Series X



701)     Any act is severely neutral. It is the mind that gives it the colour.

          ·  ö\¯¼À £õÁ, ¦so¯ªÀø».

             ·  £õÁ® ©ÚzvØS ö\¯¾UPßÖ.

          ·  |øh•øÓ BshÁÛß |hÚ®.

702)   One may know all the methods to become God, but what is effective is limited to one's personality. The heights of personality should cross the Becoming and Being and enter into the Being of the Becoming.

        AÔÄUS AÍÂÀø», AÝ£ÂUP AÍÄsk.

703)  The twenty or thirty stages of the process of creation, its principles, powers, forces, forms, strategies, etc. ultimately explain one thing in several fashions, i.e.

   Everything can be created out of Nothing, because it is No-Thing.

By knowing it over and over again, one knows of his infinite capacities.

        G¨£i¨ £õºzuõ¾® ¯õ¸® Gøu²® ö\´¯ ¬•i²®.

        vÓø©UPÍÂÀø», |®¤UøPUS AÍÄsk.

704)  AøÇUPõ©À ÷£õPõ÷u

            ÷PmPõ©À öPõkUPõ÷u.

          öPõkzuõÀ öPõkø© ö\´Áº.

          öPõkzx SøÓ¨£hõuÁÀø».

          EøÇzx¨ £»ß ö£ÓõuÁÀø».

705)     If one sincerely wants to cure himself of jealousy, widening the emotions of the heart after serious regret will not only dissolve jealousy but will allow the heart to let out a shaft of expansive generosity.

          ©»¸® Cu¯® ö£õÓõø© Pøµ¢x ©nUS®.

706)  Consecration of the past or the present will have the same results or effects except for our own beliefs.

        Ph¢ux®, |h¨£x® Âzv¯õ\©õÚõÀ Ax \©º¨£n® BPõx.

707)     An uncalled-for action in honour bound, or a person's devotion, especially a wife’s, is powerful enough to undo the verdict of a court already passed.

          Pئ®, |õn¯•¬®   \mhzøu   öÁÀ¾®, Põ»zøu²®   Pmhõ¯®   öÁÀ¾®.

708)     A man from the slums installed in affluent life, unable to behave properly, loses both. He accuses those who brought him there, unable to see his shortcoming.

          ö£ØÓøu CÇ¢uÁß öPõkzuÁøÚU SøÓ TÖÁõß.

709)     When a person seriously denies the existence of a defect of temperament, he ‘sincerely’ announces its presence. There is no alternative to sincerity.

          EÒÍøu EøµUS® Gvº©øÓ EhߣõhõS®.

          C¸¨£øuU TÖ®CÀø» E»P ÁÇUS.

             ‘I am absent’ says the subtle present.

710)  öuõmh SøÓ öuõh¸®.

        Âmh SøÓ Âhõx.

711)  Letters of devotion and faith which have been received and stored safely have a pronounced power of their own. The idea of throwing them out offends them and the box containing them falls on the person who wants to throw them away.

        ÷£õØÓ ÷Ási¯øuz yØÖÁx uÁÖ.

712)  Deep-seated jealousy cannot get rid of itself, without again hurting the victim even when it tries to disappear.

        FÔ¯ ö£õÓõø© AȲ® ö£õÊx® FÖ ö\´²®.

713)   ö£õÓõø© BÌ¢x FÔ°¸¢uõÀ Aøu GÆÂu©õPz öuõmhõ¾®, Auß Snzøu÷¯ Põmk®.

          ·  _£õÁzvß Sn® uÁÓõx _k®.

          ·  Sn® Sn©õP÷Á°¸US® SøÓ¯õx.

714)  ußøÚ¯Ô¯õux _¯|»®.

        ußøÚ¯ÔÁx \zv¯ 㯮.

715)  Thoughts, events, acts, Cµõ], and diseases are contagious in the subtle plane.

          `m_©® öuõzx®, öuõh¸®.

