Series IX


201)   ]Ôu¯uõ, ö£¯uõ GߣvÀø».

          \¯õ, u¨£õ Gߣ÷u ÷PÒÂ.

          uÁØøÓ ö\´¯ ¬•i¯õuÁÝUS uÁ® £¼US®.

202)   Bø\ø¯ Enº¢x BÌ¢x Aݣ¨£x ÷£õÀ ö\´u £õÁzøu Enº¢x öÁmP¨£mk £uÔ EhÀ SÖQÚõÀ Pº©® Pøµ²®.

          £uÔ¯ EÒÍ® £õÁzv¼¸¢x Âk£k®.

203)   "|h¢uõÀ |® ¤µõºzuøÚ, |hUPõÂmhõÀ ©uº ö\´¯ÂÀø»."

          "|h¨£x ©uº ö\´Áx, CÀø» GÛÀ |õ® \°Àø»."

          ÷|õUP® \¯õÚõÀ, £»ß \¯õP C¸US®.

204)  Triumph of the ego lies in its dissolution.

        AÈ¢x ö£Ö® A©µzxÁ® AP¢øuUS¯x.

205) AP¢øu°ß AìvÁõµ® Bø\.

206)  Is there an instruction that can have the power of actually doing the work? It is the idea that arises from the substance of the mind.

        AÝ£Ázvß AÝuõ£® Aºzu ¦èi¯õÚx.

207)  To solve a vital problem mentally is evolution, a step towards supramentalisation.

        AÔøÁ BºÁ® HØ£x £nõ©®.

208)     A phenomenon has its existence at all levels – from Sat to Matter. Surrender of that phenomenon in any plane will yield the result of that plane.

          \µnõPvUS ¬•Ê¨£»ß Esk. £»øÚ {ºn°¨£x Auß {ø».

209)  Presently it is social values that enable families to survive, especially those below par.  In a culturally developed and stable society, the family values must energise the social structure.

        ö£¯x ]Ô¯uõÚõÀ ÁõÊuÀ £s¤ß E¯ºÄ.

210) ÁõÌÂÀ GÀ»õ® C¸¨£Á¸US® GxÄ÷© •i¯õu ÷|µ® Esk. AßøÚ°À GxÄ÷© CÀ»õuÁÝUS GÀ»õ® •i²® ÷|µ® Esk.

        GxÄ÷©°Àø» Gߣx GÀ»õ® Esk GÚ ©õÖ®.

211)  To be sincere is to move to the psychic in that part or the act, as Prakriti cannot be sincere.

        ø\zv¯¨ ¦¸åÛÀ»õ©À Esø©°Àø».

212) ö\õµøn¯ØÓÁÝøh¯ £s¦US ãÁÛÀø».

213) }sh |õÒ £miÛ C¸¢uÁÝUS ö\õµøn C¸UP ¬•i¯õx.

214) Pèh¨£kÁx |õÛÀø», Gß AP[Põµ÷©.

          Pain is only for the ego.

215)  Repetition of Om raises one to cosmic consciousness; repetition of Mother raises one to consciousness.

        Mother GßÓ ©¢vµ® K® GߣøuU Ph¢ux.

216)  Om chanted from its own depths will shake the earth literally and can take you to Brahman in the cosmos.

        K® GÛÀ E»P® Av¸®.

217)  An idea will be accepted by the world only when the author withdraws from it.

        GÊv¯Áº Eø© ÷£õÚ¤ß GÀ÷»õ¸US® £¯ß£k®.

218) ]Ô¯ £[SUS® ö£¯ Eø©²sk. ö£¯ £[SUS® ]Ô¯ Eø©°Àø».

        ö£¯x, ]Ô¯x GߣvÀø».

219) EÒÍx® ÷£õÚ¤ß Eø© Á¸®.

220)     The retailer often gets more than the manufacturer, which emphasises the insignificance of ownership.

          ö\´ÁuõÀ ©mk® Eø© Áµõx.

          EØ£zv ö\´uõ¾® Eø©°Àø».

          Eø© ÷£õÚ¤ß bõÚ® Á¸®.

221)  An idea is greater than its author. It is seen in the fact that he cannot own it.

        Gsn® ©ÛuøÚÂh¨ ö£¯x.

222) ©Ûuß ¬•¯ÀÁx HØPÚ÷Á ¤Óº \õvzux.

        AßøÚ uµ ¬•¯ÀÁx, CxÁøµ GÁ¸® \õvUPõux.

        AßøÚ°¸¢x®, ¤Óº \õvzuøu ©Ûuß ö£Ó ]µ©¨£kQÓõß.

        AßøÚø¯ ©Ûuß HØÓõÀ v¸ÄÒÍ® {øÓ÷ÁÖ®.

        AßøÚ ©Ûuß Bø\ø¯ HØP¨ ÷£õÁvÀø».

        ö£¯x |hUS®, ]Ô¯x |hUPõx.

223) ÷Põ£® Áµ÷Á°Àø» GÛÀ bõÚ® Eu¯©õ°ØÖ GÚ»õ®.

224)  When a troublesome man goes, the same trouble comes through someone else. It means the seed of that cause is in us.

        «sk® «sk® Á¸® ¤µa]øÚUS AìvÁõµ® |õ÷©.

        |õ® ©õÔÚõÀ ¤µa]øÚ ©õÖ®.

225)     The powers of the establishment are to preserve the old and destroy the new. It is less than ignorant to expect the establishment to foster the new.

          ¦v¯øu¨ £øhUP £øǯuõÀ ¬•i¯õx.

