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Truisms of Life


March 15, 1995

as applied to your domestic and business lives

 1)      It is easy to solve a problem; not so easy to avail of an opportunity.

 2)      A problem is in our plane of life; opportunity is in the next higher plane.

 3)        No problem in a higher plane will come to us.

 4)        'Opportunities' in our plane are not opportunities but our due in time.

 5)        What causes a fall is a chink in character, a missing link in organisation, or a lapse in functioning.

 6)        The latter two can be easily rectified, the first cannot. It is not easy to be    aware of it.

 7)        Self-awareness is awareness of one's defect, the chink.

 8)        Awareness is the first step, appreciation is the second, acceptance next,      practice comes finally.

 9)        From awareness to practice, it is a long journey, a journey of several lives.

10)       Awareness itself is not easily available.

11)       To be aware of another's weakness is human; one's own defi­ciencies are not seen by one until he ceases to be human inwardly.

12)       Only our weakness in others strikes our eye.

13)       Chink in character acts irresistibly -- secretive nature, vanity, absence of      forethought,    impulsiveness, irresistibil­ity, credulousness, etc. The list is long.

14)       First step is to locate it. Test whether your location is correct.

15)       Accept it mentally and emotionally and then take it up for practise.

16)       If there is no intention to practise, the whole exercise is useless.

17)       Always when someone falls, it is not in spite of the family, but the family may have a direct or indirect share in it.

18)       Should the fall come about, in spite of the family, the family can certainly rectify it.

19)       Where the rectification is defied, it may be because of the participation of the family.

20)       Participation may be direct or indirect or inverse.

21)       If participation has been there, to locate it is self-awareness.

22)       We mourn the loss of convenience because of the fall, but do not come       forward to see the cause of the loss in us.

23)       Past consecration will do to surface the loss. Writing all that in dozens of pages will help you or me.

24)       To be irresponsible with others' objects may not always be   irresponsibility; it may be selfishness at          the bottom.

25)       Our mental energies are enormous. Mother makes it enough to achieve.

26)       The excess energy of the mind is engaged with issues, peo­ple, events, and thoughts around us.

27)       Therefore we remain where we are; where our energies go.

28)       To rise from here, we must disengage our mental energies from our             environment.

29)       The disengaged energies must be focussed on the future accomplishment.

30)       We have the habit of thinking of the future in terms of the present.

31)       This sort of thinking will rivet us to the present because we think in its        terms.

32)       To rise we must think in terms of the future.

33)       To be able to think in terms of the future at the present moment, is to          progress mentally.

34)       If you are to progress, your day has to progress.

35)       Only when the individual acts rise in quality, the day progresses.

36)       The friend whom you have gone and seen all these years comes to see you when you make such a progress. This is a reversal of direction, a          sign of power over people.

37)       If the meal you previously cooked in 2 1/2 hours  is cooked now in two      hours,  it means you are mastering time through physical efficiency.

38)       Finding money for your expenses like travel is mastery of money if it is done at no sacrifice. If the money comes from another member of the family, what grows is not power over money but affection in the family. If it comes from outside, it is better still. Mother offering it means the entire

            money power is at your disposal.

40)       When more comes, whether objects or help or money, it must lead to          greater progress.

41)       More coming sometimes raises more events to absorb it. It means the being seeks equilibrium, not growth.

42)       Opportunities knocking on the door means the being is striv­ing after           awakening.

43)       Opportunity not maturing into actuality means there is no effort at organisation.

44)       Widening opportunities is widening of aspiration.

45)       Shrinking results indicate absence of sustained psychologi­cal effort.

46)       Greater kindness from others is in response to psychic joy.

47)       Look at events that come under your control and events that defy. Those that defy have their corresponding inner traits.

48)       A full day,  an exercise.

            About 20 events of some significance take place in a day.

            Some hundred serious thoughts and a few hundred silly thoughts cross the mind. Thousands of impulses arise.

            Write them all down for one day. May be it will be some 30 pages. Then    review your

                        acts in terms of the results,

                        thoughts in terms of rationality, seriousness,

                        impulses in terms of permissibility.

49)       That will show the person you are; incidentally it will also show where you have to improve.

50)       Pushiness, covetousness, greed, irresponsibility, roughness, crudeness, etc., etc. are not the only defects. Their opposites also can          be defects.

51)       Perfection in one plane becomes imperfect in the next higher plane.

52)       We come to Mother with certain beliefs. For the same be­liefs, Mother gives a greater reward. We have made the progress of coming to       Mother. But we have not progressed as an individual.

53)       To acquire a higher belief is progress.

54)       Mother gives a greater reward for a progress than life.

55)       That one step further will ensure in Mother 10 times more income.

56)       Among the 10 steps to traverse, this is to move from 1 to 2.

57)       One step for a Deputy Tahsildar is to become a Tahsildar. The same one step for an M.P. is to be in the Cabinet.