716)  Attempts at vain-glorious expansion can result in acts that shrink the existing size of personality.

        ö\õzøu ö£¸UP ¬•¯ßÓõÀ EÒÍ ö£õzuÀ ö£¯x BS®.

          Emptiness trying to expand bursts at the seams.

        Põ¼ PÚUPõx.

PÚUP ¬•¯ßÓõÀ Â\À ÂÊ®.

717)     A person or a thing grows finer, richer and sweeter by its own higher consciousness. A person of higher consciousness can do the same thing to it by his sweet attention.

          · ©»¸US ©n® Esk.

          · ©»º ©ØÓÁØÔØS ©n® u¸®.

          ©»h® ©sq® ©n® ö£Ö®.

718)  Sickness lands on one as sleepiness and can vanish by a little freshening, maybe freshening of the personality.

        yUP® Pø»Áx®, ÷|õ´ ©øÓÁx® Jß÷Ó.

719)  A selfish man cannot stomach the idea that another will receive a benefit, however small, by his own exertion, though that other person has conferred all his wealth on him.

        ¯õøÚø¯U ÷Pmk¨ ö£ØÓõ¾®, §øÚø¯z uµ ©Ú® Áµõx.

            AkzuÁß ö£Ö® £»ß _¯|»ªUS B»Põ»®.

          A¯õ\Ú•® v¸®£ Aøµ Áõºzøu ö£Óõx.

        ö£¯øu¨ ö£Ó Eø©²® ©Ú•® Esk, \¸S® öPõkUP ©Ú®    CÀø».

B»©µzøu Gkzx¨ ÷£õÚõ¾®, Auß \¸S® uµ ©Ú® Áµõx.

720)   · E°øµ GkUP Eø© ÷Pm£õº, ©¯õøu öPõkUP ©Úª¸UPõx.

          · HµõÍ©õPU öPõk¨£x®, GxÄ® öPõkUPõux® _£õÁ÷©.

          · ¤ÒøͯõÚõ¾® ¤Óº ö£Ó ö£õÖUPõx.

          · ö£ØÓx µõ䯩õÚõ¾®, öPõk¨£x |ßÔ¯õÚõ¾® öPõkUP        ¬•i¯õx.

          · ÁõU öPõkzuõ¾®, Áõºzøu Áµõx.

721)        To effectively change a phenomenon, we need to understand its evolutionary significance.

          HØ£mh Põµn® öu¢uõÀ Gøu²® ©õØÓ»õ®.

722)  Distance does lend charm, as when you see someone whom you have not seen for a long time. If one can overflow with a JOY that constantly thrills by suddenly seeing the picture of someone whose voice has been heard everyday, what should be the JOY of Self-discovery by the Reality?

        £h® ¦À»US©õÚõÀ, £µ®ö£õ¸Ò Psh BÚ¢u® ö£uß÷Óõ?

723)       All the eight levels of creation have the faculties of the levels with the      appropriate variation. For example, Silence in the physical is non-movement, in the vital is not speaking, in the mind, not thinking.

J¸Áh•ÒÍx AøÚÁh•® C¸US®.

724)    Management of money quickly leads to crisis management.

        £n® ¬•ußø©¯õÚõÀ £¯® ¬•UQ¯©õS®.

725)     Light in the subconscious thrust by grace appears on the face through a thick layer of incomprehension as oily brightness.

   Mellowed softness degenerates into oily brightness in the field of stupidity.

          ©øh¯ß ¬•PzvÀ ©¢uPõ\® ©¢u©õÚ ¤µPõ\©õS®.

726)     Subconscious yoga is what every man undergoes. Those who were under Sri Aurobindo and The Mother directly grew faster subconsciously. When the conscious takes up the thread, his evolution continues. Resistance in the conscious to take up the thread sends the spearhead back to the subconscious where the movement takes up the negative possibilities to exhaust them.

