Series VIII




551) ¤iUQÓx, ¤iUPÂÀø» GßÓ Áøµ ¤µa]øÚ Esk.

        ¸¨¦®, öÁÖ¨¦® ¤µa]øÚø¯ E¸ÁõUSQßÓÚ.

        ¤µa]øÚ £Sv¯õÀ Á¸Áx. ¬•Êø©ø¯ |õiÚõÀ ¤µa]øÚ°Àø».

        ©Ú® £SvUS¯x, \zv¯ 㯮 ¬•Êø©.

        EnºÄ ©Úzvß ]Ö ¤µa]øÚPøÍ Â»UPÁÀ»x.

552)  As excellent prose can be easily excelled by poetry, the zenith of piety expanding into its infinity too can be excelled by arts, particularly music.

        CøÓÁøÚ¯øh¯ Cø\ Cøn¯ØÓx.

553)  Good delivered through evil and vice versa often leaves different impressions. Even gratitude – the expression of it – loses its charm a little when selfishness delivers it. Even selfishness is sweet as it delivers gratitude.

        P»¨¦ ]Ó¨¦.

554)     Unthinking men, on important occasions, rush to form an opinion. Serious men are unable to arrive at any opinion. They continue to search for one. But all are of the opinion that they should have one!

             Opinions inhibit understanding.

          Âå¯ bõÚ® öuÎÄ u¸®.

          ö\õ¢u A¤¨¤µõ¯® AgbõÚ®, h|®¤UøP.

          h|®¤UøPUS ¬•øÚÁx ©Ûuß ÷uk® ]Ó¨¦.

555)     When passion, superstition, ignorance, etc. preside over an issue, it is futile to imagine what would be just. There are situations where we see the character expressing himself and that is the most we can expect. It is not impossible to construe a just attitude in any of the situations.

          {PÌa]PÒ £õzvµzvß öÁΨ£õk.

          {¯õ¯® Gߣx C[S uº© {¯õ¯®.

556)  The finite that stands in the way of the Infinite is Ego.

Man is capable of identifying with the Ego or coming out of it and seeing the ego from outside.

Man’s enjoyment of his identification with the ego is the taste of Ignorance the Spirit sought.

        AP[Põµzøu BÚ¢u©õP Aݣ¨£x ©Ûu ÁõÌÄ.

        AP[Põµzøu öÁÎ÷¯ Á¢x AP[Põµ©õPU Põs£x Âkuø».

557)  Several relationships represented by several persons around a leader or thinker are disparate strands meeting in him, but not uniting with each other. Should they unite in him, that centre will have its first semblance of universality

        EÓÄPÒ ©Úv¾® JßÖ ÷\µõ.

        EÓÄPÒ ÷\º¢uõÀ EnºÄ GÊ®.

        EÓÄPÒ ÷\º¢x GÊ¢u EnºÄ ø©¯® E»Pzx ø©¯®.

558)  The soul taking birth in Ignorance acquires a body. Hence all births are organised ignorance that is stupidity which makes man an idiot, giving him the insignia of born idiot.

        ¤ÓÂ÷¯ ©hø©; ©Ûuß ¤Ó°÷»÷¯ ©øh¯ß.

559)     The Brahmin of India, the English aristocrat, the hard working American pioneer, in spite of their being outmoded, still preserve a shade of the great original value they acquired. Should they rise to that occasion, they will easily excel the world.

          £Ç® ö£¸ø© ¦x ö©¸S ö£ØÓõÀ u[P® øÁµ©õS®.

560)  Man is a concentration in Time and Space. The Divine is a totality in self-awareness.      - Sri Aurobindo.

        Põ»zvß ö\ÔÄ ö£ØÓ ø©¯® ©Ûuß.

        ußøÚ ¬•Êø©¯õP AÔ²® ußø© CøÓÁÝøh¯x.

        CøÓÁß £µ¢u ø©¯®. ©Ûuß ö\Ô¢u ¦ÒÎ.

561)     If a writer is tired of his writing, it can mean one of the following,

             1. He now understands his own writing.

             2. The vibration of his writing has reached the people.

3. By repeated, prolonged writing the contents have moved from the gross to the subtle plane.

562) ÁõÌÄ® AÝ£Á® u¸®.

        AÝ£Á® AvPõµ® u¸®.

        AßøÚ ÁõÌÄ v¸Ä¸©õØÖ®.

        AßøÚ AÝ£Ázøu »UQ £»øÚz u¸Áõº.

        Põ»zvÝÒ EÒÍÁºU÷P AÝ£Á® ÷uøÁ.

