Series XVIII                                        


651)         Compassion is not so much a fellow feeling; but it is a value for what he should not be.


                P¸øn |À»ÁÝUS ©mk©À».

                öPmhÁÝU÷P P¸øn AvP©õP E›¯x.


652)         Jews have demonstrated the extent to which physical intelligence can be achieved. That is why Sri Aurobindo proposed the Advent of the Supramental Being before a rational Being was born.


653)         Vital beings and spirits are real. He who laughs at them will be reminded by such events as the assassination of Kennedy or Indira. Where the mind is organised they don’t activate themselves, not that they are incapable.


                AÔÄ Áͺ¢x, ‰h |®¤UøP SøÓ²®ö£õÊx Smia \õzuõß AP¨£kÁvÀø» GߣuõÀ, AøÁ°Àø» GÚ AºzuªÀø». ©Ú® AÁØøÓ A»m]¯® ö\´uõÀ & C¢vµõÄ®, µõãÄ® ö\´uÚº & AøÁ uÁÓõx ö\¯À£k®.


654)         ‰a_ ÂmhõÀ  E°º ÁõÇ»õ®.

CøhÂhõ©À  ‰a_ Âh ÷Ásk®.

AßøÚø¯  AøÇzuõÀ  ãÁß  Bß©õÂÀ E°¸hÛ¸US®.  Aøu CøhÂhõ©À ö\´¯ ÷Ásk®.


                As non-stop breathing keeps life alive, non-stop calling keeps the spiritual life alive.


655)         To be hurt is human privilege.


                x÷µõPzvÀ xønÁß ¤Ó¨£x AÚ¢u® BÚ¢u©õÁx.


                Evolution is extradition from human life.


                ©Ûu ÁõÌÂÛßÖ ©Ûuß ußøÚz uõ÷Ú |õk PhzvU öPõÒÁx £›nõ©®.


656)         Science is the acme of the primitive civilisation.


                ÂÁìøu öPmhÁÛß Â÷ÁP® ÂgbõÚ®.


657)         Mystery of creation revealing as mystery of work is ever present luck.


                ¤Ó¨¤ß  CµP쯮  ¤nUQß  `m_©©õPz  öu›¢uÁß ¤µ£»®  E»øP  Gmk®.


658)         The Truth-vision sees betrayal as utter spiritual loyalty.


                x÷µõPzøu ÂìÁõ\©õPU Põn •i¯õuÁÝUS bõÚ v¸èi°Àø».


659)         The subconscious perfection of efficiency in conscious acts shakes the finite to release the infinite out of it.


                BÌ ©Ú® ÷©À ©ÚzvÀ ö\¯À£k® ö£õÊx ©Ûuß öu´ÁzøuU Ph¢x CøÓÁÛß ½ø»¯õÚ ¤µ®©zøu áÛUPa ö\´QÓõß.


660)         Follow Mother in any work in the same perfection as in your ancient skill, you will stir the Infinite out of the finite work.


                G¢u ö\¯¼¾® ÁõÌÂß ]Ó¨¦US›¯ •øÓ ¤µ®©zøuU PmhÂÌUS®.


661)         The process of wisdom faithfully followed in Mother’s consciousness releases the Infinite in the finite.


                Eh»ÔÄ ö£ØÓ Â÷ÁPzøu AßøÚ°À ¤ß£ØÔÚõÀ ÁõÌÂÀ ¤µ®©® áÛUS®.


662)         The Mystery of birth and death is to be discovered in the process of creation. It is the same mystery of accomplishment.


                ÁõÌÂß ¦vøµ AÔ¯ ]¸èi°ß `m_©zøu AÔ¯ ÷Ásk®. Ax÷Á Põ›¯® TiÁ¸® PnUS.


663)         Interest is human; inspiration is divine.


                AUPøµ |©US; BºÁ® AÁÝUS.


664)         Result that hides the process is Mystery. Discovery of the process is science. Essence lies behind. It is the domain of Spirituality.


                G¨£i GÚz öu›¯õ©À Á¸® £»ß ¦vº. ¦›¯õuøu¨ ¦›Áx ÂgbõÚ®. Ax ‰»©À». ‰»® Bz©õÄUS›¯x.


665)         Ph¢ux Põ»©õÚõÀ ©Ú® Põ»ÚõQÓx.


                Mind is born as Death when the Timeless moves as Time.


666)         Truth emerging in consciousness is Supermind.


\zv¯® ©ÚzvÀ 㯮 ö£ØÓõÀ ©Ú® Bvø¯z öuõmk öu´Ázvß uõ¯õS®.


667)         Mind mellows into universal wisdom in poetry.


                ©Ú® ©»º¢x Põ¯©õS® ö£õÊx ¤µ£g\® bõÚ©õP¨ ¤ÓUQÓx.


668)         The inner eyes sees Sat in Shakti.


                AP® ¦Ó©õÚõÀ ö£s \Uv¯õÁõÒ.


669)         Romance builds Rome in a day.


