Series XVIII                                        


801)         Certain work yields results in proportion to the effort. Other result wait till one exhausts his energies or reaches perfection. The infinite emerges from the finite when both principles are at work.


                EøǨ¦US›¯ £»ß J¸ ÁøP. ]Ó¨ö£´v¯ ¤ß £»ß GÊÁx Akzu ÁøP. Cµsk® ÷\º¢x ö\¯À£mhõÀ A£›ªu®, Añ¯ £õzvµ©õS®.


802)         Jnana yogic concentration is by the mind on the Mind. The concentration of all the parts of the being on itself – the Psychic Being – in the plane of Mind is all-inclusive concentration.


                ©ÚzvÀ ãÁÛß v¯õÚ® ãÁ {èøh¯õS®.


803)         For the personal to become impersonal, imperfection must become perfect.


                ußøÚ¯Ô¢uÁß E»øP¯Ô¯ SøÓ {øÓÁõP ÷Ásk®.


804)         For the greatest ideal to be realised fully in practice, the smallest impulse must be rightly enjoyed.


                ö£›¯x ö£›uõP¨ §ºzv¯õP ]Ô¯x ]Ó¨£õP¨ §µn® ö£Ó ÷Ásk®.


                ö£›¯x ]Ô¯vÀ §µn•® §ºzv²® ö£Ö®.


805)         All the intensities of life may not exceed a few thousands. They all can be reduced to symbols. One who is working in international business or politics can use them effectively. Gradually its other shades too can be similarly covered. An international language can thus be born.


                ö©õÈ°ß ‰»zøu ÁõÌÂß ]UPÀPÍõPÄ®, ö\ÔÄPÍõPÄ® Aøh¯õͪmkU SÔzuõÀ E»P¨ ö£õx ö©õÈ GÊ®.  e.g., Taking another man’s point of view can be expressed by any symbol.


806)         Revolution is human initiative. Evolution is social initiative. The Divine Initiative is Spiritual Evolution.


                ©Ûuß ö\´Áx ¦µm].

\‰P® ÁͺÁx ©»ºa] (evolution).

BshÁß ©»ºÁx Bz©õÂß Áͺa]¤µ®© áÚÚ®.


807)         Supramental comprehension of life is intuition. The genius receives it in one subject.


                ÁõÌøÁ \zv¯ 㯩õP AÔÁx bõÚ®. ÷©øu Aøu J¸ xøÓ°À ö£ÖQÓõº.


808)         The uncontrollable expectation of the vital will be controlled by a mental method.


                £SzuÔÄUSU Pmk¨£hõu £øu£øuUS® ö|g\®, £SzuÔÂß •øÓUSU Pmk¨£k®.


                A method, being mental, will control the vital hurry and physical expectation.


                Expectation yields to enlightenment.


809)         Liberty makes freedom acquire political content.


                _¥m\® _u¢vµzvß ]ßÚ®.


810)         Prejudice is subjective evaluation.


                ö\õ¢u A¤¨¤µõ¯® u¨£¤¨¤µõ¯®.


811)         Repetition of ‘Mother’ realises the knowledge you aspire for.


                AßøÚ ö£¯º EÒÍøu ]zvUS®.


812)         The discipline of the small man is devoid of courtesy.


                ]Ô¯ EÒÍzvß ö£›¯ µu® ÷Põ£zvß \õ¯¾øh¯x.


813)         There is no meditation when a thought or a sensation is there.


                Gsn÷©õ, Enº÷Áõ EÒÍÁøµ v¯õÚªÀø».


                Gsn©ØÓ ö©ÍÚ® v¯õÚ®.

                EnºÄ©ØÓx E¯º¢u {ø».


814)         The woman is capable of asking for the Infinity offering the infinitesimal. Man loves to be drawn in as it helps him expand into Infinity.


                AqÁõÚ ©Ûuß AÚ¢uzøu |õkÁøu¨ ö£s uß SnzuõÀ §ºzv ö\´ÁuõÀ BqUS¨ ö£s £›nõ© AÁ]¯®.


                Boß |õmhzøu¨ §ºzv ö\´²® Kmh©õP Aø©¢uÁÒ ö£s.


815)         The woman is the field for Man’s Infinity as the infinitesimal he is discovers the hidden Infinity.


                ö£s BqUS AÚ¢uÛß Aµ[P®.


