Series I


151)     He who has not progressed will be one who is offended by the progress of  others.


152)     Self-justification will effectively prevent progress.


153)     Self-criticism opens the door for progress. To feel all that you are is fully right ensures your present position.    To know all that you are now is insufficient ensures progress to the next stage.

            If you want to progress to the maximum limit of your possibilities, you must know anything short of it in you, i.e. any quality that is unbecoming of that higher possibility is an error, a defect, an insufficiency.

            Progress is to endeavour to acquire it.


154)     Therefore, know your maximum, set a goal and examine your present qualities in the light of that.


155)     Anger is the vital's claim of a non-existent right. sj#»ÓjÉ is the power that destroys illegal claimants.


156)     Anger is impermissible in man. sj#»ÓjÉ is permitted by God.


157)     The urge in us is the movement of Prakriti. The mental urge is the curiosity to know which is rare.

            The vital urge is to accomplish which is widely prevalent.

            The physical urge is to preserve, which is universal and fundamental.


158)     When you offer something great to another person, he flings it back at you, often with an insult.


159)     The externalised ego practises altruism and meets with the ego of the other.


160)     Each time an impulse to offer to another arises, offer that impulse to the inner Divine. That way Ego dissolves and no one can insult you.


161)     Desire to give or desire to get is only DESIRE as far as yoga is concerned.


162)     Inescapable pressing human needs like food, sleep, sex, etc. are so only when there is no higher attraction. Presence of higher attraction blunts these needs or sublimates them substantially or fully.


163)     The world for you is those around you or those who matter to you.


164)     In practice this world contains only a few people representing your security, happiness and esteem. In every domain only one qualifies to enter your world.


165)     In the REALITY of our personal lives, our world in the sense of occupying our minds constantly is the person with whom we relate most. Often it is a personal friend or a secretary or a driver or a cook.  Your interest makes your world.


166)     A prayer is often, maybe always, a move to deflect God from HIS appointed course, because it is a wish of the person different from that of God.


167)     God, in granting man's prayer, agrees to be deflected from HIS purpose and even defeated in HIS endeavour to bring the human soul back to HIS path.


168)     God fulfils HIMSELF by defeating HIS purpose.


169)     In each plane that which generates Joy is right.


170)     Often what is wrong in a plane when it rises to the next higher plane becomes right. Equally in the plane below too it changes character to the opposite.


171)     Fulfilment comes from overflowing energy. Energy of the same plane gives lower fulfilment; energy of the next higher plane gives higher fulfilment. E.g. 1) Stomach is full with food -- food served with affection. 2)  Mind is filled with thoughts -- silence fills the mind. YouTube Link || Daily Discussion | June 1, 2023


172)     Maximum knowledge, maximum positive enjoyment, maximum of organised skill in work in any plane is the DIVINE of that plane.


173)     Magnanimity cannot relate to meanness without getting its touch in one form or other.


174)     Detachment:  Endurance and indifference lead to equality. One who practises detachment can become indifferent at the first stage. Only when the indifference really leads to breaking away from the object of attachment, the other changes the attitude and relates rightly making equality real.


175)     Idealism helps one rise from one plane to another. Having reached there, it is pragmatism that helps one maintain himself there.


176)     Your level of consciousness is indicated by your compeers and rivals.


177)     The capacity to make up something for the occasion can either be expressive of utter truth or utter falsehood.


178)     A precondition for silence is thoughts must stop. Another is the desire to speak must go.


179)     Human life and values are of a lower organisation. In the higher or positive side of it, man enjoys. In its lower or negative side man suffers.

            Life Divine is a higher organisation. Even there there are the lower and higher sides. In the lower side there man will escape the loss, punishment, etc. in the physical plane while in the psychological plane they will linger during the periods of transition.

            The best of strategies is to move to the higher side of human life and from there to the higher side of the Divine Life. YouTube Discussion || Daily Discussion on June 5, 2023


180)     The occult secret.

            The universe concentrates in the Individual.

            The Individual universalises himself.

            The surface is the preparation; the depth is final. (Creation is prepared for in the surface and made in the depth). Moving to the depth gives Freedom to the Spirit to create 3 possibilities:

            Lowest -- In freedom the spirit disintegrates into Nirvana.

