Series XVIII                                        


201)         Secrecy is Man's consecration to his own self.


                ©Ûuß uß ö\¯ø» uÚU÷P \©º¨£n® ö\´Áøu |õ® CµP쯮 GßQ÷Óõ®.


202)         Self-respect is the achievement of Mind in the vital.


                ©Ú® ÁõÌÂÀ \õvzux uß©õÚ©õS®.


203)         If anything is to be accomplished it is to be accomplished silently. The deeper the Silence, the better.


                \zu® \õvUPõx. ö©ÍÚ® \õvUS®.


204)         Man's curiosity to know anything will reveal that thing to him fully, if the curiosity is not vitiated by the intensity of desire to know.


                £õºøÁ÷¯ v¸èi.

                v¸èi Bø\¯õÀ ÷£õS®.


205)         Consecration is death to thought, sensation and habits.


                \©º¨£n® Gsnzøu²® Auß ö\¯ø»²® AÈUS®.


206)         We reach the bottom of great creation in purposelessness. He who exhausts the highest purpose is qualified to create without purpose.


                ö£›¯ Bz©õ uõ® ö£›¯ Bz©õÁõP ÷Ásk® GÚÄ® {øÚ¨£vÀø». ö£¸ø©PøÍö¯À»õ® \õvzu¤ß ÷|õUP÷© AØÖ¨ ÷£õQÓx.


207)         Gandhiji roused the masses by his charisma, while the constitution of Jinnah left him cold and alone. By what alchemy did Jinnah get his charisma in later years?


                One reaches God quicker by opposing Him.


                Gvº¨¦ u¸® HØÓ®.


208)         Greatness is buried in each of us. One way of reaching it is to know how a fool functions from his own point of view, enjoying each movement of his.


                |®•Ò ¦øu¢xÒÍ ©Põzª¯® öÁÎÁµ |õ® ©øh¯ß uß ÁõÌøÁ Aݣ¨£øu AÔ¯ ÷Ásk®.


209)         A sure win for any right cause, Silent will, is the right instrument.


                ö©ÍÚ® uÁÓõx {¯õ¯zvØS öÁØÔ u¸®.


210)         Action is the reply to irrationality.


                AÔÁØÓÁÝUS¨ ö£õ¸zu©õÚ £vÀ ö\¯À.


                ö\´uõÀ ¦›²® ]Ó¨¦.


211)         In the scale of ascent, equilibrium at a point produces. At the same point in the descent, the same equilibrium is creative.


                EøǨ¦ E¯º¢x ]¸èi¯õS®.


212)         As we see society or conscience urging us to action, in a receptive opening of sincerity, we can see the Force urging us to action.


                Ã_® PõØøÓ EhÀ AÔÁx ÷£õÀ Aø\²® A¸øÍ Bz©õ AÔ²®.


213)         To evaluate a man's worth by his wealth or knowledge or spiritual attainments is just like evaluating his worth by his weight. Evaluation is a human value; hence valueless.


                ¤µ®© v¸èiUS E¯º¢u, uõÌ¢u ©ÛuÛÀø».

E¯º¢ux GߣvÀø».


214)         The rhythmic movement in Time and Space is the process.


                \»Ú® \ºÁ áÚÚ®.


215)         The bad man who hounds the good man for his lapses establishes a higher standard of GOOD.


                P¯ø© uß P¯ø©¯õÀ |ßø©°ß ]Ó¨ø£ {ø» |õmkQÓx.


216)         The great moral concept of Shaw, ‘The harm the good man does’ needs its complement, ‘The good the evil man does’.


                wx® |ßÖ®, |ßÖ® wx® ö\´¯ ÁÀ»øÁ.


217)         Religious freedom is the result of the clash of fanaticisms.


Aiø©PÒ J¸Áøµö¯õ¸Áº Gvº¨£uõÀ _u¢vµ® ¤ÓUQÓx.


218)         Capacity to accomplish, if accomplishment is sought after, is to shift from the outer to the inner and from there to the inner which includes the outer.


                ¦Ó® AP©õQ, AP® ¦Ózøu EmöPõÒÐuÀ ©Ûuß CøÓÁÚõQ, ¤µ®©® áÛ¨£uõS®.


