Series X



351)   ö|k|õÒ Á¼ ñnzvÀ ÷£õS®. ñnzvÀ Á¢u Á¼ ö|k|õÒ ÷£õPõx.

          ñn•®, Á¼²® ©Úz÷uõ÷h.

352)  Añµ¨ ¤µ®©zøu \©õv°À PõsQÓõº. ¤µ®©zøu ÂȨ¤À PõsQÓõº.

        Añµ¨ ¤µ®©zøuU Põs£x ©Ú®. ¤µ®©©õÁx ©Ûuß.

353)   Ai ÂÊ¢uõÀ Aئu©õP ÷Áø» ö\´£Áº Ai ÂÇõÂmhõÀ, \õuõµn©õP ÷Áø» ö\´ÁvÀø». ¤Óøµ Ai¨£õº. ¬•i¢uõÀ ¬•u»õÎø¯÷¯ AiUP ¬•ßÁ¸Áõº.

          AiUS \©©õÚ AvPõµ® {ºÁõPzvØS AÁ]¯®.

354)   £¯¢x |k[Q Jk[QÚõÀ £Uv £» ©h[S £¼US®.

          £¯® _u¢vµ©õQ, |kUP® ¦À»¨£õQ, JkUP® £µÁ\©õÚõÀ, £Uv ]zv¯õS®.

355)   v¸i¯ÁöÚÀ»õ® PõÁÀPõµÚõÚõÀ, v¸®¤¯ ChP[öÍÀ»õ® Avºèh® ¤µÁõP©õS®.

356)   vmi¯Áß ÁõÌzxÁx v¸Ä¸©õØÓ®.

357)   Asnß ö\´u ÷\øÁUS GvµõP u®¤ |h¨£x Ax÷Á ÷£õx® GßÖ ö£õ¸Ò.

358)   GßÚ ö\´¯ ÷Ásk÷©õ Aøu ©mk® ©Ûuß ö\´¯ ©õmhõß. Azxhß AuØS GvµõÚ AzuøÚ²® ö\´Áõß. ÷©¾® GßÚ ö\´¯ ÷Ásk® GÚz öu¯ÂÀø»÷¯ GÚ K¯õ©À ÷Pm£õß.

          öu¢uøu ö\´¯ ]£õº_ ÷uøÁ°Àø».

359)   J¸ öáß©zvß AÝ£Á® J¸ x롧 öÁΨ£õk. AßøÚ |®ø© Akzu £UP® AøÇzx¨ ÷£õQÓõº. B°µ® öáß©® PhUP Aøµ ñn©õS®.

          Põ»zøuU Ph¨£x ÷©õm\®.

          Ph¢uøuU Ph¨£x ÷¯õP®.

          £Uv ÷¯õPzvß ]ßÚ®.

          |®¤UøP £Uv°ß ©Sh®.

360)   ÷ÁuøÚ \õuøÚ¯õP ©õÖÁx |®¤UøP.

361)   ©Ûuß Á¼ »® BÚ¢u® ö£ÖQÓõß. CøhÂhõu BÚ¢u® ö£ÖÁx BshÁß. JßøÓ ©ØÓuõUP Á¢uÁº AßøÚ.

          ©ÛuÝUS® BshÁÝUS® Cøh°À C¸¨£Áº AßøÚ.

          Cøh°¼¸¨£x CøhÂhõu ÷ÁuøÚ.

362)   AÝ£ÁªÀ»õÂmhõÀ AÁ\µ® Á¸®.

          AÁ\µ® AÁ\µ©õP Á¢uõÀ AÝ£Á® Pmhõ¯©õP Á¸®.

363)   Cøh¯Óõu \©º¨£n® u¸® ö©ÍÚ® \µnõPv°À ¬•i²®.

364)     A refractory subordinate teaches you patience. Life, even when it is not refractory gives you Patience.

          ö£õÖø©¯õP¨ ö£õÖø©ø¯z u¸Áx ÁõÌÄ.

          AÝ£Á® ö£õÖø©°ß BÚ¢u®.

365)     We love to work as work is enjoyable, whether there will be a result or not. Consecrate if you want to be sure of results. Surrender if you want the results before the work is done.

          ÷£\»õ®, ö©ÍÚ©õP C¸UP»õ®. ö©ÍÚzøuU Ph¢u ö©ÍÚzøu Aøh¯»õ®.

             There is a Silence behind the Silence.

366)   áh¨ ¤µ®©®, BÚ¢u ¤µ®©®, Añµ¨ ¤µ®©®, \z ¤µ®©zøuU Ph¢ux ¤µ®©®.

There is Brahman behind all the brahman we speak of, know of and explain in detail.

           Brahman behind Brahman                                                     

367)     Knowledge has become Ignorance and enjoys emerging from it. Mother has no such need. Hers is a conscious Avatar that plunges into the world’s darkness with a view to rescuing it, sacrificing Her Light. Hers is a true holocaust.

          A¸Ò uµ C¸øÍ |õk£Áº AßøÚ

368)     The urge for constant progress is from the awakened soul.