226) ©ÛuÛhª¸¢x ö£ØÖU öPõÒÍ ©Ö¨£ÁÝUS öu´Á® u¸®. ¦Ózøu Gvº ÷|õUPõÂmhõÀ AP® £¼US®. ußÚ®¤UøP ÷£õÚõÀ öu´Á |®¤UøP GÊ®.

        |õ® ö\´Áx |õ® HØPÚ÷Á AÔ¢ux.

        ¦v¯uõP AÔ¯ ©ÚzuõÀ ¬•i¯õx.

        ¦v¯x Bß©õÄUS.

227)  Man understands only what has been already explored, not what is to be explored. Each time he crossed a plane, he needed a new tool. To try to discover in the next plane without an appropriate tool for it, is one expression of mental folly.

        P¸Â°À»õ©À Põ¯® ö\´¯ ¬•i¯õx.

228) EnºÄ Eh¾US¨ ¦¯õx. EnºÂØS AÔÂÀø». Ax÷£õÀ ©ÚzvØS GxÄ® ¦¯õx. ø\zv¯¨ ¦¸åÝU÷P¨ ¦²® Gߣx •uÀ bõÚ®.

        GxÄ® ¦¯õx GÚ¨ ¦Á÷u ¦ÁuØS ¬•uÀ Aøh¯õÍ®.

229)     The only way mind can understand the unknown is by the known which cannot disclose the unknown except that the essence of the known can lead to some understanding. The essence of the known is the psychic. Any unknown is understandable only by the psychic and because of transformation.

          ¦Áx v¸Ä¸©õØÓ®.

          ©Ú® AÔ²® vÓÝøh¯uÀ».

          ø\zv¯¨ ¦¸åÝUS ©mk÷© ¦²®.

             -- The known cannot reveal the unknown unless it contains the known in some fashion.

             -- The unknown contains the known as the known is the involved unknown.

             -- Therefore the process of understanding is the process of transformation.

         -- Any understanding is possible only when the mind is blank and by     transformation.

             -- Therefore only the psychic can understand, not mind.

             -- It is OBVIOUS that mental understanding is to insist on ignorance.

230)     Man  does not understand any event. He understands in the social context and does not try to understand it fully beyond, as long as it does not affect him. It is NO understanding.

          |©US¨ ¦Áx ¦ÁvÀø».

231)     There is no known method to understand a new phenomenon except by trial and error which is a long drawn process, perhaps of centuries. Anyone who hits upon a right solution does so by chance. Only the inner self-perception can do that also. Surrender to Mother can always do it.

          ¦v¯x ¦x÷»õP®, ¦¢x öPõÒÍ ¬•i¯õx.

232)     The profitability of an organisation is decided by its organised strength when its intensity is higher than the social average.

          \¢øu°À SµÀ ÷PmP \zu©õP¨ ÷£\ ÷Ásk®.

233) Pshzvß APsh® ¤µ®©®.

          The relative is the Absolute.

234) AP¢øu AÈ¢uõÀ \•zvµ® öu²®.

235) B»Põ»® Aªºu® Gߣx ÿ AµÂ¢u®. 

236) ]¸èi ö£õ´¯õP öÁΨ£k® ö©´.

          Truth blossoming as falsehood is creation.

237) CøÓÁÛß _¯|»® ©ÛuÛß £µ|»®.

238) _¯|»® _øÁUS®, EÓÄ J¸ \õUS.

          A relationship is sweet as long as it serves one's selfishness. It is not the relationship that is sweet, but the selfishness.

        EÓÄ _¯|»®.

        _¯|»zøuU Ph¢u EÓÂÀø».

239)  Mind will get the lost link with the Supermind, if the new thought is expressed in the old idiom.

        ÿ AµÂ¢u® ö»ÍRP® ÷£_® ÷Áuõ¢u®.

240)  The free will of the bound person is the determinism of the Supreme.

          The infinity of the infinitesimal.

        xÓ塧 x¸®¦ ÷Á¢uÝUS ÷Áu®.

241)  Brevity of expression brings the substance to the surface.

        _¸UP÷© `m_©®.

242)  When there are several reasons for a problem, we wish to locate the prime mover. The prime mover will peep through all other causes.

        ¬•UQ¯ Põµn® ø» •kUSPξ® öu²®.

243)  Efficiency can be deceptive, not sincerity.

        vÓø©USÒÍ v¸mkzuÚ® Esø©UQÀø».

244)  Sincerity in the depths becomes complete is its surface expression is smooth and sweet.

        Gv²® HØÖU öPõÒÁ÷u \zv¯®.

245)  To make the mischief maker himself set it right is the method of transformation.

        v¸hß PõÁÀPõµÚõÁx v¸Ä¸©õØÓ®.

246)     Idealism can learn more from meanness, though it is a negative lesson, than from other idealists.

          •µs£õmiß £õh® ¬•Ê¨ £õh®.

247)  Problem arises when the work is greater than the personality.

        u®ø©z uõsi¯ ¬•¯Ø] ¤µa]øÚ¯õS®.

248)  At times of ferment, the minor details will decide the major outcome because they are times when all lids are off and energy is afloat. As any organisation is fully integrated, at such times small things become decisive. 

        ¦µm]°À ]Ô¯x ö£¯øu {ºn°US®.

249)  When an organisation is sinking or life is ebbing out of the body, not all the ideals, principles, great traditions, or high rituals can stop it. Turning inward and restoring the lost touch with the inner light can revive what all these cannot. The word 'Mother' can do it without fail and cheerfully.

        uõµP ©¢vµ® uÁÓõx £¼US®.

250)  Spirit emerges when Existence objectifies itself as Truth between them. Mind emerges when the comprehending Supermind objectifies itself and its activities between the subject and the object.

        Bß©õ \zv¯zuõÀ GÊÁx÷£õÀ ©Ú® ¤µgbõÁõÀ GÊQÓx.


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