219)         To take advantage of affection is meanness.


                AߤÀ Buõ¯® Põs£x ]Öø©°ß ]Ó¨¦.


220)         To find fault is not desirable; to do so against oneself is less so.


                SøÓ |À»uÀ»; uß «x SøÓ²ÒÍÁÝUS ÁÈ÷¯°Àø».


221)         When an idiot is eloquent, without trying to understand him, we must try to follow the process of his thinking.


                £vÀ ö\õÀ»õu £USÁ® £Âzvµ©õÚ bõÚ®.


222)         When fresh energy is released, it is in unorganised potential, organised capacity. Concentration of that energy without organising itself into capacity is what leads to meditation. Energy capable of becoming existence is energy of surrender, but when it is ready to express itself into evolving existence, it is psychic energy.


\Uv vÓÚõPõ©À ÷\ºÁx {èøh, \zuõP ©õÖÁx \µnõPv, £›nõ©zvÀ \zuõÁx ¤µ®© áÚÚ®.


223)         Success in life is the capacity to convert the negative energies into positive energies to the extent the circumstances demand.


                ÁõÌÄ Pmk¨£kÁx Avºèh®.

Bz©õ Pmk¨£kÁx uÁ®.

ÁõÌÂÀ Bz©õ Pmk¨£kÁx ¤µ®© áÚÚ®.


224)         C¢u áß© AÝ£Á® Akzu áß© bõÚ®.


225)         To convert a japa such as Mother or Let Thy will be done into an inarticulate energy of the mind is to make it more powerful, as the alchemy of conversion of copper into gold.


                ᣩõÚ ö\õÀø» \Uv¯õÚ EnºÁõP ©õØÖÁx \©º¨£nzvß £õøu.


226)         Silence is not non-talking, not even non-thinking, as it can be a discipline. Silence is incapacity to think.


                ÷£\õ©¼¸¨£÷uõ, ]¢vUPõ©¼¸¨£÷uõ ö©ÍÚ©õPõx. ]¢vUP •i¯õu ©Ú {ø» ö©ÍÚ®.      


227)         To have an evangelical interest in Mother is social or at best psychological. The yogic aspiration for the Mother can be selfish or out of self-giving.


                AßøÚø¯ E»SUS AÔ¨£x ÷¯õP©õPõx.

Ax \‰P ÷\øÁ AÀ»x ö\õ¢u v¸¨v.

÷¯õP® _¯|»©õP÷Áõ \©º¨£n©õP÷Áõ C¸UP •i²®.


228)         Looking at the world externally one sees a myriad of phenomena. The scientist discovers the process of each phenomenon and has covered the whole world of phenomena. The yogi discovers the world inside to whom the process of creation reveals. To discover the inner knowledge in the outer phenomena is to complete knowledge.


                FÚU Ps ö£õ¸ÒPøÍz uÛzuÛ÷¯ PõsQÓx.

Aøu Bµõ´Áx ÂgbõÚ®.

bõÚU Ps ]¸èiø¯ ©¯ß ö\´uøu AÔQÓx.

¦ÓzvÀ APzøuU Põs£x §µn®.


229)         To make an institution function democratically is democratisation. Zakaria has extended its significance to empowering people at the lower level with money, knowledge, right, technology, access to the real seats of power.


                E›ø©ø¯ Ehø©¯õP¨ ö£ÖÁx ©UPÒ Bm]°ß ©Qø©.


230)         Gsn® BºÁ©õÁx Pµn[PÒ bõÚ® ö£ÖÁuõS®.


                To overcome constitutional Ignorance, one emotionalises thought or thought becomes emotional energy.


231)         To realise in one's sensation that 'Thy will is done, not my will' is gratitude.


                CøÓÁÛß v¸ÄÒÍ® CP ÁõÌÂÀ ö\¯À£kÁøu Eh¼À EnºÁx |ßÔ¯ÔuÀ.


232)         The appreciation of the wife is equal to the appreciation of the whole world.


                ©øÚ塧 £õµõmk ©õ{»zvß £õµõmk.


233)         It is an evolutionary thought if it gives endless energy. Energy is the acid test.


                öu®¦ u¸® Gsn® öuÎÁõÚ ¤µ®©®.


