Series VIII




401)  No true value can be sought to be established by social authority.

        ©Úzøuz y´ø©¨£kzu \mh® ÷£õh ¬•i¯õx.

        PõØøÓ Â»US® \Uv øPUQÀø».

402)  Hapless people are accused unjustly with a vehemence uncalled for by the situation and unjustified by the character of the accused. This is so because this is the order of the day. Should the order of the day be self-accusation or self-critical depreciation, we surely can see the same uncalled for vehemence and unjustified intensity.

        ¯õøµz vmiÚõ¾® wµ©õPz vmh ÷Ásk®. Ax ußøÚ÷¯ vmkÁuõÚõ¾® \.

        vmkUS wµ® uÁÓõx Esk.

403)     Mother’s grace responds to sincerity that spots the inner dark spots, not to the pretensions of self-depreciation.

          ö£õ´¯õP ö©´ø¯z ÷uh •i¯õx.

404) ¤¯©õP Áõ[QU öPõshÁß øPø¯ K[Pz uÁÔ¯vÀø».

405) Eu Gߣx ö£ØÓ ¤ß FÖ ö\´¯z uÁÖÁx CÀø».

406)  Altruism, help, £÷µõ£Põµ®         

          Help hinders without fail.

          Conscience may fail, not excess energy.

Man may fail to be grateful, not the material that was given.

Man may fail, excess energy may hurt, but not The Mother in the receiver.

          Help given in Mother comes from several sides.

          Help received in Mother goes back many times over.

        FÖ ö\´¯ ©Ûuß uÁÖÁvÀø». E¯ºzu AßøÚ uÁÖÁ÷u CÀø». FÖ ö\´²® ©Ûuß øP¯õ¾® Eu ö\´¯ AßøÚ uÁÖÁ÷u CÀø».

        ö\¯¾US ãÁÝsk. ãÁÛÀ AßøÚ²sk.

        AÔÂÀ»õ©À ö\´u EuÂUS AÁ]¯® ushøÚ Á¢uõ¾®, AÔÂÀ»õu £»Ý® uÁÓõ©À Á¸®.

        AP¢øuUS ushøÚ uÁÓõx. ö\¯¾US® £»ß uÁÓõx.

        £÷µõ£PõµzvØS¯ öu´Á® £ì©õ `µß.

        £ì©õ `µÝUS EuÂÚõ¾®, Eu Ãs ÷£õPõx.

407)     Intense social prestige which mistakes the appearance for actual emotions prevents one from being graceful in receiving simple gifts of courtesy. It is enough to prevent grace from entering.

          ©mh©õÚÁÛß ©¯õøu A¸ÐUS Gv.

408)   ¬•i¯õx Gߣx ¬•i²® GßÖ {øÚ¨£x öu´Á |®¤UøP.

          |®¤ÚõÀ ¬•i²®.

409)   ußøÚ¨ £õxPõUP ¬•i¯õuÁß ¤Ó¸US ÷\øÁ ö\´¯ ¬•i¯õx Gߣx Ai¨£øh AÔÄ.

          ÷\øÁ £¼UP ö£õÓõø©°ÛßÖ u®ø©²®, u® ÷\øÁø¯²® ¬•u¼À PõUP ÷Ásk®.

410)   AkzuÁº ÷uøÁPøͲ®, {øÚøÁ²® AÔ¯õ©À {ºÁõP® ö\´¯ ¬•i¯õx. ÷¯õP ÁõÌÄ E»P ÁõÌøÁ {ºÁõP® ö\´¯ ¬•ß Á¢uuõÀ, E»Qß ÷uøÁPøͲ®, {øÚøÁ²® AÔÁx ÷¯õQUS AÁ]¯®. AÁØøÓ EÒ÷Í Põs£x® ¬•UQ¯®.

          E»øP EÒ÷ͯԢx {ºÁõP¨ ö£õÖ¨ø£ HØ£x §µn ÷¯õPzvØS AÁ]¯®.

