Series X



201)        There are individualised forces in life of both positive and negative character that move to an individual in response to what he is and what he does.

             Their combined operation maintains an equilibrium of smooth existence.

When the equilibrium is tilted in favour of the right side, and in that measure, forces of life precipitate a positive act in his life.

At any given time, one can see forces on the  move. They move  in concert.

One who is perceptive may see, just before an act is precipitated, several major and minor forces simultaneously moving in  unison towards the centre.

Among them there will be a single prime mover, some major constituents and a host of minor tributaries.

Without the Prime Mover, there will be a disturbance, no result.

Without the major contributors, the Prime Mover may powerfully upset the system but no permanent contribution positive or negative will be made.

A good judge of these Forces  can  precipitate a  Good  Act by any one of these SMALL forces and similarly avoid trouble.

One who is positive and alert can manage the field with a bias to the right side.

At any moment, knowing the combination of forces and  their laws, one, by increasing  the right forces in  their intensity or decreasing the wrong forces, can make Life Respond.

202)     Man has a way of resenting payment of his taxes, the only thing that has given him all the freedom of democracy.

          u\Ú® ö£Ö® PõoUøPø¯ öÁÖUPU Thõx.

203)   |À»vØSz uÁÓõx £»Ýsk. |izuõ¾® AuØS¯ £»ß Esk.

204)   PõoUøPø¯ CøÓÁß v¸i GkzxU öPõshõÀ, Á¸® ö\õzx v¸mk ö\õzuõP C¸US®.

          v¸k, v¸miÀ ¬•i²®.

205)   |õ® ¤Ó¸USz uÁÖ ö\´uõ¾®, ¤Óº |©USz uÁÖ ö\´uõ¾®, ªg] {Ø£x uÁ÷Ó. ¯õº ö\´uõº GߣvÀø».

          GßÚ |h¢ux Gߣx ¬•UQ¯®.

206)   CßÖ |õ® Põq® SøÓ GÀ»õ® GvºPõ»¨ £s¦PÒ. ]» Á͸®, ]» ©õÖ®, £» GvµõP ©õÖ®.

           GvºPõ»zøu CßÖ AÔuÀ |ßÖ.

207)   ÿ AµÂ¢uº ÁõÌ¢u |õÎÀ AÁÛ°ß {¯v BshÁÛß {¯v GÚ |õ® AÔ¢÷uõ©õ?

          {¯v Jß÷Ó. {ªºzuz ÷uøÁ°Àø». {ªµ ÷Ási¯x ©Ûuß.

208)   E»P® ö£Óõuøuz ÷uk£Áß ¬•ß÷Úõi. £»¸® ö£ØÓøu¨ ö£Ö£Áß ¬•ß÷Úõi¯À», ¤ß÷Úõi¯õP C¸UP ©Ö¨£Áß. AßøÚø¯ E»P® AÔ¢u¤ß ¬•Êø©¯õP AÔ£ÁÝ® J¸ÁøP ¬•ß÷Úõi.

          Gvº öPõsk Á¸® ¬•ß÷ÚØÓzøu HØS® ¬•ß÷Úõi ÷Ásk®.

209)   |õ® HØS® AßøÚ, AßÓõh ÁõÌøÁ «Ô |®ø© |õi ÁµõÂmhõÀ, |õ® AßøÚø¯    HØÓuõP    Aºzu©õS©õ?

          HØÓ® HØÓuØS Aºzu®.

210)   P®£ß ÃmkU Pmkz uÔ²® P£õk®, |õ® AßøÚø¯ HØÓuß ¬•Êø© |® `ǼÀ AßøÚ öPõ¨£Îzx GÊuÀ Põs¤US®.

          ÷µõáõ ÷uõmhzøu ©n® AÔ•P¨£kzu ÷Áshõ©õ?

211)     That which is taxed is nerve. Nerves always come to feel taxed.

          ]q[SÁx Sn©õPõx.

212)   J¸ ]Ö ©ÛuÛ»õÁx J¸ ö£¯ SnzøuU PõnõuÁß ö£¯ Bz©õÁõP C¸UP ¬•i¯õx.

          ö£¯x ]Ô¯vÀ ö£¯øuU PõnÁÀ»x.

213)   ·  \µnõPv AßøÚUS¯x.

          ·  \µnõPv AøÚzxUS® E¯x.

       ·  AøÚÁ¸US®, AøÚzvØS®,   AÝvÚ•®   \µn® ö\´¯õ©À AßøÚUS \µnøh¯ ¬•i¯õx.

          \µnõPvUS \ºÁ•® Eøh¯x.

214)     Surrender of something, if not done at the moment, will never be done later.

          ñnzvÀ ¬•i¯õux \µnõPv°Àø».

215)   ¤µsk Á¸® E»P® ¤_¤_¨£x \µnõPv°ß \Uv.

          Bº¨£õmh® ö\´²® ¦µm] \µnõPv°ß ¬•ß \µnøh²®.

             x÷µõP® EÒθ¢x    GÊ¢uõÀ   \ µnõPv ¬•i¯õx,  •¬i¢uõ¾®   ÷uõØS®.

