ uÁÓõÚøÁ Gߣx {¹£n©õQ Âk® Gߣøu²® A¢u Ba\›¯® SÔUQÓx.
The status of emotion indicates the nature of news awaited.
EnºÂß {ø», ö£Ó¨ ÷£õS® ö\´v°ß ußø©ø¯U SÔ¨£õÀ Põmk®.
It is in the subtle plane.
Ax `m_© uÍzvÀ EÒÍx.
What is to come comes to us in the subtle plane.
|©US Áµ÷Ási¯x `m_© uÍzvÀ Á¸®.
Further it implies that when she is proved wrong she will rationally accept it.
÷©¾® Ax AÁÒ {øÚ¨£x uÁÖ GßÖ {¹¤zuõÀ Aøu AÁÒ £SzuÔ÷Áõk HØÖU öPõÒÁõÒ Gߣøu²® PõmkQÓx.
A weak personality, whatever is to come, whatever has happened, under this pressure, will collapse.
£»ÃÚ©õÚ BÐø©²øh¯Áº Cx ÷£õßÓ ö|¸UPi¯õÚ {ø»°À, Gx Á¢uõ¾® Gx |h¢uõ¾® ÃÌ¢x ÂkÁõº.
She is strong enough to survive the attack.
uõUSuø»z uõ[Q ÁõÊ©ÍÂØS AÁÐUS Á¼ø© Esk.
It is he who rushed out of the room, banged the front door and quickly made off.
AÁßuõß AøÓø¯ Âmk Âøµ¢x öÁÎ÷¯Ô •ß PuøÁ K[Q AøÓ¢x \õzv, ÷ÁP©õPa ö\ßÓõß.
She has not stirred from the chair since he left.
AÁß ö\ßÓ ¤ß AÁÒ uß |õØPõ¼ø¯ Âmk |PµÂÀø».
The event has not overwhelmed her.
A¢u {PÌa] AÁøÍ BmkÂUPÂÀø».
It is her quiet strength that brings the bombshells in his letter.
AÁÐøh¯ Aø©v¯õÚ Á¼ø©÷¯, AÁß PiuzvÀ öÁiSskPøÍU öPõsk Á¸QÓx.
In the interview and the letter she lived an age.
\¢v¨¤¾®, Piuzv¾® J¸ ²P® ÁõÌ¢uõÒ.
309. “That she should receive an offer of marriage from Mr. Darcy”.
"hõº] AÁøÍ ©n¢x öPõÒÍ Â¸¨£® öu›Âzux."
It was not an idea that was in anyone’s imagination.
A¢u Gsn® GÁº PØ£øÚ°¾® CÀ»õux.
She had no such inkling all these days directly or indirectly.
÷|µi¯õP÷Áõ, ©øÓ•P©õP÷Áõ Cøu¨ £ØÔ¯ GUSÔ¨¦® AÁÐUS CÀø».
As her abuse startled him unpleasantly, she was pleasantly startled. But to what purpose?
AÁÍx vmk AÁÝUS xߣ©õÚ vkUQhø»z u¢ux ÷£õ» AÁÒ Cߣ©õÚ vkUQh¾US BÍõÚõÒ. BÚõÀ Ax Guß ö£õ¸mk?
Even now, she must have noted, it is not known to anyone.
C¨÷£õx Th Ax ¯õ¸US® öu›¯õx Gߣøu AÁÒ {a\¯® PÁÛzv¸¨£õÒ.
Initially Darcy kept it as a secret in the hope he would overcome it before anyone guessed it.
GÁ¸® AÔ²•ß AøuU Ph¢x Âh •i²® GßÖ Gso Bµ®£zvÀ hõº] Aøu CµP]¯©õP øÁzv¸¢uõß.
Now, by virtue of circumstances, it remained a secret till his second proposal perhaps because she had no hope.
C¨÷£õx \¢uº¨£ Â÷\åzuõÀ AÁß CµshõÁx •øÓ ©n¨ ÷£a_ GkUS® Áøµ Ax CµP]¯©õP÷Á C¸¢ux. J¸ ÷ÁøÍ AÁÐUS |®¤UøP CÀ»õuuõÀ A¨£i C¸¢v¸US®.
Mr. Bingley’s interest in Jane was public knowledge from the beginning.
¤[Q¼ ÷áÛß «x öPõsh BºÁ® Bµ®£® •u÷» AøÚÁ¸US® öu›²®.
Darcy’s interest in Elizabeth was unknown to anyone till the last day.
hõº] G¼\ö£z «x öPõsh PõuÀ Pøh] |õÒ Áøµ GÁ¸US® öu›¯õx.
The rule that the same result can issue out of opposite conditions is seen here.
GvµõÚ {ø»Pξ® J÷µ £»ß Á¸® GßÓ \mhzøu C[S Põn»õ®.
This is a story where apparently the main plot becomes the sub plot.
ø©¯UP¸ E£ P¸ BÁøu CUPøu°À Põn»õ®.
To raise Darcy to be the main plot his love was kept secret.
hõº]ø¯ ø©¯U P¸ÂØS E¯ºzu÷Á AÁÚx PõuÀ CµP]¯©õP øÁUP¨£mhx.
Darcy was in suspense after the proposal till the end.
v¸©n¨ ÷£a]ØS ¤ß hõº] Ax |hUS©õ, |hUPõuõ GßÖ AÔ¯õ©¯UPzv÷»÷¯ CÖv Áøµ C¸¢uõß.
She too was in suspense for different reasons till the end.
÷ÁÖ Põµn[PÎÚõÀ AÁЮ A÷u ÷£õßÓ {ø»°÷»÷¯ CÖv Áøµ C¸¢uõÒ.
Thus the readers’ suspense arose.
 CÆÁõÓõP GßÚ |hUS÷©õ GßÓ Gvº£õº¨¦ Áõ\PºPÎh® AvP©õQÓx.
Lydia kept Darcy, Elizabeth and all the family in suspense till the last moment.
hõº] G¼\ö£z ©ØÖ® Sk®£zvÚº AøÚÁøµ²® AÔ¯õ ©¯UPzv÷»÷¯ ¼i¯õ CÖv Áøµ øÁzv¸¢uõÒ.
