Series VI                                                                                      


601)         By nurture a value is developed widely in the population. By oppression the same value develops in purity and intensity in a few individuals. J


602)         Societies exist in several hierarchies even as do individuals. Physical, vital, mental, spiritual is one such gradation. Rural, urban, city, metropolis is another. Individual, family, community, caste, society, nation may be another. Disciplines as dictated by conditions of living such as self-discipline, family training, social beliefs, and cultural values give birth to graded values. Experience that results in practically useful values that can be described as technologies – personal, family, communal, social, national, international – develops determined by the practical organisation at each level. Several of them become determinants in certain lines of development such as hygiene and sanitation which determine longevity, education determines prosperity, medicine determines enjoyment. Longevity, prosperity, education, and equality are the physical, vital, mental and spiritual results of various such combinations. What is true of the collective is equally true of individuals. Newer determinants of any level can rise at any time so that the urge to overcome such limitations is self-generated. Therefore, we see spiritually developed potential in a poor, false, ignorant community. Opulent societies shape themselves sometimes even without elementary habits of hygiene such as bath. Promiscuous communities have wiped themselves out in many places while the same trait generated societies of physical goodwill or families of spiritual purity.

Formation of communities and development of individual personalities thus shed the shackles of physical, moral, and mental inhibitions. MAN is thus amoral whether individual or collective. J


603)         To live alone is to live with Mother alone. Seclusion is the life with all one’s world in the subtle plane. &


604)         Human progress that takes one to divine service, usually passes through human service which is the service of the ego, though in the spiritual plane it is not exactly the rule. 5


605)         A friend is one who is in tune with our thoughts and acts on that basis. It means he must be the source of the unthought requirements coming to us unasked. J


606)         Selflessness of the human being is the selfishness of the Supreme, God. To give up the selfishness of the ego, one should move to the selfishness of the Supreme, God and do it without hesitation or shame. &


607)         It is difficult for the Westerner not to work. It is equally difficult for the Indian to work. J


608)         Progress means widening basic receptivity. J


609)         Immediate success is the entire success. J


610)         What can be communicated is NOT knowledge, but results can be passed on to others. J


611)         Fashion catches on by the easiest – smallest – higher effort. J


612)         No knowledge that is not sought for will be communicated effectively. J


613)         The lazy Indian can change with difficulty, but those who believe that their own laziness is a blessing to the community have no known scope for progress. Self-immolation may be the order of the day. J


614)         Forgetfulness is the symptom of consciousness feeling the impossibility. 5


615)         Man deciding not to take outer initiative works inside and the ripe moment arrives – outside and inside. It is indicated by the greatest inner urge for action which he is not free to express. 5


616)         The irresistible impulse of Ignorance to instruct knowledge is perversity. Its insistence is depravity.  Depravity is impersonal perversity. 5


617)         Science and Technology:  One who is in the field of science can move either to the side of knowledge or its practice. As long as knowledge dominates its use, it will retain the flavour of science. As soon as the tail begins to wag, the body science dies its natural death.


Be a scientist who practises technology, not a technician who learns his science from his own work. J


618)         The key for any plane is known to the fully formed psychic of that plane. 5


619)         Man WANTS to change his environment to his liking. Only his changing so as to exactly fit into the environment will lead him to the discovery. 5


620)         For the best in one to surface, culture and flower, the worst in him must be submitted to iron repression. When the man has to cross into the next plane, this iron repression must be self-chosen. 5


621)         As Matter was created by Mind, today the world is run by the information mind gives the population representing matter. From the early days, the world was governed by the force of information – the group – circulated. Today it is factual, scientific information that dominates, but it fully retains the power of gossip. Not only with that information but all information that rules today retains the characteristic of gossip. J


622)         Man’s primary intense motive still is to tyrannise and tease others. J


623)         A wise man becomes cultured too if he is unable to say anything that he would regret later. For one to say those things now of which he would be proud later, he should become good in addition. J


624)         The role played on the stage is Becoming while the person is Being. Mistaking the role as final, one grieves; stationing himself in his own person, he is griefless. 5


625)         Birth means a superior soul, superior by the experience of each life, taking on a more inferior body and mind so that it may discover a greater truth of creation. 5


626)         Mother acts through human identification to complete a work in spite of the undeserving behaviour of the recipient. It does not act against the undeserving individual, though it can when it so chooses, but mostly acts in spite of that unhelpful attitude. 5


627)         Simplicity ennobles profundity. The simple man readily receives profundity given through simplicity. Profundity is a non-starter. Simplicity never comes to age.


