Series VII

451)  “God gave me a great many blessings so that I may share them with as many as possible.”

          “God deprived me of so many things so that I may speak to the world at large their greatness.”

          Either by endowment or by deprivation, a God-lover finds a way to love God.

          C¸¨£x® CÀ»õux® CøÓÁ÷Ú.

452)     All the processes we now abandon as retrograde we have to resume later at a higher stage, as the foundation for the greater future. E.g.

             1. We give up corporeal punishment of children which later comes back as discipline and finally as values.

             2. We give up secrecy as detestable. When we progress we resort to it as sacred insights to be preserved from the profane ears.

             3. HE gave up loud chanting Japa as physical. Mother took to it later to move the physical.

          •øÓPÒ «sk® «sk® ©õÔÁ¸®.

453)  Devotees remain in human consciousness and pray to Mother. No one wishes to shift to Her consciousness. As the human consciousness essentially differs from the animal consciousness, Hers is different from ours.

          The animal does not think. Man thinks.

          Mother’s consciousness does not think, it sees the whole from the psychic.

         AßøÚ²®, »[S® |®ø©¨ ÷£õÀ ]¢v¨£x CÀø».

454)  Democracy tries to bring the last man to the top. Yogic transformation tries to reverse the worst into the best. Though a democratic attitude will largely help the process of transformation, transformation requires one to deny such democratic rights at several points.

          E›ø© ÷£õÚ¤ß EÒÍ®  ²®.

455)     How many people, calling another person “silly”, “childish”, etc. can stop a minute and go inside and NOT find themselves the same? Has it not come atracted by the inner childishness?

             ¤Óøµ |õ® |® ö£¯›mhøÇUQ÷Óõ®.

456)     Abolution of marriage will deprive individuals of a good many social conveniences; but it will open up unbelievable opportunities for psychological freedom of both men and women. The child may have to outgrow biological attachment and newly-find a psychological affection.

             Pmk¨£õhÈ¢uõÀ PmhÂÌ¢u _u¢vµ® Esk.

457)  Floods and cyclone are Nature’s call to Man to live in harmony with her.

          Cøh³Ö C¯ØøP°ß AøÓTÁÀ.

458)  Calling the Mother is surrendering to Her.

          AøǨ¦ ÷ÁÖ, AßøÚ ÷ÁÔÀø».

459)     Nightmare is the subcopnscient opening to the Light.

             BÇ® vÓ¢uõÀ ãÁß A»Ö®.

460)     Man insists on his freedom, even if it is freedom to be ignorant.

                G¢u ¹£zv¾® ©Ûuß ußøÚ÷¯ ¸®¦Áõß.

461)  To be able to see the part inside the whole as a complete part in itself is the wisdom of the vision that awaits its time.

          Põ»zxÒ Ph¢uÁøÚ AÔÁx £Sv²Ò •Êø©ø¯ AÔÁuõS®.

462)  To be able to see the whole in the part, the macrocosm inside the microcosm is Vision.

            £Sv°ß •Êø© •Ê¨£õºøÁ.

463)  Concentration is the capacity to dwell on oneself inherent in consciousness as well as Being. In resorting to concentration, man tries to restore his original state on Being or consciousness. Jnana yogic concentration is on the spirit in us that takes one back to the origin of Spirit-Consciousness. Purna yogic concentration is on the Being of the Becoming which will lead one to enjoy Lila.

          {èøh ÁõÌÂÀ AßøÚ°ß ¤µvèøh.

464)     Life’s intensities and enjoyments often receive embellishments by transgression. They become memorable events in the history of life, when they are out of good will. Beauty refuses to emerge within the fixed boundaries of life’s known pleasures. The greater the transgression, the greater the splendour.

             Marvels arise out of mature, ripe beauty when graced by transgression.

             GÀø»ø¯U Ph¢uõÀ GÀø»¯ØÓÁß u›\Ú®.

465)     Revolution becomes evolution when the human personality denies itself the use of the safety valve through which it escapes and helps the society to escape a revolution.