        AÝ£Á® AßøÚø¯ Põ»zvÀ Põs£x. 

        AßøÚø¯ HØÓ Aß£ß Põ»zøuU Ph¢u æ.

        Põ»zøuU Ph¨£x AßøÚ £Uv.

563)     The affluent intellectual looks down on prayers for wedding, jobs and promotion, little realising that his own mind is cast in the same mould. He is closed by a derisive attitude. By realising that he too is like that, his closed mind will open.

          ¬•ßÝUS Áµ ¬•i¯õuÁß ußøÚ¨ ÷£õßÓ ¤Óøµ¨ £õºzx ÷P¼ ö\´Áõß.

          ÂȨ£õÚ ©Ú® ußøÚ AÁÛÀ Põq®.

          ¤µõºzuøÚ GxÁõÚõ¾® ©Ú® |õkÁx AßøÚø¯÷¯¯õS®.

564)     Man seeks what he likes even at his cost. He seeks beauty, charms, comfort, convenience, entertainment, dissipation, etc. He sees the truth that money combines all of this or most of it or at least thinks so. This is a vital thought, not a pure thought. Thus we see man’s irresistible attraction for money is because of its being a comprehensive social organisation.

          öÁmP©Ô¯õu Bø\ø¯¨ §ºzv ö\´¯ ©Ûuß öÁmPzøu Âmk¨ £nzøu |õkQÓõß.

          Bø\°ß P¸Â £n®.

          Bø\ öÁmP©Ô¯õx.

          £nzøu |õiÚõÀ, öÁmPª¸UPõx.

          öÁmP® £nzvØS¨ £¼¯õS®.

565)   E°øµ Gk¨£Á¸US Eø©²ÒÍx. E°øµU öPõk¨£Á¸US Eø©°Àø» GßÓõÀ, A¢u Eø©ø¯ ©ÖUS® Eø© |©US Esk.

          BshÁ÷Ú AÆÄø©ø¯U ÷PmhõÀ, Aøu²® ¸®¤U öPõkUS® Eø© |©USsk.

          E°øµU Põ¨£õØÔU öPõÒЮ Eø© ©ÛuÛh•®, E°øµ²® öPõkUS® Eø© BshÁÛh¬® |©USsk.

          Eø© E°¸UQÀø». Bz©õÄU÷P²sk. ©ÖUPÄ®, öPõkUPÄ® Eø©²sk.

566)  God gives the whole but man sees the part.

Man who sees the whole has God-vision, but man can give the Whole.

          The Supramental force makes man abundantly rich.

        \zv¯ 㯮 ÁõÌÂÀ Avºèh®.

567)  The measure of insecurity one feels is also the measure of his widening possibilities.

        Bmh® Põs£x AvP Áͺa]US Áõ´¨¦.

568)   ©Ú® ¤µ®©zøu AÔ¢uõÀ ¤µ®©® ]zvUS®.

          Gøu ©Ú® AÔQÓ÷uõ, Ax ©ÚzvØS ]zvUS®.

          Gøu E°º En¸QÓ÷uõ, Ax E°¸US ]zvUS®.

          Gøu EhÀ ö\´QÓ÷uõ, Ax Eh¾US ]zvUS®.

          Avºèhzøu ÁõÌÄ Enº¢uõÀ Avºèh® Á¸®.

          BÚ¢uzøu AÔÄ ¦¢x öPõshõÀ ©Ú® BÚ¢u® ö£¸®.

             To bring a higher plane’s act into the lower plane in the terms of the lower plane, the higher will be realised in the lower.

             Sri Aurobindo felt in his body the utter Infinite Eternal the Absolute is.

             One who can act successfully disregarding Ignorance around him realises Overmind in the plane of his action.

             He whose vital intuitively knows another is a yogi in the vital.

             When the body enjoys the silence, he becomes a Muni at the level of the body.

             Take another man’s point of view in mind, vital or body and you become Supramental at those levels.

             He who feeds another what the other wants to eat is supramental at his vital level.

             Thus, luck is vital self–giving.

             To mentally realise the Absolute, one should conceive of the Self-existent Infinity and Eternity of it.

569) A[öPÀ»õ® C¨ö£õÊx Pmih® QÍ®¤ Âmhx GߣÁº ©ÛuøÚ Â»UQ ö\¯¾US ¬•UQ¯zxÁ® u¸QÓõº.

          GÀ»õ® CøÓÁß ö\¯À Gߣx C¢v¯º AßÓõh ÁõÌÄ.

570)     Society will readily flout its own laws to destroy a man or adore him. On  those occasions it asserts its superiority to law, which is its own creation.

