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Working Faith - Whether faith can be created or increased?

May 29, 2020
Mr. Garry Jacobs
  • Principle of growth in life lies in exhausting one’s capacity
  • Sri Karmayogi in the article “Whether Faith can be created or increased”, says that when we reach the limits of our faith, it's an opportunity to raise our faith.
  • As long as we rely on our understanding, knowledge, education, and our beliefs we aren’t really relying on the Mother.
  • Nothing can go out of control when we completely surrender to Mother.
  • Personality and Integral realization: Rishis didn’t have the preparedness for the supramental realization and concentrated only on the vertical growth bypassing everything else to reach Moksha. We can reach the Divine at any moment through our intensity and this only gives us the experience of the infinite and awakens the aspiration within us.
  • Spiritual realization before the psychic transformation will not bring the realization into the personality. With intensity vertical growth is always possible. The time is ripe for anybody with the intensity to receive the vertical growth.
  • Following one’s Common sense and Consecration - The goal is to move from common sense to a higher sense.
  • Is it possible to consecrate without having any motive? - Consecration is an act to be free of egoistic motives and have the only motive of giving oneself to the divine. Consecration is to give up all fear, pettiness and act from our highest aspiration.
  • Subconscious movements in life - Process of something that is undeveloped becomes conscious and becomes part of the developed personality. The process is to undo the limitations of what we have learned and seek the higher truth. Being able to outgrow our partial understanding and acquire the knowledge of the higher is the process of growth.
  • What is the mind in the physical? Consciousness in the Physical - The mind is used as an instrument for learning and the knowledge of the mind is transferred to the mind in the physical.
  • What is Rational? Superstition is irrational but we accept it.
  • Why do values have power? Truth in everything is the Ananda or the delight of existence - Values are the truth that we can see - Values represent perfection - Values are the aspects of the spirit.

daily_discussions | by Dr. Radut