             ¦µm] ©»ºa]¯õS®.

466)     Surrender is possible for one who is embarrassed to be what he is.

          |õß, |õÚõP C¸UP \[Ph¨£kÁÝUS \µnõPv £¼US®.

467)  Society indicates its readiness to change when a follower comes forward to train himself as a pioneer.

          The dynamic leader becoming the pioneer shows the subconscious readiness of the society.

          Conscious preparedness of the society is indicated by a follower changing himelf into a pioneer.

          ö\®¦ ö£õßÚõÚõÀ, ö\ÀÁ® Á¸®.

468)     The deep emotions one feels is the man, not what he professes or wishes.

             Esø© EÒ÷Í EÒÍx.

469)  Literature is life expressing itself in the language of emotional action.

          C»UQ¯® Gߣx ÁõÊ® ÁøP°ß Ásn[PÒ.

470)  At the greatest crisis, Man renews his own folly that brought him there with a greater vigour, thus making the crisis worse. It is typical of man, as in the best of us, the physicality is the only reality.

          º¢u ¥h® EhÀ ©mk÷©.

471)  Pupils who learn with curiosity learn endlessly. Teachers, as they teach, if they learn higher shades of teaching, will teach untiringly.

          He who constantly learns as he is teaching is the best of teachers. Teaching is a process of learning to teach.

          ÷£v¨£Áß PØQÓõß.

472)  Non-stop progress is there for one who either understands what he does or implicitly obeys instructions.

          ÁÈ öu£ÁÝUS CÀ»õux CÀø».

473)  Man is alive in his dead parts. He must die to hismelf in all those places and be born again.

          PÀø»U PhÄÍõP Án[S£Áß PÀ»õP ©õÓ Áµ® ÷PmQÓõß.

474)  Man is intellectual which in practice means cantankerous and cross-grained behaviour. He drops that attitude forced by circumstances. The infinite opportunity around him will NOT respond as long as that behaviour is put up.

          ©Ú® ÷£´ ¤izu Sµ[S.

475)  People incapable of thinking will spoil the work by thinking. Those who are capable of really thinking are a handful in the world. For the rest of us, it is better to carry out instructions.  What then will a man do if he has to instruct himself? He should implicity obey his subconscious, and scrupulously avoid the conscious.

            Ps ‰i ö\¯À£mhõÀ PhÄÒ ÷£õÀ ö\¯À£h»õ®.

476)  An infinite opportunity is there. It responds to those who use the appropriate strategy -- good manners -- to yield infinite results.

          The force acts through a right strategy. The Force is anterior, strategy is an instrument.

          ][Pzvß Áõ°À ÷£õ´ ÂÊ® ©ÛuÝUS ][PõuÚ® PõzxÒÍx.

477)  Results do not issue until the personalityi is saturated.

          £õv°À £»ß Áµõx.

478)  Caution needs to take any power that can be used against you into account, irrespective of the fact with whom that power rests.

          £õxPõ¨¦ •Êø©¯õÚx.

479)     To appreciate another man’s weakness and his need to defend it in many ways, makes one grow into the other’s personality seeking fullness at that level.

             ¤Óº SøÓ, |® {øÓÄ.

480)     Firmness uplifts, stubbornness degenerates.

             Firmness is the decision of the mental will endorsed by the vital energy in an atmosphere of patience. Stubbornness is the tenacity of the physical all on its own.

             EÖv ¤iÁõuªÀø».

481)     Man who learns only when his own interests are adversely affected, is a vitally selfish person. It is foolish to reason with him.

             Bø\ {øÓ¢uÁß Bø\ø¯ AÝ£ÂUP ÷Ásk®.

482)     All the struggles of man in the world outside and the emotions inside are struggles for self-control.

             Pmk¨£h ÷£õµõmh•sk.

483)     He who acts now so as to hurt himself inthe long run, lives in the present and out of ‘Time’.

             _kÁx® ¸]US®.

484)     Most of the linguistic forms we now consider errors were at one time considered right. It is true of our cultureal ideals. Extend it to the future.

