Series X



751) A refractory boss will always pick holes in any work, however perfect. He will stop doing so if we do not expect approval. Nor can he pick holes when our mind is on work, not on him.

        ÷Áø»ø¯ ö\´uõÀ, Ãs ö\õÀ Áµõx.

        ÷|ºø©US ÷|µõÚ ö\õÀ Á¸®.

        Gvº£õºzuõÀ, GvµõP C¸US®.

        ö\´u ÷Áø»USU öPmh ÷£º Á¸®.

        ö\´¯õu ÷Áø»US |À» ÷£º Á¸®.

752)     Passionate goodness of low consciousness will shift to other centres of low consciousness opposed to us.

uõÌ¢uvß BuµÄ, GvµõP ©õÔ uõÌ¢u GvPøÍ BuUS®.

753)  Subconscious ill-will moved to do good by mistake will await an occasion to express it consciously. A good turn from subconscious ill-will changes into conscious ill-will later.

        "Gv'°ß BuµÄ® GvµõÚ £»ß u¸®.

754)  When a wrong doer is punished by his own wrongs, others try to 'acquire' the power revealed in that phenomenon. Power issues out of understanding the phenomenon. It recedes by seeking it.

        ¦Áx AvPõµ®. ÷ukÁx Aøu »US®.

755)  Attracted by the beauty of a lady with no conscience, someone helps to discover the wrong done to her by her bigamous husband, and is murdered. Service to consciousness without conscience is brutal murder.

        ©Úa\õm]ø¯U öPõßÓÁÝUS ö\´²® ÷\øÁ, öPõø»ø¯z u¸®.

756)   AߣºPÐøh¯ GvPmk Aߣº BuµÄ®, AÁºPÒ SøÓPÐ÷© BuµÄ.

|® SøÓ Gv°ß ushøÚø¯U SøÓUS®.

757)     Adoration of an emotion that is low, low in consciousness and in composition, brings near total annihilation of life.

uõÌ¢u Bø\ E°¸US B£zx.

758)     "The fire of God burns the shoots of earth."

                                                   -- Rig Veda, P. 99, Life Divine.

        AUÛ ]ØÔߣzøu¨ ÷£ß£©õUS®.

759)     "An impartial indeterminate of all potentialities is chaos."

                                                            p.98, The Life Divine

        §µn ö£õØSh® ¦xU SǨ£®.

760)     The knowledge that begins with an assumption, not from the first principles, will at best be partial, and at its worst result in an absurdity.

&& Bµ®£zvÀ Bµ®¤zuõÀ Aºzuª¸US®.

&& Bµ®£zvÀ SøÓ°¸¢uõÀ ¬•iÂÀ SǨ£ª¸US®.

761)  By objectification existence becomes truth, consciousness becomes mind, ananda becomes matter as matter is the result of the senses viewing spirit. Therefore,

                        Matter is delight of existence and

                        Truth of existence is spirit.

Spirit that is existence in experience involving itself as matter that is delight of existence evolving to its fullness expressing ananda in the objects, is the spiritual evolution HE speaks of.

762)  Creation consists of eight planes (Sat to Matter), seven ignorances, uses four powers (Self-conception...objectifying) and passes through involution and evolution in the planes of Time and Space, using four types of knowledge.

        ¤µ®©® Põ»zvÀ ¹£® ö£ØÖ áh©õQ ]¸èizuøu¨, £nõ©zuõÀ §ºzv ö\´¯ Bß«P Áͺa]ø¯ |õiØÖ.

        ]¸èi Gߣx 8 ÷»õP®, 4 bõÚ®, 7 AgbõÚ®, 4 \UvPÒ ÁÈ £nõ©zuõÀ Bß© Áͺa] §ºzv BÁx.

763)  It is by a defect that the substance self-absorbs. By recognising the defect we release infinite energies. As we are physical we must know it ourselves, as the physical will not be taught.

          SøÓø¯ AÔÁx ]¸èi £nõ©©õÁx.

764)     The shortest route for the illiterate to know of the government, society, etc. is to go to the university, even as the shortest route for the yogi is to go down in the subliminal to reach the psychic.

          Põ»zøua _¸UP }sh Põ»©õS®.

765)  Voluntarily giving up the joy of not paying taxes, the physical being changing to giving from receiving, the low waking up in time to the splendours of the high, and the high recognising the need for self-giving have to find a practical strategy, like the free service paid for by the advertisement in all walks of life.

