Series XII                                                                    


951)         The world regretted the police-state of USSR. Now it is the mafia that runs the  country. Evolution to democracy for a primitive emotional state is through tyranny, either of the police or mafia.


                |õ-k-Áx wÂ-µ®, ö£Ö-Áx öPõ-kø©.


                        It is abundance of prosperity and excess of education that can convert the mafia to democracy.


                        wÂ-µzøu |õ-k® Enºa] •u-¼À Pk-ø©-ø¯²®, öPõ-k-ø©-ø¯-²® ö£Ö-Q-Ó-x.


952)         High mountains like tall aspiring trees are expressions of the earth's spiritual aspirations.


                C©-¯® Cu-¯zøu Gʨ-¦®.

                ©ø» GÊ-Á-x ÷£õÀ ©Ú® GÊ®-¦®.

                        C©-¯z-vß GÊa] Cu-¯z-vß ©»ºa].


                        The lie of the land, the expanse of the sea, the rise of the mountains are symbolic of the life of people there.


953)         To say surrender is difficult is like saying that it is difficult for an employee to save a crore of rupees.


                £Ó¨-£x ]µ©® Gß-£x ÷£õÀ £P-Áõß \µ-nõ-Pv ]µ©® Gß-Q-Óõº.


                £Ó¨-£x ÷£õÀ \µ-nõ-Pv G-Îx.


954)         Surrender cannot be demanded, not even suggested to others. To know one cannot suggest surrender to oneself, one must have gone a long way in yogic training.


                £]ø¯ ©Ó¨-£-x® \µ-nõ-P-vø¯ HØ-£-x® \©®.


955)         Aß-øÚø¯ ÁÈ-£-h-»õ®, HØP •i-¯õx.

                        ÷¯õ-Pzøu HØ-Põ-©À Aß-øÚø¯ HØP •i-¯õx.


                        AßøÚ Gß-£x ÷¯õ-P®.


                        One can accept Mother if he is willing to give up all his psychological moorings all at once.


Mother is synonymous with yoga.


956)         Scholarship usually does not mature into thinking. If anything, scholarship effectively prevents thinking. Scholarship possessed by thinkers is rare. It is in spite of it, not by the scholarship.


                £i¨¦ ]¢-u-øÚU-Sz uøh.


                £s-i-u® £õs-iz-¯® u¸®, ]¢-vUP Eu-Áõx.


957)         The process of understanding is facilitated by overcoming sensitivities.


                ö\¯-¾U-S-›-¯x ö\õ-µøn.


                ö\õ-µøn AÈ¢-u-¤ß Á¸-Á-x AÔ-Ä.


                The intensity of the sensitivity must change into its opposite to permit transformation. Sensitivity is hurt when another enjoys your possession. You must enjoy in another's enjoyment of your cherished possession.


958)         Possessive sensitivity is selfish. Its becoming universal sensitive vibration is the change from ego to the psychic.    


                ö\õ-µøn ÷£õ-ÚõÀ ö\õ¢-u® ÷£õ-S®.


959)         All work is to be done outside.

                Yogic work is done only inside.


                EÒ÷Í ö\´-Áx E»-P® •Ê-Á-x®  £µ-Ä®.


                        The outer is the finite space. Inner is endless space.


                        J¸-Áº ö\¯À E»-Pz-vØ-S¨ £¯ß u¸-Áx ÷¯õ-P®.


960)         The psychic emerges when the all-wisdom is ripe inside.


                ø\z-v¯ ¦¸-åß £U-S-Á-©õÚ Bz-©õ.

                        £U-S-Á® ãÁ-Ý-øh¯ {èøh.


                        We concentrate. At one point concentration covers the whole being and the Being concentrates or is in concentration.  Then the psychic emerges.


961)         Action, feeling, thinking, understanding are the functions of the body, vital, mental and the spiritual. They all are a bar to concentration. When all of them stop, all-inclusive concentration issues from inside.


                ÷ui Á¸® v¯õ-Úzøu Aø©-v AÝ-©-vUP ÷Ás-k®.  


