Series VII

351)  Adventure is met and accepted as it comes. Rarely do people seek it. It is not something to be planned for the future.

352)  We do not have the exact knowledge of what the other man thinks. When we know that, all our illusions will dissolve and we will readily give up the age-old idealism of the heart as well as the race.

          C»m]¯® AÔ¯õø©°ß ©õø¯.

353)  Issues are settled on the basis of need, attachment, law, etc. It is rare for us to witness that character exceeds the claims of the above. Whichever way things are settled, it is the evolutionary will that works through the available machinery.

          |õµõ¯nß ö\¯¾® |®ø© Jmi÷¯ •iQßÓx.

354)  In the very best of cases, the advocate of a cause is bound by the cause, will never be permitted to serve the Ideal for which the cause had fashioned itself.

          Põ»•® Põ»ÝUSU Pmk¨£mhx. PhÄÐUS ÷\øÁ ö\´¯õx.

355)  By a strange law of memory, one who has rendered essential help during utter misery, instead of exciting gratitude, reminds the very misery he endeavoured to alleviate.

          Eu ö\´uÁøÚ¨ £õºzuõÀ E£zvµÁ® {øÚÄUS Á¸QÓx.

356)  Words do come out of the mouth not intended by the mind. The hand does things not conceived of by the thought. Anyone wanting to work on himself will find it rewarding to make a beginning there.

          uõ÷Ú }Ю øPø¯ AhUSÁx Bµ®£®.

357)  Good reputation: 

            Whatever else becomes quiet or not, the heart will not.

            Even if the heart agrees to be subdued, it will revolt.

            To agree to be quiet is differnt from becoming quiet.

            Assuming the heart quietens itself once, it will jump several times.

            Even when the heart falls quiet, the other parts will not allow it to be quiet.

            If the heart falls quiet, all other parts will be quiet.

            After the heart has fallen quiet, a question will arise in us as to why it did so.

            When the heart is finally quiet, all problems will dissolve.

            No one will notice the change in us.

            Even if they see it, they won’t mind it.

            When recognising the change, they will not speak of it.

            If they speak about it, it will not be sincere.

            One person recognising it is rare. All people recognising it is a miracle.

            When all the world recognises it, one who matters to us will not express it in words.

            When all, including that person, lauds the change in us, we will know how much more is left undone.

358)  When an ideal desires to serve its opponents, it creates an organisation to propagate it.

          Gv› C»m]¯zøu AÈUP HØ£kÁx ìuõ£Ú®.

          Man seeks to achieve an ideal by destroying himself and the ideal.

          &   C»m]¯® £¼UP C»m]¯Áõv Aȯ ÷Ásk®.

      &  ußøÚ¯Èzx C»m]¯zøu {ø»{Özx£Áß C»m]¯Áõv.

          Ideals are not practical. When practised, the ideal becomes its opposite. Practical Idealism is not for this world. In a world where Form is perfected so as to fully express its Force, the Ideal can be practical.

          \Uv ö£õ[Q ÁȲ® AÇQÀ ¯uõºzu® C»m]¯® BS®.

359)     Ossified form receiving its required content on its own seeking, if it is not according to its preference, will destroy itself.

             ÷uõØÓ•®, ÷uØÓzøu¨ £ØÔ¯ |® PØ£øÚ²® •iÁõÚ Esø©.

360)  Man knows his life and how he should live it. Only that he is turned inward. Here there is nothing he needs to learn. He can be taught details of life and princples of forces of life.

          ÁõÇz öu›¯õu ©ÛuÛÀø».

      BÚõÀ AÁß uÚUPõP ÁõÌQÓõß.

361)     ¤µa]øÚ C¸¢uõ¾®, CÀ»õÂmhõ¾® Ah[S® ©Ú® Ah[S®, Ah[Põux Ah[Põx.

          ©ÚzvÀ Aø©v ©Úzøu¨ ö£õ¸zu÷u uµ ¤µa]øÚø¯¨ ö£õ¸zuvÀø».

             Mind’s calm depends more upon its own character than the problems it faces.

362)     What Mother avoided for man, even without his own knowledge, he invites later out of self-indulgence. Even then, the warning starts long before he suffers.

363)  As long as one acts in the area where his consciousness is organised in Mother, the need to call for protection is not there. Even when he crosses that border, if he keeps Grace ahead of work or his initiative,  the need to call for protection is not there.

364)  When a man leaves a post, he expects his successor to do what he absolutely refused to do. Maybe we can call this the rationalism of no responsibility.

