Series XI                                                                     


901)     A medicine with subtle power prevents the disease it is meant to cure by its presence in the house. It is not necessary to take it.


            `m_© bõÚ® Á¸¬•ß ukUS®.


902)     Love is not a zero sum game.


            J¸Á¸US Esk GߣuõÀ AkzuÁ¸US Aߦ CÀø» GßÓõPõx.


            J¸Á¸USsk GߣuõÀ AøÚÁ¸US® Esk Gߣx Aß¤ß \mh®.


             Sanction sanctions.

             (Sanction to one is a sanction to all)


            Esk GÛÀ AøÚÁ¸US® Esk.


·         Give one, deny the other – zero sum game – ö£õ¸Ò.

·         Give one without denying the other – Not a zero sum game – Aߦ.

·         Give one, give all – right sanctioned – E›ø©.

·         Give one, deny all – premature enjoyment of right by one stealthily. Favouritism.


903)     J¸Áº ö\´²® öPõkø© ö\´£Á¸US BÚ¢u® u¸ÁuõÀ Ax uÁÓõP÷Á öu›ÁvÀø».


         uß öPõkø© PsqUSz öu›¯õx.


904)     öPõkø© ö\´Áøu Aݣ¨£Áº vÓø©°ß ]Pµ©õP C¸¨£õº.

         £õ\©ØÓ vÓø© £¯[PµU öPõkø©.


905)     Between perfect health and death there are several levels in which man can exist with a local sense of comfort. At each level man takes it as good health.


            E°º ÷£õS® Áøµ EÒÍ÷u AvE¯ºÁõPz öu›²®.


906)     The mean man offers a wise decision meanly.

                The moral man is not so penetrating as the mean one.

            Meanness is wisdom perverted.


            öPmhÁÝUSÒÍ wm\s¯® |À»ÁÝUQÀø».

            öPmhx wm\s¯©õÚ uÁÖ.

            |À»x wm\s¯ªÀ»õ©À ÷uõØS®.


         öPmhÁß ©õÔÚõÀ ö£›¯ |À»ÁÚõÁõß.


907)     When changes arrive at the society for greater freedom, it should ensure greater discipline in a more sublimated way.


            Pmk¨£õmiß «xÒÍ _u¢vµ® Põ›¯zøu {øÓ÷ÁØÖ®.


908)     The wisdom of the hour is the wisdom of the vital.


            AÔÄ Põnõuøu AÔ²®.

            Enºa]US EÒÍ÷u Esø©.


909)     The safest way to everlasting happiness is to get out of human consciousness, at least human values.


            ©Ú {®©v÷¯õ, {øÓ÷Áõ ©ÛuÝUQÀø».

         AßøÚ wsi¯ ©ÚzvØSsk.


            }[Q¯ÁÝUS {®©v²sk.


910)     People understand each other essentially in the first important contact.


            •UQ¯©õÚ Âå¯zvÀ _£õÁ® öÁΨ£k®.


911)     ÷Pm£øu ©õØÔ HØ£x ©Ú®.

            ÷Pmhøu ÷Pmh£i HØ£x EnºÄ.

            AøÚzøu²® BÚ¢u©õP AÔÁx Ai©Ú®.


912)     When any event is explained yogically, it becomes a thought available only to the genius.


            ¤µ®© ÂÍUP® ÷©øu°ß Gsn®.

         ÂÍUP® ¤µ®© bõÚzv¼¸¢x GÊ¢uõÀ ©Ú® ÷©øu¯õS®.

            bõÚ® ©Úzøu ÷©øu¯õUS®.


913)     Family is an emotional edifice built on the physical security of property and social security of respect.


             Its lifeline is created out of a matrix of non-wounding sensitivities of the physical emotion.


            CÛø©¯õÚ EnºøÁ Cu©õP AÝ£ÂUP HØ£mh £õ\zvß ¥h® Sk®£®.


914)     ußøÚ AÔ¢uÁß uµoø¯ AÔ¢uÁß.


915)      C¸Ò JίõÁx Cߣ®.


916)     ¤izuøu ¤izuÁº ö\´x CߦÖÁx J¸Á¸US Cߣ®

            AΨ£x Bß©õÂß {uõÚ®.


          ¤Óº CߣzvÀ CߦÖÁx §µn ÷¯õP ]zv.



·         Gsnzøu \µnøh¢uõÀ ö£ÖÁx ö©ÍÚ®.

·         ©Úzøu \µnøh¢uõÀ ö£ÖÁx §µn ÷¯õP ]zv.


918)     Aøµ {ªå® BÌ¢x AøǨ£x BÚ¢u®. Ax÷Á {ø»¨£x ÷¯õP®.


         ÷¯õP® Gߣx Bz©õÂß AøǨ¦.

            BÇzv¼¸¢x AøǨ£x Bz©õ.


919)     Idealistic children of unidealistic parents and idealistic parents with unidealistic children will taste what is known as the hell of emotional tension.


            C»m]¯•® A»m]¯•® ÷\ºÁx |µP®.


920)     Affection is real when it utterly overcomes all that afflicts it.


