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Mother’s Message on Darshan Day April 24

April 24, 2020
Mr. Garry Jacobs
  • The Mother’s final arrival in Pondicherry on April 24th; It’s after all the will in the being gives to circumstances their value.
  • Sri Aurobindo’s message on what civilization is rearising: In each situation, the truth lies in how we respond to the situation determines the result and not in the actual situation itself.
  • The Mother’s message on April 24, 1968: “The best possible way is to allow the Divine Grace to work in you, never to oppose it, never to be ungrateful and turn against it - but to follow it always to the goal of Light and Peace and Unity and Ananda.”
  • How do we know the highest Truth? : What should we do? -- The Mother’s message on April 24, 1970: “To know the highest Truth and to be in harmony with it is the condition of right being; to express it in all that we are, experience and do is the condition of right living.”
  • Grace is the vibration of truth and Grace is the realization of truth for the entire humanity
  • The Mother’s Message on April 24, 1973: Beyond man’s consciousness, Beyond speech, O Thee, Supreme Consciousness, Unique Reality, Divine Truth
  • The best way to respond to Grace is by Gratitude.
  • Does Divine Will happen at every moment? -- Exhausting all our energies and effort the Divine Will will take over.
  • Sri Karmayogi Appa’s Spiritual Toolkit for devotees on bringing higher consciousness: Cleanliness,
  • Why do we study literature to understand the principles of life?
  • What is the step-by-step process in converting our reactions to absolute Equality
  • Oneness: What gives the Supramental consciousness absolute equality?
  • What are the different levels of harmony? What is spiritual harmony?

daily_discussions | by Dr. Radut