Except those limits of life at every stage, there was no way of knowing the end.
JÆöÁõ¸ {ø»°¾® ÁõÌÂß GÀø»PøÍ uµ, |h¢x •i²® Áøµ JÆöÁõßøÓ²® öu›¢x öPõÒЮ ÁÈ°Àø».
310. “It was gratifying to have inspired… affection”.
"PõuÀ GÊa]³mi¯x v¸¨vø¯z u¸QÓx."
It is recognition of one’s personality’s worth.
Cx uß BÐø©°ß ©v¨ø£ AÔÁuõS®.
The woman resorts to make up, hair style, dress, soft speech, makes herself scarce to make a Man come to her.
J¨£øÚ, ]øP A»[Põµ®, Eøh, ö©ßø©¯õÚ ÷£a_ CÁØÔß ‰»® ö£s ußøÚ A›ö£õ¸ÍõUQ Bøn ußøÚ AqP øÁUQÓõÒ.
Now a Man comes on his own and in spite of active discouragement.
C¨÷£õx {µõP›UP¨£mh ¤ßÝ® Kº Bs uõÚõP÷Á Á¸QÓõß.
What does that mean?
Auß ö£õ¸Ò GßÚ?
It means she is attractive to Darcy.
hõº]US AÁÒ PÁºa]Pµ©õP C¸UQÓõÒ Gߣ÷u Auß ö£õ¸Ò.
That is the best of compliments a lady can pay herself.
J¸ ö£s uÚUSz uõ÷Ú u¸® £õµõmkPÎÀ Cx ªPa ]Ó¨£õÚx.
Satisfaction is the fulfillment of what one asks for.
÷Pmhx QøhzuõÀ v¸¨v Á¸®.
Gratification is the fulfillment of what one deserves.
uß uSvUS Qøh¨£x ö£¸¢v¸¨vø¯z u¸®.
It was no mere attraction.
Ax öÁÖ® PÁºa]¯ßÖ.
It was an attraction that overcame the inferior connections.
Ax uõÌ¢u EÓÄPøͲ® «Ô Á¢u PÁºa].
Is it by its strength or quality or anything else that it was overcome.
«Ó øÁzux Á¼ø©¯õ, uµ©õ AÀ»x ÷ÁöÓõßÓõ?
What he spoke to her is from his Mind.
AÁß AÁÎh® ©Ûv¼¸¢x ÷£]Úõß.
His emotions do not speak, they cannot speak.
AÁß EnºÄPÒ ÷£\ÂÀø». AÁØÓõÀ ÷£\ •i¯õx.
Only to make her understand the great strength of love, he resorted to that foolish argument as one trying to pull another receiving a shock wanting to save him.
uß Põu¼ß Á¼ø©ø¯ AÁÐUS ¦›¯ øÁUP ÷Áskö©ß£uØPõPz uõß AÁß •mhõÒuÚ©õÚ ÁõuzvÀ Dk£kQÓõß. Cx ªßÚvºa]US BÍõÚÁøµz öuõk£Á¸US Avºa] EshõÁøu¨ ÷£õßÓuõS®.
Not that Man does not know but the next time he will again do it. It is an urge.
Cx ©ÛuÝUSz öu›¯õuuÀ». BÚõÀ ©Ûuß Akzu •øÓ Aøu÷¯ «sk® ö\´Áõß. Ax J¸ E¢xuÀ.
For a long time he regrets that his intentions were misconstrued.
uß ÷|õUP[PÒ uÁÓõP¨ ¦›¢x öPõÒͨ£mhuõP AÁß }sh Põ»® Á¸¢xQÓõß.
Only much later, he regretted the first part of the letter.
¤ßÚº uõß uß Piuzvß •uÀ £SvUPõP Á¸¢xQÓõß.
Mind understands offence as a compliment.
uÁøÓ £õµõmhõP ©Ú® ¦›¢x öPõÒЮ.
It is evident in Mrs. Bennet. Darcy has her intelligence.
Mrs. ö£ßÚmih® Ax öÁΨ£øh¯õPz öu›QÓx. hõº]²® AÁÒ AÍÂØ÷P AÔÄÒÍÁß.
311. “His abominable pride - his shameless avowal”.
"AÁÚx öÁÖUPzuUP PºÁ®, öÁmP[öPmh J¨¦uÀ ÷£a_."
His pride rankles in her.
AÁÚx PºÁ® AÁÐUS öÁÖ¨§mi¯x.
Her belief that he is proud hurts her mind more.
AÁß ö£¸ø©¨£kQÓõß GßÓ Gsn® AÁÒ ©Úøu ÷©¾® ¦s£kzv¯x.
Mind believes it must explain for the other to understand.
AkzuÁÝUS¨ ¦›¯ øÁUP uõß ÂÍUP ÷Ásk® GßÖ ©Ú® |®¦QÓx.
Silent Will again believes in NOT speaking.
ö©ÍÚ Â¸¨¦Öv ÷£\õv¸¨£øu |®¦QÓx.
Beyond belief is conviction.
|®¤UøPUS Akzx wº©õÚ® C¸UQÓx.
Conviction is the belief of the mental substance.
©Ú¨ ö£õ¸Íõ»õÚ |®¤UøP÷¯ wº©õÚ®.
Suppose one gives up belief in speech or silent will, he can next give up conviction.
÷£a]÷»õ, ö©ÍÚ Â¸¨¦Öv°÷»õ C¸US® |®¤UøPø¯ J¸Áº ÂmkÂmhõÀ Akzu£i¯õP wº©õÚzøu²® ÂmkÂh»õ®.
Belief and speech are what he activates.
AÁß |®¤UøPUS®, ÷£a_US® E°º u¸QÓõß.
Conviction is there, beyond his conscious control.
AÁÝøh¯ öuÎÁõÚ Pmk¨£õmøh²® «Ô¯ wº©õÚ® A[Ssk.