            £õ\® GuÚõ¾® £õvUP¨£hõx.


            £õvUP¨£kÁx £õ\ªÀø».

            Aߦ Aø\¯õx.

            ©õÖ£Áß ©ÛuÛÀø».


921)     ¤µa]øÚ Á¢u ö£õÊx \©º¨£n® ö\´£Áß ©Ûuß.

            G¢u ÷|µ•® \©º¨£n® ö\´£Áß Aߣß.


         \ºÁ•® \©º¨£n®.


922)     ¤µa]øÚø¯ \©º¨£n® ö\´£Áß ©Ûuß.

            AߣÝUS›¯x Bz© \©º¨£n®.


923)     J¸Áº £õµzøu AkzuÁº _©UP ¬•i¯õx, Thõx.


         ¤Óº £õµzøu _©¨£x £s¤ß £USÁ®.


            ¤Óº £õµzøu _©¨£Áøµ ¤Óº _©UP AÝ©vUP ©õmhõºPÒ.

            AºzuªÀ»õ©À _©¨£x AÔ¯õø©.

            öu›¢x _©UP ¬•ßÁ¸Áx ö£¸¢ußø©.

            _©US® 'Phø©' EÒÍÁøµ _©¨£x ¬•i²®.

            AøuU Ph¢x _©UP ¬•¯ÀÁx ¬•i¯õx, Thõx.


         E»Pzvß £õµzøu _©US® BshÁß ¤Óº £õµzøu _©¨£vÀø».


Service is impersonal, not personal.


            E»Pzøu _©UP»õ®, J¸Áøµ _©UPU Thõx.


924)     £¯® Á¸•ß AßøÚ Á¸Áx \©º¨£n®.


925)     A thought that repeats, repeats in a richer and richer form each time.


            v¸®¤ Á¸® ö\õÀ |¯©õP Á¸®.


No word that repeats repeats exactly.


926)     Stress and tension come out of greater responsibilities for a smaller person. It comes out of stupidity or even evil. It never comes out of higher spiritual effort. It can, if it absorbs the other's evil.


·         £USÁ©ØÓÁºUS¨ £õµ•sk.

·         Aºzu©ØÓÁº £USÁzvØS¨ £õµ®.


927)     AߦUS¨ £õµªÀø»; Bø\US¨ £õµ•sk.

            £USÁzvØS¨ £õµªÀø».


·         |À»ÁÝUS |À» ö£¯¸sk.

·         öPmhÁÝUS öPmh ö£¯¸sk.

·         £k ÷©õ\©õÚÁÝUS E¯º¢u |À» ö£¯¸® Esk.

·         ªP E¯º¢uÁÝUS ö£›¯ öPmh ö£¯¸sk.


            E»P® Esø©ø¯ AÔ¯õx.


928)     Sore emotions make the being sore.


            ©Ú® ¦snõnõÀ ãÁß ¦s£k®.

         ¦s£mh ãÁÛß ©Ú® ¦s÷n¯õS®.         


929)     ©Ú¨ ¦ÇUP® ÷uõÀ ¯õv¯õS®.


930)     uõÚȲ® ÷Áø»ø¯ ©Ûuß Â¸®¤ ö\´¯ÂÀø» GÛÀ AÁÝUS¨ ¤µa]øÚ CÀø».


         Sµ[SUS B¨¦ ¤µa]øÚ.


             He convinces himself that it is good for him or he spites someone by doing a certain thing.


931)     The revolutionary will be conservative in some parts and those parts will act with a vengeance. We can say that the revolutionary will be more conservative in his conservative parts than others.


             wµÁõv wµ©õÚ Pmk¨ö£mi.


            The greater conservatism of the revolutionary.


932)     |õ® AßøÚø¯ AøǨ£x ©Ûu ¬•¯Ø]. uõ÷Ú AßøÚ {øÚÄ Á¸Áx A¸Ò.


         ©Ûu ¬•¯Ø]ø¯ A¸ÍõP ©õØÖÁx \µnõPv.


933)     ¤µa]øÚø¯ ©Ó¢x AßøÚø¯ {øÚÄ TÖÁx \©º¨£n®.



·         {øÚÄ AøǨø£z u¸®.

·         AøǨ¦ CøhÂhõu {øÚøÁz u¸®.

·         CøhÂhõu {øÚÄ \©º¨£n® u¸®.

·         \©º¨£n® \µnõPv°À ¬•i²®.


            \µnõPv AßøÚ \õ®µõ䯮 u¸®.



·         Decision comes from understanding.

·         It comes from the will that endorses the understanding.

·         The quality of the decision depends on the quality of the will.

·         It is not a will that carries light.

·         The will that carries light is cheerful.

·         It is emotional will behind the heart.


            E¯º¢u ¬•iÄ \¢÷uõå©õÚ ¬•iÄ.


         öuÎÁõÚ \¢÷uõå® ¬•iÂÀ»õu \¢÷uõå®.


936)    Pkø©¯õP C¸UP ¬•i¯õuÁÚõÀ CÛø©¯õP C¸UP •i¯õx.

