Series X



451)   ©Ûuß £»øµ²® AÈUP ¬•¯ÀÁõß. ¬•i¯õÂmhõÀ ußøÚ AÈzxU öPõÒÁõß.

          AȨ£x ©ÛuÝUS AÁ]¯®. AÈÄ AÁÝUöPõ¸ »m]¯®.

452)   PÂPÒ E»Pzøu²®, ©Ûu _£õÁzøu²® AÔÁº. AÔ¢uøu AÁºPÒ HØ£uõÀ ©ÚvÀ Aȯõu £õzvµ[PÒ E¸ÁõQßÓÚº. Ax Aȯõ C»UQ¯®.

          Aȯõu C»UQ¯zøu Aø\¯õu ©Ú® GÊx®.

453)   Âå¯zøu ÂÁµ©õP AÔ£Áß ÂgbõÛ.


454)  GvöµvµõÚ Cµsøh¯Ô¢x JßøÓ HØÖ Auߣi |h¨£Áß ©Ûuß. Aøu ©Ûuß §ºzv ö\´u Ch® _¯|»®.

        £µ|»zvß ö£¸ø©ø¯²®, _¯|»zvß ]Öø©ø¯²® ÷£õØÖ®  ©ÛuÝUSa _¯|»®  ö\õ¢u®.

455)   uõß J¸ ©o¯ÍÄ® HØPõu öPõÒøPPøÍ GvºUPõ©À, SøÓ TÓõ©À, u® öPõÒøPPøÍ TÓ J¸ÁµõÀ ¬•i²® Gߣøu AÔ¯ The Life Divine EuÄ®.

          \¢øuU Pøh ©zv°À \¢uÚ ©n® GÇ {èøh°¼¸UP ¬•i²®.

456)   £» Bsk Ehß EøÓ£Áß EÚUPõP÷Á E°º ÁõÌQÓõº GßÖ AÔ¯ ¬•i¯õux ©Ûu ©Ú®.

          EnºÂß E¯ºÄ EÒÍzøu Âmk GÇõx.

457)   E°¸US E°µõ´ } ¸®¦£Á¸US EßøÚ AÈUP BºÁ•sk GßÖ AÔ²® ÷|µ® ©Ûu ÁõÌÄUSsk.

          AߦUS AÁ»©õÚ ¬•iÄ® Esk.

458)   ÷|µ® ÷£õÁx ÷|µzøu¨ ö£õ¸zuvÀø».

          {øÚ¨ø£¨ ö£õ¸zux.

459)   Cµshõ® v¸©n® AÖ£vÀ ö\´Áx CÛø© Cµmi¨£uõS®.

          CÛø©US CÍø©²®, Eø©US E¯ºøÁ²® u¸Áx Cµshõ® v¸©n®.

460)     Teenagers in all countries are alert to the atmosphere, as the student community was to national issues in prewar days.

          Bß÷Óõº uø»ø© ©õnÁ \•uõ¯zvØS Á¢x C¨ö£õÊx ]ÖÁº øP°¾ÒÍx.

461)     Any intense occasion can give a spiritual experience to a spiritually ripe individual.

          £USÁ® £»ßuµ ÷ÁP® ÷|µ©õS®.

462)     If one is mature in any plane, as Newton was in his mind, any event will become a historical occasion in that plane.

          {PÌa] ÷|µ©õP ©Ûuß u¯õµõP ÷Ásk®.

463)  The power of being is the dynamics of Self-existence.

        \Uv ö\¯¼ÛßÖ GÊÁx.

464)  Surrender creates SILENCE on the surface and reaches the subliminal.

        \µnõPv°ß  ö©ÍÚ® \ºÁ  ÷»õP[PøͲ®   öuõk®.

465)  All knowledge is inside. The outside knowledge has no power. Inside knowledge is powerful knowledge. Similarly, all power is inside.

        \õv¨£Áß EÒ÷Í \õv¨£õß.

        \õv¨£ÁÝUS öÁÎ÷¯ ÷Áø»°Àø».

466)     Knowledge is written down as a thesis or system on paper. When knowledge ORGANISES itself into a system, it does so in the author’s mind, not on paper.

          ·   Â寮 bõÚ©õÁx ©ÚzvÀ

          ·  ©ÚzvÀ E¸ÁõPõu bõÚ®, bõÚ©õPõx.

467)   bõÚ® ©ÚzvÀ E¸ÁõÚõÀ \Uv¯õS®. ÷£¨£À E¸ÁõÚõÀ GÊzuõS®.

          bõÚ® \õvUP ©ÚzvÀ E¸Á® ö£Ó ÷Ásk®.

468)  Offerings are made not because the Divine needs money, but man needs to offer his own to the Divine.

         PõoUøP |©USz ÷uøÁ.