To master his conviction, he must become conscious in his substance.
uß ö£õ¸Î÷»÷¯ AÁß AÔ¢uõÀ uõß wº©õÚzøuU PmkUSÒ öPõsk Áµ •i²®.
Further down is faith, the faith of the Mind.
AuØS® R÷Ç |®¤UøP Esk. Ax ©Úvß |®¤UøP.
It is of the entire Mind, not of one faculty, far more powerful.
Ax •Ê ©Úvß |®¤UøP. ©Úzvß J¸ ¦»ÝUS ©mk® E›¯ußÖ. Ax ªPÄ® Á¼ø© Áõ´¢ux.
This is not the faith of the soul.
Ax Bß©õÂß |®¤UøP¯ßÖ.
The mental, vital, physical have their own faith.
©Ú®, EnºÄ, EhÀ BQ¯ÁØÔØöPÀ»õ® uÛ¯õÚ |®¤UøPPÒ Esk.
Darcy has a conviction that his own arguments have a full rational validity.
uß Áõu® •Êø©¯õP £SzuÔÄ HØPUTi¯ JßÖ GßÓ wº©õÚ® hõº]US Esk.
It took time for him to shed it.
Aøuz xÓUP AÁÝUS £» Põ»©õ°ØÖ.
It is a kind of superstition of the unintelligent strong man who believes that the weak Man needs to know his weakness before he can be rational.
Ax £»ÃÚ©õÚÁß £SzuÔÄ ö£Ö •ß uß £»ÃÚzøu¨ £ØÔ AÔ¯ ÷Ásk® GßÖ |®¦® AÔÁØÓ Á¼ø©¯õÚ ©ÛuÛß ‰h |®¤UøPø¯ ÷£õßÓx.
It is the same intelligence that believes in asking, not silent will.
A¢u AÔÄ ÷Pm£vÀ |®¤UøP öPõshx. ö©ÍÚ Â¸¨¦Öv°À AÀ».
It is a stage of understanding we come across everywhere.
Ax ¦›u¼ß J¸ {ø». Aøu G[S® Põn»õ®.
312. “Though he could not justify it”.
"AÁÚõÀ Aøu {¯õ¯¨£kzu •i¯õÂmhõ¾® Th."
The surface acts when nothing below justifies it.
uÚUS R÷Ç EÒÍ GxÄ® {¯õ¯¨£kzu¨ £hõÂmhõÀ ÷©À ©Ú® ö\¯À£k®.
A method works till the very last moment.
Pøh] Pn® Áøµ J¸ •øÓ £¼US®.
It fails to help cross the plane.
uÍzøuU PhUP Ax EuÁõx.
Man only knows what he knows – his method.
©ÛuÝUS öu›¢uöuÀ»õ® AÁÝUSz öu›¢u÷u & Ax÷Á AÁß ÁÈ•øÓ.
If insisted the method will show how to persist in the method.
Âhõx C¸¢uõÀ •øÓø¯z öuõhºÁx G¨£i Gߣøu •øÓ÷¯ Põmk®.
The devil, when relied on, tells you why you should rely on him.
¤\õø\ |®¤ÚõÀ ußøÚ Hß |®£ ÷Ásk® Gߣøu ¤\õ_ ÂÍUS®.
A Man who longs for a girl longs for God.
ö£sqUPõP H[S£Áß CøÓÁÝUPõP H[SQÓõß.
In longing for the girl, he holds his reality of consciousness hidden in himself, concealed, involved in self-absorption and therefore self-oblivious (P.239 – The Life Divine)”.
ö£sqUPõP H[S® ÷£õx ußÝÒ ©øÓ¢x, A¢u ©øÓÁõÀ ußøÚ ©Ó¢u ã¯zvß Esø©ø¯ |õkQÓõß. (£.239 & ø»¨ iøÁß.)
The Man who longs for his girl will get her if he longs for God.
CøÓÁÝUPõP H[QÚõÀ, uõß G¢u ö£sqUPõP H[SQÓõ÷Úõ A¢u¨ ö£søn ©Ûuß ö£ÖÁõß.
Should he long for her, he will surely get at the devil she is.
AÁÐUPõP H[QÚõÀ AÁÐUSÒ C¸US® ¤\õø\ {a\¯©õP¨ ö£ÖÁõß.
Longing is aspiration for God.
Even grace often acts by external circumstances.
£» \©¯[PÎÀ A¸Ò ¦Ó {PÌa]PÒ ‰»® ö\¯À£k®.
Should a Man find himself on the point of discovery of who he is – he is himself the Avatar – he forgets the girl in favour of God.
uõß ¯õöµß£øu & uõß AÁuõµö©ß£øu & AÔ²® {ø»US Á¢x Âmh ©Ûuß, CøÓ |õmhzuõÀ ö£søn ©Ó¢x ÂkÁõß.
Om is a sound that leads to Silence.
K® GßÓ J¼ ö©ÍÚzøuz u¸®.
Will, changes into Silent will, becomes the perception that discriminates the friend from the foe.
¸¨¦Öv ö©ÍÚ Â¸¨¦Öv¯õP ©õÖ® ÷£õx |s£Û¼¸¢x Gv›ø¯ ¤›zxn¸® vÓß HØ£k®.
Of all the great perceptions, one stands out. It is the sensitivity to the ultimate foe coming as the intimate friend.
GÀ»õ ö£›¯ £õºøÁPξ® JßÖ ]Ó¨£õÚx. Ax Pk® Gv› ªP ö|¸[Q¯ |s£ÚõPU Tk® GßÓ ö\õµøn.
Darcy and Elizabeth knew the friend who presented as foes.
hõº]²® G¼\ö£zx® Gv›¯õP Á¢u |s£øµ AÔ¢uÚº.
Disregard the appearance, recognise the Reality.
÷uõØÓzøu ö£õ¸m£kzuõ©À Esø©ø¯ AÔ¯ ÷Ásk®.
Savitri saw God’s face in Satyavan.
\õÂz› \zv¯ÁõÛh® CøÓÁÛß v¸•PzøuU PshõÒ.