            Pkø© CÛø©°ß ©Ö¦Ó®.

            Pkø© v¸Ä¸©õÔÚõÀ CÛø©¯õP ©õÖ®.

            Pkø© Á¼ø©.

            Á¼ø©°ß ÁÓsh E¸Á® Pkø©.


937)     Secret remains till the marvel arises. The marvel makes all secrets public to become public secrets. Later the public secrets are not mentioned out of courtesy to become 'secrets'.


            CµP쯮 A®£»©õÁx Aئu®.

            «sk® CµP쯮 CµP쯩õÁx Aئuzvß |øh¬•øÓ.


         CµP쯮 A®£»©õQ CµP쯩õÁx ¬•ß÷ÚØÓ®.

            J΢ux JÎö£ØÖ Jβ®.


·         Society moves from ignorant secrets to secrets of knowledge.

·         Secrets becoming cultured courtesies is progress.


             Secrets to Sensitivities.


CµP쯮 ö\õµøn¯õS®.

öu›¯õu CµP쯮 öu›¢u CµP쯩õS®.

öu›¯õux öu›Áx |õPŸP®.


938)     The Being begins to enjoy when it realises itself in the Becoming as the base.


            Gx {ø»¯õÚx?

            Aø\Âß BÇ® {ø»¯õÚx.


939)     Civilisation can be traced along skills, attitudes, knowledge, values, accomplishments, strategies, cultural sensitivities and every possible line. All lines are parallel, integrated, converge on the same goal expanding the line of inquiry into the sphere of existence.


         |¯® |õ¾ £UP•® |©USsk.

         Ax |õPŸP®.


            |¯©õÚ |õPŸP® |õ»õ£UP•® |Pº¢x |À»vÀ ¬•i²®.


940)     ¤Óº x÷µõPzvß CÛø©ø¯ Enµ |©x x÷µõPzvß Pkø©ø¯ AÔ¯ ÷Ásk®.


         |©x x÷µõP® Pkø©.

         ¤Óº x÷µõP® CÛø©.


941)     The first and the best beneficiary of writing is the writer himself.


            GÊzx GÊzuõ͸US HµõÍ©õÚ £»ß u¸®.


942)     Valued conception is accomplishment – creative conception.


            £s¤ß £USÁ® £øhUS®, PõUS®.

            £s¤ß P¸zx \õvUS®.



·         uÚUPõP  Gøu²® ö\´Áx _¯|»®.

·         uÚUPõP Gøu²® ÂmkU öPõk¨£Á¸sk.

·         uÚUPõP G¢u Pmk¨£õmøh HØ£Á¸® Esk.


            _¯|»® öPmiUPõµzuÚ®.

            _¯|»® AÈÁx ÷¯õP®.


            _¯|»©õP \õv¨£øuÂh ÷uõØ£x ÷©À.

         _¯|»® _zu©õP Aȯ ÷Ási¯x.


944) E»P® uõ÷Ú ¬•ßÝUS Áµ ÷Ásk® GßÓ bõÚ® Eøh¯ÁÚõÀ E»P® ¬•ßÝUS Á¸®.


         CÀø» Gߣx Esk Gߣx bõÚ®.


            CÀø» GßÓõÀ Esk.

            uõ÷Ú ö£Óõu AÔÄ uÚUSuÁõx.


945)     ÁÖø© Gߣx AÔ¯õø©, A»m]¯®. ö£õ¸ÎÀ AøÁ°À»õ ÂmhõÀ SnzvÀ AøÁ {øÓ¢v¸US®.


         A»m]¯ªÀ»õ©À ÁÖø© Áõµõx.


            Sn® Sk®£zøu {ºn°US®.

            Sn® ÷Põnõ©À, ÁÖø©÷¯õ, ÷|õ÷¯õ, Áõµõx.


946)     |õ® PÁÛUPÂÀø» Gߣx PÁÛUP ¬•i¯ÂÀø» GߣuõS®.


         Bø\ öu®¦ ¬•ÊÁøu²® ö\»Ä ö\´²®.


            Our energies are taken up by our interests.


947)     A serious mind is one that can dwell on high ideas for long with great concentration.


            ö£›¯øu¨ ÷£õØÖ® ©Ú® ö£›¯x.


Small minds cannot entertain high thoughts.


948)     Once a work is initiated, we may not see the results of work, but the World Forces will be at work.


            Bµ®¤zuøÁ vøµ ©øÓÂÀ |h¢u£i°¸US®.


949)     Where the Force is at work, the results rise from one to infinity. If it does not multiply like that, the Force cannot be there.


            AÚ¢u©õP¨ ö£¸Põux AßøÚ ö\¯¼Àø».

         A£›ªu® AßøÚ ¬•zvøµ.


950)     That which instinctively overcomes the usual bother in work or effort by the energy of the moment is interest.


            öÁÖ¨ø£U Ph¨£x Bø\.


            Bø\ ÁÇUP©õÚ G›a\ø»  ¦ÓUPozxa ö\¯À£k®.

            Bø\°¸¢uõÀ G›a\À Áõµõx.



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