816)         A blunder results when action impulsively overtakes thought.


                Gsnzøu «Ô¯ ö\¯À A£zu©õS®.


817)         Replacing thoughts by non-verbal sensations is a great progress.


                Gsn® »Q, Enºa]¯õÁx •ß÷ÚØÓ®.


                Non-verbal sensation is closer to consecration than thoughts well articulated.


818)         Ramanujam said, “Zero is God, Infinity is Manifestation.” It is a pity mathematicians have not understood this concept of Infinity. The world of mathematics is yet to discover Ramanujam.


                E»P® C¢v¯ ÷¯õPzøu²®, uzxÁzøu²® AÔ¯ÂÀø». AÚ¢uzøu÷¯ µõ©õÝá® AÔ¢u AÍÄ AÔ¯ÂÀø». C¢v¯ Pou ÷©øuPÒ Aøu E»SUS AÔÂUP ÷Ásk®.


819)         The world accepts a theory not when it is valid or the discoverer can successfully apply it and produce results, but when everyone can apply it and produce results equally well.


                ÷©uõ»õ\® EÒÍÁº Pshøu E»P® ÷£õØÖ®,  HØPõx. E»P® AuÚõÀ £»ß ö£Ó •i²©õÚõÀ, E»P® Aøu HØS®.


                E»P® EÒÍøu HØPõx,  £»ß u¸Áøu HØS®.


            EÒÍøu HØPõx,  E£÷¯õP¨£kÁøu HØS®.


820)         So far technology has been the spearhead of the movement to level the population. In future, it should be education, till the Spirit takes over.


                ©ÛuÝUQÀ»õu  {¯õ¯zøu  ©õºUPm& \µUS  product, technology - Cx Áøµ AÎzux.  CÛ £i¨¦ Aøu AvP©õPa ö\´¯ ÷Ásk®.


821)         When meditation settles down to some extent permanently, one is not inclined to do anything, giving rise to a thought that one is lazy.


                KµÍÄ v¯õÚ® Eh¼À {ø»zu ö£õÊx GxÄ® ö\´¯z ÷uõßÓõx.  ÷\õ®÷£Ô¯õ´ Âm÷hõ® GßÓ EnºÄ® GÊ®.


822)         GÀ÷»õøµ²® GÀ»õ SøÓPøͲ® ö\õÀ» ÷Ási¯Áº, GÁøµ²® Gøu²® ö\õÀÁvÀø».


                He who finds everyone full of all defects, voices no complaints at all.


823)         As credit rating has come to stay, I wish families are ranked and rated. It will give a fillip to progress.


                ©õnÁÝUS  rank  ÷£õkÁx  ÷£õÀ  Sk®£zvØS®  rank ÷£õmhõÀ  |õk  •ß÷ÚÖ®.


824)         Withdrawing from the human and growing into the Divine is yoga.

                Surrender accomplishes both simultaneously.


                \µn® \ºÁ Pµn®.


825)         Money earned in life is of a lower denomination than money earned in consciousness.


                ÁõÌÄ uÂk, 㯮 uõ߯®.


                Life is chaff; consciousness is grain.


826)         The scientist asks whether energy is conscious. All his work is to increase the efficiency of energy, i.e., to make it do more work. An energy that increases is conscious energy.


                uõ÷Ú ö£¸QÚõÀ ãÁÝÒÍx GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò.

                ãÁß ö£¸S®.

                ÁͺÁx ãÁÝÒÍx.


                Consciousness is creative, creative of energy.


827)         The increasing wealth of a country is seen by more and more lower classes enjoying as higher classes. Our enjoying benefits hitherto unknown to us means the country is becoming prosperous.


                |õk ö\Ȩ£øhÁøu |õ® HøÇPÒ £nUPõµº ö£Ö® Á\vø¯ Aݣ¨£vÀ PõsQ÷Óõ®. CxÁøµ CÀ»õu Á\vø¯ |õ® Aݣ¨£x |õk ÁÍ® ö£ÖÁuõS®.


                HøÇ ö£Ö® Á\v |õk ö£Ö® •ß÷ÚØÓ®.


828)         Reason is intellect.

                                                -Synthesis of Yoga.


                £SzuÔÄ ¦zv°ß ]Ô¯ A®\®.


829)         Old truths far exceed in their value the demands of the present rigid formations.


