Series VII

551)  Shallow good characters usually land in situations where they are victims of fickleness, unfaithfulness or deceit.

             AÔ¼°ß |À» SnzvØS AºzuªÀø».

552)  Organised selfishness, organised enough to disregard her own child, can believe itself to be good and the world around can appreciate it as great good if that selfishness does not contradict that of others.

          _¯|»® ¤ÒøÍø¯²® »US®.

553)  Calm disposition of cheerful expansiveness is of great personal value irrespsective of the person’s manners, character, motives, and goals.

          {uõÚ® {zv¯zxÁ•øh¯x.

554)  Fear is generated more by the assessment of the external situation, than by the situation itself.

          £¯® ©ÚzvÀ GÊÁx, öÁΰ¼Àø».

555)  What qualifies one to be a man is -- Cultured, capable strength of GOODNESS.

          Á¾ÁõÚ £s¦ ©ÛuÚõUS®.

        Á¼ø©²®, vÓø©²ÒÍ |À» ©ÛuÛß £s¦.

556)  The knowledge that gives joy is emotional awakening. Physical awakening is to have knowledge that is powerful.

          Gsn® §›UP EnºÄ ÂÈUP ÷Ásk®.

557)  Material prosperity generating tender feelings of sweet romantic love is a reality of life. Is not the freshness of youth one expression of that prosperity?

          PsqUS CÍø© «x PõuÀ GÊ®.

558)  Rising expectation is the Force not power of social evolution. It becomes Force to achieve when his own known urges accept it.

        ÷uøÁ GÊ¢uõÀ, uõ÷Ú §ºzv ö\´x öPõÒЮ.

559)  No society has goals worth following by subsequent societies.

          •¢øu¯x, ¤¢øu¯uØS EuÁõx.

560)  Material things can remember the slight they received until the occasion comes so as to retaliate.

        ¦ÓUPozuõÀ ö£õ¸ÒPÒ ÷Põ£¨£k®.

561)     Life thrives on localised harmony, localised in space and time.

        _•P® AÁ]¯®, `ǾUS ©mk©õÁx _•P® AÁ]¯®.

562)  To develop a skill is not so difficult as to prevent a wrong-doing by developing a value.

          vÓø©ø¯U PØP»õ®, uÁØøÓz ukUP •i¯õx.

563)  Work will respond when you approach it with enthusiasm. Enthusiasm for work means enjoyment of the company of those in work.

          Work responds as we respond to those in work.

      ÷Áø» ö\´£Á÷µ ÷Áø».

          In India, social manenrs are not fully developed. In the West, they are there negatively. Beyond the society lies work. Work manners require people to be happy in work with all those who are in work.

564)  Earning money and using it without money value is service. Ego takes this principle and in implementing it refuses to earn money! If it does, as part of giving up money value, it gives up the money it has earned. Ego’s way of giving up money value is to give up money.

        £nzvß «x £ØøÓÂh ÷Ásk®, £nzøu¯À».

565)  Ignorance is illusion of the obvious.

          Psh÷u Põm], öPõsh÷u öPõÒøP Gߣx AÔ¯õø©°ß Aئua ]ßÚ®.

      Ps Gv÷µ²ÒÍøuU Põn ©Ö¨£x ©õø¯, AÔ¯õø©.

566)     A spiritual ideal converted into a social ideal ends up in an organisation of lifeless routine. It does not grow. If it does, what grows is directly opposite to the ideal.

             Bß«P® \‰PzvØS JzxÁµõx.

567)     When knowledge is graded, the highest will be allotted to that ABILITY to transfer what we know for centuries to the incoming experience.

             Knowledge becomes power when we extend the practically known process to the new. The old knowledge accepting the new is Power.

             £øǯ bõÚ® ¦xzvÓø©.

568)  Yoga is to wean the mind away from its response to the world. He who weaned himself away from its own response centres himself in the soul by concentration or in the psychic by consecration.

          ©Ú® E»øPz ußÝÒ PõsQÓx.  ö\¯¾hß JßÔ²®, ¤›¢x® Põq® ußø©²øh¯x.  ¤›¢u £õºøÁ AP¢øu°¼¸¢x, \õm]¯õPÁõÁx, ø\zv¯¨ ¦¸åÚõPÁõÁx Põq®.

