Series IX


601)  Let him who is sweet deep down look for its opposite either in the depth or on the surface or both.

        CÛø©°¸¢uõÀ Pkø©°¸US®.

602) AßøÚ°ß v¸Ái Aß£ß v¸¬i.

603)   ¯õº AßøÚø¯ AøÇzuõ¾® AßøÚ A®\•ÒÍÁh® ÷£õÁõº.

604) ußÝÒ ]Öø©ø¯ Enº¢uÁÚx A®\® ö£¸ø©.

605)   ©QÌ¢x ÂÁx ©ÚzøuU Ph¢u {ø».

606) ©Ú® {øÓ¢uõÀ ©i {øÓ²®.

607) Ps {øÓÁx PÁºa].

        ©Ú® {øÓÁx ©QÌa].

        ßÓõsk ¬•¯ßÖ ö£ÖÁøu PsoÀ £mhÄhß \õv¨£x PÁºa].

        Ph¢u {ø»US¯x PÁºa].

608)   GÀ÷»õ¸® PÁÛzuõÀ, H÷uõ |h¨£uõP¨ ö£õ¸Ò.

          Â寮 GÚ C¸¢uõÀ »õ\® öu²®.

          E»P® AÔ¯õ©À E¯º¢ux |hUPõx.

          ¤µ£»©õÚøu ¤µ£g\©Ô²®.

609)     Cooperation in yoga may be likened to teams playing for the victory of the opposite side, though this is not so good as to play for the victory of the Play.

          Gv°ß öÁØÔUS¨ £õk£kÁx "JzxøǨ¦.'

610)  Mother, when SHE gives, gives infinitely.

        öPõkzuõÀ AßøÚ öPõÒøͯõP öPõk¨£õºPÒ.

        öPõg\©õPU öPõkUP AßøÚ¯õÀ ¬•i¯õx.

611)  Man's enjoyment is conditioned or rather limited by other social emotions, i.e., he can enjoy only to the extent his other emotions will permit.

        Aݣ¨£x AkzuÁºPøͨ ö£õ¸zux.

        C¸¨£uõÀ ©mk® AÝ£ÂUP ¬•i¯õx. Ch® öPõkzuõÀuõß ¬•i²®.

612) |õ® |® ÁõÌøÁ Bµõ´¢uõÀ, AßøÚø¯ »UQ¯÷u AvP®, AÝ©vzux SøÓÄ GÚz öu²®.

          For every one act of admitting grace, we have refused it ninety times.

        ÷\º¨£x »US, »USÁx \mh®.

613)     Confusion that powerfully enters at any level has nothing to do with intelligence or capacity or even experience. Man going off the track often confuses himself. Not to be confused is an ability unconnected with our other endowments. It is called the clarity of the personality.

          {uõÚzvØS {PÀø».

          Av¾® öuÎÄ E¯ºÄ.

614)     Without a native element of goodness, even a good behaviour or cloistered virtue cannot be seen.

          £PmkUS® Esø©°À»õ©À ¬•i¯õx.

          öPõg\©õÁx |À»vÀ»õ©À |À»ÁÚõP |iUPÄ® ¬•i¯õx.

          |i¨¦US® ãÁß ÷Ásk®.

615)  A child of Mother is Mother born as a child.

        AßøÚ÷¯ SÇ¢øu¯õP¨ ¤Ó¢uõÀ Ax AßøÚ°ß SÇ¢øu¯õS®.

616) \¢÷uõåzvØS Ai¨£øh _u¢vµ®, ©Ú® ö£Ö® _u¢vµ® ©Úa \õm] u¸® _u¢vµ®.

        ©Úa\õm] u¸® _u¢vµ® ©Úzvß _u¢vµ®.

        ¬•iÁõÚ _u¢vµ® AÚ¢u®.

617)  Contextual comparison leads to frustration. Even its satisfaction is a frustration. Evaluate yourself against your best potential to make yourself happy.

        EÒÍøu EnºÁx E¯ºÄ u¸®.

        Ph¢uøu {øÚ¨£x P\US®.

618) ö\¯¼ß Cߣ® ]Ô¯x.

        ö\¯»ØÓ¤ß GÊÁx ö£¯ Cߣ®.

          Enjoyment is expression.

          Higher enjoyment is in inaction.

619) ]¸èi°ß ]Ó¨ø£ GÀ»õ® J¸ ö\¯¼À Põs£x ¤µ®© v¸èi.

        J¸ ö\¯¼À EßÚu® ¤µ®©õئu®.

        AÚ¢u ]¸èi Aئu ©QÌa].

        PsoÀ»õuÁÝUS bõÚ v¸èi¯Î¨£x PÀ¯õn®.

        v¸©n® v¸Ä¸©õØÓ® |Ö©n®.

