Series XVII



551)     The unconscious person acts as someone without memory searching for things.

             {øÚÂÀ»õuÁß ÷ukÁx Ps‰i¯õÚÁß ö\¯À£kÁx BS®.

             Ps‰izuÚ® ¤Ó°À {øÚÁØÓ {ø».

552)     ¦zvUS ö\õÀ ÷uøÁ GÛÀ bõÚ® ÁµÂÀø» GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò.

             Man who needs words to think is untouched by Knowledge.

553)     We live in this world of infinite wonders as a child of 3 or 4 which knows everything and everyone in the house without really knowing anything.

             |õßS Á¯xU SÇ¢øuø¯ |©US J¨¤h»õ®. |® ÃmiÀ EÒÍ AøÚzx¨ ö£õ¸ÒPøͲ® SÇ¢øu AÔ¢uõ¾® AuØS GxÄ® öu›¯õx.

554)     The hallmark of foolishness is the capacity to think an idea one does not understand as wrong and he who speaks it foolish.

             uÚUS¨ ¦›¯õuøuz uÁÖ GÚÄ®, Aøu¨ ÷£_£Áøµ AÔ¼ GÚÄ® P¸xÁx ©øh¯Ûß ©hø©.

555)     See another behaviour as different, not as good or bad.

             ÷ÁÖ£õk ©õÖ£õhÀ».

556)     Initiative is the movement of the independent being.

             Bµ®£® AP¢øu°ß Aø\Ä.

557)     The vital when called upon to comprehend finds it formidable. To comprehend a wider idea than it now lives by is a torture to it.

             uÚUS¨ ¤iUPõuøu AÔ¯ •¯ÀÁx öPõkø©, HØ£x ]zµÁøu.

558)     The policy of inter-marriage between the royal houses of various countries only confirms the older impulses of the bodies of these nations aspiring to fuse into the other.

             C¸ |õmiÀ EhÀ CønÁøu v¸©n HØ£õk xøn ö\´QÓx.

559)     All those unforgettable scenes before your mind's eye are a summary of your character.

             {øÚøÁ ÂmhP»õu {PÌa]PÒ _£õÁzvß E¸Á®.

560)     The very person of the King carried power over the centuries exhibiting the symbolism of physical reality.

             Aµ\Ûß Eh¾U÷P \Uv¯Îzux ©UPÒ |®¤UøP GÛÀ 'EhÀ' E»øP¯õshvÀ Ba\›¯ªÀø».

561)     Psychological need brings about transformation of character.

             •iÁõP ©Ú® ¸®¤¯x _£õÁzøuz v¸Ä¸©õØÓÁÀ»x.

562)     ¤›¯® ö\¯»õÚõÀ £›Ä GÊ®.

             Interest expressing in an act is solicitude.

563)     Improvisation is the practical exercise of the faculty of imagination.

             PØ£øÚ |øh•øÓUSuÁ •¯ßÓõÀ AÁ\µzvØS›¯ AÁ]¯® GÊ®.

564)     The rebel cannot rely on old social attitudes. The new social institutions are there to protect him.

             ¦µm]US ¦xø© EuÄ®, £Ç®ö£¸® £s¦PÒ EuÁõ.

565)     One important reason why socialism is now practised all over the world, is the inveterate mental hypocrisy of the West to openly recognise the USSR's vast achievements.

             •ÊÁx® Gøu ©øÓUP •¯ÀQ÷Óõ÷©õ, Ax AÍÄ Ph¢x `m_©©õP¨ £µÄ®.

566)     The mental knowledge that prided in its exclusive possession was undone by its vital urge for fame.

             ©Ú® uß AÔøÁ¨ ÷£õØÔ ö£¸ø©¨£mhvß ÷|º GvµõÚ ö\¯À Ax ÷uk® ¦PÌ.

567)     The insularity of individual minds was first broken by conferences and journals.

             ¤›¢x ]Ó¢u ©Ú® P»¢x E¯º¢ux ãÁõz©õ £µ©õz©õ------ ÁõS® •uÀ •¯Ø].

568)     Internet is a very effective stage of dissolving the ossified separation of individually accumulated information in books.

             ö\´v ¡»õQ¨ ¤›ÂøÚUPÎzu E°øµ Gk¨£x Internet.

569)     Violence that destroys human bodies is the most revolutionary act that breaks down the utter separation of body from body.

             ©Ú® Eh÷»õk JßÔ ¤›ÂøÚø¯¨ §ºzv ö\´uøu £›nõ©zuõÀ AȨ£x öPõø», öPõÒøÍ GßÓ Áß•øÓ.

570)     The vast study of the historians made them gather the wisdom of human behaviour apart from a storehouse of facts. It never gave them the meaning of why those events happened.

             \›zvµ® _£õÁzøu ÂÍUS®. Áµ»õØÔß _¯¹£® öu›¯õx.

571)     Wars were fought so that the bodies of nations may unite.

             |õk JßÖ£h ÷£õ›mk •¯ßÓÚº. J¸ |õmiß Eh¾® Akzu |õmiß Eh¾® Cøn¯ Eu¯x ÷£õº GÝ® P¸Â.

572)     No rebel can collide head-on with the society. As a rebel arises, society also creates new forms of organisation which will permit the rebel to go around the society.

             E»øP ©Ûuß Gvºzx öÁÀ» •i¯õx. ¦x ©Ûuß HØ£k® ö£õÊx ¦x ÁÇUP•® HØ£mk AÁÝUSuÄ®.

573)     Material deficiency presenting itself as psychologically greater efficiency is the way the woman becomes a contradiction to man.