         ¤›¢u £õºøÁ Âkuø».

          ö£ØÓ Âkuø»ø¯ AP¢øu HØQÓx.

          Põ»zøuU Ph¢x \õm] ¦¸åß HØQÓx.

          ø\zv¯¨ ¦¸åß HØ£x ÿ AµÂ¢u®.

569)  Dr. Thorne and Mary never deviated from the righteous path. They are good, capable, strong and cultured. Life responds magnificently to both of them. Life responds to strength of goodness with its own abundance. To the same thing Mother responds with spiritual plenitude.

         |À»Áß ÁÀ»ÁÚõÚõÀ, Avºèh® ö£ÖÁõß.

570)  Let India discover Brahman in Matter or Life. She will be more than prosperous.

          ¤µ®©® Avºèhzvß AìvÁõµ®.

571)     Pleasantness with reservation is a social requirement. Inner pleasantness with NO reservation is required for being a devotee.

             P»P»¨£õÚ SµÀ PhÄÐUSU ÷PmS®.

572)     Wreaking vengeance prevents absolute justice from consummating itself.

             £ÈÁõ[P ¸®¤ÚõÀ BshÁøÚ¨ £ÈÁõ[SÁuõP Aºzu®.

573)     To discover the reverse soundings of greatness in the sharp sounds of low life means one has the tail of Purna Yoga.

             ÷Põmhõß Sµ¼À ]®© PºáøÚ ÷PmS®.

574)     Right or wrong yielding the opposite is done at the point of greatest creativity of Life.

             GvµõÚx GÈÀ ©¯©õÚx.

575)     Pure understanding is clear; pure assertion is hard. Any thought that is hard is egoistic and will hurt you, irrespective of its character. Any feeling or thought that is not hard and is soft is non-egoistic and will not hurt you.

             AP¢øu EÖzx®, Ax AØÓx ö©ßø©¯õÚx.

576)     Mastery of external forces is life. It is the technology that science gives. Mastery of the inner forces is yoga. It includes the former.

             ÷¯õPzxÒ öhUÚõ»â AhUP®.

577)  Yoga is shifting the mental centre from Prakriti to Purusha or the Psychic.

          ö\¯ø» Âmk Aø©vø¯ |õkÁx ÷¯õP®.

578)     Concetration is the first level of organisation that energy undergoes.

             \Uvø¯ •u¼À ÷\Pµ® ö\´¯ ÷Ásk®.

579)     Ehø©ø¯¨ £[Qh»õ®.

          E›ø©ø¯¨ £[S ÷£õh •i¯õx.                         

             Property is material. It lends itself to division. Right is non-material and cannot be divided as material property is.

580)  A vibration of Mother, without exception, spreads all over the universe. An act that does not so spread all over the world may be one of good will, but cannot be one that is touched by Her vibration.

          AßøÚ ì£º\® ¤µ£g\ •ÊÁx® £µÄ®.

581)     To know God in heaven is mental awakening. To see God in man is psychic awakening.

             BshÁøÚ AÔÁx Bz© ÂȨ¦.

582)                                                                                  ¤µõºzuøÚ²® \©º¨£n•®  

        ¤µõºzuøÚ ö\´x £¼¨£x ÷uøÁ §ºzv¯õÁx.  \©º¨£n® ö\´x §ºzv¯õÁx AßøÚUSU P¸Â¯õQ AøÚÁ¸øh¯ Bß«P ÷uøÁø¯²® A¸ÍõÀ §ºzv ö\´x v¸ÄÒÍzøu {øÓ÷ÁØÖÁx BS®.

          Prayer is human aspiration that fulfills the human need. Consecration is the Divine creation fulfilled in all human beings by the instrumentation of a single human soul.

          ¤µõºzuøÚ \©º¨£n©õÚõÀ ÁõÌÄ ÷¯õP©õS®.

          Prayer and consecration are the lower and higher ends of universal existence trying to fulfil the individual human need and the universal intention of the Divine.

583)     As the layers of consciousness change, the order of everything reverses. What was strong becomes weak and weak strong. The rules do not remain the same, their essence does.

             㯮 ©õÔÚõÀ \mh® ©õÖ®.

584)     When the Force descends through a dead organ, it comes back to life. Such a life of that organism will be more vigorous and richer than that of the original.