411)  Disappointment arises for the evaluation of life according to expectations. It is not there when the approach is fresh.

        H©õØÓ® Gvº£õº¨£ÁÝUS.

412)     The true relationship between two people which achieves and offers rich deep enjoyment does not reveal itself even a tittle on the surface.

          BÌ¢u E¯ºÄ®, CÛø©²® ÷©÷» {Ç»õPÄ® Á¸ÁvÀø».

413)     Peace and harmony of the wider world is reflected in the domestic peace and harmony of a person, especially if he is one whose heart is devoted to world peace.

          AP® APsh ¤µ£g\®.

414)     Life response to any person or event will carry their stamp.

          öuõhº¦ ußøÚ ÂÁµ[PÍõÀ öuÂUS®.

415)   } öPmiUPõµß. ¯õøµ²® EßøÚ H©õØÓ Âh©õmhõ´ GߣÁß ÁõÌ |õÒ ¬•ÊÁx® ¤Óøµ H©õØÓ PØÖU öPõÒ£Áß.

             He lives on others’ achievements by deceit.

             No one can exist by deceit, nor on another’s accomplishment. Anyway, it cannot build the nation. This is the mentality of slaves.

          |õß öPmiUPõµß. GÁ¸® GßøÚ H©õØÓ ¬•i¯õx Gߣx |À»x. BÚõÀ ÷£õuõx.

          ¯õ¸® ¤Óøµ H©õØÓ ¬•i¯õu {ø»°À |õ® ¬•ß÷ÚÓ»õ®.

416)     Spirit is Moksha.

             Luck is Spirit in Life.

          Avºèh® Gߣx ÁõÌUøP Psh Bß«P®.

417)     An idea spreads by thought in the form of an information.

             A fashion spreads by a vital urge.

             The multiplier effect of an act spreads by the subtle physical vibration.

             The idea too exists in the subtle physical plane.

             The act also can become an idea of the physical body.

             Resistance to the Britisher in one place automatically repeats in another place. Riots spread like that.

             Tom Peter’s Freedom was an idea in the bodies of the baby boomers.

             An act – e.g. employment -- that spreads itself because of the bodily presence of one or two people in that country has lodged itself in the subtle physical of those people.

418)     For he who has consciously chosen Yoga as his ideal, the closest human relationship has no more validity than a travelling co-passenger on the bus or train.

          EÓÄ EÒÐnºøÁ Enºzx® \¢uº¨£®.

419)     The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo is meant for one’s own original exploration of the domains of our being. At least, it demands an original understanding of all that HE discloses. Neither mental understanding nor that which issues from thinking or even Silence will suffice. This yoga demands an understanding of the process of creation as HE describes, nothing short of it.

          §µn ÷¯õQUS ]¸èi ¦Áx AÁ]¯®.

420)     In a fast spreading rumour, the information is as important and interesting to the common man as to the concerned parties. Rumour is afloat when a certain person is as important to others as he is to himself.

          ©ÛuÝUS ¬•UQ¯zxÁ® Á¢uõÀ Áu¢vUS ÷ÁP® Á¸®.

             Rumour is the most powerful integrating strategy society has so far invented.

             The Internet will separate the information and the morbid personal interest hereafter.

             The Internet is the first official instrument of the society that spreads rumour all over the globe in all walks of life, reducing it to mere information.

421)     Conscious planning succeeds even in the subtle and subconscious plane as long as that conscious awareness is true and not fantasy.

          {øÚzuõÀ µzuõS® ö\¯À, {øÚ¨¦ y´ø©¯õÚõÀ, {øÚ¨£uõÀ £¼US®.

422)   EhÝøÓ²® AøÚÁº ÷uøÁPøͲ® BshÁß {ºn°zu£i uµ•¯ÀÁx ÷¯õPzvß A®\®.

          ©Úuõ¾® {øÚUP ÷Áshõu Phø©PøÍ AP¢øu ö\¯»õÀ {øÓ÷ÁØÓ ¬•øÚ²®.

          AP¢øuUS uµ AÁv ©ØÓÁºUQÀø».