                Energising thought is an evolutionary thought.


                The origin of thought is the organisation of consciousness.


234)         Altruism arises only as long as the low consciousness of the recipient is there in us.


                AkzuÁ¸øh¯ SøÓ |®ªh® EÒÍ Áøµ £÷µõ£Põµ® GÊ®.


235)         There is no use multiplying money where it is in a glut. Its social, cultural values especially its own spiritual values must be sought through it.


                E£›US E¯º¢u E£÷¯õP•sk.

E£›¯õÚ £n® ©ÛuøÚ E¯ºzu ÷Ásk®.


236)         'Love me, love my dog' was concretised by a Roman emperor when he appointed his horse as a Senator.


                G¢u ©ÛuÝ® uß ©ÚzvÀ Føµ BÒÁuõPU öPõÒÁõß.


237)         Impulses are Intuitions.


                bõÚ® uõ÷Ú GÊÁx.


238)         The intelligence of courage is described as the brilliance of a general.


                B£zvÀ ÷Áø» ö\´²® AÔÄ uø»ø©°ß ]Ó¨¦.


239)         To endlessly enjoy is given to those who have self-restraint. Before self-restraint develops, life offers occasions of pure enjoyments sparingly at long intervals.


                }izu AÝ£Ázøu {uõÚ® ö£Ö®.


240)         Wars were the occasions for man to manage the resources at his disposal with respect to physical terrain. Business offers the same opportunity with respect to Time. Money combines Space and Time.


                §ªø¯ Bͨ ÷£õ›k® ©Ûuß {»zvÀ {»Ä® {ø»ø¯ {uº\Ú©õPU PõsQÓõß.


241)         The evolving soul is the result of concentration of the Absolute on itself. That concentration is consecration.


                ¤µ®©® ]¸èi°À {èøh°¼¸¨£x \©º¨£n®.


242)         When prayer removes a problem you cannot go back to the old consciousness. You have to remain in the new higher consciousness.


                v¸k ÷£õÚ ö£õ¸Ò Qøhzu¤ß PuøÁz vÓ¢x ÷£õh •i¯õx.


243)         \©º¨£nzvØS›¯ |® ãÁß, 㯮, \Uv, BÚ¢u®, Gsn® ö\¯¼À £Sv; ö\¯À |®ªÀ £Sv. Gsnzøua \©º¨£n® ö\´Áx •Êø©¯õÚ \©º¨£n©õPõx.


                As thought and acts are parts of us, that which needs to be consecrated is our own self.


244)         Events take place in the gross physical plane. Subtle forces play on either side. The determinant is always outside both planes, in the causal.


                Ps•ß |h¨£øÁ {PÌa].

`m_©•® AuØSm£mhx.

•iÄ öÁΰÀ PõµnzvÀ EÍx.


245)         In England outgoing Prime Ministers often join the Cabinet. In India it is never the case. Indians cherish individual prestige while in England it is the cause that takes precedence.


                ÁõÌ¢u Bm]°À £u £USÁ® u¸®.


246)         The admiring multitude adores the humiliation coming from above. The greater the humiliation, the greater the sycophancy.


                uø» Án[Pz uø» ¸®¦®.

Pkø©ø¯ ¸®¤ Án[S®.


247)         Power is adorable. The meaner the power, the greater the adoration.


                £uÂUS¨ £n•® uø» Án[S®. uø»ø© u¸® ushøÚ²® CÛUS®.


248)         Supermind imprisoned in Time and Space is mind.


                \zv¯ 㯮 Põ»zvØSz ußøÚ Em£kzvU öPõshõÀ ©Ú©õS®.


249)         One who wants to see the hundred or thousand-fold power of the Mind must look at what he is grappling with for one or a few generations. If he is able to see the IDEA behind it and accepts it, he will see such results.


                £» uø»•øÓPÍõÀ •i¯õuøu \õvUP AøÁ öÁΨ£kzx® P¸zøu AÔ¯ ÷Ásk®.


250)         Democracy is born when the earning capacity is widespread. It thrives when prosperity is on the ascendant.


                £µÁ»õÚ ö\ÀÁ® {µ¢uµ©õÚ {¯õ¯®.



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