          Aߦ® ¤Óº öPõkzx¨ ö£Ó ©Ûuß Â¸®£©õmhõß.

          AÔÄ uõ÷Ú Á¢uõÀ AÁÝUS¨ £¯ß£k®.

766)  Of all the expressions of meanness, the capacity to present the obscene as a marvel of generosity is the most detestable. It is self-oblivious, perverse meanness.

        B£õ\zøu Aئu©õP |iUS® |À»Áº.

767)  Mental opinion is the orthodoxy of thought.

        Aa\÷© RÌPÍx B\õµ®.

768)  Those who rebel against the society rebel for the status of that society, which includes several of its own values, against which the rebellion was instituted.

        Gvº¨£÷u HØP ÷Ásk® Gߣx öPõÒøP.

769)        People who are frightened of their own servants out of timidity will be offensive to their elders or superiors, if only they FEEL a certain freedom.

£¯® £¯¨£hõÂmhõÀ £k÷©õ\©õP |hUS®.

770)     Any blockhead will certainly have one good quality or talent. When it is fully developed, he may earn as much as the turnover of a similar company. This is in spite of his being a blockhead. But, when you realise the spiritual value of being a blockhead, he will rise further, and maybe rule the nation.

          ©hø©ø¯ «Ô ©v Á͸®.

          ©hø©ø¯ ©vö¯Ú AÔ¢uõÀ ©v Âvø¯ öÁÀ¾®.

771)     For one who can slip to the psychic centre, every effort at thought, however fascinating it is or its verbal vesture, is unpardonable dissipation.

          ]¢uøÚ ÷¯õPzøua ^µÈUS®.

772)  The presence of higher consciousness gives a sense of pleasant relaxation. Its absence needs an occupation. Otherwise life will be boring.

        _®©õ C¸¢uõÀ _P©õP C¸US®.

773)       Man, while fully understanding that his tax is the government’s only income is unable to bring himself to pay it voluntarily and happily. So, nature and society have evolved a method to collect his taxes through advertisement revenue so that he will have the illusion of getting things free. He pays his taxes by the higher price of his products or services. Higher cost of services is the indirect way by which we pay our taxes. Also thus we recognise the higher value of the Individual.

774)     India did not take to armed revolution in 1910.

1920 saw Mahatma Gandhi launching ahimsa, thus diverting the fighting energies into passive resistance.

Hindu-Muslim conflict paid for it in 1946-48.

Ramapuram would not take to borewells in 1970 or banana in 1971 or jasmine in 1980.

To permit the physical possessiveness of the selfish man, society devises advertisement income, self-choice of banana, ahimsa of Gandhiji.

The formula we need should respect physicality as well as allow grace to be received.

775)   All the rules of Mother will honour to a great extent social status and its strength.

        AßøÚ \mh•® A•¼¾ÒÍ \mhzøu KµÍÄ ©vUS®.

776)  No one who touches Her force negatively can escape its recoil of power.

CßÖ Á¸® AßøÚ \Uv²® AßÖ öuõ¢uµÄ ö\´uÁøÚ uøµ©mh©õUS®

öuõmhõÀ, öuõh {øÚzuõÀ, öuõø»zxÂk®.

777)        The cryptic statements of the scriptures are a device to prevent the uninitiated from confusion. They can also emerge out of a mental condition that tries to describe the whole through a partial vision.

The supramental fullness cannot reveal through mental clarity.

          ¦¯õux ¦vµõP öÁΨ£k®.

778)  "Creation of new forms generates pain and it is the root cause of all pain."                          [ p. 98, The Life Divine.]

        Á¼°À»õ©À ¹£ªÀø».

        ¹£® GÛÀ Á¼.

        ¹£Áv ©ÚÁ¼ u¸£ÁÒ.

779)  Matter is delight of existence because delight is the sensation of Consciousness-Force which having become mind and senses creates matter viewing the spiritual substance.

        áh® BÚ¢u ¤µ®©®.

780)  Akshara Brahman, -- the immutable Brahman of the mental plane --  evolving to become the Ishwara of the supramental plane is Spiritual evolution.

        Añµ ¤µ®©® DìÁµÚõP ©õÖÁx Bß«P¨ £nõ©®.

781)     Trying to understand life through the intellect is like learning about the human person through the microscope.

          Bß©õøÁU Põn ¬•¯¾® AÔÄ, Phø»z uõ[P ¬•¯¾® PkS.