423)   §µn ÷¯õPzøu ÷©ØöPõshõÀ ÁõÌÄ®, E»P•®, áh•®, {PÌa]PЮ, {øÚÄ®, ]¸èiø¯ Á¼²Özv¯£i°¸US®. AÁØøÓ HØÓ ÁõÌ÷Á ÷¯õP©õS®. ¦ÓUPozuõÀ, ÷¯õP® ÷¯õQø¯¨ ¦ÓUPoUS®.

          ÷¯õQUS ÁõÌÄ ]¸èiø¯ ÂÍUS® Aµ[P®.

424)     Life often, if not always, keeps away the most important thing that sustains your all. It is so because it offers the help by virtue of being at a distance.

          yµ C¸¢x E°øµU öPõk¨£x, A¸Q¼¸¢x E°øµ GkUS®.

425)   Gv÷µ²ÒÍx öu¯õux FÚUPs.

          ©øÓ¼¸¨£x® öuÁx bõÚUPs.

          £õº¨£x PsoÀø», ©Ú®.

          ©ÚzvØSÒÍx £õºøÁ°Àø».

          £õºøÁ²øh¯x Bz©õ.

426)   |À»x uµ ÷ÁöÓx |h¢uõ¾® AuØSÒÍ J÷µ Põµn®: |® ö\¯¾®, AuØS¯ Gsn•®.

          |®ø©¯Ô¯õ©À |h¨£x GxĪÀø».

427)     The ignorance of form can be overcome more easily than the ignorance of force.

          ¹£zøu uõsi Áµ»õ®, \Uvø¯U Ph¢x Á¸uÀ PiÚ®.

428)     Knowledge of the solar system is a great mastery of mind.

             That mastery leads to further knowledge.

             It is conceptual.

             It cannot give us the power to create the solar system.

             Concepts are great, but they are only concepts.

             The knowledge of physiology and medicine are not mere concepts. They give us power to cure diseases.

             Man, who has conceptual success, mistakes it for perception or even sensation, little realising that at each stage a reversal awaits him.

             The first man who discovered a medicine felt it as a sensation. Hence his power.

             Economic laws that can usher in prosperity must be discovered in one’s own life as a sensation.

             The Boon Sri Aurobindo asked for from the Highest will be realised on earth when it becomes a sensation in our bodies. As it was a Boon for earth, even our physical transformation will leave the inconscient uncovered.

          Eh¼ß EnºøÁ E»P® HØS®.

429)   öu¯õux öu¯õx GߣuõÀ ¬•UQ¯®.

          öu¢ux öu¢ux GߣuõÀ ]Ô¯x.

Ignorance of something is a measure of its importance.

The unknown by its unknowableness gains in significance.

430) uß Ehø»Âh ö£¸ø©ø¯¨ £õµõmk£Áß ö\õzøu SÇ¢øuPmQÀ»õ©À, uº©zvØSz u¸Áõß. ußøÚÂh uß C»m]¯zøu¨ £õµõmk£ÁÝ® Aøua ö\´Áõß.

       _¯ |»ª²®, C»m]¯Áõv²® uº©® ö\´Áõº.

431) uÚUPõP ÁõÌÁx Bz©õ.

        ö£¸ø©UPõP ÁõÌÁx AP¢øu.

        uÚUPõP ÁõÊ® Bz©õ _¯|»ªÀ»õux.

        ¤Ó¸UPõP ÁõÊ® AP¢øu _¯|»©õÚx.

432)   \Pzøu Jmi¨ ÷£õÁx |À»x.

          ÁõÌøÁ Jmi¨ ÷£õÁx öÁØÔ, Avºèh®.

          C¯ØøPø¯ Jmi¨ ÷£õÁx Põ»zvß Aø©v¯õÚ {uõÚ©õÚ BÚ¢u®.

          ]¸èiø¯ Jmi¨ ÷£õÁx \»Ú©ØÓ Aø©v¯õÚ ÷©õm\®.