216)     Work explains an idea when thought fails to comprehend.

          && --------ö\´x £õºzuõÀ ¦¯õux ¦²®.

          && ]¢uøÚø¯Âh ö\¯À ÂÍUPÁÀ»x.

217)   Gv¼¸¨£÷u öu¯ÂÀø» GÛÀ ©Ú® ußøÚ «Ô EnºÂÀ EøÓQÓx GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò.

          P¸zx {øÓ¢uõÀ, Ps öu¯õx.


          Psq® P¸zx©õP ö\¯À£h ÷Ásk®.

218)   uÁØøÓÂh |èh® ö£¯x Gߣx ÁÓsh Fß ÁUQµ®.

          &&  \÷¯õ, u¨÷£õ, |èh® Thõx.

          &&  |èh©õÚõ¾® u¨¦ EuÁõx.

          ÁÓm]US®, ÁÍzvØS•ÒÍ Âzv¯õ\® CøÁ.

219)   {PÌ£øÁ \µnõPv¯õÚõÀ, ÷|µ® Aªºu©õS®.

220)   ¬•Êø©¯õÚ ©Ûuß £Sv¯õÚ ©ÚzuõÀ ußøÚ¨ £Sv¯õPU PõsQÓõß. ußøÚ ¬•Êø©¯õPU PshõÀ, E»P® ©õÖ®.

          GßÖ® E»P® BÚ¢u©¯©õÚ ¬•Êø©ø¯²øh¯x.

221)   ö£¸® Avºèh® Á¢u ö£õÊx ö£¸ ©QÌÄUS¯x ©Ú®. ©Ú® A[S {ø»zuõÀ Avºèh® {ø»¯õS®.

          · ©Ú® ÷£õ» ©õ[PÀ¯®.

          · ©õ[PÀ¯zvØS® y´ø©²®, Á¾øÁ²® uµÁÀ»x ©Ú®.

222)   ö|g_ ¥ÔmöhÊ¢uõÀ, {»zvÀ }º E£¯õP GÊ®.

          ö|g_ BÚ¢uzuõÀ S•¬ÔÚõÀ ÁõÚ® PÖzx C¸sk S•Ô¨ ö£õȲ®.

223)   _¯|»©õÚõ¾®, Enºa] ¸]US®.

          Enºa]¯õÚõ¾®, _¯|»® P\US®.

          P\¨¦ ¸]zuõÀ _¯|»® £µ|»©õS®.

224)     When one responds to the Force and the other does not, the first expands and the latter does not. It is not a reward and punishment, but a Law. In the higher life, there will be a higher law so that every part can respond. The rule of the lower life is each develops in turn while the rule of the higher is all develop simultaneously.

          JßÓß¤ß JßÖ ÷£õÁx E»P ÁõÌÄ. AøÚÁ¸® J÷µ \©¯zvÀ E¯ºÁx E¯º¢u ÁõÌÄ.

225)     Any yoga is difficult. Purna Yoga done by accepting life, turns out to be like a school where the students and parents and teachers challenge the Founder to reach very high results where they all organise against any process of learning.

          ÷¯õP® £¼US©õ Gߣx ¤µa]øÚ°Àø».

          G[PøÍ Gvºzx E[PÍõÀ öá°UP ¬•i²©õ? GßÖ £»ß ö£Ó ÷Ási¯ÁºPÒ \ÁõÀ Âmk \v ö\´Áx ÷£õßÓx §µn ÷¯õP®.

226)   HµõÍ©õPz vÓø©°ßÔ GÁ¸® HµõÍ©õPa \õvUP ¬•i¯õx. vÓø©US¯ Gvº¨¦ C¸US®. CÀ»õÂmhõÀ, AÁº {øÚUPõu E¯µzøu GmkÁõº.

          \õuP©õÚ \P `ǼÀ \©÷¯õ]u©õÚÁº AvP£m\® \õv¨£õº.

227)   AvPõµzvØS Aøh¯õÍ® ©UPÎß AhUP®. AhUP® £¯©õÚõÀ AvPõµ® §µn©õS®. £¯®  ¬•vº¢uõÀ £Uv¯õS®.

          £¯ªßÔ GÊ® £Uv £USÁ©õÚx. £µÁ»õP \õvUS®.

228)   £¯ª¸¢uõÀ ÷£øµa ö\õßÚõÀ ÷£a_ Ah[S®.

229)     The culture of a place will be there in a pronounced measure in everyone living there in spite of the very opposite circumstance in the individual.

          ÁÍ©õÚ £SvPÎÀ HøÇPЮ ©Ú¬•Á¢x   ¸¢vÚøµ E£\¨£õºPÒ.

230)     In a contention between two persons, what prevails is the social authority of the respective individuals, not the justice or issue.

          Eh÷Ú £»ß u¸Áx £»®, {¯õ¯ªÀø».

231)     What is it to know anything, say Ego? To know its constitution, origin, structure, character, and capacities as we know a pen is to know ego.

          AP¢øuø¯z öuÎÁõP AÔÁx bõÚ÷¯õP®.

