Series VIII




651) AßøÚ Â¸®¦Áx GßÚ?

        GßøÚ ö|¸[Q Á¢x, GßøÚ EÚUS® AvP¨ £m\®  £¯ß£kzvU öPõsk&|À»uØS ©mk®& GßÝhß } CµshÓU P»¨£øu |õß ö£x® ¸®¦÷Áß.

          |õ® AßøÚø¯ uÁÓõP¨ £¯ß£kzvÚõ¾®, AßøÚ uk¨£vÀø».

        |À» ¬•øÓ°À AvP £m\® AßøÚø¯ Aݣ¨£÷u Aߣh® AßøÚ Â¸®¦Áx.

        |õß u¸® Cߣ® |õß ö£Ö® Cߣ®.

652)     Humility in the low is born out of a knowledge that he will not be listened to by all. It is a negative virtue. Many do not have it.

             In a period of transition, this negative virtue can lead to a tremendous negative success. Still, the results can be vast. It is a process of social evolution.

             It can be hastened by the enlightened section acquiring a positive virtue. As the past enlightened were the past oppressors, before acquiring the positive virtue they should psychologically reverse that stance.

          QøhUPõx GߣuõÀ Qøhzu £USÁ®.

653)     Incisiveness of thought and action&&--£mhõUPzv& --comes to the lowest when they receive the highest knowledge. Priesthood is generally thus corrupted.

          ö£õ´¯ß bõÚ® ö£ØÓõÀ £mhõU Pzv¯õÁõß.

654)     It is not one of the world’s classical languages or even a rich modern language that is granted the status of world language. This status has gone to English which does not qualify under the above heads. The future is not for the great of the past in culture, knowledge, spirituality, prosperity or language. The future is for the oppressed or the neglected or the underdeveloped in the past. The rule is not absolute. It can offer itself an exception.

          CÛ uõÌ¢uuØ÷P E¯ºÄsk.

655)     Taking liberties with an elder who remains polite comes back as a junior hurting you more severely. It always happens that one is forced to reward such insults when they were poised to outgrow that.

          AÁ©¯õøuUS¨ £_ u¸® AÁ]¯® Esk.

656)  It takes 30 or 40 years to start concentrating behind the heart. When found it is available for one minute or at best 1 ½ minutes once in two or three days.

Mother says what one can luckily get in 30 or 40 years, he can get here in Her atmosphere in two or three months.

          SHE means the 1 ½  minutes must endure three months!

        Kµõsk J¸ |õÍõS® E¯º¢u EÓÄ.

657)  When the thinker finds no need to write down his thoughts, his thoughts become profound.

        öÁΨ£hõu ö\õÀ ÷ÁP•øh¯x.

658)     When a plane is determined NOT to open to the next plane, even a show of attitudes that resemble those of the next plane will be frowned upon and resisted.

             The very fact that such things are permissible shows the measure of readiness of one plane willing to open to the next plane.

          Avºèhzøu wµ©õP GvºUS® ÂȨ£õÚ uzvµ®.

659)   öu¯õuÁÝUS öu¯õuøu öu¯õx GßÓõÀ, öu¢uÁÝUS, öu¢uøuz öu¯õx GßÖ v¸®£ Á¸®.

          ¤Ó¸US Gx öu¯õx GÚ |©USz öu¯õx.

660)   ¤Óº ©Ú® ¦s£kuÀ uÁÖ GßÓ öPõÒøPø¯ \Áµ¨ ¤ß£ØÖu»õÀ ©Ú® Ah[Q, ©ØÓÁºPøÍÂmk »S® ö£õÊx, AÁº ©Ú® ¦s£k®.

          uß ©Ú® ¦s£kÁøu Âh ©ÖUS® ©Ûuß.

661)     If you are an accomplice conscious or unconscious for someone to lose his values or virtues, it comes back to you more severely. Loss of mind in one may be repeated as loss of life in another.

          Ph¢ux Põµ©õP v¸®¤ Á¸®.

662)     Sin can be avoided by being good.

             Virtue is still more difficult to avoid as it is attractive to the morality of the mind. That too can be avoided with greater effort, but NOT causality which will be with us even in the supramental plane.

          ¯zvØS |õ÷© Põµn©õP ÷Ásk®.

