Series XIV


51)           World fame is an ideal. It is better to have an ideal that this world should become famous.


                E»P¨ ¦PÊUS £v»õP E»P® ¦PÇøh¯ ÂøÇuÀ \õ»a ]Ó¢ux.


52)           The future is for the Spiritual Individual, not the informed ego.


                GvºPõ»® Bß©õÄUS, AP¢øuUPÀ».


53)           Consecration, like all great movements, has two components. One is initiated by the energy of the individual and the other wells up by the strength of the atmosphere.


                ©ÛuÝUS®, AßøÚUS® \©º¨£nzvØS›¯ £SvPÒ Esk.               

                It is equally true that each when it exceeds its normal strength can initiate and fortify the other.


54)           To be engrossed is to forget, particularly the possible results of this experience.


                ©Ó¢u {ø», E¯º¢u {ø».

                        Põ»zøuU Ph¢uÁß GvºPõ»zøu G¨£i {øÚ¨£õß.


                        Forgetting is being overpowered.


55)           Human relationship which is two people meeting each other, becomes a channel to move to the supramental plane if both meet in their souls.


                \¢vUS® ©ÛuºPÒ Bz©õÂÀ \¢vzuõÀ §Ä»P®, \zv¯ 㯠÷»õP©õS®.


56)           Man, who sees the world from his mind and through his senses is a speck in creation. Moving to the psychic, he knows he is the evolving godhead embracing the whole universe.


                ¦»ÝUSm£mhÁß ¦Ê. Bz©õ¼¸¢uõÀ AQ»zøu²® EmöPõsh BshÁß.


                Senses shrink the universe into a small personal world.


57)           ÷Áø»ø¯ ö\´x •iUP


ö£õ¸Ò ÷uøÁ°Àø»

£n® ÷uøÁ°Àø»

BmPÒ ÷Ási¯vÀø»

Ch® ÷uøÁ°Àø» & GxÄ® ÷uøÁ°Àø».


GxÄ® CÀ»õ©À GÀ»õ® ö\´Áx ¤µ®©®.


GxĪÀ»õ©À GÀ»õ® ö\´¯ •i²® GßÓ öuÎÄ, GÀ»õÁØøÓ²® u¢x ÷Áø»ø¯ •iUS®.


Any accomplishment so far is by men who rise above the circumstances.


58)           What we know as consecration is not a mere method. The human centre moving to the psychic centre is consecration.


                Põ»zv¼¸¢x Aøu²®, AøuU Ph¢u {ø»ø¯²® Ph¨£x \©º¨£n®.


59)           Consecration is the difference between man and God.


                \©º¨£n® ©ÛuøÚ öu´ÁzøuU Ph¢x CøÓÁÚõUS®.


60)           The point where the yogi has to exert himself is not dhyana or reading or even thinking. His exertion must be at the point of psychological attitudes.


                ©Ú® ©õÖÁx ÷¯õP®, v¯õÚªÀø».


                He who is willing to change his attitudes is doing yoga.

                Consecration changes what he cannot change.


61)           Physically expressed affection is as satisfying to the adult as the child that enjoys being in his mother’s lap.


                Aߦ AµÁøn¨£õP öÁΨ£kuÀ AÁ]¯®.


62)           •i¯õux •i¢uõÀ _¯|»® £µ|»©õS®.


63)           The idea that one can act for another’s benefit or the benefit of all is not part of Man’s scheme.


                ¤Óº £»ß ö£Ö® ö\¯À ©Ûu Cu¯zxUS›¯uÀ».


                The selfless man finds himself acting for his own enlightened selfishness. True selflessness is not born in Man yet. Nehru was the exception.


64)           Knowledge of process, the instrument of Science can explain after the event and also can make the object. Knowledge of the essence, the instrument of spirituality, can know the outcome before.


                ÂgbõÚ® ÂÍUS®. Bß«P® BUP ÁÀ»x.


65)           The Himalayas let their height be measured if man possesses one geometric principle. That is the power of knowledge.


                ©Ú® ©ø»ø¯²® AÍUS®. `›¯øÚ²® PoUS®.


                The power of  knowledge is so great that it can possess one aspect of any great thing.


66)           Efficiency


                At the end of one’s career a most efficient man may not know what he is about. Let him explain to himself theoretically what he does and his efficiency will rise several fold.


                ÂÁµ® öu›¢uõÀ ÷Áø» ]ÓUS®.


                        C»UPn©Ô¯õu C»UQ¯ Pºzuõ ¤µ£»©øhÁxsk.


67)           Great ideas as in The Life Divine are clear as we read it, but do not stay in the mind. Memory retains a fact when the whole mind has accepted it.


                ©Ú® HØÓøu {øÚÄ øÁzv¸US®.

                        AÔÄ ©mk® HØÓx {øÚÄUöPmhõx.


                Understanding is a faculty of the mind, not the whole mind.


68)           When an idea is real in the imagination, the emotion of excitement too will be real.


                PØ£øÚ°À Enºa]US E°¸sk.


                It is not easy for consecration to handle the emotions, even in imagination.


69)           Buõ¯®, BshÁÝUS Gv›.


70)           Computer can eliminate all falsehood that will enter into it, but the falsehood of the person will remain.


                ©ÛuÝøh¯ ö£õ´ø¯ ö©æß AÈUP •i¯õx.


                Man must choose to be true, cannot be compelled.


71)           Computer is an instrument of Truth and therefore it will help establish Truth in society.


                P®¨³mhº Á¢uõÀ ö£õ´ AȲ®.


                Install computer in such a way that every event is recorded in it, then falsehood will be extinct.