232)   Gvº¨¦ CÀ»õ©À ¤µ£»©õP ¬•i¯õx.

          ¤µ£»® ¤Óº £»ÚõÚõÀ Gvº¨¤¸UPõx.

233)   uzxÁ® Gߣx uß ©Úzuøhø¯ APØÖÁx.

          ©hø© ©øÓÁx ©PzxÁ®.

234)   GÁº uø»ÁµõÚõ¾® FÇÀ Aȯõx GÛÀ Fº FǾUS E°º u¸QÓx GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò.

          F¸US E°µõÚøu uø»Áº AÈUP ¬•i¯õx GߣvÀø», E°¸® öPõk¨£õº GßÓÔ¯ ÷Ásk®.

235)     The rival outwitting you announces that you need a better strategy, rather a positive one.

          Gv ¬•ß÷Úõi.

 236)    The uneducated person of insincerity has a deep superstitious faith. The educated person in the affluent nations does not have such superstition, but ardently believes in his own capacity to take care of himself. How is it different from the other superstitions?

          ußÚ®¤UøP h|®¤UøP¯ß÷Óõ?

237)     Capacity for expectation will cease if the capacity for initiative ceases.

          _®©õC¸¨£ÁÝUS Gvº£õº¨¤¸UPõx.

             Initiative expects.

238)     While we are serious in our own way, we say the grass grows under our feet. The grass that grows like that is God’s wisdom in action, v¸ÄÒÍ®.

          vmhzvØS öÁÎ÷¯ |h¨£x v¸ÄÒÍ®.

239)   uÁÔÀ»õu EøǨ¦, uo¯õu Avºèh®.

240)  Aß¤ß ì£º\® BÚ¢u®.

        Aߦ  wsiÚõÀ Á¼  ©øÓ²®,  ©øÓ¢x BÚ¢u©õS®.

241)   ö£ÖÁx BÚ¢u®.

          ö£Óõ©¼¸¨£x ÷£µõÚ¢u®.

          ö£ÖÁx®, ö£Óõ©¼¸¨£x® \©©õP C¸¨£x ö£ÓØP¯ BÚ¢u®.

          ö£ØÓøu ö£Ó ©ÖUS® BÚ¢u® ¬•iÁõÚx.

242)     Man’s not knowing his weakness is a weakness. His not knowing his strength is a strength. But one needs to know both. It is neither weakness, nor strength, but fullness.

          ußøÚ¯Ô£Áß uµoø¯ AÔÁõß.

243)   A¯µõu EøǨ¦ Aøn¯õu Avºèh®.

          A¯µõu EøǨ¤À Aߦ P»¨£x Aªºu®.

          A¯µõu EøǨ¤À Aߦ P»¢x ]Ó¨£õP C¸¨£x Avºèh® Aªºu©õQ Aئu® BÁuõS®.

244)   ¬•Êø©¯õÚ öÁÖ¨¦®, ¬•Êø©¯õÚ AߣõP ö|g]À AßøÚ {øÓ¯ ÷Ásk®.

245)   Buõ¯©õPz ÷uk® Aߦ® Buõ¯®.

          AߣõP |õk® Buõ¯•® Aߦ.

          Buõ¯® GßÖ® Buõ¯®, Aߦ GßÖ® Aß÷£.

246)     The character becomes REAL when he gets out of the hand of the author and becomes universal. In the measure the character is under the author’s control, the author too remains human.

          øPø¯Âmk¨ ÷£õÚÁß PhÄÒ, P¸zøu ÂmhPßÓ £õzvµ® P¸Å»®.

247)   Bø\ AvP©õÚõÀ, AmhPõ\® ö\´¯z ÷uõßÖ®. AmhPõ\® ö\´Áx® AߣõP ©õÖ® Áõ´¨¦sk.

          G¢u ÷|µ•® HØÓ® ö£Ö® ÷|µ®.

             Any moment is a moment of choice.

248)   AßøÚ°À Põq® AÝ£Á® B°µ®.

          B°µ® AÝ£Á•® Aئu®.

          AßøÚUS AxÄ® ¬•iÂÀø».

          AÝ£Ázøu HØ£øuÂh AßøÚU TÖÁøu HØ£x AئuzøuU Ph¨£uõS®.

          AئuzøuU Ph¢uÁº AßøÚ.

          Aئu•® AßøÚ¬•ß AqÁõS®.

249)   öÁΰmh Bø\ Bº¨£õmh©õS®.

          öÁΰhõu Bø\ AߣõS®.

250)   |À»øu ©mk® {øÚzuõÀ |À»x ©mk® |hUS®.

          |À»x ©mk÷© C¸¨£øu |øh¬øÓ°À {uº\Ú©õP Enº¢uõÀ, |À»x CÀ»õux ©øÓ²®.

          |À»x uµ ÷ÁöÓxÄ® C¸UP ¬•i¯õx GßÓ öuÎÄ Gøu²® |À»uõP ©õØÓÁÀ»x.

          |À»x |À»÷u, AßøÚ Gøu²® |À»uõUSÁõº.

          Gøu²® Ph¢x ÷£õS® AßøÚ Aøu²® Ph¨£õº.


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