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Psychic, Soul, Divine Shakti & Supreme Iswara

March 8, 2022
Mr. Garry Jacobs

All force is a partial expression of the Supramental force which is ultimately a manifestation of the Supreme Iswara in which Spirit and Nature, Shakti and Purushottama are one. The soul is eternal in the unmanifest. The individual is an eternal status of the Divine Being. Psychic is the evolving soul in manifestation. Psychic is the portion of spirit evolving to ultimately become the Supramental Being in the individual in the body, which is the full manifestation of the Supreme Ishwara in individuality and basis for the Divine Life. The practical significance of these truths is summarized as "You can become whatever You want to become." "Each person has infinite potential which is limited only by our self-identification with the ego and desire soul." "Consecration that leads to surrender of my will to Thy Will always brings the best possible results because it leads to the highest manifestation of the Divine in our lives."

daily_discussions | by Dr. Radut