The husband sees the Divine visage in the devil’s face.
¤\õ]ß •PzvÀ CøÓÁÛß •P£õÁzøuU PnÁß PõsQÓõß.
There is God in the devil. He too is her son.
¤\õ]h•® CøÓÁß Esk. AÁÝ® CøÓÁÛß SÇ¢øu÷¯.
Cross the border at the crucial moment.
•UQ¯©õÚ u¸nzvÀ ÷PõmøhU PhUP ÷Ásk®.
313. “the unfeeling manner in which he had mentioned Mr. Wickham”.
"AÁß ÂUPõø©¨ £ØÔ Enºa]°ßÔ ÷£]¯ Âu®."
Darcy was sorely touched by a reference to the rogue Wickham.
÷£õUQ›¯õÚ ÂUPõø©¨ £ØÔ ÷£]¯x hõº]US P\¨ø£z u¢ux.
Her speech pushed him psychologically to a zone new to him.
AÁÒ ÷£a_ EÒÍzvÀ ¦v¯ ChzvØSÒ AÁøÚz uÒÎÂmhx.
As he was moving to a higher zone he is answering her from where he already is – the thinking, rational Mind.
AÁß E¯º¢u Chzøu ÷|õUQ |Pº¢uuõÀ AÁß HØPÚ÷Á uõÛ¸¢u ]¢vUS® £SzuÔ²® ©Úzv¼¸¢x AÁÐUS £vÀ ö\õßÚõß.
He won Elizabeth, giving up his rational arguments later.
uß uºUP §ºÁ©õÚ Áõu[PøÍ Âmh ¤ßÚ÷µ AÁÚõÀ G¼\ö£zøu Aøh¯ •i¢ux.
During the second proposal he acknowledges the fact that he later regretted the first part of his letter.
CµshõÁx uhøÁ v¸©n¨ ÷£a_ ÷£]¯ ÷£õx uß Piuzvß •uÀ £SvUPõP uõß ¤ßÚº Á¸¢v¯øuz öu›¯¨£kzxQÓõß.
After writing that part, emotional wisdom dawns on him that an argument, however right, if offensive, will spoil his case.
A¨£Svø¯ GÊv¯ ¤ß GÆÁÍÄ \›¯õÚ Áõu©õP C¸¢uõ¾®, ¦s£kzuU Ti¯uõP C¸¢uõÀ AÁÝUS |èhzøuz u¸® GßÓ EnºÄ§ºÁ©õÚ Â÷ÁP® HØ£kQÓx.
What is that wisdom? Why should a right argument offend?
Â÷ÁP® GßÓõÀ GßÚ? \›¯õÚ Áõu® Hß ¦s£kzu ÷Ásk®?
A right argument is always right as an argument.
\›¯õÚ Áõu®, Áõuzøu¨ ö£õÖzu Áøµ G¨÷£õx® \›¯õÚx.
It is not necessarily an instrument of accomplishment.
Ax \õuøÚ°ß P¸Â¯õP C¸UP ÷Ási¯ AÁ]¯ªÀø».
Man is ego – woman is ego. Darcy tries to accomplish in the plane of ego.
Bs AP¢øu²ÒÍÁß. ö£s AP¢øu²ÒÍÁÒ. hõº] AP¢øu uÍzvÀ \õvUP •¯ÀQÓõß.
Ego, Mother says, learns from no one. It learns itself.
AP¢øu GÁ›hª¸¢x® PØ£vÀø» GßÖ AßøÚ TÖQÓõº. Ax uõÚõP÷Á PØS®.
What argument Darcy wants to advance, if not advanced, she will learn herself.
hõº] Áõuzvß ‰»® öu›ÂUP •¯ÀÁøu, AÁß Áõu® ö\´¯õÂmhõÀ G¼\ö£z uõÚõP÷Á PØÖU öPõÒÁõÒ.
As long as he has a belief it will find expression.
AÁÛh® J¸ |®¤UøP C¸US® Áøµ Ax öÁΨ£mk Âk®.
How can Darcy overcome his belief?
hõº] A¢u |®¤UøPø¯ »UP ÁÈ Eshõ?
As a Man who is betrayed by all his friends loses faith in friendship, so if he examines all the beliefs of his in action, he will find most of them or all of them ineffective. He will soon discover that it is not a belief in him, but an illusion that his words were effective.
GÀ»õ |s£ºPÍõ¾® x÷µõPzvØPõÍõÚÁß |m¤ß «÷u |®¤UøPø¯ CǨ£õß. AÁß uß ö\¯¼À EÒÍ GÀ»õ |®¤UøPPøͲ® Bµõ´¢uõÀ ö£¸®£õ»ÚøÁ÷¯õ AøÚzx÷©õ £¯ÚØÓøÁ Gߣx ÂÍ[S®. Ax ußÝÒ C¸US® |®¤UøP¯ßÖ, uß ÁõºzøuPÒ vÓß ªS¢uøÁ GßÓ öÁØÖ ©¯UP÷© Gߣøu öÁS ÂøµÂÀ PshÔÁõß.
What happened in Darcy is after he wrote that letter, his emotional sensitivity REALISED that Elizabeth would be offended. So what is the method of overcoming thought?
AUPiuzøu GÊv¯ ¤ß hõº]USÒ GßÚ |h¢ux? EnºÂß ö\õµøn G¼\ö£z ¦s£kÁõÒ Gߣøu AÔ¢ux. GÚ÷Á, ]¢uøÚø¯U PhUS® •øÓ GßÚ?
The argument when considered from any side will reinforce it.
"G¨£UPzv¼¸¢x ]¢vzuõ¾® C¢u Áõu® Á¼ø© ö£Ö®."
The first thing he should do is to cease to argue with himself.
uß÷Úõk Áõu® ö\´Áøu AÁß •u¼À Âh ÷Ásk®.
That which wants Elizabeth in him is not thought, but emotions. When he ceases to argue, thinking loses its vigour.