          Bz© ÂȨ¤À»õ©À BºÁªÀø».

369)     · Men do fall into two categories of pioneers and followers.

             · All that Mother speaks of is for the pioneers.

             · To the others, Mother grants their prayers.

             · If they want to follow Her, they must first shift to being a pioneer.

· Mother has in mind not the social pioneer or the psychological pioneer. She thinks of the evolutionary adult.

          AQ»zøuU Ph¢uÁÝU÷P AßøÚ²sk.

370)     Man gets alert when he senses he is directed to do something. This is physical. The vital person offers to do it.

          ö£¸¢ußø© ¤¯©õP |hUS®.

371)     To be secretive is a ploy. To be frank is to be generous in behaviour as it takes the other person into confidence. But when you are secretive, your work moves quickly. To be secretive without its being a ploy is to be reticent.

          CÛø©¯õÚ CµP쯮 Cu©õÚ Cu¯®.

372)     The steadily increasing joy can express on the face as a certain sadness because the substance of the being is uncertain of any JOY and is incapable of any security.

          Á͸® \¢÷uõå® Á¸zu® u¸®.

373)     The greatest urge in man is to be lazy. He says he wants to be himself. He is unconsciously reminding himself that he needs to be God.

          _®©õ C¸¢x _P® ö£ÖÁøu _®©õ÷Á C¸¨£uõPU öPõshõß ©Ûuß.

374)     Culture, for those who are to live in other cultures, must primarily respect their sensitivities, not understandings.

          £ÇUP® Aºzu©ØÓx GßÓõ¾® ö£õÖUP ¬•i¯õuøÁ »UP¨£h ÷Ásk®.

375)     People cannot stand fools or stingy people. An intelligent person can stand a fool, if he ever tries to follow his own train of thoughts. Surely the generous person can be generous enough to be charitable to the stinginess of the other.

          ö£¸¢ußø© P¸ª°ß P¸ªzuÚzøu¨ ¦¢x öPõÒÍ ¬•i²®.

376)     “Vital mind feels life is an illusion, Maya”

             “Shankara is a mightier intellect than Buddha” -Sri Aurobindo 

Can we say Shankara’s intellect was overwhelmed by his vital? Ramakrishna’s spiritual experiences are in the vital. Therefore, it is possible that the intellect can be vitalised.

             The intellect philosophises what the most developed part inspires.

          Eh¼¼¸¢x Bß©õÁøµ GÀ»õU Pµn[PmS® GÀ»õ Pµn[PÎß £õP[PЮ Esk.

377)    Serious sustained consecration will be as effective as serious sustained action. As consecration is, so the result will be.

          øP¯õÀ ÷|µi¯õP    ÷Áø»    ö\´Ávß •¬Ê¨£»ß   ¬•Ê  \©º¨£nzvØS Esk.

          EøǨ¤ß £»ß \©º¨£nzvØSsk.

378)     To consecrate an act is far more difficult than continuing to consecrate its parts. One who succeeds in it will find his action is being carried on by the Force.

          \©º¨£n® £Sv°À öuõhº¢uõÀ \Uv ö\¯ø» HØS®.

379)     · Consecration defies one, as there is not enough concentration.

             · Lack of energy fails concentration.

             · Absence of strength of will is at the root of lack of energy.

             · Will’s strength comes from knowledge which is acquired by aspiration.

          BºÁ©ØÓÁºUSa \©º¨£nªÀø».

380)     Will a science ever be born that knows a man’s character from his speech, belief, or convictions? — as they can be anything — unrelated, opposite, or exact reflections.

          ÷£a_ _£õÁzøu öÁΨ£kzuõx.

381)    This yoga does not aim at Silence or any particular action. It aims at surrender, and it yields Silence and leads to action.

        |õkÁx \µnõPv.

        Qøh¨£x ö©ÍÚ®, A\Ÿ›.

382)    Yoga knows of several methods of Silence. Surrender too gives Silence. It is the very best of methods, but Silence is not aimed at by surrender.

        \µnõPv¯õÀ Á¸® ö©ÍÚ® \zv¯ 㯠ö©ÍÚ®. Ax ö£¯x, HöÚÛÀ  \µnõPv ö©ÍÚzøu  |õhÂÀø».

        |õhõ©À Qøh¨£x |õmiÀ ö£¯x.

383)     The Life Divine, \õÂzv £i¨£x®, v¯õÚ® ö\´Áx® \©º¨£nzvØS AkzuõØ÷£õßÓÚ.

             Consecration first, consecration last.

384)   Â÷µõv yµ¨÷£õÚõÀ     |s£ÚõÁõß.    |s£ß |õÍõÚõÀ    Gv¯õÁõß.

          ¬•µs£õk Ehߣõk.

          Ehߣõk ¬•µs£õk.

385)   £µ©£u® |õk£Áº £ÇQ¯Áøµ ©Ó¢xÂkÁõº.

          £ÇQ¯Áøµ ©Ó¢uõÀ £µ©£u•shõ?

