012. Sales in a Small Company
A proprietor of a company of 58 lakhs of rupees of annual sales was working hard to raise it to respectable levels. He was diligent and willing to follow any method if only it would work. His friends told him that the inner Spirit, when invoked, would bring in outer prosperity. He had not heard of it, but was willing to try if only he could know how.
The central method is to fully believe based on understanding that our own inner Spirit can accomplish far more than our minds that plan or the body that exerts. People following these methods have very elaborate programmes touching each aspect of a manufacturing company. Each of these methods is explained in detail theoretically. As the entrepreneur was convinced of the rationality or the reality of the approach, he made up his mind to follow ALL these methods. He may have liked to raise his sales to 580 lakhs, but it appeared too ambitious. So, he set upon doubling his present sales within two years. He preferred to see that result in one or one and a half years.
Some time at the end of one December, he 'launched' his company on the new effort. On Pongal day he received an order for Rs. 90 lakhs and the inflow of orders continued for 20 months until he touched Rs. 9 crores. Now his job was to organise production to keep up with the incoming orders!
The Spirit does not distinguish between a small and big company. This phenomenon was witnessed in a company of 40 crores as well as one of Rs. 260 crores. As long as the inflow of expansive energies is not interfered with for any reason, it never develops symptoms of flagging.
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