Series XI                                                                     


601)     J¸ÁÝøh¯ ÷\õP® v¸Ä¸©õÔÚõÀ E»PzvØS \¢÷uõå® Á¸®.


            J¸ ©ÚvÀ w¸® SǨ£® E»PzvØS bõÚ®.


602)     If a drop of Love comes down on earth, the earth will be crushed, which means no man on earth has felt it till now. We know rational thinking is rare on earth. He has offered Supramental consciousness in these conditions.


            §©õ÷u ö£ØÓ Áµ® ö£õßÚõÚ Áµ®.


603)     ÷ÁÖ ÁÈ°Àø» GßÓ ö£õÊx ÁÈ ÂkÁx AßøÚ.

            AßøÚ Á¢uõÀ ÁÈ ¤ÓUS®.


         AßøÚ ¦x ÁȯõÚ ¦x²P®.


604)     Man lives a partial life. Problems arise when he insists on the partial nature. He quickly moves to the whole to solve the problem or life does so. This is unconscious. Becoming conscious, problems disappear.


            ÁõÌÄ ÁئÖzxÁuØS ¬•ß |õ÷© Á¼¯ ¬•Êø©ø¯ HØ£x Bz© ÂȨ¦.


                Á¢u¤ß ÂȨ£x ©Ú®.                                                             

            Á¸ÁuØS¬ •ß ÂȨ£x Bz©õ.


605)     To locate every assumption HE has made in The Life Divine the first time HE mentions it and to remember it is one sure way of understanding the BOOK.


            ö\õÀ¼¯x {øÚ¸¢uõÀ ÂÍUSÁx ¦›²®.


606)     |õ÷© ÷uhõux |©US Áµõx.


            |©US Á¢uöuÀ»õ® |õ÷© ÷uiU öPõshøÁ.


607)     An aimless life is a waste, said Mother. SHE also says yoga is not meant for one who has an aim. Aim limits the scope of the limitless scope of transformation.


            ÁõÌÂß ]Pµ® ÷¯õPzvØS SøÓ.


608)     Society treats a pioneer as a band of robbers would handle a victim. The pity is the victim wants to rise to their expectation.


            v¯õQø¯ E»P® v¸hÚõUS®.


609)     No man who could know the result will err in the beginning. The fullness of the spiritual vision sees that. Sri Aravindam gives at least the attitudes based on that vision. It is not so important to secure the result as to get that vision.


            ¬•iÄ öu›Áx ¬•Ê¨£õºøÁ.

            Aøu AÔÄÖzxÁx ÿ AµÂ¢u®.


610)     ©g\Ò E»Q¼Àø».Põ©õø» Pso¼¸UQÓx.

            xߣ® Áõ̼Àø». ©Úzvß £õºøÁ°À EÒÍx.


         £õºøÁ ©õÔÚõÀ CP® £µ©õS®, ÁõÌÄ ¤µ®©©õS®.


611)     Intelligence is a product of primal matter. It understands objects in its own terms. Hence it is limited. Intuition being a ray of the Spirit understands things as they are. Integral experience becomes what the object is.


            ußøÚ¯ÔÁx AÔÄ.

            ¤Óøµ EnºÁx bõÚ®.


         ¤µ®©©õÁx AÝ£Á®.


612)     Existence is a whole.

            Expression is partial.


            ©Ûuß ¬•Êø©.

            ©Ú® £Sv.


613)     Arrogance is the aspiration of lowness to knowledge of life.


         B£õ\® AÔøÁ |õh vªº £sq®.


            PºÁ® Gߣx AP[Põµzvß AÔĨ £õøu.


614)     People refuse to send children to school or avail of hospital facilities, escape vaccination and innoculation, and oppose fertilizers. They exercise their freedom to perish! Modern man resists spiritual knowedge, ridicules facilities to acquire intuition, escapes prayer and meditation, opposes values.


             He insists on his freedom to be irrational.


         £izuÁß APÁõÌÄ £õ©µøÚ¨ ÷£õßÓx.


