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Inconscient, Superconscient and creation of Matter

January 24, 2022
Mr. Garry Jacobs

Inconscient and Superconscient are complementary states of the involution of the Absolute, the Omnipresent Reality -- they may be described as the inner and outer representations of the same spiritual state of self-absorption in self-awareness created by division of the indivisible. Spiritual evolution aims at the full emergence of spiritual consciousness in material form which requires a supramentalization of matter, life and mind. Then the individual as Iswara will be able to experience it itself what Brahman knows of itself as simultaneously an infinite manifestation in finite forms in time and an infinite unmanifest formless eternal timeless potentiality. This view contradicts the mental view of spirit and matter as opposites. They are two statuses of the one reality.

daily_discussions | by Dr. Radut