58)       One step in Mother is ten steps in Life.

59)       Levels in which we find people:           

            People who lack simple manners.

               Fear gripped people like women or rural folk.

               Coming out of fear, they become rude or offensive.

               Gaudy dress or showy jewels which rustics enjoy.

               Folk that adore loudspeaker noise;

               Speaking back in which low people pride.

               Those who interrupt your speech.

               Those who listen to themselves.

               Those who only react, not being able to respond.

               Patient listeners who are capable of intelligent re­sponse.

               One who appreciates another's point of view.

               One who appreciates another's difficulty.

               He who completes his work every day.

               One who accepts too much work and is unable to do it.

               Those who cannot but insist.

               He whose second nature is to push.

               Submissive by birth

               Squeamish by character

               Snobbish dandy

               Paragon of perfection

               Tension as a way of life

               Methodical worker

               Chaotic character

               Clumsy clout

               Doubting Thomas

               Prying Paul

               Well-informed in his subject

               Well-informed in many areas

               Rational thinker

               Rash, irrational man

               Capable hand


               Intelligent by any standard


               Person who does not want to know

               Unthinking absent-mindedness

               Favour seeker


               Organiser - Man of leadership

               Man of ideas

               Competitive by nature

               One who feels a rivalry with anyone.

               Carrying tales (talebearer)

               Speaks behind one's back

               Man of character

               Nobility of character

              Generous to a fault

               Pleasant personality

               Cynical person

               Out of sight, out of mind

               Physical man

               Vital personality

60)       Complete this list if you want and place yourself in this scale for evaluation.

61)       How does your inner match your outer.

62)       To what extent your energy has risen after coming to Mother?

63)       Is this enough to rise to your goal?

64)       Assess the increased energy in width and depth.

65)       What part tricks play in your life?

66)       Have tricks been used against you?

67)       If tricks have been successful against you, 'trick' lies in you.

68)       If you are not tricky, the tricks aimed at you will turn against them.

69)       Do you know the organisation of earlier success?

70)       If it had failed, what brought the failure?

71)       Commonplace knowledge is a revelation to the neo-literate.

72)       The level where you meet with revelation is the level to which you belong.

73)       Polite manners are for the first generation of success.

74)       Civilised behaviour rises in the second generation.

75)       Culture takes ten generations to form.

76)       Curt speech belongs to the generation of defensive social status.

77)       Blunt expression is for the blue collar.

78)       Sharp tongue belongs to those who enjoy offending.

79)       Meanness is theirs who when civilised will use sharp lan­guage.

80)       Unpardonable manners are the symptoms of those who have seen the value of manners without endeavouring to possess them.

81)       An endowment in one plane becomes a hindrance in another plane.

82)       Energies required in two successive planes are different by a factor of         10;100;1000 and one lakh.

83)       Doing a work in one plane from the next plane offers ten times the result or a hundred times; even 1000 or a lakh times. That is why 30,000 years can be abridged in 30 years.

84)       A slip, defect, error or a lapse in successive planes can be an obstacle, can help to miss a great opportunity, create bankruptcy or cause a tragedy.

85)       An endowment in successive planes can create an opportunity or luck or a series of lucky events or even Mother's Luck which means our acts become expressive of LUCK  always.

86)       Think of an example for each in your life and try to avail of the existing      opportunities.

87)       Grace creates luck, alertness protects it, endowment accom­plishes it.

88)       Faith attracts Grace, subtle awareness gives alertness, organisation of          higher knowledge creates endowment.

89)       Humility shapes Grace; opening alertness; attitude of sur­render or service endowment.

90)       Think of any successful man or a fallen man in this light.

91)       Harmony at home is luck in work.

92)       Harmony in the inner emotions is Mother's Luck at work.

93)       Harmony means we understand the other man's point of view.

94)       Looking at life with his eyes makes us harmonious with him.

95)       Feeling towards us as he feels and knowing it is right is harmony in             inner emotions.

96)       Contradiction is preceded by opposition and followed by compromise,       harmony, union and unity.

97)       We can evaluate our relationship with others on this six point scale.

98)       Moving from one stage to another is what I call shift.

99)       I have not chosen the highest, viz. unity, but only harmony, a middle          point.

100)    Devotion at home is accomplishment at work.

101)     Worship, devotion, adoration, delight is the emotional scale.

102)     Here too I have chosen only the second point, not the high­est.

103)     Worship is for the masses, devotion is for the elect, adoration is for the       Bhakta while Delight belongs to the practising yogi.

104)     Gratitude at home is success at work.

105)    Gratitude can be put on a scale of which Delight is the acme and offensive insolence is the lowest stage:

            Delight, Gratitude, Relief, Receiving silently without thanks, Defensive,    Mean, Offensive insolence.

106)     Success in work demands gratitude at home.