615)     G¢u¨ ¤µa]øÚ²® CÀ»õuö£õÊx GÀ»õ¨ ¤µa]øÚ²® Esk £sqÁx AÔ¯õø©. Ps öPõÒÍõU Põm]¯õÚ Avºèhzøu ¤µa]øÚ¯õPÄ®, B£zuõPÄ® Põs£x ¥v.


         ö\õºUPzøu E»P©õPU Põs£x \›°Àø». |µP©õPU Põs£x ©ßÛUP ¬•i¯õx.


            EÒÍx ö\õºUP®; Põs£x |µP®.


616)     ÿ AµÂ¢uº ö\õÀÁx AzuøÚ²® E»QÀ Põn The Life Divine ¦›¢uõÀ ÷£õx®. (Vital intuition) Enºa]°À ÂȨ¦ÒÍ Qµõ©zx ©ÛuÝUS £PÁõß TÖÁøu AÁß ö©õÈ°À ö\õßÚõÀ ¦›²®, The Life Divine AÁÝUSz ÷uøÁ°Àø».


             Vital intuition can see in life what The Life Divine says.

             Intense GOOD WILL can reveal in life the insight of Sri Aurobindo.


            |Àö»sn® PsÂÈzuõÀ |õÛ»® öu›²®.


            EÒÐnºÄ EÖv öPõshõÀ E»P® _ÁºUP©õS®.


617)     Concentration is easier when one is trying to solve a problem or trying to remove an undesirable trait.


            ]µ©® Á¢uõÀ \Uv GÎvÀ ö£¸S®.


618)     Corruption that is rampant is the other side of uncivilised pride in denying the due to the deserving. It cannot be defended on any score. Corruption has many other explanations too, but this is psychologically true.


         FÇÀ E›ø©²ÒÍ Fv¯zvß ©Ö¦Ó®.


619)     A¸Ò GßÖ® |©UPõPU Põzv¸UQÓx. ÁئÖzuõx. |õ® AøÇzx¨ ö£Ó ÷Ásk®.


            A¸ÍõPU Põzv¸

            AøÇzx¨ ö£ÖÁx AÁº Phø©.


         A¸øͲ® ÁئÖzxÁx Áß•øÓ.


            Aßø£ ö\¾zvÚõÀ A¸Ò EÒ÷Í Á¸®.


620)     |h¨£x, EmPõ¸Áx ÷£õßÓ Gί ö\¯¼À BshÁøÚU PõnõuÁøµ BshÁøÚU Põn ¬•i¯õx.


         EÒ÷Í ÷áõv Eu¯©õÚõÀ ¬•PzvÀ ÷uáì Esk.


621)     Work needs work culture, not personal or social culture.


            ÷Áø»ø¯ ÷Áø»US›¯x ÷£õÀ ö\´¯ ÷Ásk®.


            Work first, anything next.


622)     Co-operation is conceived as recognition of one's authority more than helping the work to be completed. The administrative officer in a company is enabling the sales people to sell more by working in the office, whereas to the salesman cooperation is the other man coming with him and selling. This is based on Ignorance of the Whole and the insistence of the Ego.


             ÷Áø»US JzxøǨ¦ ÷Ásk®. ©ÛuÝUS¨ £oÁx AÁ]¯ªÀø».


623)     PsqUS Gv÷µ |h¨£x ÷£õÀ PsqUS ©øÓÁõ´ |h¨£x Esø©.


         Gv÷µ |h¨£x |i¨¦.  ©øÓÁõ´ |h¨£x Esø©.


624)     Atma, Purusha, Ishwara are terms that grew out of intuition and exactly reflect what the Being is. It cannot err as a mental concept which sees partially or like a foreign word that tries to represent one concept in terms of another as Silence.


         ÷PmhÁº ö\õÀÁøuÂh £õºzuÁº ö\õÀÁx ö£õ¸zu®.


625)     One who has faith in prayer sulks to pray and desires the results without prayer.


            |®¤UøP°¸¢uõ¾® ¤µõºzuøÚ CÀ»õ©À £¼UP ÷Ásk® Gߣx ÷Põ›UøP.


