Series XVIII                                        


851)         All minds are equal as all Spirits are equal. Therefore the sum total of all experiences is equal. Only that they differ in their appearances. The dull man acquires as much dull experience as the intelligent man acquires intelligent experiences.


                ÷ÁÖ£õk  ©õÖ£õiÀø».


                Different appearances express the same contents.


                Appearances do not alter contents.


852)         Man knows his measure when desire and discipline conflict.


Bø\²®  AÔÄ®  ÷£õmi°k®  ÷|µ®  ©Ûuß ußøÚ¯Ô²® ÷|µ®.


Bø\ö¯Ê® ÷|µ® AÁß ußøÚ¯Ô²® ÷|µ®.


853)         Loyalty depends upon the Man, not upon the relationship nor the material gains.


                EÒÍx Esø©ø¯ {ºn°US®, ö£ÖÁuÀ».


854)         Magnanimity with mean people will end up in walking into their traps.


P¯ÁÛh®  Põmk®  ö£¸¢ußø© uõß  \õP ©¸¢xs£uõS®.


855)         Patience develops by the appreciation of the rival’s urge to destroy you.


|®ø© AÈUP BºÁ•ÒÍ Gv›°ß Gsnzøu AÔ¯  •Ø£mhõÀ AÁÝUS Auß AÁ]¯zøu HØP •i¢uõÀ ö£õÖø© EØ£zv¯õS®.


856)         What you understand cannot harm you.


                Gx ¦›QßÓ÷uõ AuÚõÀ öuõ¢vµÄ uµ •i¯õx.


857)         Management looks for efficiency, not occasions to exhibit magnanimity.


                {ºÁõP® |õkÁx vÓø©, ö£¸¢ußø©°Àø».


858)         A management can express ways of being magnanimous, if its efficiency has become a culture there.


                ö£¸¢ußø© vÓø©°ß £s¦.


859)         Anger is the human authority. Non-reacting JOY is the higher authority that achieves without fail.


                ÷Põ£UPõµÝUS AvPõµ® ö\À¾®.

                \»Ú©ØÓ \¢÷uõå® AßøÚ°ß AvPõµ®.

                Ax ÷uõÀÂø¯ AÔ¯õx.


860)         H©õØÓ® \¢÷uõåzøu öÁÖ¨£õUS®.


            Pleasure becomes pain of hatred by disappointment or frustration.


861)         No adjustment however dexterous it is, will move the Force.


                \Uv öÁΨ£h _zu® §µn©õP C¸UP ÷Ásk®.


862)         Rule is absolute; Ego’s rule is absolutely absolute.


                AP¢øu°ß Bm] §µn Bm].

                AP¢øu°ß §µn® Bm]°ß §µn®.


863)         J¸ ÷Áø» ö\´²® ö£õÊx Akzu ÷Áø» ©ÚvÀ GÊÁx (concentration) J¸ {ø» CÀø» GߣuõS®.


                Concentration is perfect when you do a work with all thoughts focused on it.


                •Êø©¯õÚ Dk£õk, •Êø©¯õÚ v¯õÚ®.


864)         Outer pleasantness as an expression of inner JOY makes one a divine social being.


                CÛø© Esø©¯õÚõÀ ©Ûuß E»QÀ öu´Á©õQÓõß.


865)         Laziness is real; laziness is the only bar.


                ¤iUPõuøua  ö\´¯  EhÀ  Aø\¯õx.

 Ax ÷\õ®÷£ÔzuÚ®.  Ax uµ uøh°Àø».


866)         Man cannot understand all the forces around him, nor adjust with them all.


                A¸Q¾ÒÍx AÚ¢u®.   AÔ¯ •i¯õx.  ¦›Áx |hUPõx.


867)         Constantly increasing intensity of discipline yields results.


                öuõhº¢u wµ® £»ß u¸®.


868)         Silence achieves where analysis fails.


                ]¢uøÚUS Gmhõux ö©ÍÚzvØS Gmk®.


869)         Public service is self-destruction, destruction of one’s ego.


                ÷\øÁ AP¢øuø¯ AÈUS®.


870)         Man tries to expand his ego in marriage, an institution created to destroy it.


AP¢øuø¯ AÈUP Á¢u v¸©nzøu ©Ûuß Auß Bm]US¨ £¯ß£kzu •¯ÀQÓõß.