                £øǯ \zv¯® ¦v¯ ¹£zøuU Ph¢ux.


830)         Creation of new forms demands the destruction of old ones.


                AÈÄ ]¸èiUS®.


831)         As Indian yoga is the essence of Nature’s processes, India will be Jagat Guru, áPz S¸.


C¯ØøPø¯ öÁßÓÁº E»øP BÒÁõº.


832)         Abstraction, says Russell, is the source of practical power. It means Mind is more powerful than Matter. It also means that one is divorced from Reality.


                EhÀ AÔÄUSU Pmk¨£mhx,  GÛÝ® Bz©õÂß §µn® ö£Óõux.


833)         Nature’s processes are a specialisation of creation.


                ¤µQ¸v ]¸èi°ß ]Ó¨£õÚ J¸ £Sv.


834)         Indian yoga is the essence of Nature’s processes.


                ÷¯õP® C¯ØøP°ß C¯À£õÚx.


835)         Mind’s abstraction becomes powerful over body by Mind isolating itself from Reality and its fullness.


                ©Ú® Ehø» BÍ Bz©õÂÛßÖ ¤›QÓx.


836)         & §µn® §ºzv¯õP¨ §µn® ö£Ó ÷Ásk®.

                & §µnzvß §ºzv.


                -Fulfilment of Realisation.


837)         It does not matter what you do, but what matters is how you do it.


                Gøua ö\´Q÷Óõ® GߣuÀ»,  G¨£ia ö\´Q÷Óõ® Gߣ÷u •iøÁ {ºn°US®.


838)         Superman is a standing wonder to man; the Supramental Being escapes his vision.


                £nUPõµß PsqUSz öu›²®;

                £USÁ©õÚÁß C¸¨£÷u öu›¯õx.


839)         The unfinished goal is an illusion as life ends when the goal is reached.


                ÷Áø» •i²® Áøµ E°º ¤›¯õx GߣuõÀ SøÓ Gߣx C¸UP ÁÈ°Àø».


840)         Relationship determines communication.


                EÓÄ  ö\õÀ¾US E°º.


841)         Western medicine relies on proven results; ayurveda on subtle perception.


                B²º÷Áu® `m_©©õÚx.

C[Q½è øÁzv¯® áhzvß {¹£n®.


842)         Emotions deepen and widen when you are able to identify yourself with the problems of the world from a sensation that they are really yours.


                E»Pzx¨  ¤µa]øÚ  EÒÍzöuõk®ö£õÊx  Ax

  ¤µa]øÚ  GßÖ  EnºÄ  GÊ¢uõÀ  Enºa] •vºa]¯øh²®.


843)         One who seeks seclusion or solitude is one who craves for constant company.


                |s£ºPøÍ |õÒöuõÖ® |õk£Áß uÛø©ø¯ ÂøÇÁõß.


844)         Greater talents of a person of lower status makes one pushy.


                ]Ô¯ÁÝUSÒÍ  ö£›¯  vÓø©  AÁøÚ •¢v›UöPõmøh¯õUS®.


845)         The finite meets with an end, not the infinite.


                •iÄÒÍx ‰»©À».


846)         As long as we quote Mother to others, we have not assimilated Her ideas.


                AßøÚ EnºÂÀ JßÔ¯¤ß Ax |® P¸zuõS®.

                |® P¸zx AßøÚ¯õS®.


847)         Total relationship issues out of total loyalty. Its enjoyment matures into chastity. The thrill of that touch needs that exclusiveness.


                EÓÂß •Êø©  ÂìÁõ\®. Pئ Auß Ea\®.

¦À»›US® ¦Ûu® ¦s¯õz©õÂß HP÷£õP E›ø©.


¦Ûu® ¦À»›US®.


848)         The origin of religious persecution is power in the hands of people who are centred in the physical.


áh® AvPõµ® ö£ØÓõÀ E»øPz uß ÁÈUS ÁµU Pkø©¨ £kzx®.


849)         Evolution is the love for deconditioning.


                ¦v¯vß PÁºa] £›nõ©®.


850)         Communication is essential for accomplishment. Non-communication is equally essential to prevent the other forces from disturbing the WORK.


                E›¯Áº AÔÁx®, ©ØÓÁº AÔ¯õux® Põ›¯® §ºzv ö£Ó AÁ]¯®.  öu›Áx ÷£õÀ öu›¯õux® AÁ]¯®.



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