663)  The body learning that it is Spirit, being inspired by that idea and coming forward to shed its separate state is transformation.

        Ehø» BЮ Bß©õ E»øP¯õЮ.

664)     Civilised politeness, psychological, soft considerations are out of place when you fight an enemy when life is at peril and interests are at stake. It is not as if they do not have some place at all where one does not want to hurt his own sensitivities.

          B£zvØS Aߦ »US.

665)     The detached look of an uneducated person can look either cross or suspicious since detachment is not an emotion that such a person can espouse.

          AÔ¯õuÁÝøh¯ |k{ø»ø© \¢÷uP®.

666)     The undeveloped selfish mind has a conception of heroic goodness in his hero that all the strengths and defences of the hero must be made over to him, which he would use to the detriment of the hero. His own idea of heroism is the hero should be victorious in such a condition.

          uø»ÁøÚ¨ ÷£õØÖ£Áß ußøÚ¨ ÷£õØÖ£Áß.

667)     Reviewing the past life leads to wisdom.

             Reviewing the present consciousness leads to clarity in consciousness.

             Review is a thinking process. It can be dispensed with by Silence.

             Silence before and after the review will have different status.

          AÝ£Á \õµ® Â÷ÁP®.

668)     There is no act or no moment where one is not oppressed by others and one is not oppressing others.

          BÇz öuõkÁ÷u ö\¯À.

669)     Sympathy with another may motivate your subconscious to attract that physical experience.

          AÝuõ£® BÌ¢u AÝ£Á®.

670)     Shedding formality even for an occasion sanctioned by authority is not easy.

            Formality is best shed when we become informal.

            In practice, formality when shed ushers in crudeness.

            Freedom for the play emerges only when the formality as well as informality are shed together.

            Mind is incapable of it. The Purusha in the mind can come out of formality but cannot usher in the atmosphere of freedom necessary for Lila

            The psychic KNOWS shedding the formality and not being informal.

            Still, it may not be the freedom required.

            That freedom emerges when the psychic grows enough to release the vital energy needed for the play.

            In the beginning, it can emerge only on occasions.

671)     Someone taking over a whole institution to do a better service is still taking it away from its ‘rightful’ owners. Even when it is service to the Divine, the ACT will repeat by another taking away your own institution even if it is for the purpose of degrading it.

          ö\´ux v¸®£ Á¸®. |À»x® Á¸® öPmhx® Á¸®.

672)     Transgression of a moral code leads to compunction and karmic punishment. Here it is not so much morality as the law of progress asserting itself when defied.

          E»Pzx |øh¬•øÓ Fµõº AÔ²® uº©®.

673)     Great things even in small measures or even in appearance will have great effects. Affection is great in the sense it is a symbol of love. We know the great response people give to attention which is only a smaller version of affection. Affection or even the show of affection is really a great force.

          PÁÚ® ©ÛuÝUS PõuÀ.

674)     An honest expression of the impractical that ends up as impertinence returns as impertinence when you remain honest. Only that it comes from dishonesty.

          |õn¯ªÀ»õuÁÝUS ¬•i²® Põ¯® ¬•i¯õuuõPz ÷uõßÖ®.

675)  To see the solution inside us for a problem created outside by another is to realise the oneness with him.

        ¦Ó® APzvß ¤®£®.

676)  With the best of intentions mind can only produce negative results, at best secondary results.

        ©Úzvß AvP£m\® AÔ¯õø©.

677)   _P® ÷uk® ö£õÊx ¤nUS GÊÁx EnºÂß ]Ó¨¦.

             The vitally strong man finds conflicts increasing when he seeks harmony.

678)     He who pays for a work gets all the benefit, not one who apparently receives the help.

            Only on the day you stand entirely on your legs do you really begin to progress.

            No man, except when he wants the other to benefit, will ever accept another’s help in a work.

            You can’t eat and have my hunger quenched. I must eat for my hunger to go.

            I must WORK AND PAY for it, if I should benefit.

          Eh»õÀ EøÇUPõux EÚUPÀ».

679)  One’s character and motives can be seen with the finest precision in the lives of his children, the residue of his work, the trail of his social, personal lives.

        ©ÛuøÚ ø©UQµõì÷Põ¨ »® SÇ¢øuPÎÀ Põn»õ®.