          \P® \mhzøuÂh¨ ö£¯x.

571)  Willing, enabling cooperation – from a friend or a crew or a spouse – is the surest symptom of fulfilment of work undertaken. Wanton non-cooperation is an indication of the soul preparing for higher vistas. Cooperation or non-cooperation is for the social man, not the yogi. For the yogi who works for the collective it is again on the agenda.

        ÷¯õQUS JzxøǨ¦ ÷uøÁ°Àø».

        E»SUS EøÇUS® ÷¯õQUS JzxøǨ¦® ÷uøÁ.

572)  The individual growing into the universal and the universal becoming the Transcendent are not the themes of the social individual in human life.

          To be human may be great for the animal of which he is unaware.

          To be spiritual is not a human urge.

          It is an urge of Truth that seeks for the original Joy.

          Man’s entertainment, his arts, the perfection of his vital joys and mental urges also contain in them the seeds of divine perfection that is in quest of the JOY of the Absolute.

        ©Ûuß ÷uk® ¤µ®©®, ¤µ®©® ÷uk® BÚ¢u®.

It is by consciousness that the individual grows into the universal.

All spiritual progress is through consciousness.

There is no progress that is not spiritual progress.

Contradicting circumstances provide a field for progress.

Happiness and success are vital results. Progress is a spiritual concept.

Spiritual happiness and spiritual success in life are the domain of integral yoga.

573)     Manliness in adversity is preferable to success in social conformity.

          ©Ú® Eøh¯Áß ©Ûuß, £n•øh¯ÁÚÀ».

574)  Pain is the sensation of the mind unsuccessfully trying to do the work of the physical.

A small energy doing the work meant for great energy feels the attendant sensation as Pain.

        TmkUSÒ Á͸® Enºa] Á¼.

575)  Life, however physical or even material, is sustained only by spiritual values. After all love, romance, human relationship, friendship, partnership are really upheld and sustained by the values they honour, though material calculations are predominant.

        \ºÁ ãÁµõ]PÐUS® Bz©õ Esk. Ax÷Á AÁØÔß ãÁß.

576)     Injudicious remarks, though unintended, can offend more than a calculated injury. What offends is the character, not so much the act.

          _£õÁ® ö\õÀø»Âh AvP©õP¨ ¦s£kzx®.

577)     Whoever justifies a heart that suffers silently, having committed a heinous crime? Whoever justifies it or not, it justifies itself abundantly.

          £õÁzøu ö\´ÁuØS¨ £uÓõu Cu¯®, Aݣ¨£uØS £uÖÁx Cu¯zvß C¯À¦.

          Cu¯® £uÖ®; GuØS® £uÖ®.

578)     The realities of the world of romantic love are strongly founded on social realities of property, even in the very best of cases as life itself provides for.

          Põu¾US® Psqsk!

          PhÄÐUS® Psqsk.

579)  Creation of Ignorance

When one forgets the Origin, Cosmos and the Universe, enters into the plane of Time, and cuts away all the other planes, one enters one part of his being to complete the process of Ignorance. Thus, he ends up not knowing what to do next.

        ¤µ®©®, ]¸èi, ¤µ£g\zøu ©Ó¢x Põ»zvÝÒ ~øÇ¢x, ©ØÓ ÷»õP[PøÍz xÓ¢x J¸ Pµnzøu HØ£x AgbõÚ® §ºzv¯øhÁx.

        ö\´ÁuÔ¯õu {ø» |øh•øÓ AgbõÚ®.

        uõÌ¢u £Sv²hß ußøÚ IUQ¯¨£kzv ö\´Áx AÔ¯õx vøP¨£x AÔ¯õø©.

580)     To see we are only playing a role, to know we are NOT this body or mind is to know we are Brahman. The chapter ‘Pure Existent’ gives this conception conclusively. We have to move to the appropriate perception and sensation.

          æUS {èøh°À ]zvzu ¤µ®©® Aߣ¸US Life Divine £i¨£õÀ ]zvUQÓx.

581) v¸Ä¸©õØÓ® ÷uk® Ehø» ¦ÓUPozuõÀ Ax ÷|õø¯ ÷©ØöPõÒЮ.

        ÷|õ´ Eh¼ß ÷¯õP ÂȨ¦.

582)  Because nature is integral, human traits exhibit the capacity to generate exactly the opposite vibrations to their innate constitution. Selfishness generates gratitude and one can be grateful for selfish reasons.

        Âåzv¼¸¢x Aªºu•®, AªºuzvÀ C¸¢x Âå•® Á¸Áx Áõ̾® AøÚzx® ¤µ®©® Gߣøu öÁΨ£kzx®.