365)  An atmosphere of Grace will be so light that one feels like he is floating and the idea of calling for protection never arises of itself.

366)     One way of approving of the revolutionary idea of a rebel by the common man is to expect the rebel to realise his goal straightaway.

367)  Any act that is a substantial whole can be described or analysed in such a fashion that ALL truths of life will emerge in their own context, since it is the miniature of the universe.

368)  The freedom struggle had stalwarts, men of courage and heroism. As India did not take to armed revolt and was fighting within the ambit of ‘democracy’ the Britisher practised, there was no occasion for the real heroism of the nation to emerge in full bloom.

369)  Man’s greatest depths are in the surface.

370)  To be rational, one needs to cross into the domain of pure thought from that of intellectuality that is hampered by the sensations of the vital and physical.

371)  The desire for instantaneous result is the direct result of impatience. It can also be there as the indication of the presence of the consciousness capable of producing instantaneous result, the supramental consciousness.

372)  Negativism of the bodily urge expresses as an urge to take a hundred initiatives to implement the decision of taking no initiatives. Negativism is active self-preservation. Such negative people consider their negative responses as their most positive trait.

373)  The difference between understanding a situation by one who deals with it directly and others who administer their programme is as much as between the infinite and the finite. Often it is reversed too.

374)  A yogi has absolutely no work to do with others. All his work is only inside. The only work he has outside is the work commanded of him inside.

375)  In matters spiritual, the attitude of high and low is exactly the same, which shows the collective man has not yet entered the domain of the spirit.

376)     Uninformed, uncultured ridicule leading to outrageous heckling is one way of life responding to formative ignorance.

377)  Total freedom need not create total chaos but makes highest creativity possible.

          ]¸èiUS›¯x _u¢vµ®.

378)  He who is penny-wise, in an intense life situation pays his pounds to the very victim of his miserliness.

          ¯õøµU P¸ª H©õØÔÚõ÷Úõ, AÁ÷Ú P¸ª°ß ö\õzøu Aݣ¨£õß.

379)     People living on deceit or stealing enables the society to overcome  deceit or stealing in future.               

      A{¯õ¯UPõµß ÁõÌÁx A{¯õ¯zøu AȨ£uØPõP.

380)     To be able to transform the deepest craving will be a first step towards equality.

             Bø\ø¯ Bz©õ AÔÁx {uõÚ® u¸®.

381)     The offended small organises itself into evil and longs for its destruction by attempting to destroy the good. To destroy such evil is good or evolution. One may choose to transform that evil into good if that evil also chooses it.

             Aȯ ÷Ási¯ £õÁ® ¦so¯zøu ußøÚ AÈUS®£i AøÇUQÓx.

          £õÁzøu AȨ£x ¦so¯®.

          £õÁzøu ¦so¯©õUSÁx v¸Ä¸©õØÓ®.

          |õ÷© v¸Ä¸©õÖÁx ÷¯õP®.

             ¤Óøµz v¸Ä¸©õØÖÁx  £›nõ©®.

             ©Ûuß v¸Ä¸©õØÓzuõÀ ÷¯õQ¯õQÓõß.

             ¤Óº ußøÚ v¸Äµ©õØÓ AøÇUS® ÷¯õQ PhÄÒ.

             BshÁÚõQ¯¤ß AøÚÁ¸® u® v¸Ä¸©õØÓzvØPõP ©ÛuøÚ |õkQÓõPÒ.

          • Man evolves into Spirit.

             The Spirit setting foot on the path of evolution, is the Absolute in creation.

382)  Conception, perception and sensation are the three stages of functioning of the Divine Soul, He explains. By subdividing sensation of the physical again into the same three parts -- conception, perception and sensation -- we reach the very last level when the supramental being  evolves in the man’s physical being.

383)     Falsehood has the force of Truth in its own context, moreso in its evolutionary context. The power of a force is determined not by its inherent value as by the context.  Any power will be most powerful in its own context.

             P¸hõ ö\ÍUQ¯©õ?

          For any force seeking to be powerful should seek to establish its own context.

384)     What is outrageous to the victim is just and convenient to him who inflicts it on the victim. Life offers it to the partner, friend, tenant, client and to the spouse.

          ¤Ó¸US Pkø©¯õÚøu CÛø©¯õP ©Ú® EnºÁx ÁõÌÄ.

385)  The aspiration of the upward movement often uses the means abhorred by those who rose up, to reach them, more urged by the desire than the prudence necessary to use right means.