             ÷uøÁ²ÒÍ ö£sønz ÷ui¨÷£õ´ AÁÒ ÷uøÁø¯ Bs §ºzv ö\´²® PÁºa] AÁÐøh¯x.

574)     The contradiction of man and woman appears as the attraction of the woman that is irresistible, while she needs him and is endowed with less power.

             AvP©õÚ ÷uøÁ²®, SøÓÁõÚ uSv²® EÒÍ ö£sqUS «Ó •i¯õu PÁºa]¯õP •µs£õk GÊQÓx.

575)     The justice of the small is the tyranny of demanding the crown without the needed discipline.

             P¯ÁÛß {¯õ¯® ©Shzøu ©snõ[PmiUSz uµõÂmhõÀ P÷Í£µ® ö\´²®.

576)     To force oneself to work at full intensity when the body needs rest and the vital is empty is to force the body to feel and the vital to think.

             •i¯õu ö£õÊx ö\´²® •Ê ÷Áø» ©ÚzvÀ Bz©õøÁz vÓUS®.

577)     The details are the finite, the values are the Infinite.

             £µ® ]Ô¯x, Â寮 ö£›¯x. Âå¯zøu ÂÁµzvÀ Põs£x Â÷ÁP®.

578)     ÁõÚ® Tøµ°¼¸UQÓx.

             The Absolute Brahman lies in very absurd acts.

579)     The phenomenon of genius is one of inheritance and an individual expression. Creation of one genius is an impersonal phenomenon that enables everyone at that level to aspire for it.

             §ºÁ öáß© ¦so¯® ö\´uÁÝUS›¯x. F›À ö\´u |À»x AøÚÁ¸US® E›¯x.

580)     Values like punctuality are symptoms like temperature, an indication of the entire health of the organisation.

             Põ›¯® ÷|µzvÀ |h¢uõÀ, ÷|ºø©²®, vÓø©²® {øÓ¢v¸US®.

581)     Subtlety that can be entirely subtle, always obliges the insistent gross physicality.

             •ÊÁx® `m_©©õP÷Á ö\¯À£k® `m_©®, ìy» {£¢uøÚPøÍ HØS®.

             Subtlety obliges physicality.

582)     Romantic love endeavours to please the other on the terms of the other's appreciation. There comes the spiritual element.

             ¤Óº ÷|õUøP HØS® PõuÀ ö£¸÷|õUSøh¯x.

             ¤Óº ÷|õUS ö£¸÷|õUS.

583)     The indications of life do not lend themselves to rational arguments.

             `m_©zvØS ÂÍUP® Eshõ?

584)     CøÓÁÝ® ©ÛuÝ® \¢vUS® Ch® ¤µ£g\®.

             The universal being is the point where the Infinite and the finite co-exist.

585)     Põ›¯® AßøÚ²øh¯x GߣuõÀ uÁÓõx ]zvUQßÓx.

             As the work is God's, it gets completed.

586)     Gøu²® ©ÖUP •i¯õ©À •P® ©»º£Áº |À»Áº.

             A good man is one who cannot contradict anyone but also be pleased by what they utter.

587)     Humility is the consummation of discipline.

             AhUP® Pmk¨£õmiß PÛ¢u {ø».

588)     Spirit as well as hostiles act in response to a thought.

             öu´Á•® A_µÝ® AÁºPøÍ {øÚzuõÀ Ehß ö\¯À£kÁõºPÒ.

589)     Even spiritual grace is better appreciated as material benefit.

             ö£õ¸ÍõP Á¸® A¸Ò, A¸Ò GÚ¨ ¦›²®.

590)     The doer is vital, not physical or mental.

             ÷Áø» ö\´¯z xi¨£Áº _Ö_Ö¨£õÚÁ›Àø». ]¢vUP •i¯õuÁº.

591)     Man being denounced by woman is not yet emancipation. It is still love of domination in the reverse.

             Âkuø»ø¯ |õk® ö£s öÁΨ£kzxÁx Âkuø» ÷ÁmøP¯À», Aiø©°ß öÁÖ¨¦.

592)     To happily accept the superiority of persons, one essential requirement is the age.

             ö£¸ø©ø¯ HØP Á¯vÀ  ö£›¯ÁµõP C¸UP ÷Ásk®.

             Man is still physical and respects age.

593)     Eh¾USa ö\´²® FÖ, EÒÍzøu EÒÍ£iz vÓ¨£x.

             Body falling ill indicates the heart opening to Truth in a vast way.

594)     uõµõÍ® Bh®£µªÀø».

             Generosity is not vain luxury.

595)     uÁÓõx, uÁÔÚõÀ ö£›¯x Á¸®.

             The unfailing failing speaks of greater things in store.

             Failure never fails to achieve vastly.

596)     Health is a balance of the forces of being in the physical centre.

             ©ÛuÛß \UvPÒ {uõÚ©øh¢x Eh¼ß ø©¯zøu AøhÁx EhÀ |»®.

597)     E›ø© öPõk¨£vÀø», GkzxU öPõÒÁx.

             Liberty is not extended, but taken.

598)     It is not true that evil is not loveable.

             A_µß AߤØS›¯Áß.

599)     Strength attracts admirers, not knowledge or goodness. Strong filth attracts.

             £»ÁõÝUS¨ £UP £»® Esk. |À»ÁøÚ¨ ÷£õ» öPmh--& ÁÝUS® Esk.

600)     ÷|µ® \›°Àø» GßÓõÀ, ÷|ºø© Gk£hõx.

             Honesty will not be acceptable if it is that of a fallen man.


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