          ¤µ®©zøu Jmi¨ ÷£õÁx ¤µ®©©õÁuõS®.

          ußøÚU Ph¢x, \zøu²®, ÁõÌøÁ²®, C¯ØøPø¯²®, ]¸èiø¯ø²® Ph¢x ¤µ®©zøu Aøh£Áß £õøu°À £õvø¯ ¬•iUQÓõß. Akzu £õvø¯ BshÁß |õi Á¸QÓõß.

433)     Presentations on occasions are the fullest expressions of spirit in life, making the recipient inwardly expansive and outwardly pleasant.

          AߣΨ¦ Bz© v¸¨v u¸® Bß«P {PÌa].

434) G¨£i \®£õvzv¸¢uõ¾® £n® PsqUS |À»uõP ©mk® öu²®.

435)     Good appears mixed with its opposite. What spreads is not the good, but the opposite. Even if the Good is perfect in an atmosphere of low consciousness, the Good never spreads. In order for the Good to spread on its own overcoming its opposite, the atmosphere must be one of goodness.

          uõÌ¢u `ǼÀ uõÌ¢ux E¯º¢uøu »UQ uõß ÷ÁP©õP¨ £µÄ®.

          £µÄÁx `ǾUSP¢ux.

436)     Tradition’ and ‘conservative’ are fashionable phrases for superstition, irrationality, complete folly, physicality, etc.

        £Ç® ö£¸ø© ©hø©°ß ©Qø©.

437)   ©µn•®, ÁõÌÄ® Jß÷Ó GßÓ bõÚ® A©µzxÁ®.

             To be able to see death in life and life in death is immortality.

438)     In the measure one gives up artificiality, he opens up to the Divine. That begins with social conditionings, goes through psychological conditionings and continues in the stages taken to by evolution. The very best is the Force. Maybe it is the Being.

          C¯ØøP Gߣ÷u CøÓÁÝUS ö\¯ØøP.

          ¤µ®©® CøÓÁÛß C¯ØøP.

439)     The only relationship of ego is exploitation.

          AP¢øu BÍ ©mk® ¬•øÚ²®.

440)     He whose mind controls his body today will in that measure be able to realise the fact of Mind over Matter.

          EÒÍx Á¸ÁøuU Põmk®.

441)   Bø\ ÷£õ´ Aߦ Áµ ÷Ásk®, ÁÓm]¯À».

442)     One does not relate to the personality of the boss, but to the office and post.

          AvPõ°ß AvPõµ® ö\À¾®.

          _£õÁ® PnUQÀ ÷\µõx.

443)     Hostile forces will stop disturbing devotees when they know that such disturbances will at once destroy them. For that, the devotees should identify themselves with the light in hostile forces, which is an act of the Supramental forces.

          GvUS Á¸® AÈÄ ußøÚ AÈUS® GÛÀ A_µß Ah[SÁõß.

444)     The very first word uttered in the context of a life work is fully indicative of the whole truth of it unseen by eyes.

          EÒÍx uõ÷Ú ¬•u¼÷»÷¯ öÁÎÁ¸®.

445)     It is not rational to expect the second generation of wealth to learn the character that the first generation learnt out of hard work, risking at each moment. Usually they learn it through pleasure, indolence, over-confidence, dissipation, and self-assertion, which means they get the negative lessons by loss of wealth.

          Cµshõ® uø»•øÓ°ß AÝ£Á® \¢÷uõåzvß »® ö£ÖÁx!

446) |® AvºèhzvØS |® Sk®£® Gv.

        |õ÷© Gv Gߣx Esø©.

447)   {èøh°À PshÁß {ºÂPÀ£©õQÓõß.

          {uº\Ú©õPU Põs£ÁÝUS {øÚÄ GÚ JßÖshõ?

448)   {èøh°À Põs£x £Sv, {uº\Ú©õPU Põs£x §µn®.

449) BshÁøÚ¨ ö£snõPU Põs£÷u §µn u\Ú®.

450) {uº\Ú® {z¯ u\Ú®.


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