       £i¨¦ ©ÛuøÚ E¯ºzx®.

        £izu ¤ß AÊ®¦ ö\´£Áß APsh £USÁ® Akzu öáß©zvÀ ö£ÖÁõß.

727)   Ÿ       £izx ÷Áø»US¨ ÷£õÁx \PzvÀ  £»ß ö£ÖÁx.

·         £izu¤ß öPõÒøͯiUP¨ ÷£õÁx \PzvØSz x÷µõP® ö\´Áx.

·         \Pz x÷µõQ, öPõÒøÍUPõµÚõP¨ ö£Ö® AÝ£Á® ©Ûu S»® ö£Ö® E¯º¢u AÝ£Á®. Akzu öáß©¨ £»ß Ax.

·         »õmh £_ Sk®£zøu AÈUQÓx. AßøÚ «xÒÍ £Uvø¯ |õ® |®ø© AÈUP¨ £¯ß£kzu»õ®. AxÄ® BshÁÝUSa ÷\øÁ ö\´ÁuõS®.

Opportunities that are unavailed of serve a wider purpose, first destroying the present personality.

 728)    When people inadvertently annoy others, we take it to be tactless, but it is nature's way of fulfilling its mission of changing contraries into complements. So profound is it that it achieves the greatest result.

          AvPõµ® ö£Ó Gvº¨¦z ÷uøÁ.

729)  The finest behaviours of fully transformed life are seen as seeds in the cruellest of tyrannies, and when gratefully accepted appear in their true splendour and grandeur.

        Eø© öPõshõk® v¸ÁiPÒ EÓÄ öPõshõk® ÷£µ¸Ò.

730)        One who has not fulfilled several obligations chooses to ask for further obligations. Such a person is under the pressure of physical urges.

          ÷uõØÓzøu «sk® ¸®¤ |õk£Áß \øuUSm£mhÁß.

731)  AÝ£ÁªÀ»õuÁÝøh¯ A»m]¯® Aºzu©ØÓx.

   How can anyone out of office ensure to himself his integrity while in office? Unless the iron has already passed into his soul, he is as ignorant of himself as others.

        AÝ£ÂUPõu Bø\ø¯ ©Ö¨£x PØ£øÚ°ß PÚÄ.

732)       Ego is dissolved to the extent consecration is possible.

 \©º¨£n® AP¢øuø¯ AÈUS®.

733)       The nature of temptation, especially in regard to money or worse still to office, is too great to deny beyond a certain point, even in imagination for certain characters. For another type, what they stiffly refuse in imagination quickly reverses in fact.

PØ£øÚ°¾® Bø\US Á¼ø©²sk.

PØ£øÚ°À C»m]¯®, Pøh]Áøµ C»m]¯®.

PØ£øÚ PnzvÀ Pøµ²®.

734)       Companies meet with a dearth of cash when they seriously wish to change and stop there. They rarely realise that the new attitude to money which made so much possible is not extended here. The truth is, if they change it here, money will come.

µõáõ ÷£õÚ¤ß EÒѺ uø»Áº µõáõÁõP C¸UP»õ©õ?

735)       It is impossible that in one's life there are no neglected areas of duties, even if a person is conscientious. He is culpable only when he refuses to do his duty, but life will not pardon him for his neglect. Not to have areas of neglect is not possible because one's efficiency arises from such neglect.

          ©Ó¢u Phø©PÒ uÁÓõx C¸US®.

          vÓø©÷¯ ©Ó¢u Phø©¯õ°Ø÷Ó.

736)     Your regret is not justified when a meaningless man neglects you. When the neglect comes from a meaningful man, can't you understand he makes himself meaningless by neglecting a friend?

        ¦ÓUPo¨£ÁøÚ, ¦ÓUPoUP  PØÖU öPõÒÍ   ÷Áshõ©õ?

737)     E»P® \õvzuøu AÔ²® bõÚ®, E»Pzøua \õvUS®.

