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Contagious social behaviors of the physical and vital consciousness in human evolution to the mentality

March 12, 2022
Mr. Garry Jacobs

Discussion of contagious social behaviors at the Netherfield Ball in P&P, preoccupation with fire arms in America. and capacity for intelligence in women are used to illustrate basic characteristics of evolving human consciousness. Common social behaviors spread as vital vibrations of contagious energy. Similarly, the masculine propensity for violence and weapons and the feminine preoccupation with family and household have roots in the evolving physical animal consciousness of humanity. Both express the subjection of humanity to nature and the subjection of the individual to the will of the collective. The spiritual evolution is from the heavy tamasic resistance to change in the physical and the subconscious identification with the collective until the mind becomes master of the lower nature and the individual soul gains freedom from subordination to conformity to the collective. Man is not yet truly an individual or a mental person.

daily_discussions | by Dr. Radut