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031. Spirit Changes Bad Omens into GOOD Omens

Those who are centred in the Spirit disregard omens, as all happenings are good to them. Invariably they meet with only good omens. There are a good many people who set high store by omens. Traditionally we know them. For one who takes all Life as a being who constantly speaks to them by a symbolic language, every word he hears or reads, every event he sets his sights on is an omen of some kind.

As you leave the house, if someone on the street speaks to another, 'Today you are in luck' it is a good omen to you. What does one do when he meets with an ill-omen? Believers won't proceed. He who believes in something deeper can wait a minute and go in. The atmosphere will change at once and a very good omen will appear. The Spirit coming to the surface has the power to change the negative omen into a positive one.


While going to an important work, a man rushed to the bus which had started. He did not mind taking the next bus, but missing the bus was not to his liking. The bus moved to the entrance of the bus stand. He was lost in thought or he went in to look for his sheet anchor. He found it and was relieved. What matters is the inner atmosphere not the outer event, though the outer event never fails to confirm. The bus at the entrance stopped and the conductor called the passenger saying his count was wrong and there were a few seats still. Another passenger who missed the bus had the experience of a taxi bound for his destination taking him for the same fare as that of the bus.

The importance of the result cannot be minimised. But what is important really is the ability to change the character of the omen by an inner effort. To have access to the Spirit puts the man on a different footing.

story | by Dr. Radut