871)         Self-satisfaction stands in the way of psychological progress.


                v¸¨v  Á¢uõÀ  Áͺa]°Àø».


872)         Human company is a vital occupation.


                Ehß EÒÍÁº  EÒ÷Í  £õº¨£øuz  uøh  ö\´Áõº.


            |À»x  ö\´²®  |m¦  |®ø©  AÔ¯z  uøh  ö\´²®.


873)         Jealousy even against one who is jealous of you is impermissible.


                ö£õÓõø©US  AÝ©v°Àø»,  ö£õÓõø©UPõµÛh•® AÝ©v°Àø».


874)         When the energy in the occupation enjoys moving towards the Divine, human living acquires the attitude of surrender.


                ©Ûuß  CøÓÁß  ö£¸ø©ø¯  AÔ²®ö£õÊx  E°º AÁøÚ  ÷|õUQ¨ ÷£õÁøu  \µnõPv  GßQ÷Óõ®.


875)         Man is unwilling to surrender his incapacity to Mother while he must surrender all his capacities.


                vÓø©PøÍ÷¯  \µn®  ö\´¯  ÷Ási¯  ©Ûuß C¯»õø©ø¯²®  ÂmkU  öPõkUP  Cø\ÁvÀø».


            C¯»õø©ø¯ ©Ú® Cu©õP HØÖ ¸]UQÓx.


876)         What matters is not knowing, but doing.


                öu›Áx ö£›¯x;  ö\´Áx ©mk÷© £»ß u¸®.


            \µnõPv £¼zu¤ß \P» Põ›¯[PЮ ©Ó¢x ÷£õS®.

                {øÚÄ  {Ç»õS®.


                {øÚÄÒÍ Áøµ {uº\ÚªÀø».


877)         öu›¢ux £»ß uµ ©ÚzøuU Ph¢x ‰øÍø¯ Gmi, \Uv (Force) AvÀ öÁΨ£h ÷Ásk®.


                ‰øÍ ÂÈzöuÊ¢uõÀ ‰»Áß ö\¯À£kÁõß.


            Knowledge is effective if mental substance receives the Force.

                Effective knowledge is the Energy of the substance.

                Activated substance obliterates MEMORY.


878)         Censor is Senseless.


                Aºzu©ØÓ ©Ú® AÔÂÀ»õ©À ÷£_®.


                New ideas emerging through old phrases is creative writing.

                New thoughts in new phrases is pure creativity.


                Sri Aurobindo expressing in one’s own words is the knowledge part of Integral Yoga.


879)         A language suffers distortion through the idiom of another language. The genius of one language emerging through another language creates a language that crosses the national boundaries.


                ¤Ó ö©õÈ ö£Ö® ãÁß Aøu GÀø»ø¯U PhUPa ö\´²®.


880)         English has become an international language because HE expressed our Spiritual ideas in the English idiom.


                Organisational integration raises an organisation to an organism.

Sri Aurobindo integrated English language with Spiritual TRUTHS.


                ÿ  AµÂ¢u®  B[Q»zøuz  uÊ  Aøu  E»P ö©õȯõUQ¯x.


881)         Man is not comfortable at his peak. He loves to express his greatest strength through his greatest weakness. Thus dissipation raises the bottom to the peak.


                uSv¯ØÓuØS  uSvø¯¨  ö£ØÖz  u¸£Áß  uÖuø».


            AÈøÁ  |õk®  uÖuø»  Bº¨£õmhzøu Aø©v¯õUSQÓõß.


                AȨ£Áß ö\´²® ÷\øÁø¯ BUPÀ ö\´¯ •i¯õx.


882)         £\õ›²®, v¸hÝ® ö\´Áx Bß«Pa ÷\øÁ.

PÒÍß, Põª, `uõi E¯º¢uøuz uõÌ¢uuØS¨ ö£ØÖz u¸QÓõß.


                E»P•®,  Ezu©Ý®  ©Özuøu  EuÁõUPøµ  ö\´Áx AÈa\õmh®.


                AÈa\õmh® Bß«P¨ £›nõ©®.


                Dissipation is divine dispensation.


                God accomplishing through the lowest man what great souls denied themselves is dissipation.