G¼\ö£zøu ¸®¦Áx AÁÚx EnºÄPøÍ. Gsn[PøͯßÖ. Áõu® ö\´Áøu {ÖzvÚõÀ ]¢uøÚ uß Á¼ø©ø¯ CÇUS®.
Emotions rise.
His own emotions are in tune with her emotions.
AÁß EnºÄPÒ AÁÒ EnºÄP÷Íõk Jzx¨ ÷£õQßÓÚ.
It sees her emotions are offended.
AÁÒ EnºÄPÒ ¦s£kÁøu AÔQÓõß.
It is through that emotional sensitivity Darcy felt he was wrong.
A¢u EnºÂß ö\õµøn ‰»÷© uõß ö\´ux uÁÖ Gߣøu hõº] EnºQÓõß.
His understanding of the emotions communicated itself to her emotions.
AÁß EnºÄPøͨ ¦›¢x öPõshx AÁÍx EnºÄP÷Íõk ÷£]ØÖ.
Darcy achieved as he wanted to achieve.
uõß G¨£i \õvUP ÷Áskö©ßÖ Â¸®¤Úõ÷Úõ A÷u ÷£õÀ hõº] \õvzuõß.
Even if it is of Himalayan benefit, MAN does not want to learn from anyone else.
C©õ»¯ £»ß GßÓõ¾® ©Ûuß ¤Ó›hª¸¢x PØÖU öPõÒÍ Â¸®£ ©õmhõß.
The only thing real in Man is his ego.
©ÛuÛh® C¸US® J÷µ Esø©¯õÚ Â寮 AÁÚx BnÁ÷©.
Thinking itself has life.
ußøÚ¨ £ØÔ ]¢v¨£x E°÷µõmh•ÒÍx.
That life has something like a personality.
AÆÁõÌÄ BÐø© ÷£õßÓ ußø©²øh¯x.
Thinkers do develop a thinker’s personality.
]¢uøÚ¯õͺPÒ ]¢uøÚ¯õÍ›ß BÐø©ø¯ ÁͺzxU öPõÒQÓõºPÒ.
In the process, they also allow their particular thoughts to develop an individuality.
AÆÁõÖ ö\´²® ÷£õx, u[PÍx SÔ¨¤mh ]¢uøÚPÒ uÛzxÁ® ö£Ó AÝ©vUQÓõºPÒ.
Once it is formed, it is not easy to dissolve that form.
AÆÁõÖ E¸Á® ö£ØÓ ¤ß A¢u E¸Ázøu Pøµ¨£x _»£©ßÖ.
That form belongs to the physicality of the mental plane.
A¢u E¸Á® ©Úz uÍzvß áh©õS®.
The physical element in it is hard, inflexible.
áh® CÖUP©õÚx. ÁøͲ¢ußø©¯ØÓx.
Even this dissolves in sleep, trance, oblivious self-forgetfulness, inertia, long disuse.
yUPzvÀ, \©õv°À, ußøÚ ©Ó¢u {ø»°À, ö\¯»ØÓ {ø»°À ©ØÖ® ö|k|õÒ E£÷¯õQUPõv¸¢uõ¾® AxÄ® Pøµ²®.
A deeply felt sincerity, superior in strength to the formation of the thought, can dissolve it by consecration.
BÇzvÀ Enº¢u Esø©°ß Á¼ø© ]¢uøÚ E¸ÁõÚ Á¼ø©ø¯ Âh E¯º¢uuõÚõÀ, \©º¨£nzvß ‰»® PøµzxÂk®.
314. “Cruelty towards whom he had not attempted to deny”.
"AÁÎh® öPõsh öPõlµzøu AÁß ©ÖUP •¯»ÂÀø»."Cruelty is the royal road the weak treads to the goal of strength by the grace of the Strong’s tyranny.
Á¼¯ÁÛß S¹µ® GßQÓ A¸Îß ‰»® £»ÃÚ©õÚÁß Á¼ø©ø¯ Aøh¯ |hUS® µõá£õmøh÷¯ öPõlµ® BS®.
Socially, cruelty is uncivilized.
\‰PzvÀ öPõlµ® Gߣx A|õP›P©õÚuõS®.
Psychologically, cruelty is unevolved.
©÷ÚõŸv°À öPõlµ® Gߣx £›nõ©©õPõuuõS®.
Spiritually, cruelty loses its negative edge and plays its positive role more directly or less indirectly.
BߪP Ÿv°À öPõlµ® Gvº©øÓz ußø©ø¯ CÇ¢x, ÷|µi¯õP ö\¯À£k® ÷£õx AvP©õÚ |À»uõPÄ®, ©øÓ•P©õP ö\¯À£k® ÷£õx ]Ôx SøÓÁõÚ |À»uõPÄ® C¸US®.
Supramentally there is no cruelty. Cruelty there is an exchange of strength with the others. The weak giving the strong feels the joy of enriching its substance by the counter route unseen.
\zv¯ã¯zvÀ öPõlµ® CÀø». Á¼ø©PÒ Jß÷Óõk JßÖ £›©õÔU öPõÒЮ ÷£õx öPõlµ® Á¸®. Cx Áøµ AÔ¯õu Gvº ÁÈ°À £»ÃÚ® ©QÌ÷Áõk Á¼ø©ø¯ ö\®ø©¨ £kzxQÓx.
The exchange is Many with Many.
£»Ä® £»÷Áõk £›©õÔU öPõÒQßÓÚ.
It is also the One with the Many.
JßÖ £»÷Áõk £›©õÔU öPõÒÁx® Esk.
In the latter the exchange enriches, enervates, drains, ripens. There is no negative action.
¤ßÚvÀ £›©õØÓ® ÁÍ©õUS®, u͵a ö\´²®, ÁØÓ øÁUS®, PÛ¯ øÁUS®. A[S Gvº©øÓ¯õÚ ö\¯À C¸UPõx.
All actions are positive.
GÀ»õ ö\¯ÀPЮ ÷|µõÚøÁ.
Even negative actions have positive results.
uÁÓõÚ ö\¯ÀPÒ Th ÷|µõÚ £»ßPøÍz u¸®.