                PõuÀ Põ»zøuU Ph¢ux.


670)         F¸US ©Ûuß Pmk¨£kÁx ÷£õÀ ©Úa\õm]ø¯ Bß÷Óõº ©v¨£øu¨ ÷£õÀ AßøÚø¯ £Uuß ö\¯¼À ÷£õØÔÚõÀ, ñn® uÁÓõx u›\Ú® Aئuzøua ö\¯¼À öÁΨ£kzx®.


                Man meticulously respects social codes; the idealist honours his code of conscience as an article of faith. Following Mother in the same spirit, the knowledge, Joy, Power, Peace of the Divine will issue out of his own Spirit.


671)         PõøµUPõÀ A®ø©¯õøµ²®, ¦µ¢uµuõêß ©øÚÂø¯²®  ÷£õÀ AßÓõh ÷Áø»PøÍa ö\´Áx \©º¨£n® \µnõPv¯õQ Aئu[PÒ AßÓõh {PÌa]PÍõS®.


                Consecration matures into surrender revealing the MARVEL when we drink our coffee as Mira drank her poison, not as Socrates.


672)         The how is the process of science; the why is the essence of philosophy.


                G¨£i GÚU PshÁß Hß GÚU ÷Pm£õß.


                uõ[P •i¯õuøu CÛø©¯õPz uõ[Q Aݣ¨£x ö£õÖUP •i¯õu BÚ¢u®.


                The intolerable becoming an enjoyable expression of life is unflinching rapture.


673)         The scientist is the yogi in the making.


                AÔÄ bõÚ® ö£ÖÁx ÷¯õP®.


                The greatest of egoistic joys is to destroy by betrayal the agency that liberates.


                To recognise the role of that Joy is the goal of Brahman in evolution.


                x÷µõQ x÷µõPzøu µ]UP¨ £¯ß£kÁx BshÁß Aئuzøu Aªºu©õUSÁuõS®.


674)         v¸©n® E»øP EÒ÷Í Põmk®.


                Marriage makes life heaven.


                ö£õ´  uõ÷Ú  ÂÈzx  ö©´¯õÁx  £›nõ©  ÷¯õP®.


                Self-awareness of Self-conception is the Delight in creation.


675)         The woman is the evolutionary complement of energetic man.


                ©Ûuß  ußÛÀ  CøÓÁøÚU  Põn¨  ö£søn |õkQÓõß.


                Creation is the mutable status of the Immutable.


                \»Ú©ØÓ  ‰»®  \»ÚzvÀ  ö£Ö®  BÚ¢u®  ]¸èi.


676)         Life responds by evolving.


                ÁõÌÄ  㯩õP  ©ÛuÝÒ  ©»ºQÓx.


            GÀ»õÁØøÓ²® \õvUP GxÄ® ö\´¯õ©¼¸¨£x ¤µ®© •Êø©°ß ‰»®.


                To permit the mutable to be born in creation, the immutable remains the Immutable.


677)         ¦v¯x ©»ºÁx ¦Úºöáß©®.


            New form is rebirth.


678)         Truth becoming conscious is Supermind.


                \zv¯® ußøÚ¯ÔÁx 㯮 ö£ÖÁx.


679)         ußøÚ¯Ô²® \zv¯® ¤µ£g\®.


                Universe is Truth becoming conscious of itself in Time.


680)         Discovering the Truth in the Falsehood enjoying itself in effective organisation is the Many evolving into One in another.


                ö£õ´ uß ]Ó¨¤À Põq® BÚ¢uzvÀ ö©´ áÛ¨£øuU PshõÀ ©Ûuß AkzuÁ›À BshÁÚõP ©»ºQÓõß.


681)         G¢u  ÷|µ•®  Gøu²®  ö\´¯  •iÁx  ©Ûuß CøÓÁÚõP»õ®    AÔÁx.


                ö\õÀ Põ¯©õÚõÀ ©Ûuß ¤µ£g\zvÀ áÛUQÓõß.


            Man’s birth in the universe renders his word poetry.


682)         AÝ£Á® BÚ¢u©õÁx Põ¯®.


                Experience expresses delight in poetry.


683)         ¤µ®©®  \zv¯  ã¯zvÀ  áÛUQÓx.

                Ax  áhzvÀ  áÛ¨£x  ¤µ®© áÚÚ®.


Brahman is born in Supermind. Its birth in the lower hemisphere is the Marvel, ¤µ®© áÚÚ®.


684)         Supermind is essentially the objective status of Sat and Chit. Ananda is always excluded. Perhaps that Ananda expresses itself only in the Psychic before Matter evolves.


                \zv¯ ã¯zvÀ BÚ¢uzøu »UQ Aøu áhzvØS•ß øÁUQÓõº.


685)         Selfishness desiring NOT to speak is not selfishness, but a profound selflessness.


                CµP쯪À»õu  ö£õÊx  ÷£\  ¸®£õuÁß  AkzuÁº Põ›¯zøua  \õv¨£õß.