107)     Disharmony at home is failure in work.

108)     Unfaithfulness at home is disaster at work.

109)     Ingratitude at home is betrayal in work.

110)     The difference between harmony and disharmony at home is that between a car and a cycle in work.

111)     Devotion and indifference at home is the difference between State first and school first.

112)   Harmony can be made by one dominating all others.

113)   Harmony can be created by appreciation.

114)   Harmony can be created by the desire to encourage progress.

115)   The three levels can correspond to three levels of success. E.g. successful clerk retiring as S.O.; successful sales­man becoming     director of the company; a successful nobody anywhere becoming a            success everywhere at the topmost level.

116)    Man will not voluntarily give up domination and superiority.

117)    Woman clings to submission and inferiority.

118)    Children are dependent on parents.

119)   As man cannot eschew domination, woman cannot give up inferi­ority and children dependence.

120)     Giving up voluntarily what one cannot normally give up makes him             eligible to receive from Mother.

121)     Receiving from Mother is to receive Energy in the body or nerves or mind.

122)    Bodily energy makes  walking flying.

123)    Nervous energy which is superior makes us command the situa­tion.

124)    Mental energy gives a very resourceful idea like a Billion Job Project.

125)    Men used to dependence and its convenience will not easily give it up.

126)    Children that have tasted independence are known to want more of it, not to give it up.

127)    Women who have enjoyed  security and its sense of superiori­ty after           giving up submission,  will not again go back to it.

128)    Giving up what cannot be given up is Mother's way.

129)    Fall is an opportunity for one who knows the process of success.

130)     The process of success and process of failure are the same.

131)     An unconscious fall will only wait for an unconscious rise.

132)     It is an endless wait.

133)    If you enjoy punishment you are ready to rise.

134)    From secretive behaviour to frankness is to move from fai­lure to success.

135)    Average efficiency can accomplish what another can accom­plish.

136)     Unutilised talent or unutilisable talent is no talent.

137)     It becomes a talent only when results accrue.

138)     Look at 30 or 40 of your boyhood mates.

            Compare yourself with them. Choose those at the top. Why have you not risen there, in spite of Mother being with you?

139)     Opportunity arising means there is a sanction.

140)     Hesitation or doubt arising means there is a sanction for failure.

141)     Examine at what level you are progressing, by what instru­mentation.

            Progress in the social plane through competition.

            Progress in the psychological plane through satisfaction.

            Progress in the spiritual plane because the work is right in itself.

            Progress in Mother where the work grows by itself.

142)     Progress in the subtle plane means the possibility is great­er.

143)     Personal individual benefit will be concrete but limited.

144)     Opposite of what I want comes when my surface is opposite to the depth.

145)     Look at your children and parents and brothers to know more of yourself.

146)     Help coming unasked is Grace.

147)     If gratefully received not as help, but Grace, it turns into Super Grace.

148)     Grace saves man from karma, Super Grace 'saves' him from his own            abilities.

149)    Grace acting saves you from tragedy; Super Grace turns it into a positive, recurring, permanent feature of life.

150)     Awakened soul attracts Grace.

151)     Conscious mental recognition of Grace makes the incidence of Grace an ever-present Phenomenon.

152)     Creating harmony in the centre of consciousness is to create an ever-increasing prosperity at home.

153)     Harmony cannot be based on any human trait like superiority or inferiority.

154)     Harmony is divine. Only by growing divine on the surface, harmony will rise.

155)     Every drop of energy focussed in this direction will not fail to accomplish.

156)     Energy organised is better; organisation energised best; values added to it is greater still.

157)     If you see everyone's defect, it is to your psychological benefit. It is a         beginning. Knowing them to be the reflec­tion of yourself is knowledge.

158)     The finest advice may evoke the very opposite of responses where the        surface opposes the depths or the depths resent the surface idealism.

159)     Pride is the knowledge of one's weakness as strength.

160)     Joy is the emotional knowledge that another is also a human being.

161)     Acquiring good manners  genuinely and fully may be enough to receive Mother's Grace to saturation at our own level.

162)     I am asking for those manners to be genuine behaviour to raise the income of people.

163)     There are very good external behaviours in us. Make them inwardly true also.

164)     There are points we withhold. Let them go.

165)     There are things in us of which we are oblivious. Become conscious of them.

166)     There are things we can do with benefit, but hesitate. Shed the hesitation.

167)     Know what you should do; and do it courageously even if it is conscious destruction of your ego, prestige, achievement, image, the          only source of your present happiness.

168)     We can even make Mother an excuse to build our ego.

169)     Sincerity  and Humility  have never failed with MOTHER.

170)     The strongest of desires, in the absence of energy for it, will appear to have disappeared, making us believe it is energy not desire that          actuated us.

171)     Energy primarily is created by an Idea which the mind accepts.

story | by Dr. Radut