            Next     -- The spirit forms as the individual  -- Purusha

            Highest-- The spirit forms as the collective  -- Psychic

            The Gita moves to the Purusha and then to the Purushothama (Ishwara) in the ascent. Sri Aurobindo moves to the Psychic and to the Ishwara making the descent possible.


181)     Consecration brings together the two ends of nature and the evolving spirit to complete the cycle.


182)     Consecration begins the ascent where nature ends the descent.


183)     Man's problems arise from the complexity of existence living as he does in four planes.


184) நம்முடைய அழகைப் போற்றினால், அறிவை மெச்சினால், செல்வத்தைப் பாராட்டினால் நமக்கு ஏற்படும் சந்தோஷம் பெருமை என்ற உருவில் வருகிறது. நம் நல்ல குணத்தை மற்றவர் பாராட்டும் பொழுது நம்முள் எழும் சந்தோஷம் அடக்கவுணர்வை அளிக்கிறது.


185)  அடக்கம், சந்தோஷத்திற்குச் சிறப்புள்ள நிறைவைத் தரும்.


186)  கடுமையான விரதங்களுக்குப் பதிலாக இனிமையான பண்புகளை ஏற்றுக்கொள்வது நல்லது.


187)  பக்தி அறோலி எட்டித் தொடுகிறது. நம்பிக்கை அருளை அழைக்கின்றது. தூய்மை அருளைப் பலிக்கச் செய்கிறது.


188) முழு முன்னேற்றத்திற்கு, முழு முயற்சியை, முழு நேரமும் எடுப்பதே பூரண யோகம். எல்லாக் கரணங்களும் சேர்ந்ததே முழுமை.


189)  முழு முயற்சியின் தவம் போன்ற கடுமையை முழு அன்பின் எழுச்சியாகிய நிறைவை அளிப்பது அன்னைக்கு நாம் செய்யும் சரணாகதி.


190)     Focussing on Mother, organised endeavour transforms itself into fulfilment of aspiring love.


191)     We are interested in the thing for which we have the energy, knowledge and inclination and whose accomplishment gives us a psychological accomplishment.


192)     "சொன்னால் செய்யமாட்டான்"

            "Abandoning big projects brings great experiences."

            Silence in one plane gives energy to rise to the next plane.


193)     As the universe comes to us as human values, let us find out our values and their place in the scale of universal values. That helps us to move up.


194)  மேல்நாட்டார், பெரியவர்களுக்கு நன்றி சொல்லும் சந்தர்ப்பங்களில், நாம் நமஸ்காரம் செய்கிறோம்.


195)     Sense of importance is a human conception. It is not there below humanity or above it.


196)     Work relations must be so that each is reminded of his duty. Emotional relations must be so arranged that duties are not reminded or even mentioned.


197)     Progress has two parts, ascent and descent. Man starts at whichever part is more awake. Primitive man goes from physical to mental and again mental to physical to complete it. Modern man starts with mind and then goes to the physical.

            Faith -- obedience -- worship is a trio that goes from mind to body since man can start with the mind.


198)     Consecration avoids the procedure of the process and gives the result through the Light.

            சமர்ப்பணம் முடிவான பலனை முதலில் கொடுக்கிறது.


199)     Consecration is the basic whole unit of yoga. Consecration is yoga in miniature.


200)     How to express the all-inclusive concentration in work?

            Existence is through Essence.

            Expression is through values.

            There are values for every stage of the work. A work begins as an idea, is developed into a policy for the organisation, the policy changes into a programme for the department. The programme is subdivided into parts for execution. It is given to production in a company to various individuals.

            The idea expresses through idealism or an ideal. The programme is the idea converted into a practical reality for the organisation. Subdivision of the programme is according to the administrative values of the company.

            Production is achieved by work values.

            All-inclusive concentration is achieved by the yogic values of purity, stillness and ingoing movement. Tuning the existing values to express the new goal will help express the all-inclusive concentration.

            E.g. Ordinarily production is governed by the value of delivery time punctually followed. It may be accomplished by tension. Now the same has to be accomplished by calmness. YouTube Discussion || Daily Discussion on June 6, 2023



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