G¨£ia \õvzuÚº, Hß \õvUP ¬•i¢ux GßÓ bõÚ® Gøu²® \õvUS®.  

738)     As the consciousness rises, comprehensive understanding, integrality, subtlety, coordination, life response, light, power, energy and every other thing will shoot up for a little while.

             Nothing moves without everything moving.

          JßÖ Aø\¢uõÀ Fº Aø\²®.

          E»Pzøu |Pºzuõ©À JßøÓ Aø\UP ¬•i¯õx.

739)     Events and movements are so subtle and sensitive that once slighted they get blighted.

          ÷»õP® ÷µõå•ÒÍx.

          ö\õ¹£® ö\õµøn²ÒÍx.

          ÷©õ¨£z v²® `m_©a ö\õµøn.

          `m_©® ÷|õUPU SøDz® ¸¢x.

          ÷|õUS ÷|õUPzøu ÂÍUS®.

740)     'Our Theory' is the power of practical accomplishment.

             This theory gives the power of practical accomplishment.

            ¦Áx®, öuÁx®, \õv¨£uõS®.

741)  B¯ß ö£ØÓ {uõÚ® Bz©õøÁz uõsi §ºzv   ö£ÖÁx ÿ AµÂ¢u®.

        Eh¼¼¸¢x   Bz©õøÁU Ph¢x¯ºÁx   ÿ   AµÂ¢u®.

742)   Allow freedom to the subordinate, to a person of low consciousness, or to one who dissipates, and you will lose your freedom forever. To regain that freedom in that new context is like the forgotten spirit in matter remembering itself.

        öPõkzuõÀ öPõÒøÍ ÷£õS®.

        öPõÒøÍ ÷£õÚõÀ, Á¸Áx öPõÒøÍ Cߣ®.

743)     Bz©õÄUSz y´ø©¯õP C¸¨£÷u y´ø©. Aøu E»P® HØPõx.

E»Pzøu Âmk uÁzøu ÷©ØöPõsk, uÁzøu Âmk, E»QÀ «sk® uÁzøu ÷©ØöPõÒÁx ÿ AµÂ¢u®.

744) öPõkø©ø¯ Cߣ©õP ©õØÖÁx ÷Põi ö£Ö®. EÒ÷Í öPõkø©ø¯ Cµ]¨£øu ©õØÔÚõÀ Ax |hUS®.

        öPõkø© ÷Põi ö£Ö® Cߣ®.

745)     A silly man transformed into a genius will express his Genius through his silly personality. To acquire genius is rare; rarer still is to rid it of silly nature.

          ö£sø©°ß õ•® ª¸xÁõÚx.

746)  Susceptibility to depression is the other side of buoyancy of spirit, as the buoyancy is the surge of the wave above the water level.

        Põ»® uµõ_, ÷©¾® RÊ® ÷£õS®.

747) AÔøÁ |õk£Áß ]¢uøÚø¯U øPÂh ÷Ásk®.

bõÚzøuz ÷uk£Áß ©Úzøu AÈUP ÷Ásk®.

]¢uøÚ²®, ]¢vUS® ©Ú•® ÷¯õPzvØSz uøh.

748)     When the prayers that are readily answered move one further level, they stop evoking any further response. Unless a greater effort comes forth, no prayer will now be answered.

          öuõhº¢u öÁØÔ öuõø»²® BÇ®.

749)     Selfish discipline is discipline, not culture.

        _¯|»® vÓø© ö£Ö®, Ax £s£ßÖ.

        _¯|»zvØS¨ £s¤Àø».

        £µ|»zvØ÷P £s¦sk.

750)  x÷µõPzvß «x Á¸® ¤¯® x÷µõP®.

        öuõmh¤ß u¨£ ¬•i¯õx.

        öuõmhõÀ, öuõmhxuõß.

        öuõmh¤ß öuõsh©õÝ® u¨£ ¬•i¯õx.


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