Series I


401)   Discipline is the organisation seen in Freedom. Such a discipline is character based on values. YouTube Discussion | Daily Discussion on July 14, 2023


402)   People below your level cannot give their loyalty to you. So also, they cannot betray you, though great harm can issue out of them when you do not protect your interests.

          Your cattle destroying your crop is not betrayal but instinct in expression. YouTube Discussion | Daily Discussion on July 14, 2023


403)   Man is not so much eager to understand as to maintain his social position or psychological stance.


404)   An index for progress is what was indispensable yesterday must become unbearable or intolerable today. YouTube Discussion | Daily Discussion on July 14, 2023


405)   Marriage is an instrument of progress in that sense.


406)   Marriage becomes an instrument of progress not so much because it is socially indissoluble but because it is so psychologically.


407)   Marriage is the typical psychological institution that symbolises man seeking irresistibly what he cannot live with. YouTube Discussion | Daily Discussion on July 14, 2023


408)   This is so because marriage is one point where he finds his aptitude for progress presents to him as irreconcilable opposites. YouTube Discussion | Daily Discussion on July 14, 2023


409)   To know all his urges and their disgusting opposites and also their point of meeting in his personality is the essential knowledge at the vital level. YouTube Discussion | Daily Discussion on July 14, 2023


410)   To see the right of another is to be broad-minded, but it cannot help exceed the mind. To see the right and wrong of another as parts of a whole and be able to see the whole is to exceed the mind. YouTube Discussion | Daily Discussion on July 15, 2023


411)   Unconditional affection is given limitlessly to another, not for his qualities of head or heart, but because he receives all you give unconditionally.

          ஒருவர் மீது அளவு கடந்து பிரியம் செலுத்தும் பொழுது, அவருடைய நல்ல குணத்தால் நாம் பிரியமாக இருப்பதாக நினைக்கிறோம். உண்மை அது அல்ல. அளவு கடந்த பிரியத்தைத் தடையில்லாமல் பெற்றுக் கொள்ளும் பாங்கு இருப்பதால் மட்டுமே நம்மால் அவர் மீது பிரியமாக இருக்க முடிகிறது.

412)   Malice and mentality are different grades of the same vibration. Benevolence becomes malice with an intermediate stage of mentality.


413)   As mentality is the lower version of benevolence and degenerates into malice, vitality has the higher and lower versions of Ananda and hostility. So also Existence-- Physicality-- Non-existence.


414)   Complaints:  Our complaints against others are partly or fully generated by us in another plane.


415)   Insincerity is subtle and turns perverse when we label our low impulses as versions of high aspiration. It is possible because in the low and the high the same acts figure.


416)   To convert conceptual clarity in profundities into experienced emotions is to make yogic progress. It is a difference between fantasy and fact.


417)   Man is centered in the becoming. The yogi in trance is centered in the being. Purna Yoga demands that we are centered in the being of the becoming.


418)   Consecration relates the being in the becoming to the individual.


419)   He who is excited about a game or a desire is full of overflowing energy in that direction. When all our energies are  in the direction of evolution, our joy will turn into Ananda.


420)   Unfailing progress will issue if we can decide as follows:- YouTube Discussion | Daily Discussion on July 17, 2023

             a) Gradually, but steadily we solve our problems only through Mother.

             b) Bring to the surface the hidden grievances and turn them into fulfilments.

             c) Raise continuously the level of our performance.

             d) Constantly endeavour for increasing clarity.

             e) Endeavour to shift the plane of our actions, physical to mental and mental to        spiritual.

             f) Increase the level of consecration.

             g) Admit no fresh grievances.

             h) Shift the outer into inner.


421)   What holds us on the surface is motion, motion of thought or sensation. Absence of motion helps to move into the depths.


422)   The psychic being grows on the surrendered impulses of Nature.


423)   Life is an active organisation. In us that same organisation is covered by a surface layer. Prayer, consecration, calling can penetrate the layer and touch the organisation. At that point things start happening which we call Life Response. Staying at that point, progress is nonstop. YouTube Discussion | Daily Discussion on July 18, 2023


424)   In the society those at the bottom work through a procedure which after along time brings results. Those at the top skip the procedure and move things instantaneously. Their status helps them to have direct access to the social organisation. Consecration gives us access to Life organisation. Intense aspiration which is supramental vibration gives the sadhak access to the evolutionary organisation. YouTube Discussion | Daily Discussion on July 20, 2023


425)   He who constantly contradicts does so because his thinking has begun to shape and is active.


