Summary of Theory
22 June, 1997
The process of development the world has passed through in the last one or two centuries and the stages it has crossed can be described as phenomenal. All these are achieved as a chain of events that follow the preceding development and the entire effort was empirical in the sense that it was not based on any principle.
Man first achieves and learns how he has achieved only after the initial accomplishment. Later --long, long after - he is able to discover how he has achieved. That is the theory. Once that theory is formulated, development that was so far unconscious turns into a conscious process of planning. Two cardinal results issue.
1) Immediately the theory reveals all that has been overlooked.
2) Future development can take on wings.
In scientific inventions, especially machinery, this phenomenon is constantly witnessed. The moment the discoverer, who has been attempting hundreds of empirical ideas extracts the theory of his design, the future production moves very fast and the present machine admits of all possible improvement.
The place of Peace and Democracy in development is still a matter of discussion in some quarters. The theory will establish the relationship between Development, Democracy and Peace. Needless to say, on the basis of a proven theory, a decade can achieve a century's progress.
All developmental activities are pioneered by individuals. All those who have been a part of national movements as the Freedom Movement know that the movement matters, not the individual, barring exceptions. In social development society alone matters, not the individual. The individual achieves when the society is mature, not when it is not. When the pioneer arrives at the proper time, society hails him initiating a multiplier effect of what he has achieved. When he arrives too soon on the scene, society treats him as a rival and annihilates him.
To achieve the society organises, creates an organisation. Agriculture, commerce, government, money, banks, and transport are organisations so created. From then on development is development of the level of such ORGANISATIONS. As centuries pass organisations mature into institutions and later come to stay as social culture. Religion, commerce, education, family have undergone that change.
Any ORGANISATION rests on several limbs of social structure. In the modern parlance, they are known as infrastructure. They play a significant role and can often determine the efficacy of the organisation. We subdivide infrastructure into physical infrastructures as roads, buildings etc. and mental infrastructures as laws, custom, values, etc.
The most powerful organisation society has created is MONEY. It has acted as a lever, as a catalyst, as a foundation and as an energiser of development. It could introduce measurement, quantification in this field and increased the velocity of development.
Organisations are powerful; interaction or coordination of two or more organisations is a source of endless social power. The more developed a society is, the greater is this interaction. As a method of conscious planning, this idea of coordination between organisations like university and industry can be used to further development.
It is known that velocity of money is about 2 to3 times higher in the developed countries than in the developing nations. By evolving theories on this velocity and the grades in it, a developing country can consciously employ this measurement to expedite its velocity within its own framework and achieve considerable results.
If money is the most powerful material organisation so far developed, the combination of telecommunication and computer is working wonders in the field of development. The creation of internet can be termed as one which easily excels the institution of money. Internet is a non-physical organisation and for that reason is more powerful. The salient features of Internet that have a bearing on the development process are:
1) It arose out of the combination of two existing organisations viz. telecommunication and computer.
2) It has almost eliminated the cost of employing an organisation.
3) It has a unique capacity to coordinate or interrelate almost any organisation that has information to give about itself.
4) It has eliminated two important dimensions of human life, Time and Space.
5) Its ‘commodity' or ‘product' is information which cannot be hoarded or monopolised, nor does it diminish when passed on to another.
For the above reasons, the Internet can play now the role that money, banks, and the military played in earlier centuries.
1. Development is a social process, not an administrative programme.
2. The central power of development is ORGANISATION.
3. It is the mind that creates ‘resources' out of materials like coal or oil. Hence, resources are endless as mind's capacity to create is infinite.
4. The laws of development of the society, an organisation and an individual are the same.
5. Conscious development is several times faster than unconscious development.
6. Human resource is the ultimate resource not technology or capital.
7. Organisation creates enormous power; but coordination of two or more organisations creates infinite power.
8. Organisations mature into Institutions and further into culture.
9. Infrastructure divides into physical infrastructure, mental infrastructure and social infrastructure.
10. Social evolution is subconscious in the collective.
11. Measurement, scales, classification, quantification are powerful tools of development.
12. Institutions that served one stage of development turn into obstacles in the next stage of development.
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