             £mh ©µ® xκUS®, §US®, P´US®.

585)  The stamp of being a devotee is affixed on to a person when he disproves one of the long-standing beliefs of mankind, such as:

          • Women cannot work together.

          • At the bottom of a crime lies property or money or woman.

          £n® GßÓõÀ ¤n•® Áõ´ vÓUS®.

        ©õª¯õº ö©a]¯ ©¸©PÎÀø».

586)     Energy rising when it should naturally fall shows the presence of The Mother.

        CÓUP® HØÓ©õÁx AßøÚ¯õÀ.

587)     The structures of higher social life arise after the sloppy emotions die and are reborn as sedate sentiments. The refined emotions of aristocracy arise not by the upgradation of the sloppy emotions, but on the solid physical ofundation of property and security.

             ö\ÀÁ•® ÁÍ•® £s¦US›¯Ú.

588)     The greatest weakness of a devotee is exposed only in the greatest of hours -- an hour when he can step into Her kingdom.

             The greates weakness surfaces in the greatest of hours.

             {øÓÄ, {øÓÄ ö£Ö® ÷|µ® SøÓ GÊ®.

589)  The rising joy is a sure index of success in any work.

          P¢÷uõå® \P» öÁØÔUS® Aøh¯õÍ®.

590)     Fully absorbing any single chapter of The Life Divine, gives the essence of the whole book.

             £Sv÷¯, •Êø©.

591)  Patience is Equality in the nerves. Equality of being expressing in the nerves is patience.

          Equality is to the being what patience is to the nerves. Patience is a ray of Equality.

          ö£õÖø©US ©Öö£¯º {uõÚ®.

592)  Whether it is to read a book after finishing one or to prolong a visit or to buy a property after the first one is bought, what determines the excess energy that is available?

          Energy determines.

          öu®¦ öuÎÄ ö£Ö®.

593)     To like a person whom we have so far hated is a turning point in yoga.

             öÁÖ¨¦ ¸¨£õÁx ÷¯õP®.

594)     Capacity to emerge out of exclusive concentration offers the first release, and enables us to comprehend other levels of concentrations.

             ÷©À ©Úzøu ÂmhP¾uÀ •uØ£i.

595)     He who sees the Beloved demanding of him in any ordinary transaction has discovered the psychological Marvel.

             Great is the Soul to whom the Divine has come through another to demand His due.

             CøÓÁß CÓ[Q Á¸® ÷|µ® AÁÝøh¯ u¸n®.

             The most precious moment in one’s life is that when he is asked to give something which he values. It becomes more valuable when the demand is made by the beloved one. The Beloved making a demand on him is an occasion for Self-giving. Rarely does the Divine extend that privilege to anyone.

596)  Man feels the seeking of Life for Delight as pain, as he is shut up on the surface.

          CøÓÁÛß Cߣ©¯©õÚ v¸Âøͯõhø» Á¼¯õP EnºÁx AP¢øu.

597)  The large majority of people have not availed of the existing social opportunites. Societies will make great progress if this is completed. Social progress is society as a whole exhausting available social opportunities.

          C¸¨£÷u HµõÍ®.

          Society has evolved organisations, and culture that can fit into those organisations which are operated by the elite. For the rest of the population, progress is to rise to the occasion which the society offers. The individual develops manners, temperament, character, culture, individuality and personality to avail of the social opportunity. These things exist in grades. One can easily know where he is. Anyone who knows where he is and who is willing to raise himself to the level of social opportunities will rise to its summit.

598)     Concentration is the highest as well as the smallest in focus.

             ]Ô¯uõPÄ®, ö£›¯uõPÄ® ÷uõßÖÁx® AÚ¢u®.

599)  Life touches you constantly. When you remember The Mother at every touch, SHE possesses your life.

          öuõk® ÁõÌÂÀ AßøÚø¯U PshõÀ AÁ¸US E›¯Áµõ÷Áõ®.

600)  The greater discoveries of science arise from the greater detail of matter and its structure. Equally great is the significance of the greater knowledge of the processes of things. Yogis who achieve a similar clarity of the processes of creation attain to the mastery of life and matter.

          ]¸èi°ß CµP쯮 ÁõÌÂÀ öÁØÔ.


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