426)   Shifting to yoga from life has several indications. One of them is: dwelling on the Divine must be as interesting as the greatest joy of life or more. The vital should seek it on its own. Mind must tend to understand the myriad aspects of life in terms of yoga. The body must feel uncomfortable in acting out of habit and must often shift to freshness.


427)   It is true that to reach the psychic we should concentrate behind the heart. That concentration will be possible only when the energies of all the outward impulses collect themselves earlier at one point.


428)   Each time we long for an unavailable privilege, we forget that a superior privilege of turning to Mother inside awaits us.


429)   Organisation means, within its own ambit, there should be no flaw of the least type. (cf. the earlier statement that no crop can be raised if trespass of cattle is not stopped).


430)   Nonstop calling pushes away thought from the mind and helps take us from the surface to the depth.


431)   The truth of the matter is, it is not the aspiration that is fulfilling but the flitting on the surface being which is a kind of dissipation that is satisfying.


432)   Taking another man's point of view at least demands of man that he come forward to pardon the other man as readily as he pardons his own lapses.


433)   Even after crossing over the border in the effort of reversal of consciousness or rising to a higher behaviour, man finds his earlier behaviour in a subdued form in the rear playing a subordinate role.


434)   Perfection at any level expresses the Absolute, the Brahman. To be honest or chaste in a lax atmosphere even to a primary level is great. To be nearly perfect in such a situation requires a Herculean effort. Still, it will express the Brahman, because the effort is not full and perfect.


435)   Perfection takes you to the next higher level besides expressing the Absolute at this level.


436)   He who does his own work as God's work will have no energy left to an altruistic initiative.


437)   Perfection in one's own work generates an atmosphere which serves the purpose of altruism better and without its usual negativity.


438)   Surrender:  SHE says HIS greatest discovery is surrender.

          In creation as well as life, self-affirmation is the law. Man does not surrender unless he is crippled when he abandons himself. Either as a helpless infant or cripple man abandons himself. At all other times, he seeks self-affirmation.


439)   Surrender is the opposite movement. Surrender affirms the Truth of man's being, a portion of the Divine.


440)   Man coming forward to deny self-affirmation is a leap, an evolutionary leap. Hence it is a great discovery as a method, one that suits a goal of evolutionary leap. YouTube Discussion | Daily Discussion on July 20, 2023


441)   Calling:

          At each instance or event, calling The Mother contains in it the entire essence and expression of all that is necessary to respond to the event from our highest consciousness. YouTube Discussion | Daily Discussion on July 20, 2023


442)   Values:  Even as universe comes to us as values, Mother comes to us as values. Accepting Mother's values fully will give us Mother fully.

          In fact, anything comes to us as values.

          Value-formation is the formation of the Individual. YouTube Discussion | Daily Discussion on July 21, 2023


443)   Form organised does the greatest injustice to content which is the highest available justice. (Administrative, legal, organisational, social justice reek with injustice but they are the best instruments of justice available in these setups). YouTube Discussion | Daily Discussion on July 21, 2023


444)   Man finding God as woman and further, man becoming the woman to God, her paramour, are, says HE, the heights of enjoying the Divine.

          Soul merging with God is moksha, release, not enjoyment. Man discovering his own surrender to Shakti, releases a vaster strength inside him giving rise to spiritual enjoyment too. At the end, he discovers the world as a marvel.

          Man, finding himself the woman, is Prakriti seeking surrender, the goal of Purna Yoga, which raises the enjoyment further, completing the cycle of evolution.


445)   When subjected to analysis, the highest ideal a man pursues is little better than the silliest pursuits of others; behind the silliest exercise of man hides the profoundest wisdom of God actively pressing for expression.


446)   Sense of outrage at another doing exactly what you have done earlier is the clearest indication of active ego. YouTube Discussion | Daily Discussion on July 21, 2023


447)   Rajaji's inability to conceive of planned progress, Nehru's inability to conceive of a strategy for progress do not reveal their inability to think or think originally; rather they show they are social thinkers, thus limiting themselves to their society.

          To accept Mother it is not enough to outgrow the society one is born in but the evolutionary phase of one's birth must be outgrown at least in thinking.


448)   On scrutiny, it will be clear that all the problems one has had since coming to Mother are created by one's going insistently back to his own old habits that have to be given up.


449)   When you meet a person or ideal that is greater than you, there are two possible responses. One is the desire to serve him and the other is to become more than he. The first is the attitude of the sadhak and the second is egoistic human attitude.


450)   Perfection, naturally and necessarily alternates with imperfection. Nature chooses to progress only this way. It is not possible for nature to progress from perfection to greater perfection except through its opposite, viz. imperfection.



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