In the Supramental plane, as the result is already known, the negative action is perceived positively.
\zv¯ã¯ uÍzvÀ £»ß HØPÚ÷Á öu›¢xÂkÁuõÀ, uÁÓõÚ ö\¯À \›¯õÚuõP÷Á ¦›¢x öPõÒͨ£k®.
The higher consciousness in the lower plane too has that sensation of joy.
E¯º¢u 㯮 uõÌ¢u uÍzvÀ AzuøP¯ \¢÷uõå EnºøÁ¨ ö£Ö®.
Wickham, when he held back from the Netherfield dance, felt an immense relief of not meeting Darcy. He later explains to her he wished to avoid embarrassments.
ö|uº¥Àm |hÚzvØS ÷£õPõ©À C¸¢uuß ‰»®, hõº]ø¯ \¢v¨£øuz uºzx ÂUPõ® ö£›¯ BÖuø»¨ ö£ØÓõß. \[Ph[PøÍz uºUP ¸®¤¯uõP ¤ßÚº G¼\ö£zvh® ÂÍUP® u¢uõß.
The weak rather enjoys the grievance of not getting than the reward of receiving which it cannot enjoy in view of its ill equipment.
QøhUPõv¸US® ÷£õx HØ£k® Á¸zuzvÀ £»ÃÚ® ©QÌQÓx. £»ßPøͨ ö£ØÖ Aݣ¨£uØPõÚ P¸ÂPÒ AuÛh® CÀ»õuuõÀ Aøu £»ÃÚ® ¸®¤ HØ£vÀø».
The subconscious of the weak does justice to the surface.
£»ÃÚzvß BÌ©Ú® ÷©À ©ÚzvØS {¯õ¯® ÁÇ[SQÓx.
315. “Soon overcame the pity”.
"ÂøµÂÀ CµUPzøu Âmk öÁÎ Á¢uõÒ."
She felt pity for him for having felt the pain of love.
AÁß Põu¼ß Á¼ø¯ Enº¢uuõÀ AÁÒ AÁß «x CµUP¨£mhõÒ.
Pity is a feeling one feels for a contemptuous object.
{¢vUP¨£h ÷Ási¯ JßÔß «x öPõÒЮ EnºÄ CµUP®.
To her he was a contemptuous object as he is in a position to lose his head.
AÁß uø» ÷£õS® {ø»°À C¸UQÓõß. GÚ÷Á AÁøͨ ö£õÖzu Áøµ AÁß {¢vUP¨£mhÁß.
The church took 2000 years to pardon those who murdered Jesus.
C÷¯_øÁU öPõßÓÁºPøÍ \ºa 2000 Á¸h[PÒ PÈz÷u ©ßÛzux.
That is how the establishment moves.
ìuõ£Ú[PÒ C¨£izuõß ö\¯À£k®.
She is now on the side that destroys the establishment.
C¨÷£õx AÁÒ ìuõ£Ú[PøÍ AÈUS® Pm]°À C¸UQÓõÒ.
Emerging knowledge treats the ignorance that is left behind like that. She is a part of that ignorance too.
bõÚ® öÁΨ£k® ÷£õx ¤ß u[QÂmh AgbõÚzøu A¨£izuõß |hzx®. AÁÒ A¢u AgbõÚzvß £Sv²® BÁõÒ.
When a statement is made strong its effect covers all. (The Life Divine – P.25)
J¸ TØÖ Á¼ø© £kzu¨£mhõÀ Auß £»ß GÀ»õÁØøÓ²® uÊÄ®. (ø»¨ iøÁß £UP® 25)
Elizabeth’s intense disgust applies to her also.
G¼\ö£zvß wµ©õÚ öÁÖ¨¦ AÁÐUS® ö£õ¸¢x®.
She discovers it one day later.
Aøu J¸ |õÒ PÈz÷u PshÔQÓõÒ.
It is of the greatest importance for us to see Elizabeth.
G¼\ö£zøu¨ £õºzx öu›¢x öPõÒÁx |©US ªPÄ® •UQ¯®.
Never once did she feel this disgust for the scoundrel.
A÷¯õUQ¯øÚ¨ £ØÔ¯ C¨£i¨£mh öÁÖ¨¦nºÄ AÁÐUS J¸ ÷£õx® HØ£mhvÀø».
The heart, male or female, once lost itself in admiration rightly or wrongly, cannot fully withdraw itself.
B÷nõ ö£s÷nõ, \›÷¯õ uÁ÷Óõ J¸•øÓ ¯õøµ÷¯Ý® ÷£õØÔ ußøÚ CÇ¢x ÂmhõÀ Av¼¸¢x J¸ ÷£õx® •ÊÁx©õP «ÒÁvÀø».
Transformation alone can do it. No method, however perfect it is, can come near transformation.
v¸Ä¸©õØÓ÷© Aøua ö\´²®. GzuøÚ ö\®ø©¯õÚ •øÓ²® v¸Ä¸©õØÓzvØS Cøn¯õPõx.
That is expressed by Draupadi’s attraction to Karna – a biological fact.
Pºnß «x vöµÍ£v öPõsh Dk£õmiß ‰»® Ax öÁίõQÓx. Ax EhØTÖ \õº¢u Esø©.
Emotional is the physical version in the vital.
Enºa] Gߣx EnºÄ ø©¯zvÀ áh® ÷£õßÓx.
The body and Mind are different in grades only.
Eh¾® ©Ú•® uµzvÀ ©mk÷© ÷ÁÓõÚøÁ.
Here we see Matter and Spirit are one.
C[S Bß©õÄ® áh•® Jß÷Ó GߣøuU PõsQ÷Óõ®.
Body represents Matter, Mind represents Spirit.
EhÀ áhzvß ¤µv{v. ©Ú® Bß©õÂß ¤µv{v.
316. “She continued in very agitating reflections”.
"AÁÍx {®©v¯ØÓ ]¢uøÚPÒ }izuÚ."
Her mind was agitated, unfit for reflections.
{®©v°À»õu ©Ú® ]¢vUPz uSv¯ØÓx.