782)     Matter is delight of existence.

          Spirit is Truth of existence.

        áh® BÚ¢u®.

        Bß©õ \zv¯®.

783)  Man alone is ethical, not nature or the superconscient. Self-expression of Sachchidananda is common to all. Delight of being changing into delight of becoming is the process.

        uº©® ©ÛuÝUS.

        ]¸èiUS¯x \a]uõÚ¢u®.

        ]¸èiUS¯x BÚ¢u®.

784)     Delight is self-possession.

        ö\õ¢u©õÚ _u¢vµ® BÚ¢u®.

785)  "Absoluteness of conscious existence is illimitable bliss of conscious existence."        [p. 91, The Life Divine]

        \z ¤µ®©® BÚ¢u ¤µ®©®.

        ]z ¤µ®©® BÚ¢u ¤µ®©®.

        \z GÝ® ]zx BÚ¢u®.

        \z ¤µ®©©õÚ ]z BÚ¢u ¤µ®©®.

786)     The moment pain is perceived as bliss, it becomes so.

        £õºøÁ°ß EnºÄUS¨ £»ß Esk.

787)     The illiterate person can understand some results of the law, but not all of its nuances. The intellect, similarly, cannot understand all the subtleties of intuition because of the inversion of consciousness at some places.

          AiUS® Pµzvß Aßø£ EhÀ AÔ¯ ¬•i²©õ?

788)     The evolutionary effort taken by the physical organism to develop sense organs and sense perceptions is the parallel Sri Aurobindo has taken in The  Life Divine to develop in us drshti and the inner eye.

          The Life Divine ¦Áx £nõ© Áͺa].

789)   PsoÀ»õuÁß £õºUP ¬•¯ßÖ £õºøÁ ö£ØÓõÀ, Psq® Á͸®. FÚUPs A¨£izuõß Áͺ¢ux. bõÚU Psq® A¨£i÷¯ Á͸®.

          bõÚ v¸èi²®, bõÚU Psq® u¸® ¡À Life Divine.

790)     The Life Divine is an intuitional effort to reach the intellect with the whole knowledge or the knowledge of the whole, for which the intellect has neither the instrument nor the faculty.

          Ps÷n°À»õuÁÝUS¨ £õºøÁ u¸® ¡À Life Divine.

791)  uõ÷Ú AÔÁøu ©mk® EhÀ HØS® GߣuõÀ, |õ÷© |® SøÓø¯ Enµ ÷Ásk®. Ax÷Á CµP쯮.

        SøÓ÷Á {øÓÁõÚ CµP쯮.

792)     Involution reversing itself as evolution is the secret of the finite changing into the Infinite. And that is the clue to abundant prosperity.

          ]¸èi £nõ©©õP ©õÖÁx `m_©®.

793)     The process of creation gives the clue to personal prosperity.

          ]¸èi°ß CµP쯮 _¥m\zvß CµP쯮.

          |® SøÓø¯ |õ÷© AÔÁx CµP쯮.

794)  EhÀ uõ÷Ú AÔ¯õÂmhõÀ, HØPõx.

        ©Ú® ¤Óhª¸¢x PØS®.

795)   GÀ÷»õ¸® |®ø©¨ £ØÔ AÔÁøu |õ÷© AÔÁx `m_© CµP쯮.

796)     "Offer the opportunity, patiently wait until it is asked for" seems to be the formula.

          Põzv¸¨£x PhÄÎß P¸øn.

797)     What the illiterate person learns from the university about the government, a politician can learn without going to the university. Whether he can do so in a short period is not known. Caesar and Napolean could know it at the age of 20.

          PÀÂ, Sk®£®, `m_©® Põ»zøu öÁSÁõP _¸UQ ñn©õUS®.

798)  As the problems of childhood are meaningless for the adult, the problems of the society are of no consequence when one transcends the social consciousness. One loses interest in a problem if its solution is known.

        AÂÇõu ]UP¾US Aºzu•sk.

799)  The aristocrat of the nineteenth century occupied himself with the nervous excitement of sports and dancing. The intellectual of the present day has replaced it by a mental excitement of reading. To need an excitement for existence is not a sign of maturity.

        £USÁ® _Ö_Ö¨ø£z ÷uhõx.

800)   Â寮 ÷|µõÚõÀ, ÷£õuõx.

©Ú® ÷|ºø©¯õÚõÀ, Â寮 uÁÓõx.


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