962)         Ph¢-uøu ©Ó¨-£x Ph-ÄøÍ {øÚ¨-£-x.                             

                EÒÍøu ©Ó¨-£x E»-Pzøu HØ-£x.


                |õ® ©Ó¢-uøu AßøÚ HØ-Q-Óõº.


                        To forget in the ego and to accept in the soul is to move from the human to the divine.


963)         One can serve in the measure he has knowledge, not while in ignorance when he will only inflict ignorance on others.


                AÔ-Ä ö\´-²® ÷\øÁ-ø¯ AÔ-¯õø© ö\´¯ •i-¯õx.


964)         Trying to give before one receives is the surest way of self-destruction,

because it makes him subtly vulnerable against the intended beneficiary.


                ö£Ö-•ß uµ •¯À-Áx ö£¸® B£zx.


965)         All weaknesses, as the one who tries to give before he receives, are weaknesses born out of overstretching.                                                 


                •i-¯õ-uøu •¯À-Áx GÁ-¸® |®ø© AÈUP •i-²® GßÓ

{ø»-ø¯ Gʨ-¦-Áx.


Dissipation is the enjoyment of self-destruction.


There is a joy in anything, even in self-destruction.


966)         Every man is proud of his intelligence. Especially the stupid man knows

that his own intelligence is unrecognised.                                                                                                                                                              

AÔ-Âß ö£¸-ø©ø¯ AÔ-¯õ-u-Á-›Àø».

Au-Û-Ý® ö£›-x ö£¸-ø©-°ß ö£¸-ø©.                                                                                                                                     

967)         True love knows what the other person likes which he himself may not be aware of, and offers it abundantly unasked.


                ö£Ó •i-¯õ-u-øuU öPõ-k¨-£-x® öPõ-kUP •i-¯õ-u-øu¨ ö£Ö-Á-x® ö£›-¯-øÁ. ]Ö \¢-uº¨-£z-vÀ AøÁ |©U-S¨ £õ-u-P-©õ-Qß-ÓÚ.


                        Love is vulnerable by this capacity of giving more than what the other deserves.


968)         To know the past is not knowledge. Knowledge should lead to the future. To know there is no knowledge in the past is knowledge. The psychic is the future in the past. It moves not, but is always ahead.


                Ph-ÄÒ Gß-£x Ph¢u Põ-»z-v-¾ÒÍ Gvº-Põ-»®.


                        To be the future in the past is to be infinite.


969)         Jß-Ö® CÀ-»õu ö£õ-Êx GÀ-»õ® C¸¨-£-uõ-Pz ÷uõß-Ö® {øÓ-Ä ¤µ®-©®.


                        Brahman is the fullness of Nothingness.


970)         ö\´¯ ÷Ás-i-¯øu ö\õÀ-»U Thõx.


                        ö\õÀ-»õ÷u, ö\´-¯õ÷u, |h¨-£øu |hUP Âk.


                Don't do; let things be done.


971)         Mental, vital, physical belong to the surface being. Spirit does not.


                Eh-ø»-²® Ph¢u ¤ß Bß-«P ÁõÌ-Äsk.


972)         |õ® ¯õ-øµ¨ £Ø-Ô¨ ÷£]-Úõ-¾®, Gøu¨ £Ø-Ô¨ ÷£]-Úõ-¾®,

|®-ø©¨ £Ø-Ô÷¯ ÷£_-Q-÷Óõ®.


{øÚ-Ä® ÷£a-_® uß-øÚ¨ £Ø-Ô-¯÷u.


Man thinks only of himself, speaks only of himself. Others are only occasions.


973)         All decisions are taken in the subliminal. Life is lived on the surface. It is smooth in the measure the surface does not interfere with the subliminal.


                •iÄ •Ê-ø©-¯õP ö\¯À ©Úzøu HØP ÷Ás-k®.


                An act of heart-felt fullness.


                        {øÓ ©Ú® •Êa ö\¯À.


974)         ö£õx ©U-P-Ò ö£õ-Óõ-ø©¨-£m-hõÀ, Aøu «Ô ÷\øÁ ö\´¯

{øÚ¨-£-x C»m-]-¯-ªÀø».


