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Role of the individual in social and spiritual evolution

March 28, 2022
Mr. Garry Jacobs

Individual is the conscious spearhead of evolution. In lower nature, individuality has emerged as ego to foster the development of individuals. But the true individual can emerge only when man discovers he is not the ego and discovers his soul. Nature preserves the species, the collective, by subordinating the individual to it collective laws. The true psychological and spiritual individual emerges when he/she ceases to identify unconsciously with the collective and to discover his true uniqueness. That individual is the source of all creativity, discover, new ideas and pathways for the evolution of society and of humanity to its future destiny. The egocentered individual and the collective are in conflict with one another struggling for dominance. The collective wants to preserve itself. The individual wants freedom for egoistic self-assertion. True freedom and power come to the individual by giving up the limitations of its own lower nature and allowing the higher spiritual nature to act in and through him. Then the individual becomes the leader and society follows. What ordinary people perceive as miracle from below are acts of grace as seen from above -- grace is the working of the supramental consciousness.

daily_discussions | by Dr. Radut