386)     The ONLY strength of the devotee is his remembrance of Her. His only hope is its ever-increasing intensity. It is helped by,

             1.                Reading

             2.                Meditation

             3.                Work.

Consecration excels all, even remembrance, but it is too much to expect of devotees.

          {øÚÄ {ÇÀ÷£õÀ öuõh¸Áx Azv¯õÁ]¯®.

387)   ©Ú® £Svø¯U Ph¢x ¬•Êø©ø¯ |õiÚõÀ £Uuß \õuPÚõÁõß.

          ö|g_US¨¤ß AUÛ GÊÁx ¦Úº öáß©®.

388)   ÷PmP¨ ÷£õÁx |õi Á¢uõÀ, Á¸Áx ö£õ¸ÍßÖ, AßøÚ. ÷Pm£x {øÚÄ, {øÚøÁ HØÖ Á¸® AßøÚ ö£õ¸ÍõP Á¸QÓõº.

          ö£õ¸øÍ HØ£x Á\v. AßøÚø¯ HØ£x Aߦ.

389)   ÁõÌUøP ÁÓsh £õø»ÁÚ®. £õø»ÁÚzvÚi°À Aªºu® FÖQÓx. ÷©¾®, RÊ®, _ØÔ²® Aªºu® A£ªu©õPU PõzxÒÍx. ©Ú® EÒ÷Í Aªºuzøu AÝ©vUS©õ? Á¢uõÀ \®©vUS©õ?

          £õø»ÁÚ® £_g÷\õø»¯õS® ÷|µ® Cx.

390)     There is only one thing to be done. It is to let Her in.

          AøǨ¦US Põzv¸¨£Áøµ AÝ©vUP»õ©õ?

391)   u£ì uÁzøuU P¸vÚõº.

          £Uuß P¸xÁx uµoø¯.

          uµo £UuøÚ |õkÁuõÀ £Uuß E»øPU P¸xQÓõß.

          \µnõPv°À ¬•i²® ÷¯õPzvØS \©º¨£n® E°º|õi. Aº¨£n® Bµ®£®.

392)     The very best thing to do when there is tension or when it is rising is to keep QUIET.

          _®©õ C¸UP ÷Ási¯ ÷|µ® £h£h¨¦ÒÍ ÷|µ®.

          £h£h¨¦ Á¢uõÀ £hzvß ¬•ß EmPõº.

393)   BshÁß uß µõä¯zvÀ AvPõµ ¥hzv¼¸zv¯¤ß, ©Ûuß uß   FÀ ÷\ºzxU öPõÒÁõºPÍõ GÚ H[SQÓõß.

          ÷åU줯º BUì÷£õºmiÀ ÷\µ ¸®¦QÓõº.

394)     Every part of the body the being can see, hear and know. We know of the sense organs only. The whole body is sensible and is capable of sensing.

          Eh¾US Psqsk,   E°¸USU Põxsk,    EnºÄUS GÀ»õ®    Esk.

          GÀ÷»õ¸US® GÀ»õ® Esk GÚ |õ® AÔÁvÀø».

395)   ÷»õPzøu HØ£x ÷¯õP®.

          ¤µ£g\zøuU Põs£x ¤µ®© {ºÁõn®.

          £µ©õz©õøÁ  EÒ÷Í Põs£x £USÁ®.

          AP¢øu AÈ¢x ¦¸åß ¤µ£g\zøu EÒ÷Í öPõsk Á¸® ö£õÊx ¦¸åß £µ©õz©õ GÚ AÔ²® ãÁõz©õ ö\´Áx §µn ÷¯õP®.

          ãÁõz©õ÷Á £µ©õz©õ & £µ©õz©õ÷Á ãÁõz©õ.

396)     In an atmosphere of freedom the most innocent person becomes a tyrant.

          _u¢vµ® _£õÁzøuU öPõkø©¯õUS®.

             Human nature is cruel in its constitution.

397)     A mild wave of nervousness entered me for which I could locate no reason. In an hour came a letter from someone under the grip of intense nervousness. This is true, but an isolated truth. To know this in the entire personality of the day, the full scope of my being is the real work.

          ö\õÀ¼ß ö\õ¹£® öu¯ ö\õÀö»õnõ ¬•¯Ø] ÷uøÁ.

398)     To practise social politeness in spiritual relationship is to receive only social results from spiritual forces, very much like living in the city but shunning the bus, phone, tap water, T.V, and newspaper, living the rural life. By living in one plane according to the rules of a lower plane, one fully shuts out that plane.

          »shÛÀ öÁÒÍõmk¨ £õÀ \õ¨¤kÁx ÷£õßÓx.

399)     Once a man becomes famous, his follies raise his fame.

          ¤µ£»©õÚ¤ß SøÓ²® ¦PÌ ö£Ö®.

400)     The pioneer in any field gives tons of energy or capacity to achieve ounces of result.

          HµõÍ©õPU öPõmiU öPõkzx öPõg\©õPa \õv¨£x Aß¤ß \õuøÚ.


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