The idealism that wishes to serve the public that is jealous of the idealist himself is not idealism. It is crass ignorance of the ways of the world.

ö£õÓõø© EÒÍx, ö£õ-xa-÷\-øÁ-°Àø».


975)         Marriage is a family accomplishment in the society more than a personal fulfilment for the couple.


                Sk®-£® Põ´z-x¨ £Ê¨-£x v¸-©-n®.


                        A family comes of social age in matrimony.


976)         »U-Põ÷u, »-Põ÷u, E»-Qß Â¸¨-£® Eß-ÛÀ §ºz-v-¯õ-S®.


                        God tries to fulfil the world's wishes in you. Step aside, let Him act.


                        ¤µ-£-g\z-vß ¤µ-v-{-v }.

AÁß Eß-ÝÒ-Î-¸U-Q-Óõß.



                        Can the sea be thirsty?


                Ph-¾U-Sz us-pº £g-\-•s-hõ?


977)         Concentration does not rise in quality by mere intensity of aspiration which is brute force. It rises by the opening of knowledge from above, or the knowledge gained by Life Divine.


                {èøh bõ-Úz-uõÀ E¯-¸®.


                No concentration can rise without knowledge opening from above or brought from The Life Divine.


978)         What knowledge will open to us from above in decades of meditation, The Life Divine gives. Equipped with this knowledge, long years of meditation are dispensed with.


                Life Divine £i¨-£x ö|k-|õ-øͯ uÁ¨-£-¯ß ö£Ö-Á-uõ-S®.


979)         ©Û-u-øÚ ö\´u £õ-Á® £õ-vU-S®;

                        ÷¯õ-Qø¯ ö\´-¯õu £õ-Á-•® £õ-vU-S®.


                        ©Û-uß uÚUS ©m-k® E›-¯-Áß.

                        ÷¯õQ E»-Pz-vß ö\õzx.


                        God becoming man is human life.

                Man becoming God is Divine Life.


                        ÁõÌ-ÂÀ ö\´-u-uØ-S¨ £»ß Esk.

                ÷¯õ-Pz-vÀ ö\´-¯õ-u-uØ-S® £»ß Es-k.


980)         |À-ö»s-n® ußøÚ Gz-uøÚ Âu-©õP öÁ-Ψ-£-kz-v-Úõ-¾®,

Au-ÚõÀ öPmh Gs-n® GÆ-ÁÍÄ £»ß £m-hõ-¾®, uß Av-Põ-µ®

ÁÍ-µõu Áøµ öPmh Gs-n® |À» Gs-nzøu GØ-Põx.


                öPmh Gs-n® uß-øÚ¨ ÷£õØÓ ö£¸-•-¯Ø] ö\´-²®

 |À-ö»s-n® £µ-Á-»õ-Úx.


The evil adores its own acquisition of Power, nothing else.


The good who is trying to win the goodwill of evil is a fool as the only aim of evil is to destroy the good man. This is the only rule of human relationship.


981)         The subliminal that is eternally in delight completes the ignorance on the surface and endeavours to express in the surface ignorance the truth of the subliminal. The problems of the world are the conflicts of the surface and the subliminal.


                AÔ-¯õø© AÔ-Ä ö£Ö-Áx £›-nõ-©®.


                As Ignorance is completed on the surface, it must be conquered there.


                Knowledge on the surface is the goal.


982)         Gøu-²® _¯-|-»-©õ-Pa ö\´-¯-»õ®.

Ax ÷£õÀ \©º¨-£-n-•® _¯-|-»-©õ-P-»õ®.


©°-›-øÇ |Pº¢-uõÀ ©ø» |P-¸®.


To consecrate from another's point of view is better.


983)         Poverty will be abolished in a trice, especially in these days of spreading prosperity the world over, the moment the poor are not hugging their poverty.


                Avºè-h® ÷Ás-k® GßÓ Bº-Á® Av-P-©õ-ÚõÀ Avºè-h® Aøµ {ª-å® Põz-v-¸U-Põx.


                        Poverty becomes wealth the moment one aspires for it.