626)     Man finds the right path but chooses to leave it for a while. Sticking to the path he has found, man finds it difficult.


         £µ® öu›¢u¤ß uÁØøÓ ©Ú® |õk®.


627)     One characteristic of monarchy was it was treason to aspire for the throne. Its extension to the public was progress was ambition and ambition was a sin. One would be shy of wishing to acquire a higher academic degree.


         AvPõµzøu AߣõPÄ®, öPõkø©ø¯ AvPõµ©õPÄ® {øÚzu Põ»® ¬•i¯õm]°ß Põ»®.


628)     £oøÁ¨ £µ©ÚõPU P¸x£Áß £µ©õz©õ.


629)     Thinking, like any other human initiative, stands between God and work in Nature. Yoga is to let the Force work on Nature with man as a docile willing instrument.


            ]¢vUS® ©Ú® ]zvø¯z uøh ö\´²®.


630)     We see the work of the devotees spreads universally. We also see the devotees are victims of their own temperament. When the latter vanishes, the goodness of the devotees becomes self-existent Goodness.


            |À»x |À»uõP C¸¢uõÀ Ax AßøÚ°ß |À»uõS®.


631)     With one drop of the opposite you still belong to human perfection.


            J¸ xÎ A¸Ò Aئu® ö\´²®.


632)     AÝ£ÁªÀ»õ©À E»P¨ ¤µa]øÚPøÍz wºUP ¬•øÚÁøu AÔ¯õø© GßQ÷Óõ®. Aøu AÔ¯õø© AÔøÁ |õk® £õøu GÚ»õ®.


         AÔøÁz ÷uk£Áß öÁΨ£kzxÁx AÔ¯õø©.



·         ÂÍUP® Gߣx öÁÎa\®.

·         öÁÎa\® ÷áõvUS›¯x.

·         Gsn® C¸Îß öÁΨ£õk.

·         GsnzuõÀ ÿ  AµÂ¢u® öÁΨ£hõx.

·         Gsn©ØÖ, ö©ÍÚ® Á¢x ¤ÓS GÊ® Gsn® ÷©¼¸¢x Á¸Áx.

·         Ax öÁÎa\zvØS›¯x.

·         Gsn® TÓ ¬•i¯õuøu ö©ÍÚ® ÂÍUS®.


634)     \‰Pzvß ö©´ Bz©õÄUS¨ ö£õ´.


635)     ¤µ®©®, ¦¸åß, DìÁµß GߣøÁ öÁÆ÷ÁÖ A®\[PÎÀø». JßøÓ |õ® |ßÓõP¨ £õºUQ÷Óõ®. ÷©¾® ›æPÒ, £µ©õz©õ, ãÁõz©õ; \Sn®, {ºUSn®; APsh®, Psh®; ¹£®, A¹£®; Põ»®, Ph¢ux; Ch®, AÚ¢u® GÚ¨ ¤›zxU TÔÚº. ¤›ÂøÚ £µ©õz©õÂ÷»õ, ¹£zuõ÷»õ CÀø». |® ©ÚzvÀ C¸UQÓx.


            uzxÁ©õP ¤›ÂøÚ°Àø» GßÖ ¦›Áx £»ß uµõx.

            £Uv |®¤UøP¯õÀ ¦›¢uõÀ, £»ß Esk.

            ¤›ÂøÚ E»Q¼Àø», ©ÚzvÀ EÒÍx.

            CÀø» GßÖ ¦›¢uõÀ ÁõÌÂÀ ÷uõÀ°Àø».


636)     The soldier's body is full of wounds. The emotional body of the idealist is full of sores. The yogi fights the evil forces in the subtle plane. Nor can he escape the rewards of his mission.


            ÷£õµõmh©õÚ ÁõÌøÁ Aªºu©õÚ ÁµÁõPÄ®, Aئu©õÚ ö\»ÁõPÄ® ©õØÖÁx ÷¯õP®.