             Cultural, moral judgements are valid only for the finite man.

             £s¦®, uº©•® öÁÖ® ©ÛuÝUS›¯øÁ.

485)  Look at the MAN seeking his ideal of patience, impatiently!

          ö£õÖø©US AÁ\µ¨£k® ©Ûuß.

486)  Love is more real to the mind that has seen it than life where one may foolishly search for it.

          AߦUS›¯x ÁõÌÁÀ», AߦÒÍ®.

487)  Organisation brings the organised power of a vast number of people to one man’s service, relieving him from a colossal labour.

          B°µ® ÷£º ö\´Áøu ö\´Áx Aø©¨¦.

488)  Postponement is announcement of not doing the thing.

          ÷Áshõ® Gߣøu Jzv¨ ÷£õkQ÷Óõ®.

489)  Language is the expression of life in sound.

            ÁõÌÄ \¨u ¤µ®©©õÚõÀ ö©õÈ ¤ÓUQÓx.

          \¨u® ÁõÌøÁ ö©õȯõÀ öÁΨ£kzxQÓx.

490)  High education and strong character combine to give beauty a richness that carries the strength of softness.

            ª¸xÄ® ö©ßø©²® Á¼ø©°ß AÇQß ]Ó¨¦.

491)  Language cannot be developed as an abstract form of knowledge; nor can it be created in a social vacuum. Language develps as life develops.

            ö©õÈ ÁõÌÂß Bøh²®, Ao²©õS®.

492)  Before marriage man seeks Love, a drop of which would crush this world of ours. When he does not find it in marriage, he still supposes it to exist somewhere in this world.

          He rarely knows that is how ideals take shape in the human mind.

            J¸ xÎ Aߦ Kµõ°µ® C»m]¯©õS®.

493)  The Information Age:

          -- Power exercised as authority as it is so organised accomplishes. That alone accomplishes.

          -- It passed through several stages.

          -- Physical power of the individual to lord over the collective.

          -- Collective power represented by the individual.

          -- Vital individual power dominating the collective.

          -- Such power offered through individuals appointed by the collective.

          -- Ideas have never ruled the world except when they inspire the vital plane.

          -- As the vital social plane in its organisation is developed enough by its speed, statistics, accuracy, social consent to all these through public opinon, Information now represents IDEAS with that power over social thinking that impels it to action.

          -- The next step is for the IDEAS before they are reduced to information.

            ©Úøuz öuõk® Â寮 E»Pzøu E¾US®.

494)  Man has learned to value no one other than himself.

            £µ¢u £µ|»® ö\õ¢u _¯|»®.

495)  Political science in the best sense is a fine word with finer shades in every side. At its core, it was the rule of might and still, with no exception, all over the world politics is the field of rough, crude power brutally exercised and enjoyed with violent mass emotions. No man in politics so much needs anything known as brain or mind as the mind of brain muscles.

            Eh»õÀ ]¢v¨£Áß Aµ]¯ÀÁõv.

496)     Perfection in any form is irresistible.

             ]Ó¨¦US›¯x ]Ó¨¦.

497)     Patience is the penultimate step to knowledge. One at the threshhold of the Absolute, endowed with the appropriate patience, is rewarded with the knowledge of the Absolute.

              ö£Öø© ö£Óõu bõÚªÀø».

498)  Human joys even at their best come to satiation. Divine JOY increases with increasing enjoyment.

          The duration of human joy is limited by the energy which it soon exhausts. The energy of the Divine JOY is ever-increasing.


             ÁͺÁx öu´Á®, ÷u´Áx ©Ûuß.

499)     Humility imposed on one becomes a great advantage in a devotee. Self-imposed, it becomes a field of transformation.

             AhUPzvØS Ah[SÁx Avºèh®.

500)     He who is not ashamed of being a fool is a wise man even as one who shrinks from cruelty cannot offer Love.

             ©hø©°ß ö£¸ø©ø¯ AÔÁx Â÷ÁP®.


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