                        ÷Ás-hõ® Gß-£-øu¨ ö£Ö® ÁÈ ÷uh ÷Ás-hõ®.


984)         To say creation is by self–conception is the same as saying we have created our entire life. We created all our misfortunes because we conceived them ourselves.


                        |õ÷© |® E»-SUS ]¸è-iU Pºz-uõ.


                        |©US Á¢u B£z-öuÀ-»õ® |õ÷© ¸®¤ AøÇz-ux.


                        We can create a glorious future for ourselves.


985)         The Self is ever conceiving. Our present life is the result of such a self-conception.


                Gvº-Põ-»® |® øP°À Gß-£x ©õ-ö£-¸® Es-ø©.


986)         To know that I have self-conceived my misfortunes is wisdom.


                uø» GÊzøu GÊ-v-¯x |õ÷Ú¯õ-S®.


987)         Each chapter of The Life Divine has one point of transformation.

To know them as a continuity helps.


©Úz-vß BÇz-øuz öuõ-k-ª-h-ö©À-»õ® v¸-Ä-¸-©õ-Ö® Ch[-PÒ.


988)         Ego is Lila in Ignorance.


                AP¢øu A-Ô-¯õ-ø©-°ß ½ø».


989)         Consecration that begins in major acts should continue till we reach the acts of the smallest description for it to mature into surrender.


                |õ® Põ-q®  ö£õ-¸Ò-P-øÍ-ö¯À-»õ®  AßøÚ  ãÁß-PÍõ-PU PõsQ-Óõº.


                In different planes, objects change into forces, forms, beings, conscious-ness, existence, etc. Everything exists in every plane in the size of that plane.


990)         The capacity not to think, to reverse a thought is a yogic capacity of Silence.


                ©Úz-vß ]¢-u-øÚ-ø¯z ukU-S® vÓß Ph-»-ø»ø¯ {Öz-x® \Uv ÷£õß-Óx.


991)         Yoga is the conversion of the surface acts into acts of depth.

·         Ai ©Ú® ÷©À ©Ú-©õ-Áx ÷¯õ-P®

·         BÌ¢u ö\¯À ÷¯õ-P-©õ-S®.


992)         Sound is matter, subtle matter.


                \¨-u® `m-_-©-©õÚ áh®.


993)         All work, right or wrong, done within one's limits of success is successful. It does not mean they are all permissible.


                Ti Á¢-u-uõÀ ÷Áø» {¯õ-¯-©õ-Põx.


                        Success is not by itself right.


994)         In this yoga, no guru can play a role as one learns whatever he learns from inside.


                EÒ÷Í AÔ-¯õ-ux, £¯ß-£-hõx.

995)         K®, Om, chanted rightly takes one to the cosmic consciousness. 'Mother' called from inner joy takes one to Her Origin.


                \¨u ¤µ®-©zøu uß-Ým öPõsh AßøÚ.


996)         As you have accepted Mother, the very best will be done for you by Her from inside. Step aside and let Her act.


                Jx[Q {À, Jµõ-°-µ® |hU-S®.


997)         Reversal of consciousness is necessary at every step of evolution, as every step of involution is made possible by losing one shade of freedom and ensuring that it cannot be revived.


                •øÍz-u ö\i «s-k® Âøu-¯õ-S-©õ?


998)         The outer must become inner in evolution as the outer issued out of the inner for the involution.


                APz-v-¼-¸¢x GÊ¢u ¦Ó® APzøu Aøh-²®.


999)         ©Úz-øu-²®, ÁõÌ-øÁ-²®, Eh-ø»-²® Eu-Ô-¯-x ©µ-¦. Eh-ø»-²® Ph¢-ux AßøÚ ÁõÌÄ.


                        AøÚz-øu-²® Em-öPõsh Bß-©õ ø\z-v¯ ¦¸-åß.


Spirit for the tradition is the spirit that is beyond the person.

Spirit here means the spirit in all parts of the being.


1000)       To accept Mother is not so difficult as to give up what we are at present.


                EÒÍ÷u E¯º¢-ux Gß-£x ©Ûuß.


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