Agitating reflections are not mental thoughts, but reactions.
{®©v¯ØÓ ]¢uøÚPÒ ©Úzvß Gsn[PÍßÖ. AøÁ Gvº ÂøÚPÒ.
It was a moment where her whole mind, if not the soul, came to the surface as it does once in a lifetime.
AÁÍx •Ê ©Ú÷©õ, Bß©õ÷Áõ ÷©Ø£µ¨¤ØS Á¢u u¸n®. Ax ÁõÌÂÀ J¸ •øÓ uõß |hUS®.
He who does it is your complement.
Aøua ö\´£Á÷µ EßøÚ¨ §ºzv ö\´£Áº.
What came to her surface was what was needed to be discarded.
Gx ÷©÷» Á¢u÷uõ, Ax÷Á }UP¨£h ÷Ási¯x.
It was so brought up by what was unwanted in him.
AÁÛhª¸¢u ÷Áshõux A¨£izuõß ÷©÷» öPõsk Áµ¨£mhx.
In social life, we keep such traits behind a veil.
\‰P ÁõÌÂÀ AzuøP¯ Sn[PøÍ |õ® vøµ°mk ©øÓUQ÷Óõ®.
Only in personal life it is likely to come out.
A¢uµ[P ÁõÌÂÀ ©mk÷© Ax öÁÎ Á¸QÓx.
It comes out only to be given up.
»UP¨£h÷Á Ax öÁÎ Á¸QÓx.
All growth of personality occurs at that moment.
Azu¸nzvÀ BÐø©°ß AøÚzx Áͺa]PЮ HØ£kQßÓÚ.
It is for a short duration one comes out like that.
]Ôx ÷|µ® ©mk® Ax A¨£i öÁΨ£k®.
During those moments, one has to take great decisions.
A¢u ÷|µzvÀ, ªP¨ ö£›¯ •iÄPøÍ GkUP ÷Ási¯v¸US®.
It is not in haste those decisions are to be taken.
AÁ\µ ÷Põ»zvÀ A¢u •iÄPøÍ GkUPU Thõx.
In the open condition one needs a trice to decide.
vÓ¢u {ø»°À, •iöÁkUP Ps ]ªmk® Pn¨ ö£õÊ÷u ÷£õx®.
What matters is the opening, nor the duration.
vÓ¨£÷u •UQ¯®. GÆÁÍÄ ÷|µ® Gߣx •UQ¯©À».
These are not decisions to be taken in the cool hours deliberately.
CøÁ Aø©v¯õÚ ÷|µzvÀ BÓ A©µ ÷¯õ]zx GkUP¨£h ÷Ási¯ •iÄPÍßÖ.
What is really arrived at the opening is confirmed later in leisure.
vÓ¢u ÷£õx Esø©°À Gx Á¢ux Gߣx ¤ßÚº K´Âß ÷£õx öuÎÁõPz öu›QÓx.
Apart from the tantalising interview, had she opened herself up like this, she would be in full agitation.
Aø»UPÈUP øÁzu \¢v¨¦ ©mk©ßÔ, AÁÒ uõÚõP÷Á ußøÚ Cx ÷£õÀ vÓ¢v¸¢uõ¾® •Ê {®©v°ßø© Á¢v¸US®.
Opening shakes the being.
vÓ¨£x ãÁøÚU S¾US®.
An orphan meets those moments at a very young age.
AÚõøu ªPa ]Ô¯ Á¯v÷»÷¯ AzuøP¯ u¸n[PøÍ \¢v¨£õº.
Such an opening is capable of becoming a genius or the opposite – both are the same.
AzuøP¯ vÓ¨¦ J¸ÁøÚ ÷©øu¯õP÷Áõ AÀ»x ÷£øu¯õP÷Áõ BUPÁÀ»x & Cµsk® Jß÷Ó.
There are illiterate geniuses like Akbar.
AU£øµ¨ ÷£õ» £iUPõu ÷©øuPÒ Esk.
317. “Sound of Lady Catherine’s carriage made her feel how unequal she was”.
"÷»i PõuŸÛß Ási°ß Kø\ uõß G¢u AÍÄ \©©ØÓÁÒ Gߣøu AÁÐUS Enºzv¯x."
She is in a hot moment, but she has to meet others now.
AÁÒ uõß ÷ÁS® u¸nzv¾®, ¤Óøµ \¢vUP ÷Ási C¸UQÓx.
One is inner life, the other is outer life.
Inner life is for her, only for her, it is that she is and will be.
APÁõÌÄ AÁÐUS ©mk÷© E›¯x. AÁÒ CßÖ® GßÖ® APÁõÌÄ.
It is not for others at all.
Ax ¤Ó¸US›¯x AßÖ.
Still we say the outer is the inner.
B°Ý® AP÷© ¦Ó® GßQ÷Óõ®.
The social life is outer life where the inner is kept back.
\‰P ÁõÌÄ ¦ÓÁõÌÄ. A[÷P APzøu öÁΨ£kzxÁvÀø».
The efficiency of the individual to keep the inner away from the outer determines his social effectivity.
APÁõÌøÁ ¦Ózv¼¸¢x »UQ øÁzv¸US® vÓß \‰PzvÀ \õv¨£øu {ºn°US®.
Still the subtle plane, the subconscious mind, the subliminal Mind throw up their hints through the slits in life.
ÁõÌÂß Csk CkUSPÒ ‰»® `m_© uÍ®, BÌ ©Ú®, EÒ ©Ú® BQ¯øÁ SÔ¨£nºzx®.
Though Charlotte wishes her to marry Darcy, she does not feel free to tell her about the proposal.
G¼\ö£z&hõº]ø¯ ©nUP ÷Áskö©ßÖ åõº÷»m ¸®¦QÓõÒ. BÚõ¾® ©n¨ ÷£aø\¨ £ØÔ åõº÷»mih® ö\õÀ» G¼\ö£zvØS ©Ú® ÁµÂÀø».