680)  Brindavan is something Sri Aurobindo was pleased with. Sri Krishna lived that joy and broadcast it far and wide in spite of the social atmosphere of that day. This is the greatest occasion in history of the society approving fully positively in spite of its negative connotation. Today society similarly but negatively approves of corruption which, on any showing, is negative.

          Society has GREAT capacities to approve of positive or negative developments when it is along the evolutionary lines. It may be seen as a stroke of social wisdom.

        µõá }v \P }v.

681)  Just because a man is successful socially, he may not be right psychologically; his psychological righteousness may not absolve him of his sinning against his spiritual self; the spiritual right may not be pardoned by the evolutionary requirement of the Supermind.

          Each is right in its own place.

          Right in one plane may not be right in another plane.

        uº©¬® {¯õ¯•® ìuõ£Úzøu¨ ö£õ¸zux.

682)     The capacity to open to the descending Truth comes not only by an opening but by an attitude of humility.

          A¸øͨ ö£ÖÁx AhUP®.

683)     If you want a taste of the physical or the subconscious, catch yourself when you insistently act in utter disregard of your understanding.

          AÔøÁ¨ ¦ÓUPoUS® ÷|µ® BÇzøu AÔ²® ÷|µ®.

684)  It is not practically possible for grace to express itself excluding material prosperity. Theoretically, it is not impossible. In that case, the richness of Spiritual prosperity will be so dense, denser than matter that it would render material abundance insignificant, maybe invisible.

        Bz©õ Eh¼À ©»¸® ÁÍ® Bß«P _¥m\® ©mk©À». ¤µ®©® ÁõÌÂÀ §US® ¤µ®©õÚ¢u _¥m\®.

685)  Evolution that replaces revolution will act in a totally unjust way to secure its justice. The inversion requires this apparent dishonesty.

        ¦µm]°ß uº©® A{¯õ¯®.

686)  Who you are depends upon where are you.

        ]¸èiø¯ {ºn°US® ¤µ®©®.

          Who you are is determined by where you are.

        Chzøu¨ ö£õ¸zx ©Ûuß.

          Consciousness determines man.

          Determinative consciousness.

687)     More than endeavouring to be right, one will do better if he tries to obey the Will.

          v¸ÄÒÍ® wºUP©õÚ |À»x.

688)  The little more or a little less does not so much indicate the measure of accomplishment as the plane to which the accomplishment belongs.

        AÍÄ, AÍøÁU SÔUPõx. Auß ChzøuU Põmk®.

689)     Pleasantness is appreciable for social intercourse. Maybe it is indispensable. For a work to be accomplished it is better to put it aside as a non-issue.

          £ÇUPzvØS CÛø© CßÔ¯ø©¯õux.

          ¯® ¬•i¯ CÛø©ø¯ Á¼²ÖzuU Thõx.

          £ÇUPzvØS CÛø©; Põ¯zvØS vÓø©.

690)     Man tries for compromises, does not aim at perfection. As his consciousness rises, his problems disappear. What is a problem at lower levels is an opportunity at a higher level.

          {øÚ¨¦US uS¢u {ø». {ø»USz uS¢u ÁõÌÄ.

          {øÚ÷Á ÁõÌÄ. {øÚ÷Á ÁÈ£õk.

691) Bø\¯õPÄ®, BºÁ©õPÄ® ö\´u ÷Áø», A¢u ÷|µ® Ph¢x ÷£õÚõÀ \¨ GÚ Aºzu©ØÓuõPz ÷uõßÖ®.

An act is neutral. By itself it has no value. Work done in idealistic enthusiasm and sentiment appears meaningless after the energy is spent.

          Idealism is for the sentiment, not for the act.

        C»m]¯® BºÁzvØS, ö\¯¾UQÀø».

692) ÷©À ©Ú•®, EÒ ©Ú•® \¯õP C¸¢uõÀ, ãÁõz©õPÄ®, £µ©õz©õÄ® HØÖU öPõshuõP Aºzu®. AvÀ SøÓ HØ£mhõÀ, •øÓ \ ö\´¯ ¬•i¯õx.

        ¬•øÓ \ ö\´²® SøÓ¯À» Ax.

693) ö£õÓõø©°À»õu Bø\ §ºzv¯õS®.