          ©»º ÷©¾ÒÍ Bø\ Aøu P\UQ¨ ¤iUS®.

386)  A refined idea restated appears to us repetition to incomprehension.

          ]è¯ £õÁzøu Aiø©°ß £oÁõP £õºøÁ°À öuÎÄ CÀ»õuÁß AÔÁõß.

387)     Expectation is to be avoided for opportunities to arise. They can be enjoyed only when there is no expectation. Nor can the expectation have any place after the opportunity is fully availed of.

             Gvº£õº¨¦ ußøÚ G[PõÁx ÷\ºzxU öPõÒÁõºPÒ GÚ Gvº£õºUP •i¯õx.

             • Expectation has no hope of even expecting to survive.

388)  No one need try to give the world or others around him something useful to them. If he possesses the thing in a form that is tangible to them, they will take it from him themselves .

          uµ ÷Ásk® GßÓ AÁ]¯ªÀø».  C¸¨£x ¦›¢uõÀ E»P® uõ÷Ú Â¸®¤ GkzxU öPõÒЮ.

389)     In a relationship where there is no obligation, one takes from another continuously substantial help, but is unable to remember many of them, sometimes any of them. This means the receiver has an attitude and aim of taking the all from the other man.

             öPõÒøͯiUP {øÚ¨£Áß ö£ØÓøu ©Ó¨£õß.

          ö£ØÓøu ©Ó¨£Áß öPõÒøÍUPõµß.

390)     The birthday is a psychological opening. The society in times of great changes provides some such openings. Should the individual opening and the social opening fall in line, it becomes great. The birthday can come more often and one can by his own attitude evoke the social opening at his will. The psychological, social, spiritual openings falling in line more frequently than now is the ideal.

             Bß© ÂȨ¦®, AßøÚ ÂȨ¦® ÷\ºÁx Bz©õ ÁõÌÂÀ ©»ºÁx BS®.

391)     We are enveloped by several atmospheres as if in concentric circles. We are aware of those ones immediately around us and those which touch us powerfully. Our protection and effectivity are in the measure of awareness of those waves and their mastery.

            `Ì¢u `m_©zøu AÔÁx £»®.

392)  The cost of a product or the service of a professional rises not because it is grwoing in value, nor because the person needs more for survival, but because it becomes scarce.

          Âø»ø¯ {ºn°¨£x QµõUQ, ö£õ¸Îß •UQ¯zxÁ® CÀø».

393)  • A translation by a talented person into a more developed language can far excel the original in readability.

          • A noted scholar who lacks comprehension can translate, annotate, abridge, lecture on a subject he does not understand.

          • Academic intelligence can be trained to perform all academic exercises though fully incapable of essence.

          ]¸èiø¯U Ph¢u §÷»õP®. _ÁºUP©õS®.

394)     What is most desirable at any given moment is the greatest possible harmony.

             _•P® _£õÁ©õP ÷Ásk®.

395)     The question is whether the act moves you or you move the act.

             Bk£ÁÚõ, Bmk¨£ÁÚõ.

396)  It is very true that ‘news’ of juicy interest travels across the country. It is equally true how blind those self-same people are blind to what happens inside the house. If they know little of their households, they surely know less of themselves.

          Áu¢vø¯ |õk® ©Ú® ÁõÌøÁ¯Ô¯õx.

397)     A rich man, sometimes even after losing his wealth, when he has no money at all, never panics because of his knowledge of wealth. He who has seen the Spirit in himself never panics, whatever the helplessness that the circumstances foist on him.


          Bß©õøÁU Psh¤ß BÇ®Áøµ GxÄ® Bhõx.

398)     The greatest insult to a self-respecting man is to offer any  help, even if it is to save him from death. When poverty acquires that self-respect, it is transformed into wealth.

             ÁÖø© ö£Ö® uß©õÚ® »òª.

399)     Reading a story again and again makes us better understand the plot, not the characterisation, which requires thought based on the knowledge of character. Reading Life Divine over and over will reveal the arguments in a clearer light. To know the essential thought behind the writing, one should prefer thinking to reading.

             £izuÔÁvÀø» life Divine ]¢vzx AÔÁx.

400)  It is said that perfection is not attainable. How true this is, I do not know. Surely those who idolise non-existent perfection never attain it. Perfection is certainly attainable within the same plane, as the manufactured products show. When Perfection is construed to embrace more than one plane, it remains unattainable.

          ]Ô¯uß §µn® Qmk®.

        ö£¯uß §µn® Gmhõx.


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