Daily Messages                                                                             

Series IV


251)          Failure is not so much due to ignorance as the inability to extend the rules of success to those areas.

252)          As progress is by reversal, necessitated by the alternate layers of consciousness in the opposition direction, there is a strong opposition to progress by the unconscious to the conscious.

253)          Reversal of consciousness enables the conscious progress to find the opposing unconscious its complement.

254)          Progress of one is determined by the maximum of conscious awareness and its readiness to reverse it.

255)          It is also seen as the reversal of the outgoing movement into ingoing endeavour.

256)          Thus the mind gets the better of matter, regaining its original creative superiority or order of priority which HE calls the objective matter becoming the subjective being.

257)          A life-long effort to create outer instruments of followers, disciples, etc. ends in the revelation that they came not to serve as instruments but as indicators of inner progress.

258)          Indicators of inner progress change into instruments if the relationship changes from the surface to the subliminal or better still to the substance of the subliminal.

259)          The change is indicated, among other things, by the mode of communication changing from the verbal medium to silent receptivity.

260)          The indications of such a change are from thought expressed to silent will, from surface to the depth, from ego to the psychic, from mind to mind of light, from Time to Timelessness, from gross to the subtle, from outgoing to ingoing, from mind to mind of self-forgetful knowledge, from desire to consecration and every shade of similar reversals.

261)          The individual and the collective – the Individual and the Eternal – are determinants of each other.  A further determinant can evolve in the measure the Individual realises it is the collective.  That, HE says, is the main difficulty.  The difficulty is fortified by the law of contradictions and the idea that Time is the creator of the world.

262)          Should a person succeed in creating a family or organisation by avoiding the external rules and creating them by the silent will of his inner personality, he will be able to SEE the existence of the physical organisation Sri Aurobindo speaks of and God’s will forging it.

263)          Spiritually the running mind prevents Silence; vitally it prevents happiness.

264)          He who seeks to learn from another is unoriginal.  It is obvious that original thoughts cannot come from outside or issue from another person.  Maybe it is original for the other man.

265)          In that sense, Purna yoga can be called an Original yoga.

266)          The physical organisation of the world has been perfected by Nature.  Man is trying to create the vital organisation by the half-enlightened mind.  All the ills of humanity issue out of the incapacity of the mind trying to organise the unregenerate vital.  Hence his dictum ‘Matter will be transformed if our view changes.’

267)          Any psychological knowledge to be valid must come from one’s own life.

268)          No spiritual knowledge that is based only on psychological knowledge can be fully valid.

269)          Spiritual knowledge will be valid when it starts impersonally in the universe, the non-self and figures as personal experience.

270)          Knowledge issuing from lower planes is invalid for the higher planes.

271)          Knowledge, in the sense, can be divided into three:

1.      That which come from below.

2.      That which come from above.

3.      Coming from below, it turns into knowledge from below.

The first is valid for the lower, the second for the higher, the third for both.

272)           An insoluble problem that eats into your heart like a canker for years just disappears on your ‘knowing’ that your mind cannot know the problem or its solution.  At this point, one transcends his mind.

273)          Gvº£õº¨£uØS GxĪÀø», AߣõP {øÚÄTµ ©Ûu›Àø» GßÓÁº uß ©ÚzøuU Ph¢uÁº.

This is to cross the mind negatively.  To cross it positively, he must know that this expectation and this love do not exist anywhere except in the incomprehension of the sentimentalist.

274)          Man is endowed with infinite potentials at a higher level needing infinite efforts.  He expends his energy in enjoying at his own present level.

275)          The pioneer makes progress representing others. It is a progress on their behalf.

276)          The rest await for the society to achieve first, so that they might share it.

277)          In the individual it translates into a behaviour of demanding service from others.

278)          To move from mind to spirit is to move from thought to Silence.

279)          To think how to move is to remain in the mind and to work backwards.

280)          Restoring the link to Supermind means thought gives place to intuition and outer knowledge moves automatically inside.

281)          Results in the Physical material plane indicate the truth of such moves.

282)          Forgetting the problem others are, is another indication.  They too forget soon.

283)          No outside problem grows on its own without being nourished inside of us.

284)          Trying to change others is a fool’s errand.  Its one good result is your own inner change.

285)          If genuine, you will move to a higher plane.

286)          Those who try to change others, or benefit others by their own change, do not succeed in changing them.

287)          The one change that inevitably follows is that they demand more of such change in him.

288)          One crude way of dealing with those who are frustrated by unanswered prayers is to explain to them that results come out of work and not through prayer.  Tell them prayer is superstitious.

289)          ‘Explain’ to them prayer is for spiritual gifts; work is for material results.

290)          To succeed in changing another is not impossible, but is not a wise endeavour.  Its true counterpart is a greater inner change for its own sake.

291)          Impersonal work needs an impersonal motive to succeed.  Personal motives come in the way.

292)          For impersonal ideals to be reached by personal motives, the Person should be greater than impersonality even as the conscious Being transcends personality and impersonality.

293)          He who has failed in his relentless search for the Master clue of his life’s secret may be one whose real goal was not the clue but the search.

294)          The best of disciplines is self-discipline; the worst of sufferings issues out of the mind’s conviction of what the vital abhors.

295)          The Divine, the acceptance as well as rejection is a response of the human soul.

296)          For the Divine, the acceptance as well as rejection is a response of the human soul.

297)          What the human in you detests, the Divine in you enjoys since it is the Divine in you that called for it.

298)          The knowledge of the evil returning to its origin or its dissolution.

299)          That knowledge of the process of evil-formation may mitigate the disgust.

300)          God enjoys the movement from ignorance to knowledge of evil and from there to its origin.  There is only one more phase in its journey.  Here the evil is transformed into GOOD.  It is the same process of the finite turning into infinite or man becoming God.




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