Good will is true,  jealousy is true. Respect both.
|Àö»sn® Esø©. ö£õÓõø© Esø©. Cµsøh²® PÁÛUP ÷Ásk®.
One does not prevent the other.
JßøÓ ©ØöÓõßÖ ukUPõx.
There is no rule that has not an exception.
»UQÀ»õu Âv GxĪÀø».
Poverty is the basis of jealousy.
ÁÖø©÷¯ ö£õÓõø©°ß Ai¨£øh.
Jealousy is a rule of development at the level of poverty even as competition is among equals.
ÁÖø© {ø»°À ö£õÓõø© Áͺa]ø¯ FUSÂUS® Gߣx \mh®. \©©õÚÁºPÎß ÷£õmi²® Áͺa]UPõÚ ÁÈ.
Emulation, imitation, competition, jealousy are the same urge at varying levels.
ªg\ {øÚ¨£x®, \õ¯À öPõÒÁx®, ÷£õmi²®, ö£õÓõø©²® J÷µ E¢xu¼ß öÁÆ÷ÁÖ {ø»PÒ.
Not to be jealous one must have no ego.
ö£õÓõø©°ßÔ C¸UP AP®£õÁ©ØÖ C¸UP ÷Ásk®.
One passing thought of jealousy in a refined character is enough for him to lose his own leadership of the country.
E¯º¢u ©ÛuÛh® EshõS® Pn ÷|µ¨ ö£õÓõø© EnºÄ, AÁµx ÷u\z uø»ø©ø¯÷¯ £ÔUPÁÀ»x.
Grace comes as national leadership to deserving souls.
uSv²ÒÍ Bz©õUPÐUS A¸Ò, ÷u\z uø»ø©¯õP Á¸®.
How one avails of it and loses it is interesting.
Aøu J¸Áº G¨£i ö£ÖQÓõº AÀ»x CÇUQÓõº Gߣx PÁÛUP¨£h ÷Ási¯ Â寮.
Mother gets it back to them.
AßøÚ CÇ¢uøu «mkz u¸Áõº.
318. “encounter Charlotte’s observation”.
"åõº÷»miß \¢v¨¦® AÁÒ PshÔ¢ux®."
More than the misfortune, meeting others is more oppressive.
xº {PÌa]ø¯ Âh ¤Óøµ \¢v¨£x AvP©õÚ ]µ©® uµUTi¯x.
Had Charlotte known of the proposal, Elizabeth would have missed Darcy.
åõº÷»miØS A¢u¨ ©n¨ ÷£a_ £ØÔ öu›¯ Á¢v¸¢uõÀ, G¼\ö£z hõº]ø¯ CÇ¢v¸¨£õÒ.
His coming to her every time alone signifies he will marry her.
AÁß JÆöÁõ¸ •øÓ AÁøÍz ÷ui Á¸® ÷£õx® AÁÒ uÛø©°À C¸¨£x AÁß AÁøÍ ©nUP¨ ÷£õQÓõß GÚ£øuU PõmkQÓx.
Two people meeting on an issue is almost an evolutionary moment, a moment of social evolution.
J¸ Âå¯zvØPõP C¸Áº \¢v¨£x, £›nõ©z u¸n®. \‰P¨ £›nõ©z u¸n®.
No one wishes the other to evolve, to rise.
GÁ¸® ©ØÓÁº E¯ºÁøu, £›nª¨£øu ¸®£©õmhõº.
Society is an equilibrium. It does not permit growth.
\‰P® \©{ø»¯õ»õÚx. Áͺa]ø¯ AÝ©vUPõx.
He who represents social growth will be pulled down by those whom he tries to raise.
\‰P Áͺa]ø¯U SÔ¨£ÁøÚ, AÁß ¯õøµ E¯ºzu •¯ÀQÓõ÷Úõ AÁºP÷Í R÷Ç CÊzx SÈ £Ô¨£º.
It is a sorry cruel fact, but it is a fact.
Ax Á¸zu® uµUTi¯ Pkø©¯õÚ ÷\v GßÓõ¾® Ax Esø©¯õÚ ÷\v.
Elizabeth rose by her desert and goodwill.
uß uSv¯õ¾®, |Àö»snzuõ¾® G¼\ö£z E¯º¢uõÒ.
The opposition of Jane and her father to her engagement is symptomatic of this social characteristic.
AÁÒ {a\¯uõºzuzøu ÷áÝ® AÁÒ u¢øu²® Gvºzux \‰P Snõv\¯zvß öÁΨ£õk.
At the level of social upliftment one can scotch another’s chances by one look or thought.
\‰PzvÀ E¯º¢u {ø»ø¯ Gmk® ÷£õx J¸Á¸US EÒÍ Áõ´¨¦PøÍ ©ØÓÁº J¸ £õºøÁ°ß ‰»÷©õ, Gsnzvß ‰»÷©õ öPkzx Âh •i²®.
In normal life we do not see people who work for social upliftment or the growth of others.
\‰P •ß÷ÚØÓzvØPõP÷Áõ ¤Óº •ß÷ÚØÓzvØPõP÷Áõ EøǨ£ÁºPøÍ |õ® ö£õxÁõP ÁõÌÂÀ Põn •i¯õx.
People do not want to work for their own development.
©ÛuºPÒ u® ö\õ¢u •ß÷ÚØÓzvØPõPU Th EøǨ£vÀø».
They want it for no exertion of theirs.
EøÇUPõ©À •ß÷ÚÓ÷Á ¸®¦QÓõºPÒ.
The value of America is they are willing to work for their own growth.
u[PÒ _¯ •ß÷ÚØÓzvØPõP EøÇUP ¸®¦Á÷u Aö©›UPõÂß ]Ó¨¦.
Hence the value of entrepreneurship.
GÚ÷Á _¯öuõÈÀ ]Ó¨£õÚx.
Individuality that fosters the entrepreneurship is therefore of value.
_¯öuõÈø» ÁͺUS® uÛzxÁ® ©v¨¤ØS›¯x.
America has it.
Aö©›UPõÂh® Ax C¸UQÓx.

book | by Dr. Radut