686)         The urge to communicate is utter lack of comprehension.


                ÷£_®  BºÁ®  APzöuÎÂÀ»õux.


            ÷£\z  uSv¯ØÓÁºUS¨  ÷£_®  BºÁ®  Esk.


687)         Persecution and extermination of the Jews is the final act of Man overcoming his physicality. The two world wars are the collective effort of humanity to overcome its physical nature. The Cold War is similarly an effort to overcome the negative vitality of mankind. Terrorism is its intense individual expression. It is interesting to see it is not so much military strength as economic might that overcomes these physical expressions.


E»P¨ ÷£õº ©Ûuß áhzøuU Ph¢x Áµ Eu¯x.

Ph¢u 50 BskPÍõP ÁÀ»µ_¨ ÷£õmi EnºøÁU PhUP Eu¯x.  CÛ E»QÀ ©ÚzuõÀ BЮ \¢uº¨£® GÇ»õ®.


688)         ©øh¯ÝUSz öuÎÄ    •¯ÀÁx  CøÓÁß  E»QÀ v¸ÂøͯõhÀ  {PÌzxÁx.


                To lead a moron to Light is His delight in life.


                ¤Óº x÷µõPzøu µ]UP |® x÷µõP® bõÚ©õP ÷Ásk®.


                We can enjoy another’s betrayal when our own betrayal reveals as God’s Delight.


689)         A rule of enormous success is to practise SILENCE in all matters which we now do in important personal affairs.


                CµPì¯zvÀ  ö©ÍÚ©õÁx  ÷£õÀ  AøÚzv¾® ö©ÍÚ©õÁx  Avºèh®  Aئu©õÁuõS®.


690)         Not to take advantage at its acme of perfection is yoga absolute.


                E›ø©¯ØÓøu AvPõµzuõÀ ö£Ó ©Ö¨£x ¤µ®© u›\Ú®.


691)         Anyone who wants to achieve must be capable of protecting what he has and be alert to safeguard what he will create.


                ÷ÁuøÚø¯ »US£ÁÚõÀ \õuøÚ •i²®.


692)         Wisdom is the process of creation rediscovered in life.


                ]¸èi°ß  CµPì¯zøu  ÁõÌUøP°ß  `m_©©õP AÔÁx  Â÷ÁP®.


693)         Wisdom is to know a thing in the very experience of the physical.


                AÔÄ AÝ£ÁzuõÀ §ºzv¯õÁx Â÷ÁP®.


694)         It does not matter how long you tried, how arduous your sacrifice. Even when you succeed it will not be taken note of. Your success must necessarily be there irrespective of the impossible condition of the problem. Should you succeed that way, the world will hail you. That is the perfection the public expects.


                öá°¨£x, öuõhº¢x öá°¨£x, GÆÁÍÄ ÷©õ\©õÚ {ø»°¾® öá°¨£x, Gvº¨ø£²® •Ô¯izx öá°¨£øu E»P® HØS®. AuØSU SøÓ¢ux PnUQÀ ÷\µõx.


695)         ö|g_  GÁÝUS¨  £øuUQÓ÷uõ  AÁ÷Ú  {ø»  öPmh ©õ¢u›ß  ©Ûu¨  ¤µv{v.


                As long as you vibrate in sympathy with human suffering, so long you are part of them, incapable of Solace.


696)         The desire to be reasonable is according to life and spirit the height of unreason.


                A{¯õ¯UPõµß {¯õ¯zøu Á¼²ÖzxÁõß.


                The desire to be reasonable is unreasonable.


697)         EÒ÷Í ÷£õÚõÀ Esø© öu›²®. öÁÎ÷¯²ÒÍx ÷uõØÓ®. ö£õ´. ö£õ´°À ö©´ø¯U Põs£x Aئu® AßÓõh {PÌa]¯õÁx & ¤µ®© áÚÚ®.


To go in by consecration is to see the Brahman in its truth. Its greater truth

is its external expression.


698)         Man teaches others. Even spirit can thus be taught. To make a man SEE the smallest truth is not given to Man. Only God realised in life can do it. He can thus make the other man see himself as GOD.


            AÔøÁ¨ ¦Pmh»õ®.

AÝ£Ázøu AÔÁõP¨ ¦Pmh»õ®.

AkzuÁ¸US AÝ£Á® u¸Áx ©ÛuÚõÀ •i¯õx.

Ax ¤µ®©zvØS›¯x.

AøuU Põmk£Áß, AkzuÁºUS ¤µ®©zøu÷¯ Põmh •i²®.


                £õºUP»õ®, Põmh»õ®, AÝ£Á® uµ C¯»õx.


699)         öuÎÄ  öÁØÔ.

                AÁ\µ®  ÷uõÀÂ.

                E»P©Ô¢uøu  EÒ÷ͯÔÁx  Â÷ÁP®.


            Wisdom is the subconscious becoming conscious.


700)         uõ©u® Gߣx u¯UP®.

                uSv ÂøµÄ.


                Inner readiness is outer swiftness.



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