The oppressed cannot be jealous, cannot even desire but can have a dire need. The force and power of that need not vitiated by jealously or desire can INFINITELY  fulfil itself.

        HøÇUS GvºPõ»® Esk.

        HøÇ Gøu²® \õvUS® Põ»® GvºPõ»®.

694)   \¢uº¨£® Qøhzu ¤ß uÁÖ ö\´¯õu ©Ûuß Pmk¨£õkøh¯Áß. uÁÖ ö\´¯z ÷uõßÓõuÁß £USÁ©õÚ ©Ûuß.

          uÁÖ ö\´¯õux Pmk¨£õk.

          uÁÖ ÷uõßÓõux £USÁ®.

695) |À» ö£¯º

        Gx Ah[QÚõ¾® Ah[S®, ©Ú® Ah[Põx.

        ©Ú® Ah[P \®©vzu¤ß, S•Ö®.

        Ah[P \®©v¨£x ÷ÁÖ, Ah[SÁx ÷ÁÖ.

        J¸ ¬•øÓ Ah[QÚõÀ, £» •øÓ xÒЮ.

        ©Ú® Ah[Q¯¤ß, ©ØÓøÁ ©Úzøu Ah[P AÝ©vUPõx.

        ©Ú® J¸ÁõÖ Ah[QÚõÀ, ©ØÓöuÀ»õ® Ah[S®.

        ©Ú® Ah[Q¯¤ß, Hß ©Ú® Ah[QØÖ GßÓ Gsn® GÊ®.

        ¬•iÁõP ©Ú® Ah[QÚõÀ, ¬•iÁõP ¤µa]øÚ Â»S®.

        |® ©Ú® Ah[Q¯x GÁº Pso¾® £hõx.

        PsoÀ £mhõÀ, ©ÚzvÀ £hõx.

        ©ÚzvÀ £mhõÀ, HØP ©õmhõºPÒ.

        HØÓõÀ, ö\õÀ» ©õmhõºPÒ.

        ö\õßÚõÀ, ©Úuõµ ö\õÀ»©õmhõºPÒ.

        J¸Áº ö\õÀÁx Ax. AøÚÁ¸® ö\õÀÁx Aئu®.   

        AøÚÁ¸® ö\õÀ¼¯¤ß, ¬•UQ¯©õÚÁº ö\õÀ» ©õmhõº.

        AzuøÚ ÷£¸®, •UQ¯©õÚÁ¸® |À»Áº GÚU TÔ¯¤ß, |® ©Ú® |õ® G¢u AÍÄUS |À»Áº Gߣøu AÔ²®. Ax £õv¯õP C¸US®.

696)  Observe how often mind seeks to level off, indulge, or take initiative to do what it likes. To turn to consecration at each of these times is the minimum requirement of yoga.

        ¦Ózøu ÷|õUQ¨ ¦Ó¨£kÁx v¸®¤ APzøu |õkÁx ÷¯õP®.

        ¦Ó® AP©õÚõÀ ÁõÌÄ ÷¯õP©õS®.

697) GßÚ ö\´Áx GÚz öu¯õ©À uÂUS® ö£õÊx \©º¨£n® ö\´¯z ÷uõßÖÁvÀø». GßÚ ö\´Áx GÚU ÷Pm£x ©Ú®. \©º¨£n® ö\´Áx Bz©õ. Cx ©Úzv¼¸¢x Bß©õÄUS¨ ÷£õS® ¬•¯Ø]¯õS®.

        ¬•i¯õu ö£õÊx AßøÚ {øÚÄ Á¸Áx A¸Ò.

698) ßÖ |õÒ CøhÂhõu ¤µõºzuøÚø¯Âh ßÖ |õÒ ¤µa]øÚø¯ CøhÂhõx \©º¨£n® ö\´¯ •¯ÀÁx AvP¨£»ß u¸®.

699)  Human knowledge can widen its frontiers if it can see the growth of population in the world, the changing pattern of life on earth, its increasing prosperity, the forms of governments as parts of a whole social movement. Of course, it can be widened to embrace life on earth and the life of the earth.

        ÂÁøh²® Â÷ÁP® bõÚ®.

700)  Faith is the knowledge of the Soul.

        |®¤UøP Gߣx Bz© bõÚ®.


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