To offer money to The Mother because She needs it is SERVICE, not offering.

469)     Brahman will remain abstract as long as He is studied as an object. Only when He is felt as a Subject does He become concrete.

          ußøÚz öuõk®Áøµ uµoø¯¨ ¦¯õx.

470)     For Brahman to become real, there should be no two sides. Both sides becoming ONE gives the feeling that IT is real.

          CµsiÀø», Jß÷Ó Gߣ÷u ¦ÁuØS Bµ®£®.

471)   ÷Ási, ¸®¤, ¬•¯ßÖ, E°øµ Âmk HØ£kzv, HØ£kzv¯vÀ ö£¸ø©¨£mk Aݣ¨£x AÔ¯õø©. BÚ¢u® Auß AÝ£Á®.

          AÔ¯õø© APØÓ¨£h ÷Ási¯vÀø», Aߦhß AµÁønzx BÚ¢u¨£h HØ£kzv¯x.

472)     Education is a measure of civilisation. In future, that scale may go to measure how much a nation recognises the Value of Ignorance, invalidity and poverty.

          B÷µõUQ¯® Aئu®. ÷|õ´ CøÓÁÛß v¸•P®.

473)     Ego latches on to anything of topical interest. Maybe disease will become a matter of pride in future. Already treatment is one.

          ÷|õ°ß ]Ó¨ø£ AÔ¯ Bß©õ ÂÈzöuÇ ÷Ásk®.

474)   ]Ó¨¦US ]Ó¨¤Àø», ]Ó¨¦ GßÖ JßÔÀø». ]Ó¨ø£ |õkÁx AP¢øu. ÷|õ°ß {ø» E¯º¢ux. AÔ¯õø© Aئu®. HÌø© GmhõU PÛ. CøÁ |õ® ÷ui¯øÁ. Âå á¢xUPЮ A¨£i÷¯ GßÖ öuÎÁx bõÚ¨£õºøÁ.

          bõÚ® ¬•vº¢uõÀ AÝ£Á® ©õÔ B£zøu Ba\¯©õUS®.

475)   PÁø»¨£kÁx Pº©zvØS¯ \Uv (Force). ãÁß ußÛaø\¯õPa ö\¯À£kÁx, \Uv°¼¸¢x ãÁÝUS¨ ÷£õÚõÀ Pº©•® CÀø», PÁø»²ªÀø».

          |õPŸ |PµzvØS¨   ÷£õ´   |®ø© Âåá¢xUPÎhª¸¢x    »USQÓx.

476)   C¢u¨ £UP® Á¼¯õP C¸¨£x A¢u¨ £UP® BÚ¢u©õQÓx.

477)   ¤Ó¸US |õ® Á¼ öPõk¨£x öu¯õx. Ax BÚ¢u©õPĪ¸US®. Á¼ Á¸® ö£õÊx öu²®. ©Ú® ©õÔÚõÀ |õ® öPõk¨£x® ö£ÖÁx® BÚ¢u® GÚz öu²®.

          Á¼ BÚ¢u©õP ©õÖ® ÷|µ® ©Ûuß ¤µ®©©õS® ÷|µ®.

478)     The sheep fall into a pit following the first one that fell. The kingfisher allows herself to be killed. Excess population destroys itself voluntarily. The evil dies voluntarily. Enjoying the act is evolution of the physical to the mind.

          uõ÷Ú \õøÁ ¸®¤ |õkÁx uß öPõkø©ø¯ CÛø©¯õPz v¸Ä¸©õØÖÁx BS®.

479)  Understanding dawning on the mind is felt as a relief from the tension of incomprehension. The emotions coming to grips with an issue offers a mastery over the atmosphere, if not over the act.

          ¦Áx, öuÎÄ.

          EnºÁx, vÓø©.

480)     Physical sensation of Harmony or even Joy at an otherwise horrible occurrence of tragedy converts it into its opposite as a miracle in the physical gross material plane of life.

          ÷ÁuøÚ Cߣ©õÚõÀ, B£zx Ba\¯©õP Aئu©õS®.

481)  For someone to know that Maya, Prakriti, and Lila are three faces of one single factor, one needs to disabuse the mind of partial convictions.

        ½ø»ø¯ ½ø»¯õP AÔ¯ Ax ©õø¯, ¤µQ¸v CÀø» GßÓ öuÎÄ ÷Ásk®.

482)     Sri Aurobindo’s arguments often appear to be arbitrary assertions, whereas HE bases them on facts given earlier, which we forget, or His assumption of our knowledge of life. To be able to see the complete logic here is understanding.

          |õ® ©Ó¢x Âmhøu £PÁõß TÓÂÀø» GßQ÷Óõ®.

483)  Mind creates, but is not an original creator.