72)           If one can survive only by Truth, social life may shift from falsehood.


                AÈUS® ö£õ´ AȲ®.


                        ö£õ´ ÁõÌøÁ AÈUS©õÚõÀ, ö£õ´ AȲ®.


73)           A system where the individual seeks efficiency for his salary will be efficient. Presently salary is for attendance, not for work.


                Self-employment is the only employment.


                ÷Áø»US¨ ö£Ö® T¼ |õmkUS Á¸® Á¸©õÚ®.


74)           Heavy sleep is bodily unconsciousness.


                \h[S AßøÚUS¨ ¦Ó®¦.


                        AßøÚ |®ø© Âmk¨ ÷£õÚuØS Aøh¯õÍ® \h[S.


                Rituals rarely paid with Mother, rather they banish Her forever.


75)           Any life problem can be seen in the context of a story and answer found. The Mahabharatha was thus used for long and is still being used.


                Pøu P¸zøu öuÎÁõUS®.


                To see the right parallel between a problem and a story itself is spiritual insight.


76)           Any one idea can expand into one million ideas is the experience of creative minds.


                JßÖ B°µ©õÁx ]¸èi.


77)           CÍø©°ß C»m]¯® CøÓÁÝUS›¯ C»m\n®.


78)           CÍ® Á¯x¨ ¤›¯® CÀ»õuÁÝøh¯ ö\ÀÁ®.


79)           Culture by itself cannot serve as consciousness.


                £s¤ß E¯ºÁõÀ £µ©£u® Aøh¯ •i¯õx.


80)           Whether one can conquer death or not, he can certainly conquer the sorrow caused by death.


                To restore the dead, there must be Truth organised in the substance of the body.


81)           Urge for action is the urge of the mutable soul.


                _Ö_Ö¨¦ ñµ¨ ¤µ®©zvØS›¯x.


82)           Agreement creates.

                Difference destroys.

                Agreement preserves the present defects.

                Difference creates new Truth destroying the present falsehood.


                Gvº¨¦ HØÓ®.


83)           He who wants to create at his own level insists on his strength and the other’s strength. Creation at higher levels insists on defects.


                AÁuõµ® E»øP £›£õ»Ú® ö\´²®.

                        A_µß ¦x E»øP ]¸èi¨£õß.


                All the evil forces are determined to create a new world destroying the present one.


84)           The door is never closed. The earlier, the easier.


                ÁÈ Aøh£kÁvÀø». |õÍõÚõÀ ]µ©® Tk®.


85)           The whole creation is material creation, as sound itself the first extension of Matter.


                \¨u® áh®.


86)           The world is a workshop where millions of new material creations are forged. We lament over the changes.


                BUPø» AÈÁõPU Põs£x AÔÄ.


87)           Evil uses the imperfection of the good to destroy the good and establish evil, but it does not see it is destroying itself widely.


                wø© |À»øu AȨ£uß ‰»® ußøÚ÷¯ AÈzxU öPõÒQÓx.


88)           Moral perfection cannot become perfection of the soul.


                |À» £ÇUPzuõÀ ©mk® ÷©õm\® ö£Ó •i¯õx.


89)           ¤Ó¨¦ Eh¾US Bµ®£®. ©µn® Bz©õÄUS Bµ®£®.


                        As bodily life begins at birth, the life of the soul sets on its journey at death.


90)           ö£õ´ }iUPõx; ©µn® •iÂÀø».


91)           Gratitude is the mantra of the body.


                |ßÔ EhÀ TÖ® Esø©.




92)           Man, the conscious soul, alone can give life to anything.


        ©ÛuÛÀ»õ©À ©ØÓuØS ÁõÌÂÀø»


93)           GuØS® E°›Àø».

                        E°º öPõk¨£x ©Ûuß.


                        Soul alone is conscious. All consciousness comes from relating to the soul.


94)           Mantra is a movement of Truth while movement itself is false.


                ö£õ´°À ö©´ ©¢vµ®.


                Mantra is a movement that changes the field of falsehood into one of Truth.


95)           The life of good men or any story reveals God’s accomplishment in a small measure, but the process here is the same process of creation.


                ÁõÌÂß ÁÈ ]¸èi°ß •øÓ.


                Life permits one to serve falsehood and perish or serve Truth and emerge immortal.


96)           Telegram, telephone, computer demonstrate that matter can conquer Time and Space.


                ÷ÁP® áh® Põ»zøu öÁÀ¾® GßQÓx.


97)           A small falsehood can destroy a great Truth. It shows the infinitesimal is equal to the infinite.


                ]Ô¯x ö£›¯øu AÈUP •i²® Gߣx AøÁ \©® GߣøuU PõmkQÓx.


                Perfection fortifies Truth.


98)           When the atmosphere triggers personal consecration, it is a pity the benefit of its strength should go to personal desire.


                        \©º¨£nzvß £»øÚ²® Bø\ AÝ£ÂUP ÁÀ»x.


99)           ÷PõºmiÀ ö£õ´ ö\õÀ»»õ®. {¹¤UP •i¯õx.

                        `߯® AÈUS®. |À»øu ö\´¯õx.

                        u¢vµ® H©õØÖ®, \õvUPõx.


                        Falsehood can have life as long as Truth is partial. Falsehood can never create or construct but can destroy what Truth has created.


100)         Total dedication and concentration can accomplish moving from any plane to any height if accompanied by the organisation needed.


                öuõ¢vµÄ »S£ÁÚõÀ Áõµõx. »Põ©À Ehß C¸¨£ÁÚõÀ

uõß Á¸®.


                Trouble is attachment.



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