620)   AßøÚ÷¯ ©n©PÍõP Á¢u £õUQ¯® AÁuõµ¨ ¦¸åÝUS¯x.

             God wishes to be man's spouse in very deserving cases.     

          _ÁºUPzvÀ ö£Ö® ÷©õm\® AßøÚ÷¯ ©øÚ¯õÁx.

          PhÄÒ PnÁÚõÁx Pº©zøuU Ph¢u A¸Ò.

621)   ¬•ÊÁx® AÝ£ÂUPõ©À Akzu Pmh® CÀø».

622)   Eh¼ß |Àö»sn® Eh¼ß£®.

          EhÀ ö£Ö® Cߣ® BÌ¢u |ßÔ¯ÔuÀ.

623)     Human sex act enjoys the relief of getting rid of the excess energy. The accumulating spirit enjoys the increasing intensity of the ingathering excess.

          Âkuø» u¸® BÚ¢u® öÁÖ® BÚ¢u®.

          ö£¸Q {øÓ²® BÚ¢u® ÷£µõÚ¢u®.

624)   xÓÂUS {èøh²® \©õv²® }iUS®. §µn ÷¯õP \õuPÝUS BÚ¢u AÝ£Á® {èøh²®, \©õv²©õS®. AøÁ }i¨£x GߣvÀø», {ø»¯õP C¸UP ÷Ási¯øÁ.

          {ø»zx }iUS® BÚ¢u AÝ£Á® §µn ÷¯õP \©õv.

625)     There are moments when you feel things go extraordinarily smoothly. Sometimes you may not be quite satisfied by the rightness of the acts. In life there are moments when man misuses a glorious opportunity. While in Mother, these are the most glorious moments where one's conscience is the adversary.

          Aß¤ß ]Ó¨¦, AÇQß ]¨¦.

626)   Aݣ¨£uõÀ CÍø©°À Bø\ Á͸®. Bø\ ÷£õ´ AߣõÚ¤ß Bß© ÂȨ£õÀ AߣõÀ Aø» GÚ¨ ö£õ[Q GÊ®.

          Gsn® ö\¯¾US \Uv u¸®.

          ö\¯»õÀ \Uv uõ÷Ú ö£¸S®.

          Bß© ÂȨ£õÀ ö\¯¾®, \Uv²®, Gsn¬® ö£¸Q¯£i°¸US®.

          Aݣ¨£x GßÓ ö\¯À ÁͺUS® ußø©²øh¯x. Bø\²®, Á͸®, Aߦ® Á͸®.

627)   GÀ»õÁØøÓ²® ö\õÀ» ¬•i¯õx.

          ö\õÀÁuõÀ ¦¯¨ ÷£õÁvÀø».

          ¦¢uõÀ HØÖU öPõÒͨ ÷£õÁvÀø».

          ö\õÀ»õÂmhõÀ GxÄ® ¦¯¨ ÷£õÁvÀø».

          ö\õÀÁuõ, Thõuõ Gߣ÷u ¤µa]øÚ.

          ö\õÀ»õ©À |h¨£÷u ö\õ¢u®.

628) "EßøÚ ©n¢uv¼¸¢x E°¸US¨ ÷£õµõkQ÷Óß" GߣÁøÍ PnÁß "Gß E°øµ Gkzu£i C¸UQÓõ´" Gߣx PnÁÝøh¯ uº©®.

        E°º Gk¨£Áß E°º ÷£õÁuõP EnºQÓõß.

629)     Tightening the known disciplines, following the great values more will have a salutary effect and the results will be revolutionary as long as the society is in the present plane. It won't work when the society moves up.

          ö£_ ö£_uõß.

          ¦µm]U Põ»zvÀ ö£_® ]Ô¯÷u.

          ¦µm]US¯x ¦v¯x, ¦zu® ¦v¯x.

630) ö\õzx ¬•UQ¯®. Auß »¨£zvµ¬® ¬•UQ¯®.

        £zvµ® ö\õzøuÂhÄ® ¬•UQ¯®.

631)  Things that are valuable in themselves like precious stones, money, and women are a class by themselves which get a social dimension of values. Whereas, furniture, utensils, and books have only functional values. In a cultured society, the former too will have only functional values.

          Spiritual society will have only spiritual values.

        ©UPЮ ö£õ¸Ð® ©ÚzvØQÛ¯øÁ.

632)   E»P® E¯º¢uÁøÚ |õkQÓx; E¯º¢u bõÚzøu¯À».

          uø»Áß ÷uøÁ, uø»¯À».

             Want leaders, not leadership.

             Leaders, not leadership.

633)  Self-existing bliss is the highest even in evolution.

        uõ÷Ú ©»º¢x ©QÊ® ©»ºa]÷¯ ¬•iÄ.