883)         Denial is the privilege of divineward emotion.


                EuÔz uÒÐÁx Ezu©ÝUS›¯x.


                Excluding what one exceeded is excellence for the spiritual elite.


Sri Aurobindo fully honoured the English grammar and idiom in dismembering its true structure.


884)         Experience limits expansion.


                AÝ£Á® BºÁzøu AhUS®.


885)         The greatest progress of a society that has no structure is corruption, nepotism and looting the coffers.


                Corruption constructs.


                »g\® £g\zvß £s¦.


            FÇÀ GίÁÛß HØÓ®.


                Corruption is the creativity of the unformed.


                The nebulous energy takes shape by dishonesty.


886)         Corruption is the morality of the immoral.


                Auº©® AÁ»m\nzvß C»m]¯®.


                Corruption cannot be despised by the corrupt.


                Deceit and dishonesty are the practicality of the amoral or even the non-moral.


887)         Efficiency of the amoral elite is the BRIBE.


                C»g\® öÁÖ® ©ÛuÛß ÷ÁP®.


888)         Occasional annoyance that does not constitute a constant bother is indicative of the imperfection of the gathering maturity.


                Â÷ÁP® •vºa]¯øh²•ß µUv Á¢x ÷£õS®.

            µUv Â÷ÁPzvß uͺa].


889)         Hearing without mental comment is listening.


                ö©ÍÚ©õPU ÷Pm£x ©Úzvß £USÁ®.

                Ax SÔ¨£Ô¯ EuÄ®.


890)         The maturity of a language lies in the wisdom of its culture.


                \‰P¨ £s¤À ö©õÈ ÁÍ® ¤ÓUQÓx.


891)         Learning is learning the language.


                ö©õÈø¯U PØ£x ‰»zvß •Êø©ø¯ AÔÁx.


                Language sums up learning.

                Society learns by developing its language.

                Language is the quintessence of social wisdom.


892)         Awareness leads to perfection. Moral awareness leads to judgement, not perfection.


AÔÂß öuÎÄ ]Ó¨¦ u¸®.

{¯õ¯ ©Ú¨£õßø© ©Úa\õm] u¸®.


893)         All systems of forces can be computerised.


                ãÁß uµ ©ØÓ GÀ»õ ö\¯ÀPøͲ® P®¨³mhº HØS®.


                Our entire life is one of force. All of them therefore can be computerised. The basic instructions of Hatha Yoga can go into computer programmes.


894)         The Internet contacts any person whose computer is connected to it. Your inner consciousness can contact anyone whom you have known if the concentration is sufficient.


                EÚxÒÍ® Eß E»Pzvß Cßhºö|m.


895)         Alert resourcefulness is luck in life.

                Inner humility is Spiritual luck.


                \õxº¯©õÚ vÓø© ÁõÌÂÀ Avºèh®.

                APzvÀ AhUP® Bß©õÂÀ Avºèh®.


896)         E¯º¢uøuz v¯õP® ö\´Áx Ezu©Ûß uÁa]Ó¨¦.     

PØø£ Bß©õÄUSz v¯õP® ö\´Áx PØ£Pzu¸ÁõÁuõS®.


                Tapas calls for the sacrifice of any noble endowment one has. Purest chastity sacrificed makes one purest of souls.


897)         A formation of the Mind acts like mental blinkers.


                A¤¨¤µõ¯® Aøu Âmk AP» Âhõx.


898)         Rules are not to be broken. There is a rule to break the rules. It is to move to the Law behind.


                F¸hß Jzx ÁõÌ.

                ÷|µ® Á¸® ö£õÊx AxÄ® \›°Àø».

                ÷|µ® Á¸® \mh® AøuU TÖ®.


                E»øP ÂmhPßÖ ²Puº©zøu |õk® ©Ú® E¯º¢u ©Ú®.


899)         Unreliability nullifies the goodness of behaviour.


                v¸hÛß |À» |hzøu Gk£hõx.


                Unreliability makes anyone unreliable.


900)         When man becomes God, he sees all the other things as God which abolishes the idea of superiority.


                AøÚzøu²® BshÁÚõPU Põq® £õºøÁUS E¯ºÄ uõÌÂÀø».  Ax Bß«P bõÚ®, AhUP® GÚ¨£k®.



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