583)     The undigested or unassimilated thought urges for expression. When fully assimilated, it has no energy left for expression.

          BÇ® HØÓ Gsn® ÷£aø\ CÇUS®.

584)   ÷|µ® Á¢u ¤ß Eø©ø¯ Gʨ¤ÚõÀ E»P® HØS®. Gv²® HØ£õß.

          Gv²® Eø©ø¯ HØ£x Eø©US ÷|µ® Á¢uuõS®.

585)     Repentance is reversal of consciousness more difficult to initiate than to bear the violent punishment of retribution of avenging life.

          uõ÷Ú ©õÓ ¬•ßÁ¸® ©Úzvß øu¯® ö£¯x.

586)     An actor may not be able to remember that he is a person other than the role he is playing while he is in the actual process of acting. He may be able to recollect himself when he is not playing a role. Can not man recollect his origin?

          |iPß ußøÚ¯ÔÁx ©Ûuß ußøÚ ¤µ®©® GÚ AÔÁx ÷£õÀ BS®.

587)  Circumstances past or present are not to be despised. One must rise to the occasion.

        `Ì{ø» ¦ÓUPoUP¨£kÁuØS CÀø». HØÖ Aݣ¨£x Phø©.

588)     Man’s personality is known by the part through which it comes out. The small man uses the various apertures of the senses and the great man expands through the soul in the mind.

589)   Bß©õÂÀ \õvUS® bõÚ® uÁ®.

590)   u® ÷\øÁUS Gvº¨¤¸US® GÚ AÔ¯õuÁß E»øP AÔ¯õuÁß.

591)   GßøÚU SøÓ TÖÁx GÁµõP C¸¢uõ¾®, GÚUS AÁº ÷uøÁ CÀø» Gߣx ¬•iÁõÚ uzvµzøu {ø»¯õP¨ ö£Ö® ÷£õUS.

          Gß PsoÀ£k® SøÓPøÍ Gß SøÓ°ß ¤µv£¼¨£õP HØ÷£ß Gߣx ¬•iÁõÚ Avºèhzvß Sµ»õS®.

592)     Romantic love is vital. Sometimes it is mentalised too. The one fulfilment it craves for is to be in the vital sphere of the beloved. Physically it adores all places and objects associated with that presence. Its mind never moves away from that thought.

          Põu¾nºÄ Põu»øÚ Põ¢u©õP En¸®.

593)   ¯õº «x SøÓ ©ÚvÀ GÊ¢uõ¾® Ax ©ÚUSøÓ uµ ÷ÁöÓõßÖ CÀø».

594)     When the mind insists on the rules, life emphasises its beaten track.

          ©Ú® \mhzøu |õiÚõÀ, ÁõÌÄ Pº©zøuU Põmk®.

595)     Every function in an organisation is either to be done by authority or value. Value is of course individual, cultural authority. The former is a dead organisation; the latter will grow on its own momentum.

          AvPõµzuõÀ ìuõ£Ú® {ßÖ {ø»ö£Ö®.

          ö£õÖ¨¦®, £s¦® ìuõ£Úzøu Á͵a ö\´²®.

596) CÛø© Sµö»Ú GÊ¢x Cø\ö¯Ú¨ £µÂ AߣõP `ÌÁx Bß©õÂß ¤¯®.

597) EÒ÷Í ö£ØÓ öÁØÔ E»Pzøu BЮ.

598)     Craving for power is powerful. Love and affection affect feebly.

           AvPõµ® AvP Põµ®.

          AߤØS PõµªÀø».

599) ußøÚ¨ £ØÔ ¤Óº GßÚ {øÚ¨£õºPÒ GßÖ ]¢vUP ¬•i¯õux ]Ô¯ ¦zv.

        AuÚõÀ uõß ¤Óº AøÚÁøµ²® SøÓ ö\õÀ» AuÚõÀ ¬•iQÓx.

600)   `m_© E»QÀ ÷\øÁ ö\´¯ ¸®¦£Áº `m_© E»P \UvPøÍ ¬•u¼À öÁÀ» ÷Ásk®.

          ÿ AµÂ¢u¸US ¬•iÁõÚ £õxPõ¨¤¸¢ux.

          ¬•iÁõÚ £õxPõ¨ö£ß£x ¤µ£g\ \UvPøÍ öÁÀÁx.

          ö£¯ ÷\øÁø¯ |õk£ÁÝUS ö\õ¢u ìuõ£Ú÷© ¬•uÀ ö£¯ øÁ.


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