        ©Ú® ußÚÍÂÀ   EØ£zv ö\´²®, ]¸èiUP   •¬i¯õx.

484)   } öá°UP ÷Ásk® GÚ |õß ÷Áø» ö\´²®ö£õÊx |õß ÷uõØP } ÷Áø» ö\´uõÀ öᯮ EÚUS.

          ÷uõØP ¬•iÄ ö\´uÁß öá°UP ÁÈ°Àø».

485)     We would like to believe that our Saints have had their known powers all the time for normal use. It is not true, for the social atmosphere was not fully supportive with that psychological infrastructure.

          J¸ ÷|µ® |h¨£x G¨ö£õÊx® |hUP E»P® u¯õµõP ÷Ásk®.


486)     Human effort is like learning in grade school. Divine grace is subliminal opening.

             Mother acts better than the subliminal when you turn to Her.

          AßøÚ°ß ì£º\® B°µ® Áµ®.

487)     There is no treatise on Mind like the two chapters on Illusion, though His effort here was not to explain Mind.

          E»P® ö\õÀ»õuøu    ÿ    AµÂ¢uº ö\õÀ»    •¬¯»õu   ChzvÀ TÖQÓõº.

          ¬•¯»õu ChzvÀ ö\õÀ»õuøua ö\õÀÁx ¡À.

488)   E»P® ©õø¯ GßÖ HØÖU öPõshøu £PÁõß AÔ¯õø© GßQÓõº.

              PÚÄ CÀ»õuußÖ.

          £Êx®, £õ®¦® C¸¨£øÁ.

489)  AgbõÚ®, AÚ¢u©õÚ bõÚ®.

490)     A servant needs to be treated with dignity, not like a husband or as a wife.

          Eø©²ÒÍ ChzvÀ ©¯õøu C¸UPõx.

491)     He who is determined to be kind executes his intention with determination and the object feels it to be a kindness not known hitherto.

          Pkø©°ß P¸øn²® P\[Q¯ÁÝUS CÛUS®.

492)     One cannot stand fools even when they are sweet, obliging and serviceable, as through all there is one thing that stands out. It is folly. Sweet, obliging, serviceable folly is primarily folly.

          ©hø©ø¯ ©hø©¯õP µ]¨£x ©hø© ußøÚ¯Ô¢x Aªºu©õP EuÄ®. A¨£i ©»ºÁx |©x ©hø©, ©ØÓÁµvÀø».

493)     When you read of any great man, even when you have fully outgrown his thought, you feel his greatness is infectious.

          ö£¯øu ©Özuõ¾® |®•Ò GÊÁx ö£¯÷u.

494)     In any work, the difference between poverty and affluence is ‘How many survived?’ and ‘Why should one fail?’

          HøÇUS¨ ¤øÇzuõÀ ÷£õx®. G¨£iz uÁÓ»õ® Gߣx AkzuÁß ÷PÒÂ.

495)     Development occurs when the society offers what family alone is now offering.

          EÚUS ©mk® Qøh¨£x E»PzvØSU Qøh¨£x Áͺa].

      496) Man  develops himself  unaided even by the family. This is the very first stage.

             Society accepts that in some way and the family gives it to the child.

             Later schools do it and family insists on all others getting it.

             It later becomes a social phenomenon.

Neither the school nor any other organisation can now give the best to all the needy.

To create a school like an institution to impart personality, character, and culture to all as education is now possible.

          B°µ©õsøh I¢vÀ ¬•iUP AÁ]¯® Esk.

497)   ·  Aئu® \õvUP, AÁ\µ® uøh.

       · ÷©À ©Ú® µ]UP ¸®£õÂmhõÀ Ai ©Ú® AÍÄ Ph¢x \õvUS®.

          ·  Ai ©Ú® \õvUP ÷©÷» Á¸®.

          ·             ÷©À ©Ú® ]¢vUS®, Ai ©Ú® \õvUS®.

498)   ¬•iÁõÚ bõÚ® ¬•Êø©¯õP Á¢uö£õÊx GÊ® BÚ¢u® PmkU Ph[Põx. Pmk¨£mhõÀ \õuøÚ ªßÚö»ÚzöuÔUS®.

          ¬•Êø©¯õÚ bõÚ® a_Âh ¬•i¯õu BÚ¢u®.

499)     By surrendering the impulses as they arise, one allows the impulses to give place to HER who directly acts before the impulse arises.

          Gsnzøu ¬•¢vU öPõsh \©º¨£n® AßøÚ u\Ú®.

500)     Creation of right public opinion based on facts is very difficult. It is more difficult to persuade the members of an idealistic organisation to follow its ideals or make one subsequent generation value the work done in the previous generation.

          Esø©ø¯ E»P® HØP Esø© ö£õ´¯õP ÷Ásk®.


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