Profundity in the garb of simplicity is universally recognised as pleasant prosperity.

Conceive profoundly, state simply. J


628)         God has come down to divinise MAN. Man is debating the merits of godhood. 5


629)         When we aim at another’s understanding, we try to explain in his terms. He understands our idea in his own terms. Appreciation is to accept another’s situation in terms of our own motives and attitudes. Nothing new can thus be understood or appreciated.


§  Sri Aurobindo is new to the world.

§  It should make a man give up his own understanding and appreciation.

§  He must come forward to break new ground, go to new depths.

§  He must give up the surface and accept the depths.

§  In giving Mother to another, we cannot expect him to understand or appreciate from his own point of view. We must help him to give up the old and appreciate the NEW. 5


630)         Cleanliness and orderliness become important because the aim of Conscious Force is to express itself in perfect Form. 5


631)         Intelligence is the result of Force reflecting on the Conscious-Soul.  That which makes the Prakriti understand Purusha is intelligence. Ego’s action in Prakriti limits itself from the Soul. This limitation is a reflective relation. 5


632)         Force meeting Force gives rise to Form. Form meeting Form give rise to sensation. Mental sensation is intelligence. Intelligence reflecting on the Soul is consciousness. &


633)         The finest of human relationships has a large area of insipid moments, even bitter ones; the worst of relationships equally is of the opposite character. 5


634)         No country is so poor that it cannot launch itself on development. No man is so weak he cannot rouse himself to the most pleasurable action that his heart is after. No situation is, in that sense, past remedy. J


635)         The Agni they spoke of is the purifying Agni – purifying the mind into spirit. Sri Aurobindo speaks of the Force as Agni. It is the Agni of evolution. &


636)         We adore those who accomplish what we cannot accomplish. Hence who we are can be seen by knowing whom we adore. J


637)         We know of superstitions bringing catastrophes that are wiped out by the first information. Death overtakes the BODY when it emphasizes its ‘superstition.’ Sri Aurobindo says death changes into immortality when the body sheds its superstition. &


638)         Service is possible only to the God in Man; neither God, nor Man can receive it. Man offends the giver; God allows man to outgrow his illusion. 5


639)         The formula that can change human motivation into one that can achieve his own social aspiration is the vital key. 5


640)         The Gita calls for the surrender of Jivatma so that it may attain moksha. Sri Aurobindo speaks of the surrender of the Being of the Becoming to Being so that evolution may be hastened. &


641)         Human initiative has the capacity to express elsewhere and in a form not intended. Also it has the need to balance it out with its opposite. Man is safest when he shuns initiative. J


642)         To see a difficulty as an opportunity is to see the event from a higher plane. To see a personal opportunity or even difficulty as the opportunity for the society is to see the individual event from a higher impersonal perspective. J


643)         To thrill in a minor scale, the body twitches. J


644)         For one to take the first step in yoga, the inner being should open. For one to be ready to receive LUCK, his outer life should turn inwards. 5


645)         No genius, no scientist, no wise man can say that what he knows is the ultimate. To make a claim of that type restricts the future to the present. This is a type of stupidity human mind is capable of and even enjoys, in spite of great achievements in other areas.J


646)         He who achieves concentrates on the next step. He who concentrates on further possibilities achieves not in the short run. J


647)         God is above. Divine is God above who is present as God below.&


648)         Whatever you learn, you learn in macro principles. Whatever you achieve is by what you learn in micro circumstances. J


649)         For whatever reason, if a work is to be shifted to another plane or another context is to be done from there, it becomes difficult or oppressive. J


650)         The character of a person is a quality which will not easily lend itself when one wants to represent it in numbers. J



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