637)     ÁµÄ Aªºu®, ö\»Ä Aئu®.


638)     AP ÁõÌÄ ÷¯õP®;  ¦Ó® ¦Ó®÷£õUS.


            AP® ¦ÓzvÀ öÁΨ£kÁx Aئu®.



·      Infinity is neither the opposite of finite, nor the inexhaustible endless or boundless finite.

·      Infinity is a self-existing Infinity.

·      Infinity is that which refuses to be finite.


            Añ¯ £õzvµ® u¸Áx ö£õ¸ÍÀ», ö£õ¸Îß ¹£zvÀ ¤µ®©®.


640)     Selfishness is selfishness. It is uncompromising. Impulse is impulse. It is unrelenting.


            EÒÍx ©õÓ EÒöÍõÎ ÷uøÁ.


641)     ]Ô¯x QµõUQ ö\´¯õÂmhõÀ ö£›¯uõS®.


            B°µ® Á¸åzvÀ J¸Á¸USU Qøhzux CßÖ B°µ® ÷£¸USU Põzv¸UQÓx.


642)     QµõUQ ö\´¯õ©¼¸¨£x Pèh®. QµõUQø¯¨ ö£õÖzxU öPõÒÁx •¬i¯õu Põ›¯®. QµõUQ÷¯ Q¸èn u›\Ú©õÚõÀ, ÷¯õP® Bµ®¤US®.


         ö\õºUPzvØS¨ ÷£õÚ ¤ßÝ® QµõUQ ö\´uõÀ v¸®¤ Á¢x Âk÷Áõ®.


            QµõUQ ¬•iÁõÚ QÖUS.


643)   AkzuÁøµ Gvº£õµõux Aߦ. ö£ÖÁuØS® J¸Áøµz ÷uhU Thõx.


            ö£ÖÁuØS QµõUQ ö\´Áx ö£›¯ QµõUQ.


644)     ö£ÖÁuØS QµõUQ ö\´£Áº ÷|µ® Á¢u ö£õÊx öPg]U Tzuõi ÷Pmk AÊx ¦µsk ö£Ó ÷Ásk®.


         J¸ ¬•øÓ ö£Ó QµõUQ ö\´uõÀ EßÛh® Kµõ°µ® ÷£º QµõUQ ö\´ÁõºPÒ.


645)     ö|QÌ¢u {øÚÄUS {zv¯ u›\Ú® Esk.


646)      bõÚzøu²®, ©ØÓ G¢u ¬•øÓPøͲ® Ph¢ux AøǨ¦.


            AøǨø£Âh E¯º¢ux \©º¨£n®.


647)     The finite ego is really not finite. As the Infinite creates an infinite number of finites, the finite is an expression of the Infinite. A single vote cast by an unknown voter is a symbol of national freedom and democracy. Also it is again a symbol of his own ability to preside over the nation.


            ö£›¯uß ¤µv{v¯õÚ ]Ô¯x ö£›¯uõS®.


         ÷£õkÁx Kmk. ö£ØÓx |õmiß uø»ø©US›¯ E›ø©.


            ö£›¯x GÚ Enº¢uõÀ ]Ô¯x ö£›¯uõS®.


648)     BshÁÝ®, Aºzu©ØÓ ©ÛuÝ® Gøu²÷© G¨ö£õÊx® Psk öPõÒÁvÀø». J÷µ Âzv¯õ\® ©Ûuß AuØS¨ ö£¸ø©¨ £kÁõß. BshÁß ö£¸ø©¨£kÁvÀø».


649)     AøǨ¦ ö\õÀø» CÇ¢uõÀ AøǨ¦US AÁ]¯ªÀø».


650)     AøǨ¤À ö\õÀ AÈ¢uõÀ AøÚzx® Aø©v²Ö®.


            ö\õÀ AÈ¢u AøǨ¦ £UvUSa \Uv¯ÎUS®.



001-050 051-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 301-350
351-400 401-450 451-500 501-550 551-600 601-650 651-700
701-750 751-800 801-850 851-900 901-950 951-1000