634)     Comparison constricts.

          _¯©õÚ Cߣ® _u¢vµ®.

          AÚ¢uÝUS AP÷© ¬•iÄ.

635) ¤Óº Snzøu AÔ¯ u® Bß©õÂß ÷uøÁø¯ Ai©ÚzuõÀ AÔ¯ ÷Ásk®.

        Bß©õÂß A¸Ò ¤µv£¼¨¦ AkzuÁß Sn®.

        Bß©õ |®©x, Sn® AkzuÁ¸øh¯x.

636)     It is self-evident that Spirituality is greater prosperity.

          ÷áõvUQÀ»õu ¤µPõ\® Eshõ?

637)  Realisation is to know the Reality.

        ]zøu¨ ö£ÖÁx ]zv.

638) £» ©õu©õP \®£Í® uµ ¬•i¯õu P®£Û°À £»º ÷Áø» ö\´uõÀ AÁºPÒ, \®£Í® ö£Ó »õ¯US AØÓÁºPÍõP C¸¨£õºPÒ.

        Fv¯©ØÓ ÷Áø» EuÁõUPøµ ÷Áø».

639)  Successive perception is knowledge. Simultaneous sensation is power.

        bõÚ® Põ»zvØS¯x.

        \Uv ¬•Êø©US¯x.

        Põ»® ¬•Êø©¯õÚõÀ bõÚ® £øhUS®.

640) Ph¢uøu ©Ó¢x {PÌÁøu {øÚ¨£Áß Põ»zøuU Ph¢uÁß. {PÌÁøu Âmk {øÚÁPßÖ {Ø£Áß {zv¯zvß {á ¹£®.

          Time is great. Timelessness is the greatest.

          To go beyond Timelessness is to be Transcendent.

        CÀ»õux ©ÛuÝUQÀø». Põ»•® Esk. PhÄЮ Esk. Gøu²® GkUS® _u¢vµ•® Esk.

641)     Comprehensive fullness, if the consciousness does not already possesses it, is not attainable even in a flimsy work.

          G[S ö£ØÓõ¾® {øÓÄ {øÓÄuõß.

642)     Ignorance

             Man is indifferent to anything that does not concern him.

             Man is incapable of knowing many things because he has no skill to know of them.

             Often man finds he does not know what everyone else knows, especially when he is concerned with it.

             As there is a system of knowledge, there is also a system of ignorance, a protective ignorance.

          AÔÄ ö£Ó AÔ¯õø© Azv¯õÁ]¯®.

643)  The devotee is in a unique position of transcending social, human values to let grace work in him. Rarely does he understand it. When he does so, he powerfully shrinks from availing of grace. Invariably he prefers karma to grace.

          Mother cannot be caught into the net of human values.

        A¸øÍ Â»UQ AßøÚø¯¨ ö£Ó ¬•i¯õx.

644)  Man scarcely knows the extent of freedom, the types of freedom Mother offers him. She creates new dimensions of freedom and offers them to him. As long as he is outside the social capillary, She gives him unlimited freedom to experiment with.

        _u¢vµzvØS AÚ¢u•®, AÚ¢uzvØS _u¢vµ•® AΨ£Áº AßøÚ.

        AÚ¢u©õÚ _u¢vµ®; _u¢vµ©õÚ AÚ¢u®.

645)     It is not the method by itself which gives the result, but the readiness of the substance of the plane enables the method to yield the result.

          £i¨¦US £mh® Esk. Põ÷»ä £mh® uµõx.

646)  The Chinese missionary who was carrying a fish everyday to a poor farmer, was told to teach that farmer fishing skill. A skill learnt by one person is equal to one man day. The whole nation learning one skill is equal to so many man days or man years. Skill, thus raises productivity at a million points.

        ]Ö xÎ ö£¸ öÁÒÍ®.

        ]Ö vÓß ö£¸® ö\ÀÁ®.

647)     Perpetuity is dead wood. Purposelessness is spiritually creative of immortal movement.

          £øǯx £mk¨ ÷£õS®.

          Gøu²® {øÚUPõ©À ö\¯À£mhõÀ GzuøÚ Põ»zvØS® \õvUP»õ®.

648)     Children who are all the time away physically are really closest psychologically.

          Gmh÷Á°¸¨£Áß GsnzvØSøh¯Áß.

649)     Enhancing the enjoyment eternally is evolution.

          £nõ©® BÚ¢u AÝ£Á®.

650)   Gsn® EnºÁõP, ¬•u¼À Gsn® ö©ÍÚ©õP BÌ¢x EnºÁõP ÷Ásk®.

             This is a process of ascent and descent.

          AøǨ¦ EnºÁõP B°µ©õshõS®.

          EnºÄ Eh¾nºÁõP 30,000 BshõS®.


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